GK Mcqs On J&K

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General Knowledge of Jammu and Kashmir Asked by JKSSB by


Q1. Hygam, wetland reserve is located in Q7. Which among the following places in Jammu
_____________ District of Jammu & Kashmir. & Kashmir was called as "The Land of Kings"?
(A) Pulwama (A) Shopian
(B) Shopian (B) Rajouri
(C) Anantnag (C) Reasi
(D) Baramulla (D) Ramban
Answer- D Answer-B
Q8. Who among is the following is the world-
Q2. In which year Siraj-ud-din of village Kahuta renowned British theoretical physicist, known for
was nominated as Raja of Poonch? his contributions to the fields of cosmology?
(A) 1532 A.D (A) Simon Bolivar
(B) 1550 A.D (B) Cristiano Ronaldo
(C) 1596 A.D (C) Stephen Hawking
(D) 1520 A.D (D) Emile Zatopek
Answer-C Answer-C

Q3. Golden Delicious is a variety of Q9. "Dreams from My Father" is a memoir

___________ fruits which is cultivated in Jammu written by:
and Kashmir. (A) Benazir Bhutto
(A) Pear (B) Inder Kumar Gujral
(B) Peach (C) Barack Obama
(C) Plum (D) A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
(D) Apple Answer-C
Q10. Which of the following Rivers flows through
Jammu and Kashmir?
Q4. As per the Indian Constitution, (A) Teesta river
_____________ means a body consisting of (B) Haldi river
persons registered in the electoral rolls (C) Rupnarayan river
comprised within the area of Panchayat at the (D) Tawi river
village level. Answer-D
(A) Lok Sabha
(B) Gram Sabha Q11. Which of the following Tourist Places in
(C) Rajya Sabha Jammu & Kashmir is also called "Meadow of
(D) Municipality Gold"?
Answer-B (A) Sonamarg
(B) Srinagar
Q5. Special address by Lieutenant Governor to (C) Doda
Legislative Assembly is provided under which (D) Kishtwar
Section of the Jammu and Kashmir Answer-A
Reorganisation Act, 2019? Q12. Which of the following Mughal King
(A) Section 16 nominated Siraj-ud-din of village Kahuta as Raja
(B) Section 8 of Poonch?
(C) Section 21 (A) Jehangir
(D) Section 5 (B) Humayun
Answer-C (C) Akbar
(D) Aurangzeb
Q6. ______________, Place in the Union Answer-A
Territory of Jammu & Kashmir is known as Q13. Who among the following person may
"Valley of Milk". nominate two members to the Legislative
(A) Khanpora Assembly of Jammu and Kashmir to give
(B) Drangbal representation to women?
(C) Kupwara (A) Minister of Foreign Affairs
(D) Doodhpathri (B) Prime Minister
Answer-D (C) President
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(D) Lieutenant Governor (C) Pangong Lake

Answer-D (D) Dal Lake
Q14. Gharana is the Wetland Reserve located in Q21. Who appointed Mian Hathu as Governor of
___________ District of Jammu & Kashmir. Rajouri?
(A) Reasi (A) Maharaja Ranjit Singh
(B) Baramulla (B) Maharaja Gulab Singh
(C) Jammu (C) Raja Raheem Ullah Khan
(D) Ramban (D) Raja Aggar Ullah Khan
Answer-C Answer-B
Q15. Halman is a variety of ___________ fruit Q22. Which Chapter of Jammu and Kashmir
grown in the areas of Jammu and Kashmir. Panchayati Raj Act, 1989 deals with the
(A) Apricot Constitution of Block Development Council?
(B) Apple (A) Chapter V
(C) Grapes (B) Chapter II
(D) Cherry (C) Chapter VI
Answer-A (D) Chapter IV
Q16. Who among the following is the Chief
Designer of SpaceX? Q23. Which of the following was the capital of
(A) Elon Musk Kashmir during the Shankervarman Regime?
(B) Ralph R. Roe (A) Newa
(C) Hermann Oberth (B) Kakapora
(D) Robert H. Goddard (C) Parihaspora
Answer-A (D) Pulwama
Q17. In which year a Botanical Garden was set
up in memory of India's first prime minister in Q24. Which of the following personality is a
Jammu & Kashmir? Professional Boxer and also won a Gold Medal
(A) 1979 at
(B) 1988 the 1960 Rome Olympics?
(C) 1999 1. Tiger Woods
(D) 1969 2. Magic Johnson
Answer-D 3. Michael Jordan
4. Muhammad Ali
Q18. Who is known as Loknayak in India? Answer-D
(A) Karpuri Thakur
(B) Jai Prakash Narayan Q25. Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton is
(C) KV Puttappa famous/known for which of the following?
(D) Amir Khushro 1. Pop Music
Answer-B 2. Antarctic Exploration
3. Sports
Q19. ____________ of Jammu and Kashmir 4. Novels
Panchayati Raj Act, 1989 deals with the Powers Answer-B
and Functions of Halqa Panchayat.
(A) Chapter VI Q26. The Chief Minister of the Union Territory of
(B) Chapter III Jammu and Kashmir should communicate
(C) Chapter XII all decisions of the Council of Ministers relating
(D) Chapter VIII to the administration of the affairs of the Union
Answer-B territory and proposals for legislation to
Q20. Which of the following lakes is the world’s 1. The Lieutenant Governor
highest saltwater lake? 2. The Prime Minister
(A) Tso Moriri Lake 3. The Council of Ministers
(B) Nagin Lake 4. The President
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Answer-1 a. 121
b. 120
Q27. Which of the following Rivers originates c. 110
from Haramukh Mount and the true head waters d. 114
emerges near Zogila and Amarnath peaks? Answer-4
1. Pohru Q33. ____________ Fort on the left bank of
2. Narmada River Tawi, was originally constructed by Raja
3. Dudhganga Bahulochan over 3000 years ago.
4. Nallah Sindh a. Raval Fort
Answer-4 b. Devalgarh Fort
c. Bahu Fort
Q28. In which year, Samba region came under d. Pithorgarh Fort
the supremacy of Jammu, during the period of Answer-3
Hari Dev?
1. 1899 A.D. Q34. Who was the builder of the Martand (Sun)
2. 1816 A.D. Temple and founder of Kashmir Valley's canal
3. 1876 A.D. irrigation system?
4. 1929 A.D. a. Bhu Dev
Answer-2 b. Lalitaditya Muktapida
Q29. Which of the following Wildlife Sanctuaries c. Zain-ul-adidin
is located in Kathua district of Jammu & d. Bhim Chand
Kashmir? Answer-2
1. Nandi Wildlife Sanctuary Q35. Baltal Wildlife Sanctuary is also known as
2. Karakoram Wildlife Sanctuary ______________.
3. Changthang Wildlife Sanctuary a. Daksum Wildlife
4. Jasrota Wildlife Sanctuary Sanctuary
Answer-4 b. Thajwas Wildlife
Q30. How is saffron, a cash crop locally called in Sanctuary
Kashmiri Language? c. Kaziranga Wildlife
a. Kapus/Kaapus Sanctuary
b. Tael/Taal d. Nandi Wildlife
c. Koung/Kong Sanctuary
d. Dhan/dhaan Answer-2

Answer-3 Q36. Which part of the Constitution of India is

entitled as Municipalities?
Q31. Which of the following hydroelectric power a. Part XVI
project were constructed on the River Tawi, b. Part VIII
tributary of Chenab? c. Part IX-A
a. Stakna Hydroelectric d. Part XII
Project Answer-3
b. Chenani Hydroelectric
Project Q37. In which year the construction of
c. Uri-II Hydroelectric Dhanidhar Fort in Rajouri was completed?
Project a. 1848 A.D
d. Ganderbal Hydroelectric b. 1855 A.D
Project c. 1858 A.D
Answer-2 d. 1850 A.D
Q32. Without prejudice to sub-sections (3) of Q38. Which of the following Highways connects
section 14 of J&K Reorganisation Act 2019, the Jammu with Kashmir?
number of seats in the Legislative Assembly of a. National Highway
Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir Project NH-202
shall be increased from 107 to ____________. b. National Highway
Project NH-44
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c. National Highway b. Lord Ripon

Project NH-144 c. The Earl Cornwallis
d. National Highway d. Lord Mountbatten
Project NH-502 Answer-2
Q39. Who among the following persons wrote Q46. Chapter V of Jammu and Kashmir
the famous book named "War and Peace"? Panchayati Raj Act, 1989 deals with the
a. Christoper Marlowe _____________.
b. Oscar Wilde a. Property
c. Charles Dickens b. Powers and Functions
d. Leo Tolstoy c. Conduct of Business
Answer-4 d. Constitional of Panchayat
Q40. The tomb of Ziarat Baba Hyder Reshi is Adalat
situated in which of the following districts of Answer-3
Jammu and Kashmir?
a. Ganderbal Q47. Emperor Jahangir, wished to be buried at
b. Ramban ______________, in Anantnag District of
c. Shopian Jammu
d. Anantnag & Kashmir.
Answer-4 a. Chamuthang
b. Thattapani
Q41. Chenani-Nashri Tunnel is also known as c. Gurdashnag
_____________. d. Verinag
a. New Katraj Tunnel Answer-4
b. Pir Panjal Railway Tunnel
c. Dr Syama Prasad Mookerjee Q48. According to the J & K Reorganisation Act,
Tunnel 2019 the Lieutenant Governor of Jammu and
d. Atal Tunnel Kashmir, must act on the recommendations of
Answer-3 Advisory Committees within ___________
Q42. Mian Hathu governed Rajouri from 1846 to a. 55 days
___________ A.D. b. 30 days
a. 1852 c. 85 days
b. 1850 d. 45 days
c. 1848
d. 1856 Answer-2
Q49. Sindh Nallah / Nallah Sindh is one of the
Q43. ______________ is the Zoological name tributaries of which river?
of Red Fox found in the Jammu & Kashmir. a. Jhelum
a. Nesolia Indica b. Chenab
b. Vulpes Vulpes c. Ravi
c. Rattus rattus d. Tons
d. Felis chaus Answer-1
Q44. After passing through Srinagar the river Q50. "My Country My Life" is an
Jhelum flows into which of the following lakes? autobiographical book by ____________.
a. Sheshnag lake a. L. K. Advani
b. Wular lake b. Pratibha Advani
c. Anchar lake c. Arun Jaitley
d. Manasbal lake d. Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Q45. Who is known as the Father of the Local Answer-1
a. Warren Hastings
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Q51. Who among the following Prime Ministers

of India is referred as "Father of Indian Q57. The 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act of
Economic Reforms"? 1992, provides for a ________ tier system of
1. Atal Bihari Vajpayee Panchayati Raj in every state.
2. P V Narasimha Rao 1. Three
3. Narendra Modi 2. Five
4. Dr. Manmohan Singh 3. Seven
Answer-2 4. One

Q52. Under the J&K Reorganisation Act, 2019 Q58. Which of the following National Highways
the total number of seats in the Legislative passes through Jammu and Kashmir?
Assembly of the Union territory of Jammu and 1. 501
Kashmir to be filled by persons chosen by 2. 202
direct election shall be __________. 3. 102
1. 101 4. 703
2. 120 Answer-1
3. 107
4. 124 Q59. Which of the following tourist destination is
Answer-3 located in Budgam district of Jammu &
Q53. _____________ is a meadow in khag 1. Patnitop
tehsil of Budgam district of Jammu and Kashmir. 2. Sonamarg
1. Gulmarg 3. Doodhpathri
2. Bugyals 4. Gulmarg
3. Tosamaidan Answer-3
4. Sonamarg
Answer-3 Q60. Which of the following International
Airports is located in Srinagar?
Q54. What is the UT animal of Jammu & 1. Guru Ram Dass Jee International Airpor
Kashmir? 2. Sheikh ul-Alam International Airport
1. Asiatic Lion 3. Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel International
2. Hangul Airport
3. Snow Leopard 4. Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International
4. African Elephant Airport
Answer-2 Answer-2

Q55. Who among the following wrote that Q61. Which King has changed the name of
Poonch was famous for graphics, fine tea Rajouri to Rampur in the Union Territory of
(Musloom) Jammu
and good horses? & Kashmir?
1. Ibn Battuta 1. Maharaja Gulab Singh
2. Al-Masudi 2. Maharaja Vir Bala Dev
3. Huien Tsang 3. Maharaja Chandra Dev
4. Albaurni 4. Maharaja Bhim Dev
Answer-3 Answer-1

Q56. Which of the following districts in Jammu & Q62. When did Maharaja Gulab Singh, the
Kashmir is the birthplace of Basohli Art Dogra ruler of Jammu annexed the Kishtwar
Paintings? region?
1. Reasi 1. 1790 AD
2. Kathua 2. 1821 AD
3. Ramban 3. 1845 AD
4. Samba 4. 1721 AD
Answer-2 Answer-2
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1. Lohri
Q63. The Baglihar Dam is built on which of the 2. Baisakhi
following rivers in Jammu and Kashmir? 3. Puramandal Mela
1. Ravi 4. Bahu Mela
2. Jhelum Answer-3
3. Chenab
4. Yamuna Q70. Who among the following invented
Answer-3 phonograph?
1. Thomas Edison
Q64. Who is called as the "Father of the White 2. Isaac Newton
Revolution" in India? 3. Nikola Tesla
1. Sam Pitroda 4. Albert Einstein
2. Sushruta Answer-1
3. Durgesh Patel
4. Verghese Kurien Q71. Which of the following National Park is
Answer-4 located in the Union Territory of Jammu and
Q65. Who among the following is a Portuguese Kashmir?
professional footballer? 1. K aziranga National Park
1. Cristiano Ronaldo 2. Khangchendzonga National Park
2. Leo Messi 3. Dachigam National Park
3. Mohamed Salah Hamed Mahrous Ghaly 4. Nameri National Park and Forest
4. Neymar da Silva Santos Júnior Reserve
Answer-1 Answer-3

Q66. The 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act of Q72. Which of the following Highways connects
1992, provides for a ________ term of office Jammu with Kashmir?
to the panchayat at every level. 1. National Highway Project NH-502
1. Four Years 2. National Highway Project NH-44
2. Two Years 3. National Highway Project NH-144
3. Three Years 4. National Highway Project NH-202
4. Five Years Answer-2
Q67. Who shall not vote in the first instance in Q73. ___________ dance is generally
the Legislative Assembly, but shall have and performed after all the rituals of wedding when
exercise a casting vote in the case of an equality the bride
of votes, under the J&K Reorganisation is about to leave her parental home in Jammu
Act, 2019? and Kashmir.
1. Deputy Speaker or person acting as 1. Wuegi - Nachun
such 2. Dumhal Dance
2. Speaker or person acting as such 3. Hafiza Dance
3. Chief Minister 4. Bhand Jashan
4. Lieutenant Governor Answer-1
Q74. Which section of J & K Panchayati Raj Act,
Q68. Which of the following National Park is 1989, deals with the constitution of Halqa
famous for Markhor (Capra Falconeri)? Panchayat?
1. Anshi National Park 1. Sec tion 14
2. Rann of Kutch 2. Section 30
3. Anamudi Shola National Park 3. Section 24
4. Kazinag National Park 4. Section 4
Answer-4 Answer-4

Q69. During the month of February - March Q75. Chenani-Nashri Tunnel is also known as
which of the following festivals is celebrated in _____________.
Purmandal of Jammu and Kashmir? 1. New Katraj Tunnel
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2. Dr Syama Prasad Mookerjee Tunnel

3. Pir Panjal Railway Tunnel Q82. When was the Jammu and Kashmir
4. Atal Tunnel Reorganisation Bill, 2019 introduced in Rajya
Answer-2 Sabha?
1. 05th August 2019
Q76. In which year, the first Village Panchayat 2. 28th August 2019
Regulation No. 1 was promulgated in Jammu 3. 12th August 2019
and Kashmir? 4. 18th August 2019
1. 1935 Answer-1
2. 1945
3. 1936 Q83. Which of the following Airport is in
4. 1921 Srinagar?
Answer-1 1. Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International
Q77. Nandni wildlife sanctuary is located at 2. Sheikh ul-Alam International Airport
___________ of Jammu and Kashmir. 3. Guru Ram Dass Jee International Airpor
1. Poonch 4. Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel International
2. Udhampur Airport
3. Jammu Answer-2
4. Ramban
Answer-3 Q84. Baglihar Hydroelectric Power Project is on
____________ river.
Q78. Which of the following is the most 1. Indus
important summer crops of Jammu and 2. Chenab
Kashmir? 3. Jhelum
1. Saffton 4. Ravi
2. Barley Answer-2
3. Millets
4. Wheat Q85. Which of the following places has the
Answer-3 distinction of being Asia's only Heli-Skiing
Q79. __________ is found in the forest of Pir 1. Mumbai
Panjal, Liddar, Doda of Jammu and Kashmir. 2. Goa
1. Asiatic Lion 3. Punjab
2. Elephant 4. Gulmarg
3. Nilgiri Tahr Answer-4
4. Leopard
Answer-4 Q86. The river Tawi in Jammu and Kashmir
originates from which spring?
Q80. In which year, the Mughal dominion in 1. Khoon spring
Srinagar came to an end with the death of their 2. Nagri Parole
King? 3. Kailashkund spring
1. 1847 A.D. 4. Verinag spring
2. 1807 A.D. Answer-3
3. 1747 A.D.
4. 1707 A.D. Q87. Who introduced the "Buddhism" to the
Answer-4 valley of Kashmir?
1. Emperor Ashoka
Q81. Where is the Bahu Conservation Reserve 2. Emperor Sher Shah
is located at? 3. Emperor Shahjahan
1. Udhampur 4. Emperor Akbar
2. Poonch Answer-1
3. Ramban
4. Jammu Q88. Which is the popular form of folk music in
Answer-4 Jammu & Kashmir?
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1. Sohar 4. 1886 A.D.

2. Ovi Answer-1
3. Pandwani
4. Chakri Q95. Former Prime Minister of India Lal Bahadur
Answer-4 Shastri is popularly called as ____________.
1. Man of Peace
Q89. Which of the following Highway runs from 2. Morning Star of India Renaissan ce
Kashmir to Kanyakumari? 3. Patriot of Patriots
1. NH 44 4. Frontier Gandhi
2. NH 27 Answer-1
3. NH 30
4. NH 52 Q96. Which of the following is the largest
Answer-1 National Park in Jammu and Kashmir?
1. Kishtwar High Altitude National
Q90. Which of the following lakes are the two Park
most significant lakes of Pulwama Districts? 2. Salim Ali National Park
1. Sheshnag and Gangbal Lakes 3. Hemis National Park
2. Gangbal and Nigeen Lakes 4. Kazinag National Park
3. Tarsar and Marsar Lakes Answer-3
4. Nigeen and Sheshnag Lakes
Q97. Manasbal Lake is located in which district
Q91. Which is the most important Muslim Shrine of Jammu and Kashmir?
of Kashmir? 1. Baramulla
1. Dargah of Qutubuddin 2. Budgam
2. Hazratbal Shrine 3. Kupwara
3. Ghaziuddin Khan Madrasa 4. Ganderbal
4. Khwaja Nasiruddin Chirag Answer-4
Q98. Which of the following Kings entered the
Q92. Srinagar was ruled by _________ empire Valley via Pakhil spent a few days at Baramulla
till around the 14th Century. and according to “Tarikh-e-Hassan”, the city had
1. Karkota been decorated like a bride?
2. Utpala 1. Ali Adil Shah I
3. Mauryan 2. Jahangir
4. Gupta 3. Ratan Singh
Answer-3 4. Akbar
Q93. Which of the following districts will come
under Union Territory of Ladakh after the Q99. ___________ part of the Union Territory of
"Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization Act, Jammu & Kashmir has a typical monsoon
2019"? tropical climate.
1. Kargil and Leh Districts 1. Southern
2. Kulgam and Kargil 2. Eastern
3. Ramban and Kulgam 3. Western
4. Kulgam and Shopian 4. Northern
Answer-1 Answer-1

Q94. In which year the Samba District was Q100. Which of the following festivals is
annexed to J&K by Maharaja Gulab Singh celebrated at Uttar Behni of the Jammu Region?
making it 1. Chaitre Chaudash
an integral part of the state? 2. Jihiri Mela
1. 1846 A.D. 3. Bahu Mela
2. 1910 A.D. 4. Baisakhi
3. 1900 A.D. Answer-1
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3. 1965
Q101. The meanders of the river Jhelum enter 4. 1992
which of the following lakes? Answer-1
1. Mamsar lake
2. Dal lake Q107. Which of the following is a traditional
3. Pangong lake dance performed at weddings in Kashmir?
4. Wular lake 1. Hafiza Dance
Answer-4 2. Bhand Jashan
3. Rouf Dance
Q102. The Zojila Tunnel construction project is 4. Bacha Nagma
located on the Srinagar- Leh section of the Answer-1
1. NH 1 ( Correct Answer) Q108. Which of the following acts provides for a
2. NH 501 Gram Sabha as the foundation of the
3. NH 44 panchayati raj system?
4. NH 144 1. 73rd Amendment Act of
Answer-1 1992
2. 78th Amendment Act of
Q103. Which of the following acts of Indian 1995
Constitution aims at revitalizing and 3. 76th Amendment Act of
strengthening 1994
the urban government? 4. 68th Amendment Act of
1. 59th Constitutio nal 1991
Amendment Act Answer-1
2. 60th Constitutional
Amendment Act Q109. ______________ is a famous
3. 74th Constitutional conservation reserves located in Pulwama
Amendment Act district of Jammu
4. 66th Constitutional & Kashmir.
Amendment Act 1. Khonmoh
Answer-3 2. Naganari
3. Ajas
Q104. Which of the following are the chief spring 4. Wangat
crops in the Jammu & Kashmir region? Answer-1
1. Cotton and Tobacco
2. Beans and Lentils
3. Peas and Beans Q110. 73rd Amendment act provides for a
4. Wheat and Barley (Correct _______ tier system of Panchayati Raj in every
Answe r) state.
Answer-4 1. Three
2. Five
Q105. ___________ is a near threatened 3. Four
species found in Jammu & Kashmir. 4. Ten
1. Spotted Deer Answer-1
2. Snow Leopard
3. Common Leopard (Correct
Answ er) Q111. In which year Chenani- Nashri tunnel in
4. Black Bear Jammu & Kashmir was opened?
Answer-3 1. 2018
2. 2017
Q106. In which year, the Overa - Aru Wildlife 3. 2015
Sanctuary in Jammu and Kashmir was 4. 2020
established? Answer-2
1. 1981
2. 1972
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Q112. Which of the following places is called 4. 1952 A.D.

"Kashmiri Venice"? Answer-4
1. Srinagar
2. Doda Q119. Which of the following is the common
3. Pune High court for the Union Territories of Ladakh,
4. Jammu and
Answer-1 Jammu and Kashmir?
1. High Court of Jammu & Kashmir
Q113. The river Indus drains into ___________. 2. High Court of Punjab
1. Aral Sea 3. High Court of Kolkatta
2. Q Arabian Sea 4. High Court of Madras
3. Indian Ocean Answer-1
4. Bay of Bengal
Answer-2 Q120. Kashmir regions of Jammu and Kashmir
have which of the following types of Climate?
Q114. Rajparian Wildlife Sanctuary is also 1. Mid to high altitude
known as _____________. intermediate zone
1. Baltal Wildlife Sanctuary 2. Mid to high altitude
2. Ramnagar Wildlife temperate zone
Sanctuary 3. Cold arid zone
3. Jasrota Wildlife Sanctuary 4. Low altitude subtropical
4. Daksum Wildlife Sanctuary zone
Answer-4 Answer-2

Q115. ____________ is a form of theatre dance Q121. Which of the following is the most
performed in Jammu and Kashmir. important staple crop of Jammu and Kashmir?
1. Dumhal Dance 1. Maize
2. Bachaa Nagma 2. Barley
3. Rouf Dance 3. Rice
4. Bhand Pather 4. Wheat
Answer-4 Answer-3

Q116. Which of the following is the main Q122. In which month the Baisakhi festival is
material for Namda making in Kashmir? celebrated in Jammu & Kashmir?
1. Wood 1. April
2. Cotton 2. November
3. Silk 3. August
4. Wool of Sheep 4. June
Answer-4 Answer-1

Q117. Which of the following lakes is connected Q123. National Highway 44, runs from "Srinagar
to Khushal Sar and Gil Sar lakes via a channel of Jammu and Kashmir to _____________.
known as Nallah Amir Khan? 1. Konkan Coast of Goa
1. Nigeen Lake 2. Kuppam of Andhra Pradesh
2. Gangabal lake 3. Kanniyakumari of Tamil
3. Gadsar lake Nadu
4. Mansar lake 4. Mangalore of Karnataka
Answer-1 Answer-3

Q118. In which year, the historical fort of Doda / Q124. Who among the following leaders is
Dodo was demolished on government known as Badshah Khan?
instruction? 1. Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
1. 2012 A.D. 2. Dadabhai Naoroji
2. 1978 A.D. 3. Raja Ram Mohan Roy
3. 1999 A.D. 4. Mahatma Gandhi
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Answer-1 meters above sea level to the south of Shopian

Q125. How many National Parks are there in 1. Vihar
Jammu and Kashmir? 2. Kousarnag
1. 5 3. Lonar
2. 7 4. Tansa
3. 4 Answer-2
4. 6
Answer-1 Q132. What is the Binomial name of Kashmir
Musk Deer?
Q126. World Famous "Dal Lake" is located in 1. Moschus crysogater
____________ district of Union Territory of 2. Ursusarctos
Jammu 3. Vulpes vulpes
and Kashmir. 4. Ursus thibetanus
1. Gulgam District Answer-1
2. Poonch District
3. Pulwama District Q133. _______________ flows in between the
4. Srinagar District Ladakh range and Zanskar range before
Answer-4 crossing
which of the following are the International
Q127. Who built the world famous sun temple in boundaries.
Kashmir? 1. River Narmadha
1. Ranbir Singh 2. River Tapi
2. Lalitaditya Muktapida 3. River Godavari
3. Hari Singh 4. River Indus
4. Gulab Singh Answer-4
Q134. Which is the second largest Mughal
Q128. In which year Andhra Pradesh first started Garden in the Kashmir Valley?
the Panchayat raj system? 1. Hanging Garden
1. 1961 2. Abdullah Garden
2. 1955 3. Lodhi Garden
3. 1952 4. Nishat Garden
4. 1959 Answer-4
Q135. In which year, Botanical Garden was set
Q129. When is the South West Monsoon season up in Srinagar?
in Jammu & Kashmir region? 1. 1999 A.D.
1. April to May 2. 2009 A.D.
2. January to March 3. 1989 A.D.
3. October to December 4. 1969 A.D.
4. June to September Answer-4
Answer-4 Q136. Since after which treaty, Jammu and
Kashmir came into being a single political and
Q130. When the 74th Constitutional Amendment Geographical Entity?
Act of 1992 came into force? 1. Treaty of Am ritsar
1. 1993 2. Treaty of Bengal
2. 1975 3. Treaty of Westphalia
3. 1992 4. Treaty of France
4. 1995 Answer-1
Answer-1 Q137. Which of the following Union Territories is
prone to seismic activity and comes under
Q131. Which of the following lakes is situated in seismic zone V?
the Pir Panchal range at a height of 4000 1. Union Te rritory of
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2. Union Territory of Delhi 3. Jowar

3. Union Territory of Daman 4. Soya bean
and Diu Answer-4
4. Union Territory of Jammu &
Kashmir Q144. __________ district in Jammu & Kashmir
Answer-4 is the birth place of Basohli Art Paintings.
1. Baramulla
Q138. Which of the following National Parks in 2. Srinagar
Jammu & Kashmir is famous for Hangul also 3. Kathua
called "Kashmiri Stag" is located in Srinagar? 4. Budgam
1. Hemis National Park Answer-3
2. Kazinag National Park
3. Dachigam National Park Q145. ______________ in Jammu and Kashmir
4. Kishtwar National Park is known as "40 day intensive harsh Winter".
Answer-3 1. Chillai-Kalan
2. Chillai Khurd
Q139. Daksum (Rajparian) Wildlife Sanctuary is 3. Chillai Bachha
located in _____________ district of Jammu & 4. Chillai Mazai
Kashmir. Answer-1
1. D oda
2. Budgam Q146. ___________ is called the "Railhead" of
3. Shopian the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir.
4. Anantnag 1. Jammu
Answer-4 2. Reasi
Q140. The Eleventh Schedule of the Indian 3. Samba
Constitution which deals with Panchayats has 4. Ganderbal
how Answer-1
many functional items?
1. Eighteen Q147. Which of the following institutions will
2. Twenty Nine have the powers to make laws in relation to any
3. Fifteen matter for the Union Territory of Jammu and
4. Twenty Six Kashmir?
Answer-2 1. National Green Tribunal
2. Supreme Court of India
Q141. Who is popularly known as the ‘Grand 3. National Human Rights
Old Lady’ of the Independence Movement in Commission
India? 4. Parliament
1. Sarojini Naidu Answer-4
2. Aruna Asaf Ali
3. Mother Mary Teresa Q148. After 14th Century, the city of Srinagar
4. Indira Gandhi came under the ____________ rulers.
Answer-2 1. Mughal
2. Karkota
Q142. After passing through Srinagar, the river 3. Gupta
Jhelum flows into which of the following lakes? 4. Utpala
1. Yarab Tso Lake Answer-1
2. Tso Kar Lake
3. Wular Lake Q148. Chennani hydroelectric power project is
4. Dal Lake constructed on ___________.
Answer-3 1. River Tawi
2. River Kishan Ganga
Q143. Which of the following crops is referred to 3. River Vaishav
as 'Nikku Muth' in Jammu and Kashmir? 4. River Ravi
1. Peas Answer-1
2. Green gram
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Q149. The Union Territory of Ladakh will be Q155. Which of the following districts was
administered by the President, through a founded by Raja Bhimsena/ Bhimsina in 2306
_________ BC?
appointed by him. 1. Kulgam
1. Lieutenant Governor 2. Doda
2. Prime Minister 3. Baramulla
3. Finance Minister 4. Shopian
4. Defence Minister Answer-3
Q156. Which of the following is a seven terraced
Q150. In which year Rajouri emerged as a new garden located at the top of Zabarwan
District on the map of Jammu and Kashmir? mountain range?
1. 1st January 1950 1. Lodhi Garden
2. 1st January 1968 2. Lal Bagh
3. 1st January 1960 3. Pari Mahal
4. 1st January 1975 4. Red Fort
Answer-2 Answer-3

Q151. Who was the first Chinese person to visit Q157. _____________ is the oldest canal in
Kashmir on his way to India? Kashmir which takes its water from the river
1. Faxian Liddar at
2. Hiuen Tsang Ganeshpora.
3. Chen Hui 1. The Dadikul Canal
4. Yijing 2. The Lalkul Canal
Answer-2 3. The Nur Canal
Q152. Panchayat Adalat comprises of _______ 4. The Martand Canal
members who shall be nominated by the Answer-4
prescribed authority out of the panel prepared.
1. Five Members
2. Eight Members Q158. Hokera (Ramsar Site) is located in
3. Three Members _____________ District of Jammu & Kashmir.
4. Fifteen Members 1. Srinagar
Answer-1 2. Anantnag
3. Jammu
Q153. When was "Gulmarg" declared as a 4. Budgam
Wildlife Sanctuary by Department of Wildlife Answer-1
1. 1999 Q159. J&K State has been declared as Agri
2. 2009 Export Zone for ____________
3. 1987 1. Apples and Walnut
4. 2004 2. Oil Seeds and Tobacco
Answer-3 3. Maize and Tobacoo
4. Saffron and Rape seed
Q154. The merging of the two Himalayan River,
Chandra River and Bhaga River at Tandi located Q160. Which of the following conservation
in the upper Himalayas forms which of the reserves is located in Anantnag district of
following rivers? Jammu &
1. Jhelum Kashmir?
2. Ravi 1. Khiram
3. Tawi 2. Panyar
4. Chenab 3. Khangund
Answer-4 4. Khrew

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1. Scott Morrison
161. Which of the following medicinal plants is 2. Justin Trudeau
cultivated for its tubers rich in Diosgenin and 3. Sanna Marin
yield cortisone, a steroid hormone? 4. Andrew Holness
1. Dioscorea deltoidea Answer-3
2. Ephedrex gerandiana
3. Achyranthes aspera
4. Asafoetida Q168. ________ valley was named after
Answer-1 "Maharaja LOLO".
1. Lolab
Q162. When was the rule of Sikhs established in 2. Lidder
Srinagar? 3. Spiti
1. 1900 A.D. 4. Nubra
2. 1814 A.D. Answer-1
3. 1944 A.D.
4. 1854 A.D. Q169. Which is the coldest month in Jammu
Answer-1 region?
1. December
Q163. Kashmir region is rich in high quality of 2. March
______________. 3. June
1. Mangoes 4. January
2. Cotton Answer-4
3. Saffron
4. Sugarcane Q170. Indira Sagar Dam is constructed on which
Answer-3 of the following rivers?
1. Kallada
Q164. Which of the following lakes is named as 2. Narmada
“Jewel in the crown of Kashmir” or “Srinagar’s 3. Teesta
Jewel”? 4. Krishna
1. Pichola Lake Answer-2
2. Dal Lake
3. Gadisar Lake
4. Pushkar Lake Q171. Who among the following travelers visited
Answer-2 Doda in 1829?
1. G.T. Vigne
Q165. The twelfth schedule of the Indian 2. Hiuen Tsang
Constitution deals with Municipalities has how 3. Ibn Battuta
many 4. AlBeruni
functional items? Answer-1
1. Eight
2. Twelve Q172. Who was the first muslim ruler of Kashmir
3. Eighteen and Founder of the Shah Mir Dynasty?
4. Sixteen 1. Shams-ud-Din
Answer-3 Shah Mir
2. Alau'd-Din Shah
Q166. Which Empire ruled the city of Srinagar till Mir
the 14th century? 3. Sikander Shah
1. Mauryan Mir
2. Chola 4. Sultan Jamshid
3. Gurkha Answer-1
4. Kushan
Q173. What is the other name of the Indian
Q167. Who among the following is the world's Councils Act, 1909?
youngest prime minister?
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1. Montego Chemsford Reforms, observatory located?

1909 1. Doda
2. Government of British Raj Act, 2. Poonch
1909 3. Reasi
3. Morley Montego Reforms, 1909 4. Ramban
4. Morley Minto Reforms, 1909 Answer-4
Q180. Amarnathji cave is a holy place for
__________ pilgrims.
Q174. Which among the following places in 1. Buddhist
Jammu & Kashmir was called as "The Land of 2. Jain
Kings"? 3. Sikh
1. Rajouri 4. Hindu
2. Shopian Answer-4
3. Reasi
4. Ramban Q181. __________ Island was constructed by
Answer-1 King Zainul-Abi-Din in the Wular Lake of Union
Territory of Jammu & Kashmir.
Q175. When did the famous Mughal emperor 1. Majuli
Akbar conquer Kashmir? 2. Zaina Lank
1. 1553 3. Roopa Lank
2. 1586 4. Char Chinari
3. 1528 Answer-2
4. 1501
Answer-2 Q182. The book “The Valley of Kashmir” is
written by:
Q176. Which of the following Mughal Kings 1. Prem Nath
nominated Siraj-ud-din of village Kahuta as Raja Bazaz
of 2. Alan
Poonch? Moorehead
1. Jehangir 3. Walter Roper
2. Humayun Lawrence
3. Akbar 4. Swaleh Reshi
4. Aurangzeb Answer-3
Q183. When did Maharaja Gulab Singh, the
Q177. In which year the district Pulwama in Dogra ruler of Jammu annex the Kishtwar
Jammu and Kashmir was formed? region?
1. 1979 1. 1790 AD
2. 1985 2. 1821 AD
3. 1990 3. 1845 AD
4. 1965 4. 1721 AD
Answer-1 Answer-2

Q178. Which among the following is the longest Q184. In which year the construction of
right bank tributary of river Ganga? Dhannidhar Fort in Rajouri was completed?
1. Alaknanda 1. 1855 A.D
2. Yamuna 2. 1858 A.D
3. Mahananda 3. 1850 A.D
4. Ramganga 4. 1848 A.D
Answer-2 Answer-1

Q179. In which of the following districts of

Jammu and Kashmir is the Batote Q185. Who is called the "Grand Old Man of
meteorological India"?
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1. Dadabhai Q191. The ancient Devi Maha Lakshmi Temple,

Naoroji situated at Pacca Danga of Jammu District,
2. Anandha was built by __________.
Charlu 1. Maharaja Vir
3. E V Ramsamy Dev
4. Badruddin 2. Maharaja
Tyabji Ranbir Singh
Answer-1 3. Maharaja
Dhanpal Singh
Q186. Where did the Champaran Satyagraha 4. Maharaja Bhim
originate? Dev
1. West Bengal Answer-2
2. Bihar Q192. Mian Hathu governed Rajouri from 1846
3. Assam to ___________ A.D.
4. Madhya 1. 1848
Pradesh 2. 1856
Answer-2 3. 1850
4. 1852
Q187. In which of the following districts of
Jammu and Kashmir is the Bhaderwah
meteorological observatory located? Q193. Which among the following lakes was
1. Doda previously known as the Dhakuria Lake?
2. Kulgam 1. Saheb Bandh
3. Poonch 2. Rabindra Sarobar
4. Reasi 3. Santragachi Jheel
Answer-1 4. Senchal Lake
Q188. Which is the hottest month in Jammu Answer-2
1. March
2. August Q194. Who among the following is the first ruler
3. June of Rajouri Kingdom?
4. September 1. Bahu Paul
Answer-3 2. Raja Prithvi
Q189. ___________ Town in Jammu & Kashmir 3. Sultan Masud
has derived it's name from a famous spring 4. Sangram Paul
named "Ganderbhavan". Answer-2
1. Srinagar
2. Ganderbal Q195. Which King has changed the name of
3. Reasi Rajouri to Rampur in the Union Territory of
4. Jammu Jammu
Answer-2 & Kashmir?
1. Maharaja Vir
Q190. Emperor Jahangir, wished to be buried at Bala Dev
______________, in Anantnag District of 2. Maharaja Gulab
Jammu Singh
& Kashmir. 3. Maharaja
1. Chamuthang Chandra Dev
2. Gurdashnag 4. Maharaja Bhim
3. Verinag Dev
4. Thattapani
Answer-3 Answer-2

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Q196. Which is the hottest month in Kashmir 1. Bandipora

valley? 2. Reasi
1. August 3. Kulgam
2. September 4. Baramulla
3. July Answer-4
4. March
Q202. ____________ waterfalls is located in the
Q197. Who built the Rajouri Fort at Dhannidhar Poonch district of UT Jammu & Kashmir.
village? 1. Jog
1. Noor-Ud-Din 2. Chitrakote
2. Mian Hathu 3. Magod
3. Raja Prithvi 4. Nandishool
Paul Answer-4
4. Albaurni
Answer-2 Q203. Where did the Congress Split of 1907
Q198. Who was the builder of the Martand (Sun) 1. Calcutta
Temple and founder of Kashmir Valley's canal 2. Madras
irrigation system? 3. Bombay
1. Zain-ul-adidin 4. Surat
2. Bhu Dev Answer-4
3. Lalitaditya
4. Bhim Chand Q204. Who issued the Partition of Bengal in
Answer-3 1905?
1. Lord Curzon
Q199. The famous Lohar Devta Temple is in 2. Lord Rippon
___________ District of Union Territory of 3. Lord MInto
Jammu & 4. Lord Lytton
Kashmir. Answer-1
1. Anantnag
2. Pulwama Q205. Where did the Kheda Satyagraha
3. Shopian originate?
4. Poonch 1. West Bengal
Answer-4 2. Gujarat
3. Madhya
Q200. Who among the following rulers adopted 4. Bihar
‘Compulsory Primary Education Regulation in Answer-2
Jammu and Kashmir'?
1. Maharaja Q206. Who led the Bardoli Satyagraha?
Pratap Singh 1. Jawaharlal
2. Raja Amar Nehru
Singh 2. Sadar Vallabhai
3. Maharaja Hari Patel
Singh 3. M N Roy
4. Maharaja Gulab 4. Mahatma
Singh Gandhi
Answer-3 Answer-2

Q201. In which of the following districts of

Jammu and Kashmir is the Gulmarg Q207. Which of the following festivals is
meteorological celebrated on April 13th of every year in Jammu
observatory located? &
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Kashmir? Q213. During which year, Kashmir passed on

1. Shikara Festival from the feeble control of the Mughal emperor of
2. Tulip Festival the time to Ahmed Shah Abdali of Afghanistan?
3. Gurez Festival 1. 1888 A.D.
4. Baisakhi 2. 1947 A.D.
Festival 3. 1640 A.D.
Answer-4 4. 1752 A.D.

Q208. The District Ganderbal was carved out Q214. Which of the following districts in Jammu
from which of the following districts in Jammu & Kashmir is the birthplace of Basohli Art
and Kashmir? Paintings?
1. Doda 1. Kathua
2. Kupwara 2. Samba
3. Anantnag 3. Reasi
4. Srinagar 4. Ramban
Answer-4 Answer-1

Q209. Which of the following districts is a part of Q215. Which of the following is the shortest
Jammu region? National Highway in India?
1. Kupwara 1. NH 47A
2. Baramulla 2. NH 35
3. Udhampur 3. NH 26
4. Pulwama 4. NH 31B
Answer-3 Answer-1

Q210. The famous tourist destination Yusmarg, Q215. In which of the following districts of
is located in ____________ district of Union Jammu and Kashmir is the Katra meteorological
Territory of Jammu & Kashmir. observatory located?
1. Jammu 1. Poonch
2. Doda 2. Reasi
3. Shopian 3. Ramban
4. Badgam 4. Doda
Answer-4 Answer-2

Q211. District Kishtwar was carved out from Q216. In which year, Samba region came under
which of the following districts during the year the supremacy of Jammu, during the period of
2007-08? Hari Dev?
1. Doda 1. 1929 A.D.
2. Anantnag 2. 1899 A.D.
3. Poonch 3. 1816 A.D.
4. Ramban 4. 1876 A.D.
Answer-1 Answer-3

Q212. _____________ in Kashmir is famous for Q217. Which state has registered the highest
its hilltop Muslim shrine. coal production in FY 2020-21?
1. Haji Ali 1. Jharkhand
2. Dargah Qutub 2. Chhattisgarh
Sahib 3. West Bengal
3. Ajmer Sharif 4. Odisha
4. Watlab Answer-2
Q218. Who was the last Muslim Ruler of the
Rajouri region?
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1. Raja Raheem Ullah Khan Q224. ______________ is one of the lakes

2. Raja SardarKhan which is surrounded by Pir Panjal and Zanskar
3. Noor-Ud-Din Ranges
4. Raja Anwar Khan of Jammu & Kashmir.
Answer-1 1. Tansa Lake
2. Vihar Lake
Q219. Which Revolution was associated with the 3. Lonar Lake
'Operation Flood' launched in January 1970? 4. Tulian Lake
1. Brown Answer-4
2. White
Revolution Q225. Who appointed Mian Hathu as the
3. Golden Governor of Rajouri?
Revolution 1. Raja Aggar
4. Green Ullah Khan
Revolution 2. Maharaja Ranjit
Answer-2 Singh
3. Raja Raheem
Q220. Deendayal Port Trust is located in which Ullah Khan
of the following states in India? 4. Maharaja Gulab
1. Gujarat Singh
2. Odisha Answer-4
3. Maharashtra
4. Andhra
Answer-1 Q226. Who among the following wrote that
Poonch was famous for graphics, fine tea
(Musloom) and good horses?
Q221. Which of the following dams is built on the 1. Huien Tsang
river Krishna? 2. Ibn Battuta
1. Kohira Dam 3. Albaurni
2. Nagarjuna 4. Al-Masudi
Sagar Dam Answer-1
3. Hidkal Dam
4. Salal Dam Q226. In which year Kashmir came under the
Answer-2 control of Ahmed Shah Durrani, the Afghan who
invaded India many times?
Q222. The holy place of Baba Dhansar is 1. 1947
located at ___________ district of Jammu & 2. 1757
Kashmir. 3. 1857
1. Reasi 4. 1799
2. Ramban Answer-2
3. Shopian
4. Doda Q227. Nathpa Jhakri Dam was constructed
Answer-1 across the ________ River.
1. Cauvery
Q223. In which of the following districts of 2. Chenab
Jammu and Kashmir is the Kokernag 3. Satluj
meteorological observatory located? 4. Tapti
1. Kathua Answer-3
2. Doda
3. Anantnag Q228. Which of the following districts is a part of
4. Baramulla Kashmir valley?
Answer-4 1. Baramulla
2. Reasi
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3. Poonch
4. Kathua Q234. The Shrine of Baba Chamliyal is located
Answer-1 in the _________ district of Jammu and
1. Reasi
Q229. Which among the following forts was built 2. Doda
by Gen. Zorawar Singh, the famous Dogra 3. Samba
General? 4. Ramban
1. Bhim Garh Answer-3
2. Banasur Garh
3. Devalgarh
4. Pithoragarh Q235. In which year Siraj-ud-din of village
Answer-1 Kahuta was nominated as Raja of Poonch?
1. 1532 A.D
2. 1520 A.D
Q30. Who was the Governor of Kashmir during 3. 1596 A.D
the Mughal rule in 1663 A.D? 4. 1550 A.D
1. Islam Khan Answer-3
2. Mian Hathu
3. Muhi-ud-Din
Muhammad Q236. _________ is the popular form of folk
4. Muhammad bin music in Jammu & Kashmir.
Qasim 1. Baul
Answer-1 2. Zeilang
3. Maand
Q231. Which Indian territory is known as Khapa 4. Chakri
- chan (the land of snow)? Answer-4
1. Gangtok
2. Ladakh
3. Dehradun Q237. Which of the following is one of the kharif
4. Shimla crops cultivated in India?
Answer-2 1. Rice
2. Wheat
3. Oats
4. Barley
Q232. The Gadadhar temple in Jammu District Answer-1
of Jammu and Kashmir was built by Maharaja
Gulab Singh in ____________. Q238. Which of the following is an example of
1. 1850 A.D. Kharif crop of Jammu and Kashmir?
2. 1812 A.D. 1. Linseed
3. 1800 A.D. 2. Pea
4. 1777 A.D. 3. Mustard
Answer-1 4. Groundnut

Q233. ______________ is the Everlasting Answer-4

Green Valley lying on the North East of
Bhadarwah town Q238. In which of the following districts of
of Doda District. Jammu and Kashmir is the Pahalgam
1. Nubra Valley meteorological observatory located?
2. Sharavathi 1. Kulgam
Valley 2. Anantnag
3. Jai Valley 3. Reasi
4. Silent Valley 4. Doda
Answer-3 Answer-2

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Q239. Raja Raheem Ullah Khan ruled Rajouri

principality up to __________.
1. February, 1844
2. January, 1845
3. January, 1846
4. October, 1846

Q240. In which year a Botanical Garden was set

up in memory of India's first prime minister in
Jammu & Kashmir?
1. 1969
2. 1979
3. 1988
4. 1999

Q241. Which of the following places in Jammu &

Kashmir is known as "Pargana Deesu" in the
old records?
1. Ramban
2. Samba
3. Budgam
4. Reasi

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