Analisis SWOT
Analisis SWOT
Analisis SWOT
Supporting Lecturer :
Budi Eko Pranoto, S.S., M.Hum.
The price of Aqua products is determined by a price policy called the wholesaler
price policy. These include geographical price quotation and price adjusted to
buyers position.
The distribution channel is too long, where the products from Aqua are distributed
to distributors, then distributed to retailers and finally reach the hands of
In withdrawing employees, Aqua still uses the spoil system because the company
was originally a family company.
The population that continues to increase significantly is a very big opportunity.
An increase in population means an increase in the number of people who need
drinking water. So, consumer demand for the resulting product can increase. So the
company can increase its sales production.
Aqua products are intended for all circles. Starting from children, adults, to the
elderly. Starting from officials to the people can. Starting from the rich, middle or
poor. This can be said because water is needed by all humans.
Many remote areas have difficulty getting clean water, especially for drinking.
Aqua uses all media to promote her advertisements. Such as through simple
brochures, sports events, TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, and the internet.
The rapid development of technology encourages the progress of the business
world. Companies that have advantages in terms of technology can certainly
support the state of the resulting production, starting from the effectiveness and
efficiency of the production process that can be produced.
There are fake products on the market that use the Aqua label.
The emergence of various brands of mineral water in new bottles.
Nowadays, many refill drinking water depots have sprung up in densely populated
areas where the prices offered are much cheaper than Aqua.
There is an increase in raw materials for packaging, such as plastic for labels and
materials for making gallons.
The government gives regulations to every AMDK company not to exploit water at
Expensive advertising costs.
The unstable exchange rate of the rupiah against foreign currencies.