CBCS-2022 scheme
The concept of photoelectric effect and Compton Effect gives the evidence for
particle nature of light. Where as in physical optics the phenomenon like
interference, diffraction, superposition was explained by considering wave
nature of light. This is wave particle duality of light.
On the basis of above concept (dual nature of light), in 1923, Louis de Broglie
gave a hypothesis
“Since nature loves symmetry, if the radiation behaves as particles under certain
conditions and as waves under certain conditions, then one can expect that, the
entities which ordinarily behaves as particles (ex. Like electrons, protons,
neutrons) must also exhibit properties attributable to waves under appropriate
circumstances”. This is known as deBroglie hypothesis
The waves associated with the moving particles are called de Broglie waves or
matter waves or pilot waves.
1. Waves associated with moving particles are called matter waves. The
wavelength ‘λ’ of a de-Broglie wave associated with particle of mass ‘m’ moving
with velocity 'v' is
λ = h/(mv)
3. The amplitude of the matter wave depends on the probability of finding the
particle in that position.
4. The speed of matter waves depends on the mass and velocity of the particle
associated with the wave.
Debroglie’s Wavelength:
A particle of mass ‘m’ moving with velocity ‘c’ possess energy given by
E = hυ → (2)
λ= hc /mc2 = h/mc
λ= h/mv since v ≈ c
Consider a particle, since the particle is free, the total energy is same as
1 p2
E = mv 2 =
2 2m
Where ‘m’ is the mass, ‘v’ is the velocity and ‘p’ is the momentum of the particle.
p = 2mE
h h
= =
p 2mE
If an electron accelerated with potential difference ‘V’ the work done on the ‘eV’,
which is converted to kinetic energy.
→ (1)
p2 = m2v2
mv2 = p2/m
eV = p2/(2m)
or p = 2meV
Therefore λ=
If ‘p’ is the point on a progressive wave, then it is the representative point for a
particular phase of the wave, the velocity with which it is propagated owing to
the motion of the wave is called phase velocity.
∆ x . Px ≥ (h/4π)
∆ x . Px ≥ → (4)
The diameter of the nucleus is of the order 10-14m. If an electron is to exist inside
the nucleus, the uncertainty in its position ∆ x must not exceed 10-14m.
i.e. ∆ x ≤ 10-14m
h 6.63 10−34
(Px )min ≥ ≥ ≥ 0.527 × 10-20 kg. m/s
4 (x )max 4 10−14
𝑝2 (0.5×10−20 )2
E= = = 1.531× 10−11 = 95.68 MeV
2𝑚 2×9.1×10−31
If an electron exists in the nucleus its energy must be greater than or equal to
95.68 MeV. It is experimentally measured that the beta particles ejected from
the nucleus during beta decay have energies of about 3 to 4 MeV. This shows
that electrons cannot exist in the nucleus.
[Beta decay: In beta decay process, from the nucleus of an atom, when neutrons
are converting into protons in releasing an electron (beta particle) and an
antineutrino. When proton is converted into a neutron in releasing a positron
(beta particle) and a neutrino. In both the processes energy sharing is statistical
in nature. When beta particles carry maximum energy neutrino’s carries
minimum energy and vice-versa. In all other processes energy sharing is in
between maximum and minimum energies. The maximum energy carried by the
beta particle is called as the end point energy (Emax).
Principle of complementarity:
Note: Meaning of complementary: things are different from each other but make
a good combination.
Given a wave function if you can tell its wavelength you will know the momentum
but its position will be uncertain.
Note: In all the images only real part of the wave function is shown.
The wavelength of the following matter wave. The wavelength is the length of
the red segment”
In this case you can certainly point out the wavelength; so you certainly know
the momentum but you can’t tell the position of the particle— it may be anywhere
on the x-axis i.e the position uncertainty is very very high.
In any of the above three cases you cannot tell the wavelength of the matter wave.
For example, in the last case the wavelength uncertainty is large. This is in fact
a superposition of many waves whose wavelength can be found. Such a wave
packet is made up of many waves. So if you try to measure the wavelength of
this wave packet you will get the wavelength of any of the waves shown above.
Upon large number of observations, you will have many wavelengths and then
calculate the standard deviation (the uncertainty). This will lead you to
uncertainty in momentum which will of course be large (because you got a large
number of wavelengths). But as you see the uncertainty in position will be
comparatively smaller.
Wave Function:
Mathematically it is given by
𝜓 = 𝐴𝑒 𝑖(𝑘𝑥−𝜔𝑡)
The wave function itself has no physical significance, the physical significance is
given by a function called probability density or probability function.
Probability density:
We know 𝜓 = 𝐴𝑒 𝑖(𝑘𝑥−𝜔𝑡)
The probability of finding a particle having wave function ‘ψ’ in a volume ‘dτ’
is ‘|ψ|²dτ’. If it is certain that the particle is present in finite volume ‘τ’, then
| | ² d = 1
If we are not certain that the particle is present in finite volume, then
| | ²d = 1
The process of integrating the square of the wave function within a suitable limits
and equating it to unity the value of the constant involved in the wave function
is estimated. The constant value is substituted in the wave function. This
process is called as normalization.
The wave function with constant value included is called as the normalized wave
function and the value of constant is called normalization factor.
Expectation value:
Expectation value as such is not the most probable value of the measurement.
Consider a particle of mass ‘m’ moving with velocity ‘v’. The de-Broglie
wavelength ‘λ’ is
h h
λ= = → (1) Where ‘mv’ is the momentum of the particle.
mv P
The wave eqn is
𝜓 = 𝐴𝑒 𝑖(𝑘𝑥−𝜔𝑡) → (2)
Where ‘A’ is a constant and ‘ω’ is the angular frequency of the wave.
d 2
= − A 2 e i ( kx−t ) = − 2 → (3)
The equation of a travelling wave is
d2y 1 d2y
dx 2 v 2 dt 2
Where ‘y’ is the displacement and ‘v’ is the velocity.
d 2 1 d 2
= → (4)
dx 2 v 2 dt 2
where ‘ψ’ is the displacement at time ‘t’.
d 2 2
= −
dx 2 v2
But ω = 2πυ and v =υ λ where ‘υ’ is the frequency and ‘λ’ is the wavelength.
d 2 4 2 1 1 d 2
= − 2 or 2 = − 2 → (5)
dx 2 4 dx 2
1 2 m2 v2 P 2
K .E = mv = = → (6)
2 2m 2m
= → (7)
h2 1 d 2 h 2 d 2
K .E = − =− 2 → (8)
2m 4 2 dx 2 8 m dx 2
h 2 d 2
E=− 2 +V
8 m dx 2
h 2 d 2
E −V = −
8 2 m dx 2
d 2 8 2 m
= − (E − V )
dx 2 h2
d 2 8 2 m
+ 2 (E − V ) = 0
dx 2 h
This is the time independent Schrodinger wave equation for one dimensional
𝑑2 𝜓 𝑑2𝜓 𝑑2 𝜓 8𝜋 2 𝑚
[ + + ] + (𝐸 − 𝑉)𝜓(𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧) = 0
𝑑𝑥 2 𝑑𝑦 2 𝑑𝑧 2 ℎ2
Consider a particle of a mass ‘m’ free to move in one dimension along positive
x -direction between x =0 to x =a. The potential energy outside this region is
infinite and within the region is zero. The particle is in bound state. Such a
configuration of potential in space is called infinite potential well. It is also called
particle in a box. The Schrödinger equation outside the well is
d 2 8 2 m
+ 2 (E − ) = 0 → (1) ∵V = ∞
dx 2 h
For outside, the equation holds good if ψ = 0 & |ψ|² = 0. That is particle cannot
be found outside the well and also at the walls
d 2 8 2 m
+ 2 E = 0 → (2) ∵V = 0
dx 2 h
8 2 m
Let 2
E = k2 → (3)
d 2
+ k 2 = 0
at x = 0 → ψ = 0
0 = C cos 0 + D sin 0
Also x = a → ψ = 0
0 = C cos ka + D sin ka
But C = 0
∴D sin ka = 0 (5)
k= → (6)
n = D sin x → (7)
This gives permitted wave functions.
8 2 m n 2 2
E=k = 2
h2 a
8ma 2
This is the expression for energy Eigen value.
For n = 0 is not acceptable inside the well because ψn = 0. It means that the
electron is not present inside the well which is not true. Thus the lowest energy
value for n = 1 is called zero point energy value or ground state energy.
i.e. Ezero-point =
8ma 2
D xdx = 1
sin 2
0 a
1 − cos( 2n / a ) x
D2 dx = 1
0 1 − cos 2
2 sin 2 =
a a
2 n 2
dx − cos xdx = 1
2 0 0 a
2 n
D2 a
x − 2n sin a x = 1
2 0
a − 0 = 1
a =1
2 n
n = sin x → (9)
a a
Eigen functions:
3. The wave functions and their first derivatives with respect to their variables
are continuous.
Eigne values:
Ĥ (ψ) = λ(ψ)
Let us consider the most probable location of the particle in the well and its
energies for first three cases.
Case I → n=1 It is the ground state and the particle is normally present in this
ψ1 = Sin x ∵from eqn (7)
a a
ψ1 = 0 for x = 0 and x = a
1 1
E1 = = E0
8ma 2
Case II → n=2
2 2
ψ2 = Sin x
a a
ψ2 | ψ2|2
a/4 3a/4
x=0 a/2 x=a x=0 a/2 x=a
2 3
ψ3 = Sin x
a a
a a 5a
3 = maximum for x = ,x = ,x =
| ψ3 |2 = 0 for x = 0, a/3, 2a/3 and a.
6 2 6
The energy of the particle in the second excited state is E3=9 E0.
Q2). Show that the electron emitted during β-decay does not pre-exist inside the
nucleus using uncertainty principle. 6M (MQP-2 2018-19, July 2019, Jan 2019,
Jan 2020, Sep 2020, Jan /Feb 2021).
Q4). What is wave function and Probability density? Give the qualitative
explanation of Max Born’s interpretation of wave function. 6M (MQP-2 2018-19).
Q5). Assuming the time independent Schrodinger equation discuss the solution
for a particle in one dimensional potential well of infinite height. Obtain the
normalized wave function & Energy Eigen value. 10M (MQP11 2018-19, July
2019, Jan 2020, Sep 2020)
Q7). Explain about the principle of complementarity and Expectation value. 4M.
Q8). Sketch the Wave functions, probability densities and energy levels for
particle in an infinite potential well for first three permitted states. 6M.