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Microscopy from Carl Zeiss

Perform to Perfection

The Microscope Software for Industrial Applications

– from Image Acquisition to Image Analysis, It’s in a
Dimension of Its Own.

A New Way of Thinking

Whether you are responsible for quality assurance in the aerospace

industry or for the development of new materials, whether you
work in traditional fields such as materialography and geosciences
or in the solar industry, these days digital microscope systems form
the crucial basis for your applications. Carl Zeiss is driving this process
with new solutions that are continually setting new standards. A
major component is AxioVision, the microscope software from the
microscope specialist. Thanks to its unique modular architecture, it is
suitable for novices and experts alike. Application-specific modules
and tailored software packages offer attractive total solutions for
defined tasks in science and industry. The AxioVision philosophy is
uncompromising: the highest possible performance, easy operation,
extreme flexibility, and seamless integration into the Carl Zeiss sys-
tem world. A homogeneous solution.

Table of Contents

An Easy Decision 4

An Overview of All Modules 6

Basic Program 8-11

Image Acquisition Modules 12-14

Image Processing Module 15

Image Analysis Modules 16-17

Topography Module 18

Archiving Module 19

Configuration Modules 20-21

Materials Packages 22

Application Modules 23-30

Overview 31-43

An Easy Decision

Developed in close collaboration with users, AxioVision microscope software impresses

with its practical relevance. Highly functional even in the entry-level version, it can be
extended by modules available for sophisticated applications, thus satisfying in every

Easy start
AxioVision allows you to achieve outstanding results in digi-
tal microscopy and documentation. From image acquisition
to processing, measuring, and annotating, to archiving and
reporting, you can follow the process from beginning to

Easy to use
AxioVision offers you a convincing operating concept: from
the basic functions to the highly specialized analysis mod-
ules, it is simple and comprehensible. My AxioVision allows
you to adapt user interfaces and functions to your individual
needs, configure your own toolbars, and combine frequently
recurring work steps in new dialogs. AxioVision transforms
functional diversity and complexity into something quite
simple for the user.

Easy ZVI
ZVI is the name of the image format that stores your image
data together with image number, acquisition date, micro-
scope settings, exposure data, size and scale data, contrast-
ing techniques used, etc. The advantages are obvious – the
image information is available at any time. No annotations
are lost and nothing is forgotten. A crucial point to note is
that the annotations are not permanently burned in the im-
age, but are stored in a file together with the image data.
The image can be reproduced even years later under identical

Easy economy
Offering the entire performance spectrum for contemporary invest in the functions that you really need, while enjoying
digital microscopy at an outstanding price-performance the security of being at the forefront of technological devel-
ratio, AxioVision also excels from an economic standpoint. opments. With AxioVision LE, you even have a universal im-
The fact that you can expand the system module by module age viewer for simple image analysis tasks at your disposal
in line with your own requirements means that you only that is free of charge.

An Overview of All Modules

HDR Imaging Layer Thickness Graphite

Extension of the acquired Measurement Analysis of graphite
dynamic range Measurement of simple in cast iron
and complex layers

Panorama Calotte Grinding Grains

Formation of overview Measurement Measurement
images Coating thickness of grain sizes
measurement according
to DIN V ENV 1071

MosaiX Mark&Find TIC Measurement Multiphase

Automatic scanning of Recording and relocation Optical height measurement Automatic measurement
large surfaces of positions in the nanometer range of phases

Extended Focus Time Lapse AutoMeasure AutoMeasure Plus

Calculation of a sharp Flexible acquisition of Creation of easy Segmentation,
image from several image series over time measurement programs Binary image processing,
focus planes with measurement wizard Automatic measurement

Autofocus Z-Stack Imaging Plus Interactive Online

Automatic Acquisition of image Image enhancement, Measurement Measurement
focusing series from different Gray morphology, Expanded interactive Interactive measurements
focus planes Image transformation measurement techniques in live image

Image Acquisition Image Processing Analysis

Imaging with digital cameras, Text and graphics, Interactive measurement with
microscope control plus filter techniques standard parameters
and sharpness

Growing possibilities
The world of materials sciences is constantly changing and
evolving and hence requires a software package that can
change and evolve with it. AxioVision is very flexible in its
design, because with every update and every expansion,
Carl Zeiss is at the cutting edge of innovative software de-
velopments. In addition, the user interface is customizable.
This gives users the ability to make it easy to understand
and use for their specific applications. The functions of the
basic program – imaging, processing, annotations, archiving,
reporting, and microscope control – can be quickly expanded
to meet your growing needs by adding further modules.
Moreover, new solutions for specific applications are con-
tinually being developed. They include additional functions
for image processing, interactive measuring, and automated
image analysis as well as control modules for light path and
Diagrams motorized stages.
Comparison of images with
comparative diagrams

Height and roughness

Measurement of non- Integrated development
metallic inclusions environment
according to international

Particle Analyzer Asset Archive Commander

Projects Cataloguing and archiving Recording/Automatic
Measurement of particles of images, data sets, etc. execution of AxioVision
commands The decision for the basic AxioVision program is a sound investment
in digital imaging. The 100 % compatible system solution can be
adapted at any time to your changing requirements and demands.
A decision that not only protects your investment but guarantees you
enormous flexibility.
Documentation Configuration
Image archiving and Customization of
reporting user interface

Basic Program
Impressive Range of Functions

You will be amazed at the wealth of functions of the entry-level microscope software
offered by Carl Zeiss. Even the basic version delivers a powerful image processing and
analysis system and meets all the key requirements of contemporary digital microscopy.

Efficient microscope control

AxioVision allows you to control all motorized microscopes store desired microscope parameters quickly and easily,
from Carl Zeiss – both automatically and interactively. Of ensuring repeatability for subsequent analyses. In addition
course you can use manual standard microscopes as well. scaling factors and complex workflows can be recalled dur-
One of the advantages of software control is that you can ing analysis.

Microscope control Digital camera

Simple, clearly presented user interface for camera control and image acquisition

Flexible camera operation Rapid image processing

Thanks to its interfaces for standard technologies, AxioVision AxioVision offers you all the tools for:
allows you to use all types of cameras, from digital con-
sumer cameras up to scientific microscope cameras. This • Contrast, brightness, and color control
includes the AxioCam family of cameras from Carl Zeiss. The • Noise suppression, smoothing, and contour enhance-
seamless integration of cameras into the AxioVision soft- ment
ware enables you to adopt all important image information • Enhanced sharpness and detail emphasis
and – just with a click of your mouse – to document your • Correction of illumination conditions and white
samples. The cameras from Carl Zeiss can also provide sig- balance control
nificant advantages concerning speed and resolution, auto-
matic exposure settings, and image acquisition. All cameras
in the AxioCam family are controlled by the same opera-
tional elements.

AxioCam Image acquisition Microscope (manual or motorized)

Basic Program
Impressive Range of Functions

Integration of text and graphic elements Precise image measurement

From scale bars and color markings to text and graphic With the entry-level program, you can easily perform inter-
elements – with AxioVision you can add all important active measurements, such as length, area, and angles.
annotations to your images using just one program. The The measurement data are available in a list, which can be
corresponding scale is stored with each image, and scale easily exported to most spreadsheet programs, such as
bars can be automatically added at any time. Microsoft® Excel.

Image processing: correction of illumination error Text and graphic elements: labeling of defects Image measurement: area measurement
(left: with shading, right: corrected)

Perfect report generation

Whether using individually formatted or predefined layouts,
AxioVision gives you all the options you need to generate
effective reports or documentations. All information, such as
measurement values, analysis results, tables, charts, and im-
ages, can be conveniently arranged using predefined lay-
outs or formatting defined by the user – simply at the push
of a button.

Image Acquisition Modules
Enhanced Performance in Imaging

The results of your analyses are only as good as the quality of your acquired images.
AxioVision offers you the perfect basis for achieving the required quality with high-
performance additional modules, from MosaiX and Autofocus to Z-Stack and HDR
Imaging. These modules save the additional information in your images, which is so
often crucial.

Autofocus addition, uneven samples can be acquired without difficulty

The Autofocus module calculates the optimal focal position – thanks to the option of automatic focus adjustment. Pre-
for a sample. The system is calibrated for each objective, requisites for this are a motorized focus drive and stage. Any
hence the software focuses accurately every time or it auto- loss in image quality caused by the overlapping of individual
matically makes use of default parameters to achieve the image tiles is avoided due to an intelligent mechanism that
correct focusing. In addition, with images that are acquired determines – either automatically or interactively – the posi-
as a time lapse or at different positions, the system auto- tion of individual image tiles on the basis of the image con-
matically refocuses. The Autofocus module works with all tent, corrects their position and combines them to form a
cameras that are directly controlled by AxioVision, provided MosaiX image. The image you obtain preserves the high
that a microscope with motorized focus drive is used. resolution of each individual image. As a result, it is not only
suitable for navigating around the sample, but also forms the
MosaiX ideal basis for further analyses. Large objects, such as non-
Developed to acquire images of large surfaces, MosaiX metallic inclusions, can be measured and the number of par-
scans your samples image by image and then combines ticles on a filter can be documented with the same ease. Now
these individual images to form a single MosaiX image. In you are no longer restricted by the limits of an individual image.

MosaiX image of a gear-wheel, 15x20 tiles Detailed view: individual tile of the MosaiX image Images of a printed circuit board – on the left, a single
image and, on the right, an HDR image

Single images from different focus planes of an electronic component.
With Extended Focus, users can achieve an image that is sharp across
the whole field.

HDR Imaging
Developed to enable you – when using reflected-light mi-
croscopy, among other techniques – to capture all object
details on specimens with very high contrast in a single
high-resolution image: the HDR Imaging – High Dynamic
Range Imaging – module expands the dynamic range
of your cameras and increases the brightness gradations
in your images measurably. Up to 32 images with differ-
ent exposure times are acquired one after another and
merged to produce one single resulting image. This means
reduced noise and improved image quality. Depending on
the specimen and the acquisition situation, you will obtain
significantly more information and consequently more pre-
cise measurement results. This technique will also be an inex-
pensive alternative if you want to improve the image quality
of your camera, as even in the case of a camera with a low
dynamic range the results can be seen clearly. For instance,
it is an economical way to transform an 8-bit camera into a
camera with a 12-bit dynamic range.

Extended Focus
A microscope‘s depth of field is often not sufficient to ob-
tain a single image which is sharp across the whole field.
The software solution to this problem is the Extended Focus
module. The principle is simple – while focusing through
the sample, you acquire a number of images at different
focus positions or use your z-stack images as input data.
In both cases the sharp details from each individual image
are extracted and a final image is calculated on the basis of
state-of-the-art algorithms. The result is an image of first-
class quality that is rich and sharp in every detail.

Image Acquisition Modules
Enhanced Performance in Imaging

Perfect for objects that do not fit into one single image field
– the Panorama module is the manual variant of MosaiX.
With the help of a manual mechanical or a coded stage,
you can generate high-resolution panorama or overview
images from individually acquired images making it possible
to follow irregular structures, such as cracks, beyond the
edges of the frame. Overlapping images can also be com-
bined with pixel precision ensuring that the important
details of your sample are all contained in a single image.

This module is used to record, store, and automatically
revisit different positions on your samples. It requires the
use of motorized x-, y-stages. The positions on the sample
are stored together with the acquired image. Lists of posi-
tions can also be imported. Your advantage: reliability, time
saving, and statistical accuracy.

Time Lapse
Panorama: a crack is followed beyond the image field. Only the required images are acquired. Investigating changes over time, documenting results clearly
– with the Time Lapse module, you can control both camera
and microscope precisely. For instance, with the help of a
heating stage it is possible to monitor structural changes.
To enable the automatic generation of z-stack images, the Combinations
software controls the z-drive of a motorized microscope in MosaiX, Autofocus, Z-Stack, Mark&Find, Time Lapse – all
precise steps. This is always synchronized with acquisition. these modules can be freely combined with each other
You can either determine the focusing interval yourself or and thus create solutions capable of precisely meeting a
have it automatically computed for highest sample accuracy. wide range of demands. The result is the cost-effective
The advantage of this module is the optimal detection of adaptation of individual solutions to a specific application –
information in the third dimension. In addition, with the Cut with no unnecessary investments.
View function, even the entry-level version of AxioVision
provides you with a highly effective technique for z-stack

Image Processing Module
Get More from Your Images

All the important digital image processing techniques in a single module – Imaging Plus
allows you to process your images for maximum information content and the best
analysis results.

Imaging Plus

• Image Enhancement
In addition to improving contrast, brightness, and color,
this function compensates lighting deficiencies and shad-
ing. Filters for smoothing, sharpening, and edge detection
are included as well as user-definable filter operators.

• Gray Morphology
An ideal tool for grain boundary reconstruction, e.g. to enable
you to reconstruct the boundaries of joined objects ex-
actly. The advantage: individual objects can be separated
with precision.

• Image Arithmetics
The process of calculating a new image from existing im-
ages pixel by pixel: AxioVision Imaging Plus allows the
quantitative combination and comparison of images.
By enhancing the edges, object boundaries can be
• Elastic Registration detected with greater precision.

The solution to achieving congruence between two im-

ages with the same content that cannot be corrected sim-
ply by shifting, rotating or adjusting the size of the images. Morphology functions permit the exact reconstruction
of object borders thus preparing them for automatic

Image Analysis Modules
Uncompromising Precision

Utilizing all the information of an image: AxioVision offers you a powerful spectrum
of additional modules for image analysis. For enormously simplified processes, faster
results, uncompromising reliability, and maximum reproducibility.

Interactive Measurement
With this module, parameters describing the specimen can
be determined interactively (e.g. size). A measurement pro-
gram wizard allows users to exactly determine which mea-
surements should be taken. Afterwards, all parameters are
then executed in the specified order. As a result, geometric
and densitometric parameters are presented in a straightfor-
ward measurement list and can be stored with the image
in the archive. You can retrieve this information later at any
time. In addition, all requested measurement values can be
exported (e.g. into Microsoft® Excel).

Interactive measurement of distances and angles

Online Measurement
Measure samples are directly depicted on the monitor with-
out the need to acquire images. With this module you can
analyze structures interactively and directly in online images,
which means that visual inspections can now be carried out
quickly and conveniently on screen. All the measurement
tools that you employ for your acquired images can also be
used here. You select the desired parameters from a choice
of up to 90 options.

Assessment of hole separation in the online image
If you need to create automatic measuring routines yourself:
with the AutoMeasure module you can rapidly obtain pre-
cise results – without any complicated programming. With
the help of a measurement wizard, AutoMeasure enables
you to carry out complicated measurements within a few
minutes. Simply define the programs that you need and
you can measure an unlimited number of images – while
completely controlling the measuring process. You can de-
termine which steps to be conducted. Even automated pro-
cesses can be interrupted at any time and all parameters
can be individually adjusted with the function dialog.

Measurement parameters – list of options

1 2 3 4

Automatic analysis of a polymer sample (fig. 1): threshold segmentation (fig. 2), correction of the binary image and automatic separation of objects (fig. 3), overlaid
display of the measurement in the resulting image (fig. 4)

AutoMeasure Plus • AutoMeasure Plus – Automatic measurement

Capturing the entire structure of the image automatically – This function makes it possible to determine morpho-
now possible in a single measurement step with this mod- metric measurement parameters from the contour of the
ule. The result: fast, precise and reproducible quantitative specimen. The binary image is used as a mask to calculate
analyses. Further advantages are: the direct access to all geometric and densitometric parameters from the original
functions via the menu and the option to combine with the image. The results can be imported into Microsoft® Excel –
automatic processing module Commander. It enables you ideal for generating statistical information about specimen
to merge the results of repetitive work steps in a single com- details.
mand – ideal for the automatic processing and reproduction
of standard lab assignments. The module consists of three TIC Measurement
functionality groups: The TIC module (TIC – Total Interference Contrast – only
in combination with the TIC slider from Carl Zeiss) allows
• AutoMeasure Plus – Segmentation the precise, contact-free and therefore extremely simple
This function offers threshold operators for monochrome determination of the optical height and thickness of object
and color images that are necessary to identify your ob- structures over a range from just a few nanometers to sev-
jects. The objects can also be identified with a mouse click eral micrometers. The advantage of the TIC interferometric
using “Region Growing”. These two methods are supple- method lies in the combination of short measurement and
mented by complex methods for segmentation, including analysis times with a high degree of accuracy. The use of
dynamic and automatically generated threshold values as circularly polarized light makes the orientation of the struc-
well as edge detection. The result is a binary image in tures on the sample irrelevant and eliminates the need for
which all specimen pixels are white and all background stage rotation. It is even possible to analyze samples with
pixels black. large surface areas.

• AutoMeasure Plus – Binary image processing

Functions for linking, masking, and filling holes ensure that
the binary image is optimally prepared for measurement.
Artifacts are removed and contours smoothed.

Topography Module
Surface Analysis Using Digital Height Data

Whether you are dealing with height measurements for production control in the
automotive industry, roughness measurements or 3D reconstructions for the optical
assessment of production tolerances – the Topography module generates height
maps of your samples automatically or interactively using a contact-free and non-
destructive method.

Functionality wavelength (lambda) selected. The module also offers a

Your work with this module is based on z-stack images of wide range of functions from the display of sharp regions
your samples, interactively acquired images from various like a texture image and dynamic flooding in the height
focus planes or stereo image pairs acquired via both ports image to the possibility of modifying projections and height
of a stereomicroscope. From these, the Topography module images via look-up tables. All height information is stored in
generates the following for you: the image and is available at any time.

• 3D topographies from various perspectives with Integrated guidelines

texture, grid or surface shading The AxioVision Topography module calculates the following
• Roughness measurements in accordance with roughness parameters in accordance with EN ISO 4287:
EN ISO 4287
• Height measurements • Ra: arithmetic mean of the profile ordinates
• Rq: quadratic mean of the profile ordinates
The measurements are performed along a profile line that • Rsk: skewness of the profile
you have drawn into the topographic image using a mea- • Rku: steepness of the profile
surement tool. Several profiles can be drawn in and simul- • Rv: depth of the greatest profile valley
taneously selected. The measurement results are displayed • Rp: height of the greatest profile peak
in a table. The parameters of the primary profile, waviness • Rt: total height of the profile
or roughness are displayed on the basis of the cut-off

Roughness measurement in accordance with EN 3D topography (texture projection) of a gauge block Height profile measurement in a topographic image
ISO 4287 along a user-selected profile

Archiving Module
Well-conceived Data Management

Maintain an overview of your images, measurement results, and reports – AxioVision

allows you to manage all your data simply, transparently, and completely.

Asset Archive
The powerful AxioVision Asset Archive module allows you • Fast, flexible search functions: search by projects carried
to archive not just your images, but also all the associated out for a certain customer/client, by projects carried out
image data, measurement results, and reports of your analy- within the last week/month, by image or sample name,
ses – in an extremely simple way under a single project by date, labels, etc.
number. This makes the process of finding your way around • Clear display of all key data acquired with the image
a large number of data sets significantly easier and quicker. • Logically organized, hierarchical structure:
The up-to-date image management software offers a range Customer/client Project/assignment Asset
of benefits: • Management of customer data/contacts/projects

Asset Archive: structured storage of related images, measurement results, and reports in one project

Configuration Modules
Automatically Faster

With My AxioVision even the entry-level version of AxioVision offers you all kinds of
methods for creating individual operating windows. These possibilities can be expanded
almost infinitely with the help of two additional modules, and even offers you the
opportunity to develop your own programs within AxioVision.

My AxioVision
My AxioVision is the design concept behind the AxioVision
architecture. It forms the basis for the almost unlimited free-
dom that AxioVision gives you for adapting the powerful
microscope software to your own particular requirements or
for several different users. AxioVision stands out thanks to
the unique range of options it offers for designing custom-
ized user interfaces and functions. It is perfectly suited for
simplifying, optimizing and increasing the efficiency of your
digital microscopy using comprehensible workflows. Even
in the entry-level version the Carl Zeiss software offers you
plenty of scopes to structure your individual work environ-
ment: you can configure your own toolbars and combine
relevant elements for camera and microscope control in your
own new dialogs. Elements can be removed or added –
depending on what you require for your work process.

The Commander module allows you to record subsequent
steps of your workflow, edit and refine these steps, set para-
meters, and make all this available under a single command.
The benefits are impressive: automatic processing of typical
lab assignments and complete reproducibility of the results
in addition to fast adaptation to new requirements.

User-defined dialog for operating the

microscope and camera

Perhaps you need more functions than the wide range
AxioVision provides. In this case it is possible to increase
and extend the performance of the Carl Zeiss software and
adapt it to your needs with VBA (Visual Basic® for Appli-
cations), the programming language Carl Zeiss uses for
AxioVision functions. VBA provides a completely integrated
development environment that is familiar to programmers.
Since VBA is directly integrated into the host application, it
offers the advantages of fast internal cooperation as well
as the opportunity to develop solutions without additional
programs. The results look and act just like AxioVision. The
major advantage of this module is that the users of your
individually developed software require only a minimum of
training time.

1) Commander window for recording work steps for automatic procedures

2) User-defined toolbar with daily workflow

Materials Packages
Highly Versatile

Compact and economical: with the materials packages, AxioVision offers you complete
solutions that can be put into practice for your routine tasks in industry immediately – at
an all-inclusive price. They can be used with any microscope, are easily upgraded, and
are delivered fully preconfigured – from image acquisition to analysis, evaluation, and
software archiving.

Three packages for three different performance

The materials packages combine the strengths and perfor- Moreover, as you would expect from Carl Zeiss, it is possible
mance of important AxioVision modules, starting with the func- to upgrade these packages easily and economically to gain
tions of the basic program to modules such as AutoMeasure access to the next performance class. You can therefore be
Plus or MosaiX. Three tailored packages are available: confident that even with the compact solution you will be
able to respond flexibly to new performance requirements
• Materials Core: for routine applications at any time.
• Image Analysis upgrade: for advanced measurement tasks
• Motorization upgrade: for automatic acquisition using
motorized microscopes and stages

What the materials packages offer

Interactive Measurement

Online Measurement

AutoMeasure Plus
Image Acquisition

Image Processing
Extended Focus

Image Analysis

My AxioVision

Asset Archive
Imaging Plus


Materials Core X X X X X X X X X X X X

Image Analysis Upgrade X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Motorization Upgrade X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

AxioVision Basic program AxioVision module

Application Modules
Greater Efficiency in All Routine Tasks

Whether for particle analysis or grain size analysis – the AxioVision application modules
offer complete application solutions for industrial practice. They have been developed
to allow reproducible results to be achieved with as little interaction as possible. The
transparent system design is identical for virtually all application modules. This is realized
by using fully automated processes – making your routine tasks faster, more efficient
and more reliable.

Operating modes
The AxioVision application modules have been system- mode. Measurements are then carried out in user mode
atically developed for use in practice and are focused on – in a simple way via a transparent user interface. The ad-
two key requirements: flexibility and security. This flexibility ministrator will have defined in advance whether and to
means being able to add in-house test specifications and what extent users can change measurement parameters
new standards independently at any time – without external here. System operation is incredibly easy and was designed
assistance or additional programming. Another benefit is to allow reproducible results to be achieved with as little
the security of knowing that there is no possibility of care- interaction as possible. The performance of a measurement
less changes to settings leading to incorrect measurement can be automated to such an extent that only the project
results. The operating concept of all application modules data need to be entered – the entire analysis process runs
is therefore based on two functional areas: all key settings automatically.
for the measurement routines are defined in administrator

Particle Analyzer System
Particle Analysis with No Limits

Nowadays, guidelines and standards place numerous sectors under an obligation to

guarantee and document the cleanliness of their products in a verifiable way. For instance,
the pharmaceutical industry is subject to FDA Regulation 21 CFR Part 11 and the auto-
motive industry to the standard VDA Volume 19. These require the analysis of complete
samples and the standard-compliant acquisition of images of even the smallest particles.

Functionality measurement procedure is performed fully automatically

Analyzing residual dirt on filter membranes, examining lubri- – from image acquisition and particle detection to analy-
cants, identifying defects in die cast components, inspect- sis and report generation. For microscopy you can reliably
ing distributions of active substances in crystalline form in reproduce.
ointments, detecting, separating and measuring plaques in
microtiter plates – behind the AxioVision module Particle Integrated guidelines
Analyzer Projects stands an integrated total system for a ver- The Particle Analyzer system supports all national and inter-
satile range of applications. Tailored to industrial practice, this national key standards: e.g. ISO 4406, ISO 16232 and VDA
system impresses with its performance and ease of opera- Volume 19. The corresponding classes and class boundaries
tion. It automatically sets classes and boundaries and selects are set automatically and the relevant measurement param-
the measurement parameters. The particles can be classified eters are selected. Within the context of GxP projects as an
on the basis of various types (reflective, non-reflective, fibers, option Carl Zeiss can also supply – with AxioVision GxP*
etc.). Measurement results are presented clearly in an im- – the necessary software and documentation. A certifiable
age gallery and can be edited. It is also possible to relocate, calibration standard is also available as an option for system
further process, delete or reclassify particles – an important inspection. The analysis system is configurable and you can
function that enables you to control and correct your mea- easily add new standards to the existing system yourself
surement results at any time. The key to the system’s con- without having to wait for new software.
venience and operational reliability is the fact that, on the
basis of the motorized microscope platform, the entire * Module not available in all countries

The system variants of the Particle Analyzer based on SteREO Discovery.V12 and Axio Imager.Z2m Active substances in crystalline form in ointments

NMI System
Determining Non-metallic Inclusions in Steel

Current and new industry standards define a wide range of requirements for determining
the content of non-metallic inclusions in steel. NMI is integrated into a total system with
a practical orientation and enables you to determine the content of non-metallic inclusi-
ons – reliably and with absolute precision in accordance with established steel standards.

Functionality Results display and data management

Developed in collaboration with experienced users involved The results display in NMI sets the standard with regard
in the production and application of steel, NMI offers a to transparency and depth of information. A wide range of
powerful analysis method that allows you to respond reli- options is available for displaying the measurement values
ably to and comply with the requirements of even the latest from the results view in image and tabular form to the selec-
industry standards. With NMI you control all system com- tion of various gallery views offering all measurement and
ponents fully automatically via the software. Workflows are classification data, elimination of artifacts, etc. Reports are
automated with the help of test specifications, which can generated automatically according to the requirements of
be adapted individually. Once it has been set up, the system the selected standard and can be modified individually. All
scans the surfaces of your steel samples independently and measurement data, such as tables, images, and reports, but
analyzes them. Inclusions will be captured in full even if they also the test specifications are saved and managed in an
are larger than the field of view of your camera. Asset Archive. The archive features search and filter func-
tions ensuring that the data can be easily found and called
Supported standards up again at any time.
NMI supports the following standards in a measurement:

• EN 10247
• DIN 50602
• ASTM E45
• ISO 4967
• JIS G 0555

The system variants of NMI based on Axio Imager.Z2m and Axio Observer.Z1m Results view with gallery of largest inclusions

On the Trail of Structures

A standard-compliant and flexible solution for analyzing grain sizes in materialographic

samples – Grains offers you an easy-to-use analysis tool for determining grain sizes in
accordance with the requirements of international standards. Fully automatically or inter-
actively and with high precision and reproducibility.

Functionality Supported standards

Three measurement modes are available for analyzing grain Grains supports the following standards:
sizes: Comparison, a purely interactive method for com-
paring micrographs with comparative diagrams; the semi- • ASTM E 112
automatic intercept method; and the automatic method, • ASTM E 1382
which automatically reconstructs grain boundaries for you • DIN EN ISO 643
and determines the individual grain size. You decide which
method is appropriate with a click of your mouse depend- Additional standards for the Comparison method:
ing on the characteristics of the sample.
• ASTM – Plate I, Plate II, Plate III, Plate IV
• SEP 151061
• BS 4990

Automatic grain size analysis Resulting image for intercept method

Greater Flexibility for Phase Analyses

Multiphase analyzes the phase distribution in your samples for you. Phases are precisely
measured on the basis of parameters such as size, shape or orientation and document-
ed clearly in terms of the percentage of the area they represent, like classified particle
sizes or in the form of a comparison – quickly, precisely, and reliably.

With Multiphase you decide whether you want to determine are possible. If the standard steps prove insufficient expe-
the percentage of the area that the selected phases repre- rienced users will have the option of tailoring the image
sent or the size of the individual particles of a phase. The processing steps to meet their individual requirements. The
measurement values are then classified to provide you with results are then displayed in a clearly structured report – the
a better overview. Complete flexibility is offered thanks to standard reports supplied can be modified individually.
the free definition of parameters: individual class boundar-
ies, linear or logarithmic classification, weighting on the ba-
sis of area or number. The parameters for the measurement
can be drawn freely from the complete range of AxioVision
measurement functions and even user-defined parameters

Multiphase analysis: results view Ferrite and perlite

Layer Thickness Measurement
Precision in All Layers

Convenient and economical: Layer Thickness Measurement is a powerful tool for

determining layer thicknesses in your samples – from simple to complex layers and
from individual layers to several layers.

Layer Thickness, which can be used universally to meet your measurement chords or the distance between the meas-
specific requirements, offers you a choice of different meth- urement chords and therefore determine the accuracy of
ods for detecting the individual layers of your samples. In the the result. This forms a clearly structured report containing
first step, the layers are identified on the basis of the color sample data and measurement values, such as the maxi-
or gray value or drawn in interactively. The module then mum and minimum chord lengths, mean, and standard de-
automatically calculates the course of the measurement viation. In addition, a distribution of the chord lengths can
chords, depending on the layer gradient present. It does this also be displayed graphically. If you wish so, you can also
precisely and individually for each layer and independently use all the other statistical analyses available in AxioVision,
of the number of layers. How the measurement will be per- which is another important advantage.
formed is always your decision. You choose the number of

Description Distance [µm]

17.11 Minimum 13.24
Maximum 17.11
16.14 Mean 15.14
Chord Length [µm]

Std.Dev. 1.26
15.17 Range 3.87


1 18.5 36 53.5 71

No of Chords

Cross-section polish of a coated screw Coating with measuring chords

Comparative Diagrams
Assessing Structural Parameters

Assessing structural parameters conveniently on screen, generating comparative dia-

grams yourself – Comparative Diagrams introduces a new level of quality to the interac-
tive comparison of defined parameters and replaces the previous method involving the
use of comparative diagram charts. It is a powerful tool for metallographers, materials
scientists, and quality assurance professionals.

Comparative Diagrams, which serve as an aid for the com-
parison of samples under the microscope, are collections
of images that have been assigned certain characteristics
to – e.g. structural characteristics or good/bad preparation.
Comparative Diagrams displays the micrographs of the sam-
ples you wish to examine together with the comparative
diagrams on screen and thus makes interactive comparison
possible. The result is a table containing the comparative
diagram numbers relating to each image and a table con-
taining statistical analyses. You can also have a micrograph
displayed with an overlaid comparative diagram.

Integrated standards
It is possible to generate your own comparative diagrams
with no additional costs and no waiting time: using the wizard
User-generated: the image of the sample is flanked by two comparative diagrams
function you can adapt the comparative diagrams simply to
your own requirements. The comparative diagrams of the
following standards are included in the software package:

• EN ISO 643
• ASTM E 112
• ASTM E 1382
• BS 4990
• SEP 151061
• EN 10247
• DIN 50602

Comparative view with eight comparative diagrams

Classifying Graphite Particles

Whether you need to determine the size and shape of graphite particles in cast iron
in accordance with EN ISO 945 or the nodularity of vermicular graphite according to
SAE J 1887, with this application module you can measure graphite particles fully auto-
matically and with consistent analysis quality.

Developed for the efficient measurement of graphite
with practice in mind, the Graphite module analyzes your
samples in accordance with the applicable standards. The
graphite particles are classified automatically by shape and
size. With both methods the results are analyzed according
to the specifications of the standards, archived, and docu-
mented in appropriate test reports. The Graphite module
offers the following methods:

• Determination of shape and size according to

Cast iron with lamellar graphite EN ISO 945
• Nodularity of vermicular graphite according to
SAE J 1887

Spheroidal graphite

Vermicular graphite


Basic program
Image Acquisition Function Contents/Description
zvi, bmp, tif, jpg, j2k, jp2, gif, tga, png, psd, cmp, pct, ras, eps, wmf, mac, msp, img, czi, lsm, vgi, rek,
Image Formats: • Image Import
raw, avi, zvhi
• Image Export avi, bmp, j2k, jp2, jpg, Ism, mov, pct, pcx, png, psd, tga, tif, wmf
Camera Control: • Exposure Time Adjustment Manual adjustment, exposure time measurement, automatic mode
• Automatic Exposure Time Adjustment of exposure time in live image
• Target Value for Exposure Time Definition of the sensitivity level of the sensor during an exposure measurement
• Focus/Exposure Frame Optional measurement frame as a focus aid and for spot measurement of the exposure time
• Live Image Frame Rate Selection: fast/medium/slow for best possible display of the live image
• Resolution Selection of Microscanning resolution modes (AxioCam HR)
• Binning Increased camera sensitivity by combining the signals of adjacent pixels
• Color Adjustment Manual adjustment of the color balance
• Color Saturation Adjustment of the level of color saturation
• Frame Interactive selection of an image sensor sub frame
• White Balance Interactive or automatic adjustment of optimum neutral balance of the color channels
• 3200K Default value for white balance, optimized for halogen light source at 3200K
• Gray Value Scaling Adjustment of dynamic range (retain original, convert to 8 bit, convert to 16 bit)
• Histogram Intensity distribution histogram for all three color channels
• Black Reference Generation of correction image for long exposure times (dark current compensation)
• Shading Correction Generation of correction image to compensate for optical inhomogeneities
• Image Orientation Rotation and mirroring of image orientation for optimum image display
• B/W or Color Mode Conversion of color images into monochrome images during acquisition
• Digital Gain Adjustment of digital signal amplification
• Analog Gain Analog signal amplification prior to digitization
• NIR Mode for B/W Cameras Mode for further increased sensitivity in near IR for monochrome AxioCam cameras
• EMCCD Gain Adjustment of signal amplification for cameras with EMCCD sensor
• CCD Port Selection of amplifier port for cameras with several read-out amplifiers
• Offset Adjustment of basic brightness value
• Mode Selection of different, manufacturer-dependent special modes
• Unsharp Masking Sharpening of images immediately during acquisition
• Trigger Input Triggering of acquisition by means of TTL signal
• Trigger Output Triggering of a trigger signal, e.g. to control an external shutter

Image Processing
Annotate: • Annotation Addition of text, marking elements (arrows, scale bars, etc.)
Adjust: • Brightness/Contrast/Gamma Adjustment of brightness, contrast and gamma
• Color Balance Manual adjustment and readjustment of color rendition
• Hue/Lightness/Saturation Adjustment of hue and saturation
• Shading Correction Correction of uneven illumination
• Z-Stack Correction Correction of bleaching effects in z-stack fluorescence images
• Transfer display attributes Transfer of display settings (brightness, contrast, gamma) to other images
• Adjust display attributes Adjustment of display settings (brightness, contrast, gamma) to pre-defined values
• White Balance Change of white balance in a color image


Geometric • Shift xyz shift of images

• Rotate 90 Rotation of an image to 90°
Alignment of the individual planes of a z-stack image which for instance has been acquired using a
• Z-Stack Alignment
• OrthoView Generation of projections along orthogonal axes in 3D images
Image Smoothing: • Gauss, Sigma Image smoothing using Gauss or Sigma filter
Image Sharpening: • Enhance Contour Enhancement of image sharpness by the intensification of contours
• Unsharp Masking Intensification of image sharpness by the enhancement of contrast for small structures and edges
Utilities: • Resample Reduce/enlarge the size of an image
• Copy Image Copy an image and image information that can be selected
• Load Look-up table Load a pseudo-color table
• Export Image Export image into other formats
• Convert Pixel Format Change the pixel format of an image
• Create Image Subset Generate a subset from a multi dimensional image
• Add Channels Combine images with the same dimensions (z-stack, time lapse) into multichannel images
• Reset Indices Re-indexing of image dimensions in ascending order

Image Analysis
Interactive • Magnetic Cursor The cursor detects edges, which facilitates the process of finding them, e.g. when measuring lengths
Measurement Tools
• Scalings Scaling in geometric units
and Parameters:
• Automatic Scaling Automatic detection of pixel size
• Create/Append Table Generation/attachment of a data table based on the measurement tools drawn in
• Length, Line Definition using 2 points
Measurement of diameter, area, perimeter, length and width of the circumscribing rectangle, radius,
• Outline/Outline (Spline)
center of gravity, mean density of gray value, standard deviation of mean density of gray value
• Angle 3, Angle 4 Definition using 3 or 4 points
Measurement of diameter, area, perimeter, length and width of the circumscribing rectangle, radius,
• Circle
center of gravity, mean density of gray value, standard deviation of mean density of gray value
• Events Counting of events
• Profile Gray value profile along a line
• Evaluate Functions for the processing and statistical analysis of data tables

• Gallery Clear presentation of loaded images as thumbnails
• Info View Display of all information of the image
• Cut View Display of z-stack images in 3 orthogonal section views (x,y - x,z - y,z)
• Gallery View Clear presentation of multidimensional images
Comparison of up to 12 images, also multidimensional; generation of comparison as new image
• Splitter Display
document for presentation purposes
• Printing of Images/Data Print of images
• Reports Creation of user-definable reports

My AxioVision
• Toolbars/Dialogs/Workflows Creation of individual toolbars, dialogs, and workflows
• Shortcut Allocation of AxioVision functions to keyboard combinations
• Icons Allocation of symbols to AxioVision functions
• Microscope Allocation of AxioVision functions to up to 10 microscope softkeys


Image Acquisition modules

Z-Stack Acquisition of image series from different focus positions
• Focus Control Automatic adjustment of the minimum possible step size according to microscope type
• Z-Stack Configuration Definition of start and stop position (or center position) and interval between individual z-planes
• Nyquist Criterion Automatic calculation of the optimal z-interval
• Navigation Precise stepwise navigation through defined z-stack or to the start, stop or center position
• Experiment Saving of z-stack definitions as experiment for exact reproduction of an experimental set-up
Extraction of z-stack definitions from previously acquired images for the exact reproduction of an
• ReUse
experimental set-up

Time Lapse Flexible acquisition of image series over time

• Time Configuration Definition of interval as well as number of cycles or total time
• Exposure Time Automatic measurement of the correct exposure time for the first time point
• Image Information Acquisition time point as annotation in image
• Autosave High data security during long time lapse acquisitions thanks to Autosave function
• Image Size Acquisition of images as large as required depending on experimental conditions ( > 2 GB)
• Time Lapse Processing
- Gliding Average Calculation of average values from time lapse images
- Time Differential Calculation of first and second derivative from time lapse images
- Time Concatenate Combination of two time lapse images to form a new time lapse image
- Image Ratio Division of two time lapse images
- Time Lapse Alignment Alignment of the individual time points of a time lapse image
Stitching of heterogeneous ZVI time lapse images to generate one contiguous sequence to enable
- Time Stitching
movie creation from Smart Experiment results
• Experiment Saving of time lapse configurations as experiment for exact reproduction of an experimental set-up
Extraction of time lapse settings from previously acquired images for the exact reproduction of an
• ReUse
experimental set-up
Free combination of different types of experiments to create a Smart Experiment which can be used to
• Smart Experiments
acquire heterogeneous multidimensional images

Mark&Find Recording and relocating positions

Management of projects involving different types of slides in a database (slides, multiple specimen
• Database
holders, Petri dishes, multiwell plates)
• Mark Interactively Color assignment of sample positions in the database
• Classify Assignment of colors and allocation of names for object positions
• Select Activation/deactivation of individual positions
• Visualize Visualization of the selected points on a graphic slide, relocation by clicking on the colored marker
• Focus Position Repositioning with optional use of stored focus position
• Import/Export Import and export of position lists in a file format compatible with Microsoft® Excel
• Calibrate Calibration using a HOME Calibration slide

MosaiX Automatic scanning of large surfaces

• Execute Scanning of the entire surface of a sample (motorized stage required)
• Focus Correction Correction of the focus position in the case of uneven sample
• Stitching Correct alignment of tiles to each other
• Convert Conversion of tile images into a composite image
• Combinability MosaiX can be freely combined with all multidimensional image acquisition modules


Extended Focus Calculation of sharp images from several focus positions

Generation of an image with extended depth of focus from single images acquired from different focus
• Acquisition/Computation from z-stack
positions directly from the camera or from an acquired z-stack
• Alignment Correction of the alignment of single images during acquisition with a stereomicroscope

Autofocus Automatic focusing

Choice between autofocus with calibration and parameter options and autofocus that is always
• Methods
calibrated and does not require parameterization
Calibration by specifying the optimum focus position using the current microscope setting with
• Calibrate
motorized microscopes
Automatic calculation of the optimum focus plane at the touch of a button. Suitable for transmitted-
• Focus
light, reflected-light as well as brightfield, darkfield, and fluorescence

Panorama Formation of overview images

• Acquisition Generation from individually acquired camera images
• Import from Files Generation from images that have been saved previously
• Stitching Correct alignment of tiles to each other
• Convert Conversion of tile images into a composite image

HDR Imaging
Acquisition method for extending the available dynamic range of digital cameras
(High Dynamic Range)
• HDR Snap Generation and processing of an HDR image using pre-set parameters
• HDR Series Generation of an HDR raw data image using different exposure times
• HDR Merge Processing of an HDR raw data image to create an HDR image with offset correction
• HDR Setup Basic setting for activating HDR acquisition for all imaging techniques

Image Processing modules

Inside4D Visualization in 3D
Volume display of z-stack images with up to 8 channels with selective switching between different
• Volume Display
channels or view in merged pseudo-color mode
• Shadow Projection Creation of animations with strong sense for spatial conditions
• Transparency Rendering Presentation of transparent structures
• Surface Rendering Enhancement of individual structures
• Maximum Projection Ideal for prints and publication
Simultaneous display of surface and transparency-rendered data, simplifies display of small objects
• Mixed Mode
within the context of larger structures
Free positioning of the 3D volume in space (with free choice of angles for x, y and z; lateral position
• Spatial Interaction
and zoom factor)
• 3D Inside View Orientation within a volume
• Annotations Optional display of volume edges, color coding, and scaling of axes
Generation of animations as rendered image series with export options in popular video formats
• Animations
(AVI, QuickTime)
• Maximum Rendering Speed Acceleration of rendering methods by modern graphic boards (support of OpenGL standard)
Exposure of interesting structures by means of up to three freely movable and configurable clipping
• Clipping Planes


Imaging Plus Image Improvement, Gray Morphology, Fourier Transformation, Color Transformation
• Adjust
- Contrast Contrast enhancement using interactive/automatic histogram adaptation
- Negative Calculation of inverted image (negative)
- Gray Transformation Adjustment of gray values using transformation tables
• Geometric Transformations
- Rotate Rotation around an axis
- Mirror Mirror along horizontal or vertical axis
- Alignment Affine transformation
- Elastic Registration / Warping Alignment using a reference image
• Smoothing
- Denoising Denoising using wavelet transformation
- Lowpass Lowpass filter (gliding average)
- Median Median filter (non-linear method)
- Rank General rank operator
- Gauss Anisotropic Anisotropic Gauss filter with selectable Sigma values
• Sharpening
- Edge Enhancement Enhancement of edges
• Edges
- Sobel Edge detection using Sobel filter
- Laplace Laplace filter
- Highpass Highpass filter
- Local Variance Edge detection filter calculating the local variance of each pixel in relation to its neighborhood
• Morphology
- Gray Erode, Gray Dilate Erosion or dilation of objects
- Gray Open, Gray Close Erosion followed by dilation or dilation followed by erosion
- Tophat White Removal of bright regions
- Tophat Black Accentuation of dark regions
- Gray Gradient Morphological gradient to detect contours
- Watersheds Watersheds – algorithm for separation/reconstruction
• Arithmetics
- Add, Subtract Addition or subtraction of two images
- Add Constant Addition of a constant value
- Multiply, Divide Multiplication or division of two images
- Multiply Constant Multiplication with a constant value
- Average Average of two images
- Maximum, Minimum Maximum or minimum of two images
- Square, SquareRoot Square or square root of an image
- Logarithm, Exponential Logarithm or exponent of an image
- Combine Linear combination of two images
- Transform Fourier transformation on an image
- Spectrum Calculation of power or phase spectrum
- Filter Filtering in the frequency domain using a defined filter
- Inverse Inverse Fourier transformation


• Utilities
- Copy Region Copying of image regions
- Color Model Transformation of RGB color space into HLS color space and vice versa
- Split RGB Extractions Splitting of a RGB image into single color channels
- Combine RGB Extractions Combination of single color channels to form a color image
- User Filter Filtering of an image with user-defined filter matrix
- Generate Noise Superimposing an image with predefined noise
• Time Lapse Processing
- Gliding Average Calculation of average values from time lapse images
- Time Differential Calculation of first and second derivative from time lapse images
- Time Concatenate Combination of two time lapse images to create a new time lapse image
- Image Ratio Division of two time lapse images
- Time Lapse Alignment Alignment of the individual time points of a time lapse image
Stitching of heterogeneous ZVI time lapse images to generate one contiguous sequence to enable
- Time Stitching
movie creation from Smart Experiment results

Image Analysis modules

Interactive Measurement Expanded interactive measurement techniques
• Distance, Calipers Measurement of length
• Multiple Calipers/Distance Measurement of the length of multiple lines perpendicular to a base line
• Curve, Curve (Spline) Measurement of the drawn curve‘s length
• Aligned rectangle or free orientation Measurement of geometric and densitometric object features
• Circle (Radius), Circle (Points) Drawing of a radius to the center, clicking on contour points
• Marker x- and y-coordinates of a point
• Points, Relative Points x- and y-coordinates of one or more points with free definition of the coordinate system
• Interactive Measurement Program Wizard Guided generation of a program for interactive measurement
• Interactive Measurement Programs Loading and execution of interactive measurement programs

Online Measurement Interactive measurements in online images

• Activate Online Measurement Execution of interactive measurements in an online image
• Layer Predefined and individual grids can be displayed in the online image

AutoMeasure Creation of easy measurement programs with a measurement wizard

Creation of • Automatic Measurement Program Wizard Guided generation of a program for automatic measurement
• Image Enhancement Contrast, brightness, gamma, noise reduction (Sigma), shading correction, improvement of edges
Global or local definition by clicking or circumscribing objects, specification of thresholds using the
• Segmentation
image histogram, definition of multiple phases
• Binary Image Clean-up Deletion of artifacts, filling of holes
• Automatic Object Separation Erosion and dilation, watersheds
• Editing of the Measurement Mask Drawing of separation lines, deletion of objects, addition of objects
• Selection of Measurement Parameters Region-specific, field-specific, geometric, and annotation parameters, user-defined parameters
• Definition of Measurement Conditions Logical concatenation (and/or) of region-specific parameters, definition by simple clicking on reference
(“object filter“) objects
• Definition of a Measurement Frame Rectangle, circle, freehand
• Measurement Measurement of geometric and densitometric features for single objects or the entire image
• Documentation Marking of measured objects and display of freely selectable measurement parameters in the graphics plane
• Data Storage Saving of measurement data in a Microsoft® Excel compatible file format (CSV, XML)


Execution of • Image Acquisition Image acquisition via camera, all images of a folder, all loaded images
Activation/deactivation as well as the changing of functional parameters during execution of the
Programs • Control of Program
• Program Information List of executed functions with parameter settings

AutoMeasure Plus Segmentation, binary image processing, automatic measurement

• Segmentation
- Thresholds Interactive adjustment of thresholds with histogram support and specification of fixed values
- Region Growing Detection of associated regions (gray values within user-defined tolerance range)
- Multiphase Adjustment of thresholds for several phases of an image with histogram support
- Automatic Automatic determination of thresholds using a histogram
- Dynamic Technique for threshold detection using size information
- Valleys Detection of dark lines (valleys) in images with bright background
- Canny Edge detection considering “steepness“ of edges
- Marr Detection of edges and associated regions
• Binary Functions
- Erode, Dilate Erosion or dilation of binary objects
- Ultimate Erode Erosion of binary objects while keeping the smallest structures
- Open, Close Erosion followed by dilation or dilation followed by erosion
- Clean Up Binary Image Filling of holes, removal of artifacts
- Mark Regions Marking of regions using a mask image
- Object Separation Automatic separation of touching regions
- Binary Image Editor Interactive subsequent editing (separating, combining) of binary images
- AND, OR, XOR, NOT Bit-by-bit “logic” operations
- Distance Transformation Generation of a “distance map“, indicating the distance of each pixel to the object border
• Skeletonizing of Binary Images
- Thinning Thinning of binary objects to lines 1 pixel wide (“skeleton”)
- Skeleton Skeletonization of the image background

• Selection of Measurement Parameters Region-specific, field-specific, geometric, and annotation parameters, user-defined parameters

- Definition of Measurement Conditions Logical concatenation (and, or) of region-specific parameters, definition by simple clicking on reference
(“object filter”) objects
- Definition of a Measurement Frame Rectangle, circle, freehand
Automatic measurement of geometric and densitometric object features, drawing of measurement
- Measurement
values into the graphics plane of the image

3D Measurement Measurement of three-dimensional structures and parameters

• Interactive Measurement in 3D Space Drawing of lines, angles, markers, and curves in rendered 3D views
• Segmentation Interactive adjustment of thresholds in rendered 3D view and with specification of fixed values
• Binary Image Editor Interactive subsequent editing (separating, combining) of 3D binary images
Automatic measurement of geometric and densitometric object features, drawing of measurement
• Measurement
values in the graphics plane of the image


Particle Analyzer Projects Measurement of particles

• System solution Coordinated components: microscope, camera, PC, software
• Automatic classification Supported standards, e.g. VDA 19, ISO 16232, user-defined adjustment of standards
- Particle classification Reflective particles, non-reflective particles, fibers
• User modes
- Administrator Definition of the measurement procedure using test specifications
- User Execution of the measurement
• Data management Based on Asset Archive, selection of the data to be saved
• Results display
- Results view Display of the classification results for each standard and method
View the largest inclusions, relocate the inclusions under the microscope, remove artifacts,
- Gallery of the largest inclusions
various galleries
• Report Issue of standard-compliant reports, modification possible

NMI Determination of the content of non-metallic inclusions in rolled steel

• System solution Coordinated components: microscope, camera, PC, software
• Multiple samples Acquisition and analysis of several samples during a single measurement
• Simultaneous analysis of all supported
EN 10247, DIN 50602, ASTM E 45, JIS G 0555, ISO 4967
• User modes
- Administrator Definition of the measurement procedure using test specifications
- User Execution of the measurement
• Data management Based on Asset Archive, selection of the data to be saved
• Results display
- Results view Display of the classification results for each standard and method
View the largest inclusions, relocate the inclusions under the microscope, remove artifacts,
- Gallery of the largest inclusions
various galleries
• Report Issue of standard-compliant reports, modification possible

Grains Determination of grain size

• Measurement modes
Comparison using comparative diagrams ASTM – Plate I, Plate II, Plate III, Plate IV, SEP 151061,
- Comparison
BS 4990
- Intercept Intercept method supporting DIN EN 623, ASTM E 112, ASTM E 1382, various line patterns
Automatic reconstruction of grain boundaries supporting DIN EN 623, ASTM E 112,
- Automatic
ASTM E 1382, additional measurement parameters possible
• User modes
- Administrator Definition of the measurement procedure using test specifications
- User Execution of the measurement
• Data management Based on Asset Archive
• Report Issue of standard-compliant reports, modification possible

Multiphase Analysis of multiphase samples

Phase components as a percentage, classification of particle sizes, free choice of measurement
• Measurement
• User modes
- Administrator Definition of the measurement procedure using test specifications
- User Execution of the measurement


• Data management Based on Asset Archive

• Report Issue of reports, modification possible

Graphite Analysis of graphite particles in cast iron

• Measurement modes
- Shape and size Determination of shape and size in accordance with EN ISO 945
- SinterCast Determination of nodularity in accordance with SAE J 1887
- Lamellar Determination of the size of lamellar graphite in accordance with EN ISO 945
- Spherolyte Determination of the size of spheroidal graphite in accordance with EN ISO 945
• User modes
- Administrator Definition of the measurement procedure using test specifications
- User Execution of the measurement
• Data management Based on Asset Archive
• Report Issue of standard-compliant reports, modification possible

Comparative Diagrams Interactive comparison of comparative diagrams with micrographs

• Display Comparison with one, two, four or eight comparative diagrams
• Wizard Creation of user-defined comparative diagrams
• User modes
- Administrator Definition of the measurement procedure using test specifications
- User Execution of the measurement
• Data management Based on Asset Archive
• Report Display of images, data tables, and statistical analysis, modification possible

Layer Thickness Measurement of layer thickness

Layer detection Gray or color value segmentation or interactive detection
Measurement Individual or several layers, straight or curved layers
• User modes
- Administrator Definition of the measurement procedure using test specifications
- User Execution of the measurement
• Data management Based on Asset Archive
• Report Issue of results, modification possible

Calotte Grinding Measurement of layers in accordance with DIN V ENV 1071 (calotte grinding method)
• Drawing in of measurement circles Drawing in of measurement circles for single or multilayer
• Analysis Automatic calculation of layer thickness, display of measurement results in image, generation of report

TIC Optical height measurement with Total Interference Contrast

• TIC settings Correction of phase shift and objective aperture
• Automatic TIC measurement Measurement of fringe displacement in the interference image


Topography Height and roughness measurement in 3D topographies

• Generation of topographies
- Calculation from stereo image pairs Calculation of the topographic image from a stereoscopic image pair
- Calculation from z-stack images Generation of the topographic image from a z-stack by means of surface recognition
- Composition from texture image
Generation of the topographic image from a texture image and a specified height map
and height map
• Topographic views
- Texture Display of the structure of the detected surface
- Height image Display of the height map in gray value or pseudo-color coding
3D display of the topography in gray value or pseudo-color coding, texture projection, grid or
- 3D projections
surface projection
- Anaglyph Display of the topography as a stereogram that can be viewed using anaglyph glasses
• Measurements
- Profile measurement Measurement and display of height profiles of lines, polygons, and curves
- Roughness measurement in accordance
Calculation of roughness statistics from primary, roughness, and waviness profiles
with EN ISO 4287
- Cut-off wavelength Setting of the cut-off wavelength for measuring roughness and waviness
- Flood height Setting of a flood height for displaying regions of equal height
• Generation of views Each topographic view can be saved as an image
• Generation of measurement value lists
- Height profiles Height profiles can be saved as a graph or a data list
- Roughness statistics The roughness statistics of the drawn-in profile lines can be saved as a data list

Documentation and Configuration modules

Asset Archive Archiving of images, measurement data, and reports
• Structured Archiving of Assets Allocation of assets to projects, contacts, and categories
• Search Keyword search and freely definable search queries on the basis of field content
• Value Lists Data entry using adaptable value lists
• Local Management of Archives Single-user system, storage location for the database may be selected

Commander Recording/execution of steps

• Record, Save Recording of work steps and saving of scripts
• Start Automatic execution of recorded scripts
• Edit Subsequent editing of scripts

VBA Integrated development environment

• Visual Basic Editor VBA environment with full access to AxioVision functionalities

Region-specific Measurement Parameters

Region-specific parameters
• Geometric parameters
Interactive Measurement
Materials Packages


3D Measure

X X X AcpX, AcpY x- and y-coordinates of the first object point of a region

X AcpZ z-coordinate of the first object point of a 3D region
X X X X Area Area of the region in scaled and unscaled units
X X Area convex, Area filled Area of the convex shell of the region and of the filled region
X Area to area sum Area of the region in relation to the total area of all regions
X Area to Frame area Area of the region in relation to the area of the measurement frame
X Surface, SurfaceFilled Surface content of the 3D region and of the filled 3D region
X Volume Volume of the 3D region in scaled and unscaled units
X Volume filled Volume of the filled 3D region
X Volume to volume sum Volume of the 3D region in relation to the total volume of all 3D regions
X Volume to Frame Volume Volume of the 3D region in relation to the volume of the measurement frame
X X Count of inner parts Number of holes and regions within holes
X X X X X CenterX, CenterY x- and y-coordinates of the geometric center of gravity of the region
X CenterZ z-coordinate of the geometric center of gravity of the 3D region
Length of the main axis and the secondary axis of the ellipse with the same geometric moment
X X X Ellipse major, Ellipse minor
of inertia as the region/3D region
Length of the middle axis of the ellipse with the same geometric moment of inertia as the
X Ellipse Semi-Medial Axis
3D region
X X X Ellipse angle Angle of the main axis of the ellipse with the same moment of inertia
X X X X Perimeter Perimeter of the region
X X Perimeter convex Perimeter of the convex shell of the region
X X Perimeter filled Perimeter of the filled region
X X Perimeter Crofton, Perimeter Crofton filled Perimeter of the region and perimeter of the filled region according to Crofton
X X Perimeter X, Perimeter Y x- and y-projection of the perimeter
X X Perimeter XF, Perimeter YF x- and y-projection of the perimeter of the filled region
X X Perimeter XY, Perimeter XYF Diagonal projection of the perimeter and the perimeter of the filled region
Bound left, Bound top, Bound right, Bound
X X X X x- and y-coordinates of the bounding box/the bounding cuboid of a 3D region
X Bound front, Bound back z-coordinates of the bounding cuboid of a 3D region
X X X X X Bound width, Bound height Width and height of the bounding box/the bounding cuboid of a 3D region
X Bound depth Depth of the bounding cuboid of a 3D region
X X Area Frame Area of the measurement frame in scaled and unscaled units
X Volume Frame Volume of the measurement frame in scaled and unscaled units
X X X X Feret minimum, Feret maximum Minimum and maximum feret of the region

Region-specific and Field-specific Measurement Parameters

Region-specific parameters
• Geometric parameters
Interactive Measurement
Materials Packages


3D Measure

X X Feret Min. Angle, Feret Max. Angle Angle of the minimum and the maximum feret of the region
X Feret Min. Azimut, Feret Max. Azimut Horizontal orientation of the minimum and the maximum feret of the 3D region
X Feret Min. Elevation, Feret Max. Elevation Vertical orientation of the minimum and the maximum feret of the 3D region
X X X X Feret Ratio Ratio of the ferets (Feret Min/Feret Max)
X X X X X Diameter, Radius Diameter, radius of the circle with equivalent area/sphere with equivalent volume
X X X X Form circle, Form sphere Circular shape factor of the region/spherical shape factor of the 3D region
X X Fibre length Length of a fiber-like thin region
X X X Index/ID Explicit characteristic of the region, of the squares
X X X X Distance, Length Distance between 2 points, length of a line
X X Distances Mean Mean distance of multiple distances
X X X X Angle Measurement Angle in degrees

• Densitometric parameters
X X X X Mean Densitometric mean value of the region (gray and color values)
X X X X X Standard Deviation Standard deviation of the densitometric values of the region (gray and color values)
X X X Minimum, Maximum Minimum and maximum densitometric value (gray and color values)
X X X Sum Sum of the densitometric values of the region
X X Sum Square Sum of the squares (gray and color values)

Field-specific parameters
• Geometric parameters
X Area sum Area of all regions in scaled and unscaled units
X Area sum filled Area of all filled regions
X Area percent Percentage area of all regions in the measurement frame
X X Number of regions Number of the measured regions
X Perimeter sum Sum of all region perimeters
X Surface sum Surface content of all 3D regions
X Volume sum Volume of all 3D regions in scaled and unscaled units
X Volume sum filled Volume of all filled 3D regions
X Volume percent Percentage volume of all 3D regions in the measurement cuboid

Field-specific and Image-specific Measurement Parameters

Field-specific parameters
• Densitometric parameters
Interactive Measurement
Materials Packages


3D Measure

X X Mean Densitometric mean value of all regions (gray and color values)
X X Standard Deviation Densitometric value standard deviation in all regions (gray and color values)
X X Minimum, Maximum Minimum and maximum densitometric value in all regions (gray and color values)

Further parameters
X X X X Count Number of objects clicked on
X X Marker x- and y-coordinates of an object
X X X Gray/Color Value Profiles Gray value/color value along a profile line
X X User Parameter Parameter that can be defined by the user

Image-specific parameters
X X X X X Name Name of the image
X X X X X Acquisition Time Time point at which the image was acquired
X X X X X Exposure Time Exposure time of the image
X X X X X Focus Position Focus position of the image
X X X X X Microscope Magnification Microscope magnification set during image acquisition
X X X X X Date Saved Date on which the acquired image was saved
X X X X X Stage Position X, Y x- and y-stage position at which the image was acquired
X X X X Channel Name Name of the channel for multichannel images
X X X X Phase Name/Index Phase name/index for multiphase images
X X X X Index/ID Channel Index/ID of the channel of the multichannel image
X X X X Index/ID z-plane Z-index/ID for z-stack images
X X X X Index/ID Time Time index/ID for time lapse images

Statistical parameters
Minimum, Maximum, Mean, Count, Sum, Standard Deviation, Range, Sum of squares, Variance, 25-Quartile, 50-Quartile (Median), 75-Quartile, 10-Percentile, 90-Percentile,
1-Percentile, 99-Percentile, Kurtosis, Skewness

07745 Jena, Germany
Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH
Information subject to change.
Printed on environmentally friendly paper
bleached without cholorine.
60-3-0019/e – printed 08.10

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