Iso 9585 1990

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First edition

Implants for surgery - Determination of bending

strength and stiffness of bone plates

Implants chirurgicaux Determination de la résistance au pliage et de

la rigidité des plaques pour os
ISO 9585:1990

Reference number
I S 0 9585: 1990(E)
I S 0 9585:1990(E)

I S 0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide
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national Standard requires approval by at least 7 5 % of the member
bodies casting a vote. iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW
International Standard I S 0 9585 was prepared by Technical Committee
ISO/TC 150, lrnplants for surgery.
ISO 9585:1990

8 I S 0 1990
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International Organization for Standardization
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Implants for surgery - Determination of bending strength and

stiffness of bone plates

1 Scope 2.5 equivalent bending stiffness: Stiffness of the

plate calculated from the dimensions of the test
This International Standard describes a test method configuration and the slope S of the linear part of the
for determining the bending strength and stiffness loadideflection diagram defined by the mechanical
of straight bone plates. It may also be used to test test.
plates having a small initial curvature intended to
Unit: N.m2
produce pre-loading of the bone when fitted and to
test the straight portion of angled plates. This test NOTE 2 This equivalent bending stiffness takes account
method is not recommended for plates of length less of the holes or slots i n the plate.
than 50 m m nor for plates designed to be used with,
or forming parts of, intramedullary devices.
3 Apparatus
NOTE 1 A test method for plates of length than
50 mm is in preparation. 3.1 Test rig, to produce a loading system in ac-
cordance with figure 1, the four rollers (indicated by
ISO 9585:1990
hatched circles) being so constrained that their axes
2 Definitions rem ai n parallel,

For the purposes of this International Standard, the 3.2 Rollers, of cylindrical form and of equal diam-
following de fin itions apply. eters within the range of 8 m m to 13 mm, o r of pro-
filed form corresponding to the cross-section of the
2.1 moment: Turning effect of a force about an axis, plate to be tested, and having a mean diameter
expressed numerically by the product of the force F within the range 8 m m to 13 nim. It is desirable that
and the distance h measured perpendicularly from one of the rollers be secured to the specimen to re-
the axis to the line of action of the force. strain longitudinal movement and that all rollers are
secured to maintain their relative position.
Unit: N.m
3.3 Means of applying forces, e.g. a mechanical
2.2 bending moment, Ab,: Moment acting about an testing machine.
axis perpendicular to the long axis of a body and
generally producing lateral deflection. 3.4 Device(s), for measurement of relative
d is placement (s) .
Unit: N.m

2.3 deflection: Linear displacement due to bending

4 Procedure
measured perpendicular to the original axis of the
plate. 4.1 General

Unit: m Conduct bending tests using the apparatus specified

in clause 3. Use the cylindrical rollers to test flat
2.4 bending strength: Value of the bending moment plates and plates of curved cross-section, in which
at fracture, or at a specified proof point, whichever the deviation from flatness at the centre of the plate
is the lower. does not exceed h/6, where h is the width of the
plate. Test other plates using rollers of suitable
Unit: N.m profi le.

I S 0 9585:1990(E)

h k h
Deflection form

Figure 1 - General arrangement of four-point bend test


ISO 9585:1990

Deflection 6 , metres

Figure 2 - Load deflection diagram

I S 0 9585:1990(E)

4.2 Placement of test specimen F to a base of deflection b until the value of I; is ob-
tained at which either the plate fractures, F = F m a x .
Place the test specimen in the test rig and position 6 or the plate deflects so that the load deflection
it in accordance with the following: graph shows appreciable yield ( F = P ) as shown in
figure 2.
Place the plate so that the inner rollers are in
contact with the surface of the plate intended to 4.4 Use of specimens
be in contact with bone.
Test each specimen once only and then discard it.
If the plate is symmetrical, place it symmetrically
with the two innermost screw holes between the
inner rollers. 5 Calculation of results

If the plate has a central screw hole, place it with 5.1 Mean deflection
the central screw hole and one other screw hole
symmetrically between the inner rollers. if deflections h2 and 6 3 are measured as described
in 4.2 i) 3), calculate the mean deflection at each
If the plate is asymmetrical, place it with two stage of the test:
screw holes between the inner rollers so that the
position of the fracture for which it is intended to
6,= 0,5(6, + 63)
be used shall be between the inner rollers. Draw a graph of force F to a base of deflection d4.
Position the outer rollers at equal distances of h
metres from the inner rollers as shown in 5.2 Equivalent bending stiffness
figure 1, so that one hole only is in the length
between the inner and outer rollers. Draw the best straight line through the initial (linear)
part of the load deflection diagram as shown in fig-
Ensure that the inner rollers are not in contact ure2, where this line has a slope S as shown in fig-
with parts of the plate where there is a screw ure 2.
hole Wherever possible, the outer rollers should If the deflection has been measured as specified in
not be in contact with parts of the plate which
4.2 i) I ) , calculate the equivalent bending stiffness,
include a screw hole. ISO 9585:1990
E , from the expression:
Measure the distance k . in metres. between the
d97db7f9c05a/iso-9585-1990 (4h2t-12hk -tk 2 ) S h
inner rollers E=- . . . (1)
Align the axis of the test specimen to be per- where
pendicular to the axes of the rollers.
h is the distance between inner and outer
Install the device(s) to measure the deflection, in rollers, in metres:
metres, of the plate relative to the initial position
of the outer roller supports. The deflection may k is the distance between inner rollers, in
be measured. metres;

S is the slope of the load/deflection curve,

1) on a line midway between the central rollers
in newton metres.
(61)< or
If the deflection has been measured as specified in
2) at one of the central rollers or
(/j2), 4.2 i) 2) or 4.2 i) 3), calculate the equivalent bending
stiffness, E , by the expression:
3) at each of the central rollers ( ( 5 , and (53).
(2h + 3k)Sh2 . . . (2)
If the location of the holes in the plate is not 12
symmetrical relative to its length, method 3) i s
recommended. where h, k and S are as above.

5.3 Bending strength

4.3 Applying force I;
On the graph of load against deflection, draw a
Apply a force I; at the central loading line indicated straight line parallel to the linear part of the graph,
and measure the corresponding deflections. Gradu- offset by an amount q metres as shown in figure2.
ally increase the value of I; noting the corresponding The intersection of this line with the curve is the
deflections at each interval, and drawing a graph of proof point, and this defines the proof load P.

IS0 9585:1990(E)

Calculate q from the expression: NOTE 3 This expression uses an equivalent proof load,
q = 0,02(2h k )
equal to 0,8 times the maximum load.

Calculate the bending strength, in newton metres, 6 Test report

from the expression:
The test report shall include the following infor-
Bending strength = 0,5Ph mation:
where a) the bending strength, in newton metres:
P is the proof load in newtons;
b) the offset q> in metres, used to determine the
h is the distance between inner and outer proof point:
rollers, in metres.
c) the equivalent bending stiffness, in newton me-
If fracture of the plate occurs before the tres squared, calculated from equation 1 or 2 as
load/deflection curve intersects the offset line, cal- appropriate;
culate the bending strength, in newton metres, from
the expression: d) if the plate fractures before the proof deflection
is attained. this shall be recorded:
Bending strength =0,4F,,,, x h

where e) the identity of the plate, e.g. type, length in milli-

metres, manufacturer’s catalogue number and
FmaXis the maximum load, in newtons; batch number, as supplied by the party request-
ing the test.
h is the distance between inner and outer
rollers, in metres.
ISO 9585:1990

ISO 9585:1990
I S 0 9585:1990(E)


ISO 9585:1990

~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~~ ~

UDC 616.71-089.8-74:615.465:620.174
Descriptors. medical equipment, surgical implants, surgical plates, tests, bend tests, stiffness tests

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