Received: 28 July 2018 / Accepted: 11 December 2018 / Published online: 15 December 2018
© Springer Nature B.V. 2018
To determine whether a classification based on the contour of the photoplethysmography signal (PPGc) can detect changes
in systolic arterial blood pressure (SAP) and vascular tone. Episodes of normotension (SAP 90–140 mmHg), hypertension
(SAP > 140 mmHg) and hypotension (SAP < 90 mmHg) were analyzed in 15 cardiac surgery patients. SAP and two surrogates
of the vascular tone, systemic vascular resistance (SVR) and vascular compliance (Cvasc = stroke volume/pulse pressure)
were compared with PPGc. Changes in PPG amplitude (foot-to-peak distance) and dicrotic notch position were used to define
6 classes taking class III as a normal vascular tone with a notch placed between 20 and 50% of the PPG amplitude. Class
I-to-II represented vasoconstriction with notch placed > 50% in a small PPG, while class IV-to-VI described vasodilation
with a notch placed < 20% in a tall PPG wave. 190 datasets were analyzed including 61 episodes of hypertension [SAP = 159
(151–170) mmHg (median 1st–3rd quartiles)], 84 of normotension, SAP = 124 (113–131) mmHg and 45 of hypotension
SAP = 85(80–87) mmHg. SAP were well correlated with SVR (r = 0.78, p < 0.0001) and Cvasc (r = 0.84, p < 0.0001). The
PPG-based classification correlated well with SAP (r = − 0.90, p < 0.0001), SVR (r = − 0.72, p < 0.0001) and Cvasc (r = 0.82,
p < 0.0001). The PPGc misclassified 7 out of the 190 episodes, presenting good accuracy (98.4% and 97.8%), sensitivity
(100% and 94.9%) and specificity (97.9% and 99.2%) for detecting episodes of hypotension and hypertension, respectively.
Changes in arterial pressure and vascular tone were closely related to the proposed classification based on PPG waveform.
Clinical Trial Registration NTC02854852.
816 Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing (2019) 33:815–824
anesthetic drugs [7–9], the possibility of monitoring vascular the PPGc with invasive arterial blood pressure and two
tone would be of clinical interest. surrogates of vascular tone in anesthetized patients under-
The pulse oximetry photoplethysmographic (PPG) signal going cardiac surgery.
provides non-invasive beat-by-beat information related to
the characteristics of the vascular system [10]. The asso-
ciation between PPG, arterial blood pressure and systemic
vascular resistance (SVR) has been previously described 1 Methods
[11–13]. Such relationship is based on the fact that the PPG
waveform represents the change of blood volume in a tested This prospective observational pilot study was performed
tissue (commonly the finger) during one beat [14, 15]. This in the operating theater of a community hospital with the
pulse flow wave is strongly influenced by ventricular-vascu- corresponding local IRB approval (Clinical Trial Regis-
lar interactions in a similar way as the forward and backward tration NTC02854852). After obtaining signed informed
pulse pressure waves [16, 17]. As opposed to the positive consent, we studied mechanically ventilated patients
returning backward pressure wave, the backward flow wave aged ≥ 18 years undergoing cardiac surgery. We excluded
returns to the heart as an inverse negative wave after reflect- emergency surgery and patients with baseline arrhythmias.
ing back from the peripheral arterial tree bifurcations [18]. Patients who developed intraoperative hypothermia (naso-
This leads to marked changes in the contour of the PPG pharyngeal temperature ≤ 36 °C), arrhythmias and a total
waveform (PPGc) anytime the arterial compliance is affected bleeding ≥ 350 mL were also excluded to avoid any source
by modifications in the peripheral vascular tone. of changes in the PPG signal.
Based on the dynamic changes observed in the PPGc in Patients were anesthetized using standard proce-
response to alterations in vascular tone we recently proposed dures. Routine monitoring included ECG, time-based
a classification in which we identified six differentiated pat- capnography, pulse oximetry and naso-pharyngeal
terns (Fig. 1) [19]. This classification stems from close clini- temperature (S5, Datex-Ohmeda, Helsinki, Finland).
cal observations and is supported by some published evi- Anesthesia was induced with propofol 1–1.5 mg kg−1,
dences [20–23] but has not properly been tested or validated vecuronium 0.08 mg kg −1 and fentanyl 10 µ kg −1 and
in anesthetized mechanically ventilated patients before. maintained with propofol 80 µ kg −1 min−1 and remifen-
We believe that the changes observed in PPGc recorded tanil 0.5 µ kg−1 min−1. Lungs were ventilated in volume-
at the finger level are related to modifications on the arte- controlled ventilation using the Advance workstation (GE
rial blood pressure induced by changes in vascular tone. Healthcare, Madison, WI, US) with a tidal volume of
We used the previously described PPGc classification sys- 8 mL kg−1 of predicted body weight, respiratory rate 15
tem to test this hypothesis. For this purpose we compared breaths min−1, PEEP 5 cm H2O, I:E ratio 1:2 and F
IO2 0.5.
Fig. 1 Classification of the vascular tone based on the visual inspec- class IV the notch reaches baseline although the backward wave is
tion of the photo-plethysmography waveform shape. The classifica- still evident. Class V shows a flat phase without notch and in the class
tion is based on the photoplethysmography (PPG) amplitude and on VI the notch becomes negative. Vasoconstriction shows less PPG
the positioning of the dicrotic notch. Normal PPG shape (class III) amplitude than normal meaning that blood flow decreases (less infra-
presented the dicrotic notch between 20 and 50% of the total PPG red light absorbance). The notch ascends and fuses with the systolic
amplitude. Vasodilation increases PPG amplitude because the finger pulse peak (classes II and I, respectively)
receives more blood flow (more infrared light absorbance). In PPG
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing (2019) 33:815–824 817
1.1 Hemodynamic monitoring at the index finger of the tested hand. Data was recorded
at 100 Hz via a laptop using a customized data collecting
A femoral artery 5F catheter (Pulsion Medical Systems, system. The PPG signal is the amount of light absorbed by
Munich, Germany) and an internal jugular 8F catheter were the finger. In order to improve the visualization and have a
inserted before anesthesia induction. Pressure transduc- comprehensive range, the dimensionless PPG signal is pre-
ers were placed and zeroed at the phlebostatic level before sented in an arbitrary scale 0–100% by the Fluxmed device.
data recording. Invasive systolic (SAP), mean (MAP), dias- Any improvement in blood flow at the finger increases PPG
tolic (DAP) and pulse (PP = SAP − DAP) arterial pressures amplitude because more light is absorbed by a crescent
were obtained beat-by-beat. Normotension was defined amount of blood. The opposite is true when finger’s blood
as a SAP between 90 and 140 mmHg, hypertension as a flow decreases, making PPG amplitude small.
SAP > 140 mmHg and hypotension as a SAP < 90 mmHg The contour of the PPG was classified according to six
[4, 24]. patterns related to different vascular tone conditions as pre-
Cardiac output (CO) was continuously monitored by viously described [19]. This classification is based on (1)
pulse wave contour analysis after calibration with 3 stable the position of the dicrotic notch and (2) the amplitude of
transpulmonary thermodilutions every 20 min (PICCO Sci- the PPG waveform defined as the foot-to-peak PPG distance
ence, Pulsion Medical Systems, Munich, Germany). Stroke [14, 16–18]. The classification is then described as follows
volume (SV) was calculated as CO/heart rate. Central venous (Fig. 1):
pressure (CVP) was continuously measured by the central
venous catheter connected to the PICCO monitor. We thus • Class I: decreased PPG amplitude and dicrotic notch
calculated SVR and arterial vascular compliance (Cvasc) fusion with the systolic peak. Meaning: decrease in blood
as surrogates of systemic vascular tone in a beat basis [25]. flow due to a significant increase in vascular tone second-
SVR was derived from the standard formula: ary to severe vasoconstriction.
• Class II: decreased PPG amplitude and notch position-
SVR = (MAP − CVP)∕CO × 80
ing at the upper 50% of the PPG waveform maximal
Cvasc was calculated as SV/PP as described previously amplitude. Meaning: decrease in local blood flow due to
[26]. a moderate increase in vascular tone.
Pulse pressure variation (PPV) was calculated as [27]. • Class III: the PPG amplitude of this class was arbitrarily
[( ) (
PPV(%) = 100 × PPmax − PPmin ∕ PPmax + PPmin ∕2
) ] taken as the reference amplitude because in our experi-
ence class III is related to normal blood pressure. The
were PPmax and P
Pmin are the maximal and minimal pulse dicrotic notch is commonly located between 20 and 50%
pressure values determined over a single respiratory cycle. of PPG’s maximum amplitude in this class
The stroke volume variation (SVV) was calculated as [27]: • Class IV: increased PPG amplitude and notch position-
ing at 20% of the PPG’s waveform maximal amplitude.
[( ) ( ) ]
SVV(%) = 100 × SVmax − SVmin ∕ SVmax + SVmin ∕2
Meaning: increase in blood flow due to a reduced vascu-
The global end-diastolic volume index (GEDI) is a vol-
lar tone caused by mild vasodilation.
umetric preload parameter related to the volume of blood
• Class V: increased PPG amplitude where notch and dias-
within the heart, derived from the transpulmonary thermodi-
tolic wave are flat, located at the foot of the PPG. Mean-
lution (TPTD) curve as [28]:
ing: increased blood flow due to moderate vasodilation.
GEDI = Cardiac index × (mean transit time − downslope time) • Class VI: increased PPG amplitude and the notch becom-
Extravascular lung water index (ELWI) was calculated ing negative. Meaning: increase in blood flow caused by
as [29]: severe vasodilation.
818 Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing (2019) 33:815–824
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing (2019) 33:815–824 819
(TP + TN + FP + FN)] × 100; where TP is true positive, TN Table 2 because they were not continuously recorded only
is true negative, FP is false positive and FN is false negative. during thermodilutions.
The test was applied to determine the ability of our classifi- The SVR increased and Cvasc decreased during arte-
cation to detect arterial blood hypertension or hypotension rial hypertension and changed in opposite direction during
caused by changes in vascular tone; where the “disease” hypotensive episodes (p < 0.0001 both compared to nor-
defined abnormal blood pressure according to known cut-off motension). Changes in SAP were correlated with these
values [4, 24] and “healthy” is represented by normotension. vascular tone related variables: SAP versus SVR (r = 0.78,
p < 0.0001) and SAP versus Cvasc (r = − 0.84, p < 0.0001).
PPGc class allocation adequately discriminated hyperten-
sive and hypotensive from normotensive episodes (Table 2).
2 Results We found a good correlation between PPGc class and SAP
(r = − 0.90, p < 0.0001), MAP (r = − 0.88, p < 0.0001), DAP
In this analysis we studied 16 patients submitted to coro- (r = − 0.85, p < 0.0001), and PP (r = − 0.87, p < 0.0001).
nary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery (Table 1). No PPGc class was also well correlated with SVR and Cvasc
patient developed new arrhythmias nor needed pacemaker [− 0.72 (p < 0.0001) and 0.77 (p < 0.0001) respectively] the
when collecting the data. One patient was excluded due to chose surrogates of systemic arterial impedance.
acute bleeding of > 350 mL and data from the remaining As expected PPGc amplitude decreased during hyper-
15 patients were analyzed. This patient presented a medi- tension and increased during hypotensive episodes when
cal coagulopathy after cardiopulmonary bypass that needed compared to normotension (Table 2, all p < 0.0001). This
more i.v. fluids, platelets and red cells transfusion. parameter was also well correlated with SAP (r = − 0.79,
According to the pre-defined blood pressure groups we p < 0.0001), MAP (r = − 0.76, p < 0.0001), DAP (r = − 0.75,
studied 84 normotensive, 61 hypertensive and 45 hypoten- p < 0.0001), PP (r = − 0.77, p < 0.0001), SVR (r = − 0.66,
sive episodes. A total of 190 complete dataset was analyzed p < 0.0001) and Cvasc (r = 0.82, p < 0.0001).
with an average of 13 ± 5 measurements per patient. SAP Figure 3 presents examples of the performance of the
ranged from 65 to 197 mmHg. PPGc classification in one patient during changes in arterial
Table 2 presents the recorded parameters of the differ- blood pressure. Figure 4 illustrates how PPG dynamically
ent arterial blood pressure groups. CVP, PPV and SVV changes in response to treatment of hypertensive and hypo-
remained at normal values during the protocol. Mean GEDI tensive episodes.
was 742 ± 88 mL m−2 and EVLWI 8.2 ± 1.4 mL kg−1 during The PPG-based classification system failed in 7 out of the
the protocol. These last two variables are not included in 190 measurements. Three episodes of normal arterial blood
Age (years) 67 ± 19
Gender (% females) 33
Weight (kg) 85 ± 24
Height (cm) 169 ± 43
BMI (kg/cm2) 29 ± 8
Type of surgery (number of patients) Aorto-coronary bypass (13)
Aortic valvular replacement (stenosis) + bypass (2)
EF (%) 58 ± 17
LV function (number of patients) Normal systolic (10)–slight systolic dysfunction (5)–normal diastolic (9)–slight diastolic
dysfunction (6)
RV function -Tapse (mm) 25 ± 3
Chronic diseases (number of patients) Arterial hypertension (12)
Smokers (8)–diabetes (3)–chronic renal failure (1)–obesity (3)–hypotiroidism (2)–stroke (1)
Preoperatory drugs (number of patients) B-blockers (10)
Vasodilators (7)
Diuretics (1)–T4 (2)–statins (3)
Oral hypoglycemic agents (3)
820 Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing (2019) 33:815–824
SAP (mmHg) 159 (151–170) < 0.001 124 (113–131) < 0.001 85 (80–87)
MAP (mmHg) 100 (94–109) < 0.001 77 (72–85) < 0.001 53 (47–59)
DAP (mmHg) 67 (61–74) < 0.001 53 (49–59) < 0.001 37 (33–42)
PP (mmHg) 93 (86–104) < 0.001 70 (60–77) < 0.001 47 (40–51)
CO (L min−1) 4.6 (3.4–6.4) 0.030 4.2 (3.7–6.1) 0.026 3.8(2.9–5.4)
HR (bpm) 52 (47–60) 0.354 51 (48–62) 0.407 54 (48–65)
PPV (%) 4 (3–6) 0.406 6 (4–8) < 0.001 9 (5–12)
SVV (%) 3 (3–4) 0.512 5 (3–7) 0.066 7 (6–10)
CVP (mmHg) 10 (6–12) 0.004 8 (4–11) 0.016 7 (3–9)
SVR (dyn s cm−5) 1766 (1165–2105) < 0.001 1381 (962–1711) < 0.001 1075 (750–1252)
Cvasc (mL mmHg−1) 0.97 (0.64–1.25) < 0.001 1.17 (0.80–1.59) < 0.001 1.39 (1.10-2.00)
PPG class 2 (1–2) < 0.001 3 (3–3) < 0.001 5 (5–6)
PPG amplitude (%) 43 (38–52) < 0.001 56 (44–66) < 0.001 71(61–79)
SAP systolic arterial pressure, MAP mean arterial pressure, DAP diastolic arterial pressure, PP pulse pres-
sure, CO cardiac output, HR heart rate, PPV pulse pressure variation, SVV stroke volume variation, CVP
central venous pressure, SVR systemic vascular resistance, PPG photoplethysmography. p value = Wil-
coxon rank sum test compared with normotension. Data is presented as median and 1st–3rd quartiles
Table 3 Performance of the PPGc-based classification for diagnosing hypertensive or hypotensive episodes, manipulations in
arterial blood hypotension and hypertension the surgical field affecting the monitored arm (i.e. exter-
ABP Sensitivity Specificity Accuracy PPV NPV nal cuff compression) or in morbid obese patients among
others [30–33]. Early detection of changes in the vascu-
Hypotension 1 0.979 0.984 0.938 1 lar tone and its effect on blood pressure by simple PPGc
Hypertension 0.949 0.992 0.978 0.982 0.977 analysis could therefore facilitate the early diagnosis of
Diagnostic test 2 × 2 table for the assessment of sensitivity, specific- circulatory instability and allow for an early proactive cor-
ity, accuracy, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predicted rective therapeutic intervention when needed.
value (NPV) of the PPG classification of hypotensive and hyperten- The PPGc classification would also help to interpret the
sive episodes
pathophysiologic mechanisms behind arterial blood pressure
changes during anesthesia and intensive care management.
in the form of hyper or hypotensive episodes, are com- Changes in arterial blood pressure induced by alterations
mon and caused by surgical manipulations, bleeding, the in vascular tone are common for most anesthetic and many
interaction of the anesthetic agents and previous patient’s sedative drugs [7–9]. Thus, medical therapies for intraopera-
chronic diseases. The standard blood pressure routine tive blood pressure changes could be better targeted to one of
monitoring is based on NIBP systems that intermittently its main pathophysiologic causative mechanisms.
asses blood pressure at regular preselected periods. This The clinical use of the arterial pulse pressure waveform
implies that many of such hemodynamic episodes that for monitoring hemodynamics has been well described
appear suddenly may go undetected [6]. Depending on [16–18]. The same is true for the PPG contour analysis,
the measurement rate set, routine NIBP monitoring leaves which has been used for the assessment of fluid respon-
“blind” periods between cuff compressions of variable siveness [34, 35] and for studying the effect of aging and
duration in which, sometimes important changes in the diseases on the vascular system [36, 37]. Previous publica-
hemodynamic status occur. Furthermore, the perfor- tions have highlighted the relationship between PPG and
mance of NIBP is often impaired in situations of severe arterial blood pressure. PPG has been used to estimate blood
822 Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing (2019) 33:815–824
pressure using different approaches like the pulse wave the changes in arterial blood pressure, guiding the treatment
velocity analysis [38], the artery clamp method [39, 40], as observed in Fig. 4. We did not test the potential role of
reappearance of the PPG waveform during cuff deflation [41, the proposed PPG based classification in the detection of
42] or the analysis of different PPG features among others other hemodynamic changes like hypovolemia in the studied
[43, 44]. The association between the PPGc and arterial wall patients. Therefore, whether such a classification can dif-
compliance has also been described. Lopez-Beltrán et al. and ferentiate vasoplegic from hypovolemic hypotension must
Jagomägi et al. calculated beat-by-beat vascular compliance be addressed in future studies.
in a non-invasive way using PPG and finger blood pressure
(Peñaz’s method) [45, 46]. These authors demonstrated that 3.1 Limitations
vascular compliance derived from PPG quickly changes with
the cold-pressure test and during arm elevation, respectively. Despite the protocol was design to avoid occult hypovolemia
Awad et al. and Middleton et al. have already studied the or hypervolemia, we cannot confirm or discard these con-
correlation between PPGc derived-parameters and SVR [11, ditions using PPV. The changes observed in arterial blood
13]. Dawber et al. focused on the upward position of the pressure could be affected not only by changes in the vas-
dicrotic notch of the PPGc for the screening of hypertensive cular tone but also for some degree of hypo/hypervolemia.
patients [20]. This notch’s position shift reflects the early Thus, the performance of our PPG based classification of
return of backward waves during cardiac systole and was the vascular tone could be influenced by a potential change
related to arterial blood hypertension. However, they did in patient’s volemia. We assume that the main changes in
not describe any PPGc changes to characterize arterial blood arterial blood pressure were caused by changes in the vas-
hypotension. cular tone in our patients. This assumption is because the
Our results are in line with these studies. We observed a fast changes in blood pressure were reversible and related to
good correlation between the PPGc class and SAP at blood changes in the surrogates of vascular tone (SVR and Cvasc)
pressure levels ranging from 65 to 197 mmHg. We also and not related to bleeding, fluid deficit or overload. Next
found good correlations between SAP and surrogates of studies must be done in controlled experimental environ-
vascular tone such as SVR and Cvasc. Taking all this infor- ments to test different hemodynamic scenarios.
mation together, our findings support and raise the interest of We only investigated those PPG parameters related to the
the use of PPGc as a non-invasive hemodynamic monitoring proposed classification—the amplitude and the position of
option [47]. the dicrotic notch. Other PPG derived variables related to
The effect on the PPGc of vasodilation induced by alco- the hemodynamic status like the plethysmographic variation
hol, nitrites or heat has been previously studied by several index, the stiffness index, the diastolic-to-systolic ratio (B/A
authors [21–23, 34]. In our daily practice we also observed ratio), the PPG second derivative or the PPG width were not
that arterial hypotension induced by anesthetic drug induced tested in this study. The addition of those PPG parameters
vasodilation had a clear effect on the PPGc; effect that is could improve the sensitivity and specificity of the PPGc
reversed by an intravenous infusion of a vasoconstrictor like method as described by Lee et al. [12].
noradrenaline [48–50]. Similar to arterial hypertension, the We did not analyze inter-observer agreement in this study
changes on PPGc during vasodilation-induced arterial hypo- and certainly the automatization of this PPGc-based estima-
tension could be explained by ventricular-vascular interac- tion of the vascular tone, including many other PPG-derived
tion. During hypotension the vascular tree is more compliant parameters, would eliminate any physician’s subjectivity and
and the backward wave returns slowly and late in diastole, improve the diagnostic performance of PPGc. Our primary
delaying and moving the dicrotic notch downwards. If vaso- intention at this stage was a preliminary description of a
dilation is moderate-to-severe we observed that the notch method that can provide clinicians with an easy, fast and
became flat and then negative. simple assessment of vascular tone and its association with
We believe our findings are of clinically interest because arterial blood pressure changes just by observing the stand-
most of severe postoperative complications, like acute myo- ard pulse oximeter’s waveform display and not depending
cardial infarction, intracranial hemorrhage or kidney failure on any more complex computational waveform analysis.
are related not only with the degree of intraoperative arte- All detected episodes of arterial blood normo-hyper-hypo-
rial blood hyper/hypotension but also with the duration and tension were selected for analysis but, as the investigator
number of such episodes [1–5]. The proposed classification was not blinded for the PiCCO tracings (as they were used
can help to quickly suspect an arterial hyper/hypotensive to detect the episodes), certain subjectivity in the selection
episode in patients where invasive arterial blood pressure could not be ruled out and could induce a bias in our final
or advanced hemodynamic monitoring is not indicated. results.
Besides, the classification could be potentially helpful to The studied cohort of cardiac surgery patients is an
differentiate the pathophysiological mechanisms that caused unstable population with vascular disease and endothelial
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