(d) A Board of Governors, the Assembly of Member States and a Steering Committee
Q 12. Does the WTO apply its framework in exactly the same fashion throughout the world?
(a) Yes, the WTO applies its framework in exactly the same way throughout the world
(b) Yes, the WTO applies its framework in exactly the same way around the world, unless it deals
with trade blocks
(d) No, the WTO makes allowance for variation in the case of economically stronger countries
(b) The administration of the WTO agreements and the resolution of international trade disputes
(c) The promotion of world peace, economic stability and financial co-operation
(d) The administration of the WTO’s institutional framework and the promotion of economic co-
operation amongst its members
(a) The Committee on Trade and Development (b)The Council for Trade in Goods
(a) The Committee on Trade and Development (b) The Council for Trade in Goods
(c) In the UN Charter (d) In the WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures In the
WTO Agreement
Q 17-Economic nationalism is a term used to describe policies which are guided by the idea of
protecting domestic
(A) Consumption (B) Labour (C) Capital formation (D) all of the above
Q 18-General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) agreement covers the following basic
(A) Protection shall be afforded to domestic industries through customs tariffs, not through such
commercial measures as import quotas
(C) Consultation shall be the primary method used to solve global trade problems
(A) Goods (B) Services (C) Intellectual property (D) All of the above
(A) Maximum (B) Minimum (C) Zero (D) None of the above
(A) The General Agreement on Trade in Service (B) The General Agreement on Trade and Safety
(C) The General Agreement on Trade and Standard (D) None of the above
Q 27-TRIPS provide adequate protection of intellectual property in the following categories:
(A) Copyrights (B) Trademarks (C) Patents (D) All of the above
Q 28-Selling the product at below the on-going market price and/or at the price below the cost
of production, is known as
(C) The Trade Policy Review Body (D) All of the above
(A) Goods Council (B) Services Council (C) TRIPS Council (D) All of the above
(A) One half (B) Two third (C) three quarters (D) one third
(A) Specialized Help for Export (B) Global Economic Policy Making