Veas 1994
Veas 1994
Veas 1994
of its merits. The common factor of this kind of rectifier is
the method used in controlling the dc voltage, which is kept
close to a reference by using the error signal between that C
V L R I i I. I^
Fig. 4. Equivalent diagram. Fig. 6 . I-c versus i z for different 0 angles ( S I R = 5).
the voltage Vmod modulated by the rectifier, is produced by in the d-q frame as follows:
an unique PWM pattem, which is shifted with respect to the
mains voltage V, to change the power angle 0 and hence the U, . i l = w modd . i d + w mod, .i,. (1)
amount of power flow transferred from the ac to the dc side.
When the power angle is negative (V mod lags V), the power On the other hand, at the ac side, the phasor diagram es-
flow goes from the ac to the dc side. When the power angle tablishes operating conditions between the mains and Vmod
is positive, then the power flows in the opposite direction. (the modulated voltage) as shown in Fig. 5.
The main idea is to control this power angle through the dc This phasor diagram can also be expressed in the d-q frame
load current. One important thing that must be mentioned here as
is that this rectifier establishes a stable dc voltage operation
for each dc current and power angle. With this characteristic,
it is possible to find a relation between the dc current and
the input power angle, to have zero dc voltage regulation for
all load conditions. Then, without the need of measuring the
dc voltage and with only one PWM pattem, the dc voltage
can be kept constant. This situation may include both rectifier
operation and inverter operation. As was already mentioned,
a simpler control version can be implemented by making the The rectifier works with a fixed PWM pattem, which means
power angle proportional to the dc current. This last version that there exists a linear relation between the amplitude of the
has been called "linear control." modulated voltage Vmod and the dc voltage Vc:
60” I =U
- 0.25 - 0.15
- aoo---- - - - -- --
0 = arctg (w modd/w mod,). (8)
Equation (7) can be plotted to show how V c is affected by
the load current 22, keeping the power angle 0 constant. Fig.
6 shows V c versus 22 curves, for different 0 angles.
d \
One important characteristic of the PWM rectifiers is that LOCUS OF Vmod FOR
they can operate at leading power factor. In other words, they LAGGING
can generate reactive power. The amount of reactive power is CURRENT
__-cos ’ p = l
given by Q = 3 . V . I . sin 4. This equation, transformed to
the d-q frame, can be written as LEADING
Q J 3 . V . Id. (1 1)
When Id < 0, the converter absorbs reactive power. To avoid OPERATION
that, it would be required to have IV mod I greater than IVI; -- - - _--- ._
otherwise, the converter will work at lagging power factor
under inverter operation. This is because when 22 becomes
@OF< i 2 = 0 vAdd)--- OPERATION
- _--.
- 0.4Vc0
V ~ = V , ~ ( C O S ( 12
- -)R . ( TIz
+ - X- s m y F) -
R ) - I2
I o X 0 0 - 0.2vc0 V
[ 1 + (X)']
lo= R
I I 1 1
I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I l l I I I I I I ~
-0.5 ,I 0 0.5 lo
-I0 IO
Kc can be chosen by taking the tangent to the curve of Fig. 7
[cf. (lo)] at the origin. This ensures adequate regulation near
the origin for both rectifier and inverter operation. With this V mod, = - J3(V mod I cos 0 . (19)
These two differential equations, (16) and (17), represent the
K C = ( R 2 X 2 ) / ( 3 KV
. . V .X ) . (13) ac side of the rectifier. The differential equation for the dc
side of the converter is
By replacing (12) and (13) into (7), we get
C . dvc/dt = i l - 12 (20)
Vc =(V/Kv)[cos{(R/X)c~}
where il represents the output rectifier dc current, and 22
( X / R )sin { ( R / X ) a }- a] (14) is the forcing function. i2 is also the load dc current. Input
and output equations are related through the power balance
where equation given in (1). Replacing (18) and (19) into (1) and
= 22 . R . [I + ( X / R ) 2 ] / ( 3 K. V~) . because of (6), 21 can be evaluated in terms of id and 2,
CY (15)
9 *SO"
- 8 -6 - 4 - 2 180
2 4 6 8 10 12
---40" -8 -6 - 4 - 2 DC LOAD CURRENT i 2 [AI
T -50"
Fig. 15. Regulation for linear control.
Fig. 14. 0 - i a characteristic using linear control.
c . dv,/dt = Kd . id + K 4 . i, -iz.
Equations (22), (23), and (26) can be written in the form:
Z= [A].z+B (27)
-RIL w -Kd/L
-W -RIL -Kq/L
under inverter operation, the load dc voltage increases. This
characteristic can be improved choosing a better value of Kc.
Fig. 16 shows (a) a simulation and (b) an experiment for a
Applying Routh's criterion ( a j > 0 for j = 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 and step response from 0 to 6 amp dc. Input voltages and currents
ala2 - aOa3 > 0), it is found that the system is stable if are displayed for both cases. The dc voltage was adjusted to
and only if R > 0 and L > 0. These two conditions are 220 V for i 2 = 0, and the ac voltage to 65 V rms (90 V peak).
automatically satisfied because L is necessary for commutation Fig. 17 shows similar results for a power reversal from
and R is always positive. The analysis also shows, unlike rectifier to inverter operation, with the same values of voltages.
other control methods, that the stability of this rectifier is The dc current changes from 5 to -6 amps dc. It can be
independent of the size of the dc capacitor. observed that the converter has a very fast dynamic response,
reaching steady-state during the first cycle.
A 2-kW 120-250-V dc prototype was implemented and IX. CONCLUSIONS
tested to verify the analyses. The PWM pattem has a carrier A 2-kW PWM voltage source rectifier, controlled by the
frequency of 15 times the fundamental with a modulation load dc current instead of the dc voltage, has been developed
index m = 1. Some of the simulations and experimental and implemented. The rectifier has shown very fast dynamic
results are displayed in the figures cited below. response and stability characteristics which are independent of
Fig. 14 shows the 0 - i 2 curve obtained experimentally to the size of the dc capacitor. The simplifications introduced in
get "zero regulation" with the prototype implemented. It can this method of control with respect to the more conventional
be observed that this curve has a discontinuity in the origin "direct current control" are: a) no need of input current sensors;
due to the change of the value of "R" when the converter b) no need of output voltage sensor; c) an unchangeable and
changes from inverter to rectifier operation and vice versa. unique PWM pattem; and d) power angle directly controlled
Fig. 15 shows the regulation characteristic of the prototype through the dc current load. Other interesting characteristics
when linear control is used. K c from (13) was chosen to take of this rectifier are: 1) zero regulation operation; 2) very
the value of "R" under rectifier operation. As "R" changes simple control blocks; and 3) leading power factor operation
optimized pulse pattern with PROMC,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol.
IA-23, pp. 1001-1009, Nov./Dec. 1987.
[6] J. W. Dixon, A. B. Kulkami, M. Nishimoto, and B. T. Ooi, “Character-
istics of a controlled-current PWM rectifier-inverter link,” IEEE Trans.
Ind. Appl., vol. IA-23, pp. 1022-1028, Nov./Dec. 1987.
[7] J. W. Dixon and B. T. Ooi, “Dynamically stabilized current controlled
SPWM boost type three-phase rectifier,” in IEEE-IAS Annual Meet.,
Oct. 1988.
[8] -, “Indirect current control of a unity power factor simusoidal current
boost type three-phase rectifier,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. IE-35,
pp. 508-515, NOV. 1988.
[9] -, “Series and parallel operation of hysteresis current controlled
PWM rectifiers,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 25, pp. 644-65 1, July/Aug.
[IO] J. W. Dixon and D. R. Veas, “Stability analysis and performance
characteristics of an open loop PWM var compensator,” in Proc. IEEE-
IAS Annu. Meet., Seattle, WA, Oct. 1990, pp. 108&1091.
Boon-Teck Ooi (S’69-M’71-SM’85) was bom in
[I] H. S. Patel and R. G. Hoft, “Generalized techniques of harmonic Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He received the B.Eng
elimination,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. IA-9, pp. 31CL313, 1973. (degree from the University of Adelaide, Australia;
[2] T. Kato, “Precise P W M waveform analysis of inverter for selected the S.M. degree from the Massachusetts Institute
harmonic elimination,” in Proc. IEEE-IAS Annual Meer., Oct. 1986, of Technology, Cambndge; and the Ph.D. degree
pp. 611-616. from McGill University, Montreal, PQ, Canada, all
[3] M. Boost and P. D. Ziogas, “State-of-the-art PWM techniques: A critical in electrical engineenng.
evaluation,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 24, pp. 271-280, Mar./Apr. He is currently a Professor in the Department
1988. of Electncal Engineenng, McGill University. His
[4] B. T. Ooi, J. C. Salmon, J. W. Dixon, and A. B. Kulkami, “A three- research interests are in the areas of linear motors,
phase controlled current PWM converter with leading power factor,” repulsive magnetic levitation for high-speed ground
IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. IA-23, pp. 77-84, Jan./Feb. 1987. transportation, HVDC, static var controllers, power electronics, and subsyn-
[5] H. Kohlmeier, 0. Niermeyer, and D. Schroder, “High dynamic four chronous resonance instability in turbogenerators.
quadrant ac motor drive with improved power factor and on-line Dr. 001 is a Registered Engineer in the Province of Quebec.