PLCs From Control Engineering Fall Edition
PLCs From Control Engineering Fall Edition
PLCs From Control Engineering Fall Edition
Structuring with IEC 61131-3:
7 steps to success Structuring with IEC
61131-3: 7 steps to
The IEC 61131-3 standard includes powerful structuring tools and can
help provide users an excellent way to break a control system down into PLC
manageable units for greater overall effectiveness. Micro PLCs versus
Programmable Relays
Also, the section of error detection and error processing can be dealt with in an early
stage of the software development. The alternative, to create these sections during
installation – or even during operation – is too expensive for the supplier (in support)
Structuring with IEC 61131-3: 7 steps to success
5. The modules should provide data encapsulation: the application data is par-
titioned, and each partition should only be accessible by a proper set of func-
tions, which hide it from undesired uses. 5
Structuring with IEC 61131-3: 7 steps to success
Seven steps to success for structuring programming software Structuring with IEC
61131-3: 7 steps to
The following 7 steps provide a road to success for the structuring of control system success
programming software:
1. Identification of the external interfaces to the control system.
Micro PLCs versus
Programmable Relays
2. Definition of the main signals exchanged between the control system and the
PLCs power industrial data
rest of the plant.
IEC 61131-3 provides the right environment to support these steps. Consider this ex-
ample of a fermentation process and its control system. Shown below is a drawing of
the whole system (Figure 1). It should be looked at it as an operational system.
The fermentation process consists of a large vessel, which can be filled (feed valve)
Structuring with IEC 61131-3: 7 steps to success
with the liquid, can be heated with the heater band (cooling via convection), can be Structuring with IEC
stirred via the motor, and where acid and alkali fluid can be added into the vessel.
61131-3: 7 steps to
After the process time we use the harvest valve to get to the result.
To create a control program for this example, go through all of the seven steps as
defined above: Micro PLCs versus
Programmable Relays
1. Identification of the external interfaces to the control system PLCs power industrial data
• Feedback from the temperature sensor
• Feedback from the pH sensor PLC software benefits for
industrial manufacturers
• Feedback from the valve positions
• Feedback from the motor (speed) Should I use an edge
controller, PLC, or PAC?
• Output to the valves
• Output to the motor The PLC remains stronger
than ever
• Output to the heater band.
PLC users can use
cloud services without
2. Definition of the main signals exchanged between the control system and the
rest of the plant.
In this example, there is no coupling to the rest of the plant, which is not very realis-
tic. For instance, one could need a link to the vessel from which the liquids are pored,
and a link to a system for harvesting, like a transportation system for vessels or bottles.
There also could be couplings to an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system.
4. Analysis of the control problem broken down from the top level into the log- Structuring with IEC
ical partitions
61131-3: 7 steps to
There are five main functions to this process:
1. Main sequence, for example, top-level process steps – filling, heating, agitating,
fermenting, harvesting, cleaning; Micro PLCs versus
Programmable Relays
2. Valve control, such as operating valves used to fill and empty the vessel; PLCs power industrial data
3. Temperature control for monitoring the temperature of the vessel; modulating PLC software benefits for
industrial manufacturers
the heater;
Should I use an edge
controller, PLC, or PAC?
4. Agitator control for the agitator motor activated as demanded by the main pro-
cess sequence; The PLC remains stronger
than ever
5. pH control for monitoring the acidity of the fermentation contents, adding acid- PLC users can use
cloud services without
ic or alkali reagents as required.
The function block main sequence is linked to the operator inputs. It is supported by
the other blocks for control, which are linked to the relevant inputs and outputs. These
additional blocks could be blocks that are delivered by your suppliers, like the tem-
Structuring with IEC 61131-3: 7 steps to success
We start at the top with the Initialization: since we do not know the status of the
system when we first switch it on, we must check the position of the valves, etc. Then
we start filling till the right level has been reached. The next phase is the heating till
the fermentation process starts. When it does, we move to the next phase: the actual
fermentation process control part. After completion, we harvest, and after that clean,
and we are ready to restart at the top.
are involved, and further modularization into the function blocks which can be pro- Structuring with IEC
grammed in any of the four languages.
61131-3: 7 steps to
The programming work now to be done is at the level of the action blocks. Those CLICK PLUS PLC vs CLICK
could be divided between different people, with different backgrounds. For this, IEC
defined 2 graphical and 2 textual programming languages, which are Instruction List, Micro PLCs versus
Programmable Relays
Structured Text, Ladder Diagram and Function Block Diagram, to best suit the needs
and the problem at hand. Also, further decomposition of the action blocks can be PLCs power industrial data
done via SFC, if needed.
PLC software benefits for
industrial manufacturers
6. Definition of scan cycle time requirements for the different parts of the ap-
plication Should I use an edge
controller, PLC, or PAC?
In this example we have in principle only one cycle, which we can run in a continuous
mode. Alternatively, we could have it run on a time basis, for instance every 20 msec. The PLC remains stronger
than ever
The remaining time can be used for additional sequences, for instance checking or
controlling the transportation / bottling system during harvesting or checking all kind PLC users can use
cloud services without
of boundary and/or error conditions.
mapping one has to change only two lines, the rest of the program is still valid and Structuring with IEC
need no changes.
61131-3: 7 steps to
The resources here are mapped, meaning which part runs on which processor in the CLICK PLUS PLC vs CLICK
system. IEC 61131-3 supports multiprocessing environments, although most of the
actual systems still use one processor for the programs. Micro PLCs versus
Programmable Relays
The user also has to map the tasks to the scan cycles and events, as defined in step PLCs power industrial data
6. In this way, one can have multiple programs in one system, for instance the fer-
mentation process as described here, supported by overall checks and control of the PLC software benefits for
industrial manufacturers
supporting environments, like bottling or the levels in the supplying chain upfront.
Should I use an edge
controller, PLC, or PAC?
The IEC 61131-3 programming standard provides a powerful tool for multiple levels
of users and usage. Using an SFC at a high level gives an excellent overview on the The PLC remains stronger
than ever
system under development, resulting in higher readability and transparency. It pro-
vides guidance to the modularization of the control problem at hand. In addition, it PLC users can use
cloud services without
provides a basis for separating the different development tasks and focuses attention
towards creating re-usable software code at the level of the actual coding.
Should I use an edge
controller, PLC, or PAC?
Micro PLCs versus Micro PLCs have greatly improved their price/
performance ratio over the last few years, making
them the right choice for more applications as
Programmable compared to programmable relays.
four to eight outputs, but this has changed as micro PLCs have declined in price and Structuring with IEC 61131-
3: 7 steps to success
increased in capabilities. In the past, many users would only consider a step up to a mi-
cro PLC if more complex logic was required, but this assumption is no longer correct. CLICK PLUS PLC vs CLICK
Micro PLCs, such as the CLICK from AutomationDirect have many advantages for use Micro PLCs versus
in automated machines and processes, which will be briefly discussed in this white pa- Programmable Relays
per. A short definition of a micro PLCs and programmable relays will also be provided. PLCs power industrial data
The bottom line: a micro PLC should be used in all but the simplest applications due integration
• Expandability
• Better price/performance ratio
• More communication options
• Easy to add full-featured operator interface
• Easier to create advanced programs
The CLICK comes in a variety of models with Structuring with IEC 61131-
3: 7 steps to success
built-in I/O and removable terminal blocks for
easy wiring. Additional modules can be added to CLICK PLUS PLC vs CLICK
expand I/O if needed. The CLICK CPUs include
different combinations of discrete and analog Micro PLCs versus
inputs and discrete and analog outputs. It can Programmable Relays
be expanded to a total of 142 discrete I/O or 54 PLCs power industrial data
analog channels (Figure 2). The CLICK starts at a integration
cost of $69, a price point common for many pro- PLC software benefits for
grammable relays, while delivering much more industrial manufacturers
functionality and flexibility. Should I use an edge
controller, PLC, or PAC?
The CLICK includes various communication op- The PLC remains stronger
tions and models with a real-time clock. Built- than ever
in communication can include a 10/100 Mbps PLC users can use
multipurpose Ethernet port for networking and cloud services without
Figure 1: This CLICK Micro PLC has programming
control. This port can be used to program the PLC, built-in I/O and communication
network it or control Ethernet-enabled devices—using options, making it suitable for use in a
wide variety of applications.
Modbus TCP.
Other communication options in micro PLCs include RS-232 communications ports for
programming, or for configuring MODBUS RTU or ASCII protocols. RS-485 communi-
cation is also available.
These communication options enable easy connection to a wide variety of operator in-
terface terminals (OITs), such as AutomationDirect’s C-more or C-more Micro. Whether
Micro PLCs versus Programmable Relays
can also power the C-more Figure 2: The CLICK Micro PLC can PLC software benefits for
Micro from the serial connection alleviating the need expand up to a total of 142 discrete industrial manufacturers
I/O or 54 analog channels using 24
for additional power wiring. Should I use an edge
different digital and analog modules,
controller, PLC, or PAC?
including AC, DC, relay, thermocouple
The CLICK micro PLC includes only 21 instructions, and RTD for more complex The PLC remains stronger
applications. than ever
suitable for most small to medium size applications,
which makes it easy to program. The limited instruc- PLC users can use
tion set reduces training needs, and the PC-based programming software is free. cloud services without
A micro PLC provides a more scalable solution than a programmable relay, provid-
ing room for future expansion. As a machine is updated or improved, more advanced
programming and additional I/O can be added to a micro PLC, while the limits of
programmable relays are often quickly reached. Both a micro PLC and a programmable
relay can often provide a control solution at reasonable cost, but the future benefits of
using a PLC should be considered.
viding relay, timer and counter functions in a single unit. Most programmable relays Structuring with IEC 61131-
3: 7 steps to success
include a small amount of I/O, but some include over 20 discrete inputs and outputs,
as well as up to eight analog inputs and eight analog outputs. CLICK PLUS PLC vs CLICK
Programmable relays often include a built-in LCD display, such as 6 lines and 20 char- Micro PLCs versus
acters per line, to display the program, variables and configuration. Also included Programmable Relays
are function keys and buttons on the front face of the relay for navigation; entering PLCs power industrial data
and editing the program and parameters; and starting, stopping and configuring the integration
Training Requirements
A common misconception with programmable relays is that no training is required to
learn how to program it, but this is simply not true for all but the most basic applica-
tions. Once more than a few I/O points are needed, the coding complexity for a pro-
grammable relay is very similar to a micro PLC when using PC-based programming
software. And the option of coding a programmable relay from its built-in display is
Micro PLCs versus Programmable Relays
simply not practical for all but the most basic appli- Structuring with IEC 61131-
3: 7 steps to success
When programmable relays start to move into
micro PLC territory in terms of I/O points and Micro PLCs versus
functionality, complexity increases along with cost. Programmable Relays
Training requirements for programming and imple- PLCs power industrial data
mentation become similar, with no advantage to integration
Of course, the CLICK micro PLC has a User Manual as well, and it’s just under 300
pages. This manual includes a step-by-step quick start guide, all hardware specifica-
tions for the controller and expansion discrete and analog, installation and wiring,
communication, maintenance and troubleshooting information. And, if you need help
selecting CLICK PLC components, there is an AutomationDirect configuration tool to
configure and order the hardware.
A very simple programmable relay, specifically a timer relay, with an octal base, dip
Micro PLCs versus Programmable Relays
switches and a potentiometer to select function modes and time, includes only a Structuring with IEC 61131-
3: 7 steps to success
4-page user manual, so it is easy to use. If an application requires only a single,
heavy-duty SPDT electro-mechanical output relay with on-delay, off-delay or interval CLICK PLUS PLC vs CLICK
output, this type device is a good choice (Figure 3).
Micro PLCs versus
With either a micro PLC and all but the simplest programmable relay, some training will Programmable Relays
be required, and users will have to read the manual. In the case of the CLICK PLC, it is PLCs power industrial data
likely that the 24-page quick-start guide will get most users up and running quickly. For integration
those who need more training or have questions, there is free a 30-day training cer- PLC software benefits for
tificate included with each CLICK CPU purchased, as well as award-winning technical industrial manufacturers
support available from AutomationDirect. Should I use an edge
controller, PLC, or PAC?
It is still necessary to enter contacts and coils, link them together and insert rungs. If
possible with the selected programmable relay, comments should be added to ease
understanding of the control logic. Some programmable relays even use function
blocks that are even more difficult to see and use.
Viewing ladder logic or function block programming on a small LCD display on a pro-
grammable relay mounted to control panel in an enclosure located at knee level is not
Micro PLCs versus Programmable Relays
practical for most. Interpreting the screen symbols, with no descriptors, requires train- Structuring with IEC 61131-
3: 7 steps to success
ing or reading the manual. Add to that some complexity in the control logic, and the
capability of coding a programmable relay via its built-in display disappears quickly in CLICK PLUS PLC vs CLICK
most applications.
Micro PLCs versus
In many cases, understanding or remembering what buttons to press to access or edit Programmable Relays
the program or modify parameters can require many steps. Users must typically po- PLCs power industrial data
sition a curser using navigation keys to access a menu; hold a program, parameter or integration
shift key to access a function or parameter to edit the value; accept it; exit edit mode; PLC software benefits for
and return to run mode. These functions and capabilities, while built-in to a program- industrial manufacturers
mable relay’s display, are available with a much better user experience using PC-based Should I use an edge
programming software. controller, PLC, or PAC?
Both PLC and programmable relay software provides the tools to program the hard-
ware to meet the application requirements, and both include extensive online pro-
gramming help files. In the CLICK’s case, the PLC programming software can be down-
loaded for free, or purchased on CD. Users will find the CLICK programming software
simple, with a practical instruction set available to get the program created and run-
ning quickly, and the help files are extensive.
Micro PLCs versus Programmable Relays
With the basic instructions and documentation available with the CLICK micro PLCs, Structuring with IEC 61131-
3: 7 steps to success
training is not needed, but it is available. Once the PLC is installed and wired, a quick
start guide can lead the user through the nine steps required to create a program CLICK PLUS PLC vs CLICK
shown in Table 2.
Micro PLCs versus
TABLE 2: Nine Steps to Create a Micro PLC Program Programmable Relays
PLCs power industrial data
1. Download and install the free programming software on a PC integration
On the other hand, the CLICK micro PLC has sufficient mem-
ory for the ladder program and on-board documentation. Using this feature, program
software and associated documentation including comments, tag names, rung descrip-
tions, etc. can be stored on-board the CLICK micro PLC. This eliminates the need to
maintain the documentation externally, especially useful when the program is lost, or it
is being edited using a different PC in the future.
A micro PLC is a better solution than a programmable relay for simple to moderate
Micro PLCs versus Programmable Relays
machine control applications. A programmable relay should be chosen when the appli- Structuring with IEC 61131-
3: 7 steps to success
cation is very simple and will never be changed, and when the local operator interface
display is sufficient and required. CLICK PLUS PLC vs CLICK
Due to recent technical developments, micro PLCs are no longer just relay and tim- Micro PLCs versus
er replacers, but can replace programmable relays in many applications. It should be Programmable Relays
clear from the examples given above that it is incorrect to think that a micro PLC solu- PLCs power industrial data
tion is more expensive than a programmable relay. In fact, a CLICK micro PLC will cost integration
less up front in all but the simplest applications. It is also not true that the PLC will take PLC software benefits for
more time to program and will require more training (Figure 4). industrial manufacturers
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PLCs power industrial
data integration Structuring with IEC 61131-
3: 7 steps to success
The operational technology (OT) domain of sensors, programmable logic controllers PLC users can use
cloud services without
(PLCs), and human-machine interfaces (HMIs) is converging with the information tech- programming
nology (IT) world of PC servers and cloud connectivity. These technologies are more
intelligent than ever with a lot of overlapping functionality. This means users have more
options for building or upgrading an industrial automation system to deliver integrat-
ed data. Applications where OT data is accessed with IT methods are often referred to
as Internet of Things (IoT) implementations.
Some of today’s PLCs are speeding end users on their journey to extract data from
manufacturing systems and transporting it to enterprise systems so users can make
informative decisions on how to optimize operations. IT-friendly additions are making
OT-centric PLC platforms more effective for optimizing operations.
PLCs power industrial data integration
had to take additional steps to handle extended information like scaling, engineering Structuring with IEC 61131-
3: 7 steps to success
units and tag descriptions. A lot of parts and effort might be involved: PLCs, gateways,
PCs, software packages, network configuration and custom code. CLICK PLUS PLC vs CLICK
Even when data connectivity could be patched together, it was often at the expense of Micro PLCs versus
Programmable Relays
security. Traditionally, PLCs have not included strong cybersecurity provisions, especial-
ly for internet-connected systems. PLCs power industrial
data integration
…are solved by today’s PLC tech PLC software benefits for
industrial manufacturers
Fortunately, some modern PLCs include all the elements needed to overcome these
challenges, eliminating complexity from the task of getting data from the shop floor up Should I use an edge
controller, PLC, or PAC?
to the cloud and enterprise.
The PLC remains stronger
than ever
PLCs have been an established and reliable platform for edge automation tasks. In-
stead of creating a new category of device only tasked with data communication du- PLC users can use
ties, some vendors realized next-generation OT-based PLCs could be enhanced with cloud services without
the necessary IT-associated tech to effectively integrate data (Figure 2).
For best results, all data integration elements need to reside natively in the PLC prod-
uct, providing an off-the-shelf experience for users. End users, especially in the IT field,
also are looking for open source-based technologies because they are already familiar
with this approach, as opposed to the specialized environments common to OT prod-
A PLC bundling data integration protocols bridgesOT and IT systems and can create
many ways to connect new and legacy factory floor equipment to today’s enterprise
PLCs power industrial data integration
systems. Popular serial and Ethernet OT protocols in- Figure 2: Next-generation PLCs, like
the AutomationDirect BRX Series,
clude ASCII, Modbus RTI K-Seq, Modbus TCP and Eth- are built from the ground up with OT
erNet/IP (ODVA). Essential IT protocols include SNTP and IT communication protocols, and
the necessary security features, for
DNS, MQTT, SMTP, SSL and web services.
enabling seamless data integration.
With the free programming software,
Multiple PLC integration options users can configure the BRX (with
or without classic I/O) to also
PLCs can enable popular data integration options de- act as a data gateway. Courtesy:
pending on application needs. AutomationDirect
PLCs power industrial data integration
Store data in the PLC and forward via FTP Structuring with IEC 61131-
3: 7 steps to success
Today’s PLCs have enough memory to log data locally over a period of hours, days, CLICK PLUS PLC vs CLICK
or weeks—and then forward it to a network- or cloud-connected computer using file
transfer protocol (FTP). This form of storing and forwarding data can be effective for Micro PLCs versus
Programmable Relays
bulk transactions, which do not need to be near-real-time, however, it will require the
user to configure the PLC for aggregating the data and the host system for parsing the PLCs power industrial
data. data integration
PLC software benefits for
Web server industrial manufacturers
The messaging queuing telemetry transport (MQTT) protocol has emerged as the
common standard for PLC-to-cloud communications, for several reasons. While it of-
fers two-way communications, the PLC in the field initiates conversations as outbound
messages to a centralized broker, which can be on premises or more commonly in the
cloud. This helps avoid firewall and IT management issues. Although MQTT can be
implemented without security, best practice is to perform communications using the
PLCs power industrial data integration
standard transport layer security (TLS) networking protocol, and to use other security Structuring with IEC 61131-
3: 7 steps to success
features provided within MQTT.
MQTT communications are processed quickly, but are resilient enough to withstand
the kinds of network outages that can occur for industrial and edge-located installa- Micro PLCs versus
Programmable Relays
tions. Users can access the broker data with enterprise and/or mobile clients, or they
can implement cloud computing services to connect with PLC-sourced MQTT data PLCs power industrial
directly. data integration
PLC software benefits for
REST API industrial manufacturers
sure of the PLC to bad actors who could access Figure 3: AutomationDirect BRX Series PLCs
potentially valuable information. Therefore, new include multiple data connectivity options.
A REST API enables external clients, such
PLCs must include built-in security features, ex- as Node-RED operating on a computing
tending far beyond what was offered in previous service, to initiate requests to access data
residing in PLC memory, so long as proper
generations. Users should look for:
security credentials are presented. Courtesy:
PLCs power industrial data integration
• PLCs that are by default (right out of the box) not open to requests from the out- Structuring with IEC 61131-
3: 7 steps to success
side world
• The ability to store username and password credentials on-board (managed by OT
personnel using programming software) Micro PLCs versus
Programmable Relays
• Support for IP whitelisting to control which external clients are allowed to commu- PLCs power industrial
nicate with the PLC data integration
PLC software benefits for
• Secure communications over TLS when possible. industrial manufacturers
Designers can build new systems using a modern PLC able to support these types of
connections, or they can implement such a PLC on top of an existing system to add IoT
capability. Data becomes easily available using one or more of the methods described
here, so developers can focus their efforts on the host applications.
For example, a solutions provider developed a cloud-based IoT application that can
PLCs power industrial data integration
access many operational sites, such as pump houses, using MQTT. Before PLCs were Structuring with IEC 61131-
3: 7 steps to success
available to support MQTT and other methods, it was necessary for developers to add
dedicated communication gateways. CLICK PLUS PLC vs CLICK
Damon Purvis
Damon Purvis is the PLC product manager at AutomationDirect.
PLC software benefits for
industrial manufacturers Structuring with IEC 61131-
3: 7 steps to success
Another major benefit of software-based PLCs is they provide safety and security ad-
vantages over hardware appliances. In traditional models, information is held within
the system, and is vulnerable to unauthorized access and other risks. PLC software only
PLC software benefits for industrial manufacturers
gives information to those who are authorized and comes with more advanced security Structuring with IEC 61131-
3: 7 steps to success
features. Software-based PLCs can also help cut production costs.
Input and output devices connected to the PC system use Ethernet cables. These
are more cost effective than traditional PLC connections which had large connec- Micro PLCs versus
Programmable Relays
tions and many applications. Ethernet cables are faster and increase the speed of the
workflow. PLCs power industrial data
There are many advantages of software-based PLCs, but the networking, safety, and PLC software
cost benefits are some of the biggest and most immediate ones. Software-based PLCs benefits for industrial
bring productivity to just about any operation.
Should I use an edge
controller, PLC, or PAC?
This article originally appeared on the Robotics Online Blog. Robotic Industries Asso-
ciation (RIA) is a part of the Association for Advancing Automation (A3). A3 is a CFE The PLC remains stronger
than ever
Media content partner.
PLC users can use
cloud services without
Should I use an Industrial automation end users are finding
edge control technologies excel at familiar
programmable logic controller (PLC) and
edge controller, programmable automation controller (PAC)
applications while delivering future-proof
PLC, or PAC? computing and communication options.
ripe for merging into industrial products. Figure 1: Edge controllers, such as those offered
Internet of Things (IoT) devices are becom- by Emerson, combine deterministic control like a
PLC or PAC, and independent general-purpose
ing commonplace and many are looking at processing like a PC. Courtesy: Emerson
incorporating Industrial IoT (IIoT) devices
into automation systems. Digital transformation requires connecting with many
data sources, collecting and storing the data, visualizing and analyzing it, enabling
optimized operations.
Should I use an edge controller, PLC, or PAC?
The journey to realize value in these trends calls for something new; an edge con- Structuring with IEC 61131-
3: 7 steps to success
troller that is more than a PLC or a PAC. Edge controllers are making it possible for
implementation of robust automation systems to continue as they always have and CLICK PLUS PLC vs CLICK
seamlessly add the latest communication and application development options.
Micro PLCs versus
Programmable Relays
Edge controllers can upgrade existing systems, create new designs, improve produc-
tivity, address skill gaps and enhance security. PLCs power industrial data
Edge controller hardware and the software PLC software benefits for
industrial manufacturers
Casual observers and implementers of industrial technology can be excused for be-
lieving the industrial controller world has plateaued in processing power and physical Should I use an edge
footprint, looking at simple processor clock speed.
controller, PLC, or
Cutting-edge commercial and industrial processors, however, have realized substan- The PLC remains stronger
than ever
tial processing performance gains due to multi-core designs and increasing num-
bers of processor cores in a device. At the same time, hardware-level virtualization PLC users can use
cloud services without
provides a convenient way to manage multiple cores and assign them to virtual ma- programming
chines (VMs).
PCs and servers used in conjunction with industrial controllers already benefit from this
improved computing performance coming from the fast-paced commercial world.
Deterministic industrial control systems, on the other hand, require high speed, re-
peatable and time-based processor execution. Unlike many commercial applications,
any industrial application of VMs and multi-core management must be free from jitter
or any other deviations from reliable timely operation.
Should I use an edge controller, PLC, or PAC?
PLCs used to be isolated or they communicated with slow and cumbersome serial
links. PACs included better industrial protocol implementation and Ethernet for im-
proved connectivity and interoperability. Edge controllers deliver these advantages,
Should I use an edge controller, PLC, or PAC?
For application development, PLCs used mostly proprietary ladder logic and rela-
tively rudimentary tools. Taking on some concepts from the greater software industry,
PACs may offer a level of support for standard IEC–61131-3 programming languages,
custom user code blocks, and some basic capabilities for code reuse and object-ori-
ented design. A well–designed edge controller preserves the deterministic runtime,
and adds a computing environment for performing analytics, data aggregation, and
other advanced tasks.
Should I use an edge controller, PLC, or PAC?
The general-purpose OS allows application development in IT-oriented languages Structuring with IEC 61131-
3: 7 steps to success
like C and C++, Python, and Java. The most flexible architectures can allow OT per-
sonnel to focus on the deterministic system, IT personnel can work on the gener- CLICK PLUS PLC vs CLICK
al-purpose system, and the two groups can coordinate and crossover as needed or
desired in a clearly defined manner. Micro PLCs versus
Programmable Relays
The results can be used to advise the deterministic system for optimal operation. In
Should I use an edge controller, PLC, or PAC?
same toolchains and configured with the same integrated development environment. Structuring with IEC 61131-
3: 7 steps to success
Users only need to learn one common environment and the code and configurations
can be reused. CLICK PLUS PLC vs CLICK
Another consideration is how end user demographics are changing. Experienced Micro PLCs versus
Programmable Relays
users already in the workforce are familiar with PLC and PACs. Their depth of experi-
ence affords them a more instinctive approach to programming, tuning, and trouble- PLCs power industrial data
shooting based on the products which have used for years.
PLC software benefits for
industrial manufacturers
The newest software users entering the workforce, however, have grown up in the
smartphone age. They are used to modern programming languages and working in Should I use an edge
a developer kit environment rather than developing everything from scratch. In fact, controller, PLC, or
they are probably most comfortable assembling code elements from a library or re-
pository to create a solution (Figure 3). The PLC remains stronger
than ever
security concerns for traditional controls developers. Developers accustomed to Structuring with IEC 61131-
3: 7 steps to success
air-gapped networks as a standard security strategy may not be comfortable dealing
with more open networks. Many older automation platforms also were developed be- CLICK PLUS PLC vs CLICK
fore cybersecurity was considered a priority, and when security was addressed, it was
more of an add–on afterthought than a built-in feature. Micro PLCs versus
Programmable Relays
For edge controllers and the most modern PACs, on the other hand, security-by-de- PLCs power industrial data
sign is a fundamental requirement. Suppliers of edge controller and PAC hardware
and software products should be able to: PLC software benefits for
industrial manufacturers
Some vendors already offer software suites to help users navigate and manage secu-
rity certificates, enabling simple, secure and encrypted communications right down
to the application control level.
Automation product portfolios should provide the right tools to make strong IT-type
security easy for operation technology (OT) users to apply.
Should I use an edge controller, PLC, or PAC?
The PLC remains stronger than ever
Structuring with IEC 61131-
The programmable logic controller (PLC) has been declared dead many times, 3: 7 steps to success
but it continues to thrive even in the Industry 4.0 era. CLICK PLUS PLC vs CLICK
T he programmable logic controller (PLC) has been declared dead many times. The
PLC endured in its classic form and, in reality, will never go away. Its function will
endure, but its look, shape and form factors will change to adapt to the needs of appli-
Micro PLCs versus
Programmable Relays
The IT-ification of automation architectures got its first boost in 2004 when Industrial PLC users can use
cloud services without
Ethernet solved the connectivity dilemma of industrial devices. Where it ends is any- programming
one’s guess. Will IT giants move into the industrial space currently dominated by au-
tomation suppliers? Will automation hardware become a commodity and will future
automation solutions be purely software-based? The answers to these questions lie
somewhere between the edge and the cloud – the domains where OT technology is
quickly evolving under the influence of IT.
So what about the future of the PLC? Industrial users have clung to the hardware PLC
for decades. A PLC is reliable and repeatable – it can be picked up, dropped, swapped
out, and reprogrammed without a deep knowledge of programming languages. Over
decades, these features have saddled PLCs with ever more tasks like high-speed mo-
The PLC remains stronger than ever
Arguably, recognizing the PLC’s limitations is what gave birth to the industrial edge.
The IT-ification of automation technology is taking place, but clearly the PLC is not the
right vehicle for this evolution. Instead, the PLC should be viewed simply as one of
many functions that collectively make up a complete automation solution. This function
The PLC remains stronger than ever
is primarily logic control – monitoring inputs for change and setting outputs according Structuring with IEC 61131-
3: 7 steps to success
to a programmed set of rules. Like most functions, logic control can be virtualized so
that it can run on a different platform alongside other machine or process functions. As CLICK PLUS PLC vs CLICK
more tasks are off-loaded to the cloud, automation systems now have a critical need to
share data and communicate with cloud-based apps that have access to more data and Micro PLCs versus
Programmable Relays
processing power than are typically available locally on an industrial machine.
PLCs power industrial data
What will the PLC of the future look like? Instead of a piece of ruggedized hardware,
most future PLCs will be virtualized software functions that run on a server, either PLC software benefits for
industrial manufacturers
on-premise or in the cloud, as part of a complete, mostly software-based solution.
Programming tools will remain the same so that logic functions can be troubleshooted Should I use an edge
controller, PLC, or PAC?
easily by plant floor staff. Private 5G networks will ensure that the PLC function can be
accessed easily from anywhere in the plant without having to open electrical cabinets. The PLC remains
In the same way, machine builders will be able to connect to a virtualized PLC during stronger than ever
all building phases, from machine construction to factory acceptance testing to on-site PLC users can use
commissioning. In fact, machine builders stand the most to benefit from PLC virtual- cloud services without
ization as they learn to use this technology as the basis for lucrative aftersales revenue
streams generated from new digital services.
The PLC is not dead yet. Quite the opposite – it is aging well by adapting to the winds
of change.
David Humphrey
David Humphrey is research director, Europe at ARC Advisory Group.
PLC users can use cloud services
without programming Structuring with IEC 61131-
3: 7 steps to success
M achine builders can raise design efficiency by using cloud-based Industrial In-
ternet of Things software capabilities, building secure and scalable dashboards
for customers. By using cloud-based capabilities from a machine builder’s supplier for
PLC software benefits for
industrial manufacturers
Users can create and assign roles and personalized dashboards as needed. Those with
appropriate security clearance can access, monitor and trouble-shoot machines. Oper-
ational machine data can be managed for performance-related analysis.
PLC users can use cloud services without programming
PLC users can use cloud services without programming
• Protected with strict WAF rules against common attack patterns such as SQL injec- Micro PLCs versus
Programmable Relays
tions, cross-side scripting, and other attacks
PLCs power industrial data
• AWS resources audited via CloudTail
PLC software benefits for
industrial manufacturers
• Anti-virus that runs on all machines
Should I use an edge
controller, PLC, or PAC?
• Application security with role-based authentication, strict password policy
The PLC remains stronger
than ever
• Secure remote access machines for remote maintenance with virtual network com-
puting (VNC) to enables secure access to a PLC’s HMI via the PLC webserver with a PLC users can use
secure, private connection. cloud services without
• 24/7 monitoring from a human operations center to handle any security threats
and performance issues.
Mark Hoske
Mark Hoske has been Control Engineering editor/content manager since 1994 and
in a leadership role since 1999, covering all major areas: control systems, networking
and information systems, control equipment and energy, and system integration, ev-
erything that comprises or facilitates the control loop. He has been writing about tech-
nology since 1987, writing professionally since 1982, and has a Bachelor of Science in
Journalism degree from UW-Madison. 52