NEC Guide To Article 695 and Fire Pumps

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7/28/2019 Article 695 and Fire Pumps


Article 695 and Fire Pumps

Protecting people and property may require sacri cing the re pump.
Mike Holt | Sep 22, 2016 1/10
7/28/2019 Article 695 and Fire Pumps

In the NEC, the normal philosophy for circuit protection is to shut down equipment
before allowing the supply conductors to overheat. Article 695 departs from this
philosophy. The fire pump motor must run no matter what. The pump supplies
water to a facility’s fire protection piping, which supplies water to the sprinkler
system and fire hoses.

Article 695 contains many requirements to ensure an uninterrupted supply of water.

Some of these requirements seem wrong at first glance, until you remember why
that fire pump is there in the first place.

Fig. 1. The power source requirements for a fire pump are clearly laid out in Art. 695 of the NEC.


Article 695 covers the installation of electric power sources and interconnecting
circuits. It also covers switching and control equipment dedicated to fire pump
drivers [695.1].

Article 695 doesn’t cover: 2/10
7/28/2019 Article 695 and Fire Pumps

• Performance, maintenance, testing, or internal wiring of the system components.

• Installation of pressure maintenance (jockey or makeup) pumps; Article 430

governs that, whether or not the fire pump supplies these pumps.

• Transfer equipment upstream of the fire pump transfer switch(es).

Power sources for electric motor-driven re pumps

A fire pump motor must be supplied by a reliable source of power that can carry the
locked-rotor current of the fire pump motor(s) and pressure maintenance pump
motor(s). The source must also be able to carry the full-load current of any
associated fire pump equipment [695.3(A)].

Permitted reliable sources of power include:

• Separate service.

• Service or dedicated feeder connection located ahead of (not within) the service
disconnecting means (Fig. 1).

• On-site power supply (e.g., generator), located and protected to minimize damage
by fire.

If reliable power can’t be obtained from a source described in Sec. 695.3(A), power
must be supplied by one of the following:

• Individual sources. A combination of two or more sources from Sec. 695.3(A)

approved by the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) [695.3(B)(1)].

• Individual source and on-site standby generator. A combination of one of the

sources in Sec. 695.3(A) and an on-site standby generator complying with Sec.
695.3(D) — approved by the AHJ [695.3(B)(2)]. 3/10
7/28/2019 Article 695 and Fire Pumps

But there’s an Exception to Sec. 695.3(B)(1) and (B)(2). It states that an alternate
source of power isn’t required where a back-up engine-driven or back-up steam
turbine-driven fire pump is installed.

Transfer of power to the fire pump controller must take place within the pump
room. A listed fire pump transfer switch must select the source of supply. You can’t
use phase converters for fire pump service [695.3(F)].


Phase Converters and Fire Pumps

NEC Rules for Fire Pumps

Understanding Fire Pump Controller Applications

Power continuity

Circuits that supply electric motor-driven fire pumps must be supervised from
inadvertent disconnection as follows [695.4(A) or (B)].

(A) Direct connection. The supply conductors must directly connect the power
source to a listed fire pump controller, listed fire pump transfer switch, or listed
combination fire pump controller and power transfer switch.

(B)(1)(a) Connection through disconnecting means and overcurrent device (OCPD).

A single disconnecting means and associated OCPD(s) are permitted between the
fire pump power source(s) and one of the following:

1) Listed fire pump controller.

2) Listed fire pump power transfer switch.

3) Listed combination fire pump controller and power transfer switch. 4/10
7/28/2019 Article 695 and Fire Pumps

Overcurrent protection for individual sources must comply with Sec. 695.4(B)(2)(a)
(1) or (2):

(1) Individual sources. The OCPD(s) must be selected or set to carry indefinitely the
sum of the locked-rotor current of the largest fire pump motor and pressure
maintenance pump motor(s), plus 100% of the full-load current of the other pump
motors and fire pump accessory equipment.

If the locked-rotor current value doesn’t correspond to a standard OCPD size, use
the next standard OCPD size per Sec. 240.6. The requirement to carry the locked-
rotor current indefinitely doesn’t apply to fire pump motor conductors.

(2) Assemblies. Overcurrent protection must be provided by an assembly listed for

fire pump use. The OCPD must not open:

• Within 2 min. at 600% of the full-load current of the fire pump motor(s).

• With a restart transient of 24 times the full-load current of the fire pump motor(s).

• Within 10 min. at 300% of the full-load current of the fire pump motor(s).

Also, the trip point for the circuit breaker must not be field adjustable.

The disconnecting means for the normal power source must be [695.4(B)(3)(a)]:

• Identified as suitable for use as service equipment.

• Lockable in the closed position, with the provision for locking remaining in place
with or without the lock installed.

• Not located within the same enclosure, panelboard, switchboard, switchgear, or

motor control center (with or without a common bus) that supplies loads other than
the fire pump. 5/10
7/28/2019 Article 695 and Fire Pumps

• Located sufficiently remote from other building or other fire pump source
disconnecting means such that inadvertent operation at the same time would be

When an on-site generator is the alternate power source, its disconnecting means
must be installed per Sec. 700.10(B)(5) for emergency circuits. It must also be
capable of being locked in the closed (ON) position; the provision for locking must
remain in place with or without the lock installed [695.4(B)(3)(b)].

The disconnecting means must be marked “Fire Pump Disconnecting Means.” The
letters must be at least 1 in. tall and visible without opening enclosure doors or
covers [695.4(B)(3)(c)].


If a transformer supplies an electric fire pump motor, size it at least 125% of the sum
of the fire pump motor(s) and pressure maintenance pump(s) motor loads, plus
100% of the ampere rating of the fire pump’s accessory equipment [695.5(A)].

Size the primary OCPD to carry indefinitely the sum of the locked-rotor current of
the fire pump motor(s) and pressure maintenance pump motor(s), plus 100% of the
ampere rating of the fire pump accessory equipment. Secondary overcurrent
protection isn’t permitted. The requirement to carry the locked-rotor currents
indefinitely doesn’t apply to fire pump motor conductors [695.5(B)].


Service conductors and conductors supplied by on-site power production facilities

must be physically routed outside buildings and installed as service-entrance
conductors per Art. 230. If supply conductors can’t be routed outside of buildings,
they can be encased in 2 in. of concrete or brick (if beneath a building) or in a
raceway that’s encased in 2 in. of concrete or brick (if within a building) [230.6(1) or
(2)][695.6(A)(1)]. 6/10
7/28/2019 Article 695 and Fire Pumps

Fire pump supply conductors must [695.6(A)(2)]:

• Be kept entirely independent of all other wiring.

• Supply only loads directly associated with the fire pump system.

• Be protected from potential damage by fire, structural failure, or operational


When fire pump conductors are routed through a building, ensure they are one of
the following [695.6(A)(2)(d)]:

• Encased in a minimum 2 in. of concrete.

• Within an enclosed construction dedicated to the fire pump circuit(s) and having a
minimum of a 2-hr fire-resistive rating.

•A listed electrical circuit protective system with a minimum 2-hr fire rating.

All wiring from the fire pump controllers to the fire pump motors must be in rigid
metal conduit, intermediate metal conduit, electrical metallic tubing, liquidtight
flexible metal conduit, liquidtight flexible nonmetallic conduit Type LFNC-B, listed
Type MC cable with an impervious covering, or Type MI cable.

The connections in the motor terminal box must be made with a listed device. Twist-
on, insulation-piercing type and soldered wire connectors aren’t allowed [695.6(D)].
Ground-fault protection of equipment isn’t permitted for fire pumps [695.6(G)].

All control wiring must be in rigid metal conduit, intermediate metal conduit,
liquidtight flexible metal conduit, liquidtight flexible nonmetallic conduit Type B
(LFNC-B), listed Type MC cable with an impervious covering, or Type MI cable
[695.14(E)]. 7/10
7/28/2019 Article 695 and Fire Pumps

Conductor size

Conductors supplying a fire pump motor, pressure maintenance pump, and

associated fire pump accessory equipment must have a minimum ampacity of at
least 125% of the sum of the fire pump motor(s) and pressure maintenance motor(s)
full-load current(s), and 100% of the associated fire pump accessory equipment

Fig. 2. Conductors to a single fire pump motor must have a rating of not less than 125% of the motor FLC as
listed in Tables 430.248 or 430.250 [430.22], and they must comply with the voltage drop requirements of Sec.

Conductors supplying only a fire pump motor must have a minimum ampacity of at
least 125% of the motor full-load current rating per Sec. 430.22 and must comply
with the voltage drop requirements in Sec. 695.7 [695.6(B)(2)] (Fig. 2).

Voltage drop

Starting. When the motor starts (locked-rotor current), the voltage at the line
terminals of the fire pump controller must not drop more than 15% below the
controller’s rated voltage [695.7(A)]. 8/10
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Running. Voltage at the load terminals of the fire pump controller must not drop
more than 5% below the voltage rating of the motor connected to those terminals
when the motor operates at 115% of the fire pump motor full-load current rating
[695.7(B)], as shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. Voltage drop requirements for fire pump motors that are running are outlined in Sec. 695.7(B) of the

Avoiding confusion

Remember, the fire pump must be kept in service even if doing so destroys the
motor. It’s better to run the pump until its motor windings melt than to save the
motor and lose the facility. The intent of this Article is to allow enough time for
building occupants to escape and, if possible, for the fire pump to help save the
facility. 9/10
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These materials are provided to us by Mike Holt Enterprises in Leesburg, Fla. To

view Code training materials offered by this company,

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