Breakdwon Report AUGUST

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Daily Farm fleet availability Report

Make Model Category Sub Category

John Deere CP690 Prime Mover Cotton Picker CP690

John Deere CP690 Prime Mover Cotton Picker CP690
John Deere CP690 Prime Mover Cotton Picker CP690
John Deere CP690 Prime Mover Cotton Picker CP690
John Deere CP690 Prime Mover Cotton Picker CP690
John Deere CP690 Prime Mover Cotton Picker CP690
John Deere CP690 Prime Mover Cotton Picker CP690
John Deere CP690 Prime Mover Cotton Picker CP690
John Deere CP690 Prime Mover Cotton Picker CP690
John Deere CP690 Prime Mover Cotton Picker CP690
John Deere CP690 Prime Mover Cotton Picker CP690
John Deere CP690 Prime Mover Cotton Picker CP690

John Deere 9970 Prime Mover Cotton Picker 9970

John Deere 9970 Prime Mover Cotton Picker 9970
John Deere 9970 Prime Mover Cotton Picker 9970
John Deere 9970 Prime Mover Cotton Picker 9970
John Deere 9970 Prime Mover Cotton Picker 9970
John Deere 9970 Prime Mover Cotton Picker 9970
John Deere 9970 Prime Mover Cotton Picker 9970
John Deere 9970 Prime Mover Cotton Picker 9970

John Deere 4730 Prime Mover Self-Propelled Sprayer

John Deere 4730 Prime Mover Self-Propelled Sprayer

John Deere 8345R Prime Mover John Deere 8345R

John Deere 8345R Prime Mover John Deere 8345R
John Deere 8345R Prime Mover John Deere 8345R
John Deere 8345R Prime Mover John Deere 8345R
John Deere 8345R Prime Mover John Deere 8345R
John Deere 8345R Prime Mover John Deere 8345R
John Deere 8345R Prime Mover John Deere 8345R
John Deere 8270R Prime Mover John Deere 8270R
John Deere 8270R Prime Mover John Deere 8270R
John Deere 8270R Prime Mover John Deere 8270R
John Deere 8270R Prime Mover John Deere 8270R
John Deere 6195M Prime Mover John Deere 6195M
John Deere 6195M Prime Mover John Deere 6195M
John Deere 6195M Prime Mover John Deere 6195M
John Deere 6195M Prime Mover John Deere 6195M
John Deere 6195M Prime Mover John Deere 6195M
John Deere 6195M Prime Mover John Deere 6195M
John Deere 6195M Prime Mover John Deere 6195M
John Deere 6195M Prime Mover John Deere 6195M
John Deere 6195M Prime Mover John Deere 6195M
John Deere 6155M Prime Mover John Deere 6155M
John Deere 6155M Prime Mover John Deere 6155M
John Deere 6155M Prime Mover John Deere 6155M
John Deere 6155M Prime Mover John Deere 6155M
John Deere 6155M Prime Mover John Deere 6155M
John Deere 6155M Prime Mover John Deere 6155M
John Deere 6110 Prime Mover John Deere 6110
John Deere 6110 Prime Mover John Deere 6110
John Deere 6195M Prime Mover John Deere 6195M
John Deere 6195M Prime Mover John Deere 6195M

Беларусь Беларус 80Х Prime Mover Tractor Belarus 80X

Беларусь Беларус 80Х Prime Mover Tractor
Беларусь Беларус 80Х Prime Mover Tractor
Беларусь Беларус 80Х Prime Mover Tractor
Беларусь Беларус 80Х Prime Mover Tractor

HBM 190 Prime Mover Grader HBM

JCB 205 Prime Mover JCB Excavator

JCB 205 Prime Mover JCB Excavator
JCB 205 Prime Mover JCB Excavator
JCB JS260LR Prime Mover JCB Excavator
JCB JS260LR Prime Mover JCB Excavator

JCB 426HT Prime Mover JCB Front &Loader 426HT

JCB 426HT Prime Mover JCB Front &Loader 426HT

JCB 560-80AG+ Prime Mover JCB-Telescopic

JCB 560-80AG+ Prime Mover JCB-Telescopic
JCB 4cx Prime Mover JCB Back hoe 4CX

Doosan Forklift-1 Ton Prime Mover Forklift-1 Ton

Doosan Forklift-1 Ton Prime Mover Forklift-1 Ton
Doosan Forklift-1 Ton Prime Mover Forklift-1 Ton

ISUZU FTR-33 Prime Mover Isuzu Water Tanker

ISUZU FTR-33 Prime Mover Isuzu Water Tanker
ISUZU FTR-33 Prime Mover Isuzu Water Tanker
ISUZU NRQ71-PL Prime Mover Isuzu Truck
ISUZU NRQ71-PL Prime Mover Isuzu Truck
ISUZU FTR-33 Prime Mover Isuzu Diesel Tank
ISUZU FTR-33 Prime Mover Isuzu Diesel Tank

MAN Trailer Prime Mover Man Diesel Tank

MAN Trailer Prime Mover Man Truck
MAN Trailer Prime Mover Man Truck
MAN Trailer Prime Mover Man Truck
y Farm fleet availability Report

Chasis No location Registration No Asset No NOS

1N0C690PAJ2075004 Nishon 70DA941 KN01 1

1N0C690PLK2075510 Nishon 70DA938 KN03 1
1N0C690PHJ2075006 Nishon 70DA934 KK08 1
1N0C690PHK2075900 Nishon 70HA428 KK09 1
1N0C690PEK2075509 Nishon 70DA938 KK07 1
1N0C690PTK2075514 Nishon 70DA942 KK05 1
1N0C690PTK2075515 Nishon 70DA938 KK01 1
1N0C690PKK2075516 Nishon 70DA946 KK06 1
1N0C690PHK2075508 Nishon 70DA944 KK03 1
1N0C690PTJ2075009 Nishon 70EA642 KK04 1
1N0C690PCJ2075008 Nishon 70DA943 KK02 1
1NOC690PVK2075519 Nishon 70DA945 KN06 1
1YC9970XVK0035132 Nishon 70DA966 OQ-52 1
1YC9970XVK0035129 Nishon 70DA963 OQ-50 1
1YC9970XVK0035130 Nishon 70DA964 SD-253 1
1YC9970XVK0035127 Nishon 70DA961 OQ-53 1
1YC9970XVK0035133 Nishon 70DA967 SD-251 1
1YC9970XVK0035131 Nishon 70DA965 OQ-51 1
1YC9970XVK0035126 Nishon 70DA960 SD-252 1
1YC9970XVK0035128 Nishon Accident SD-254 1
1NW4730XEJ0056537 Nishon 70DA662 KN08 1
1NW4730XAJ0056548 Nishon 70DA663 KN09 1
1RW8345REKS141926 Nishon 70EA559 KN11 1
1RW8345RKKS141933 Nishon 70DA613 KN12 1
1RW8345RPKS141977 Nishon 70DA617 KN13 1
1RW8345RKKS151233 Nishon 70HA904 KN14 1
1RW8345RPKS151179 Nishon 70HA902 KN15 1
1RW8345RAKS151092 Nishon 70HA976 KN16 1
1RW8345RVKS150992 Nishon 70HA901 KN17 1
1RW8270RPKS141876 Nishon 70EA556 KN18 1
1RW8270RKKS141930 Nishon 70EA554 KN19 1
1RW8270RVKS141883 Nishon 70EA548 KN20 1
1RW8270RPKS141957 Nishon 70EA557 KN21 1
1L06195MHKK930986 Nishon 70DA641 KN22 1
1L06195MHKK930969 Nishon 70DA643 KN23 1
1L06195MJKK930897 Nishon 70DA630 KN24 1
1LO6195MEJG926343 Nishon 70DA952 KN25 1
1L06195MPJG926198 Nishon 70DA950 KN26 1
1L06195MJJG926379 Nishon 70DA951 KN27 1
1L06195MEJG926004 Nishon 70DA947 KN28 1
1L06195MAJG925866 Nishon 70DA949 KN29 1
1L06195MCKK949007 Nishon 70DA984 KN30 1
1L06155MCKK930702 Nishon 70DA660 KN31 1
1L06155MCKK930585 Nishon 70DA649 KN32 1
1L06155MHKK930642 Nishon 70DA653 KN33 1
1L06155MTJG926547 Nishon 70EA679 KN34 1
1L06155MTKK930712 Nishon 70DA645 KN35 1
1L06155MCJG926496 Nishon 70EA670 KN36 1
501143 Nishon 70HA792 KN181 1
501139 Nishon 70HA793 KN182 1
149090 Nishon 70DA947 N/G 1
1L06195MAJG925866 Nishon 70DA955 OQ-62 1
Y4R800Z02M1100020 Nishon 70HA584 KN196 1
Y4R800Z02M1100021 Syrdarya 70HA819 KN197 1
Y4R800Z02M1100272 Syrdarya 70HA581 KN198 1
Y4R800Z02M110001 Syrdarya 70HA582 KN199 1
Y4R800Z02M110332 Syrdarya 70HA583 KN200 1
420391 Nishon 70DA985 KN47 1
SHAJE20BAK2750517 Nishon 70DA928 KN37 1
SHAJE20BCK2750515 Nishon 70DA927 KN38 1
SHAJE20BOK2750532 Nishon 70DA971 KN39 1
JCBJS26CHK2159604 Nishon 70KA331 KN40 1
JCBJS26CEK2159605 Nishon 70KA328 KN41 1
JCB4AFAHCK2275129 Nishon 70EA646 KN42 1
JCB4AFAHCK2275132 Nishon 70DA930 KN43 1
JCB5AYRHLM3063529 Nishon N/G KN237 1
JCB5AYRHKK2862514 Nishon 70HA724 KN44 1
JCB4CX4WCK2826704 Nishon 70HA992 KN45 1
FDA22-1240-00821 Nishon 70HA705 KN59 1
FDA23-1240-01395 Nishon N/G KN240 1
FDA22-1240-00836 Nishon 70HA712 KN60 1
NSBFTR33HKS000181 Nishon 70M000131 KN50 1
NSBFTR33HKS000173 Nishon 70M000130 KN51 1
NSBFTR33HKS000177 Nishon 70M000132 KN52 1
NSBNFR71PKS315127 Nishon 70M000094 KN53 1
NSBNFR71PKS315156 Nishon 70M000096 KN54 1
NSBNFR71PKS315391 Nishon 70M000145 KN57 1
NSBNFR71PKS315393 Nishon 70M000146 KN58 1
MS2MA6ZZ6JJ006965 Nishon 70M000088 KN56 1
NS278WZZ7KJ008023 Nishon 70M000066 KN48 1
WMA06XZZ2GW217357 Nishon 70M000205 KN242 1
NS278WZZ7KJ008022 Nishon 70M000060 KN49 1
31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue

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0 5.0

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0 3.0

0 6.9

0 #REF!
Daily Farm fleet availability Report

Make Model Category Sub Category
Sprayer 732 Attachment SPRAYER-732
Sprayer 732 Attachment SPRAYER-732
Sprayer 724 Attachment SPRAYER-724
Sprayer 724 Attachment SPRAYER-724
Sprayer 724 Attachment SPRAYER-724

TTQ TTQ Attachment Side Burster TTQ

TTQ TTQ Attachment Side Burster TTQ
TTQ TTQ Attachment Side Burster TTQ
TTQ TTQ Attachment Side Burster TTQ
TTQ TTQ Attachment Side Burster TTQ

TTQ TTQ Attachment Cultipacker TTQ

TTQ TTQ Attachment Cultipacker TTQ
TTQ TTQ Attachment Cultipacker TTQ
TTQ TTQ Attachment Cultipacker TTQ

Orthman Orthman 12 cult Attachment Cultivator Orthman 12 row

Orthman Orthman 6 Cult Attachment Cultivator Orthman 6 row
Orthman Orthman 6 Cult Attachment Cultivator Orthman 6 row
Orthman Orthman 6 Cult Attachment Cultivator Orthman 6 row
Orthman Orthman 6 Cult Attachment Cultivator Orthman 6 row
Orthman Orthman 6 Cult Attachment Cultivator Orthman 6 row
Orthman Orthman 6 Cult Attachment Cultivator Orthman 6 row
Orthman Orthman 6 Cult Attachment Cultivator Orthman 6 row
Orthman Orthman 6 Cult Attachment Cultivator Orthman 6 row
Orthman Orthman 6 Cult Attachment Cultivator Orthman 6 row
Orthman Orthman 6 Cult Attachment Cultivator Orthman 6 row
TTQ Hilling up 12 Attachment Cultivator TTQ Hill up

Alpler Rodster Attachment Cultivator Alpler

Alpler Rodster Attachment Cultivator Alpler
Alpler Rodster Attachment Cultivator Alpler
JD Planter 1725 Attachment John Deere Planter 1725
JD Planter 1725 Attachment John Deere Planter 1725
JD Planter 1725 Attachment John Deere Planter 1725
JD Planter 1725 Attachment John Deere Planter 1725
JD Planter 1705 Attachment John Deere Planter 1705
JD Planter 1705 Attachment John Deere Planter 1705
JD Planter 1705 Attachment John Deere Planter 1705
JD Planter 1705 Attachment John Deere Planter 1705
JD Planter 1705 Attachment John Deere Planter 1705
JD Planter 1705 Attachment John Deere Planter 1705
JD Planter 1705 Attachment John Deere Planter 1705
JD Planter 1705 Attachment John Deere Planter 1705
Monosem NG-4 Attachment NG-4 Monosem
Monosem NG-4 Attachment NG-4 Monosem
Monosem NG-4 Attachment NG-4 Monosem
Monosem NG-4 Attachment NG-4 Monosem
Monosem S19R Attachment NG-4 Monosem
Monosem S19R Attachment NG-8 Monosem
Monosem S19R Attachment NG-8 Monosem
Monosem S19R Attachment NG-8 Monosem
Monosem S19R Attachment NG-8 Monosem
Monosem S19R Attachment NG-8 Monosem
Monosem S19R Attachment NG-8 Monosem
Monosem S19R Attachment NG-8 Monosem
Monosem S19R Attachment NG-8 Monosem
Monosem S19R Attachment NG-8 Monosem
Monosem S19R Attachment NG-8 Monosem
Monosem S19R Attachment NG-8 Monosem
Monosem S19R Attachment NG-8 Monosem
Monosem S19R Attachment NG-8 Monosem
Monosem S19R Attachment NG-8 Monosem
Monosem S19R Attachment NG-8 Monosem
Monosem S19R Attachment NG-8 Monosem
Monosem S19R Attachment NG-8 Monosem

JD Spreader DN350 Attachment Spreader DN350

JD Spreader DN350 Attachment Spreader DN350
JD Spreader DN350 Attachment Spreader DN350
Sulky Spreader Turkish Attachment Sulky Spreader

Turky Turky Attachment Turkish Sprayer

Turky Turky Attachment Turkish Sprayer
Turky Turky Attachment Turkish Sprayer
Turky Turky Attachment Turkish Sprayer
Turky Turky Attachment Turkish Sprayer

Hayes Australia Attachment Hayes Sprayer

Hayes Australia Attachment Hayes Sprayer
Hayes Australia Attachment Hayes Sprayer

Donder Turky Attachment Donder Spreader

Donder Turky Attachment Donder Spreader
Donder Turky Attachment Donder Spreader
Donder Turky Attachment Donder Spreader
Donder Turky Attachment Donder Spreader



Grader Board GB Attachment Grader Board LEVELLER

Grader Board GB Attachment Grader Board LEVELLER
Grader Board GB Attachment Grader Board LEVELLER
Grader Board GB Attachment Grader Board LEVELLER
Grader Board GB Attachment Grader Board LEVELLER

MICRO 6MTR Attachment Wick Wiper

MICRO 6MTR Attachment Wick Wiper

MILLER 456NT Attachment Coller &* Miller

OZTEC NA Attachment Moduler Builder OZTEC

OZTEC NA Attachment Moduler Builder OZTEC
OZTEC NA Attachment Moduler Builder OZTEC

ATLAS COPCO U190 Attachment Diesel Compressor Atlas Copco

ATLAS COPCO U190 Attachment Diesel Compressor Atlas Copco
ATLAS COPCO U190 Attachment Diesel Compressor Atlas Copco

Trailer Pronar T680 Attachment Pronar Trailer T6880

Trailer Pronar T680 Attachment Pronar Trailer T6880
Trailer Pronar T680 Attachment Pronar Trailer T6880
Trailer Pronar T680 Attachment Pronar Trailer T6880
Trailer Pronar T680 Attachment Pronar Trailer T6880
Trailer Pronar T680 Attachment Pronar Trailer T6880
Trailer Pronar TM28 Attachment Pronar Trailer TM28
Trailer Pronar TM28 Attachment Pronar Trailer TM28
Trailer Pronar TM28 Attachment Pronar Trailer TM28
Trailer Pronar TM25 Attachment Pronar Trailer TM25
Trailer Pronar TM25 Attachment Pronar Trailer TM25
Trailer Pronar TM25 Attachment Pronar Trailer TM25
Trailer Pronar TM25 Attachment Pronar Trailer TM25
Trailer Pronar TM25 Attachment Pronar Trailer TM25
Trailer Pronar TM25 Attachment Pronar Trailer TM25
Trailer Pronar T743 Attachment Pronar Trailer T743
Trailer Pronar T743 Attachment Pronar Trailer T743

TTQ Trojan 6M Attachment Mulcher TTQ

TTQ Trojan 6M Attachment Mulcher TTQ
TTQ Trojan 6M Attachmnet Mulcher TTQ
TTQ Trojan 6M Attachmnet Mulcher TTQ

Pronar Pronar 316 Attachmnet Chemical tanker Pronar 316

Pronar Pronar 316 Attachmnet Chemical tanker Pronar 316
Pronar Pronar 316 Attachmnet Chemical tanker Pronar 316
Pronar Pronar 316 Attachmnet Chemical tanker Pronar 316
Pronar Pronar 316 Attachmnet Chemical tanker Pronar 316

Mccormak Grabber Attachmnet Cotton Wheely Grab McCormak

Mccormak Grabber Attachmnet Cotton Wheely Grab McCormak
Mccormak Grabber Attachmnet Cotton Wheely Grab McCormak
Mccormak Grabber Attachmnet Cotton Wheely Grab McCormak

JD 930D JD 615P Attachment Wheat Attachment JD 930D

JD 930D JD 615P Attachment Wheat Attachment JD 930D

TTQ Cutter Attachment Root cutter TTQ

TTQ Cutter Attachment Root cutter TTQ

Lemken Plough Plough Attachment Plough Standart LEMKEN

Lemken Plough Plough Attachment Plough Standart LEMKEN
Lemken Plough Plough Attachment Plough Standart LEMKEN
Lemken Plough Plough Attachment Plough Standart LEMKEN
Lemken Plough Plough Attachment Plough Standart LEMKEN
Lemken Plough Plough Attachment Plough Standart LEMKEN
Lemken Plough Plough Attachment Plough Standart LEMKEN
Lemken Plough Plough Attachment Plough Standart LEMKEN
Lemken Plough Plough Attachment Plough Standart LEMKEN
Lemken Plough Plough Attachment Plough Standart LEMKEN
Lemken Plough Plough Attachment Plough Standart LEMKEN
Lemken Plough Plough Attachment Plough Standart LEMKEN
Lemken Plough Plough Attachment Plough Standart LEMKEN

Krone Baler Big Pack Attachment Multi Baler Krone

Pottinger Cutter Attachment Novacat Pottinger
Pottinger Cutter Attachment Novacat Pottinger
Pottinger Cutter Attachment Novacat Pottinger
Pottinger Cutter Attachment Novacat Pottinger

Sitrex High Rakes Attachment Sitrex Strap Collector

Horsch Avatar Planter Attachment Horsch Avatar 6.16 SD

Horsch Avatar Planter Attachment Horsch Avatar 12.25 SD
Horsch Avatar Planter Attachment Horsch Avatar 12.25 SD
m fleet availability Report

Nishon 31 1

Chasis No location Reg No Asset № QTY Mon Tue

1WZ0732MUK0190399 Nishon KN63 1 1 1
1WZ0732MEJ0180444 Nishon KN64 1 1 1
1WZ0724MLK0190333 Nishon KN65 1 1 1
1WZ0724MTK0190340 Nishon Problem KN66 1 1 1
1WZ0724MJK0190293 Nishon KN184 1 1 1
5 5 5
UZ2006SB60619 Nishon KN69 1 1 1
UZ2008SB60619 Nishon KN70 1 1 1
UZ2015SB60619 Nishon KN71 1 1 1
UZ2016SB60619 Nishon KN72 1 1 1
UZ011SB60619 Nishon OQ-63 1 1 1
5 5 5
UZ018CP60619 Nishon KN73 1 1 1
UZ021CP60619 Nishon KN74 1 1 1
NA Nishon 1 1 1
NA Nishon 1 1 1
4 4 4
0421907 Nishon KN102 1 1 1
051901 Nishon KN103 1 1 1
051903 Nishon KN104 1 1 1
051904 Nishon KN105 1 1 1
051906 Nishon KN106 1 1 1
051907 Nishon KN107 1 1 1
051912 Nishon Scrap KN108 1 1 1
0391925 Nishon KN109 1 1 1
0391926 Nishon KN110 1 1 1
0391927 Nishon KN111 1 1 1
0391928 Nishon Breakdown KN112 1 1 1
UZ32CV120919 Nishon KN75 1 1 1
12 12 12
0904210008 Nishon N/G 1 1 1
0904210008 Nishon N/G 1 1 1
0904210008 Nishon N/G 1 1 1
3 3 3
1A01725RJKS785186 Nishon Kasbi KN86 1 1 1
1A01725RVKS785188 Nishon Kasbi KN87 1 1 1
1A01725RCKS785190 Nishon Kasbi KN88 1 1 1
1A01725RVKS785191 Nishon Kasbi KN89 1 1 1
1A01705RHJS780158 Nishon KN90 1 1 1
1A01705REJS780159 Nishon KN91 1 1 1
1A01705RAJS780156 Nishon KN92 1 1 1
1A01705RLJS780157 Nishon KN93 1 1 1
1A01705RAKS785133 Nishon KN94 1 1 1
1A01705RVKS785132 Nishon KN95 1 1 1
1A01705RJKS785130 Nishon KN96 1 1 1
1A01705RCKS785131 Nishon KN97 1 1 1
SR19R002367 Nishon KN98 1 1 1
SR19R002373 Nishon KN99 1 1 1
SR19R002388 Nishon KN100 1 1 1
SR19R002391 Nishon KN101 1 1 1
SR19R001579 Nishon SD-407 1 1 1
SR19R002386 Nishon N/G 1 1 1
SR19R001575 Nishon N/G 1 1 1
SR19R002384 Nishon N/G 1 1 1
SR19R001575 Nishon N/G 1 1 1
SR19R001576 Nishon N/G 1 1 1
SR19R001582 Nishon N/G 1 1 1
SR19R002381 Nishon N/G 1 1 1
SR19R002370 Nishon N/G 1 1 1
SR19R001569 Nishon N/G 1 1 1
SR19R002368 Nishon N/G 1 1 1
SR19R002385 Nishon N/G 1 1 1
SR19R002380 Nishon KK102 1 1 1
SR19R002383 Nishon N/G 1 1 1
SR19R002389 Nishon N/G 1 1 1
SR19R001572 Nishon N/G 1 1 1
SR19R002382 Nishon N/G 1 1 1
SR19R001581 Nishon N/G 1 1 1
34 34 34
1XGDN350PK0001418 Nishon KN145 1 1 1
1XGDN350CK0001423 Nishon KN146 1 1 1
1XGDN350JK0001419 Nishon KN147 1 1 1
EPO925AC249 Nishon OQ-126 1 1 1
4 4 4
NA Nishon KN148 1 1 1
NA Nishon KN149 1 1 1
NA Nishon KN150 1 1 1
NA Nishon KN151 1 1 1
NA Nishon KN152 1 1 1
5 5 5
HS-SSUZ0191102 Nishon N/A 1 1 1
HS-SSUZ0191103 Nishon N/A 1 1 1
HS-SSUZ0191104 Nishon N/A 1 1 1
3 3 3
30011440 Nishon N/A 1 1 1
30011441 Nishon N/A 1 1 1
30011435 Nishon N/A 1 1 1
30011442 Nishon N/A 1 1 1
30011430 Nishon N/A 1 1 1
5 5 5
N146035 Nishon KN80 1 x x
N146027 Nishon KN81 1 1 1
N146039 Nishon KN82 1 1 1
N146006 Nishon KN83 1 1 1
N146041 Nishon SD-203 1 1 1
5 4 4
900 Nishon KN76 1 1 1
905 Nishon KN77 1 1 1
906 Nishon KN78 1 1 1
247 Nishon Syrdarya KN79 1 1 1
CMRB201745 Nishon N/G 1 1 1
5 5 5
Nishon KN157 1 1 1
Nishon KN158 1 1 1
2 2 2
CMLC191623 Nishon KN85 1 1 1
1 1 1
5474 Nishon KN154 1 1 1
5475 Nishon KN155 1 1 1
5476 Nishon KN156 1 1 1
3 3 3
WUX633425 Nishon KN61 1 1 1
WUX633428 Nishon 1 1 1
WUX633430 Nishon KN62 1 1 1
3 3 3
3289 Nishon 70DA903 KN113 1 1 1
3324 Nishon 70DA904 KN114 1 1 1
3304 Nishon 70DA900 KN115 1 1 1
3322 Nishon 70DA922 KN116 1 1 1
3306 Nishon 70DA918 KN117 1 1 1
3333 Nishon 70DA917 KN118 1 1 1
26 Nishon 70DA898 KN119 1 1 1
28 Nishon 70DA912 KN120 1 1 1
29 Nishon 70DA911 KN121 1 1 1
1371 Nishon 70DA884 KN122 1 1 1
1369 Nishon 70DA885 KN123 1 1 1
1368 Nishon 70DA886 KN124 1 1 1
1367 Nishon 70DA887 KN125 1 1 1
1377 Nishon 70DA906 KN126 1 1 1
1381 Nishon 70DA910 KN127 1 1 1
SZB7430XXLIX00052 Nishon KN159 1 1 1
SZB7430XXLIX00056 Kasbi KN160 1 1 1
17 17 17
TTQUZ35TM5.60819 Nishon KN67 1 1 1
TTQUZ36TM5.60819 Nishon KN68 1 1 1
TTQUZ48TM560720 Nishon KN174 1 1 1
TTQUZ47TM560720 Nishon KK216 1 1 1
4 4 4
SZB3160XXL3X00038 Nishon KN161 1 1 1
SZB3160XXL3X00039 Nishon KN162 1 1 1
SZB3160XXL3X00042 Nishon KN163 1 1 1
SZB3160XXL3X00049 Nishon KN164 1 1 1
SZB3160XXL3X00052 Nishon KN165 1 1 1
5 5 5
MC19358521 Nishon N/G 1 1 1
MC19358591 Nishon N/G 1 1 1
MC19359582 Nishon N/G 1 1 1
MC19358511 Nishon N/G 1 1 1
4 4 4
1H00615PEK0805419 Nishon KK160 1 1 1
IH00615PAK0805416 Nishon KN170 1 1 1
2 2 2
UZ41SRC60420 Nishon KN171 1 1 1
UZ40SRC60420 Nishon KN172 1 1 1
2 2 2
000110 Nishon KN260 1 1 1
000111 Nishon KN261 1 1 1
000113 Nishon KN262 1 1 1
000115 Nishon KN263 1 1 1
000112 Nishon KN251 1 1 1
000120 Nishon KN252 1 1 1
000117 Nishon KN253 1 1 1
000126 Nishon KN254 1 1 1
000114 Nishon KN255 1 1 1
000130 Nishon KN256 1 1 1
00071 Nishon KN257 1 1 1
00072 Nishon KN258 1 1 1
000118 Nishon KN259 1 1 1
13 13 13
1091654 Nishon Krone Baler New N/G 1 1 1
38430003071 Nishon Big N/G 1 1 1
38430003072 Nishon Big N/G 1 1 1
37630002707 Nishon Small N/G 1 1 1
37630003022 Nishon Small N/G 1 1 1
5 5 5
315133 Nishon N/G 1 1 1
1 9 9
21271594 Nishon KN222 1 1 1
21291369 Nishon KN223 1 1 1
21291456 Nishon KN224 1 1 1
3 3 3

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.8 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4.8 5
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
x x x x x x x x x x x x
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
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13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
5 5 5 5 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
5 5 5 5 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
4 4 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
12 12 12 12 12 12 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
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1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
34 34 34 34 34 34 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
4 4 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
5 5 5 5 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
5 5 5 5 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0
x x x 0.4 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
4 4 4 4.4 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
5 5 5 5 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
17 17 17 17 17 17 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0.4 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 0.8 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 x
4 4 3.4 4 3.8 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
5 5 5 5 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
4 4 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
5 5 5 5 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1
9 9 9 9 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
26 27 28 29 30
Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed

0 0 0 0 0 5.0

0 0 0 0 0 5.0

0 0 0 0 0 4.0

0 0 0 0 0 12.0

0 0 0 0 0 3.0
0 0 0 0 0 34.0

0 0 0 0 0 4.0
0 0 0 0 0 5.0

0 0 0 0 0 3.0

0 0 0 0 0 5.0

0 0 0 0 0 4.1

0 0 0 0 0 5.0

0 0 0 0 0 2.0

0 0 0 0 0 1.0

0 0 0 0 0 3.0

0 0 0 0 0 3.0
0 0 0 0 0 17.0

0 0 0 0 0 3.9

0 0 0 0 0 5.0

0 0 0 0 0 4.0

0 0 0 0 0 2.0

0 0 0 0 0 2.0
0 0 0 0 0 13.0

0 0 0 0 0 5.0

0 0 0 0 0 9.0

0 0 0 0 0 3.0
Daily attendance of Light Vehicle

Make Model Category
Light Vehicle - LADA Niva 4x4
Light Vehicle - LADA Niva 4x4
Light Vehicle - LADA Niva 4x4
Light Vehicle - LADA Niva 4x4
Lada 2 Dr Niva 4x4
LADA Pickup 2Dr Niva 4x4
LADA Pickup 2Dr Niva 4x4
LADA Pickup 2Dr Niva 4x4
LADA Pickup 2Dr Niva 4x4
LADA 2Dr Niva 4x4
LADA 4Dr Niva 4x4
LADA 4Dr Niva 4x4
LADA 2Dr Niva 4x4
LADA 2Dr Niva 4x4
LADA 4Dr Niva 4x4
LADA 2Dr Niva 4x4
LADA 4Dr Niva 4x4
LADA 2Dr Niva 4x4
LADA 4Dr Niva 4x4
LADA 2Dr Niva 4x4
LADA 2Dr Niva 4x4
LADA 2Dr Niva 4x4
LADA 2Dr Niva 4x4
LADA 4Dr Niva 4x4
Lada 5 Dr Niva 4x4
Lada 5 Dr Niva 4x4
Lada 5 Dr Niva 4x4
Lada Extra Cab Niva 4x4
Lada 3 Dr Niva 4x4
Lada 3 Dr Niva 4x4
Lada 3 Dr Niva 4x4
Lada 3 Dr Niva 4x4
Lada 3 Dr Niva 4x4
Lada 3 Dr Niva 4x4
Lada 3 Dr Niva 4x4
Lada 4x4 Niva 4x4
Lada 4x4 Niva 4x4
Lada 4x4 Niva 4x4
Lada 4x4 Niva 4x4
Lada 5 Dr Niva 4x4
Lada 5 Dr Niva 4x4
Lada 5 Dr Niva Urban 4x4

Patriot 5 Dr UAZ 4x4

Patriot 5 Dr UAZ 4x4
Patriot 5 Dr UAZ 4x4
Patriot 5 Dr UAZ 4x4
Patriot 5 Dr UAZ 4x4
Patriot 5 Dr UAZ 4x4

Chevrolet Cobalt R4
Ravon Nexia R3
Daily attendance of Light Vehicle

Nishon 31 1

Chasis No Location Reg No Asset № NOS Mon Tue

XTA213100K0203159 Nishon 70M000036 KK178 1 1 1
XTA212140L2368982 Nishon 70M000083 KK179 1 1 1
XTA212140L0215825 Nishon 70M000155 KK180 1 1 1
XTA213100K0205863 Nishon 70M000053 KK181 1 x x
XTA212140K2344014 Nishon 70M000014 KK188 1 1 1
XKP232900K0010104 Nishon 70M000022 KK190 1 1 1
XKP232900K0010107 Nishon 70М000023 KK191 1 x x
XKP232900K0010099 Nishon 70M000024 KK192 1 1 1
XTA213100K0203916 Nishon 70М000025 KK193 1 1 1
XTA212140K2362911 Nishon 70M000049 KK194 1 1 1
XTA213100K0205859 Nishon 70M000050 KK195 1 1 1
XTA213100K0205864 Nishon 70M000052 KK196 1 1 1
XTA212140K2362771 Nishon 70M000065 KK197 1 1 1
XAT212140K2362517 Nishon 70M000072 KK198 1 1 1
XTA213100K0205861 Nishon 70M000059 KK199 1 1 1
XTA212140K2368153 Nishon 70M000076 KK200 1 1 1
XTA213100K0210972 Nishon 70M000075 KK201 1 1 1
XTA212140L2368992 Nishon 70M000084 KK202 1 1 1
XTA212140L0215828 Nishon 70M000156 KK203 1 1 1
XTA213100K0203159 Nishon 70M000152 KK204 1 1 1
XTA212140L2386014 Nishon 70M000161 KK206 1 1 1
XTA212140L2386048 Nishon 70M000158 KK207 1 1 1
XTA212140L2358041 Nishon 70M000159 KK205 1 1 1
XWBJF69VEKA099486 Nishon 70M000061 KK208 1 1 1
XTA213100K0205862 Nishon 70M000054 KN133 1 1 1
XTA213100K0205860 Nishon 70M000051 KN134 1 x x
XTA213100K0203917 Nishon 70M000026 KN135 1 1 1
XKP232900K0010108 Nishon 70M000021 KN137 1 1 1
XTA212140K2355884 Nishon 70M000057 KN138 1 1 1
XTA212140K2346430 Nishon 70M000038 KN139 1 1 1
XTA212140K2362656 Nishon 70M000056 KN140 1 1 1
XTA212140K2368347 Nishon 70M000082 KN141 1 x x
Nishon 70M000073 KN142 1 1 1
XTA212140K2344017 Nishon 70M000013 KN143 1 1 1
XTA212140L2385029 Nishon 70M000162 KN144 1 1 1
XTA212140N2434337 Nishon 70M000199 KN228 1 1 1
XTA213100NO230334 Nishon 70M000196 KN229 1 1 1
XTA213100N0230336 Nishon 70M000195 KN234 1 1 1
XTA212140N2434343 Nishon 70M000194 KN188 1 1 1
XTA213100K0203918 Nishon 70M000033 KN244 1 0.4 1
XTA213100K0205109 Nishon 70M000040 KN245 1 1 1
XTA212140K2344012 Nishon 70M000016 KK189 1 1 1
42 37.4 38
XTT236320L1000067 Nishon 70M000100 KK186 1 1 1
XTT316300K1013869 Nishon 70M000048 KK187 1 x x
XTT316300K1010710 Nishon 70M000027 KK213 1 1 1
XTT316300K1011236 Nishon 70M000034 KN131 1 x 1
XTT236320K1015136 Nishon 70M000071 KN173 1 x x
XTT236320L1005464 Nishon 70M000086 KN206 1 1 1
6 3 4
XWBJF69VELA053974 Nishon 70M000167 KN232 1 1 1
XWBTF69V1LA010854 Nishon 70M000129 KK182 1 1 1
2 2 2

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
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19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed
40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39.8
5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.7
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.0
Fleet Availability Machines Nishon-August

Farm Fleet Availability (Nishon)-July

Name of Machine Total Count
Average in %

Cotton Pickers 8 7.35 92%

Wheat harvester 3 3.00 100%
Sprayer 2 1.91 96%
Tractor 30 27.81 93%
HBM 1 1.00 100%
JCB 5 5.00 100%
Front &loader 2 2.00 100%
JCB-Telescopic 2 2.00 100%
JCB back heo 1 1.00 100%
Fork lift 3 3.00 100%
ISUZU 7 6.92 99%
Man 4 #REF! #REF!

Total Count of Machines 68 Availability 98.1%

Fleet availability-Implements-June

Farm Impelments-Availability- Nishon -August

Name of Machine Total Count
Average in %

Sprayer 5 5.00 100%

Side Burster 5 4.99 100%
Culti Packer 4 4.00 100%
Cultivators 3 3.00 100%
Planters 34 34.00 100%
Spreader 5 5.00 100%
Disc Harrow 5 4.12 82%
Leveller 5 5.00 100%
Weed Wiper 2 2.00 100%
Channeler 1 1.00 100%
Module Builder 3 3.00 100%
Air Compressor 3 3.00 100%
Pronar Trailer 17 17.00 100%
TTQ Mulcher 4 3.91 98%
Chemical tanker 5 5.00 100%
Cottton module grabber 4 4.00 100%
Wheat Attachment 2 2.00 100%
TTQ Root Cutter 2 2.00 100%
Limken Plough 13 13.00 100%

Total Count of Machines 122 Availability 98.8%

100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Breakdown 97%

0% 95%

7% 93%
Axis Title

0% 93%
0% 91%
0% 89%
#REF! Cotton Wheat Sprayer Tractor HBM JCB Front JCB-Tele- JCB back F
Pickers harvester &loader scopic heo
1.9% Column E 92% 100% 96% 93% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Current Implement O


0% Limken Plough; 100% Sprayer; 100%
0% Wheat Attachment; 100% 5% 5%
Side Burster; 100%
0% 5% 5%
Culti Packer; 100%
0% Cottton module grabber; 100% 5% 5%
18% 100% Cultivators; 100%
5% 5%
0% Chemical tanker; 100%
5% 5%
0% Planters; 100%
5% 4%
5% 5%
5% 5% 5%
TTQ Mulcher; 98% Spreader; 100%

Pronar Trailer; 100%

Disc Harrow; 82%
Air Compressor; 100%
Leveller; 100%
Module Builder; 100%
Channeler; 100%
Cottton module grabber; 100% 5% 5%
100% Cultivators; 100%
5% 5%
Chemical tanker; 100%
5% 5%
Planters; 100%
5% 4%

5% 5%
5% 5% 5%
0% TTQ Mulcher; 98% Spreader; 100%
0% Pronar Trailer; 100%
2% Disc Harrow; 82%
Air Compressor; 100%
0% Leveller; 100%
Module Builder; 100%
0% Channeler; 100% Weed Wiper; 100%
0% Sprayer Side Burster Culti Packer Cultivators Planter
0% Spreader Disc Harrow Leveller Weed Wiper Channe
Module Builder Air Compressor Pronar Trailer TTQ Mulcher Chemic
1.2% Cottton module grabber Wheat Attachmnet Unia Limken Plough
100% 100% 100% 100% Farm Fleet Availability (Nishon
Name of Machine


Total Count of Machines

Front JCB-Tele- JCB back Fork lift ISUZU Man

&loader scopic heo
100% 100% 100% 100% 99% #FMT

rrent Implement Operati ons Status


rster; 100%
ti Packer; 100%
Cultivators; 100%
Planters; 100%

Spreader; 100%

ow; 82%
er; 100%
Cultivators; 100%
Planters; 100%

Spreader; 100%

ow; 82%
er; 100%

cker Cultivators Planters

Weed Wiper Channeler
Trailer TTQ Mulcher Chemical tanker
Limken Plough
Farm Fleet Availability (Nishon)-August 120%
Total Count
Average in % Breakdown

42 39.82 95% 5.19%

6 4.70 78% 22% 100% 95%
2 2.00 100% 0%

50 Availability 91.0% 9.0%







Lada Patriot Nexia&Cobalt

Column X
Lada Patriot Nexia&Cobalt

Column X

Nishon Farm Machines and Implements Down Time Report

№ Machine Description Asset No

John Deere 6195M

1 1L06195MJKK930897 KN24
John Deere 6155M
2 1L06155MCKK930585 KN32
UAZ Patriot
3 KN173
4 Lada 70M000023 KK191
5 Isuzu 70M000094 KN53
lements Down Time Report

Breakdown Reason Breakdown-Out

Tractor sent to Landtech service. 17.07.2022 Under process

Tractor sent to Landtech service parts already

08.07.2022 Under process
indented, just waiting for transmission parts.

Engine service is going only parts are need to be

01.08.2022 Under process
Need to change Camshaft bolt and Shaft 13.08.2022 Under process
This Isuzu 5t need to make transmission service 20.08.2022 Under process
Total Days Service done (Process)

30 Process

45 Process

15 Process
9 Process
7 Process
Location : Nishon
Breakdown Report of August

Date Equipment Full name Reg №

John Deere Tractor

01.08.2022 KN21 8270R

John Deere Tractor

01.08.2022 KK32 6195M

John Deere Tractor

01.08.2022 SD-203 6M 6195

John Deere Tractor

01.08.2022 SD-202 6195M

01.08.2022 KN138 Lada 3 Dr 70M000057

01.08.2022 KN140 Lada 3 Dr 70M000056

01.08.2022 KN71 TTQ Side Buster 6

01.08.2022 KK180 Light Vehicle - LADA 70M000155

John Deere Tractor

01.08.2022 KN14 8345R
John Deere Tractor
01.08.2022 KN14 8345R

01.08.2022 KN51 Isuzu 8T 70M000130

01.08.2022 KK188 Lada 2 Dr 70M000014
JCB - Backhoe Loader
01.08.2022 KN45 - 4CX
John Deere Tractor
01.08.2022 KN17 8345R

01.08.2022 KN141 Lada 3 Dr 70M000082

01.08.2022 KK189 Niva Urban 70M000016

John Deere Tractor

01.08.2022 SD-201 6195M

01.08.2022 KN173 236320

01.08.2022 KN08 JD - Sprayer - 4730SP 70DA662

01.08.2022 KN143 Lada 3 Dr 70M000013

01.08.2022 KK202 LADA 2Dr 70M000084

01.08.2022 KK202 LADA 2Dr 70M000084

John Deere Tractor

01.08.2022 KN35 6155M

01.08.2022 KN206 Patriot 5 Dr 70M000086

01.08.2022 KK207 LADA 2Dr 70M000158

01.08.2022 JD6195 new1 John Deere 6195 70HA657

John Deere Tractor

01.08.2022 KN30 6195M

JCB - Front Loader -

01.08.2022 KN43 426HT

John Deere Tractor

01.08.2022 KK247 6195M

02.08.2022 KN200 Беларус 80Х 70HA583

02.08.2022 70M000045 PATRIOT UAZ 3163 70M000045

02.08.2022 SD-240 HARROW 5.M
02.08.2022 OQ-19 JD - Sprayer - JD724

02.08.2022 KN09 JD - Sprayer - 4730SP 70DA663

02.08.2022 KN08 JD - Sprayer - 4730SP 70DA662

02.08.2022 KN64 JD - Sprayer - JD732 70BA510

02.08.2022 KN65 JD - Sprayer - JD724
02.08.2022 KN183 JD - Sprayer - JD724
ISUZU - Service Truck
02.08.2022 KK177 - NQR71PL

John Deere Tractor

02.08.2022 KN22 6195M

02.08.2022 KN188 Lada Niva 70M000194

02.08.2022 KN249 Lada 4x4 70M000199

02.08.2022 KN230 Cobalt 70M000222

John Deere Tractor

02.08.2022 KN30 6195M
02.08.2022 KK204 LADA 2Dr 70M000152

02.08.2022 JD6195 new4 John Deere 6195 70HA649

Grader HBM Nobas

02.08.2022 KN47 BG190

02.08.2022 KN173 236320

John Deere Tractor

02.08.2022 KN33 6155M

Orthman Cultivator
03.08.2022 KN103 7500 6-Row
Orthman Cultivator
03.08.2022 KN104 7500 6-Row

Orthman Cultivator
03.08.2022 SD-228 7500

Orthman Cultivator
03.08.2022 KN105 7500 6-Row

Orthman Cultivator
03.08.2022 KN106 7500 6-Row

Orthman Cultivator
03.08.2022 KN107 7500 6-Row

Orthman Cultivator
03.08.2022 KN108 7500 6-Row

Orthman Cultivator
03.08.2022 KN109 7500 6-Row
Orthman Cultivator
03.08.2022 KN110 7500 6-Row

Orthman Cultivator
03.08.2022 KN111 7500 6-Row

03.08.2022 KK203 LADA 4Dr 70M000156

03.08.2022 KN54 Isuzu 4T 70M000096

John Deere Tractor

03.08.2022 KN23 6195M

03.08.2022 KK199 LADA 4Dr 70M000059

Trailer & Puller - Man
03.08.2022 KN49 26/400

03.08.2022 KN142 Lada 3 Dr 70M000073

03.08.2022 KN08 JD - Sprayer - 4730SP 70DA662

03.08.2022 KN56 Man Fuel Truck 70M000088

04.08.2022 JD6195 new5 John Deere 6195

04.08.2022 KK248 John Deere 6195 70HA648

John Deere Tractor

04.08.2022 KN18 8270R

04.08.2022 KK190 LADA Pickup 2Dr 70M000022

04.08.2022 70M000208 DAMAS 70M000208

04.08.2022 KN54 Isuzu 4T 70M000096

John Deere Tractor

04.08.2022 KN29 6195M

04.08.2022 KN53 Isuzu 4T 70M000094

04.08.2022 70M000227 Isuzu NPR 82L 70M000227

04.08.2022 70M000227 Isuzu NPR 82L 70M000227

John Deere Tractor

04.08.2022 KN31 6155M

04.08.2022 KN226 Cobalt 70M000211

04.08.2022 70M000187 Cobalt 70M000187

04.08.2022 KK204 LADA 2Dr 70M000152

04.08.2022 KK213 UAZ PATRIOT 70M000027

JCB - Backhoe Loader
05.08.2022 KN45 - 4CX

John Deere Tractor

05.08.2022 KK35 6195M

John Deere Tractor

05.08.2022 KN35 6155M
John Deere Tractor
05.08.2022 KN35 6155M

05.08.2022 KN08 JD - Sprayer - 4730SP 70DA662

05.08.2022 70M000128 Chevrolet Gentra

John Deere Tractor

05.08.2022 KN28 6195M

John Deere Tractor

06.08.2022 SD-202 6195M

John Deere Tractor

06.08.2022 KN20 8270R
John Deere Tractor
06.08.2022 KN21 8270R

John Deere Tractor

06.08.2022 OQ-58 6M 6195

John Deere Tractor

06.08.2022 SD-264 6M 6195

06.08.2022 KN37 JCB Excavator 205 70DA928

06.08.2022 KN37 JCB Excavator 205 70DA928

06.08.2022 KN135 Lada 5 Dr 70M000026

ISUZU - Water Tanker

08.08.2022 KK174 - FTR33H

08.08.2022 KK202 LADA 2Dr 70M000084

08.08.2022 KN08 JD - Sprayer - 4730SP 70DA662

08.08.2022 KK194 LADA 2Dr 70M000049

John Deere Tractor

08.08.2022 KN26 6195M

08.08.2022 KN41 JCB Excavator 205 70KA328

08.08.2022 KN41 JCB Excavator 205 70KA328

08.08.2022 KN09 JD - Sprayer - 4730SP 70DA663

08.08.2022 KN40 JCB Excavator 205 70KA331

08.08.2022 KN173 236320

09.08.2022 KN188 Lada Niva 70M000194

09.08.2022 KN09 JD - Sprayer - 4730SP 70DA663

09.08.2022 KN08 JD - Sprayer - 4730SP 70DA662

John Deere Tractor
09.08.2022 KN28 6195M

09.08.2022 JD6195 new1 John Deere 6195 70HA657

09.08.2022 JD6195 new1 John Deere 6195 70HA657

John Deere Tractor

09.08.2022 KN22 6195M

09.08.2022 KN140 Lada 3 Dr 70M000056

John Deere Tractor

09.08.2022 KN31 6155M

09.08.2022 KN243 Spark 70M000221

09.08.2022 KN63 JD - Sprayer - JD732 70BA502

09.08.2022 KK186 UAZ PATRIOT 70M000100

09.08.2022 KN134 Lada 5 Dr 70M000051

09.08.2022 KK197 LADA 2Dr 70M000065

JCB - Backhoe Loader

10.08.2022 KN45 - 4CX

John Deere Tractor

10.08.2022 SD-203 6M 6195
John Deere Tractor
10.08.2022 SD-203 6M 6195

10.08.2022 KN08 JD - Sprayer - 4730SP 70DA662

10.08.2022 KN08 JD - Sprayer - 4730SP 70DA662

10.08.2022 KN09 JD - Sprayer - 4730SP 70DA663

John Deere Tractor

11.08.2022 KN18 8270R

John Deere Tractor

11.08.2022 KN17 8345R

11.08.2022 KN64 JD - Sprayer - JD732 70BA510

11.08.2022 KK179 Light Vehicle - LADA 70M000083

11.08.2022 KN80 GB BIG PRO 5.3

11.08.2022 KN138 Lada 3 Dr 70M000057

11.08.2022 KN229 Lada 4x4 70M000196

11.08.2022 KN185 Spark 70M000223

11.08.2022 KN08 JD - Sprayer - 4730SP 70DA662

12.08.2022 KK203 LADA 4Dr 70M000156

12.08.2022 KN140 Lada 3 Dr 70M000056

John Deere Tractor

12.08.2022 KN27 6195M

John Deere Tractor

12.08.2022 KK15 8345R
John Deere Tractor
12.08.2022 KN34 6155M
John Deere Tractor
12.08.2022 KN22 6195M

12.08.2022 KN138 Lada 3 Dr 70M000057

12.08.2022 KK199 LADA 4Dr 70M000059
12.08.2022 KK200 LADA 2Dr 70M000076

12.08.2022 KK186 UAZ PATRIOT 70M000100

12.08.2022 KK186 UAZ PATRIOT 70M000100

ISUZU - Diesel Tanker

12.08.2022 KK173 - NQR71PL

12.08.2022 KN63 JD - Sprayer - JD732 70BA502

13.08.2022 KN39 JCB Excavator 205 70DA971

13.08.2022 KK178 Light Vehicle - LADA 70M000036

John Deere Tractor

13.08.2022 KN23 6195M

John Deere Tractor

13.08.2022 KK33 6195M
John Deere Tractor
13.08.2022 KK33 6195M

John Deere Tractor

13.08.2022 KN14 8345R

John Deere Tractor

13.08.2022 KN14 8345R

13.08.2022 KN242 MAN 18.480 TGX 70M000205

John Deere Tractor

14.08.2022 KN33 6155M

John Deere Tractor

15.08.2022 KN20 8270R

15.08.2022 KN09 JD - Sprayer - 4730SP 70DA663

John Deere Tractor

15.08.2022 KN21 8270R

John Deere Tractor

15.08.2022 KN18 8270R

John Deere Tractor

15.08.2022 KN20 8270R
John Deere Tractor
15.08.2022 KN20 8270R

John Deere Tractor

15.08.2022 SD-202 6195M

15.08.2022 KN08 JD - Sprayer - 4730SP 70DA662

John Deere Tractor

15.08.2022 KN18 8270R

15.08.2022 KN70 TTQ Side Buster 6

15.08.2022 KK189 Niva Urban 70M000016

Orthman Cultivator
15.08.2022 KN112 7500 6-Row

15.08.2022 KN80 GB BIG PRO 5.3

16.08.2022 KN134 Lada 5 Dr 70M000051

16.08.2022 KK187 UAZ PATRIOT 70M000048

16.08.2022 KK187 UAZ PATRIOT 70M000048

16.08.2022 KK192 LADA Pickup 2Dr 70M000024

Trailer & Puller - Man

16.08.2022 KN49 26/400

16.08.2022 KN242 MAN 18.480 TGX 70M000205

Trailer & Puller - Man
16.08.2022 KN48 26/400

John Deere Tractor

16.08.2022 KK15 8345R

16.08.2022 KN138 Lada 3 Dr 70M000057

John Deere Tractor

16.08.2022 KN34 6155M

John Deere Tractor

16.08.2022 KN31 6155M
John Deere Tractor
16.08.2022 KN31 6155M

John Deere Tractor

16.08.2022 KK33 6195M

16.08.2022 KK179 Light Vehicle - LADA 70M000083

John Deere Tractor

16.08.2022 KK22 8270R

John Deere Tractor

17.08.2022 SD-204 6M 6155

17.08.2022 JD6195 new1 John Deere 6195 70HA657

John Deere Tractor

17.08.2022 KN26 6195M

John Deere Tractor

17.08.2022 KN22 6195M

John Deere Tractor

17.08.2022 KN20 8270R

Doosan - Forklift-1
17.08.2022 KN60 Ton FDA22-1240

Orthman Cultivator
17.08.2022 KN112 7500 6-Row
Orthman Cultivator
17.08.2022 KN112 7500 6-Row

17.08.2022 KN80 GB BIG PRO 5.3

17.08.2022 KN140 Lada 3 Dr 70M000056

18.08.2022 JD6195 new4 John Deere 6195 70HA649

18.08.2022 KN141 Lada 3 Dr 70M000082

18.08.2022 KN144 Lada 3 Dr 70M000162

18.08.2022 KK178 Light Vehicle - LADA 70M000036

18.08.2022 KN08 JD - Sprayer - 4730SP 70DA662

18.08.2022 KN08 JD - Sprayer - 4730SP 70DA662

18.08.2022 KN39 JCB Excavator 205 70DA971

18.08.2022 KN40 JCB Excavator 205 70KA331

John Deere Tractor

18.08.2022 KN33 6155M

18.08.2022 KN37 JCB Excavator 205 70DA928

18.08.2022 KN38 JCB Excavator 205 70DA927

18.08.2022 KN58 Isuzu Fuel Truck 70M000146

John Deere Tractor
18.08.2022 KK20 8270R

Krone Baler
19.08.2022 Krone Baler
19.08.2022 KN41 JCB Excavator 205 70KA328
John Deere Tractor
19.08.2022 KN23 6195M

20.08.2022 KN38 JCB Excavator 205 70DA927

Horsch Planter 12.25
20.08.2022 KN224 SD
Horsch Planter 6.16
20.08.2022 KN222 SD
Horsch Planter 12.25
20.08.2022 KN223 SD
Horsch Planter 12.25
20.08.2022 KN225 SD
Serial number Type of maint
Engine Hrs and

1RW8270RPKS141957 Internal 12 443

1L06195MPKK931593 Internal

1L06195MVKK930952 Internal

1L06195MKKK930963 Internal

XTA212140K2355884 Internal

XTA212140K2362656 Internal

UZ2015SB60619 Internal

XTA212140L0215825 Internal

1RW8345RKKS151233 Internal 10 245

1RW8345RKKS151233 Internal 10 245

NSBFTR33HKS000173 Internal 59 700

XTA212140K2344014 Internal

JCB4CX4WCK2826704 Internal

1RW8345RVKS150992 Internal

XTA212140K2368347 Internal

XTA212140K2344012 Internal

1L06195MLKK930887 Internal

XTT236320K1015136 Internal

1NW4730XEJ0056537 Internal

XTA212140K2344017 Internal

XTA212140L2368992 Internal
XTA212140L2368992 Internal

1L06155MTKK930712 Internal

XTT236320L1005464 Internal 160 299

XTA212140L2386048 Internal 166 987

145554 Internal

1L06195MCKK949007 Internal 10 673

JCB4AFAHCK2275132 Internal

145867 Internal 522

Y4R800Z02M110332 Internal
XTT316300K101661 Internal

N146041 Internal

190293 Internal

1NW4730XAJ0056548 Internal

1NW4730XEJ0056537 Internal

1WZ0732MEJ0180444 Internal
1WZ0724MLK0190333 Internal
1WZ0724MTK0190290 Internal

NSBNFR71PKS315130 Internal 119 000

1L06195MHKK930986 Internal 10 222

XTA212140N2434343 Internal

XTA212140N2434337 Internal 35 000

XWBJA69VENA066881 Internal 19 000

1L06195MCKK949007 Internal
XTA213100K0203159 Internal 121 000

144663 Internal 782

420391 Internal 4 073

XTT236320K1015136 Internal

1L06155MHKK930642 Internal 9 593

051901 Internal
051903 Internal

51909 Internal

051904 Internal

051906 Internal

051907 Internal

051912 Internal

0391925 Internal

0391926 Internal

0391927 Internal

XTA212140L0215828 Internal 158 000

NSBNFR71PKS315156 Internal

1L06195MHKK930969 Internal

XTA213100K0205861 Internal
NS278WZZ7KJ008022 Internal


1NW4730XEJ0056537 Internal

MS2MA6ZZ6JJ006965 Internal

1L06195MCNK149090 Internal 468

144838 Internal 923

1RW8270RPKS141876 Internal

XKP232900K0010104 Internal

XWB7T12YDNP819727 Internal 30 385

NSBNFR71PKS315156 Internal

1L06195MAJG925866 Internal 9 598

NSBNFR71PKS315127 Internal

NSBNPR82LNS403896 Internal 8 495

NSBNPR82LNS403896 Internal 8 495

1L06155MCKK930702 Internal

XWBJA69VENA066923 Internal 20 000

XWBJA69VENA025585 Internal 21 351

XTA213100K0203159 Internal

XTT316300K1010710 Internal

JCB4CX4WCK2826704 Internal

1L06195MCKK930822 Internal 11 659

1L06155MTKK930712 Internal 9 443

1L06155MTKK930712 Internal 9 443

1NW4730XEJ0056537 Internal

70M000128 Internal 138 480

1L06195MEJG926004 Internal 10 021

1L06195MKKK930963 Internal 9 292

1RW8270RVKS141883 Internal 6 959

1RW8270RPKS141957 Internal 6 959

1L06195MEJG926455 Internal 8 249

1L06195MCJG926053 Internal 6 912

SHAJE20BAK2750517 Internal 6 959

SHAJE20BAK2750517 Internal 6 959

XTA213100K0203917 Internal

NSBFTR33HKS000186 Internal 117 480

XTA212140L2368992 Internal 157 300

1NW4730XEJ0056537 Internal 6 339

XTA212140K2362911 Internal 150 050

1L06195MPJG926198 Internal

JCBJS26CEK2159605 Internal 7 178

JCBJS26CEK2159605 Internal 7 178

1NW4730XAJ0056548 Internal

JCBJS26CHK2159604 Internal 8 143

XTT236320K1015136 Internal

XTA212140N2434343 Internal 17 207

1NW4730XAJ0056548 Internal

1NW4730XEJ0056537 Internal

1L06195MEJG926004 Internal

145554 Internal 1 046

145554 Internal 1 046

1L06195MHKK930986 Internal 10 314

XTA212140K2362656 Internal

1L06155MCKK930702 Internal

SWBMA48N1NA544063 Internal 15 163

1WZ0732MUK0190399 Internal

XTT236320L1000067 Internal

XTA213100K0205860 Internal

XTA212140K2362771 Internal 22 813

JCB4CX4WCK2826704 Internal

1L06195MVKK930952 Internal 10 079

1L06195MVKK930952 Internal 10 079

1NW4730XEJ0056537 Internal

1NW4730XEJ0056537 Internal

1NW4730XAJ0056548 Internal

1RW8270RPKS141876 Internal

1RW8345RVKS150992 Internal 10 652

1WZ0732MEJ0180444 Internal

XTA212140L2368982 Internal

N146035 Internal

XTA212140K2355884 Internal
XTA213100NO230334 Internal 25 375

XWBMA48N1NA544065 Internal 16 685

1NW4730XEJ0056537 Internal

XTA212140L0215828 Internal

XTA212140K2362656 Internal

1L06195MJJG926379 Internal 10 707

1RW8345RAKS141856 Internal

1L06155MTJG926547 Internal

1L06195MHKK930986 Internal

XTA212140K2355884 Internal
XTA213100K0205861 Internal
XTA212140K2368153 Internal

XTT236320L1000067 Internal
XTT236320L1000067 Internal

NSBNFR71PKS315551 Internal

1WZ0732MUK0190399 Internal

SHAJE20BOK2750532 Internal 7 638

XTA213100K0203159 Internal 195 767

1L06195MHKK930969 Internal 9 780

1L06195MHKK930888 Internal 9 497

1L06195MHKK930888 Internal 9 497

1RW8345RKKS151233 Internal

1RW8345RKKS151233 Internal

WMA06XZZ2GW217357 Internal

1L06155MHKK930642 Internal

1RW8270RVKS141883 Internal

1NW4730XAJ0056548 Internal

1RW8270RPKS141957 Internal 12 627

1RW8270RPKS141876 Internal 12 261

1RW8270RVKS141883 Internal 12 679

1RW8270RVKS141883 Internal 12 679

1L06195MKKK930963 Internal 9 437

1NW4730XEJ0056537 Internal

1RW8270RPKS141876 Internal

UZ2008SB60619 Internal

XTA212140K2344012 Internal

0391928 Internal

N146035 Internal

XTA213100K0205860 Internal 179 055

XTT316300K1013869 Internal 179 474

XTT316300K1013869 Internal 179 474

XKP232900K0010099 Internal

NS278WZZ7KJ008022 Internal

WMA06XZZ2GW217357 Internal

NS278WZZ7KJ008023 Internal

1RW8345RAKS141856 Internal 11 601

XTA212140K2355884 Internal 127 992

1L06155MTJG926547 Internal 7 824

1L06155MCKK930702 Internal 10 089

1L06155MCKK930702 Internal 10 089

1L06195MHKK930888 Internal 10 089

XTA212140L2368982 Internal

1RW8270RVKS141916 Internal 11 036

1L06155MPKK930470 Internal

145554 Internal

1L06195MPJG926198 Internal 9 778

1L06195MHKK930986 Internal

1RW8270RVKS141883 Internal

FDA22-1240-00836 Internal 1 970

0391928 Internal
0391928 Internal

N146035 Internal

XTA212140K2362656 Internal

144663 Internal

XTA212140K2368347 Internal

XTA212140L2385029 Internal

XTA213100K0203159 Internal

1NW4730XEJ0056537 Internal
1NW4730XEJ0056537 Internal

SHAJE20BOK2750532 Internal 7 675

JCBJS26CHK2159604 Internal 8 213

1L06155MHKK930642 Internal 8 213

SHAJE20BAK2750517 Internal

SHAJE20BCK2750515 Internal

NSBNFR71PKS315393 Internal

1RW8270RKKS141846 Internal

315133 Internal

JCBJS26CEK2159605 Internal 7 259

1L06195MHKK930969 Internal 7 259

SHAJE20BCK2750515 Internal

21291456 Internal

21271594 Internal

21291369 Internal

21291457 Internal
Item name UOM Used QTY
Filter Element P551124 шт. / pcs. 1
Engine oil filter P550938 шт. / pcs. 1
Shell Rimula R4X 15W40 209L Motor oil л. / ltr. 29
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 5
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 2
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 5
MACHXBIB MIC HEL -710/70R38 TL -171D шт. / pcs. 2
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 4
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Hydraulic Oil Shell Spirax S4 TXM 209 Litres л. / ltr. 15
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 5
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Motor Oil Shell Helix HX70 10w40 л. / ltr. 1.5
Valve cover gaske 2101-1003270 шт. / pcs. 1
Antifeeze Valesco Red 40 кг. / kg. 8
Motor Oil Shell Helix HX70 10w40 л. / ltr. 4
Air filter Lada Niva шт. / pcs. 1
TTQ Ripper Boot With Tungsten Hardfacing MTS
шт. / pcs. 20
Front steering link Lada Niva комп. / kit 1
Shell Rimula R4X 15W40 209L Motor oil л. / ltr. 29
Engine oil filter P550938 шт. / pcs. 1
Filter Element P551124 шт. / pcs. 1
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 5
TTQ Ripper Boot With Tungsten Hardfacing MTS
шт. / pcs. 25
Аir Filter RE291412 шт. / pcs. 1
AIR FILTER - RE587792 шт. / pcs. 1
Cab Air Filter RE284091 шт. / pcs. 1
AIR FILTER - RE587791 шт. / pcs. 1
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 2
Shell Rimula R4X 15W40 209L Motor oil л. / ltr. 14
Air filter housing 21214-1109010 шт. / pcs. 1
Belt Drive 320/08600 шт. / pcs. 1
Bushing R341742 шт. / pcs. 2
Ball support BM-0174 шт. / pcs. 2
Front steering link Lada Niva комп. / kit 1
Ball joint, top 21214-2904192-02 комп. / kit 1
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Rear jet thrust 2101-2919013-01 шт. / pcs. 1
Primary air filter №AL215053 шт. / pcs. 1
Secondary Аir filter AL215054 шт. / pcs. 1
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 5
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 2
oil seal valve LADA шт. / pcs. 2
Steering tip 3163-3414057 шт. / pcs. 1
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Hydraulic Oil Shell Spirax S4 TXM 209 Litres л. / ltr. 30
RVD DN 19 2 SN215 bar with crimped fittings wrench
No. 36
м. / m. 5.5
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Air filter housing 21214-1109010 шт. / pcs. 1
Crankshaft oil seal ZMZ-406 front 55x70x8 шт. / pcs. 0.5
Alternator 21214 94123701 шт. / pcs. 1
Conditioner belt 21214-1041020-26 шт. / pcs. 1
Crankshaft oil seal ZMZ-406 front 55x70x8 шт. / pcs. 1
Motor Oil Shell Helix HX70 10w40 л. / ltr. 0.5
Hydraulic Oil Shell Spirax S4 TXM 209 Litres л. / ltr. 20
Motor Oil Shell Helix HX70 10w40 л. / ltr. 6.5
MFA 7004 oil filter шт. / pcs. 1
Air filter Polistone PV-075 шт. / pcs. 1
Rear brake shoe sets 316300350208200 шт. / pcs. 1
Motor Oil Shell Helix HX70 10w40 л. / ltr. 4
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 4
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Cartridge grease pump шт. / pcs. 1
Shell Rimula R4X 15W40 209L Motor oil л. / ltr. 22
Engine Oil Filter P550779 шт. / pcs. 1
Fuel Filter P551422 шт. / pcs. 1
Filter Element P551433 шт. / pcs. 1
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 4
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 2
Hydraulic Oil Shell Tellus S2 V46 209 Litres л. / ltr. 15
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 5
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
TORQ-GARD SUPREME / Engine Oil Catalog.
л. / ltr. 23
OIL FILTER -RE504836 шт. / pcs. 1
Air filter RE541922 шт. / pcs. 1
Fuel Filter RE522878 шт. / pcs. 1
O-ring R502513 шт. / pcs. 1
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 4
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Hydraulic Oil Shell Spirax S4 TXM 209 Litres л. / ltr. 10
Brake drum 3151-3501070 шт. / pcs. 1
AC Filter (Patriot) шт. / pcs. 1
TV S TL 400/55-22.5 FL09 16PR 152A8 400/55 TVS шт. / pcs. 1
Nozzle Turbo Twinjet Polymer SS-TTJ60-110025VP шт. / pcs. 100
Nozzle Turbo Twinjet Polymer SS-TTJ60-110025VP шт. / pcs. 100
Nozzle Turbo Twinjet Polymer SS-TTJ60-110025VP шт. / pcs. 100
Nozzle Turbo Twinjet Polymer SS-TTJ60-110025VP шт. / pcs. 100
Nozzle Turbo Twinjet Polymer SS-TTJ60-110025VP шт. / pcs. 100
Nozzle Turbo Twinjet Polymer SS-TTJ60-110025VP шт. / pcs. 100
Shell Rimula R4X 15W40 209L Motor oil л. / ltr. 9
Oil filter OP 636/3 шт. / pcs. 1
HY-GARD Hydraulic oil No.YU81824-200 л. / ltr. 72
Oil Filter AL221066 шт. / pcs. 1
OIL FILTER -AL169573 шт. / pcs. 1
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Cng pressure gauge coupling reducer шт. / pcs. 1
AC Filter (Patriot) шт. / pcs. 1
Motor Oil Shell Helix HX70 10w40 л. / ltr. 4
Oil filter OFS 067 шт. / pcs. 1
Air filter Lada Niva шт. / pcs. 1
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Motor Oil Shell Helix HX70 10w40 л. / ltr. 3.5
Oil Filter (Cobalt) шт. / pcs. 1
Air filter (Cobalt) шт. / pcs. 1
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
MACHXBIB MIC HEL -710/70R38 TL -171D шт. / pcs. 2
Tire 480/70R30 шт. / pcs. 2
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 5
Motor Oil Shell Helix HX70 10w40 л. / ltr. 4
Oil filter OFS 067 шт. / pcs. 1
Air filter Lada Niva шт. / pcs. 1
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
TORQ-GARD SUPREME / Engine Oil Catalog.
л. / ltr. 23
OIL FILTER -RE504836 шт. / pcs. 1
Air filter RE541922 шт. / pcs. 1
Fuel Filter RE522878 шт. / pcs. 1
O-ring R502513 шт. / pcs. 1
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 3
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 2
Shell Rimula R4X 15W40 209L Motor oil л. / ltr. 19
Element fuel filter №9343094 шт. / pcs. 1
oil filter 9343096 шт. / pcs. 1
Hydraulic Oil Shell Tellus S2 V46 209 Litres л. / ltr. 105
air filter32/920401 шт. / pcs. 1
air filter 32/920402 шт. / pcs. 1
retour filter 5074180061 шт. / pcs. 1
Hydraulic filter for HBM grader Nobas 5074200061 шт. / pcs. 2
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 10
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 2
Exhaust valve 21010-1007012-01 комп. / kit 1
Inlet valve 2101-1007010 шт. / pcs. 2
Shell Rimula R4X 15W40 209L Motor oil л. / ltr. 23
Engine Oil Filter P550779 шт. / pcs. 1
Fuel Filter P551422 шт. / pcs. 1
Filter Element P551433 шт. / pcs. 1
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 5
cultivator tip(point) шт. / pcs. 84
cultivator tip(point) шт. / pcs. 84
cultivator tip(point) шт. / pcs. 56
Ploughshare right шт. / pcs. 7
Left share шт. / pcs. 7
cultivator tip(point) шт. / pcs. 56
cultivator tip(point) шт. / pcs. 60
Ploughshare right шт. / pcs. 18
Left share шт. / pcs. 18
cultivator tip(point) шт. / pcs. 56
Ploughshare right шт. / pcs. 14
Left share шт. / pcs. 14
cultivator tip(point) шт. / pcs. 56
Left share шт. / pcs. 28
Ploughshare right шт. / pcs. 28
cultivator tip(point) шт. / pcs. 30
cultivator tip(point) шт. / pcs. 84
cultivator tip(point) шт. / pcs. 34
Ploughshare right шт. / pcs. 17
Left share шт. / pcs. 17
Motor Oil Shell Helix HX70 10w40 л. / ltr. 2.5
Socket set 135-22-1 шт. / pcs. 1
Tire pressure gauge BWTPG1 шт. / pcs. 1
HY-GARD Hydraulic oil No.YU81824-200 л. / ltr. 72
OIL FILTER -AL169573 шт. / pcs. 1
Oil Filter AL221066 шт. / pcs. 1
Cartridge grease pump шт. / pcs. 1
Motor Oil Shell Helix HX70 10w40 л. / ltr. 1.5
24 V bulb шт. / pcs. 2
Fuel pump assy 21214.1139009 шт. / pcs. 1
Hydraulic Oil Shell Spirax S4 TXM 209 Litres л. / ltr. 75
Battery 100 aAh шт. / pcs. 2
TORQ-GARD SUPREME / Engine Oil Catalog.
л. / ltr. 23
OIL FILTER -RE504836 шт. / pcs. 1
Air filter RE541922 шт. / pcs. 1
Filter Element -RE522878 шт. / pcs. 1
O-ring R502513 шт. / pcs. 1
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 5
TORQ-GARD SUPREME / Engine Oil Catalog.
л. / ltr. 23
OIL FILTER -RE504836 шт. / pcs. 1
Air filter RE541922 шт. / pcs. 1
Filter Element -RE522878 шт. / pcs. 1
O-ring R502513 шт. / pcs. 1
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 5
Link End RE 278964 шт. / pcs. 1
TTQ Top Balancing Link шт. / pcs. 1
Throttle valve 21126-1148010 шт. / pcs. 1
Oil filter MF-003 шт. / pcs. 1
Air filter VF-313 шт. / pcs. 1
Tape puller 150 mm BE66152 шт. / pcs. 1
HY-GARD Hydraulic oil No.YU81824-200 л. / ltr. 72
Oil Filter AL232896 шт. / pcs. 1
Oil Filter AL221066 шт. / pcs. 1
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 5
Antifeeze Valesco Red 40 кг. / kg. 15
Shell Rimula R4X 15W40 209L Motor oil л. / ltr. 9.5
Oil filter OP 636/3 шт. / pcs. 1
Tyre 270/95R38 140A8/B шт. / pcs. 2
Tyre 270/95R54(11.2R54) 146A8/B BKT AGRIMAX
RT-955 TL
шт. / pcs. 2
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 5
Oil Filter (Cobalt) шт. / pcs. 1
Air filter (Cobalt) шт. / pcs. 1
Motor Oil Shell Helix HX70 10w40 л. / ltr. 3.5
Antifeeze Valesco Red 40 кг. / kg. 1
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Motor Oil Shell Helix HX70 10w40 л. / ltr. 3.5
Oil Filter (Cobalt) шт. / pcs. 1
Air filter (Cobalt) шт. / pcs. 1
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Motor Oil Shell Helix HX70 10w40 л. / ltr. 4
Oil filter OFS 067 шт. / pcs. 1
Air filter Lada Niva шт. / pcs. 1
Brake shoe 31603501090 шт. / pcs. 1
Cabin filter VF015N шт. / pcs. 1
Mud flaps NLF.52.33.E10 шт. / pcs. 2
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Antifeeze Valesco Red 40 кг. / kg. 3
Hydraulic Oil Shell Spirax S4 TXM 209 Litres л. / ltr. 15
Shell Rimula R4X 15W40 209L Motor oil л. / ltr. 23
Engine Oil Filter P550779 шт. / pcs. 1
Fuel Filter P551422 шт. / pcs. 1
Filter Element P551433 шт. / pcs. 1
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 2
Shell Rimula R4X 15W40 209L Motor oil л. / ltr. 23
Engine Oil Filter P550779 шт. / pcs. 1
Fuel Filter P551422 шт. / pcs. 1
Filter Element P551433 шт. / pcs. 1
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 2
TIRE 380/90R46 350 165A8 TL ALLIANCE шт. / pcs. 1
Motor Oil Shell Helix HX70 10w40 л. / ltr. 3.5
Oil Filter (Cobalt) шт. / pcs. 1
HY-GARD Hydraulic oil No.YU81824-200 л. / ltr. 72
OIL FILTER -AL169573 шт. / pcs. 1
Oil Filter AL221066 шт. / pcs. 1
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Hydraulic Oil Shell Spirax S4 TXM 209 Litres л. / ltr. 72
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 5
OIL FILTER -AL169573 шт. / pcs. 1
Oil Filter AL221066 шт. / pcs. 1
TIRE 480/80R50 159A8 TL AGRI MICHELIN шт. / pcs. 2
TIRE 480/80R50 159A8 TL AGRI MICHELIN шт. / pcs. 2
Hydraulic Oil Shell Spirax S4 TXM 209 Litres л. / ltr. 72
Oil Filter AL232896 шт. / pcs. 1
Oil Filter AL221066 шт. / pcs. 1
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 5
Hydraulic Oil Shell Spirax S4 TXM 209 Litres л. / ltr. 72
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 5
OIL FILTER -AL169573 шт. / pcs. 1
Oil Filter AL221066 шт. / pcs. 1
Shell Rimula R4X 15W40 209L Motor oil л. / ltr. 20
Element fuel S№02/910155А шт. / pcs. 1
Superator fuel wat 332/Y3163 шт. / pcs. 1
oil filter 32/925968 шт. / pcs. 1
Filter return 332/B7467 шт. / pcs. 1
Filter return 335/G2061 шт. / pcs. 1
Hydraulic oil filter №335/С7872 шт. / pcs. 1
Oil Filter P558615 шт. / pcs. 1
Hydraulic Oil Shell Tellus S2 V46 209 Litres л. / ltr. 150
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 10
Castrol Axle EPX 80W90 16kg кг. / kg. 1.5
Clutch fork boot 2101-1601211 шт. / pcs. 1
Shell Rimula R4X 15W40 209L Motor oil л. / ltr. 14
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 2
Oil filter MFA 7015 (8-94393501-0) шт. / pcs. 1
Air Filter D-max шт. / pcs. 1
Oil filter OFS 067 шт. / pcs. 1
Air filter Lada Niva шт. / pcs. 1
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Motor Oil Shell Helix HX70 10w40 л. / ltr. 4
Shell Rimula R4X 15W40 209L Motor oil л. / ltr. 29
Engine Oil Filter P550779 шт. / pcs. 1
Fuel Filter P551422 шт. / pcs. 1
Filter Element P551433 шт. / pcs. 1
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 2
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Motor Oil Shell Helix HX70 10w40 л. / ltr. 4
Oil filter OFS 067 шт. / pcs. 1
Hydraulic Oil Shell Spirax S4 TXM 209 Litres л. / ltr. 20
Hydraulic Oil Shell Tellus S2 V46 209 Litres л. / ltr. 150
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 2
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 10
Filter return 335/G2061 шт. / pcs. 1
Hydraulic oil filter №335/С7872 шт. / pcs. 1
Filter return 332/B7467 шт. / pcs. 1
Hydraulic Oil Shell Spirax S4 TXM 209 Litres л. / ltr. 9
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 2
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 10
Hydraulic Oil Shell Tellus S2 V46 209 Litres л. / ltr. 150
Filter return 335/G2061 шт. / pcs. 1
Hydraulic oil filter №335/С7872 шт. / pcs. 1
Filter return 332/B7467 шт. / pcs. 1
MFA 7004 oil filter шт. / pcs. 1
Engine mount (дв.409, 514) шт. / pcs. 2
Clutch UAZ Patriot with release 31638-1601006 комп. / kit 1
Repair kit Gaskets шт. / pcs. 1
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Motor Oil Shell Helix HX70 10w40 л. / ltr. 4
Oil filter OFS 067 шт. / pcs. 1
Air filter Lada Niva шт. / pcs. 1
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Hydraulic Oil Shell Spirax S4 TXM 209 Litres л. / ltr. 35
Hydraulic Oil Shell Spirax S4 TXM 209 Litres л. / ltr. 40
Hydraulic Oil Shell Spirax S4 TXM 209 Litres л. / ltr. 25
TORQ-GARD SUPREME / Engine Oil Catalog.
л. / ltr. 23
OIL FILTER -RE504836 шт. / pcs. 1
Fuel Filter RE522878 шт. / pcs. 1
Air filter RE541922 шт. / pcs. 1
O-ring R502513 шт. / pcs. 1
OIL FILTER -AL169573 шт. / pcs. 1
Oil Filter AL221066 шт. / pcs. 1
Shell Rimula R4X 15W40 209L Motor oil л. / ltr. 23
Engine Oil Filter P550779 шт. / pcs. 1
Fuel Filter P551422 шт. / pcs. 1
Filter Element P551433 шт. / pcs. 1
Hydraulic Oil Shell Spirax S4 TXM 209 Litres л. / ltr. 5
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 2
Water Pump 2101-1307011 шт. / pcs. 1
Antifeeze Valesco Red 40 кг. / kg. 8
Hydraulic Oil Shell Spirax S4 TXM 209 Litres л. / ltr. 25
Motor Oil Shell Helix HX70 10w40 л. / ltr. 3
Oil Filter (Cobalt) шт. / pcs. 1
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Line WZ8451150 шт. / pcs. 1
Fuel filter UAZ Patriot шт. / pcs. 1
Motor Oil Shell Helix HX70 10w40 л. / ltr. 6.5
MFA 7004 oil filter шт. / pcs. 1
Air filter PFA 154 шт. / pcs. 1
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Release bearing 2101-1601180 шт. / pcs. 1
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Castrol Axle EPX 80W90 16kg кг. / kg. 1.5
Motor Oil Shell Helix HX70 10w40 л. / ltr. 4
Oil filter OFS 067 шт. / pcs. 1
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 10
Shell Rimula R4X 15W40 209L Motor oil л. / ltr. 23
Engine Oil Filter P550779 шт. / pcs. 1
Fuel Filter P551422 шт. / pcs. 1
Filter Element P551433 шт. / pcs. 1
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 5
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 2
Hydraulic Oil Shell Spirax S4 TXM 209 Litres л. / ltr. 18
Hydraulic Oil Shell Spirax S4 TXM 209 Litres л. / ltr. 18
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 5
Hydraulic Oil Shell Spirax S4 TXM 209 Litres л. / ltr. 15
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 5
Hydraulic Oil Shell Spirax S4 TXM 209 Litres л. / ltr. 5
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 5
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Shell Rimula R4X 15W40 209L Motor oil л. / ltr. 29
Engine oil filter P550938 шт. / pcs. 1
Filter Element P551124 шт. / pcs. 1
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 2
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 5
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 5
PIVOT / WZW15764 шт. / pcs. 1
Clamp dia 300 шт. / pcs. 4
Motor Oil Shell Helix HX70 10w40 л. / ltr. 4
Oil filter OFS 067 шт. / pcs. 1
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Castrol Axle EPX 80W90 16kg кг. / kg. 2.5
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 5
Coupling No. 850124092 шт. / pcs. 1
Shaft No. 430501700 / NO шт. / pcs. 1
Antifeeze Valesco Red 40 кг. / kg. 1
Motor Oil Shell Helix HX70 10w40 л. / ltr. 4
Oil filter OFS 067 шт. / pcs. 1
Air filter Lada Niva шт. / pcs. 1
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Motor Oil Shell Helix HX70 10w40 л. / ltr. 3
Oil Filter (Cobalt) шт. / pcs. 1
Hydraulic Oil Shell Spirax S4 TXM 209 Litres л. / ltr. 35
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 5
RVD DN 19 2 SN215 bar with crimped fittings wrench
No. 36
м. / m. 6
Antifeeze Valesco Red 40 кг. / kg. 6
Antifeeze Valesco Red 40 кг. / kg. 1
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Shell Rimula R4X 15W40 209L Motor oil л. / ltr. 23
Engine Oil Filter P550779 шт. / pcs. 1
Fuel Filter P551422 шт. / pcs. 1
Filter Element P551433 шт. / pcs. 1
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 2
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 5
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 10
Hydraulic Oil Shell Spirax S4 TXM 209 Litres л. / ltr. 10
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 2
Motor Oil Shell Helix HX70 10w40 л. / ltr. 0.5
Motor Oil Shell Helix HX70 10w40 л. / ltr. 2
Motor Oil Shell Helix HX70 10w40 л. / ltr. 2.5
Fuel pump assembly UAZ Patriot комп. / kit 1
Mesh fuel pump Niva 21214-1139200 шт. / pcs. 1
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Shell Rimula R4X 15W40 209L Motor oil л. / ltr. 10
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
PIVOT / WZW15764 шт. / pcs. 1
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 5
Shell Rimula R4X 15W40 209L Motor oil л. / ltr. 21
Superator fuel wat 332/Y3163 шт. / pcs. 1
Filter return 332/B7467 шт. / pcs. 1
Oil Filter P558615 шт. / pcs. 1
Element fuel S№02/910155А шт. / pcs. 1
oil filter 32/925968 шт. / pcs. 1
Hydraulic oil filter №335/С7872 шт. / pcs. 1
Filter return 335/G2061 шт. / pcs. 1
Hydraulic Oil Shell Tellus S2 V46 209 Litres л. / ltr. 150
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 10
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 2
Oil filter OFS 067 шт. / pcs. 1
Air filter Lada Niva шт. / pcs. 1
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Shell Rimula R4X 15W40 209L Motor oil л. / ltr. 23
Engine Oil Filter P550779 шт. / pcs. 1
Fuel Filter P551422 шт. / pcs. 1
Filter Element P551433 шт. / pcs. 1
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 2
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 5
Shell Rimula R4X 15W40 209L Motor oil л. / ltr. 23
Engine Oil Filter P550779 шт. / pcs. 1
Fuel Filter P551422 шт. / pcs. 1
Filter Element P551433 шт. / pcs. 1
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 5
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 2
Seal RE308406 шт. / pcs. 1
Seal AHC10871 шт. / pcs. 2
Bushing R341742 шт. / pcs. 2
Ball Bearing RE346079 шт. / pcs. 1
Ball Bearing RE346082 шт. / pcs. 1
Ball bearing RE346081 шт. / pcs. 1
Shaft R555800 шт. / pcs. 1
Boot R551372 шт. / pcs. 1
Half sheave R555795 шт. / pcs. 1
Half sheave R555793 шт. / pcs. 1
Seal R562981 шт. / pcs. 3
Link End RE 280348 шт. / pcs. 1
24 V bulb шт. / pcs. 2
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Fuse 30NO шт. / pcs. 5
Hydraulic Oil Shell Spirax S4 TXM 209 Litres л. / ltr. 5
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 5
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 5
Hydraulic Oil Shell Spirax S4 TXM 209 Litres л. / ltr. 55
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 5
Filter Element P551124 шт. / pcs. 1
Shell Rimula R4X 15W40 209L Motor oil л. / ltr. 29
Engine oil filter P550938 шт. / pcs. 1
Filter Element P551124 шт. / pcs. 1
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 5
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 2
Shell Rimula R4X 15W40 209L Motor oil л. / ltr. 29
Engine oil filter P550938 шт. / pcs. 1
Filter Element P551124 шт. / pcs. 1
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 5
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 2
Shell Rimula R4X 15W40 209L Motor oil л. / ltr. 23
Engine Oil Filter P550779 шт. / pcs. 1
Fuel Filter P551422 шт. / pcs. 1
Filter Element P551433 шт. / pcs. 1
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 5
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 2
Nozzle holder №AN305431 шт. / pcs. 7
VALVE AN208603 шт. / pcs. 1
TTQ Top Balancing Link шт. / pcs. 1
TTQ Top Balancing Link шт. / pcs. 2
Oil filter OFS 067 шт. / pcs. 1
Air filter Lada Niva шт. / pcs. 1
Antifeeze Valesco Red 40 кг. / kg. 2
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Bushing No. 285-140 шт. / pcs. 8
Wedge No. 387-521 шт. / pcs. 2
Bolt No. 100-490 шт. / pcs. 2
Flange No. 850104292 / NO шт. / pcs. 2
Air filter Lada Niva шт. / pcs. 1
Antifeeze Valesco Red 40 кг. / kg. 2
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Motor Oil Shell Helix HX70 10w40 л. / ltr. 2
Oil filter OFS 067 шт. / pcs. 1
MFA 7004 oil filter шт. / pcs. 1
Air filter Polistone PV-075 шт. / pcs. 1
Antifeeze Valesco Red 40 кг. / kg. 2
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Motor Oil Shell Helix HX70 10w40 л. / ltr. 3
Clamp dia 300 шт. / pcs. 8
Antifeeze Valesco Red 40 кг. / kg. 1
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 2
Clamp dia 300 шт. / pcs. 2
Tyre 235/75R17,5 шт. / pcs. 2
Tire 315/70R22.5 шт. / pcs. 4
Tire 315/80R22.5 шт. / pcs. 2
Tire 385/65R22.5 шт. / pcs. 2
Shell Rimula R4X 15W40 209L Motor oil л. / ltr. 29
Engine oil filter P550938 шт. / pcs. 1
Filter Element P551124 шт. / pcs. 1
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 5
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 2
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Motor Oil Shell Helix HX70 10w40 л. / ltr. 3
Oil filter OFS 067 шт. / pcs. 1
Air filter Lada Niva шт. / pcs. 1
Shell Rimula R4X 15W40 209L Motor oil л. / ltr. 23
Engine Oil Filter P550779 шт. / pcs. 1
Fuel Filter P551422 шт. / pcs. 1
Filter Element P551433 шт. / pcs. 1
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 5
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 2
Shell Rimula R4X 15W40 209L Motor oil л. / ltr. 23
Engine Oil Filter P550779 шт. / pcs. 1
Filter Element P551433 шт. / pcs. 1
Fuel Filter P551422 шт. / pcs. 1
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 5
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 2
O-ring R502513 шт. / pcs. 5
Hydraulic Oil Shell Spirax S4 TXM 209 Litres л. / ltr. 5
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Flange flexible coupling 21213-2202024-00 шт. / pcs. 1
Shell Rimula R4X 15W40 209L Motor oil л. / ltr. 29
Engine oil filter P550938 шт. / pcs. 1
Filter Element P551124 шт. / pcs. 1
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 5
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 2
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 2
O-ring R502513 шт. / pcs. 1
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 2
Shell Rimula R4X 15W40 209L Motor oil л. / ltr. 23
Engine Oil Filter P550779 шт. / pcs. 1
Fuel Filter P551422 шт. / pcs. 1
Filter Element P551433 шт. / pcs. 1
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 5
Hydraulic Oil Shell Spirax S4 TXM 209 Litres л. / ltr. 10
Shell Rimula R4X 15W40 209L Motor oil л. / ltr. 10
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 2
Hydraulic Oil Shell Tellus S2 V46 209 Litres л. / ltr. 40
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 5
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 2
OIL FILTER D140182 шт. / pcs. 1
Bolt 5/8” x 7 1/2”, Grade 5 100-147 шт. / pcs. 8
Bolt No. 100-490 шт. / pcs. 3
Bushing No. 285-140 шт. / pcs. 4
Bushing No. 315-261 шт. / pcs. 18
Wedge No. 387-521 шт. / pcs. 3
Adaptor №108911200/NO шт. / pcs. 1
Nut 061303190 шт. / pcs. 2
Hub bearing 32211A GB Pro шт. / pcs. 1
Rear suspension stabilizer 236021291601610 шт. / pcs. 1
O-ring R502513 шт. / pcs. 1
Filter Element -RE522878 шт. / pcs. 1
Air filter RE541922 шт. / pcs. 1
OIL FILTER -RE504836 шт. / pcs. 1
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 2
Filter №L214634 шт. / pcs. 2
AIR FILTER - AL215054 шт. / pcs. 1
AIR FILTER - AL215053 шт. / pcs. 1
Cab Air Filter AL225552 шт. / pcs. 2
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 2
Gas rolling шт. / pcs. 2
Ball joint, top 21214-2904192-02 комп. / kit 1
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Conditioner belt 21214-1041020-26 шт. / pcs. 1
Power steering pump timing belt 21214-3407042-00 шт. / pcs. 1
Rear jet thrust 2101-2919013-01 шт. / pcs. 1
Car lamp H4 12V 60 / 55W шт. / pcs. 1
Alternator 21214 94123701 шт. / pcs. 1
Apron size 115x120 шт. / pcs. 1
Hydraulic Oil Shell Spirax S4 TXM 209 Litres л. / ltr. 60
CAP SCEW / N317643 шт. / pcs. 1
Fitting Ø10 DKOL 0° шт. / pcs. 4
G.OIL HP PLUS S№4000/2200Е л. / ltr. 12
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 10
G.OIL HP PLUS S№4000/2200Е л. / ltr. 20
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 10
Hydraulic Oil Shell Spirax S4 TXM 209 Litres л. / ltr. 2
bracket 4/3 t шт. / pcs. 3
GEAR OIL HP 90 S№4000/0303Е л. / ltr. 13
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 10
G.OIL HP PLUS S№4000/2200Е л. / ltr. 13
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 10
Antifeeze Valesco Red 40 кг. / kg. 2
COOL-GARD / Cooland, Catalog. No.YU76215-200 л. / ltr. 5
Electric motor 24V 16nm 3036800 шт. / pcs. 1
Adjuster roller 20275761 шт. / pcs. 11
G.OIL HP PLUS S№4000/2200Е л. / ltr. 20
Shell Rimula R4X 15W40 209L Motor oil л. / ltr. 3
Hydraulic Oil Shell Spirax S4 TXM 209 Litres л. / ltr. 5
Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2 180 KG кг. / kg. 15
Chain м. / m. 4
Chain м. / m. 4
Chain м. / m. 4
Chain м. / m. 4.5
Material value

494 715.99
213 475.44
25 899.71
55 216.27
6 265.47


33482 087.76
55 216.27
6 265.47
38 173.96
55 216.27
6 265.47
61 497.72
26 956.52
19 034.78
61 497.72
36 921.29
342 006.39
565 217.39
25 899.71
213 475.44
494 715.99
55 216.27
342 006.39
1015 490.18
781 491.58
474 578.15
1253 941.72
6 265.47
25 899.71
217 391.31

322 826.09

184 639.30

193 996.67
565 217.39
143 478.26
6 265.47
507 891.88
1364 269.36
626 832.73
55 216.27
6 265.47
70 675.56
94 317.50
6 265.47
38 173.96
151 132.08
6 265.47
217 391.31
26 037.99
941 932.17
154 782.61
26 037.99
61 497.72

38 173.96

61 497.72
41 176.47
50 137.80
230 319.01
61 497.72
6 265.47
55 216.27
6 265.47
214 539.88
25 899.71
125 294.02
241 727.59
218 574.99
55 216.27
6 265.47
24 521.74
55 216.27
6 265.47
43 254.18
292 790.59
467 736.41
453 365.37
60 439.08
55 216.27
6 265.47
38 173.96
467 267.08
126 086.96

5555 776.93

60 661.49

60 661.49

60 661.49

60 661.49
60 661.49
60 661.49
25 899.71
69 913.04
45 018.86
789 724.54
1034 711.96
6 265.47
178 333.33
126 086.96
61 497.72
33 043.48
36 921.29
6 265.47
61 497.72
23 469.35
31 846.61
6 265.47
33482 087.76
6109 719.80
55 216.27
61 497.72
33 043.48
36 921.29
6 265.47
43 254.18
292 790.59
467 736.41
453 365.37
60 439.08
55 216.27
6 265.47
25 899.71
368 543.96
241 034.24
24 521.74
914 686.55
1049 604.13
907 155.64
1008 196.38
55 216.27
6 265.47
50 434.78
205 682.00
25 899.71
125 294.02
241 727.59
218 574.99
55 216.27

17 458.62
17 458.62

17 458.62
133 973.52
126 392.61

17 458.62

17 458.62
133 973.52
126 392.61
17 458.62
133 973.52
126 392.61
17 458.62
126 392.61
133 973.52

17 458.62

17 458.62

17 458.62
133 973.52
126 392.61
61 497.72
123 774.25
439 839.13
45 018.86
1034 711.96
789 724.54
214 539.88
61 497.72
23 790.60

404 508.70

38 173.96

1558 910.81
43 254.18
292 790.59
467 736.41
336 082.24
60 439.08
55 216.27
43 254.18
292 790.59
467 736.41
336 082.24
60 439.08
55 216.27
6135 553.90
1815 000.00
1521 739.13
23 522.04
41 297.59
172 178.29
45 018.86
1154 897.63
789 724.54
55 216.27
19 034.78
25 899.71
69 913.04
5712 496.09
14325 106.07
55 216.27
23 469.35
31 846.61
61 497.72
19 034.78
6 265.47
61 497.72
23 469.35
31 846.61
6 265.47
61 497.72
33 043.48
36 921.29
76 597.01
102 389.73
118 617.06
6 265.47
19 034.78

38 173.96

25 899.71
125 294.02
241 727.59
218 574.99
6 265.47
25 899.71
125 294.02
241 727.59
218 574.99
6 265.47

10997 092.16

61 497.72
23 469.35
45 018.86
1034 711.96
789 724.54
6 265.47
38 395,84
55 188,52
1 041 759,75
787 140,69

23 946 830,99

23 946 830,99

38 395.84
1152 177.79
787 140.69
55 188.52
38 395.84
55 188.52
1041 759.75
787 140.69
25 916.06
155 784.10
300 574.90
736 876.11
216 566.97
72 150.03
1613 282.91
82 547.83
24 521.74
55 188.52
90 114.01
29 411.76
25 916.06
6 265.47
99 538.73
319 507.65
33 043.48
36 907.90
6 265.47
57 780.94
25 916.06
109 435.17
211 904.35
198 726.35
6 265.47
6 265.47
57 780.94
33 043.48

38 395.84

24 521.74
6 265.47
55 188.52
72 150.03
1613 282.91
216 566.97

38 395.84

6 265.47
55 188.52
24 521.74
72 150.03
1613 282.91
216 566.97
41 176.47
149 565.44
1874 739.13
82 220.76
6 265.47
6 265.47
57 780.94
33 043.48
36 907.90
6 265.47

38 395.84

38 395.84

38 395.84

43 103.46
248 009.26
453 046.17
467 471.89
63 017.11
1041 759.75
787 140.69
25 916.06
109 435.17
211 904.35
198 726.35
38 395.84
6 265.47
170 475.54
19 034.78

38 395.84

57 780.94
23 462.32
6 265.47
2434 337.63
134 782.61
57 780.94
41 176.47
37 282.71
6 265.47
287 272.73
6 265.47
90 114.01
57 780.94
33 043.48
6 265.47

55 188.52

25 916.06
109 435.17
211 904.35
198 726.35
55 188.52
6 265.47

38 395.84

38 395.84
55 188.52
38 395.84
55 188.52
38 395,84
55 188,52
6 265,47
25 916.06
208 137.96
465 156.03
6 265.47
55 188.52
55 188.52
4380 023.25
57 780.94
33 043.48
6 265.47
90 114.01
55 188.52
844 628.12
2661 036.12
19 034.78
57 780.94
33 043.48
36 907.90
6 265.47
6 265.47
57 780.94
23 462.32
38 395.84
6 265.47
55 188.52
151 132.08
19 034.78
19 034.78
6 265.47
25 916.06
109 435.17
211 904.35
198 726.35
6 265.47
55 188.52

55 188.52

38 395.84

55 188.52

57 780.94
57 780.94
57 780.94
806 576.55
23 333.33
6 274.98
25 944.35
6 274.98
4380 023.25
55 420.59
25 944.35
301 682.67
217 126.97
82 547.83
155 784.10
736 876.11
1610 879.60
73 985.89
24 521.74
55 420.59
6 274.98
33 043.48
36 908.07
6 274.98
25 944.35
109 361.84
212 409.04
199 157.18
6 274.98
55 420.59
25 944.35
109 361.84
212 409.04
199 157.18
55 420.59
6 274.98
278 904.41
185 667.35
182 266.75
1025 529.80
1469 181.22
544 760.94
6271 908.33
1110 818.44
7037 877.86
4832 290.55
167 722.45
2752 528.56
23 777.71
6 274.98
3 962.26
38 389.20
55 420.59

55 420.59

38 389.20
55 420.59

474 310.78

25 944.35
211 189.89
474 310.78
55 420.59
6 274.98
25 944.35
211 189.89
474 310.78
55 420.59
6 274.98
25 944.35
109 361.84
212 409.04
199 157.18
55 420.59
6 274.98
415 248.63
2753 712.87

1815 000.00

1815 000.00
33 043.48
36 908.07
19 034.78
6 274.98
130 126.79
239 719.94
102 847.79
766 443.27
36 908.07
19 034.78
6 274.98
57 770.91
33 043.48
41 176.47
50 137.80
19 034.78
6 274.98
57 770.91
19 034.78
6 274.98
55 420.59
1834 914.67
4689 440.99
3252 173.91
3782 073.32
25 944.35
211 189.89
474 310.78
55 420.59
6 274.98
6 274.98
57 770.91
33 043.48
36 908.07
25 944.35
109 361.84
212 409.04
199 157.18
55 420.59
6 274.98
25 944.35
109 361.84
199 157.18
212 409.04
55 420.59
6 274.98
62 593.50
38 389.20
6 274.98
182 608.70
25 944,35
211 189,89
474 310,78
55 420,59
6 274,98

55 420,59

62 593.50
6 274.98
25 944.35
109 361.84
212 409.04
199 157.18
55 420.59
38 389.20
25 944.35

55 420.59

24 521.74
55 420.59
6 274.98
112 762.05
105 647.22
102 847.79

130 126.79
380 341.14
239 719.94
757 280.25
188 700.76
119 089.60
400 252.57
62 593.50
339 077.16
467 470.51
252 382.60
6 274.98
206 285.91
429 250.08
867 456.35
540 940.86
6 274.98
6 251.70
143 478.26
6 274.98
154 782.61
25 217.39
507 891.88
28 718.49
1012 767.65
6 274.98
38 389.20
396 766.02
37 551.02
9 007.40
55 420.59
9 007.40
55 420.59
38 389.20
81 929.82
55 071.20
55 420.59
9 007.40
55 420.59
19 034.78

39 589,63

1111 188.02
31 000.00
9 007.40
25 944.35
38 389.20
55 420.59

117 258.06

117 258.06

117 258.06

117 258.06
1C Expenses Report
1C Expenses Report Machine Wise
1C Expenses Report

Sum of Avg Material rate (A)


Farm Machine

Light Vehicle

Total Result

Weekly Total
1C Expenses Report Machine Wise
Sum of Avg Material rate (A)

Full name

Chevrolet Gentra



Doosan - Forklift-1 Ton FDA22-1240


Grader HBM Nobas BG190

Horsch Planter 12.25 SD

Horsch Planter 6.16 SD

ISUZU - Diesel Tanker - NQR71PL

ISUZU - Service Truck - NQR71PL

ISUZU - Water Tanker - FTR33H

Isuzu 4T

Isuzu 8T

Isuzu Fuel Truck

Isuzu NPR 82L

JCB - Backhoe Loader - 4CX

JCB Excavator 205

JD - Sprayer - 4730SP

JD - Sprayer - JD724

JD - Sprayer - JD732

John Deere 6195

John Deere Tractor 6155M

John Deere Tractor 6195M

John Deere Tractor 6M 6195

John Deere Tractor 8270R

John Deere Tractor 8345R

Krone Baler

Lada 2 Dr


Lada 3 Dr


Lada 4x4

Lada 5 Dr

Lada Niva

LADA Pickup 2Dr

Light Vehicle - LADA

MAN 18.480 TGX

Man Fuel Truck

Niva Urban

Orthman Cultivator 7500 6-Row

Patriot 5 Dr



Trailer & Puller - Man 26/400

TTQ Side Buster 6


Total Result
Item types





Item types

































































Spare Parts




Spare Parts































Total Result




Total Result












































250000000 183971796.3

5257256.14 653
100000000 3
000001 40
50000000 219624.3

Farm Machine Light Vehicle







Item types Consumables
Spare Parts

6.14 65314525.9
01 400002

ight Vehicle Total Result

Item types Consumables

Spare Parts








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