vehicles owing to the risk of being delayed and, thirdly, those right-
‘turning vehicles which remain in the intersection at the end of the green
period take a certain time to discharge and may delay the start of the
The first two of these effects can be allowed for by assuming that on the
average each right-turning vehicle is equivalent to 1} straight-ahead
‘The third effect is more complicated. Right-turners may discharge
through suitable gaps in the opposing stream. Observations indicate that
a gap (a) of 5 or 6 seconds is typical. Figure 22 has been constructed
from theoretical results) for two situations, (1) when the opposing
fiow is in a single lane and a is assumed to be 5 seconds and (2) when
‘the opposing flow is in two or more lanes and a is assumed to be 6
seconds. The graph shows, for a given opposing flow, the effective
—tngetone ong
cpina tow SESS
aa meer mare eae 4
1800 (| ox isthe minimum gop rogured inthe
ee ania
en tne misrun beodvay Betweeh suceste
soo} Ratutners hae ie stein tow)
’ Soe minimum Seana teen soe
i ] ]
i ‘ |
i \
800 \ 1
2 |
3 | |
i |, sci ne
200 -
Flow on oppoting orm (vehicles per eur)
Fic. 22. Estimation of the effective right-turning saturation flow (s1) for use with
‘equation (8) (see also Appendix 5)
right-turning saturation flow, ie. the maximum theoretical flow of
right-turning vehicles (s-) passing through gaps in the opposing flow,
assuming this latter flow were running continuously. To convert s+ to
the maximum number of right-turning vehicles per cycle (r) that can
take advantage of gaps in the opposing stream, the following equation
can be used (see Appendix 5 for derivation):
where g and s are the flow and saturation flow values for the opposing
arm and g and c are the green time and cycle time respectively. If g and
(2) During intergreen peciod
trom eroce-pese
Co) Daring eanty cutett period
Fic. 23, Examples of times of discharge of rght-turning vehicles during (a) intergreen
Period and (8) early eutoft period i