Electronics Device Circuit Lab Sheet
Electronics Device Circuit Lab Sheet
Electronics Device Circuit Lab Sheet
Theoretical Background:
Diode Structure
The semiconductor diode is created by simply joining an n-type and a p-type material
together [1]. It is a pn junction as shown in Figure 1. As indicated, the pn junction
consists of p-type semiconductor material in contact with n-type semiconductor material.
A variety of semiconductor materials can be used to form pn junctions like silicon,
germanium, gallium arsenide etc. However, we will concentrate on silicon, as this is the
most widely used material in microelectronics. In actual practice, both the p and n regions
are part of the same silicon crystal. The pn junction is formed by creating regions of
different doping (p and n regions) within a single piece of silicon. The material is doped
by bringing in additional atoms (impurities). The impurities can be either donors or
acceptors atoms. The words acceptor and donor can be associated with donating and
accepting electrons.
PN Junction
To understand how a pn junction is formed we will start by imagining two separate
pieces of semiconductor, one n-type and the other p-type as shown in Figure 2(a). Now
we bring the two pieces together to make one piece of semiconductor. This results in the
formation of a pn junction (Figure 2(b)).
Diode Characteristics
In forward bias condition, a cut-in voltage has to be overcome for the diode to start
conduction. In silicon, this voltage is about 0.7 volts. In reverse-bias condition, the
current is limited to IS (reverse saturation current). For higher value of reverse voltages,
the junction breaks down. Figure 3 shows the diode I-V characteristics.
Circuit Diagram:
Safety Precaution:
The following is a list of some of the special safety precautions that should be taken into
consideration when working with diodes:
2. When testing a diode, ensure that the test voltage does not exceed the diode's
maximum allowable voltage.
3. Ensure a replacement diode into a circuit is in the correct direction.
Pre-lab Homework:
Implement the circuit (Figure 4) using PSpice. Some other diodes can also be used such
as 1N914 or 1N4001. Measure the values of different parameters and fill up the table
(Table 1) using the simulation tool.
Experimental Procedure:
1. Measure the actual value of the 10K resistor.
2. Connect the components except the power supply as shown in the figure.
3. Turn on the DC power supply and measure the voltage across its two terminals
and fix it at 0V. Now turn off the power supply.
4. Connect the power supply in the circuit and turn it on. Remember that before
powering up, the power control knob should be at minimum position.
5. Vary the supply voltage in a 0.5V step and measure the voltage across the Diode
VD and the voltage across the resistor and record the result in the table.
Table 1: Data Table for Diode characteristic:
VD VR Id = VR/(10K)
1. Plot the VD - Id characteristic curve for the diode and comment on the result.
2. What will happen if the supply voltage polarity is reversed for the case of using a diode with
PIV of 4.8V?
3. Discuss the overall experiment as a whole.
1. Robert L. Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, Ninth Edition,
2. Adel S. Sedra, Kennth C. Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, Saunders College Publishing, 3rd
ed., ISBN: 0-03-051648-X, 1991.
3. American International University–Bangladesh (AIUB) Electronic Devices Lab Manual.
4. David J. Comer, Donald T. Comer, Fundamentals of Electronic Circuit Design, john
Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd.; ISBN: 0471410160, 2002.
A diode rectifies an ac voltage, so that it can be smoothed and converted into a dc voltage. A rectifier,
however, can produce a constant or variable DC voltage. A diode rectifier can produce a fixed DC voltage
whereas an SCR can produce a variable DC voltage.
The objectives of this lab are to:
iii) study Half wave rectifiers,
iv) study Full wave rectifiers.
A rectifier, however, cannot produce a smooth DC voltage. So the rectification block that makes the output
DC voltage a smooth one follows a filter circuit. In this case, the capacitor acts as a smoothing filter so that
the output is nearly a dc voltage. A filtering is not perfect; there will be a remaining voltage fluctuation
known as ripple, on the output voltage.
The half-wave voltage signal is normally established by a network with a single diode has an average or
equivalent DC voltage level equal to 31.8% of the peak voltage, whereas the full-wave rectified signal has
twice the average or DC level of the half-wave signal, or 63.6% of the peak value.
During positive half cycle of the input voltage anode of the diode is positive compared with the cathode.
Diode is in forward bias and current passes through the diode and positive cycle develops across the load
resistance RL. During negative half cycle of input voltage, anode is negative with respected to cathode and
diode is in reverse bias. No current passes through the diode hence output voltage is zero.
Figure: During positive half-cycle of the input, D1 and D2 are forward-biased and conduct current. D3 and D4
are reverse-biased
Figure: During negative half-cycle of the input, D 3 and D4 are forward-biased and conduct current. D 1 and
D2 are reverse-biased
For a positive half cycle of the input voltage, the polarities of the secondary voltages are shown in figure.
This condition forward biases diode D 1 and reverse biases diode D2.The current path is through D1 and the
load resistor RL.
For a negative half cycle of the input voltage, the voltage polarities on the secondary are shown. This
condition reverses biases D1 and forward biases D2. The current path is through D2 and RL. Because the
output current during both the positive and negative portions of the input cycle are in the same direction
through the load the output voltage developed across the load resistor is a full wave rectified dc voltage.
Figure: During negative half-cycle of the input, D2 is forward-biased and D1 is reverse-biased.
No. Apparatus Quantity
1 Diode 4
2 10k Resistance 1
3 Project Board 1
4 Oscilloscope 1
5 Multimeter 1
6 Transformer 220V/12V/9V/6V 1
7 47μF Capacitor 1
8 100μF Capacitor 1
9 Chord 2
Circuit Diagram:
24V RL C o
RL V o
Pre-Lab Homework:
Implement the circuits (Figure 1, Figure 2 and Figure 3) using PSpice. Observe the input output wave shapes
and fill up the tables (Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3) using the simulation tool.
Experimental Procedure:
6. Connect the circuit shown in the figure – 1 but without the capacitor.
7. Connect the oscilloscope to observe the wave shapes of the input and output voltages. Measure the
peak DC voltage from the oscilloscope.
8. Measure the output voltage by Multimeter and compare it with that obtained from the oscilloscope.
9. Turn off the power supply and connect a 47μF capacitor across the load. Observe the output voltage
and measure with the oscilloscope.
10. Measure the output voltage with a Multimeter and compare it with that obtained from the
11. Turn of the power supply and change the capacitor with the 100μF capacitor.
12. Repeat procedures 4 & 5 to obtain necessary measurements.
13. Repeat procedures 1 through 7 for circuits in figure 2 and 3.
Experimental Data:
Table 1: Data Table for circuit of Figure – 1
Vo (Oscilloscope) Vo ( Multimeter)
No Capacitance
100 μF
Questions for report writing:
4. Draw all the observed wave shapes.
5. What are the effects and significance of using filter capacitance?
6. What is the minimum PIV for the diodes used in circuit 2 & 3?
7. Why circuit 2 is better than the circuit in figure 3?
8. Discuss the experiment as a whole.
5. Adel S. Sedra, Kennth C. Smith, “Microelectronic Circuits”, Saunders College
Publishing, 3rd ed., ISBN: 0-03-051648-X, 1991.
6. David J. Comer, Donald T. Comer, Fundamentals of Electronic Circuit Design, John
Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd.; ISBN: 0471410160, 2002.
7. American International University–Bangladesh (AIUB) Electronic Devices Lab Manual.
Subject: Electronic Devices and Circuit (ICT -1204)
EXP- NO. 03
Name of the Expt.: Study of Low Pass filters and its characteristics with different input frequency.
To study how series combinations of resistors, capacitors, and inductors can act as low, high or band pass filters.
1. Function Generator
2. Oscilloscope
3. Resistor (100Ω, 1K)
4. Inductor (2.5 mh)
5. Multimeter
6. Breadboard
7. Corutecting Wires
A low pass filter is one that allows low frequency signals to pass through without changing them, but attenuates
high frequency signals
Figure 1: An RL Low Pass Filter
v R
out = R + jωL v in
……………….Equation 1
It can be seen that if ω is very small, the output signal will be almost exactly the input signal. However, as ω
increases, the fraction becomes small, and the input signal is attenuated. A low pass filter can also be achieved
by taking the output voltage across a capacitor in a series resistor-capacitor circuit:
Figure 2: An RC Low Pass Filter
This section does the same as the previous, but with an RL circuit.
Figure 3
1) Set up the circuit as in Figure 5, with the voltage source set to 100Hz.
2) Connect channels 1 and 2 of the oscilloscope to measure Vs and Vout simultaneously.
3) For the values of frequency given on the data sheet, record the magnitude of the output voltage. With each
frequency change, make sure that Vs is still 2.0 Vpp.
Name of the Expt: Study of High pass filters and its characteristics with different input frequency.
To study how series combinations of resistors, capacitors, and inductors can act as low, high or band pass filters.
1. Function Generator
2. Oscilloscope
3. Resistor (2.7K)
4. Capacitor (10nF)
5. Multimeter
6. Breadboard
7. Corutecting Wires
A high pass filter allows high frequency signals to pass through unchanged, but attenuates low frequency
v out =
× v in
jωc ……………….Equation 2
If ω is very large, the input signal will be largely unchanged when it passes through the filter. If ω is small, the
fraction that multiplies Vin becomes small, and Vin is attenuated. A high pass filter can also be obtained by
taking the voltage across the inductor in a series resistor-inductor circuit.
Figure 4: An RL High Pass Filter
As described above, an RC circuit can be used as either a low-pass or a high-pass filter, depending on which
element the output voltage is taken across. Using an RC circuit as a high pass filter will be investigated in this
Figure 4
1) Set up the circuit shown in Figure 4, with the voltage source at a frequency of 100Hz.
2) Connect channels 1 and 2 of the oscilloscope to measure Vs and Vout simultaneously.
3) For the values of frequency given on the data sheet, record the magnitude of the output voltage. With each
frequency change, make sure that Vs is still 10 Vpp.
To establish the proper operating point and to study the stability of the operating point with
respect to changing in different biasing circuits.
n-p-n transistor (C828) 1 piece each
470k potentiometer 1 piece
resistors 470 560 10K
multimeter 1 unit
Trainer board 1 unit
Fig. 1(a)
Fig. 1(b)
2. Construct the fixed bias circuit with C828 transistors as shown in Fig. 1(a). Adjust
500K potentiometer until VCE is approximately equal to VCC/2. Measure VCE, VBE, and
IB. IC can be calculated from VRC and RC .
3. Construct the fixed bias circuit with C828 transistors as shown in Fig. 1(b). Repeat
step 2.
1. Compare the circuits of Fig. 1(a) and 1(b) with respect to stability against variation in
and justify your answer.
2. Compare the stability of fixed bias circuits with that of self bias circuits.
Department of Information and Communication Technology
COURSE NO. : ICT 1204 (Electronic Devices and Circuit)
To establish the proper operating point and to study the stability of the operating point with
respect to changing in different biasing circuits.
n-p-n transistor (C828) 1 piece each
470k potentiometer 1 piece
resistors 470 560 10K
multimeter 1 unit
Trainer board 1 unit
Fig. 2(a)
Fig. 2(b)
5. Construct the Self bias circuit with C828 transistors as shown in Fig. 2(a). Adjust
500K potentiometer until VCE is approximately equal to VCC/2. Measure VCE, VBE, and
IB. IC can be calculated from VRC and RC .
6. Construct the Self bias circuit with C828 transistors as shown in Fig. 2(b). Repeat
step 2.
3. Compare the circuits of Fig. 2(a) and 2(b) with respect to stability against variation in
and justify your answer.
4. Discuss the stability of fixed bias and self bias circuits against variation in
Bangladesh University of Professional (BUP)
Dept. of Information & Communication Technology
Course Title: Electronic Devices and Circuit Laboratory
Course Code: 1204
Experiment No – 07
Any kind of mathematical operations can be done using OP-AMP. In this experiment only
three i.e. addition, differentiation and integration operations will be performed.
The property of infinite impedance and infinite gain of an operational amplifier results in a
situation of zero voltage between the two input terminals. The effect is known as a virtual
ground. Due to this effect, the op-amp can be used to perform some mathematical operations.
Addition: Using the concept of inverting amplifier, the op-amp can be used as an
adder (actually inverting adder ) to sum up some input signals. In Fig.1 the output of the
op-amp is
V0 = - ( E1 + E2 )
Trainer board 1uf electrolytic Capacitor .04F ceramic capacitor
OP-AMP (741) 1 Oscilloscope
Resistance 10k , 1
Integration and Differentiation: The circuit in Fig. 2 acts as an integrator where the
output voltage is given as:
v 0 (t )=− ∫ v (t )dt
RC i
f=1 KHz
Fig. 2 Integrator circuit
Similarly, the circuit in Fig. 3 acts as a differentiator and the output voltage is given as:
dv i (t )
v 0 (t )=−RC
f=50-60 Hz
10 k v0
1 F
1. Implement the adder circuit as shown in Fig.1. Apply the supply voltages as +12V and
-12V at pin no. 7 and 4 respectively. Apply the input voltages E 1= 2V, E2= 3V and
measure the output voltage.
2. Implement the integrator circuit as in Fig. 2.
3. Apply a sinusoidal & square waveform of 5 volt p-p in the input. Observe the output.
4. Implement the differentiator circuit in Fig. 3.
5. Repeat steps 3
1. Draw the input and output waveforms of the integrator and differentiator circuit.
2. Design a circuit which will take two inputs v 1(t) and v2(t); producing an output of v0(t) =
0.5v1(t) +20v2(t)dt.
Bangladesh University of Professional (BUP)
Dept. of Information & Communication Technology
Course Title: Electronic Devices and Circuit Laboratory
Course Code: 1204
Experiment No : 08
NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT: Determining the Frequency response curve of Low pass
filter using OP-Amp.
Low pass filter: Low pass filter can only pass the signal with the frequency that is lower than
a specific cut off frequency.
A low pass filter is shown in fig-1, where Vo is taken from two terminal of C,
Vi V0
− jX C X C ∠−90 0
V 0 =V C =V i =V i
R− jX C
R 2 + X 2 {tan −1 (−X C / R) }
C .........................................(ii)
Vi V0
R1=10K RF=10K
+12 V
R=160 Vo
10Vp-p -
1µ F
Experiment Result
Vi f 10 50 100 200 400 1k 2k 3k 4k 6k 8k 10k 12k 15k
1. Plot the frequency response curve for low pass filter from the experiment result.
2. Design a second order low pass filter at a cut off frequency of 1.2 kHz
NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT: Determining the Frequency response curve of High pass
filter using OP-Amp.
High pass Filter can only pass the signal with the frequency that is higher then a specific cut
off frequency.
A high pass filter is shown in fig -1 , where, Vo is taken from two terminal of R
Vi V0
V 0 =V r =V i =V i
R− jX C
R 2+ X
{ tan−1 (−X C / R )}
From equation - (1) we can understand that the smaller XC will result in the higher Vo. since
XC =
2 π fC and the higher f will result in smaller XC, higher output can be obtained in the
high frequency range .
Fig-2, shows a high pass amplifier incorporating Op-Amp. The expected characteristic curve
of Av Corresponding to BW for the overall circuit is shown in fig-3
Vi C C
Fig-2 Fig-3
2 πR 1 C1
R1=10K RF=10K
+12 V
10Vp-p 1KHz -
0 -12V
Fig 4: High Pass Filter
Experiment Result
1. Plot the frequency response curve for high pass filter from the experiment result.
2. Design a second order high pass filter at a cut off frequency of 1kHz.