ICSE Class 10 Geography 2004
ICSE Class 10 Geography 2004
ICSE Class 10 Geography 2004
General Instructions
To be supplied with this Paper: Survey of India Map Sheet No. 45 D/7 and 20 cm of
Attempt all questions from this Section.
Question 1
Study the extract of the Survey of India Map sheet No. 45 D/7 and answer the
following questions:
i. ✁ 592
ii. The temple where the Annual Fair is held in the month of February. [2]
(c) Calculate the distance in kilometres along the cart track between Velavas
(868895 ) and Ranol ( 883888 ).[2]
(d) (i) What does 7r in grid square 8689 indicate?
(ii) State the main source of irrigation at Dhariawada (Fatepura).[2]
(e) What type of rainfall is experienced in the region shown in the map extract?
Justify your answer giving one reason.[2]
(f) Name and explain the term used for the brown lines in the map extract.[2]
(g) Name any two types of vegetation found in the map extract. Give a four figure
grid reference for each.[2]
(h) (i) What is the main relief feature seen in grid square 9284?
(ii) Which prominent feature can be seen in the river bed, grid reference 9380?[2]
(j) What inference can be drawn about the general occupation of the people of the
region shown in the western half of the map extract? Give one reason to justify your
Answer any two question from this Section.
Question 2
On the outline map of Asia provided to you:
(c) Mark with a bold line and label the Kunlun mountains.[1]
(e) Shade and print Tropical Evergreen Forests over one region where these forests
cover an extensive area.[1]
Question 3
On the outline map of the Indian sub-continent provided to you:
(b) Shade and name one region for each of the following:
Question 4
(a) Along which meridian of India is the Indian Standard Time calculated? If the
Indian Cricket team is playing at Lords (England) at 9.30 a.m., what time will it be in
India? [2]
(b) State two differences between tropical cyclones and temperate cyclones. [2]
(c) Name one state in India which has a large area of Tropical Deciduous forests.
Name two kinds of trees found in the above mentioned forests. [2]
(d) State two differences between Khaddar and Bhangar soils. [2]
(e) [4]
Months J F; M A M J J A S O N D
16. 19. 26. 29. 33. 33. 31. 20. 20. 14.
re In 29 27
8 2 6 8 3 9 3 1 1 9
A degree C
Rainfall In 10. 13.
0.5 0.6 0.3 0.3 1.0 3.1 5.7 0.8 0.3 0.2
cms. 8 1
24. 25. 27. 30. 32. 30. 29. 25. 24.
re In 33 31 28
5 7 7 4 5 2 8 9 7
B degree C
Rainfall In 11. 11. 30. 35.
4.6 1.3 1.3 1.8 3.8 4.5 8.7 1
cms. 3 9 6 0
Answer any three question from this Section.
Question 5
(a) Name the months when the Kharif and Rabi crops are:
i. Sown and
ii. Harvested. [2]
(b) Name three coarse grains grown in India. Why are they so called? [2]
(c) State the temperature and soil requirements that favour the cultivation of rice. [2]
i. Ginning
ii. Transplantation
iii. Broadcasting
iv. Rationing.
Question 6
(a) With the help of an example each, differentiate between Basic and Consumer
Industries. [2]
(b) State two main uses of heavy chemicals. In which two industries are fine
chemicals mainly used? [2]
(c) The 'Khadi and Handloom Sectors of the Textile Industry cannot be ignored.'
Give two reasons justifying this statement. [2]
(d) Why are the Iron and Steel Industries concentrated in the Damodar valley
region? [2]
(e) With reference to the Cement Industry in India, answer the following questions.
Question 7
(a) State the importance of the tobacco crop to Indian economy. Which particular
element is lost in a large quantity from the soil during the cultivation of these crops?
(b) What is meant by mixed farming? State one advantage of this type of farming?
(c) Why is tea considered a labour intensive crop? Name two States in India where
tea is widely grown. [2]
(e) [4]
i. Name the State which is the largest producer of castor seed. State one
important use of each of its oil and oil cake.
ii. State one medicinal use each of the following.
(1) Neem; (2) Brahmi.
Question 8
(a) Give two reasons why wells are more popular in the northern part of the country.
(c) State any two features of the Bhakra Nagal Project. Which man-made lake is
associated with this project? [2]
(d) State two main objectives of the Forakka Barrage.
(e) With reference to the Hirakund Project, answer the following questions. [4]
Question 9
(a) How does Hydel power score over the other conventional sources of power. [2]
(b) State two objectives of the National Thermal power corporation. [2]
(c) Name four main atomic energy plants in India. Mention the states where each is
(d) What is Geo-thermal energy? State one disadvantage of this source. [2]
(e) With reference to power resources in India, answer the following: [4]