Emergence of Deepfakes and Video Tampering Detection Approaches: A Survey

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Multimedia Tools and Applications


Emergence of deepfakes and video tampering

detection approaches: A survey

Staffy Kingra1 · Naveen Aggarwal1 · Nirmal Kaur1

Received: 24 September 2020 / Revised: 17 February 2022 / Accepted: 4 April 2022

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2022

Digital content, particularly the digital videos recorded at specific angle, though, provides
a truthful picture of reality but the widespread proliferation of easy-to-use content editing
softwares doubt about its authenticity. Recently, Artificial Intelligence (AI) based con-
tent altering mechanism, known as deepfake, became popular on social media platforms,
wherein any person can be able to purport the behaviour of another person in a video who
is actually not there. Depending on the type of manipulation performed, different types of
deepfakes are described in this paper. Moreover, rely on digital content for trustworthy evi-
dence as well as to avoid spread of misinformation, integrity and authenticity of digital
content has-been of utmost concerns. This paper aims to present a survey of the state-
of-art video integrity verification techniques with special emphasis on emerging deepfake
video detection approaches. Seeing the advancement in creation of more realistic deepfake
videos, this review facilitates the development of more generalized methods with a thorough
discussion on different research trends in the wake of deepfake detection.

Keywords Video forensics · Video forgery detection · Deepfake detection ·

Facial manipulation detection · Audio deepfake detection

1 Introduction

Digital images, the idea of which was generated about a century ago, have acquired an
important place in almost every field be it entertainment, education or human sentiments.
With technological advancement, the idea of capturing scenes was extended to video record-
ing. Besides this, image capturing and video recording devices became portable from

 Staffy Kingra

Naveen Aggarwal

Nirmal Kaur

1 University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India

Multimedia Tools and Applications

computers to cameras and later on mobile phones, thereby mitigating the time and place-
related constraints to capture/record a visual scene. These captured or recorded events have
been gaining importance to serve as an important piece of evidence in case of court proceed-
ings, personal disputes, and other sensitive matters. Notably, digital videos serve to provide
sufficient evidence as it contains the recording of a whole scenario.
With an increase in the usage of digital media, numerous techniques have also been
developed to process or edit the video after its production. These post-production techniques
were primarily designed to enhance the digital content with respect to its colour, contrast,
and brightness. However, such video editing techniques were proliferated towards malicious
manipulation that compromised the authenticity of video content.

Can we trust the digital content? For utilizing a digital video as an evidence, reliability
and integrity are of utmost importance. Owing to the wide-spread usage of post-production
techniques to alter digital content intentionally, integrity of content is hard to rely on.
Such malicious alteration to digital video is known as video forgery/ tampering/ doctor-
ing. Recently, in 2018, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders claimed an aggressive
behaviour of CNN reporter Jim Acosta by sharing a video on twitter [60], wherein Acosta
swiftly chop down on one side of an arm while Sarah tussled to grab microphone from
Acosta. However, a video shared by Acosta’s supporter justifies Acosta’s arm movement
only as a response to Sarah’s tussle. The glimpse of the video is shown in Fig. 1. Accord-
ing to news, Sarah posted a doctored video in which Acosta’s arm was appeared to move
promptly by increasing frame rate of the original video sequence. In the light of such forgery
cases, it is evident that a slight change in video content or frame rate can be harmful for the
dignity of individual and society at large.
Recently, many other kinds of intentional manipulations are reported, where a source
person in the video is swapped with another person (target), and intended to say things
said by the source person. Famous politician Barack Obama have also been the victim of
this type of forgery. Recently, a doctored video of Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, was
uploaded on Instagram in which he was made to say things he never actually said [142].
Figure 2 shows a glimpse of AI (Artificial Intelligence) created deepfake video. As per the
Deeptrace report [6], deepfake targeted industry mostly belongs to entertainment (62.7%)
and fashion (21.7%). Famous politicians and business tycoons are the main victims of such
deepfaked video, and this malpractice is escalating high day by day. In view of this, one can
certainly imagine a world where anyone is made to say anything and do anything in digital
videos; consequences of which can eventually diminish trust in news and digital media.

1.1 Video tampering: Analysis of different tampering techniques

Until recently, many mobile and desktop applications such as Lightworks, GIMP, Snapchat
etc. have been designed to enhance the content of digital multimedia. Being user-friendly
and inexpensive, such applications are widely being exploited by users to enhance and
manipulate digital media. However, such easily accessible editing applications have raised
serious integrity issues being faced by the research fraternity nowadays. It is pertinent that
many video editing applications, which were primarily developed for entertainment, were
later on utilized for malicious purposes. In the present scenario, it has been so easy to delude
the eye of anyone with tampered videos or images. Advent of deep learning and easily
available data has added more realism in the manipulated content.
Multimedia Tools and Applications

Fig. 1 Glimpse of White House secretary’s doctored video [60]

1.1.1 Video forgeries with respect to granularity levels

Depending on the type and amount of manipulation a user wants to perform, video tamper-
ing can be possible from fine to coarse grain level. Falsification performed using the content
of different video sequences, either by pasting an object from one video to another or by
combining the content of two video sequences, is referred to as an inter-video forgery. On
the other hand, falsification performed within a single video sequence is termed as intra-
video forgery; it is usually performed either by targeting different objects of the same frame
or different frames of the same video sequence as described below.
1. Inter-Frame Forgery: Tampering performed with an intention of manipulating a
sequence of frames by insertion, removal, or duplication. Frame insertion forgery can
cause the occurrence of any unusual incident possible in the video that is not actu-
ally present. On the other hand, frame removal or frame replication can conceal an act;

Fig. 2 Glimpse of Mark Zuckerberg’s doctored video [142]

Multimedia Tools and Applications

these are relatively easy to perform but difficult to detect if done carefully. One of the
inter-frame forgery i.e. frame replication is illustrated in Fig. 3c.
2. Intra-Frame Forgery: Tampering performed only on a particular frame is referred
to as intra-frame forgery. It can be performed either on the whole frame, on different
objects of those frames, or on mere pixels. Pixel level forgery [91] works on the inten-
sity information of the frame, usually by inducing noise to blur the existence of any
object. In contrast, block and frame-level forgery works on insertion or removal of a
specific object or region.

1.1.2 Video Forgeries with respect to the nature of manipulation

At each granule of the video sequence be it pixel, frame or the whole video sequence,
content can be manipulated in various forms. Video forgery, on the basis of the type of
manipulation performed, is explained here.

1. Object-based manipulation: Performed at intra-frame level,it deals with inser-

tion/removal of objects to/from specific locations, and is termed as object inser-
tion/removal tampering respectively. To conceal the mismatched area after removal of
an object, video inpainting [204] is usually performed. As illustrated in Fig. 3a, an
object (car) shown in the original sequence is removed in the tampered version. This
object-based tampering can also be used to perform copy-paste forgery in a video
sequence by cloning an object from one place and pasting it to another.

Original Video Sequence Original

Tampered Video Sequence Tampered

(a) Object Removal [8] (b) Upscale crop [146]

Original Video Sequence

Tampered Video Sequence

(c) Frame replication [90]

Fig. 3 Demonstration of different forgeries (a) and (b) shows intra-frame tampering while (c) shows inter-
frame tampering
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2. Upscale Crop: It is performed at intra-frame level, where the whole frame is first
enlarged and then cropped from the extremities to get the original size [159]. This
forgery eventually conceals the occurrence of an object present at the boundary. A
still from a video sequence is shown in Fig. 3b, by which a man present near the left
boundary of the frame is removed to create a tampered version.
3. Frame rate up-conversion (FRUC): A forgery performed by a mere increase/decrease
in frame rate can totally alter the way of interpreting any scenario by reduc-
ing/increasing the visual focus on any object or event. This forgery, however, is very
easy to perform but a mere tricky to detect. It is performed by inserting interpolated
frames periodically into the video sequence. These interpolated frames are gener-
ated using frame replication or averaging or Motion Compensated Frame Interpolation
4. Real-time Frame Forgery: Recently, a smart attack was investigated that is performed
against smart VSS (Video Surveillance System) at the time of recording a video [128].
However, VSS was designed to capture a scene only when triggered; this trigger can be
a change in light intensity or a slight movement of object etc. This VSS design has been
made target by forgers who trigger the injection of false frames (false frame injection
attack) or replay some previous frames (replication attack) in real-time on the detection
of a specific activity.

1.2 Deepfake and its creation

Until recently, many specialized applications have been built to perform manipulation on
the video content. Emergence of AI into this field has greatly influenced the society. An AI
created tampering technique, called Deepfake, provides the ability to map a person’s facial
or voice features (source) with some other person’s (target) in a video clip with an intention
of making the target person saying or doing things that were actually said or done by source.
The landmark of such animations was set in 1997 using a Video Rewrite program [18].
Deepfakes became popular with the release of GAN1 which has the ability to generate any-
thing from previously trained data. Facial synthesis came into picture in 2017 when popular
celebrity faces like Gal Gadot, Emma Watson, Hilary Duff, and Jennifer Lawrence were
used in porn content [40]. Afterwards, many celebrities have been the victim of AI-based
deepfaking technology, first by syncing the lip movement corresponding to a particular
audio clip and then by making person a puppet. In view of this, various types of deepfakes
created, so far, are described here:
1. Face Manipulation: With the emergence of deep learning, quality of performing
face manipulations in videos have also been improved. It can transfer facial expres-
sions(facial features) from one person to another on one hand, and change facial
attributes of the target face on the other as demonstrated in Fig. 4. This strategy was
then utilized to create a user-friendly application called FakeApp2 . A new application
‘DeepNude’ was developed in mid-2019 by which any person can be made unclothed
with GAN technique. One of the limitations of GAN networks for face synthesis was
the requirement of a large amount of training data, which is eliminated with the proposal
of MocoGAN [15].

1 GAN: Generative Adversarial Network

2 http://www.fakeapp.com/
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Face Manipulation

Face Swap Face Attributes Face Expressions

Replace the identity of one To change facial features of Rather than replacing the
person with another with- a person by changing some whole identity of a person
out any modification in ex- specific attributes like hair through face swap, facial re-
pressions. This facial swap color, skin color, eye color, enactment can be performed
was performed earlier using age, insertion, or removal of by the transfer of mere fa-
computer graphics based ap- any object like glasses, cap, cial expression from one per-
proach, FaceSwap. Recently, or even clothes. The manipu- son onto another. Former US
deepfakes have emerged for lation, however, is performed President Obama[170] and
the same which utilizes deep through different variants of many other celebrities have
learning approaches. GAN, one of which is pro- been the victim of such ma-
Application in use: ZAO, Re- posed in [34]. nipulations.
flect Application in use: FaceApp Application in use: Face2Face
GAN: Faceswap-GAN, FS- GAN: AttGAN[70] GAN: Neural-Texture [176]

Source Target
Source Target Original Expression Glasses Makeup

Face Re-enacted Deepfake

Face Swapped Deepfake Original Beard Hair Style Older
(c) Face Reenactment
(a) Face Swapping (b) Face Attributes Manipulation

Fig. 4 Deepfakes using Face Manipulation

The principle behind face manipulation deepfake is to separately train two autoen-
coders in parallel, one with the faces of source person and another with the target one.
Encoders of both share their weights to blend the features of source and target while
decoders are kept separate to reconstitute specific characteristics of a person’s face. It
makes two autoencoders encoded using the same feature set with illumination informa-
tion, position information, and facial features, and keeping separate the morphological
and contextual information. Deepfake is, then, generated by encoding the source person
using a shared encoder and decoding it with the decoder of target person.
2. Lip-sync Deepfake: Besides facial synthesis, many techniques have been designed to
make the mouth region consistent with a particular audio recording. For instance, a
video of Barack Obama altered by an actor and director Jordan Peele went viral where
Obama was made to say things that were actually said by Jordan Peele [183]. A simi-
lar technique was proposed in [169], which requires a large amount of training data of
a target person. The concept of lip-syncing is not new; many techniques became pop-
ular in the past which synchronize the mouth of movie actors w.r.t. audio sequence by
constructing a 3D face model [59]. Since it is difficult to map a 1-D audio signal to
3-D mouth and lip movements of a person, the conventional computer graphics results
were not much convincing. Deep learning technique proposed in [169] produced real-
Multimedia Tools and Applications

istic videos, though not actually real, by training a generator with an ample amount
of images of target person. Another deep learning based approach ‘Neural Voice Pup-
petry’ [174] was also made popular to render the target face corresponding to a specific
audio with an advantage of using less amount of training data in comparison to [169].
3. Puppet-master: In addition to lip-sync, head movement, eye movements, and other
gestures of a person have also been made realistic in puppet-master. This new technique
learn the full body features of source person and overlay these features to a target per-
son by which a target person is made to imitate movements of source person [54, 191].
Apart from these, Face-GAN [22] was proposed to transfer dance movements of the
source person to target one as demonstrated in Fig. 5. In the figure, two target persons
are shown that are imitating the movements of source person. Such fake images were
created in earlier times using a non-deep learning approach [29, 71, 200], which have
been now improvised using deep learning mechanisms [12, 181]. Although this tech-
nique doesn’t seem perfect until now, deepfakes created using these are as convincing
to create a risk of being misused.
4. Audio Deepfake: Beyond continuously revamping image synthesis approaches,
another AI-oriented illusion of the fake person speaking in a voice similar to real per-
son has launched. Till now, forgers could be able to generate a fake email or web page
purporting it to be from some other person. Through AI-based audio synthesis, a cyber-
crime was reported in late 2019, wherein a forger scammed a company for millions of
dollars by imitating voice of CEO of the same company [78], which started a new trend
of audio deepfakes. Two audio synthesis approaches namely Voice Cloning (VC) and
Text-to-Speech (TTS) exists in literature. In the former, one’s voice is swapped with
another while the later is used to convert text to audio. WaveNet [137], Sprocket [90]
and Tacotron [195] are the prominent models utilized for VC and TTS synthesis.

Many companies incorporated AI into their technologies to perform editing of images

and videos in different ways. For instance, a company named pinscreen developed an app
that can create different digital avatars of any person by manipulating audio or/and video
content [104]. Moreover, Adobe’s VoCo and Lyrebird has made the creation of fake audio
recordings possible. Though developed for entertainment, users have started using these in
malicious ways. It has put the authenticity and validation of such video sequences in uncer-
tainty. With the emergence of such deepfakes, ways to detect these are also getting attention.
Since with every new detection technique, forgers try an anti-forensic approach and make
an improved deepfake, the arms race between generating fakes and fighting fakes seem
to be on an endless road. To maintain the authenticity of video evidence, US government

Target 1 Target 2 Source Target 1 Target 2

(a) Original Target (b) Mimicking source action
Fig. 5 Stills from Puppetry Deepfake [22]
Multimedia Tools and Applications

revealed that digital content can be introduced as a law of evidence in the court3 , 4 as long
as its authenticity, accuracy, reliability, and trustworthiness can be established with respect
to US Federal Rules of Evidence [117].
Research in multimedia forensics [161, 163, 184] has been carrying on for more than
15 years by academic researchers, IT companies, and even by major funding organizations
like DARPA5 . Despite continuous and joint efforts, the advent of AI has changed the game
by introducing deepfakes, more realistic faked content, detection of which needs more effi-
cient and timely solutions. To maintain the credibility of such videos, numerous techniques
have been developed and many others are being developed with improvements in previous
ones. A brief overview of the creation and detection of deepfake videos is provided in [132].
Recently, authors in [179] and [182] provided a good survey of deepfake detection tech-
niques containing a thorough analysis of facial synthesis detection approaches.Although a
sufficient literature of deepfakes is provided in [123] and authors discussed in-depth about
different generation architectures. However, the paper does not contain detailed analysis
of deepfake detection approaches. These state-of-art deepfake focused surveys did not pay
attention to another video forgeries prevailing from the beginning. Also, among different
deepfakes, only facial synthesis detection approaches were discussed.
In this paper, accompanying facial synthesis, a brief overview of other kind of deep-
fakes proposed for deceiving the person’s identity by faking lip movement (lip-sync), body
movement (puppet-master), and voice (audio deepfakes) is provided. Since the advent of
deepfake forgery has not put an end to other traditional tampering techniques, this survey
also presents a review of different approaches developed for detecting previous-era video
forgeries. Section 2 provides a detailed overview of state-of-art techniques developed for
detecting different types of video forgeries with special emphasis on deepfake detection
techniques in Section 3. A concise and important outline of discussed techniques is also
provided in tabular form in respective sections. Section 5 then concludes the survey with a
thorough discussion of some different research directions that can be followed in the future
for more efficient detection of deepfake videos.

2 Conventional video forgery detection methods

It is pertinent that drastic increase in the availability of video editing software has made
the detection of manipulated videos a prerequisite in multimedia domain. These video forg-
eries often leave some footprints which, if analyzed accurately, can aid in distinguishing
tampered videos from benign ones. Video forgery detection can be performed using active
or passive approach. Active approaches embed a unique watermark or signature into the
video sequence, during or after video recording, to authenticate video content. However, it
is hard to acquire specialized software for embedding which also degrades the video qual-
ity. On the other hand, the passive counterpart for video forgery detection relies on unusual
intrinsic artifacts (static and temporal), which are supposed to be introduced into the video
sequence due to some post-production manipulation. Passive approaches for video forgery
detection are, therefore, considered better than active approaches, and are in the current
focus of research.

3 United States v Beeler, 62 F Supp. 2d 136 (July 1, 1999, United States District Court, D. Maine).
4 Dolan v State of Florida, 743 S. 2d 544 (July 21, 1999, Court of Appeal of Florida, Fourth District).
5 Defense Advanced Research Project Agency
Multimedia Tools and Applications

Fig. 6 Visual Media Tampering Detection Approaches

Numerous researchers proposed, and are continuously proposing different types of pas-
sive video forgery detection techniques to detect a variety of video forgeries. This section
provides a review of most of the techniques proposed in literature; some of which can be
extended further for better detection. Figure 6 demonstrates the use of different forgery
detection approaches under different scenarios. It was observed from the literature that there
is a lack of standardized datasets pertaining to conventional video forgeries. Thereby, most
of these approaches were evaluated on videos generated by the respective authors them-
selves. However, some of the available datasets are provided in Table 1 Moreover, evaluation
metrics used by these state-of-art techniques are provided in Table 2.

2.1 Forgery detection in different transform domain

Video is considered as a particular sequence of frames which are correlated with respect
to time. Processing on a frame is similar to how an image is processed. Some features
of an image are best analyzed in time domain and others in frequency domain. Thereby,
researchers tried to analyze different artifacts from varying domains such as Discrete Cosine

Table 1 Datasets available for conventional video forgery detection

Dataset Source Tampering type Videos Format

SULFA [145] Canon SX220, Nikon S3000, Copy-move 150 MOV & AVI
Fujifilm S2800HD
REWIND [144] SULFA Copy-move 10 MOV & AVI
VTD [7] Internet Splicing, copy-move, 33 AVI
GRIP [43] Internet Copy-move 15 AVI
Multimedia Tools and Applications

Table 2 Evaluation metrics used by state-of-art forgery detection approaches

Metric Description

Accuracy Measure of correctly predicted data instances with respect to total data instances.
Precision Measure of correctly predicted positive data with respect to all positive predicted data.
Recall Measure of correctly predicted positive data with respect to all positive data.
F1-Score Provides a weighted average of precision and recall.
AUC Measure of degree of separability between two classes of particular model.

Transform (DCT), Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), and Discrete Wavelet Transform
(DWT) to detect forgery as discussed in this section.
Any type of video manipulation is performed by extracting frames, manipulating these
frames separately, and then re-saving manipulated frames as a tampered video. Re-saving of
digital content leads to double compression. So, in the early days of development of video
forgery detection approaches, it was believed that analysis of double compression ensures
the presence of manipulation in video. As double compression disturbs the distribution of
DCT coefficients, most of the authors have analyzed the same in different ways to detect
forgery as shown in Table 3. The very first method [192] to detect frame insertion/removal
forgery in a video sequence analyzed double compression in MPEG video sequences by
detecting periodicity in DCT coefficient distribution of I-frames, and motion error generated
by P-frames. Although the author did not formulate any quantitative results in the paper but
claimed that the technique’s performance boosts if number of frames deleted/inserted are
multiples of 3. Same group of researchers, then, extended the technique in [193] where they
also detected composite videos. Double compression was detected by analyzing Gaussian
distribution of DCT coefficients. Unlike the previous technique, it detected forgery even
if different quantization scales are used in first and second compression. The technique
developed in [165], rather than analyzing peak and periodicity, examined convex pattern in
the histogram generated through DCT coefficients of each macro-block. Howbeit, selection
of a different threshold for different set of videos was found somewhat inconvenient.
Later on, it was stated in [122] that even a non-tampered video can have double compres-
sion artifacts due to mere transmission, uploading, or downloading. So, detection of double
compression can’t be the only key to ensure forgery. This brought up the need to develop
techniques that are independent of double compression. The same author [122] developed
an approach that utilized statistics of first digits of quantized DCT coefficients and extract
63-D features, which were fed to the SVM classifier. Focusing on same goal, differences in
DCT energies were computed as MCEA (Motion Compensated Edge Artifact) and plotted
in FFT spectrum. Presence of spikes in the resultant FFT spectrum revealed the presence
of frame insertion/removal forgery. DFT domain was also utilized to detect MCFI based
Frame-rate Up-conversion (FRUC) forgery [107], by analyzing irregularity in the noise level
of frames. Interpolated frames must have lower noise levels relative to other frames, which
can be easily analyzed using high pass filtering.

2.2 Hash-based video forgery detection

Many video forgery detection techniques utilized the concept of hash function wherein,
hash value obtained from specific features of a suspected video was analyzed with respect
Multimedia Tools and Applications

Table 3 DCT or DFT based forgery detection (A: Accuracy, TPR: True Positive Rate, TNR: True Negative

Technique Dataset Results Performance

Periodicity in I frames Two MPEG-1 encoded No quantitative analy- Dependant on number

and prediction error of videos sis of frames tampered
P frames [192] and re-quantization

Gaussian distribution Three MPEG-2 encoded A: 99.4% (q>1.7) A: Performance depends

of DCT coefficients videos 41.2% (1.3<q<1.7) on quantization val-
of I-frames [193] A: 2.5% (q<1.3) ues.

Convex pattern in his- 100 MPEG-2 encoded TPR: 98-100% TNR: Performance depends
togram of DCT coef- videos 93% on output bit rate.
ficients [165] Inefficient for slow

SVM classification 12 videos A: >73% Detected number of

using 63-D features re-compressions. Per-
[122] formance degrades
with increase in

MCEA [50] 4 MPEG-2 video No quantitative analy- Efficient for multiples

sis of sub-GOP deletion

Noise estimation in YUV video sequences A: 100% (in most cases) Proved efficient for
Fourier domain [107] different MCFI meth-
ods Low complexity

to some threshold or original video. Hash value of a video is considered efficient for manip-
ulation detection if it is robust against content-preserving operations [138]. This hashing
can be applied either on each frame individually, termed as frame-based hashing, or on the
whole video, termed as spatio-temporal hashing.
Some of the frame-based hashing techniques developed for video tampering detection
were proposed in [44, 102, 103]. Centroid of Gradient Orientation (CGO) utilized in [102]
was robust against compression and noise but sensitive for innocuous geometrical trans-
formations. Overcoming this, hash value was computed using radial projections [44] and
affine covariance [103]. The former one was claimed robust against rotation while the
later was robust against all geometric or non-geometric transformations. In addition, image
hashing methods [139, 207] can also be utilized for frame-level hashing. Frame-based hash-
ing method does not consider temporal nature of the video, which makes hash value less
sensitive to deliberately performed temporal de-synchronization (Table 4).
Spatio-temporal hashing was found relatively better which focuses on the temporal
nature of a video too. Based on this, one of the researcher computed hash value by apply-
ing any image hashing algorithm on TIRI (Temporally Informative Representative Images)
images [116]. TIRI image is just a representation of the whole video sequence obtained by
the weighted average of luminance values of successive frames. This method was found
robust against noise degradation and contrast enhancement. Another work proposed in
[106] utilized PARAFAC (Parallel Factor Analysis) to derive a hash algorithm, wherein
2-dimensions of the video represent image content while 1-dimension represent temporal
content. This technique was found more robust against content preserving operations like
Multimedia Tools and Applications

Table 4 Hash-based video forgery detection (TPR: True Positive Rate, FRR: False Rejection Rate, FAR:
False Acceptance Rate)

Technique Dataset Results Performance

Hashing on TIRI images Video Traces [155] TPR: 99.2% Robust against noise
[116] degradation and con-
trast enhancement. Not
robust to rotation.

Hashing using multi- Youtube videos Average hash devia- No quantitative analy-
linear subspace pro- tion: 0.2404 (normal- sis.
jection [106] ized)

Hashing using DWT 14 test videos FRR: 1.8% FAR: 1% Not robust against geo-
[151] metric operations like

Multiple level hashing Original: 100 Avg. Precision: 72% Robust against various
using 3D-DWT and Tampered: 100 Avg. Recall: 97.2% inoffensive manipula-
PCET [26] tions. Coarse-to-fine

compression, contrast manipulation, blurring, frame rotation, cropping, scaling or change

in frame rate etc. Later on, DWT [151] was utilized to compute the hash value based on the
fact that video coding based on 3D-DWT exhibits inherent spatio-temporal scalability fea-
ture [1]. To enhance the robustness of hash value with respect to different content preserving
operations, median thresholding was applied.
Not to mention, robustness against mild non-malicious operations and sensitiveness
against illegal manipulations in a particular video are difficult to be fulfilled simultaneously
[149]. To balance this trade-off, a combination of frame-level and spatio-temporal based
hash was proposed in [26] wherein hash value was computed at multiple granularity levels.
At frame sequence level, 3D-DWT was applied to get the lowest frequency sub-band LLL,
and PCET moments were extracted to generate hash for that particular frame sequence.
Here, 3D-DWT captures the spatio-temporal property of video while PCET extracts scaling
and rotation invariant features. Subsequently, at block level, PCET moments of each block
were computed to generate hash values of each annular and angular block. Pixel level hash,
however, corresponds to object location detected using a saliency map.

2.3 Metadata based video forgery detection

Most of the techniques proposed in literature observed anomalies dependant on visual con-
tent. With advancement in technology, visual artifacts in tampered videos have been greatly
lessened which induced the need for a different approach to analyze disruption in video
content. One of the alternatives pursued in [64] examined metadata of the respective video
using multimedia stream descriptors as shown in Table 5. However, ensemble of Random
forest and SVM classifier trained with these descriptors provided best performance.

2.4 Optical flow based video forgery detection

Any variation in the location of object among subsequent frames create velocity vector
corresponding to each pixel. These vectors formulate an optical flow by depicting the
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Table 5 Metadata based video forgery detection (AUC: Area Under Curve)

Technique Dataset Results Performance

Training a binary classifier MFC [61] F1-score: 0.917 Effective if footprints in meta-
using multimedia stream AUC: 0.984 data have not been sanitized.
descriptors [64]

movement of object with respect to an observer/scene. By assuming the brightness con-

stancy constraint of pixels in successive frames, Horn-Shunck [73] and Lucas-Kanade [115]
proposed two different algorithms for optical flow computation. Different variants of opti-
cal flow have been used in different computer vision applications like object tracking [11],
action recognition [136], face recognition [118], motion estimation [171], etc.
In video forensics domain also, optical flow has been used in different ways to detect
forgery in video sequences as demonstrated in Table 6. One of the technique analyzed opti-
cal flow from adjacent frame-pair [23] while the other trained SVM using extracted optical
flow [194]. Besides, authors in [187] utilized Gaussian model to detect discontinuities in
the optical flow which tends to unveil one discontinuity point in case of frame deletion and
two in case of frame insertion and duplication. Beyond detection of frame insertion, frame
removal, and frame duplication, optical flow has also been used for detection of copy-move
forgery [16] in video sequences. The technique [16] extracted particular ROI (Region of
Interest) from a frame, that is supposed to contain large motion. After computing optical
flow of each ROI, the author computed the ratio of optical flow of each frame with its previ-
ous and following frame; this ratio tends to have periodic pattern for the original sequence

Table 6 Optical flow based video forgery detection (P: Precision, A: Accuracy, TPR: True Positive Rate)

Technique Dataset Results Performance

Window and frame- KTH database P: 98% (frame inser- Fast execution. Ineffi-
pair based analysis tion) P: 89% (frame cient for mild tamper-
[23] deletion) ing.

SVM classifier [194] 598 videos from 5 Accuracy: 96.75% Differentiate frame
video datasets insertion and frame
deletion forgery.

Gaussian model [187] MPEG-2 videos A: 90% Limited dataset. Com-

(TRECVID) [180] plex approach.

Autocorrelation REWIND [144] TPR: 85.7% Inaccurate for large

between adjacent SULFA [145] motion videos.
frame’s ROI [16]

GMM (Gaussian Mix- SULFA [145] wisdom A: 83.3% (Detection) Tested on both com-
ture Model) distribu- Weizmann A: 71.8% (Localiza- plex and conventional
tion [154] tion) inpainted videos.

Markov chain statistics GIF and HD720p [41] A: 99.12% Efficient for highly
[47] quantized videos.
Multimedia Tools and Applications

On the other hand, technique proposed in [154] computed optical flow of each frame
with respect to its m successive frames, providing m optical flow matrices for a specific
frame. RMSE of Chi-square value obtained from histograms of these matrices was consid-
ered as distinguishing artifact. Recently, optical flow has also been utilized for the detection
of FRUC forgery in video sequence [47]. The technique computed optical-flow based pre-
diction residual by finding a matched pair for each pixel in adjacent frames. These feature
vectors computed using four different optical flow algorithms were considered as states of
Markov chain and fed to an ensemble classifier.

2.5 Prediction residual based video forgery detection

Prediction residual is the measure of difference between original frame and version of same
predicted from its previous frame. Large value of prediction residual raises inconsistency
among subsequent frames, which may be due to deletion or insertion of frames in-between.
Hence, prediction residual has largely been seen to detect inter-frame video forgery. Most
of the methods proposed using prediction residual have been explained thoroughly in [88];
a handful of techniques described here are demonstrated in Table 7.
In [89], prediction residuals were utilized along with the optical flow for inter-frame
forgery detection. The principle behind this technique was that higher the variation between
prediction residuals or optical flows of the subsequent frames, greater would be the chance
of tampering performed. Similar concept was utilized in [160] where optical flow and pre-
diction residuals were used to analyze irregularities caused by frame insertion/removal and
frame replication respectively. Later on, deblocking filter [74] of H.264/AVC was utilized to
detect the insertion/removal of a particular shot into/from a video sequence. The technique
computed blocking strength to analyze variation in prediction residual.

2.6 ENF (Electrical Network Frequency) based video forgery detection

ENF signals are embedded with video or audio recorded by any system connected to a power
grid, such as surveillance system, which provides variation in the frequency of power supply.
This surveillance feed can be monitored by extracting the time-varying nature of ENF signal
using Fourier Transform spectrum. Until recently, many algorithms have been proposed
to detect forgery in already recorded and stored video files. Real-time frame forgery, as
discussed in Section 1.1.2, can’t afford late detection. ENF provides the capability of instant
detection of malicious manipulation, in surveillance camera, performed on-site. Since ENF
signals extracted from the audio recordings were found more reliable and efficient [58] as
compared to video, the technique proposed in [127] focused on ENF signals from audio

Table 7 Prediction Residual based video forgery detection (AA: Average Accuracy)

Technique Dataset Results Performance

Optical flow gradient CCTV and Mobile AA: 83% Less efficient for highly
and prediction resid- recorded videos illuminated videos.
ual gradient [89]

Optical flow and pre- SULFA [145] TRACES AA: 98.6% Worked well in the pres-
diction residual [160] ence of noise too.

Deblocking filter [74] 14 YUV CIF videos AA: 72% Diverse experimentation.
Multimedia Tools and Applications

Table 8 ENF based video forgery detection

Technique Dataset Results Performance

ENF estimation of audio using Self created No quantitative analysis ENF of video signal can also
FFT [127] be utilized for reliability.

recordings only. This technique extracted ENF signal using Fourier Transform directly from
the power supply; extraction was performed at multiple locations to maintain feasibility.
Raspberry pi model was utilized as an edge device with a sound card inserted in it to record
power and audio signals at the same time for comparison (Table 8).

2.7 Deep learning based video forgery detection

Classification of real and fake videos through machine learning classifier requires man-
ually extracted features for training. These handcrafted features usually become obsolete
over time on the advancement of tampered media. Deep learning classifier, however, extract
features automatically, provided a large amount of data is available for training. Such net-
works learn fine to coarse detail from data with each successive layer. It has set its foot in
almost every impossible field of computer vision like image classification [97, 98], speech
recognition [205], text-to-speech synthesis [125], rainfall estimation [25], autonomous vehi-
cles [177], and many more. Considering its importance, deep neural networks has been
utilized in video forgery detection too [114, 203], as demonstrated in Table 9. The tech-
nique proposed in [114], C2FDCNN6 , detected duplication of frames in video sequence
using two variants of ResNet (I3D and Siamese). I3D network analyzed video sequences
at coarse level by computing distance matrix between overlapping subsequences while the
Siamese network computed frame-to-frame distance matrix of selected frames. Duplication
was detected by comparing the distance with threshold. Meanwhile, another technique [203]
was proposed for detection of computer-generated videos by modifying pre-trained models
of GoogleNet and ResNet7 . In this paper, Q4 and cobalt filters were utilized based on DCT
coefficients and re-quantization errors. Extracted features were fed to networks for training.

2.8 Discussion

Since digital videos are able to provide a valuable evidence in various critical matters,
confirming its authenticity is of utmost importance. Over the years, video content authen-
tication techniques has come a long way from traditional manual feature analysis to deep
learning based automatic feature extraction and from recorded video analysis to on-site
analysis. Digital forensics has gained a lot over the past few years, but the road is still ahead
of us. This section provided a brief of conventional forgery detection approaches. One of
the major shortcoming found in these approaches is the lack of multi-faceted tampering
detector. Forensic researchers should focus on designing a comprehensive forensic system
that can detect tampering regardless of its type. Moreover, video authentication techniques
should also consider the role of audio modality for decision-making. On the other hand,
quality of tampered media is increasing day by day. Along with conventional forgeries,
deepfake forgeries are more prevailing now-a-days which can hinder one’s identity in digital

6 Coarse-to-Fine Deep Convolutional Neural Network

7 Residual Network
Multimedia Tools and Applications

Table 9 Deep learning based video forgery detection (AUC: Area Under Curve)

Technique Dataset Results Performance

Coarse-to-Fine MFC [61] AUC: 98.84% (MFC) Localize tampering.

CNN [114] Self collected AUC: 82.75% (author’s) Focused on frame duplication.
GoogleNet and MFC [61] AUC: 80.6% Frame level annotation of
ResNet [203] InVID [140] (within dataset) frame should be there.
AUC: 64.73%
(Cross dataset)

video. Increasing risk of deepfaking in real-life scenarios has shifted the attention of foren-
sic researchers towards deepfake detection. State-of-art techniques proposed for deepfake
detection are surveyed in next section.

3 State of art in the detection of deepfake video forgery

A wide range of strategies emerged with the inception of AI, which simulates human behav-
ior and thought process by making the AI machine learn through ample amount of data.
Some of the first generation’s AI-based techniques include Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s Siri,
and Pandora’s automated music recommendation service. These AI-based mechanisms are
continuously improving their performance and behavior by learning from new inputs. Addi-
tionally, with the emergence of Google’s Tensorflow, an open-source AI tool for machine
learning and image processing, many unthinkable ventures have been made possible. Deep-
fakes are also a result of AI advancement and defending of deepfakes can also be possibly
done by the same. However, this section puts a light on most of the state-of-art deepfake
detection techniques and datasets built for the same.

3.1 Benchmark datasets for deepfake detection

Various datasets are released in the said domain to evaluate the robustness and generaliza-
tion of proposed techniques on continuously ameliorating deepfakes, progression of which
is shown in Fig. 7. To lessen visual manipulation artifacts in deepfake videos, each dataset
utilized an improved version of generation algorithm relative to previous one as detailed in
Table 10. Face manipulation on FaceForensics dataset performed using computer graphic
techniques, was utilized to evaluate some deepfake detection techniques. Seeing the increas-
ing need for deepfake detection techniques, UADFV, Deepfake-TIMI, and FaceForensics++
datasets were released. These novice datasets suffer from certain limitations being either
small, exhibit visual inconsistencies, or of low quality. Besides this, lack of enough subjects
and content in datasets lead to overfitting of detection model.
Afterwards, Google company contributed to solve this significant problem prevailing in
the society and released a dataset, namedDFD8 (DeepFake Detection Dataset) in collabora-
tion with Jigsaw. Celeb-DF and DeeperForensics further improved the quality, quantity, and
realism of generated deepfaked content. As a result of high demand and risk of these deep-
fakes being misused, Facebook along with other reputed organizations also commenced a

8 This dataset is available as a part of FaceForensics.

Multimedia Tools and Applications

Fig. 7 Evolution of Deepfake Datasets and Detection Techniques (Green boxes represent databases and Red
boxes show techniques that utilized the specified databases)

challenge called DFDC9 and released a dataset for the same. Moreover, to introduce diver-
sity, different perturbations, such as noise, compression, blur etc., are performed on videos
contained in current generation deepfake datasets. Best performed techniques, submitted in
DFDC, for deepfake detection are reported in [48].

3.2 Facial manipulation detection

Facial manipulation is usually performed either by swapping a face with another person,
manipulating facial attributes or expressions of the target person as discussed in Section 1.2.
To detect facial manipulation, different ways proposed by researchers are classified here
with respect to the technique utilized ranging from handcrafted features training to smart
contract embedding as demonstrated in Tables 11, 12, 13 and 14.

3.2.1 Handcrafted features for deepfake detection

In mid-2018, during first generation of deepfake videos, it was realized that DNN10 based
face mapping, even at fine level, could not generate every facial feature much realistic. Con-
sidering the fact that a normal person blink 17 times per minute11 and eyes remain close

9 DeepFake Detection Challenge

10 Deep Neural Network
11 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9399231.
Table 10 Deepfake video datasets for evaluating deepfake detection techniques (LQ: Low Quality, HQ: High Quality)

Dataset Tampering PerformedTechnique Utilized Forged Videos Real VideosOriginal Video DatasetTotal pertur- Utilized SubjectsBest per-
bations formed

UADFV Deepfake FakeApp 49 49 CEW - 49 [55]

Deepfake-TIMIT Face Swap Faceswap-GAN 320 (LQ) 320 (HQ)320 VidTIMIT - 32 [84]
Face Forensics++ Face Swap Self-designed (CG) 1000 1000 Youtube (news 2 Not disclosed [3, 31, 55, 99]
anchor, face videos)
Face reenactment Face2Face (CG) 1000
Face reenactment Neural Texture Model (GAN) 1000
Face Swap DeepFake Model (Autoencoder)1000
Google DFD DeepFake Improved DF Model 3068 363 Paid actors - 28 [206]
Celeb-DF Face Swap Self-designed 5639 590 Youtube - 59 [31, 157]
Deeper Forensics-1.0Many-to-many face DeepFake VAE 10000 50000 Paid actors 35 100 [206]
DFDC Face Swap DFAE (128L) DFAE(256L) 100000 19154 Paid actors 19 960 [84, 126]
MM/NN face swap Neural
talking head FSGAN STYLE-
Audio Swap TTS

(Best performed techniques are elaborated later in this paper)

Multimedia Tools and Applications
Multimedia Tools and Applications

Table 11 Handcrafted features for Deepfake Detection (AUC: Area Under Curve, A: Accuracy)

Technique Dataset xResults Performance

CNN with LRCN CEW [162] and self cre- AUC: 99% Future deepfakes coun-
[109] ated ter the effect of this sig-

CNN and LSTM [65] HOHA [100] (Real videos) A: >97% Different attacks must
Randomly collected (Deep- be analyzed to increase
fake videos) robustness.

CNN (ResNet and FaceForensics++ [148] A: 96.9% (DF) Tested on front face
DenseNet) and RNN A: 94.35% (F2F) videos only. Limited
[150] A: 96.3% (FS) videos; a multi-
recurrence model can’t
be applied.

SVM with facial land- Created dataset (UADFV) AUROC: 86.65% Not suitable if deep-
marks [201] MFC [61] fakes are advanced.

MLP and Logistic CelebA [113] ProGAN AUC: 86.6% Dataset dependant
Regression trained [79] Glow [86]
using different set
of features [120]

CNN trained using FaceForensics++ [148] A: 81.61% (VGG16) Less accurate.

optical flows [8] A: 75.46% (ResNet50)

Train SVM, LR and CelebA [113] DFD [51] A: 100% (High reso- Lesser amount of data
K-means using Fourier lution images) A: 91% required. Effective only
transform features [53] (low resolution videos) for high resolution

Frequency Analysis [92] FF++ [148] Celeb-DF A: 85.24% A: 66.50% Visualized Activation
[110] Maps.

ResNet-18 models on FaceForensics [147] A: 96.75% More efficient for un-

local face regions [99] compressed videos.

Face X-ray [105] Training data: FaceForen- AUC:> 98% (known Dependant on blending
sics++ [148] DFD [51] data) AUC:>80% artifacts. Effective for
DFDC [49] (unknown data) high resolution videos.

Analysis of convolu- Authentic data: CELEBA Maximum A: 90.22% Dependant on kernel

tional traces [63] Tampered data: STYLEGAN (5-NN) size Not evaluated on
[80] (9999) STYLEGAN2 benchmark datasets.
[81] (3000) Author created
data using: STAR-GAN [34]
(5648) ATTGAN [70] (6005)
GDWCT [32] (3369)

Detected traces of up- Faces-HQ a CelebA [113] A: 100% A: 100% A: Possible to conceal this
convolution [52] FaceForensics++ [148] 90% generator’s limitation in
future deepfakes.
Multimedia Tools and Applications

Table 11 (continued)

Technique Dataset xResults Performance

Optical flow based FF++ [148] A: 97% Inefficient cross forgery

CNN [20] performance.
Eye-gaze tracking [45] FF++ [148] Celeb-DF [110] A: 89.79% A: 88.35% Not generalized.
DFD [51] A: 80%
Eyebrow matching Celeb-DF [110] AUC: 87.9% May not be effective for
[131] long-term.
LBP+HRNet [83] Celeb-DF [110] DFDC-P [49] A: 86% A: 76.8% Used fine-tuning for

a Download from: https://cutt.ly/6enDLYG

for a period of 0.1-0.4 seconds per blink12 , irregular blinking was earlier considered as a
deepfake detector [109]. This detection was performed using VGG-16 variant of CNN13 at
frame level along with an LRCN14 at temporal level. Here, CNN detected eye-state (open
or closed) in individual frames while LRCN compared the same with neighboring frames.
A similar perspective was followed in [65] to exploit features at frame level and scene level
using CNN and LSTM15 respectively. CNN was trained to exploit any inconsistency that
prevails along the boundary of swapped face with respect to its surroundings. In contrast,
LSTM exploited inconsistency, say illumination variation and flickering, between faces
in subsequent frames. Features of each frame extracted from CNN were concatenated to
provide an input to LSTM for temporal comparison.
Most of the deepfake methods proposed earlier were able to detect video forgery only if
the person is facing towards the camera, making the technique inefficient in case of differ-
ent face alignments. To cope with it, different alignments of face were analyzed to detect
deepfake forgery [150]. These alignment features were extracted by applying CNN vari-
ants (ResNet and DenseNet), which were fed into RNN for temporal analysis. Moreover,
this model extracted features at the micro, meso, and macro level which was made possible
through DenseNet. Another technique [201] extracted facial landmarks from video to ana-
lyze the 3-D head pose of a person. Then, SVM classifier was trained with these landmark
features extracted from real and deepfake videos. Meanwhile, facial reenactment detection
technique [120] based on three different classifiers was proposed. These classifiers were
trained using three different sets of facial features; color difference in left and right eye, a
combination of inconsistent eye and teeth details, and a combination of irregular face and
nose border. However, a combination of eye-teeth and face-nose features provided efficient
This goal was further pursued in [8] by analyzing optical flow of concerned video
sequence to exploit inter-frame dissimilarities. Since deepfaking is performed on each
face/frame individually, deepfaked face among subsequent frames may have subtle motion
discontinuity. Optical flow was supposed to uncover this unusual lip, eye, and face
movements in deepfaked video. Here, CNN based PWC-Net followed by Flow-CNN
(semi-trainable) was utilized for the purpose. Researchers made use of a transfer learning

12 http://bionumbers.hms.harvard.edu/bionumber.aspx?id=100706&ver=0.
13 CNN:Convolutional Neural Network
14 LRCN: Long-Term Recurrent CNN, a combination of CNN and LSTM
15 LSTM: Long Short Term Memory
Multimedia Tools and Applications

Table 12 Deep neural networks for Deepfake Detection (AUC: Area Under Curve, A: Accuracy, DR:
Detection Rate)

Technique Dataset Results Performance

Meso-4 and FaceForensics [147] DR: 98% (Deepfake) Analysis at meso-scopic

MesoInception-4 [2] and self-created DR: 95% (Face2Face) level

Capsule Network [130] Face Swap [2], Face A: 97% Analyzed in the presence
reenactment [147], of noise. Tested on many
replay attaked [30] attacks. Frame level analy-
videos sis.

Attention layer with UADFV Celeb-DF A: 99.64% Diverse variety of deep-

deep network [164] faked videos.

Fake Detection Fine- Celc ebA [113] AUC: 97.02% Claimed to detect unseen
tuning Network [76] PGGAN [79] data.
Deepfake [147, 148]

Hierarchical Memory FaceForensics [147] A: 98.75% (Known Provide good results on

Network [57] FaceForensics++ data) A: 85.33% compressed data. Able to
[148] FFW [85] (Unknown data) generalize to unseen data.

FakeSpotter [189] FaceForensics++ A: 98.5% A: 66.8% Performance of layers

[148] Celeb-DF [110] A: 68.2% dependant on the data-
DFDC [49] sets and Face Recongnition

Triplet Network using Celeb-DF [113] Face- AUC: 92.9% Still to be tested on current
XceptionNet, RNN and Forensics++ [148] generation deepfakes.
3-D convolution [96]

EfficientNet-b4 (end- Images from: Face- Using ensemble: A: Similar frames from
to-end and siamese Forensics++ [148] 94.4% A: 87.82% videos for training may
training) [17] DFDC [48] lead to overfitting. Large
amount of training data
but not good performance.

Adaptive Residual Fake faces generated A: 93.99% (Average) Less generalizable. Not
Extraction Network using: PGGAN [79] much efficient for Face-
(ARENnet) [66] StyleGAN [80] Glow Forensics++ dataset. Need
[86] Face2Face [147] to evaluate on current gen-
StarGAN [34] eration deepfakes.

Contrastive Learning FF++ [148] UADFV A: 99.9% Need triplet pair.

[55] [201] Celeb-DF [113]

Convolutional Vision FF++ [148] UADFV A: 71.8% A: 93.75% Good accuracy on DFDC
Transformer [198] [201] DFD [51] A: 91% A: 91.5%
DFDC [48]

technique on some part of network and fine-tuned the rest. Later on, other technique [53]
utilized frequency domain analysis wherein 2-D representation of FFT spectrum of images
was transformed to 1-D. These reduced feature vectors were inputted to Logistic Regres-
sion, SVM, and K- means classifier individually. Following similar approach, authors of
Multimedia Tools and Applications

Table 12 (continued)

Technique Dataset Results Performance

Multi-scale FF++ [148] Celeb-DF A: 99.5% A: 95.5% Need to evaluate on

transformer [186] [113] advanced deepfakes.

FAb-Net with ResNet WLDR FaceForen- A: 94.14% Low performance on

(Behavioural features) sics++ [148] DFD advanced deepfakes.
VGG-16 (Appearance [51] DFDC-P [49]
features) [3] Celeb-DF [110]

ID-matching [42] FF++ [148] Celeb-DF A: 85% A: 65% Less efficient on face
[113] DFD [51] A: 80% re-enactment deepfake.

Automatic Face DFDC [48] A: 92.61% Inefficient for low-

Weighting [126] quality videos.

Capsule Network and DFDC [48] A: 83.42% Tested on self-created

LSTM [121] AUC: 91.15% deepfakes also. Unable
to outperform Xcep-

2-branch Bi-LSTM FaceForensics++ A: 93.18% A: 73.41% Inefficient on advanced

network [119] [148] Celeb-DF [113] deepfakes.

Conv-LSTM Residual FF++ [148] DFD [51] A: > 96% Need to evaluate on
Network [173] advanced deepfakes.

LipForensics [67] Celeb-DF [113] FF++ A: 87.7% Perform only if mouth

[148] DFDC [48] is altered.
Deeper-Forensics [77]

3D-CNN [133] FF++ [148] DF-TIMIT A: 99.33% A: 99.2% Need to evaluate on cur-
[94] rent generation deep-

Y-shaped FaceForensics [147] A: 83.71% (Classi- Can deal with unseen

auto-encoder [129] FaceForensics++ fication) A: 93.01% attacks Require testing
[148] (Localization) on compressed videos

FakeLocator [75] CelebA [113] FFHQ A: 99.85% (Maximum) Generalization applica-

[80] bility for short term.

Audio-Visual disso- DFDC [48] DeepFake- AUC: 91.5% Only audio-exhibiting

nance based model TIMIT [94] AUC: 96.5% video sequences can be
[36] evaluated. May provide
false detection for non-
synchronizing audio
and video.

Pixel Region Rela- FF++ [148] Celeb-DF A: 90.18% 99.80% Very few epochs.
tion Network [157] [113] DFDC-P [49] 97.78%

Emotion modality DFDC [48] AUC: 84.4% Need to train real video
from audio-visual DeepFake-TIMIT AUC: 95.6% and its deepfake in pair.
cues [124] [94] Emotion features are
Multimedia Tools and Applications

Table 12 (continued)

Technique Dataset Results Performance

Face and context dis- FF++ [148] Celeb-DF A: 75.0% A: 66.0% Need to evaluate on
crepancies [135] [113] advanced deepfakes.

Invariant Texture FF++ [148] Celeb-DF AUC: 86.4% Considered only face
Learning [168] [113] replacement dataset.

Patch-wise inconsis- FF++ [148] DFD [51] AUC: 99.79% Not much efficient for
tency [206] Celeb-DF [113] DFDC AUC: 99.07% advanced deepfakes.
[48] Deeper-Forensics AUC: 94.165%
[77] AUC: 67.53%
AUC: 99.41%

Inconsistency FF++ [148] A: 87.3% Need to evaluate on

between 3D facial advanced deepfakes.
shape and facial
appearance [62]

One Class VAE [82] FaceForensics++ A: 88.28% (Average) Best performance on

[148] DFD [51] Neural Textured data.
Not evaluated on cur-
rent generation deep-

Multiple-instance DFDC [48] Celeb A: 85.11% A: 98.84% Robust to compres-

learning [108] [113] FFPMS (from A: 84.28% sion. Focus on par-
FF++) tially attacked videos.

Transfer Learning FF++ [148] Deepfakes A: 99.8% A: 89.49% Fine-tuning for gen-
based AutoEncoders in the wild eralizability seems
[101] impractical.

Ensemble [84] Deepfake-TIMIT [94] A: 99.68% A: 96.50% Not much efficient for
DFDC [48] high resolution deep-
fake videos.

Table 13 Biological Signals for Deepfake Detection (AUC: Area Under Curve, A: Accuracy)

Technique Dataset Results Performance

Analysis of heart rate [39] Deepfakes, A: 77.33% (Deep- Robust against com-
FaceForensics [147] fake) A: 82.55% pression and illumi-
(FaceForensics) nation. Complex tech-
nique. Manual feature
NeuralODE trained Deepfake-TIMI [94] Loss: 3.11% New dataset gener-
using heart rate [56] Deepfake created ated No quantitave
from: COHFACE analysis.
Convolutional Atten- Celeb-DF [113] A: 98.7% A: 94.4% Inefficient results in
tion Network [72] DFDC-P [49] externally illuminated
Spatio-temporal FF++ [148] A: 98% A: 64.1% Inefficient for current
attention [146] DFDC-P [49] generation deepfakes.
Multimedia Tools and Applications

Table 14 Blockchaining smart contract for Deepfake Detection (AUC: Area Under Curve, A: Accuracy)

Technique Dataset Results Performance

History tracking using Deepfakes Not implemented yet Can ensure integrity, non-
block chaining [68] repudiation and authoriza-
tion. Need to automate this

[92] also extract frequency domain features of facial regions using Global DCT (GDCT)
and train a 3-layer CNN based classifier on extracted data.
Later on, an approach [99] proposed for facial re-enactment detection analyzed local
artifacts from each face region that were supposed to be suppressed in case of highly com-
pressed faces. It was performed by training five ResNet-18 (Residual Network) models in
parallel; four with different face regions, and one with the whole face. ResNet-18 model
was chosen because of its robustness against highly compressed videos. In addition, a new
loss function was designed to avoid bias towards any of the five models, which eventu-
ally ameliorated the performance of proposed model. Performance of most of deepfake
detection models depends on data with which it is trained and thereby can’t generalize on
unseen data. Considering the generalization objective, researchers started focusing on the
methodology being adopted to generate deepfakes. It was realized that most of the deepfake
generators don’t efficiently blend the target face onto the source frame. Thereby, the bound-
ary of blended part of an image was exploited, using Face X-ray [105], which was supposed
to be present only in fake videos. However, the utilized model HRNet required both manip-
ulated image and its real version for generating a mask. As claimed more generalizable, this
completely different approach reported good performance on both seen and unseen data.
By analyzing different artifacts for deepfaked media detection, it can’t be denied that
fake media synthesizers left its footprints in synthesized content. Thereby, local correlation
of pixels in AI-generated image is said to be dependant on operations performed by layers
in deepfake generator. These pixels get correlated when the same kernel (of varying sizes)
gets convolved with different regions of image. Based on this belief, this pixel’s relationship
was captured using EM algorithm in [63]. Different classifiers (K-NN, SVM, LDA) were
trained with feature vector obtained using EM algorithm to differentiate authentic images
from forged ones. Instead, other researchers [52] discovered that every kind of synthesizer
either GAN or VAE16 utilizes up-sampling to increase resolution. Use of convolution up-
sampling causes distortions in high-frequency distribution of synthesized data which can be
analyzed by DFT spectrum of the suspected face. They also proposed to use large kernels
for generator convolutions and also spectral regularization to make generation procedure
much stable.
Recently, some researchers train CNN with normalized optical flows extracted from indi-
vidual frames [20]. Some state-of-art approaches focused on specific part of face such as
eye-gaze [45] and eyebrow [131] to determine the presence of deepfake. To track eye-gaze
[45], authors extracted eye landmarks using OpenFace [14] and performed visual, geomet-
ric, temporal, spectral and metric analysis. Extracted features were fed into 3-layer dense
network for training. On the other hand, for eyebrow recognition [131], four deep models
were employed i.e. LightCNN, Resnet, DenseNet and SqueezeNet. Since deepfaking pro-
cedure tends to disrupt texture consistency, LBP (Local Binary Pattern) based histogram

16 VAE: Variational AutoEncoder

Multimedia Tools and Applications

combined with HRNet extracted features were utilzed for deepfake detection [83]. Here,
Capsule based network performed classification.
Contrary to said detectors, authors of [190] claimed easy detection of CNN generated
images, provided pre-processing, post-processing, and augmentations of training data is
carefully performed. From high-pass filtered frequency spectra of each image, they ana-
lyzed that spectra of deepfaked images share a common periodic pattern. But this artifact
keeps on curbing for continuously evolving GAN synthesizers and can’t even be visual-
ized for current deepfakes. Thereby, it would not be feasible to depend on visual artifacts or
generator specific artifacts for deepfake detection.

3.2.2 Deep neural networks for Deepfake Detection

Since handcrafted features often become obsolete over-time, especially in the case of rapidly
evolving quality of deepfakes, letting these trained through a deep network for deepfake
detection is of no use. Deep learning researchers developed different variants of deep
networks that analyze distinguishing features automatically. Some of the best performed
models are demonstrated in Fig. 8. Meso-4 and MesoInception-4, proposed in [2], analyzed
mesoscopic properties of individual frames for deepfake forgery detection using different
sized kernels. Here, Meso-4 network utilized four convolution layers with max-pooling and
two fully connected layers with a dropout of 0.5. MesoInception-4 model, on the other hand,
utilized the inception module in place of four convolution layers of Meso-4.
Meanwhile, Capsule network [130] was utilized for the detection of swapped face in
video sequence. Due to their hierarchical nature, capsule networks are able to learn orien-
tation and relationship between different parts of an image. This network was built using
three primary capsules and two output capsules to differentiate the real image from fake
one. Here, primary capsules were trained using features extracted by VGG-19 network.
This technique was also found good to detect replay attack, face reenactment and computer-
generated content collected from different datasets. To further improve deepfake detection
performance, attention-based layer was utilized in a variant of DNN [164] to emphasize
most informative facial regions. In addition, a new dataset, DFFD (Diverse Fake Face
Dataset), was also introduced by authors after collecting diverse variety of content from
FFHQ [80], CelebA [113], and FaceForensics++ [148]. Some deepfake videos were created
by manipulating facial attributes using FaceApp and StarGAN [33] and by manipulating the
entire face using PGGAN17 [79] and StyleGAN [80]. Using XceptionNet [35] as a backend
to attention layer, the network provided a best accuracy of 99.64% on the collected dataset.
Detection of GAN-generated fake images and videos became quite more challenging
with the release of few-shot learning technique [167], which can generate more realistic fake
images using small amount of data. In view of this, a robust neural network- Fake Detection
Fine-tuning Network (FDFtNet) [76] was proposed that make use of Fine-Tune Transformer
(FTT) for feature extraction. In spite of good performance with lesser data, the technique
proposed in [164] was found comparatively better in terms of accuracy and dataset quality.
On the contrary, social perception and cognition of human brain inspired some
researchers to utilize memory networks to analyze visual cues stored in neural memories
to reason the face and predict its future embeddings. Neuro-scientific researchers claimed
the occurrence of uncanny valley effect in the human brain, on observing faces that lack

17 Progressive Growing GAN

Multimedia Tools and Applications

(a) Automatic Face Weighting [127] (b) Fine-Tuning Network [77]

(c) Audio-Visual Dissonance Features [37] (e) Triplet Network [97]

(d) Appearance and Behavior Features [4] (f) One-Class VAE [83]

Fig. 8 Best performed models for Deepfake Detection

natural emotions and social presence [196]. Considering this, a Hierarchical Memory Net-
work (HMN) [57] was designed combined with a multi-task learning approach to make the
detector more infallible relative to the human brain. The technique provided relatively good
results on highly compressed videos and images.
Afterward, FakeSpotter [189], assigned the task of spotting deepfakes onto the network
itself and monitored neuron activation’s behavior of any Face Recognition system. Since
each layer plays its own role in learning input representations, activated neurons from each
layer were tracked and fed into a shallow network. State of activated neurons was captured
by feeding input images to VGG-Face and ResNet50 networks. Along with benchmark
datasets, performance was also evaluated on fake faces created using the latest GAN’s [81,
111] but was not found much efficient. Considering the performance of XcpetionNet, RNN,
and 3D-Convolution, a triplet network was proposed [96] for deepfake detection. Triplet
loss function, as described in (1), utilized for the triplet combination network ensures that
embeddings of the fake face and pristine face remain well separated. In (1), p represents
predicted output for anchor image (a), positive sample (p) and negative sample (n) with
m being a hyperparameter. Due to its efficient detection on highly compressed videos, the
technique has been claimed fruitful for authenticating media shared on internet too. Despite
good results, the technique needs to be tested on more advanced deepfakes containing less
visual artifacts.
L = max(|p(a) − p(p)|2 − |p(a) − p(n)|2 + m, 0) (1)
Focusing on same goal, a group of developers proposed a modified version of
EfficientNet-b4 [172] by employing an attention module [17]. Attention mechanism drove
Multimedia Tools and Applications

the model towards explainable AI by focusing on relevant parts of the frame. In addition,
both end-to-end and siamese training strategies were adopted for training a model, result-
ing in four variants of the proposed model. EfficientNet-b4 (basic) and EfficientNet-b4Att
(including attention layer) were trained using end-to-end approach while EfficientNet-
b4ST and EfficientNet-b4AttST were trained using siamese strategy. To highlight tampering
traces in fake images, ARENnet (Adaptive Residuals Extraction Network) [66] was pro-
posed that employed AREN as a pre-processing block for CNN based detector. AREN was
designed to predict image residuals that subtract the original image from the predicted fea-
ture map of image which eventually force CNN to learn features from manipulation traces.
The technique was evaluated on diverse variety of fake face images18 .
Afterwards, researchers in [55] leveraged contrastive learning of modified Xception-
Net architecture differentiate deepfaked images from pristine ones. Training utilized triplet
loss function to minimize anchor-positive difference and maximize anchor-negative differ-
ence. Leveraging deep learning benefits, one of the approach [198] utilized transformer
based model with stack of convolution layers as feature extractor. Features extracted from
face images were fed into transformer, which consists of encoder, for classification. Since
transformers are able to capture long-term information, some other scientists also pro-
posed a Multi-modal Multi-scale Transformer (M2TR) [186] to detect local inconsistency
amongst different patches. To improve robustness of proposed model, M2TR takes fusion
of frequency and RGB features.
Spatio-Temporal Analysis While detecting manipulation in video sequences, analysis of
temporal behavior along with spatial one always pays well. Based on this, an appearance
and behavioral-biometrics based model [3] was utilized to capture facial expressions and
head movements of a person in the video along with static facial features. Facial Attributes-
Net (FAb-Net) [197] extracted facial movement and expression’s features, that were made
identity-specific by training ResNet-101 architecture. On the other hand, appearance fea-
tures were captured using VGG-16 [141]. The video was classified real if appearance and
behavioral features output similar identities and fake otherwise. Another identity specific
deepfake detection architecture was proposed in [42] which train Temporal-ID network
using real facial biometrics. This network was then utilized to extract 128-D embeddings
of real images or 3DMM generated images, which would be compared with previously
recorded data to identify deepfaking.
Another approach [126] leveraged EfficientNet-b5 [172] (initialized with ImageNet
weights) and bi-directional GRU19 for spatial and temporal analysis. The model also
employed an AFW (Automatic Face Weighting) layer to provide weightage to features
extracted by EfficientNet with respect to their relevance. Here, researchers employed three
different loss functions; i) angular margin loss for EfficientNet to increase inter-class dif-
ference and reduce the intra-class difference, ii) binary cross-entropy loss for AFW layer
to emphasize most informative face regions, iii) binary cross-entropy loss for GRU that
combined logits, weights and features of each frame of a video to make prediction. Apart
from these, author also employed different mechanisms to prevent the network from being
overconfident of its predictions.
Similar to this, one of the approaches [121] utilized VGG-16 based Capsule networks
with LSTM for spatial and temporal analysis of video sequences. Although the model was

18 https://github.com/EricGzq/Hybrid-Fake-Face-Dataset
19 Gated Recurrent Unit
Multimedia Tools and Applications

not found much efficient for DFDC dataset as compared to XceptionNet, it has less com-
putational complexity. Later on, a two-branch recurrent network [119] was proposed for
deepfake detection. One branch analyzed color domain features while the other focused on
amplifying manipulation artifacts using LoG. Combined features from both branches were
used to train Bi-LSTM to detect whether a video sequence is fake or real.
Meanwhile, authors of [173] stated that there may be discrepancies among face regions of
consecutive frames due to variation in brightness/contrast and size of facial parts. Owing to
the fact, they proposed a conv-lstm based residual network (CLRNet). Though the technique
showed good generalization ability but performed transfer learning for the same. Since lip-
shape tends to exhibit unnatural fluctuations due to deepfaking, a spatio-temporal based
network, LipForensics [67], was proposed to detect deepfake. The proposed network was
pre-trained for the task of lip-reading first. Only temporal network (Multi Scale Temporal
Convolutional Network) was fine-tuned for deepfake detection. Moreover, a simple 3D-
CNN based model was utilized in [133] to analyze spatio-temporal features for deepfaked
video detection.

Localizing Deepfake Detection Along with the detection of deepfaking in multimedia,

some researchers also focused on localizing deepfaked regions. One such approach lever-
aged a Y-shaped auto-encoder [129] trained in semi-supervised manner. The primary goal of
Y-shaped decoder was to perform multi-task learning by segmenting tampered parts using
one branch and outputting probability of image spoofing using another. Both branches were
made to share their information after each cycle to improve the overall performance. Fine-
tuning the auto-encoder with small amount of data further improved performance. Since
auto-encoder has ability to cop with unseen attacks, the proposed method was claimed to be
Later on, pursuing a similar goal, a group of researchers developed an approach named
FakeLocator [75] which analyzed fake texture produced due to upsampling step in GAN.
Here, semantic segmentation encoder-decoder architecture was utilized in contrast to [164],
wherein small attention maps and incomplete segmentation were not able to point out a fake
region. In simple words, a gray-level fakeness prediction map was generated for localizing
fake regions by incorporating an attention layer between encoder-decoder architecture. For
better generalization, network was trained with diverse variety of deepfakes generated using
different GANs. Some researchers utilized dissonance between speech and visual modal-
ities as a detection artifact and proposed a multimodal architecture [36]. This bi-stream
network employed 3D-ResNet architecture for visual stream whilst 6-layer CNN model for
audio stream. To enforce audio-visual consistency, authors leveraged contrastive loss that
effectuated audio-specific and visual specific streams to tie-up. Final loss is combination
of binary cross-entropy losses from both streams and contrastive loss, as described by (2).
This equation iterates over a number of videos,n where pi is the prediction for video i and
ai is the actual output. However, piv and pia represents labels predicted by video and audio
stream respectively. The author also performed temporal localization to determine which
frames are tampered, using Grad-CAM [156].

n n
L = [ [(ai )(di2 ) + (1 − ai )max(m − di , 0)2 ] − [(ai ) log piv
i=1 i=1

+(1 − ai ) log(1 − piv )] − [(ai ) log pia + (1 − ai ) log(1 − pia )]] (2)
Multimedia Tools and Applications

Content Discrepancies Most of the time, deepfakes has been detected by exploiting dis-
similarity or irregularity among content be it audio or video, shape or appearance, behaviour
or appearance, fluctuated lip movement. One such approach, proposed in [157], analyzed
pixel-wise and region-wise similarity. To perform this, pretrained network, HRNet [166],
extracted features in different resolutions. After analyzing pixel-wise similarity through
extracted features, all features are fused through spatial attention mechanism to classify
manipulated region. Another approach, followed in [124], analyzed the similarity between
audio and visual cues with respect to human emotion. Siamese based network architec-
ture [19] with modified triplet loss trained a pair of real video along with its deepfake
and provided feature vectors for emotion and modality embedding. As deepfake methods
only effect the internal part of face while rest (head, neck, hair) remains unaffected, some
researchers analyzed discrepancies among internal face region and its context for deepfake
detection [135]. After segmenting facial part and its context using U-Net, two face recog-
nition networks were trained to compute identity embeddings. Comparison of two identity
vectors from face and context would determine the presence of tampering.
Meanwhile, deepfake researchers exposed the violation in texture regularity of differ-
ent facial regions which usually result in high frequency signals. Thereby, they proposed
an Invariant Texture Learning Framework (InTeLe) [168] which comprises of an encoder
(EfficientNet-b5) and a pair of decoders (U-Net [112]) to study this texture invariance. Since
deepfaking cause blending of patches from multiple sources causing inconsistency among
different patches of face, patch-wise consistency learning is utilized in [206]. The proposed
model utilized ResNet-34 as backend and compared all possible local patches. Recently,
another approach [62] analyzed the inconsistency between facial appearance and facial
shape of deepfaked faces. The technique utilized 3DMM (3D morphable model) for cap-
turing facial shape information which was compared with facial shape template registered
through appearance features. Comparison was done using Mahalanobis distance.

One Class Learning It is pertinent that deep network variants require large amount of
training data to make it able to distinguish pristine videos from tampered ones. Collecting
large amount of manipulated sequences generated by diverse variety of deepfake genera-
tors is much cumbersome, and may become obsolete with the arrival of a new synthesis
tool. Owing to the problem, a new perspective was followed in [82] by utilizing only real
images(one class) to train a deepfake detector which would treat deepfaked images as
anomalies. For this, researchers developed two varaints of variational auto-encoders (VAE).
One model is similar to the original VAE [87] with one encoder followed by a decoder
that differentiated fake and real videos by computing RMSE between original input to the
encoder and reconstructed output from the decoder. By inserting an additional encoder at
the end of first model, another model was proposed which computed RMSE between first
encoder’s input and second encoder’s output. Here, second encoder was supposed to extract
more efficient features from a reconstructed image if the image is real but the same is not
possible from non-real faces. To train this network, a novel loss function was proposed as
described in (3). Here, first term demonstrates KL-Divergence while second term is the
RMSE between input and output.
L = DKL [N (μ(x), σ (x)), N (0, I )] + |X − p(d)| (3)
Apart from these deepfake detection techniques, there is a need to focus on multi-face
videos/frames which may contain real and fake faces simultaneously. The first paper that
addressed this problem utilized a multiple-instance learning (MIL) [108], wherein faces and
video were treated as instances and bag respectively. This MIL model was trained to predict
Multimedia Tools and Applications

a bag label based on spatial and temporal embeddings of different instances present in the
bag. Pretrained XcpetionNet was utilized for spatial feature extraction. Since new deepfake
generation methods are continuously emerging, it is important to develop a network that can
cope with future deepfakes also. Owing to this issue, a new forensic framework [101] was
developed by deepfake researchers based on encoder-decoder architecture. After training
the proposed model on one type of deepfake, the idea is to fine-tune the same on few frames
of new generation deepfakes. Though fine-tuning seems impractical for real-life scenarios,
it can work well even if small amount of data is available. A completely different approach
[84] utilized an ensemble of VGG16, IncpetionV3 and XceptionNet for the task of deepfake
detection. Ensemble model helps to protect against adversarial attack.

3.2.3 Biological signals for deepfake detection

Almost every technique proposed in literature depends on facial features of a person present
in video; this constraint made every technique dependant on video content. Contrary to
this, another technique [39] exploited heart rate of a person which was not supposed to
be replicated efficiently in the fake video. This heart rate was extracted using PPG (Pho-
toPlethysmoGraphy) signal, through six facial features, that is more robust in dynamic
scenarios as compared to other signals. Later on, it was analyzed that prediction of heart rate
using PPG from video is somewhat complex and time-consuming. In view of this, Neural
ODE (Neural Ordinary Differential Equations) [28], which is supposed to model time series
data of heart rate, was utilized for heart rate prediction to detect deepfaked videos [56].
Here, Neural ODE was trained using blood flow caused skin-color variation, forehead’s
optical intensity, and temporal changes in color.
Motivated by biological signals, some other researchers leveraged convolutional net-
work with attention mechanism (CAN) [72], already pretrained based on rPPG (remote
PPG) features for heart rate estimation. CAN is composed of two parallel CNN’s which
tends to exploit spatial and temporal information from suspected video. Meanwhile, another
approach focused on analyzing heartbeat rhythms using a similar spatio-temporal-attention
concept. Rather than raw faces, motion magnified spatio-temporal (MMST) representa-
tions were used to train spatial and temporal networks which outputs spatial and temporal
attention respectively. Final classification was done by training ResNet18 with attentional
MMST map.

3.2.4 Blockchaining smart contract

Haya and khaled provided a new way [68] to combat deepfake videos that, rather than ana-
lyzing video content, created a smart contract, called Ethereum smart contract for every
video on its creation. Smart contract provides an ability to each video to be traced back to its
original source. The proposed system was named as decentralized PoA (Proof of Authen-
ticity) system which utilized blockchaining to provide details of transactions performed on
data. According to this technique, metadata associated with a video contains the address of
smart contract and its creator which would be stored in IPFS (InterPlanetary File System).
IPFS, in return, generates a unique hash value for each video that serves as an address of
files and metadata of the respective video. Any post-production manipulation on video will
require the source’s permission and if permission granted, create a child contract linked to
a parent contract using blockchain. This technique has not been implemented yet but may
be able to work well on deepfake videos. If automated, it will be able to ensure integrity,
non-repudiation, and authorization of any type of digital content.
Multimedia Tools and Applications

To conclude, it is important to note that technology can do both good and evil, so as deep-
fakes. In spite of using deepfake technology to create inappropriate content and infringe
privacy rights, it can be used as a face de-identification method to protect privacy in various
medical and other private issues. In contrast to previous face de-identification methods like
masking, blurring, or pixelize face, deepfakes have been proved to retain original face infor-
mation [208]. Despite this, the risk of misusing the identity of any person by deepfaking
it on another person is increasing day-by-day with improvements in previous techniques.
Various deep learning techniques have been developed for spotting deepfaked images and
videos but the generalizing ability of most of the techniques is questionable. If one depends
on the training dataset utilized [169], the other technique developed to counter this depen-
dency becomes dependant on blending artifacts [105]. Though some approaches were tried
to improve the performance on unknown data [57, 75, 82, 85, 189] but requires more
focus. Moreover, most of the techniques were evaluated on early generation deepfakes,
which exhibit easily-recognizable visual inconsistencies. These techniques should also be
evaluated on more advanced deepfaked datasets, DeeperForensics-1.0 [77] and DFDC con-
taining diverse variety of videos with much realistic fake content. In view of the state, some
researchers also tried to defend against deepfake attacks [68]. But, it requires specialized
devices and software that can’t be made available to everyone. In the wake of improving
deepfake attacks, such defense procedures would not be fruitful for long-term.

3.3 Lip-sync deepfake detection

Unlike deepfaking the whole face, lip-sync deepfakes require only mouth and lip area to
be manipulated as discussed in Section 1.2. Analysis of facial features or face alignment
can’t possibly detect lip-sync deepfake where only lip movement was adjusted with respect
to a specific audio clip. The idea of lip-sync deepfake detection was raised in [5] where
along with other facial features for face swap detection, researchers also analyzed lip raiser
and lip corner features to compute the distance between different corners of lips. This tech-
nique trained a machine learning classifier, SVM, using facial and head movement features
extracted using the OpenFace2 toolkit. However, eye blink feature out of 17 features pro-
vided by the toolkit was eliminated due to its non-uniqueness. Along with these, mouth
stretch and lip suck features were also extracted, creating a set of 20 features in total. 190
combinations of these features created a feature vector of dimension 190. These 190-D fea-
tures of POI’s (Person Of Interest) of different persons, when visualized in 2-D, were well
separated from each other which proved the uniqueness of the head and face movements of
different persons. However, the network needs to be trained only with authentic videos of a
particular person to learn only original features so that fake features can be differentiated.
Though not using deep neural networks, techniques of meddling different audio track and
synchronizing someone’s lips accordingly in a video have been evolving for many years.
Thereby, many methods were proposed in literature to detect inconsistent synchronization
between lip movement and audio track present in a video sequence. Lip de-synchronization
caused due to deep neural networks also can be evaluated using these methods. For this,
one of the authors proposed a two-stream ConvNet architecture which was trained end-to-
end using speech and mouth images mapping [38]. Mouth region image from the face and
MFCC values from audio data were fed into two separate models; VGG-M [37] and LSTM
model [24]. Unlike previous methods, models were trained using un-annotated and even
noisy data also.
Following a similar idea, facial landmarks specifically from the lip area were detected
from the video part and MFCC (Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients) features from the
Multimedia Tools and Applications

Table 15 Lip-sync Deepfake detection techniques (A: Accuracy, EER: Effective Error Rate)

Technique Dataset Results Performance

SVM trained using Youtube videos Forged Average A: 95% Robust against compres-
head-movement using face swap, lip- sion and video length.
features [5] sync and puppet mas- Trained using original
ter videos only. Effective
only if person is fac-
ing the camera. Ineffec-
tive if video portrays less
known person.

Two-stream ConvNet Columbia [21] A:>99% No annotated data

architecture [38] OuluVS2 [9] required. Tolerant to

Mouth’s landmark and Created from: Vid- Average EER: 24.24% Generated a new deep-
audio’s MFCC feature TIMIT [152], AMI (LSTM) fake dataset Only front-
vector [95] GMM, [15] and GRID [143] face videos considered.
SVM, MLP and LSTM Large database required.

Mouth’s landmark VidTIMIT [152] AMI Average EER: 24% Higher error rate on
(Visual) MFCC and [15] GRID [143] (Known data) Aver- unseen data.
DNN embeddings age EER: 26.9%
(Audio) [93] LSTM (Unknown data)

Aural and oral dynam- Generated and A: 90% Need reference data. Ear
ics [4] collected must be visible.

audio part [95]. Combined features from both were fed to GMM (Gaussian Mixture Model),
SVM (Support Vector Machine), MLP (Multilayer Perceptron), and LSTM (Long Short-
Term Memory) for training. However, best results were found by applying LSTM classifier
especially on GRID dataset due to a large amount of training data available with an Effective
Error Rate (EER) of 14.12% during testing. Extending this technique, some researchers
[93] utilized a different set of audio features for deepfaked audio detection. To extract audio
feature set, along with MFCC, embeddings of Deep Neural Network trained for speech
recognition were utilized. After training different LSTM classifiers using audio and visual
features, the technique provided a lowest EER of 4.5% on GRID dataset. However, the
technique was not found effective for AMI dataset as it contains diverse variety of videos.
Deepfaking, be it face swap or lip-sync, synthesize only facial area and decouple rest of
the part such as ear which can be provide a significant biometric identification of certain
individual, Deepfake researchers analyzed the dynamics of ear motion which are supposed
to be different from mouth and jaw motion [4]. To determine whether a video has been deep-
faked, correlation between aural (ear motion) and oral (audio RMSE20 and distance between
lips) dynamics is measured. LR model was trained using twelve such correlations. As
aural biometric, authors compared shape of ear from suspected video with reference shape.
Apart from these detection techniques, described in Table 15, lip-sync deepfake and pup-
petry deepfake was not focussed much because there are no public datasets available for

20 Root Mean Square Energy

Multimedia Tools and Applications

both, and deepfakes generated using these are also not much convincing. But increasing
advancement in the deep neural networks and computer graphic techniques has escalated
the risk of generating convincing full body deepfakes. After video deepfake, the next risk
of misinformation has started with the emergence of deepfaking in audio through which a
person can deepfake one’s voice with other person’s. Even thought of such a great technol-
ogy inculcates fear in society; any person’s voice can be misused now. A person’s voice is
a part of his identity, but applications like Lyrebird21 are easily faking one’s identity using
his/her voice. The technology has also incorporated into the Podcasting software ‘Descript’
which after learning a person’s voice from a small dataset can ape that same voice.

3.4 Audio deepfake detection

Since advent recently, techniques for detecting audio deepfakes have not been focused
much. Considering the importance of defending society from fraudsters, a challenge on
ASVspoof22 was launched in 2019 for spoofing attack detection. To evaluate submitted
techniques, organizers also released a dataset containing audio sequences synthesized using
17 TTS and VC techniques. Besides, a tool named ‘Resemblyzer’23 has been made public
for the detection of AI-synthesized fake audio, which utilized a voice encoder [185] that
was originally designed for speaker identification.
To combat deepfake audio, some researchers analyzed higher-order correlation of audio
using bispectral analysis [153]. Depending on the fact that simple decomposable signals
often produce glaring artifacts in bi-coherence, it was considered as a fingerprint to dis-
tinguish real audio from AI-synthesized one. To counter the effect of noise present in
bi-coherence, it was averaged across multiple waveforms. Training SVM classifier using
these correlation features provided an average accuracy of 95% on audio sequences synthe-
sized using DC-TTS [170] and Tacotron2 [158]. However, evaluation of these fake audios
through human auditory system revealed that humans can’t differentiate it accurately due to
continuous exposure to natural speech and lack of micro-level analysis using experimental
instrumentation. Another work performed by researchers, in the direction of audio deepfake
detection, was by using spectrograms of the audio clips [46], which provide visual represen-
tation of these audio clips. These spectrograms were supposed to be different for original
and fake video and hence, used to train the detector model which performed convolutions
of mel-spectrograms over time dimension. After evaluating the model on Google’s 2019
AVSSpoof dataset, 90% of the test audios were correctly predicted. These techniques have
initiated a path to deepfake audio detection and can be improvised further to detect future
audio deepfakes that are on the verge of being developed.
To limit the dependency on synthesis traces, as in [153], another deep-learning model,
DeepSonar [188], analyzed the pattern of neuron activation of each layer. Real and fake
voices are supposed to have different neuron coverage patterns. A pre-trained thin-ResNet
[199] SR (Speech Recognition) model was utilized as a backend. Two neuron coverage
criteria were utilized where one counted number of activated neurons (having a value greater
than threshold) in each layer while the other extracted top 5 neurons from each layer. The
former one was termed ACN (Average Count Neuron) while the later one TKAN (Top-
k Activated Neuron). Feature vectors computed using these criteria were used to train a

21 Available at: https://www.descript.com/lyrebird-ai?source=lyrebird

22 Available at: https://www.asvspoof.org/
23 Available at: https://github.com/resemble-ai/Resemblyzer
Multimedia Tools and Applications

Table 16 Audio deepfake detection techniques (A: Accuracy, EER: Effective Error Rate)

Technique Dataset Results Performance

SVM trained using 1800 samples from LJ Average A: 95% Handcrafted features
correlation features of speech dataset (synthe- becomes obsolete for
audio waveforms [153] sized using DC-TTS advanced deepfakes.
[170] and Tacotron2

DeepSonar (Analyzed Publically available: A: 98.1% EER: 2% Performance detrirorates

neuron activation TTS synthesized [10] on resampling and noise
behaviour) [188] Self created using: attacks. adversarial attacks
Sprocket [90] Baidu might change neuron
TTS [13] activation behaviour.

ResNet with FreqAug- ASVSpoof 2019 [178] EER: 1.26% Good performance. More
ment layer and LMCL focused on spoofing attack
function [27] detection.

Conv+Bi-LSTM [31] ASVSpoof 2019 [178] EER: 4.17% A: 100% Good performance.
FF++ [148] Celeb-DF A: 100%

shallow neural network of five fully connected layers. The proposed model was tested on
diverse varieties of audio sequences recorded using different languages, synthesized either
by VC and TTS approach (Table 16).
Despite the development of various techniques for the ASVspoof 2019 competition
[178], there is always a need for more generalized detection techniques. Focusing on a sim-
ilar motive, researchers in [27] proposed a DNN framework using LMCL (Large Margin
Cosine Loss) function that minimizes intra-class variance and maximizes inter-class vari-
ance. LFB (Linear Filter Bank) features, computed from raw audio, were first fed into the
FreqAugment layer to randomly drop-out adjacent frequency channels and then trained
a Residual Network (ResNet). For robust performance, training data was imposed with a
variety of augmentations and were re-recorded through VoIP channel to simulate spoof-
ing attacks. Focusing on same goal, one of the researcher proposed temporal architectures
for visual deepfake detection and for audio spoof detection. XceptionNet was combined
with Bi-LSTM for visual deepfake while for audio spoof detection, a combination of 4
convolutional layers and Bi-LSTM layer was leveraged. However, the method performed
better with Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence loss function.

4 Discussion and future scope

Research in multimedia forensics has been greatly progressed since its inception. As dis-
cussed in this survey, last three years witnessed a substantial improvement in deepfake
detection approaches. Table 17 provides summary of different categories of deepfake detec-
tion approaches from state-of-art. On the inception of deepfakes, forensic researchers
started proposing approaches based on handcrafted features and deep networks. As shown
in Table 17, 75% of techniques proposed in first and second year of deepfake detection
research utilized handcrafted features. On the contrary, with advancement in AI technolo-
gies in 2020, 80% of deepfake detection research was focused on different deep network
Multimedia Tools and Applications

Table 17 Summary of Deepfake Detection Techniques (Maximum performance of all techniques is pro-

variants. The reason for this deviation is that handcrafted features become obsolete with
time due to advancement in generation techniques. Figure 9c also suggests that large propor-
tion of best performing techniques falls under category of deep network variants. However,
advancement in deepfake generation techniques indulge more challenges for deepfake
detectors and thereby, new approaches for deepfake detection would always be a necessity.
From the state-of-art survey performed in this paper, there are various issues that need to
addressed for future research.
Multimedia Tools and Applications

(a) Annual distribution of best performance on each dataset (b) % of Techniques evaluated on dif-
ferent datasets

(c) Accuracy range of techniques on specific dataset

Fig. 9 Performance visualization of techniques on different datasets

• Lack of experimentation: First issue that needs to be taken care of is lack of

experimentation on more realistic deepfakes. Thorough analysis of state-of-art papers
revealed that only 3% of existing approaches evaluated their performance on Deeper-
Forensics dataset and 16% on DFDC, both of which exhibit diverse content and deep-
fakes generated through advanced generators. On the other hand, 58% of researchers
reported their evaluation on FF++ dataset, deepfake videos of which contain visual
tampering artefacts. Figure 9b shows the proportion of techniques evaluated on each
dataset. As demonstrated in Fig. 9a, most of the techniques evaluated on DFDC
dataset provided accuracy between 81-90% while on other datasets, maximum accuracy
obtained was greater than 95%. All these factors inculcate the need of more experi-
mentations on current generation datasets and proposing more efficient solutions for
deepfake detection.
• Generalizability: Another major issue is generalizability on different datasets. Anal-
ysis provided in Fig. 9c demonstrates that remarkable performance has been obtained
on every dataset through one or several techniques. Despite such interesting perfor-
mance, it must be considered that most of such techniques didn’t even evaluate their
performance on other datasets. However, some researchers have tried to generalize their
technique on different available datasets [57, 75, 85, 189] but were found dependant in
one way or other. Such approaches were either content-specific or generator-specific
which are likely to fail soon due to the continuous evolvement of deepfake generat-
ing techniques. These dependant models tend to overfit the training data and thereby
might not generalize on new data. Therefore, there is a need of new proposals that can
ensure good generalization which calls for extensive validation of detectors on diverse
range of datasets and different types of manipulations. Moreover, a technique must be
designed that could be able to face the real challenge of deepfake detection independent
of generation techniques utilized.
• Explainability and tampering localization: Future research should also focus on explain-
ability of deepfake detection approaches.Although various deep learning models [2, 65,
Multimedia Tools and Applications

109, 130] have proven best for detection of deepfake video, these follow black box architec-
ture and are unexplainable. An explainable model may allow us to improve the design
of network and provides higher robustness against diverse range of manipulations.
However, generation of whole-body deepfakes and lip-sync deepfakes calls for better
localization of tampering by deepfake detectors which has not been focused much.
• Lack of lip-sync and audio deepfake datasets: Although lip-sync and audio deep-
fakes are more threatening than face swap deepfakes, no sufficient detection procedures
are available for these in literature. One of the reason for this is the lack of datasets for
the same. Moreover, with continuing advancement in deepfake generation procedures,
existing datasets and approaches evaluated on those become obsolete. Thereby, in
future, more diverse datasets should be designed to evaluate the robustness of different
• Emerging possibilities in new domain: At last, it is recommended to use active
forgery detection schemes by pre-embedding information like watermarks or smart
contracts on the content at recording time. Although complicated, research can also
be directed towards the idea of tracing all the processing operations performed on the
video using blockchain [68]. Deepfake forgery detection may also benefit from recent
trends and advances in deep learning procedures such as self-supervised learning and
attention modeling.

5 Conclusion

In the era of digital world capable of providing reliable evidence of any situation, a trouble-
free creation of tampered videos made it absurd to trust its content. Advancement in AI
has given impulse to media manipulators, increasing the online availability of deepfakes by
more than 100% from last year [6]. Usage of AI-based deepfaking applications for revenge
porn, bullying, fabricating video evidence or news, blackmailing, or political sabotage, can
make the life of targeted person hard. With the advent of applications like ‘Deepnude’ which
can create and spread fake nudes, the dignity of women is at stake. Audio deepfakes has
also made people able to talk anonymously to anyone. Due to the two-player nature of this
research field, the advent of AI has also contributed in the detection of manipulated content.
But the quality of deepfake videos is continuously improving with AI advancement; new
challenges appear everyday. To cope with unforeseen menaces, a more efficient detection
method will always be a necessity.
This survey paper presents an analysis of visual media tampering detection techniques
with special emphasis on deepfake detection. However, the analysis is not restricted to facial
manipulation detection but approaches developed for lip-sync deepfake detection and audio
deepfake detection were also taken into consideration. At the end, a critical summariza-
tion of state-of-art approaches is provided with an analysis of best performing techniques
on different datasets. Nevertheless, techniques for detecting tampered media and more
specifically deepfakes only provides a partial solution to the problem at hand. Along with
improvisation in detection methods, some authentic laws should be formulated that can
restrict the development and usage of such user-friendly but malicious tools creating deep-
fakes. Of course, digital content has been faked before, either in a useful or malicious
manner, but the level of realism in fake content has increased due to deep learning tech-
nologies. There are no signs of deepfake technology being slowed down, so researchers
and government should come forward jointly to discuss the issue and fight against this
devastating technology.
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Acknowledgments This Work is carried out at Design Innovation Center, Panjab University, Chandigarh,
INDIA, established by the Ministry of Education, Government of India.


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