2019 SE Asia App Engagement Report
2019 SE Asia App Engagement Report
2019 SE Asia App Engagement Report
Southeast Asia
App Engagement
Takahiro, Diverse
User Acquisition Trends
& Benchmarks
Southeast Asia App Engagement Report. User Acquisition Trends & Benchmarks 1
Table of Contents
Introduction 3
Mobile Engagement Benchmarks 5
Seasonal Trends 7
Monthly Costs per Install 8
Registration: Monthly Costs & Conversion Rates 9
Purchase: Monthly Costs & Conversion Rates 10
Engagement by Platform 11
Engagement by App Category: Gaming and Shopping 12
Gaming Apps 12
Gaming Apps: Mobile Engagement Benchmarks 13
Gaming Apps: Monthly Costs and Conversion Rates 13
Monthly Costs Per Install 13
Registration: Monthly Costs and Conversion Rates 14
In-App Purchase: Monthly Costs and Conversion Rates 15
Gaming Apps: Engagement by Platform 15
Shopping Apps 16
Shopping Apps: Mobile Engagement Benchmarks 17
Shopping Apps: Monthly Costs and Conversion Rates 18
Monthly Costs Per Install 18
Registration: Monthly Costs and Conversion Rates 18
Purchase: Monthly Costs and Conversion Rates 19
Shopping Apps: Engagement by Platform 20
Mobile Retention 21
Retention Rate by Country 21
Retention Rate by Category 22
Conclusion 24
With a population of 650 million people (nearly double that of North
America), Southeast Asia is home to the world’s most engaged
mobile users.
According to the latest report from Google & Temasek, 90% of Southeast Asians
connect to the internet primarily through their smartphones and spend four hours in
mobile apps every day. On average, that’s an hour more than elsewhere in the world.
Mobile is at the heart of economic transformation in the region. BCG cites rising
affluence, urbanization, and growing demand for convenience as the key drivers of
consumer behavior in Southeast Asia. Local mobile-first “unicorns” like Grab (valued
at $3bn), Garena ($3.75bn), and Go-Jek ($3.75bn) have successfully tapped into these
trends, bringing even more money into mobile as investors bet big on the region’s rapid
The good news is the data shows that acquiring mobile users in Southeast Asia
comes at a bargain price compared to the more mature markets. At the same time,
understanding regional nuances and the impact of seasonality can help marketers
navigate the challenges of achieving stellar performance deeper in the funnel,
acquiring engaged, loyal, and revenue-generating mobile users. The Liftoff 2019
Southeast Asia Apps Engagement Report benchmarks critical engagement metrics
throughout the app funnel, from install to important post-install events, to help you
scale your mobile acquisition campaigns in the region.
Southeast Asia App Engagement Report. User Acquisition Trends & Benchmarks 3
The report provides marketing insights from Liftoff mobile app campaigns in
Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Myanmar, Singapore and Thailand from
March 1, 2018 through February 28, 2019, spanning 28 billion ad impressions, 656
million ad clicks, 5.2 million installs, and 13.5 million first-time post-install events.
In addition to benchmarking the average cost per install for apps in Southeast Asia,
the report drills into campaign performance at a deeper level to understand costs
and engagement rates for registrations, subscriptions, and purchases in the region.
The data is also broken down by platform (iOS and Android) with a deeper dive
into Shopping and Gaming, two of the most popular app categories. Thanks to our
partner Adjust, the report also includes retention data by country and app category
to help you better analyze post-install behavior in the region.
We hope the data and insights shared in this report will help you develop (and
benchmark) winning strategies to grow your mobile business in Southeast Asia.
Southeast Asia App Engagement Report. User Acquisition Trends & Benchmarks 4
Mobile Engagement Benchmarks
Across the board, acquiring users in Southeast Asia comes at a
bargain price compared to other APAC countries as well as the
United States.
Top of funnel, installs in Southeast Asia cost 73% less than in the U.S. ($1.58
vs. $5.88)1. Deeper in the funnel, first-time events on average cost 50% less in
Southeast Asia compared to the U.S. ($3.17 vs. $8.64 for registrations, $31.20 vs.
$92.34 for subscriptions, and $80.34 vs. $132.58 for purchases.)
Liftoff data from March 1, 2018 and though February 28, 2019
Southeast Asia App Engagement Report. User Acquisition Trends & Benchmarks 5
Costs by Region
That’s not surprising given how many mobile ads compete for user attention in
the U.S., the world’s largest economy. But even if you look at the neighboring
APAC countries, mobile users in Southeast Asia still cost less to acquire, though
the difference is less pronounced. Compared to other countries in APAC, installs
in Southeast Asia cost 65% less ($4.53 vs. $1.58) and registrations 56% less ($7.28
vs. $3.17). Even coming at a steep price of $80.34, the cost of acquiring users who
make a first purchase in Southeast Asia is a steal compared to prices in the rest of
APAC ($121.11).
But even though installs cost less in Southeast Asia, engagement rates are much
lower compared to the rest of APAC and the U.S., where mobile users register and
purchase at a much higher rate. The challenge for mobile marketers is twofold.
First, the region is less affluent compared to more mature markets. Second, scaling
campaigns is more difficult in SEA because the region is very diverse. Improving
ad relevance by customizing content for different audience segments is the next
frontier for marketers looking to capitalize on growth opportunities in Southeast
Southeast Asia App Engagement Report. User Acquisition Trends & Benchmarks 6
Conversions by Region
Seasonal Trends
Seasonality influences mobile user acquisition costs and engagement
rates in all markets.
Certain categories, such as shopping and fitness, experience the same trends
every year: increased holiday spending before Christmas, back-to-school shopping
frenzy around September, and a boost in workout app subscriptions in January.
But in Southeast Asia, seasonal campaign planning is more complex because the
region is so diverse.
Southeast Asia App Engagement Report. User Acquisition Trends & Benchmarks 7
Consumer patterns in Southeast Asia are also influenced by other factors: tourist
seasons, regional New Year celebrations (like Songran in Thailand), shopping
holidays in neighboring China (Singles’ Day), and obviously, weather. From
Singapore to Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh City, marketers need to employ a hyper-local
approach to acquire and engage high-value mobile users at the right time.
Low CPIs in November, December and February suggest a strong interest in apps
-- and fewer advertisers competing for user attention on mobile. In March and April,
on the other hand, CPIs reach $2.22, signaling that marketers will need to spend
more money to capture consumer demand in spring.
Southeast Asia App Engagement Report. User Acquisition Trends & Benchmarks 8
From Singapore to Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh City,
marketers need to employ a hyper-local approach to
acquire and engage high-value mobile users at the
right time.
Install costs only capture a small part of the performance picture. The best time to
invest in user acquisition is when post-install conversion rates are at their highest
while costs (CPIs and CPAs) are at their lowest. Registration rates, for example, show
the percentage of users who sign up for an account after they install in app -- a
strong predictor of higher engagement deeper in the funnel.
In SEA, the cost per registration is lowest in August ($2.74) and September ($2.64).
With registration rates over 65%, these months are perhaps the best times to grab
user attention and encourage mid-funnel interactions. April is another great time
Southeast Asia App Engagement Report. User Acquisition Trends & Benchmarks 9
when the engagement rate reaches the annual high of 74% while costs are below
the average for the year -- perfect for Songkran (the Thai New Year’s national
holiday) campaigns.
In the winter months, registration rates cool down significantly while the acquisition
costs increase. This dynamic suggests that marketing around Christmas and New
Year holidays in Southeast Asia can be an uphill battle.
Southeast Asia App Engagement Report. User Acquisition Trends & Benchmarks 10
Engagement by Platform
Android is the dominant computing system on a global scale. Across
all regions, Android users cost less than iOS users, but iOS users are
usually known as the “Big Spenders,” offering better value for the
In SEA, where Android’s dominance is more pronounced than in other parts of the
world, Android users not only cost less but also purchase at a higher rate than iOS
users (2.19% on Android vs. 1.81% on iOS).
This dynamic is prominent in all APAC countries except for Japan (with a purchase
rate of 4.03% on Android vs. 5.12% on iOS), where iOS users are more engaged.
Granted, iOS takes up over 70% of the mobile OS market share in Japan, compared
to 40% in Singapore and just 5% in Indonesia.
Southeast Asia App Engagement Report. User Acquisition Trends & Benchmarks 11
Engagement by App Category: Gaming
and Shopping
Powered by a large and highly engaged user base, the mobile
economy in Southeast Asia encompasses apps of all types.
But according to Google & Temasek, the following four areas drive the most growth:
ride hailing, online media (including mobile gaming), online travel, and online
shopping. To ensure a large diversity of apps represented in our research sample,
this report focuses on two specific app categories, gaming and shopping.
Gaming Apps
With 164M gamers in 2018, up from 130M just three years prior, Southeast Asia is
one of the world’s fastest-growing gaming markets. Thanks to close proximity to
China, mobile users in Southeast Asia have access to cheap devices with large
screens and long battery lives. Mobile data is cheap too: 1GB costs less than 1%
of monthly income, so people rarely worry about the new titles gobbling up their
mobile Internet budget. And compared to China, where all games need a license
to be published, regulations in Southeast Asia are more relaxed, which continues to
drive supply of cheap, on-the-go entertainment.
While there’s no doubt about the size of the market, the important question is, are
mobile users in Southeast Asia ready to pay to play? Our data shows that while
the price tag for mobile app installs and registrations may be low, deeper-funnel
actions, such as in-app purchases, cost a premium.
Southeast Asia App Engagement Report. User Acquisition Trends & Benchmarks 12
Gaming Apps: Mobile Engagement Benchmarks
Compared to the rest of the world, top and mid-funnel user acquisition costs for
gaming apps are nearly 30% lower in Southeast Asia. Deeper in the funnel though,
the dynamic changes dramatically. Acquiring users who make an in-app purchase
costs $173.75 per user.
Granted, this high number only reflects first-time events and doesn’t include repeated
in-app purchases. Engaged players usually make several in-app purchases over time
(add-ons, power-ups, extra lives, currency, etc.), so the ROI on a loyal and high-LTV
mobile gamer can be huge. According to Slice Intelligence (via Rakuten), in some
hardcore mobile games, players spend on average $550 on in-app purchases.
Gaming Apps: Costs & Engagement Rates
Monthly costs and conversion rates show significant variance throughout the funnel,
revealing several windows of opportunity for gaming app marketers to get the best
campaign ROI.
Install costs plummet in February, making it the best month for acquiring app installs
at a low price ($1.36). The competition for mobile gamers is the toughest in October
when CPIs increase to $3.54, the year’s high.
Southeast Asia App Engagement Report. User Acquisition Trends & Benchmarks 13
Gaming Apps: Average Monthly Cost per Install
In October, install prices increase, but it’s also when the install-to-registration rate
is the highest -- a reminder to look beyond top-funnel metrics when evaluating
campaign performance. With a 64.9% registration rate and $5.45 CPA, October is
one of the best months to acquire users who register.
Southeast Asia App Engagement Report. User Acquisition Trends & Benchmarks 14
In general, from October through January, registration rates are high. In spring and
summer, on the other hand, registration rates drop and costs go up, indicating that
mobile gamers become less receptive to ads.
Throughout the year, mobile users who engage in deeper-funnel actions come at a
steep cost. In February, however, the cost per user who makes an in-app purchase
drops to $76.40 -- half of the average price.
An examination of the data by platform predictably reveals lower costs for Android
users across all stages of the funnel, from install to in-app purchase. This mirrors
the dynamic that we observed across the aggregate of all app categories in
Southeast Asia.
Overall, long-term revenue opportunities for gaming app publishers in Southeast Asia
are clearly attractive. The number of gamers in the region is projected to grow from 244
million in 2018 to 309 million in 2022. Low costs for installs and registrations prove the
Southeast Asia App Engagement Report. User Acquisition Trends & Benchmarks 15
strong interest in gaming apps among mobile users in SEA. However, high costs dee-
per in the funnel coupled with lower purchase rates compared to other regions show
that mobile marketers still have a long way to go to unlock the market’s potential.
Shopping Apps
Adweek named 2018 the year of e-commerce in Southeast Asia. But for a mobile-
first region with a very young population, Southeast Asia has a shockingly low
percentage of total retail sales coming from online shopping. Just 1% -- although this
number is projected to grow to 6.4% by 2025, according to Google & Temasek.
Granted, growing online revenues in the region is not entirely a user acquisition
problem. Logistics, infrastructure, and low digital wallet adoption rates remain
a hurdle. In Vietnam, for example, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh, its biggest cities,
lie almost a thousand miles apart, posing a challenge for delivery, especially
considering poor roads and growing traffic congestion in the region. At the same
time, the State Bank of Vietnam has tight rules for e-wallets -- another innovation
that is a prerequisite for e-commerce growth. About 46% of the country’s
population primarily use cash to transact.
But that is changing, in Vietnam and the broader region. In 2016, the government
of Vietnam approved a comprehensive four-year plan and set targets for
developing e-commerce. And in Thailand, the government is working to improve
digital payments, having launched PromptPay in 2017 as part of the Bank of
Thailand’s e-payment initiative to move the country to digital money.
Southeast Asia App Engagement Report. User Acquisition Trends & Benchmarks 16
So despite a few challenges clouding the outlook, e-commerce in the region is
expected to grow and exceed $100bn by 2025, according to Google & Temasek.
Southeast Asian customers are young, tech-savvy, and price-sensitive. Many of
them already shop on Lazada, Shopee, and Tokopedia -- the region’s biggest
online shopping platforms. And looking at this year’s shopping app data in SEA, the
costs for acquiring engaged mobile shoppers are lower than anywhere else in the
Southeast Asia App Engagement Report. User Acquisition Trends & Benchmarks 17
Shopping Apps: Monthly Costs & Conversion Rates
Seasonal variance in the cost per install for shopping apps in Southeast Asia is similar
to global trends, particularly at the end of the year when mobile advertising costs peak
during the holiday season. But compared to the rest of the world, Southeast Asia -- the
land of contrasts -- has the widest range between the minimum and maximum install
From March to June, installs cost the least, hitting a low of $1.16 in April. Costs spike in
July and hover, on average, around $2 per install for the remainder of the year, reaching
$2.74, the year’s high, in January.
Registration costs and conversions offer the best of both worlds from July through
November, signaling the right time to acquire mobile shoppers. Starting January and
through June, prices go up while registration rates drop below 30%.
Southeast Asia App Engagement Report. User Acquisition Trends & Benchmarks 18
Shopping Apps: Registration Costs & Engagement Rates
Southeast Asia App Engagement Report. User Acquisition Trends & Benchmarks 19
Contrary to the common perception that iOS users
are the “Big Spenders” of the ecosystem who offer
better value for the money, our shopping app data in
SEA suggests quite the opposite.
Contrary to the common perception that iOS users are the “Big Spenders” of the
ecosystem who offer better value for the money, our shopping app data in SEA
suggests quite the opposite. Android users in Southeast Asia cost less than iOS users
top and mid-funnel, and significantly less than iOS users at the bottom of the funnel. At
the same time, they also register and purchase at a higher rate compared to their iOS
Android remains the dominant OS on a global scale yet historically lags behind iOS in
terms of engagement. Southeast Asia might be a global “exception”: in SEA, Android
users are not only the majority but also the most engaged market segment.
Southeast Asia App Engagement Report. User Acquisition Trends & Benchmarks 20
Mobile Retention
As the mobile app economy matures, mobile marketers shift their
focus towards re-engagement and retention.
After all, acquiring new users is more expensive than retaining existing ones. In
Southeast Asia, the average daily retention for different app categories varies widely by
country -- a reflection of the region’s diversity in consumer wants and needs.
Overall, Singapore has the highest mobile retention rate in SEA. This is partially due to
the fact that many Singaporeans are heavy social media users. In Singapore, 83% of
the total population are active on social media, compared to 42% on average in SEA. In
Southeast Asia, Social Networking is the stickiest app category based on the average
day 30 retention rate.
These insights are based on combined organic and paid data from Adjust, a mobile
measurement company, covering the period from January through December 2018
and organized into a cohorted 30-day view. Adjust data examines the average daily
retention, defined as the percentage of users who come back to use the app on a
specific day.
Mobile users in Indonesia show the highest Day 1 retention rate at 24%, but that
changes quickly. On day 7, only 12% of users come back to use an app. On day 30, this
number drops to 6%. Singapore, on the other hand, lags behind Indonesia on day 1
retention but comes out a winner on day 30 with an 8% retention rate.
Southeast Asia App Engagement Report. User Acquisition Trends & Benchmarks 21
Retention Rate by Country
Overall, Social Networking, Entertainment, and Gaming apps have the highest
retention rates in the region. The stickiness of social media is a universal phenomenon,
but in Southeast Asia specifically, higher retention rates are also due to its strong and
growing network effect. Year over year, the number of people in the region who joined
social media has grown by 14% in 2018, adding 224 million new users. To compare, this
number has grown only 8% and +49 million new users in the United States.
The popularity of mobile entertainment comes as no surprise given that more people
now own smartphones than TVs in some parts of SEA. Entertainment has the second-
highest retention rate (32%) in the region on day 1 and 30 (12%).
Gaming apps are also very popular in SEA, especially in Singapore, which scores in the
top three countries globally in time spent playing video games, preceded only by the
U.S. and Germany. Gaming apps have the highest Day 1 retention rate (36%) and the
third highest on Day 30 (11%).
Southeast Asia App Engagement Report. User Acquisition Trends & Benchmarks 22
Retention Rate by Category: Day 1-30
Business 14% 6% 4% 3%
E-commerce 24% 11% 7% 4%
Education 20% 8% 5% 3%
Entertainment 32% 19% 16% 12%
Food & Drink 12% 6% 4% 3%
Games 36% 19% 14% 11%
Health 20% 12% 10% 7%
Lifestyle 15% 8% 6% 4%
Other 20% 9% 7% 5%
Publications 13% 8% 7% 5%
Social 29% 19% 16% 13%
Travel 18% 8% 5% 3%
Utilities 13% 8% 7% 6%
Southeast Asia App Engagement Report. User Acquisition Trends & Benchmarks 23
Southeast Asia is quickly becoming the new land of opportunity for
mobile publishers that are ready to embrace the challenges of this
developing region.
Rising affluence, urbanization, and growing demand for convenience drive mobile
growth in SEA and promise compelling revenue opportunities for mobile apps that
successfully tap into these trends. But scaling user acquisition in this vast and diverse
market is not an easy feat.
The good news: across the board, acquiring users in Southeast Asia comes at a
bargain price compared to the more mature markets where mobile has become
ubiquitous. At $1.58 per install, acquiring users in Southeast Asia costs 73% less than in
the U.S. and 65% less than in other APAC countries (excluding SEA).
The challenge: even though installs cost less, scaling campaigns while achieving strong
results deeper in the funnel can be an uphill battle. Regional diversity in culture, politics,
religion, language, and income means that marketers need to double down their efforts
on localization in SEA. As part of this challenge, seasonality affects shopper behavior
in Southeast Asia more so than in other regions. For example, June, the month of
Ramadan in 2018, had the highest cost for acquiring mobile users who make a purchase
and the lowest conversion rate, signaling that marketers must carefully plan their
campaigns around regional holidays for the best ROI.
The opportunity: across all geos, Android users cost less, but unlike in any other region,
Android users in SEA also offer the best value for money. Android users not only cost
Southeast Asia App Engagement Report. User Acquisition Trends & Benchmarks 24
17% less than their iOS counterparts but also purchase at a higher rate (2.19% on Android
vs. 1.81% on iOS). This phenomenon might mean that the stronger Android consumer
segment in SEA is a global “exception” -- or, considering the market’s potential, perhaps
the new normal.
Another significant area of opportunity is mobile shopping. Acquiring mobile users who
install, register, and purchase in shopping apps costs less in SEA compared to the rest
of the world. At the same time, purchase rates (the percentage of people who make an
in-app purchase after installing an app) mirror the global benchmark (7%), signaling that
Southeast Asia is about as ready to spend money on mobile as any other region in the
Finally, while the usage of mainstream social media is predicted to decline in North
America, in SEA, it is on the rise. Social Networking is the stickiest app category based
on the average day 30 retention rate, preceded only by Entertainment and Gaming.