The French Supporter Squadron Gets Its Wings !: France Honors Lt. William W. Patton

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Volume 8 - N° 5 - May 2003 Contents

Page 1
Page 5
Potez CAMS 141
Page 10
FSS 2003 Enquiry (End)
Edito Page 6 Page 11
The FSS gets its wings Lt. William Patton What's new ?
Page 2 Page 7 Page 12
Editorial The FSS gets its wings
Page 3
Lt. William Patton
Page 8
L Bird
The FSS gets its wings Lt. William Patton (End) Finances
Page 4 Page 9
The FSS gets its wings (End) FSS 2003 Enquiry
Making a dream come true is always
the source of an immense satisfaction,
proportional to the time and the work
Spirit of
spent for reaching that goal. Today, I
am sure that all our members enjoyed
that kind of feeling when they discov-
ered the splendid Piper Cub J-3 which
belongs to our Squadron.

It required everyone's help to reach

that result. Everyone had to give a
great part of himself, be it through
financial donations, sometimes mean-
ing a lot of sacrifices, or by donating
one's spare time, energy, and good
work. What the FSS has accomplished
is really extraordinary, and each FSS

Photos : E. Ducreau
member can be proud of this acquisi-
tion. But what could be considered
as an achievement is, in reality, the
starting point of a great and exciting
adventure, because this J-3 gives our
squadron, at long last, the means of
demonstrating our attachment to the
noble values of the CAF. We now have
the means of honoring the hundreds
of thousands of aviators who fought
during WWII, and, too often, lost their
youth and their life.

This J-3 is only modest in size because

this type of aircraft played an extreme- THE FSS HAS ACQUIRED ITS FIRST AIRPLANE,
ly important role in the final victory of
1945. The Piper Cub is also known as A PIPER J-3 "CUB" OF AN EXCEPTIONALLY
the "Jeep of the Sky", and it represents
a significant part of aviation history. GOOD QUALITY, WHICH WILL BRING JOY AND
Today, there is enough work for every-
one of us, and I thank all our members report on Page 2).
for the part they will play with great

Finally, I would like to thank colonels

Jean-Paul Merlier and Patrick Gremez
for the article they wrote to tell us
about the commemoration of the crash
of Lieutenant William W. Patton, pilot
of a P-51 Mustang in 1944.

This article comes at the perfect time

to show all our American friends
that, despite the differences that may
exist between our governments, the THE VERY IMPORTANT
great majority of French citizens love
America and Americans very much. CEREMONY THAT TOOK
This sincere and profound feeling flies
way above these useless disputes,
and perfectly shows that the memory
of hundreds of thousands of American
soldiers who came to die on French WHO DISAPPEARED IN
soil, is as strong as ever, if not more
than ever ! 1945, AND WAS FOUND
Bernard IN JANUARY 2001 (Page 6).
A report by col. B. Delfino

Photo : E. Ducreau

The dream that we have turned into a reality by purchas- the FSS seemed unable to survive. It was without count-
ing this superb Piper J-3 Cub is only the first step of a 4 ing on the imprint he left on our Squadron. If Lewis had
years old project. gone forever, he gave us the memory of his enthusiasm,
his comradeship, and his way of seeing things with logic
It was in 1998, during the FSS General Assembly, that and intelligence, and he seems, since then, to be guiding
the idea of acquiring a WWII airplane was born. This the FSS in all its choices.
project slowly came into shape and was really started in
March 1999 when it was announced in our Newsletter. This is why all of our members who had the honor to
This suggestion was diversely received because it seemed meet him, immediately decided that our future plane
unrealistic for a modest Unit like the FSS. The ambi- would be named "Spirit of Lewis".
tion and enthusiasm of our members would soon prove
the opposite : Colonel Marcel Francisci was the one who Months and years went by. The generosity of our mem-
started this project with a very important donation. His bers and friends became more and more evident. As our
example was quickly followed by several other donations "Cub'ometer" grew in temperature, the hope to get, one
from various members but also from outsiders, thanks day, our own airplane, got closer and closer. Many who
to the publicity made around them by several of our first had some doubts, realized how seriously this project
Colonels. was driven, and joined the crowd.

As time went by, the gifts increased. Thanks to an unlim- During the past two years, several Piper Cub came on
ited support from the CAF authorities and members of the market. A purchase was far too premature because,
various Units, this great project grew up to become the despite the fertile imagination of our members, we were
Number One project of all FSS activities. unable to collect the necessary funds. Patience and
thoughtfulness told us to wait, which was the right
The way between March 1999 until today, was long and choice since the plane we have acquired is of a much bet-
difficult. Collecting enough money seemed, sometimes, ter standard than all these previous planes which, nev-
impossible. But thanks to ertheless, made more than
the tenacity, the good work, one members dream.
and the generosity of more
and more members, the end The last FSS General
of the tunnel was coming, Assembly allowed everyone
slowly but surely. to realise how close this
project was to its materi-
The premature death of our alisation.
friend Lewis Bateman, a
very active member in the This surely helped the
Toulouse area and in the donation of more gifts
Photo : E. Ducreau

FSS day to day life, hit very which came in steadily.

hard all our plans and this The creation of an L Bird
particular project. Prudent, Committee made of four
fair, thoughtful, Lewis was volunteers and the four
a member without whom members of the Board of
A second visit was quickly organized and included
Colonel Eric Ducreau and two of my personal friends,
experts in aircraft restoration. They examined the plane
from all sides as well as the paper-work, and gave me
their conclusion : "The airplane is in an exceptionally good
state !".

I soon relayed this information to the other members of

the Committee, and we took a unanimous and evident
decision : We could only buy this plane which, consider-

Photo : B. Delfino
ing everything, was reasonably priced.

Not buying this J-3 would have been a mistake because

one does not find aircraft in such a good state very often.
Convinced that we would have to wait many more years
to find its equivalent (And probably at a much higher
Administration (This number has since been increased price), wisdom guided our decision. In addition, I do not
to nine with the arrival of our friend Cédric Malhaire), think that the cohesion of the FSS members would have
was a very good initiative because, in four months, this survived a refusal to buy this plane, and the very future
Committee made the L Bird project progress significant- of our Squadron would have been in great danger.
ly. In addition, the result of the questionnaire that was
sent to our members with the January 2003 Newsletter Several individuals or organisations wanted to buy this
confirmed the legitimacy of this ambitious project (See plane, and the owner gave us five days to make up our
the article in this issue). mind.

A Piper L-4H based at La Ferté-Alais appeared on the Speed and a good communication between the members
market in December 2002, and was brought to our responsible for this project was the secret of our suc-
attention by col. Eric Janssonne, at a price of 19000,00 cess, and I wish to take this opportunity to warmly thank
Dollars, but the Xmas and New Year celebrations and mister Jean Nicolle for giving us the very top priority for
holidays stopped us from visiting the plane and its this acquisition.
owner. This was only possible two months later, when
Colonels Didier Cardinal and Eric Ducreau were finally Mister Jean Nicolle belongs, like the FSS, to the Piper
able to spend a day in La Ferté. Club France. This affinity certainly plaid a role in this
agreement, and this purchase allows the FSS to fully
Although the airplane had a definite historical value respect the CAF goals and objectives which are to main-
thanks to its participation to the Normandy Landing, tain in airworthy condition WWII airplanes in order to
this Cub did not seem to satisfy our needs : An ageing honor those who fought in the air arm for our freedom.
paint-work, a damaged rudder, and, especially, an engine
with only 70 hours to go before overhaul, turned the
price of this plane (then increased to 22900,00 Dollars
for no apparent reasons !) extremely exaggerated. The
thought of having to spend another 14000,00 Dollars for
an engine, and as much for a new fabric and painting,
made us quickly refrain from buying it, and consider that
it would be nothing else than a restoration project, way
above our financial possibilities and experience !

Luck often comes to the rescue, and it did ! Two days after
this visit to La Ferté, Colonel Claude Requi told us that
Photo : E. Ducreau

he read an advert in a magazine for a J-3 in, apparently,

good conditions. We quickly established a contact with
its owner, mister Jean Nicolle, and a visit to Sézanne in
the Champagne area, where the plane is based, allowed
Colonels Didier Cardinal, Eric Ducreau, and myself, to
discover an aircraft in a really good state with numerous It is that very last point that will, from now on, guide us
important new components like the wing spars. in the operation of this aircraft. All FSS members will
need to bear that in mind continually, and do everything
The price, 7600 Dollars possible so that this Cub fulfils this honorable function.
higher than the one of the Such a noble cause would not stop us from having fun,
previous plane, was justi- of course, but we are, before everything else, members
fied by this good state, by of the CAF, and we must put all our energy in its goals
a VHF radio, and by a total and objectives.
of 1200 hours to go on the
engine which, at an aver- Despite all the emotion that this purchase included, and
age flying time of 60 hours despite the seriousness and the difficulty of this decision,
per year, means 20 years of this acquisition is, in reality, a simple step in this grand
operation before overhaul ! project.

Today, we must organize ourselves to a total of 86000 sorties !… Used by the
serve this plane which has now become a Army in various roles such as observa-
symbol, the best we can. The members of tion, liaison, artillery spotting, and VIP
the L Bird Committee and other members transport, the Cub saw its consecration
of the FSS are already at work to make on the day of the Normandy Landing
sure that all the formalities are done as when they flew more than 1000
required by the law. Many aspects are still times across the channel. Again, it
to be examined and discussed, and many decisions was a Cub that landed on the Champs Elysées
are still to be taken : The aircraft insurance, the on the day of the liberation of Paris.
maintenance program, the choice of a hangar,
and many others… The war over, most of the Piper Cub were de-
militarised and made thousands of aero-clubs
From an "aesthetic" point of view, we have to happy throughout the world. Since then, the number
find the most suitable and representative of pilots trained on this aircraft is
paint scheme. Mister Nicolle has wished countless, and all of them, with no
that the aircraft future "militarisation" exception, keep an unlimited love
does not turn this Cub into for this airplane.
another olive drab one. Many
other color schemes are pos- HOW MUCH DOES IT COST ?…
sible that will have a strong
impact on the public. It's up to The price of our future aircraft had been estimated
us to choose the right one ! as 200.000,00 Francs ever since the beginning of this
project, an outstanding precision since the J-3 that we
Therefore, I ask all our mem- just bought cost exactly 30500 Dollars, or 200.066,00
bers to look for any documents they may have in their Francs !
personal archives : Black and white or color photos,
drawings, profiles, etc, so that we can establish a paint To this sum had been added 50000,00 Francs (7700,00
scheme that is as faithful as possible as the original. Dollars) for its first year of operation, including the
The cockpit windows will need to be of the same type as hangar, the insurance, the maintenance, and the admin-
our own J-3, which is the "short type" (See the printed istrative expenses for the DGAC. This estimate was also
pictures). Colonels George Lodge, Rick Hudlow, and Roy correct and was later verified by the professional and
Grinnell, have already started their research with an rigorous study made by Colonel John Roeder, a study
extraordinary enthusiasm. George Lodge will send us a that was presented during our last General Assembly.
book about the Civil Air Patrol, coast-guards that used The exactness of this estimate was a great help for the
the Piper Cub for anti-submarine patrols. future of this project.

A BIT OF HISTORY Having not reached the expected amount of 250000,00

Francs (38000,00 Dollars) when our Piper Cub appeared
The Piper J-3 Cub flew, for the first time, in 1937, and on the market, our budget was about to find itself at a
it was built until 1947, with a total of 22000 aircraft level close to its position four years ago. It is that point
built ! that made our choice difficult because it was evident that
we could not fly this plane from the day we would buy
it. The exceptional state of the plane lead our decision
because it was sure that aircraft of this quality and good
health do not appear every day !

We now rely on our members' solidarity to find the nec-

essary funds to fly our plane, as soon as possible. Since
we announced the purchase of this airplane, eight of our
members have donated more than 1000 Dollars. Today,
Photo : USAF

we need another 35240,00 Francs (5370,00 Dollars) to

insure the plane and find a suitable hangar.

I wish to thank all our members for their support to such

The engine fitted to the first plane was only delivering
an ambitious project. Thanks to you all, we will turn it
40 HP, but this power was raised to 65 HP in 1940. The
into a great success.
success of the Cub was caused by the rumours of war
and helped by the civilian training program that was cre-
ated in 1939.

The military version of the Cub was the L-4. It was sup-
posed to have a life expectancy of 50 flight hours or 6
months. Its robustness soon proved that this little air-
craft was capable of a lot more.
Photo : C. Requi

Its very first military role appeared immediately after the

attack on Pearl Harbor when the Cub, civilians or mili-
tary, participated in coastal patrols to spot enemy sub-
marines along the Eastern and Western coasts, and flew
Those forgotten planes…

POTEZ C.A.M.S. 141

An article by col. Michel Cahiez - Photos SHM.

The Potez C.A.M.S. 141 was

built following the issue of an
Admiralty program dated May 10,
1935, as a replacement for the
Breguet Bizerte.

Designed and built by C.A.M.S.

(Chantiers Aéro-Maritimes de la
Seine) in Satrouville, during the
second half of 1936, the prototype
was transferred to Caudebec-en-
Caux for its assembly. It flew
for the first time on January 21,
1938. After twenty hours of flight
tests, modifications were made to
the hull to increase its perform-
ances during take-off at maxi-
mum weight, then the plane was transferred to Saint Escadrille 4E, in Dakar, on September 17, 1940. It car-
Raphaël for the rest of the test program. Thirty three ried flying patrols over the Atlantic until the end of 1943.
hours were flown there, and the Hispano Suiza 12Y-26/ It sank a German sub-marine (U105) some distance from
27 engines which delivered 930 HP each, were replaced Dakar, and it was finally destroyed by the authorities at
by the 12Y-36/37 (970 HP), and were, finally, replaced the end of 1943, after a total of 1800 hours.
again by the original
engines. The Potez C.A.M.S.
141 was the basis
The aircraft should of another plane
have been fitted with designed for transat-
a dorsal turret and lantic transport, the
a 25 mm canon, but Potez C.A.M.S. 161
this equipment never Picardie. A 1/3 scale
became available, model of the 141 was
and was, therefore, used to test a new
replaced by two 7,5 wing which was 159
mm Darne machine-guns. Four other machine-guns of feet long. The war stopped this project, but it was resur-
the same type completed the defensive armament, and rected by the Vichy government, under German control.
the offensive one was made of four 1000 lbs G-2 type

The orders went quickly from 4 aircraft to 19, then 31.

The production of the hulls was started in Le Havre, and
the wings at Méaulte, with the intention to produce two
planes per month as soon as June 1940, but the way the
war went finally stopped any production.
C.A.M.S. 161

Named Antarès by the French Navy, the Potez The first flight of the Potez C.A.M.S. 161 was made on
C.A.M.S. 141 was the only aircraft that Escadrille E8 March 20, 1942, with engineer Hurel at the controls,
had on its roster. It flew reconnaissance flights over escorted by four Me109 which, officially, protected the
the Atlantic until June 18, 1940. It was then posted to plane from RAF fighters, but especially to stop it from
Port-Lyauté where it was handled by Escadrille E6, then escaping to England !…

Potez C.A.M.S. 141

Wing span : 137 ft.
Length : 80.3 ft.
Maximum speed : 203 MPH
Cruise speed : 169 MPH
Service ceiling : 18833 ft.
Range : 3000 miles
Crew : 4 to 6 men

A report by Colonels Jean-Paul Merlier and Patrick Gremez
Photos : Joël Holle and Thierry Bauchot

During Airsho 2002 four members of Association meters from the train station of La Longueville.
"Union Aérienne Sambre et Helpe", based on the On January 18, the Squadron has not heard
airfield of Maubeuge, in the North of France, among from the missing pilot, and, on February 8, a
which was Colonel Patrick Gremez, donated a letter is sent to the pilot's family, stating that
superb photo-album to the American Airpower Lt. William W. Patton is missing in combat.
Heritage Museum. The mystery of this disappearance will be
solved 56 years later.
This album, thanks to numerous photographs and
Press clippings, tells the story of the discovery THE DISCOVERY OF THE AIRPLANE
of a P-51 Mustang and his pilot, that crashed AND OF LIEUTENANT WILLIAM W.
on January 15, 1945, not far from the town of PATTON'S BODY
La Longueville, near Maubeuge. A piece of this
airplane donated by an anonymous person, was also given to On February 22, 2001, the land lord of a swampy field
Phil Barnes of the AAHM. located not far from the station of La Longueville, decides
to drain this field. As the workers start using their dig-
Here is the condensed story of this drama, the plane, and ging equipment, they notice pieces of metal which are
especially its pilot, easily identified as
Lieutenant William W. pieces of an airplane
Patton, from the State of with, apparently, the
Missouri… remains of the pilot still
sitting in the cockpit.
The local Gendarmerie
Taking off from the notes the presence of
airfield of Knettishall, the body and identi-
England, the Boeing fies the aircraft as
B-17's of the 388th being American. The
Bomber Group of the US Embassy in Paris
8th Air Force have been  is alerted and the
given the task to bomb appropriate measures
the railroad station of are taken to identify
Lechfeld, near Munich. the pilot and send his
This group of bombers remains back to the
is escorted by the 3rd USA, in accordance
Scouting Force for the with the agreement that
tactical and meteoro- links our two countries.
logical reconnaissance part of the mission. The historical research started and the body of Lt Patton
left France in March 2001 for his native State.
For this task, the Scouting Force is made of two P-51D
Mustang aircraft of the 55th Fighter Group, the leader, THE COMMEMORATION OF JANUARY 15, 2003
1st Lt. Bryan J. Booker and his wing man, 1st Lt. William
W. Patton. This commemoration was organised by the two towns of
La Longueville and Feignies, after a long and painstak-
After they bombed the Augsbourg station, the formation ing work of research by two local Associations who have
turns back towards its base. On this morning of January arranged the display of what was found.
15, 1945, the two P-51's of the 388th Fighter Squadron fly
over the area of Roubaix at 11h15. The meteo announces After a call from the FSS, Colonel Claude De Marco and
some fog and some stratus at 150 ft. myself drove to La Longueville to represent the CAF and
the FSS. Colonel Patrick GREMEZ who lives in this area
This is when Lt. Patton, with no appar- was there to welcome us warmly - as it is always the case
ent reason, turns left 180°, disappears, and in this region - and was a perfect and friendly guide.
does not reply to the radio calls of his leader.
Lt. Booker returns, on his own, to Wormingford (Note : A lot of people were present in this small town of La
The latter will be killed in combat on February 3, 1945). Longueville (Two hundred and fifty personalities had
At about 80 kilometres from there, at 11h30, a report is been invited), which makes me think that French people
made about the crash of a fighter, at a distance of 500 have definitely not forgotten the graves of the Belleau-
Wood and Normandy. about his disappear-
There was such a ance. Now that we
crowd that one could know, we feel deliv-
feel that something ered”.
really exceptional
was taking place. The The bands played the
local Press reflected national anthems,
the importance of this the soldiers pre-
event, and printed sented the honors,
titles such as : “Today, and the veterans
soldier Patton enters remembered this
History”. month of January
1945, when the
We were requested to German offensive,
get to the local church the very last hope for
for a Protestant mass. the latter, had just
The size of the church been stopped in the
was quite big but it nearby Ardennes.
was full of people.
Emotion was at a maximum. This peaceful moment was
The US flag was there, next to the French one, and a only disturbed by the low passes of two aircraft, a Beech
large framed portrait of the hero was nicely displayed. C-45 and a T-6 Texan, flying beneath a cloud base as
People could feel a great emotion that would last the low as it was on that tragic day of 1945. I would like
entire day. to thank mister Jack Krine, the pilot of the Beech, well
known in the French airshow world, who can give some
After this simple but moving mass, we went to the town's of his precious time to honor veterans. Thanks to him
train station for the inauguration of the monument and his fellow T-6 pilot, the presence of veteran wings
which has been erected in memory of William W. Patton. was ensured.
The local children formed an escort and waved American
and French flags with great enthusiasm. They were fol- After this busy ceremony, everyone was invited to a drink
lowed by a U.S. Air Force brass band that came from at the Mairie of La Longueville. The champagne was well
Germany, the local band, and by two honor guards, one chilled, the toasts were delicious, the benevolent staff
from the U.S. Air Force and one from the French Armée was young and amicable, but the room was very small
de l'Air base in Cambrai. Standing next to the monument for such a crowd. Nevertheless, the conversations went
was Connie Patton, niece of William W. Patton, who came on, despite, sometimes, a problem with the language.
from Missouri especially for this commemoration.
A hot meal was served in the town restaurant of Feignies
The peak of this event was reached during the speeches. where would take place the second part of this com-
The Prefect gave us an intense one, emphasizing the memoration. Well fed, we moved on to the town's war
sacrifice of Lt. Patton and dozens of thousands of other monument.
American Aviators.
It was decorated with the six flags of WWII allied
countries : In the middle was the French flag, next
to the American and the European ones, then came
the flags of Canada, Belgium, United Kingdom, and
Poland. Representatives of all these nations were there
to honor Lt. William W. Patton. We thank them for
their gratitude.

Everyone was collecting himself as the bands played

some music. A flight of F-15 Eagle that came from
England flew over the area, but the low ceiling did
not allow the planes to fly exactly over the ceremony.
I could not see if they performed the Missing Man for-
mation to honor their colleague who died for freedom,
OUR FREEDOM. I suppose they did. Once the sound
of the jet engines faded away, we all went to Fort
Leveau for the last part of this ceremony.

This fort was built in 1885 and was part of a belt of

defensive buildings supposed to protect our borders after
Connie Patton replied to these nice words with tears in the war with Germany in 1870. It was left alone after
her eyes, showing a lot of emotion. In 1999, as her grand- its de-militarization, and finally acquired by the town of
mother was about to die, she was still wondering what Feignies. For the past few years, an Association called
had happened to “Junior”, as William Patton was called the "Friends of Fort Leveau" performed an outstanding
by his family. Connie Patton said : “We used to talk a lot amount of work to restore it. One must say that this
plate, etc… And, above them all, the aviator's
parachute. Another bunker was full of pictures
of old airplanes taken by a local photographer.
I wish to thank him for the documents he lent
us to illustrate this article.

The loop was looped and the ceremony came

to an end. A last event took place in the Mairie
of Feignies, but it was more entertaining than
official : A conference that was illustrated by
selected pieces of music played by a jazz band.

I'd like to close this article by quoting a nice

sentence that Colonel Claude De Marco wrote in
a previous article he wrote for our Squadron's
Newsletter :

“Remembering is loving even more”

fort had been used as a depot for all sorts of rubbish !…
Today, the inside square has been entirely cleaned, and Beyond the emotion felt throughout this day, this is what
each of the bunkers has been used to display historical my memory will remember.

One of these bunkers is totally

dedicated to Lieutenant William
Patton and we were there for
its grand opening, together with
Connie Patton.

The Mayor of Feignies took the

trouble to make his speech in
English. Everyone was concen-
trating and moved. He sang the
American anthem together with
Connie Patton.

Then, letters that were sent to the

hero by his family were read, and
a parallel was made with another
aviator, a British Officer, who was
also killed in combat in the same
area. These words of wisdom car-
ried many messages of hope.

Everyone was moved. Connie Text : Jean-Paul Merlier, documents : Patrick Gremez.
Patton could not con-
tain her emotion any
longer and she burst Note: The pictures
into tears, tired, but printed in this article
also relieved after so are part of the work
many years of uncer- done by professional
tainty and mourning. photographers Joël
Holle and Thierry
The doors of the bun- Bauchot, who live in
ker remained open the area of Maubeuge.
for the rest of the day They wished to take
so that everyone was part in the illustra-
able to see all the tion of this report.
pieces of the plane
and other items that The author wishes to
are displayed there : thank them warmly
A part of the engine and sincerely for their
with the propeller, participation which
a piece of the pilot's honors their profes-
seat with the armour sion.

A report by col. B. Delfino

The questionnaire that was sent with the January issue members who will attend these airshows, and help with
of our Newsletter was published to allow all our mem- the setting of our booth. Thanks for contacting us as soon
bers, and especially those who could not take part in as possible.
our 2002 General Assembly, to clearly and sincerely give
their opinion on all the subjects which are the very life • AIRSHO'03 : Ten members residing in France should
of our Unit. be present in Midland for Airsho. A very encouraging
result because the presence of the FSS in Midland since
We thank the 38 members who took the trouble to send the creation of the French Supporter Squadron has been
this questionnaire back, an honorable score if one com- constant every year, and has shown our great attach-
pares it with similar Associations. ment to the CAF.

Here is the result of this enquiry, with some personal An excellent result which indicates another success for our
comments from our President, printed in Italic. Squadron always appreciated by the CAF managing staff.
If one adds the twenty FSS members who reside in the
PERSONAL DETAILS USA, a total of 30 members would break all records !

• This page was intended to help the members of the • 2003 Photo Contest : Fifteen members wish to partici-
Board of Administration to better manage the current pate in this great photo contest which will include many
hundred or so FSS members. interesting rewards. The subject will be Aviation and all
its aspects, with, of course, a preference for the Warbirds.
The only interesting result for our members is that only However, all branches of this industry will be permitted,
a small number of those who own a computer receive and your pictures can be technical, historical, aesthetic,
the CAF Newsletter, CONTRAILS, via email. A "how to" humorous, dramatic, related to the machines, but also
article will therefore be published in a future issue of our to the men.
No need for a sophisticated camera to get good pictures. A
PROJECTS pocket size or even a disposable camera are often enough
to get good photos. Technique often helps, but the eye of
• Visit of Verdun and the WWI combat sites : 17 per- the photographer remains the most important element in
sons are interested by this visit. Colonels Claude De this success. This "glance" will first be considered in the
Marco and Claude Gascon, organisers of this week-end choice for the best pictures. The jury will be composed of
in Verdun have been advised and they will contact every people who do not belong to the CAF, and they will be
member for all the necessary details.
chosen for their objectivity and their artistic and technical
knowledge. Get your cameras out !
I thank all future visitors to reply quickly to the questions
asked by our friends Claude and Claude. It will guarantee
• Video team : Fifteen members are interested by the cre-
the success of this visit.
ation of this team who will be responsible for the filming
of a 15 minutes movie to promote the CAF and the FSS.
• Monument in Pujaudran : 12 members said that they
wish to be present during this ceremony. Their names
None of these 15 members own a digital camera, which
will be given to our South West friends to help them
does not help this project and will somehow delay it. The
organise it.
acquisition of such a camera by the FSS will, no doubt,
be possible in a future that I hope to be near enough. This
The date of this event is still very unsure, and we will
would allow the start of the filming which will include
advise the members concerned as soon as we have one.
sequences filmed in Midland. Fingers crossed !
• La Ferté-Alais Airshow, June 7 & 8, 2003 : 23 mem-
bers will be present for this grand Airshow. The order • Regional Representatives : Only four of our mem-
for the special passes will be done as soon as Editions bers have stepped forward to represent the FSS in their
Larivière send us the file indicating the price of these respective region (North, Brittany, Center, and Poitou-
passes. Charentes). It is not enough, and this scheme can only
work if we have a representative in each region.
It is important that a majority of members come to La Ferté
as soon as Friday June 6, at noon, to help with the setting This item will be discussed in great details by the mem-
of our booth. Also, it is very important that a maximum bers of the Board of Administration so that a more efficient
number of members be there on Sunday evening when we system can be found. The result of these discussions will
put it away. be published in these pages very soon.

• Presence of our members during other airshows : About • Bellis and Roy Grinnell prints : Twenty members have
twenty members will participate to other airshows where purchased one or the other of these prints, a number
our booth will be set up. The number of these airshows which is relatively small since buying these prints is
is, for the moment, of three, as follows : making a donation to the L Bird project, while keeping a
great quality souvenir of this generous action. Today, we
- La Ferté-Alais on June 7 & 8. only need to sell ten more prints at 60.00 Euros to reim-
- St. Pierre des Ifs : Piper fly-in on June 13 to 15. burse the Squadron of the sum invested in this project,
- Haguenau on July 18, 19, and 20. and start making substantial profits that will be added
We must know, as soon as practical, the name of the to the L Bird project.
Here is a good project that works fine ! Another small effort the questions asked. Here is a brief summary of the points
and we will start collecting the fruits of an operation that they insisted on making verbally :
gave us the honor and the great pleasure to add to our
membership a great aviation painter and his wife, Roy 1- The majority of these members thought that the
and Irene Grinnell. Just for that reason, this project is a utmost prudence should be observed for the purchase of
great success ! this plane, and that its use should be done in the great-
est discipline and serenity.
• Subscription to the F4U7 Corsair painting by Roy
Grinnell : Delayed by unexpected events, the making of It's exactly what we have done and are still doing. On the
this painting will soon be completed. Roy will give us this other hand, we could not wait for ever for a hypothetical
painting during Airsho'03, and we will then be able to ideal plane. A subtle mixture of these two tendencies have,
start this subscription for real. therefore, been our line of conduct.

The very good quality of the first two paintings donated to 2- Several members and experienced friends think that
the FSS by Roy is the insurance of a third success. Also, it's absolutely paramount that a team should be formed
a subscription is the guarantee that this project will not be with members who are fully and durably dedicated to
another demand on the FSS budget. this airplane.

L BIRD I firmly insisted on this point during our General Assembly :

A dedicated team, ready to look after this plane, is the
• Purchase of an L Bird : 87% are for the success of this guarantee of a trouble-less operation. Everyone will need
L Bird project, and 73% consider that presenting this to help by participating to the most boring and dirty
plane during airshows is an activity whose priority is very tasks. It is everyone's duty, either pilot, mechanic, or pas-
high. Also, 85% of our members believe that a significant senger. The members of the L Bird Committee and Board
part of our revenues must be allocated to the operation of Administration will need to give the example. No ques-
of this aircraft. Twelve of our pilots think that they can tion, for instance, to see a member, be it pilot, mechanic, or
fly it, and 22 members wish to be part of the team that passenger, to get to the airplane, sit in the cockpit, enjoy
will help this operation, with an average of 2,09 airshows a flight, and leave the airfield without giving a hand with
per year and per member. Nine mechanics believe they the cleaning and stowing of the plane, or with other tasks
can look after this plane, and 24 members would like much less glorious (Don't laugh, one can often see this
to participate as passengers to ferry flights, training kind of problem in some clubs or associations !).
flights, or pleasure flights. Twelve pilots find normal to
financially participate to the cost of each flying hour, but
3- Many find that the full and permanent respect of the
only 9 members are ready to spend 300 to 500 Euros per
CAF goals must be kept in mind by those who will oper-
year for this financing. Of all passengers, 71% believe
ate this plane. These opinions have been made with the
that they should participate in the cost of each hour and
aim at having a plane which is as authentic as possible,
they find the price of 40 Euros very reasonable or accept-
a plane that our organization can be proud of.
able. Twenty four members have declared to be ready to
travel at their own expense to get to the airplane if the
This is fortunate and reassuring, and, in my opinion, an
distance is reasonable, but only 14 are ready to travel
absolute MUST because this aircraft is the tool that allows
to the provinces for the same reason. Also, 78% of our
us to honor the WWII aviators as our duty dictates. For
members find normal that this plane should be moving
this reason, it will need, as for all CAF aircraft, to be
around the country and its responsibility fully taken on
as faithful as possible to those used during WWII. This
by the members during the aircraft stay in a particular
authenticity will be watched and judged by the French
region. Three members decided to pay their FSS dues in
and European public. I addition, to the public's eye, this
advance for 14 years in order to help this project (The L
plane will be the Ambassador of the CAF in France, and
Bird Committee having decided that 5 members could pay
this advance of 700 Euros, this opportunity is still open a reflection of all the airplanes owned by the CAF in the
for two more members). Thirteen members think they USA. For the amateurs, it will need to be an incentive to
can become members of an independent Association - or go to Midland. Therefore, we must make sure that it is as
L Bird Club - by paying a sum of 100 Euros of which beautiful and correct as we can make it, even if we need
50 would be their FSS annual dues. Finally, 74% of our some time to get it that way.
members intend to carry on making donations to this
project after the airplane is purchased. As for the aircraft paint scheme, it will soon be chosen and
as accurate as possible to the type we have chosen. For a
Pheeeew !… This avalanche of figures and data only con- long time, we thought of painting it to the colors of General
firms the legitimacy of this ambitious project. Considering Leclerc's aircraft because it includes American and French
the success that was already obtained by this operation, colors. Today, because our Cub is not of the right L-4 type,
the contrary would have been very surprising ! this is not possible any more, but it may be one day, for
the next plane ?…
You now know it : We have reached our goal, but it is
vital to carry on. The L Bird Committee is working on this Now we must, before all, ensure our financial possibilities
project continuously, and this work will soon bring some and keep the importance of all the other projects on the
results. same level as this plane. This is a must for the smooth
running of our Unit.
I must also say that during the past weeks, this written
enquiry was emphasized by phone calls from numerous Finally, the Members of the Board of Administration thank
members who made some judicious remarks which could you all sincerely for the confidence you have in us and the
not be noted on the questionnaire, due to the abruptness of way we run the FSS.

This months, our friends Didier Cardinal, Jean-Marc

Following the FSS 2003 enquiry, fifteen members have Elipot, Gilles Avenel, Christian Tournemine, Roger Gouzon,
declared to be willing to take part in a photo contest Hubert Hosy, Guy Robert, and Bernard Delfino, have made
that will depict Aviation in all its aspects. This does not our great L Bird project do a significant step.
mean that the others will not be able to participate in
this friendly competition, on the contrary. Therefore, We warmly thank them for their generosity and their
we invite all our members to send their pictures and support to this project which, more than ever, needs
observe the following simple rules : your help since we need to find 5370,00 Euros as soon
as possible.
• The pictures to be judged will need to be sent to the
FSS before October 31, 2003 so that we have enough One easy way to help this project is to buy the prints
time to judge them, present them during our General made from the Jean Bellis and Roy Grinnell paintings.
You will acquire a very nice piece of art as a reward for
Assembly on November 22, and reward the winners.
your generosity, and you can make someone happy when
• These pictures will need imperatively to be 5x7 in.
Xmas comes.
(13x18cm) in size, and their number will need to be
• The subject will be Aviation under all its aspects OF THE FRENCH SUPPORTER SQUADRON
(Commercial, general, military, in flight, or on the
ground) and they can be humorous, dramatic, artistic, What do you do when you have a problem which seems
technical, historic, or human. to have no solution ?… You ask a specialist of course.
• These pictures will be judged by a jury that will be ex- It's what we've done for the small problems linked to the
ternal to the CAF, and composed of persons known for purchase of our Piper Cub, by calling mister Clément
their artistic and photographic knowledge. François, Secretary of the Piper Club France, and his
• This jury will sort out the pictures according to their great experience.
technical and artistic aspects, and to their originality.
Every time we called him, he was far more than friendly.
• The equipment used to take these pictures will not be
In a few minutes, he gave us answers to all the problems
taken into account, nor the date they were taken.
that had been on our mind for several days, and made his
• Each picture will need to have the name of its author statements sound so clear that we wondered why we did
written on the back. not think about calling him earlier than we did !?!…

A small advice to all candidates : You may submit old The friendly feeling that prevails in this Association
pictures, but it is recommended that you use the 2003 whose motto is "mutual assistance", is in perfect harmo-
airshow season and the motivation created by this mod- ny with the FSS one. We decided to invite mister Clément
est competition as an incentive. Take good care of what François to the small celebration that we will organize at
you see in the finder, remind yourself of the elementary Sézanne when our Cub flies to its new base, in the early
rules of picture composition, and make good use of the days of next Summer.
light to get original effects. Your eye is the most important
element in the success of a picture. Good luck to you all.
Get your cameras out !
Several members haven't paid their FSS annual dues yet
(The amount of these dues is 50 Euros for the Colonels
and Associate Members, 20 Euros for the Cadets, and 40
"VOLEZ" MAGAZINE - SPECIAL AIRSHOWS Euros for the Friends of the FSS).
We remind you that the magazine "VOLEZ" publishes We thank them all for paying these dues as soon as they
every year a special issue dedicated to all airshows. The can this ensuring the smooth running of our Associa-
2003 edition will come out during the first week of May tion.
and will include an article on the CAF and the FSS.
Our friend François Brévot is the author of this article,
and the "master mind" of this special edition. Colonels Claude De Marco and Claude Gascon are organ-
ising a visit to the WWI combat sites in Verdun and its
As everyone knows, François took part in our trip to area. Seventeen members have declared to be interested
Midland last year, and he brought back some very nice in the 2003 FSS Questionnaire, but the late ones will, of
pictures. course, be very welcome.

In addition, because he liked the feeling that prevails The visit will take place during the week-end of the 24
within the FSS, François should become one of our mem- and 25 of May. You will need to arrive on Friday 23 in
bers very soon, which would be a cherry on the cake. the evening, or very early on Saturday morning. Please
contact Claude De Marco on 03 29 84 29 87 or 06 12 66
Book your personal issue of "VOLEZ - Special Airshows" 11 93, or send him an email at < >,
at your favourite book stall today. You won't regret it !… he will be happy to hear from you.
The following articles are available against a payment by
cheque to the French Supporter Squadron. AVIATION CLUB DE FRANCE - LE PUBLIC SYSTÈME CINÉMA
(N.B.: Postage is extra). LE FANA DE L’AVIATION - SCHOTT NYC

• Official Squadron patch:  9,20. (Par ordre chronologique)
• “Gioux” type Squadron patch:  6,10.
• Pins epoxy, various:  5,50.
• Pins cloisonné, various:  7.60.
• Painting “Lloyd’s Dream” 50x76cm:  40,00.
• Painting “Lloyd’s Dream” 50x76cm. framed:  55,00.
2562,97 F 
Jacques PERAGALLO 1000,00
• 100 sheets of paper with your letter head:  8,00. Sandy & Connie SANSING 2268,40 - -
• Color Photos (B17, B25, etc…) 30x45cm:  7,70. Cédric MALHAIRE 213,75 250000 38112
- -
• Color Photos (B17, B25, etc…) 30x45cm framed:  20,00. Claude REQUI 1590,91 245000 37350
Michel CAHIEZ 433,58 - -
• T shirt Piper CUB, 170 grams, Hanes, XL  16,00. 240000 36588
Julien LEPELLETIER 318,71 - -
• T shirt cartoon P40, 170 grams, Hanes, XL:  16,00. Fumiko DELFINO 490,70 235000 35826
- -
• T shirts: Other sizes available on order. Jean-Jacques SAHUT 152,45 230000 35063
- -
• T shirts illustrated with the picture of your choice (Maximum Lewis & Bunty BATEMAN 880,08 225000 -34301
Stéphane DUCHEMIN 136,44 - -
size A5): Send in yourpicture and we will make the Tshirt of your 220000 33539
Serge CLODORE 53,36 - -
dreams (Warning! Only send pictures that are totally free from Daniel CLODORE 53,36 215000 32777
- -
copyrights):  12,00. Jean-Paul MERLIER 105,08 210000 32014
- -
• Color aircraft profiles 15 x 20 cm. pre-framed: Various: Jean RŒDER 741,19 205000 31252
 4,00 each. Roger VAUCAMP 300,00 - -
200000 30490
Daniel & Lucie SAUVAGE 203,52 -
• Warbird cards:  4,00 each. Patrick PIERRE-PIERRE 667,74 195000
• Video cassette of sequences filmed in Midland (55mn) VHS Marcel et Liliane RUPPERT 341,16 190000
- -
PAL:  16,00. Christian FREZARD 76,22
- -
• Large format paintings by Col. Eric Besançon: F4U Corsair Jean-Christophe DEBUISSON 350,00 - -
Michel BON 103,36 180000 27441
and Messerschmitt 262 night fighter:  31,00. - -
Dons anonymes du PUBLIC 405,19 175000 26679
• Poster of 36 WWII airplanes painted by Jean Bellis, Paul BARLAND 152,45 - -
170000 25916
61x81cm:  9,20 (FSS Members)  12,50 (Non Membres). Ron WESP 699,80 - -
165000 25154
• Prints of the Roy Grinnell paintings - Normandie Niemen, Christian FALENTIN 152,45 - -
Corsair F4U7, and B26 Marauder - Unsigned :  40,00 + Christian TOURNEMINE 127,44 160000 24392
- -
Didier CARDINAL 456,12 155000 23630
P & P. Signed by veterans :  60,00 + P & P. Louis-Jean GIOUX 150,80 - -
• Post Cards based on the same paintings (B26 Marauder, 150000 22867
Eric DUCREAU 60,98 - -
Corsair, and Neuneu) :  0,50 each. Eric JANSSONNE 218,00 145000
• CD Rom of 36 FSS Newsletters (Years 2000, 2001, and Henri BOURRASSIER 229,85 140000 21343
Jim LUX 411,61 - -
2002), French and English, compatible PC and Macintosh, 135000 20581
Jean-Claude MINIGGIO 60,98 - -
.pdf format readable with Adobe Acrobat Reader :  15,00 P Christophe BASTIDE 589,93 130000 19818
- -
& P inclusive. Yves DONJON 305,16 125000 19056
- -
Guy ROBERT 228,18 120000 18294
Centex Wing 26,68 - -
FSS ANNUAL DUES 2003/2004 Christiane HÉBERT 304,90
115000 17532
- -
Yuri DELFINO 148,45 110000 16769
- -
The limit date for paying these dues is May 01, 2003. Kim TOLFREE 176,84 105000 16007
Georges VAN HOVE 76,22 - -
The amount due is 50 Euros or Dollars for the Colo- 100000 15245
Terran TIDWELL 118,91 - -
nels and Associate Members, 20 Euros or Dollars for Yves HOUSSIN 152,45 95000 14483
- -
the Cadets, and 40 Euros for the Friends of the FSS. Jean-Jacques VAUCHER 243,94 90000 13720
- -
Thanks to all of you ! Bernard PIERACCI 76,22 85000 12958
Eric BESANÇON 83,85 - -
80000 12196
Hervé CHERRY 76,22 - -
CODE NAME BRAVO Bob & Lil AYARS 59,46 75000
Giovanni COMIS 187,85 70000 10671
Peter LANGRIDGE 22,87 - -
µµ Frédéric Pollicella (Didier Cardinal) µµ Jean-Claude PETIT 31,25
60000 9147
Claude GASCON 152,45 - -
Gilles AVENEL 728,18 50000 7622
Gilles BAILLOT 45,73 - -
µµ Patrick Gremez µµ Patrick GREMEZ 69,03
45000 6860
- -
Isabelle LESSER 99,09 40000 6098
- -
Roy GRINNELL 991,20 35000 5336
Alphonse THIRY 68,11 - -
The French Supporter Squadron is a non-profit Association ruled by the 30000 4573
1901 law, and registered under number 2473 of the Journal Officiel dated Semaan SOUEID 50,00 - -
25000 3811
10 July 1996. Hank POTTER 100,00 - -
Claude DE MARCO 14,60 20000 3049
- -
Unit Leader : Col. Bernard DELFINO Dominique ROYER 21,80 15000 2287
Regis URCHLER 475,77 - -
Tel : 0148690457 - email : 10000 1524
Michel PERRIN 4 - -
Executive Officer : Col. Claude REQUI 5000 762
Guy PERRIN 30,00
Tel : 0442287755 - email : - -
Elzéard LIGNEUL 100,00 0 0
Finance Officer : Col. Didier CARDINAL
Jean-Mark ELIPOT 10
Tel : 0160260798 - email :
Hubert HOSY 10
Adjutant : Col. Eric DUCREAU Roger GOUZON 410
Tel : 0148616735 - email : PX & Événements FSS 1006,29
Avances sur cotisations au FSS 2100,00
AIRSHOW is a publication of the French Supporter Squadron of the
Intérêts Bancaires Annuels 1841,77
Commemorative Air Force, Inc. - Any partial or complete reproduction of the
articles and the illustrations published in this monthly Newsletter is forbid-
den without the agreement of the FSS. Please write to the Association at the TOTAL 32939,59 (216069,53 F)
following address : 19 rue de Cannes 93600 - Aulnay sous Bois - FRANCE.


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