CE 200L Report 1 - Fall 23

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California State University

Long Beach

Civil Engineering Department

Materials for Civil Engineering


CE 200L
Short-Form Lab Report

Report No: 1

Report Title: ACI Method of PCC Mix Design

Submitted By:
(This report is due one per stu-
Date Due: Feb 21st, 2023 Date Submitted:
Distribution of the 8 Points Total Score for the Report
Item Criterion Max Points Earned Points
1 Use of laboratory equipment N/A -
2 Data collection, compilation, reduction, and interpretation N/A -
3 Technical presentation — tables, graphs, sketches, etc. N/A -
4 Reducing data, calculations, and results 8

Please upload your completed report to Canvas.

CE 200L

Report No 1

ACI Method of PCC Mix Design


Using the American Concrete Institute ( ACI) method of portland cement concrete ( PCC) mix de-
sign to proportion a PCC mix for the following conditions

Requirements Set, and Data Provided, by the Structural Engineer

Design Parameter Specification
Type of construction or structure Reinforced concrete Wall
Construction or structure member minimum dimension 12 in
Minimum space between form and reinforcing steel bar 2 in
Exposure to moisture Yes, in air
Exposure to severe cycles of freezing and thawing Yes, in air
Use of high-frequency vibrators for PCC compaction Yes
Unconfined compressive 28-day strength (ƒ'c) 3,800 psi

Data Provided by Material Testing Laboratory

Ingredient Property Laboratory Test Result
PC Specific gravity (SG) 3.15
CA Type and/or source Natural
Shape Well-shaped and chunky
Specific gravity (SG) 2.90
Dry-rodded unit weight 105 pcf
Saturated surface dry (SSD) moisture content 3.0 %
Field moisture content 2.0 %
Free moisture content in the field (–1.0 %)
FA Type and/or source Washed sand of natural silica
Fineness modulus (FM) 2.9
Specific gravity (SG) 2.80
Saturated surface dry (SSD) moisture content 3.5 %
Field moisture content 4 %
Free moisture content in the field 0.5 %

Constants, Equalities, and/or Assumptions

1 gal of water weighs 8.33 lb 1 cu ft of water weighs 62.40 lb Air is weightless
1 sack (1 cu ft — bulk volume) of PC weighs 94 lb 1 cu yd = 27 cu ft

– 1/3 –
American Concrete Institute (ACI) Method of
Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) Mix Design
Item No Item to be Looked Up or Computed Result of Look Up or Computation

1 Slump of the PCC from Table 1 inch

2 Maximum size of CA from Table 2 inch

3 W/ requirement from Tables 4 and 5 gallon per sack


4 Air content from Table 3 %

5 Free mix water requirement from Table 3 gallon per cu yd

6 PC content (Divide Item 5 by Item 3) sack per cu yd

7 CA quantity from Table 6 cu yd per cu yd

No 8 9
Item Volume/cu yd of PCC
Weight/cu yd of PCC
(to the nearest hundredth of a cu ft)
(to the nearest hundredth of a lb)
PCC (Air spaces among aggregate particles excluded)
Constituent Weight Calculations Wt. (lb) Volume Calculations Vol. (ft3)

a Air

b Water

c PC

d CA

(solid) (dry) (solid)

e FA

(solid) (dry) (subtotal) (solid)

– 2/3 –
Item 10: Weights of materials, to the nearest lb, required for one cu yd of PCC, based upon actual field moisture
conditions of the aggregates
Constituent Weight Computation Weight (lb)

a PC

b CA

c FA

d Water

1. Before proceeding to Item 8, ascertain that your answers are correct for Items 1 through 7.
Even a small careless mistake in looking up the items in the tables will lead to significant er-
rors in items 8, 9, and 10.

2. Please note that in order to batch the most economic mix, in our mix design, we aim to
choose the minimum permissible slump and the largest permissible size of Coarse Aggre-
gate (CA).

3. You must round-off computed figures for Items 1 through 9 to the nearest hundredth,
and for Item 10 weights to the nearest lb.

– 3/3 –

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