5. Cues to action
are external events that prompt a desire to
make a health change.
This is the stimulus needed to trigger the
decision-making process to accept a
recommended health action.
6. Self-Efficacy
Self-Efficacy is a person’s particular set of MILIO’S FRAMEWORK FOR PREVENTION
beliefs that determine one’s ability to Nancy Milio developed a framework for
perform specific tasks on health-related prevention that includes concepts of
change. In simple terms, self-efficacy is a community-oriented, population- focused
person’s belief in their ability to succeed in care.
a particular situation.
The framework states that behavioral
patterns of the populations and individuals
Influence of culture in health beliefs
are a result of habitual selection from
Culture influences healthcare at all levels, limited choices and that individual’s health
including communications and interactions and lifestyle choices are influenced by
with doctors and nurses, health resources, availability, cost, and
disparities, health care outcomes, and convenience more than knowledge. The
even the illness experience itself. People framework provides that health deficits
in some cultures believe illness is the will often result from imbalance between
of a higher power, and may be more population’s health needs and its health
reluctant to receive health care. Our sustaining resources. Behavioral choice
culture dramatically influences our is due to lack of knowledge.
knowledge in health education. Each of
these cultures has its own health beliefs 1. Population health result from deprivation and
and treatment methods. excess of critical health resources the state of not
having something that people need. something a
state of extreme poverty. The lack of material assist in attracting attention and directing
benefits considered to be necessities in a society: positive behavior changes.
E.g., Lack of food, lack of skills, lack of
income due to unemployment NOLA PENDER: HEALTH PROMOTION
2. Behaviors of populations result from selection Nola J. Pender is a nursing theorist who
from limited choices: these arise from actual and developed the Health Promotion Model.
perceived options available as well as beliefs and She started studying health-promoting
expectations resulting from socialization, behavior in the mid-1970s.
education and experience. Her Health Promotion Model indicates
E.g., positive and negative lifestyle preventative health measures and
choices (example: smoking, alcohol use, describes nurses’ critical function in
safer sex practices, regular exercise, helping patients prevent illness by self-
diet/nutrition, seatbelt use) are strongly care and bold alternatives.
dependent on culture, socioeconomic Health promotion can be defined as the
status, and educational level. process of empowering people to make a
healthy lifestyle choice and motivating
3. Organizational decisions and policies (both them to become a better self-manager.
governmental and non-governmental) dictate health promotion focusses on patient
many of the options available to individuals and education, counseling and support
populations, and influences choices. mechanism. The Health Promotion Model
E.g. Health insurance coverage and aims to explain and engage in health-
availability are largely determined and promoting behaviors to improve health
financed by governments (like Medicare care.
and health hazard pay) and employers
(like private insurance- Social security Three main focuses of the health promotion
system): the source and funding very model
strongly influence health provider choices 1. Individual characteristics and experiences
and services. 2. Behavior-specific cognition and affect.
3. Behavioral outcomes.
4. Individual choices related to health promoting
or health damaging behaviors is influenced by The factors that are associated with the HPM are
efforts to maximize valued resources. Choices mainly an individual's lifestyle, outlook,
and behaviors of individuals are strongly psychological health, social and cultural traits, as
influenced be desires, values, and beliefs. well as biological factors.
For example, the use of barrier protection
during sex by adolescents is often 1. Individual characteristics and experiences
dependent on peer pressure and the need Individual characteristic means something
for acceptance, love, and belonging. that distinguishes or identifies a person or
thing or class of one person from another
5. Alteration in patterns of behavior resulting from and thus helps to define each person's
decision making of significant number of people in individuality.
a population can result in social change Among the most important kinds of
E.g., Some behaviors such as tobacco individual characteristics are intelligence,
use have become difficult to maintain in personality traits, and values.
many settings or situations in response to Experience is what you get when you
organizational and public policy mandates. apply your knowledge and skills in a
specific situation and context.
6. Without concurrent availability of alternative To put it simply, there are experiences we
health-promoting options for investment of go through by ourselves and there are
personal resources, health education will be those that we go through with other
largely ineffective in changing behavior patterns. people as a group.
E.g., Addressing persistent health Individual human experiences are
problems (like overweight and obesity) is personal experiences.
hindered because most people are aware This is commonly used in interviews and
of what causes the problem, but people academic work.
are reluctant to make reluctant lifestyle Personal experience is typically
changes to prevent or reverse the contrasted with professional experience
condition. Often “information like new diet) that results from work. However, the two
or resources (like new medication) can often overlap.
Predisposing- Is a tendency, or something
2. Behavior-specific cognitions and affect. that is likely to happen or susceptibility.
Cognition- refers to our thoughts about Reinforcing- to strengthen or support. e.g.,
and interpretations of ourselves and other to strengthen additional healthcare
people. Over time, we develop schemas personnel or equipment
and attitudes to help us better understand Enabling- the act of helping someone to
and more successfully interact with others. accomplish something that could not be
Affect- refers to the feelings that we done alone.
experience as part of life and includes Constructs- to build or create something
both moods and emotions. or by putting parts together
Behavior- is interacting with others and Educational- Is teaching knowledge to
influencing each other every day. To others and receiving knowledge from
develop the ability to make these someone else.
interactions proceed efficiently and Diagnosis- the identification of the nature
effectively. of an illness or other problems
Evaluation- to determine the significance,
Behavior-specific cognitions and affect relies on worth, or condition of usually by careful
four core components of Health belief model. appraisal and study. e.g., a teacher
perceived benefits of action reviews a paper to give it a grade.
perceived barriers to action
perceived self-efficacy. 5 Phases of Precede
activity-related affect It involves the following community factors:
interpersonal influences and situational 1. Social assessment/ Diagnosis:
influences). Determine the social problems and needs
of a given population and identify desired
3. behavioral outcomes results.
The third category is behavioral outcome. 2. Epidemiological assessment/
The start of the outcome begins with the Diagnosis: Identify the health
person committing to taking the steps determinants of the identified problems
necessary to make a change. During this and set priorities and goals.
phase the individual must be supported 3. Ecological assessment: Analyze
with barriers addressed to produce a behavioral and environmental
positive health-promoting behavior. determinants that predispose, reinforce,
and enable behaviors and lifestyles are
MODEL 4. Identify administrative and policy/
Lawrence W. Green is an American Diagnosis: factors that influence
specialist in public health education. He is implementation and match appropriate
best known by health education interventions that encourage desired and
researchers as the originator of the expected changes.
PRECEDE model and co-developer of the 5. Implementation of interventions.
The model is not just for health PROCEED
intervention, but for community Is related to action. It provides the
intervention in general. structure for implementing and evaluating
The PRECEDE-PROCEED model is a the public health program.
comprehensive structure for assessing PROCEED stands for Policy, Regulatory,
health needs for designing, implementing, and Organizational Constructs in
and evaluating health promotion and other Educational and Environmental
public health programs to meet those Development.
needs. PRECEDE-PROCEED Model was
developed for use in public health. Policy- is a written law, regulation,
Its basic principle, however, is the transfer procedure, administrative action, or
of community issues. voluntary practice of governments and
other institutions. are frequently reflected
PRECEDE in resource allocations. Health can be
Provides the structure for planning a targeted and influenced by policies in many different
focused public health program. sectors.
Regulatory- is the control or direction of an
activity by a set of rules, as their proposed
restriction addresses many concerns of Is a specialty nursing practice that
the community. provides and delivers health and safety
Organizational- is a group of people who programs and services to workers, worker
work together, like a neighborhood populations, and community groups.
association, a charity, a union, or a The key components of occupational
corporation act of forming or establishing health nursing involve prevention of illness
something. and injury in the workplace, health and
Constructs- to build or create something wellness, protection, and education of
or by putting parts together. employees to maintain the highest level of
Educational- Is teaching knowledge to well-being of workforce and work-related
others and receiving knowledge from environmental hazards in the community.
someone else.
Environmental- means relating to or Common roles and responsibilities of
caused by the surroundings in which occupational nurse
someone lives, or something exists. 1. Observation of workers doing their job
Development- the act, process, or result of tasks to assess health status.
developing of new ideas or case. 2. Development of innovative health and
safety programs
3. Management of work-related diseases
Proceed involves the following four phases: 4. Disaster and emergency planning
1. Implementation: Design intervention, 5. Environmental health planning
assess availability of resources, and 6. Assistance with rehabilitation
implement program 7. Coordination of employee treatments and
2. Process Evaluation: Determine if referrals
program is reaching the targeted 8. Emergency care to injured employees
population and achieving desired goals. who are on-the-clock.
3. Impact Evaluation: Evaluate the change 9. Counseling employees and families when
in behavior. injured.
4. Outcome Evaluation: Identify if there is a 10. Conducting research and working with
decrease in the incidence or prevalence of community organizations and health
the identified negative behavior or an educators
increase in identified positive behavior. 11. Working with executives to lower the costs
of disability claims or other related costs.