0 PDT Reg Lead Time and Fees
0 PDT Reg Lead Time and Fees
0 PDT Reg Lead Time and Fees
FAQ : Product Registration
A registered drug is a drug that is approved by the Drug Control Authority (DCA) for sale/use in Malaysia. This drug has been evaluated and tested for its
efficacy and safety. Every registered drug is given a registration number, which must be printed on its label or package. These numbers start with MAL.
Example of a registration number is: MAL19976399X
c. Traditional products
+ Homeopathic medicines
+ Ayurvedic medicines
+ Medicated plaster
+ Herbal teas
+ Dietary supplements eg. Spirulina, Chlorella, Royal Jelly, Bee Pollen, Aloe Vera juice, Noni juice, Extract of chicken with herbs
d. Veterinary products
Includes: Oral solution, oral suspension, emulsion
+ Granules
+ Paste
+ Water soluble powder
+ Injectable
+ Powder for injection
+ Oral powders
+ Capsule, tablet
+ Topical ophtalmic and otic products
* Guidance Decision Tree
* For information on Food - Drug Interphase products, please refer to subtitle 'Regulatory Information' > 'Other guidelines' > 'Classification decision tree'
for further details.
Product registration can be submitted online via Quest system. An applicant must apply for a Quest membership and purchase a USB Token before they
can proceed with registration. Once the applicant has received the USB Token, he/she will be able to enter the registration site and proceed with online
The summary of the online registration procedure for products are as follows:-
1) Go to NPRA website (www.npra.gov.my) > Industry > First Time User > Register USB Token.
2) Apply for QUEST Membership.
* Requirements :
i. Company Registration Form
ii. Company Authorization Letter
iii. Photocopy of I/C
3) Upon Quest membership approval, purchase USB Token from MSC Trustgate.
Processing fee
Every application for registration shall be accompanied with a processing fee, as follows (effective January, 2007) :-
Processing Fees
No Product Classification Analysis Fees (RM) Total Fees
Single active ingredient :
1 New Chemical Entity 1,000.00 4,000.00
Two or more active ingredients :
Single active ingredient :
2 Pharmaceutical 1,000.00 2,200.00
Two or more active ingredients:
3 Traditional 500.00 700.00 1,200.00
Applications without the correct fees will not be accepted. Foreign currencies are not acceptable. The processing fee is NOT REFUNDABLE.
Other charges
The DCA will charge any applicant such costs as it may incur for the purpose of carrying out laboratory investigations/ testing prior to the registration of
any product.
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Mode of Payment
The processing fee and any other charges shall be paid in the form of a bank draft/money order made payable to "Biro Pengawalan Farmaseutikal
NB. A separate bank draft is required for each application for registration.
Abridged Evaluation
To evaluate application for registration of health supplements and traditional products
116 working days *
Single active ingredient
136 working days *
2 or more active ingredients
10. Can unregistered medicines for personal use be brought into Malaysia?
Under the Control of Drugs and Cosmetics Regulations 1984, the requirements for drug registration does not apply to a person who arrives in Malaysia
and imports, as part of his personal luggage, any product for his use or his family's use, in a quantity that does not exceed one month's use by one person.
12. How can an overseas company register and distribute its product in Malaysia?
All pharmaceutical products must be registered with the Drug Control Authority before it can be marketed in Malaysia. A foreign company wishing to bring
pharmaceutical products into Malaysia would first have to appoint a local agent (a company registered in Malaysia) to be the holder of the registration
certificate. The appointed agent would then be responsible for all matters pertaining to the registration of the products.
There are specific forms to complete during the process of registration and under the labeling requirements for products registered with the Drug Control
Authority, the name and address of the actual manufacturer must be declared on the label.
A Traditional Medicine means any product employed in the practice of indigenous medicine, whereby the drugs used consist of one or more naturally
occurring substances of plant, animal or mineral or part thereof, or in extracted form or non-extracted form, and any homeopathic medicine.
(Indigenous Medicine - means a system of treatment and prevention of diseases involving the traditional use of naturally occurring substances.)
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20. Security Label (Hologram)
The new hologram security label supply will be implemented by Techno Secure Print Sdn Bhd Company starting 1 September 2019 and the price of the
hologram security label will be RM0.064 / label unit.
Hologram security label reservations can be made to Techno Secure Print Sdn. Bhd. effective 1 September 2019 and the duration of the supply of
hologram security labels to the industry is 14 days from the date of order.
For your information, Techno Secure Print Sdn. Bhd. is holding a training session on the use of the label buying system for all hologram security label users.
You can contact the company about the training schedule and for the hologram security label purchase process.
Click for details: NEW HOLOGRAM SECURITY LABEL PRICES INFORMATION (https://www.pharmacy.gov.my/v2/en/news/01-sep-2019/new-hologram-safety-
No Question Answer
Which regulation covers the implementation of As provided under Regulation 8(1) of the Control of Drugs and Cosmetics Regulations
mandatory security labeling? 1984.
The requirement for the affixation of this security device to product labels, is applicable
What types of products that required security to all registered pharmaceuticals products, traditional Products and health supplements.
All products without security labeling will be considered as unregistered products.
(i) The security label shall be affixed onto the outer carton (secondary packaging) of the
(i) Where is the security label to be affixed? product. Where there is no outer carton, the security label shall be affixed on the
immediate label.
The security label shall not be affixed onto the outer shrink wrap.
The security label shall cover none of the product particulars on the immediate label.
The customer purchasing a product should be able to locate the security label without
having to open the packaging.
For large volume parenteral products (LVP) defined as containers labelled as containing
more than 100mL [based on the United States Pharmacopeia (USP)], the security label
shall be affixed on the immediate label of each unit of the product.
On the other hand, it is sufficient for the security label to be affixed to the outer carton /
unit of sale for small volume parenteral (SVP) products [defined as packaged in
containers and labelled as containing 100mL or less [based on the United States
Pharmacopeia (USP)].
For example: For a SVP product with 10 bottles packed into one box as the unit of sale,
this requires only one hologram to be affixed to the outer carton of the box and not on
each bottle. This applies to all registered units of sale for that one product, where one
hologram is required to be affixed to the outer carton of the box of 5’s, 10’s, 20’s, 50’s, or
For a SVP product that does not have any outer carton, the hologram is then required to
be affixed to the immediate label of the bottle or primary container as stated in the Drug
Registration Guidance Document (DRGD).
(ii) What about products that are meant to be
supplied to hospitals and to be used by doctors or
nurses for their patients (e.g. injections, TPN,
etc.)? (ii) All products that are meant to be supplied to hospitals and to be used by doctors and
nurses for their patients should also be affixed with security label.
Where should the security label be affixed for Each individual item that is a product registered with the DCA will have to bear the
promotional packs containing 2 or more items? security label.
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Are registered importers allowed to send the Yes, the labels can be sent to the overseas manufacturer and the product is then
6. security labels to their manufacturers who are imported fully labelled. The importer to whom the labels have been sold will remain the
located outside Malaysia? responsible party.
The company that is on record with the DCA as the importer for a particular product will
be the party responsible for the security labels on the product in question.
Who is supposed to buy and apply the security
label if both principals and distributors are
7. Even if the registered importer outsources the actual process of stickering the labels
companies in Malaysia as well as registered with
onto the physical stock to another agent, the importer will still be accountable.
SOP's for the labelling procedure, including documentation and reconciliation records
should be maintained.
How detailed should the security label Reconciliation records should be as required under GMP requirements as for any other
reconciliation record be? type of product label.
Enforcement will be at the point of sale (retailers and wholesalers), and can begin any
time after implementation.
When will DCA begin inspection or enforcement Enforcement will not be carried out at the point of entry. However, in cases where the
on the use of the labels? imported products are brought in without security label, the importers are responsible
9. (At point of entry, imported products without to ensure such of imported products should be labelled with security label prior to
distribution of such products.
hologram would be a hassle to the enforcement
officers regarding its authenticity.) The implementation will be in 2 phases, with the 1st phase for all non-injectable
products starting 1st May 2005. All non-injectables which are imported or manufactured
on or after 1st May 2005 should carry the security label.
The 2nd phase of implementation for parenteral preparations will begin 1st July 2005.
Are registered importers and manufacturers of Currently the requirement for security label does not apply to cosmetics. It is NOT
10. cosmetic products allowed to purchase and apply recommended that cosmetic products carry the security label as it may lead to
security label onto their products? confusion.
NO, all products manufactured and imported after the stated implementation date(s) will
need to bear the label.
If manufacturers and importers are unable to get
11. sufficient stocks, can they be allowed to sell their
products without the label? Forecast of orders for the security labels are needed by the supplier to understand
requirement needs. As demand is dynamic, the information supplied is vital to ensure
adequate stocks are kept to fulfill customer orders.
There are security features, both overt (visible) and covert (hidden) that can be used for
Will registered manufacturers and importers be
verification of label authenticity.
liable if their assigned security label (serial
number) is found in unregistered products?
12. The security labels supplied to registered importers and manufacturers will carry unique
What happens if they are caught distributing
serialised numbers. As such each label can be traced to its "owner". If genuine security
unregistered products? Who would be charged?
labels are found on unregistered products, the owner would definitely have some
The importers or the product holders?
explanations to do.
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The distributor authorized by the Government to supply the security label is Techno
How do I ensure an authentic purchase of Secure Print Sdn Bhd.
security labels? Should more information be required on the technical and supply aspects, please
contact Techno Secure Print Sdn Bhd.
Alamat : No. SD30, Jalan KIP 10, Kawasan Perindustrian Kepong, 52200 Kuala Lumpur
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© Copyright 2019 . All Rights Reserved National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency NPRA (https://www.npra.gov.my/)
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