2544 Lecture Notes
2544 Lecture Notes
2544 Lecture Notes
Revolutionary War
- with French help and Indigenous help, made British give up on 13 colonies
Idea was that US, post revolution, would form a different sort of governance
Some loyalists moved to British North America (Canada)
Confederation in the US
13 colonies were sovereign
Very weak centrally
Sort of like the EU
No common army, currency, laws
Created Constitution
Created Federal system
o 2 levels, states and central government would share power
Started to govern themselves under President George Washington
Slavery in America
Started in 1619
Black slaves from Africa
Most were in Caribbean, Portugeuse and Spanish areas
Not introduced by Europeans, Indigenous practiced too
But it was a particular type of slavery for Europeans
o Blacks from Africa
Very inhumane and harsh under British
o Treated as animals, property
o Better under Portuguese with influence of Church
America had a chance to get rid of slavery after the Revolution
o Idea of property rights was so strong in the constitution that no one had the
courage to do it
Shame that they didn’t do more to live up to their slogans
o Live up to highest happiness etc.
Early 1800s, cotton gin, profitable
o Suddenly, demand for slavery took off
o Pool of people already here
o Very strong in the South
o Cotton becomes king
Harder and harder to abolish because it was such a big part of the economy in the South
A missed opportunity after the revolution to end slavery
North increasingly against it for moral and religious reasons
Growing sense it was an outrage to liberalism and humanity
Small minority of whites owned slaves, but many bought into the idea that as whites,
they were superior to blacks
o Caste system
Manifest Destiny
Americans are destined by God to rule all of the Western hemisphere throughout the
War of 1812
About 3 years
Torching of the White House
Solidified the border more than anything else
For Canada, there was a great sense of pride at holding back America
Set a lot of animosity between the two countries
Disappointing for Manifest Destiny people
Civil War
Forged the modern US more than anything
Culmination of slavery
Lincoln, anti-slavery
South decides to leave
o Confederate flag
o Succession
Lincoln decided to resist by warfare
4 bloody years
o Killed many civilians too
Robert E. Lee
o South at a disadvantage
o Brilliant at North from winning for a long time
Ulysses Grant
Jefferson Davis
Union forces in Washington DC trying to get to Richmond, Confederate forces
In the East, Confederate starting to get battered
In the West, Union did better, up to Mississippi river, Kentucky, burning of Atlanta
Confederates isolated from 1864.
Union wins, abolished slavery
Almost create the third version of US
Civil war creates the beginnings of a more centralized US,
o Washington is more powerful
o Really starts with efforts to impose power on South
Jim Crow
o Couldn’t entirely restrict South from doing what they wanted
Another big opportunity was lost after the Civil war to really improve the lives of black
Missed opportunity to create a better America
Industrial revolution
World’s biggest economy
Becoming very powerful internationally
19th century
High immigration from Europe
Post-civil war = growth of American power domestically and internationally
A stronger nation after the civil war
The US are, vs The US is
Industrialization a big reason why North won the war
o Cannons, ships, guns
French and British
Saving France, paying them back after Revolution
Great Depression
Capitalism should be more regulated
Welfare state
Democratic party embraced this and started to change their trajectory
Cold War
NATO vs Warsaw Pact
Nuclear weapons
US outlasts USSR
Defeats fascism, Marxist-Leninism
21st century
War on terror
US has not withdrawn internationally
Occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan
We the people
o People are sovereign
Fairly decentralized
10 amendments to the bill of rights?
9 and 10 have not been as powerful as originally intended
First 10 amendments are not really amendments, always intended
1787 inly really limited federal government
o But amendment 14 changed it and made it more centralized, federalised system
14 & 15 did not have effect until later
16 taxation, grew government power
33 repeals prohibition amendment
Designed so that the constitution is hard to change
Electoral college may need changes
Possibly very big changes to the constitution