Nanoparticles As Antibacterial Agent
Nanoparticles As Antibacterial Agent
Nanoparticles As Antibacterial Agent
Microbial Pathogenesis
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Keywords: In recent year, propagation and resistance of pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, fungi and virals) to common
Nanoparticles antimicrobial agents has led to serious health and food problems. Today, nanotechnology science and nano-
Reactive oxygen species particles (NPs) have been identified as a new approach to deal with this problem because of their inherent
Antimicrobial activity antimicrobial activity. Several studies have reported that, NPs (metal and metal oxide) are considered as a group
Pathogenic microorganisms
of materials that can be studied due to their antimicrobial properties. In this review, we investigated recent
Cell toxicity
studies regarding the antimicrobial activity of NPs with their mechanism of action. Many research has proved
that particle size is a significant factor which indicates the antimicrobial effectiveness of NPs. The use of NPs as
antimicrobial component especially in the food additives and medical application can be one of the new and
considerable strategies for overcoming pathogenic microorganisms. Nevertheless, more studies must be con-
ducted to minimize the possible toxicity of NPs in order to use as suitable alternatives for disinfectants and
antibacterial agents in food applications.
Corresponding author. Department of Food Sciences and Technology, Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Golgasht
Ave, Attar-Neishaboori St., Tabriz, Iran.
E-mail address: (A. Ehsani).
Received 26 February 2018; Received in revised form 15 July 2018; Accepted 6 August 2018
Available online 07 August 2018
0882-4010/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Khezerlou et al. Microbial Pathogenesis 123 (2018) 505–526
Fig. 1. Mechanisms of antimicrobial activity of NPs against pathogens (B). NPs and their ions (e.g., titanium, silver and zinc) generate free radicals, and lead to
induction of oxidative stress (i.e.,ROS) (A). The generated ROS can damage and destroy the cellular components of the pathogens irreversibly, (e.g., membrane, DNA,
protein and mitochondria), resulting in cell death.
nevertheless, there are few safety concerns regarding NPs. According to 2. Antimicrobial properties of selected types of NPs
reports, respiratory and neurological damage, circulatory problems and
toxic effects of NPs are the main concerns in using NPs [14–16]. Indeed, 2.1. Titanium dioxide NPs (TiO2)
several types of NPs are considered non-toxic and some of them are
provided non-toxic with beneficial health effects [17]. Using NPs due to Antimicrobial activity of TiO2 NPs is attributed to its crystal struc-
their antimicrobial activities for overcoming spoilage and pathogenic ture, size and shape (Fig. 3) [18]. Oxidative stress caused by ROS is
microorganisms can be considered as one of these valuable health ap- particularly the mechanism proposed for TiO2 NPs. As a result, ROS
proaches. cause site specific DNA damage Figs. 1 and 2, [19,20]. Resting stages,
particularly bacterial endospores, fungal spores and protozoan cysts,
A. Khezerlou et al. Microbial Pathogenesis 123 (2018) 505–526
Fig. 3. Physicochemical properties of the NPs involved in biological activity: size, shape, surface area, chemical composition, surface chemistry, and interactions
between NPs and proteins or receptors that lead to the agglomeration and aggregation in the cell membrane.
A. Khezerlou et al. Microbial Pathogenesis 123 (2018) 505–526
light (Abamor et al., 2016). Incorporation of TiO2 NPs with nontoxic They evaluated the antibacterial activity of ZnO NPs according to
polymers is a new another approach to overcome the toxicity problems concentration and particle size reduction. They indicated that the an-
of TiO2 NPs. tibacterial activity of ZnO NPs increases with reducing particle size and
increment concentration; however, ZnO bulk showed no significant
2.2. Zinc oxide NPs (ZnO) antibacterial activity [47]. Few studies have proven that preparation of
metal ion doped NPs could improve the antimicrobial properties of NPs
The safety of ZnO and its compatibility within human skin make it a [32,48,49]. Akbar et al. (2014) evaluated the antibacterial effects of
proper additive for food application and surfaces that come in contact ZnO NPs that were prepared using hydrothermal synthesis against S.
with the human body and food products (Ravindranadh et al., 2013; typhimurium and S. aureus. They demonstrated that the ZnO NPs loaded
Hajipour et al., 2012). Indeed, ZnO NPs show antibacterial effects on film effectively inhibited the growth of foodborne pathogens bacteria
Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria as well as spores which are [50]. Sun et al. (2014) synthesized titanium-doped ZnO powders from
resistant to high temperature and high pressure (Li et al., 2013). The different zinc salts. Results displayed that titanium doped ZnO powders
efficient antibacterial activity of ZnO NPs compared to micro-particles had antibacterial activity against E. coli and S. aureus. The authors
is related to nanoparticle's surface area enhancement [2,33,34]. Ya- claimed that the antibacterial properties of titanium-doped ZnO pow-
mamoto et al. (2001) investigated influence of concentration and par- ders are related to crystallinity and particle size reduction Fig. 2 [48].
ticle size on the antibacterial activity of ZnO NPs against S. aureus and Furthermore, ZnO NPs exhibit high photocatalytic characteristics which
E. coli. Based on his results, it was observed that the antibacterial ac- improve their antimicrobial properties and produce ROS under UV light
tivity of ZnO increased with reducing particle size and increasing as well [20,51]. An increasing antimicrobial effects of ZnO NPs was
powder concentration [35]. Padmavathy et al. (2008) evaluated the shown by Azam et al. (2012) against the following microorganisms, in
antibacterial effects of ZnO NPs with various particle sizes. The results the order of sensitivity: A. niger < C. albicans < P. aeruginosa
indicated that the bactericidal efficacy of ZnO NPs increases by decline (G−) < E. coli (G−) < S. aureus (G+) < B. subtilis (G+) [36]. The
in particle size [34]. antimicrobial activity of ZnO NPs have been proven against C. albicans.
Azam et al. (2012) illustrated the comparative antimicrobial activity ZnO was added into edible food linings which were used in packaging
of ZnO, CuO, and Fe2O3 NPs against Gram-negative (E. coli and P. to avoid spoilage and to maintain the color, its mechanical capability,
aeruginosa) and Gram-positive (S. aureus and B. subtilis) bacteria. constancy and food safety [52]. Moreover, ZnO represented antifungal
According to results, the highest Antibacterial activity was reported for activity against Pythium spp [53]. Antifungal activities of ZnO NPs and
ZnO NPs while Fe2O3 NPs exhibited the least bactericidal effect [36]. their mode of action against two postharvest pathogenic fungi (Botrytis
In particular, ZnO decreases bacteria viability; however, the main cinerea and P. expansum) were investigated. These results suggest that
and accurate mechanism of its antibacterial activity has not been well ZnO NPs could be used as an effective fungicide in agricultural and food
understood. One proposed possibility is the generation of hydrogen safety applications [44]. Another study, promising particle size de-
peroxide (H2O2) as the main factor of antibacterial activity. According pendent antibacterial and antifungal activities of the ZnO NPs have
to results, another mechanism mentioned for the antibacterial effect of been observed [54]. Thessicar et al. (2012) provided new insights into
ZnO NPs is the accumulation of particles on the bacteria surface due to the anti-HSV-2 effects of ZnO and rationalize their development as a
electrostatic forces [37]. In addition, ROS generation on the surface of HSV-2 trapping agent for the prevention and/or treatment of infection.
particles, zinc ion release, membrane dysfunction, and NPs inter- The observed results also demonstrate that blocking HSV-2 attachment
nalization could also be considered as possible reasons for cell damage can have prophylactic as well as therapeutic applications [55].
[38]. Moreover, in the case of few metal NPs such as Ag and Zn, in-
terruption of transmembrane electron transportation has been stated 2.3. Silver NPs (Ag/Ag2O)
[39–41]. Espitia et al. (2013) studied antimicrobial activity ZnO NPs
against foodborne pathogens and spoilage microorganisms. Based on According to evidences, Ag NPs are considered as the most common
their results, ZnO NPs had no considerable antimicrobial activity inorganic NPs used as antimicrobial agents [56]. The antimicrobial
against P. aeruginosa, L plantarum, and L. monocytogenes. However, it application of Ag additives is widely benefitted in various plastic and
showed significant antimicrobial activity against E. coli, S. choleraesuis, biopolymer products, textiles and coating-based materials [57]. Ag NPs
S. aureus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and A. niger [42]. Xie et al. (2011) also possess a wide range of biomedical applications [1]. It has been
investigated the antibacterial activity of ZnO NPs against C. jejuni. They revealed that, Ag NPs show high antimicrobial activities compared to
suggested that the antibacterial mechanism of ZnO NPs can be attrib- their ionic form [58]. It has also been indicated that Ag NPs are po-
uted to the disruption of cell membrane and oxidative stress in C. jejuni. tential antimicrobial agents against wide range bacteria [31]. Ac-
Results showed that ZnO NPs lead to morphological changes and cording to researches, the antibacterial action of Ag NPs is resulted
membrane leakage, and increase oxidative stress gene expression in C. from damage of the outer membrane bacteria [59]. Many literature
jejuni [33]. Interestingly, Ag NPs show antibacterial activities even in revealed that Ag NPs can induce pits and gaps in the bacterial mem-
ultra-low concentrations [20]; nevertheless, the antibacterial activity of brane and eventually fragment the cell [60,61]. Additionally, Ag ions
ZnO NPs is depended on concentration and surface area. Thus ZnO NPs interact with disulfide or sulfhydryl groups of enzymes that lead to the
display better antibacterial activity in higher concentrations and larger disruption of metabolic processes and finally, cell death [57]. Shahverdi
surface area [4]. In another study, Liu et al. (2009) and He et al. (2011) et al. (2007) studied the effect of size reduction on the antimicrobial
indicated the effects of changing the concentration of ZnO NPs on the properties of Ag NPs. They used Ag NPs to control S. aureus and E. coli
inhibition of E. coli O157:H7 (bacteria) and Botrytis cinerea and P. ex- [62]. Jo et al. (2009) tested the efficacy of Ag NPs on different types of
pansum (fungi). The antibacterial activity increase as the concentration pathogens such as foodborne fungi which rarely produce spore. Ac-
of ZnO NP increased [43,44]. Similarly, Jin et al. (2008) illustrated that cording to their results, Ag NPs (20–30 nm) penetrate and colonize
increasing the concentration of ZnO NPs inhibited the growth of better within the plant tissue. They proposed that, Ag NPs were effec-
foodborne pathogenic bacteria including; L. monocytogenes, S. En- tive in controlling spore-producing fungal plant pathogens. They also
teritidis, and E. coli O157:H7 [45]. Hossein-khani et al. (2011) evaluated offered that Ag NPs may be less toxic than synthetic fungicides [58]. In
the antibacterial effects of ZnO nanoparticle against Shigella dysenteriae. another study, Mie and et al. (2014) evaluated the antibacterial activity
According to their results, a significant reduce in bacteria count was of synthesized Ag NPs against eight micro-organisms using the disk
observed as a result of particles size reduction [46]. Emami-Karvani diffusion method. The results showed that Ag NPs had potential anti-
et al. (2011) studied the antimicrobial characteristics of ZnO NPs bacterial activity against gram-negative bacteria. Thus, the authors
against Gram-positive (S. aureus) and Gram-negative (E. coli) bacteria. suggested that synthesized Ag NPs could be applied in difference
A. Khezerlou et al. Microbial Pathogenesis 123 (2018) 505–526
industries including food, pharmaceutical and biomedical [63]. Choi Considering all above-mentioned arguments, further research should be
et al. (2008) illustrated the inhibitory effects of silver NPs against E. coli conducted in order to develop Ag compounds and composites with at
PHL628-gfp [64]. In another study, the comparative was done between least toxicity and maximum antimicrobial activity.
bactericidal activity of Ag, ZnO, and Au NPs on S. mutans. The results
demonstrated that Ag NPs exhibit several effects in controlling S. mu- 2.4. Copper NPs (Cu/CuO)
tans. Therefore, the authors suggested that Ag NPs can be used in dental
caries since they are commonly caused by S. mutans [65]. Emamifar Cu NPs due to their unique biological, chemical and physical
et al. (2011) indicated effect of nanocomposite packaging containing Ag properties, antimicrobial activities as well as inexpensiveness are of
and ZnO on inhibition of L. plantarum in orange juice [66]. Birla et al. great interest to scientists [80–82]. Yoon et al. (2007) examined sus-
(2009) evaluated the antibacterial effect of Ag NPs against foodborne ceptibility constants of B. subtilis and E. coli to Ag and Cu NPs. They
bacteria namely E. coli, P. aeruginosa and S. aureus by disc diffusion proved that reaction of Cu NPs with B. subtilis illustrated the highest
method [67]. Zarei et al. (2014) investigated the antibacterial effect of susceptibility whereas the reaction of Ag NPs with E. coli displayed the
Ag NPs against four foodborne spoilage and pathogenic bacteria such as lowest one [83]. Usman et al. (2013) evaluated the antimicrobial ac-
S. typhimurium, L. monocytogenes, V. parahaemolyticus and E. coli. Ac- tivities of Cu-chitosan NPs. In their studies they assessed the anti-
cording to the results, Ag NPs had significant antibacterial effects on the bacterial and antifungal activities of NPs on several microorganisms,
mentioned bacteria. They concluded that Ag NPs can be a suitable al- including B. subtilis, P. aeruginosa, methicillin-resistant S. aureus, S.
ternative for cleaning and disinfecting equipment and surfaces in food- choleraesuis, and C. albicans. Additionally, they introduced these NPs as
related environments [68]. antimicrobial agents [81]. Nevertheless, Cu NPs act at high con-
Researchers have also been studied the shape-dependent properties centrations as a prooxidant, and rapid oxidation of Cu NPs limit their
of NPs. Pal et al. (2007) assessed the shape dependent antibacterial application [81,84]. Ren et al. (2009) investigated the antibacterial
activities of Ag NPs (spherical, rod-shaped and truncated triangular). properties of CuO NPs against S. aureus EMRSA-16 (epidemic methi-
The findings showed that, truncated triangular NPs had higher anti- cillin-resistant S. aureus), EMRSA-15, methicillin-resistant S. aureus
microbial activity because of their high-atom-density surfaces [11]. In (MRSA) 252, S. aureus ‘Golden’ and S. aureus Oxford (NCTC 6571); S.
another study, Bera et al. (2014) evaluated the size and shape-depen- epidermidis SE-51 and SE-4; E. coli NCTC 9001; P. aeruginosa PAOI, and
dent antimicrobial activity of Ag NPs against P. aeruginosa (Gram ne- Proteus spp. Results revealed that CuO NPs incorporated into polymers
gative bacteria) and S. epidermidis and B. megaterium (Gram positive suggest release of ions might be required for optimum bactericidal [85].
bacteria). They confirmed that the shape and size of these particles are Mahapatra et al. (2008) examined the antibacterial activity of CuO NPs
controlled by their activity. These results displayed that, the smaller against S. paratyphi, P. aeruginosa, Klebsiell apneumoniae, and Shigella
particles were able to easily penetrate the cell wall and enhance anti- strains. According to their results, these NPs showed efficient anti-
microbial activity. The authors offered that Ag NPs can be used for bacterial activity against these bacteria. The authors suggested that
different purposes such as bio adhesives, clinical therapy, biofilms, crossing NPs through the bacteria cell membrane and then damaging
coating materials and food packaging [12]. Rajeshkumar et al. (2014) the vital enzymes of bacteria were the critical factors that triggered cell
showed the antibacterial effect of Ag NPs against B. subtilis, K. planti- death. They also demonstrated that these NPs were not cytotoxic on
cola, K. pneumoniae, S. nematodiphila, and E. coli by disc diffusion HeLa cell line [84]. Bogdanovic et al. (2014) investigated the anti-
method [69]. Bahrami studied on Ag-Au alloy NPs for evaluating their microbial activity of Cu small NPs (∼5 nm) with narrow size distribu-
antimicrobial properties against S. aureus. The antibacterial activity of tion against microorganisms of public concern (E. coli, S. aureus and C.
Ag-Au alloy NPs intensified when combined with penicillin G and pi- albicans). Based on their results, Cu NPs exhibited significant anti-
peracillin [70]. Ag2O NPs have also been mentioned for their significant microbial activities toward different kinds of microorganisms (E. coli, S.
antimicrobial activity [31]. It is believed that, metal oxide NPs may be aureus, and C. albicans) [86]. Azam et al. (2012) showed the size-de-
considered as a new alternative for most antibacterial agents [31,71]. pendent antibacterial activity of CuO NPs. They evaluated the anti-
Sondi and Salopek (2004) illustrated the antimicrobial efficacy of Ag2O bacterial activities of CuO NPs against Gram-positive bacteria (S. aureus
NPs against E. coli. They indicated that when E. coli is exposed to these and B. subtilis) and Gram-negative bacteria (P. aeruginosa and E. coli).
NPs, DNA loses its replication ability and the cell cycle is halted at the Based on their results, CuO NPs exhibited inhibitory effects against both
G2/M phase resulting in DNA damage. Eventually, the cells are affected groups of bacteria. The authors concluded that the bactericidal activity
by apoptosis and oxidative stress, occurs [72]. Besides, Ag has been of CuO NPs depends on their size, stability, and concentration along
reported to be less toxic than most disinfectants. Jones and Hoek (2010) with growth medium. The authors also proved that, NPs restrict bac-
reviewed the antibacterial mechanisms of the Ag NPs and potential terial growth via passing through nanometeric pores present on the
implications in human health and environment [73]. cellular membranes of most bacteria [36,87]. Ahamed et al. (2014)
Ag NPs have been used to determine antiviral activity against HIV-1 showed that CuO NPs had significant antimicrobial activity against
at non-cytotoxic concentrations [74]. Based on their results, Ag NPs various bacterial (E. coli, Shigella flexneri, P. aeruginosa, Klebsiella
revealed clear anti-HIV activity at an early stage of viral replication, pneumonia, S. typhimurium Enterococcus faecalis, Proteus vulgaris, and S.
and was considered as a virucidal or an inhibitor of viral entry agent. aureus). Among these pathogens, K. pneumonia exhibited almost re-
The author suggested that, it is possible that, Ag NPs prevent fusion, sistant to these NPs while E. coli and E. faecalis showed highest sensi-
infectivity and CD4-dependent virion binding, and act as an effective tivity to CuO NPs [82]. In another study, Ramyadevi et al. (2012) tested
virucidal agent against both cell-associated virus and cell-free virus. the antimicrobial activity of Cu NPs against S. aureus, Micrococcus lu-
Furthermore, Ag NPs prevent post-entry stages of the HIV-1 life cycle. It teus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, E. coli, and P. aeruginosa, fungus like A.
can be concluded that these characteristics made them a wide-spectrum flavus, A. niger and C. albicans. The Cu NPs revealed more inhibitory
antiviral agent that could be used preventively against variety of viral activity in bacteria compared with the fungus and it also exhibited more
strains. Pinto et al. (2009) investigated inhibition of Herpes Simplex zone of inhibition in E. coli than C. albicans [88].
Virus Type 1 infection by Ag NPs capped with mercaptoethane sulfo-
nate. Ag NPs compete with virus for binding to cellular heparan sulfate 2.5. Gold NPs (Au)
through their sulfonate end groups. This results led to inhibition of viral
entry into the cell and prevent of subsequent infection [75]. These NPs Au NPs are considered to be valuable in the development of anti-
have no toxic effects on the host cells. Several other studies have also bacterial agents because of their nontoxicity, polyvalent effects, high
reported the antiviral activity of Ag NPs against the hepatitis B virus, ability to functionalization, ease of detection and photo thermal activ-
HIV 1, respiratory syncytial virus, and monkey-pox virus [76–79]. ities [89–92]. Although generation of ROS is the main cause of cellular
A. Khezerlou et al. Microbial Pathogenesis 123 (2018) 505–526
death for most antibacterial agents and NPs; however, antimicrobial bacteria. Based on their results, these NPs decreased about 90–95% of S.
activity of Au NPs is not induced by ROS-related processes [93]. typhi and E. coli colonies. The authors stated that, the main factors that
Giancivincenzo et al. (2010) evaluated Au NPs capped with amphiphilic influenced the bactericidal properties were roughness and dispersion of
sulfate-ended ligands as anti-HIV agents. Their results showed that, the Au NPs on the medium [89]. It seems that Au NPs are safer on mam-
Au NPs coated with multiple copies of an amphiphilic sulfate-ended malian cells than other NPs because of ROS-independent mechanisms.
ligand inhibit the HIV infection at nanomolar concentrations in vitro. Furthermore, the high ability of these NPs for functionalizing make
Nanoparticle with multiple ligands creates a many local binding mo- them ideal nanomaterials for applying as targeted antimicrobial agents.
lecules which can help the targeted biological interaction. The authors
suggested that the multivalent Au NPs can be considered as a novel anti 2.6. Silica NPs (SiO2)
HIV agent for targeting the fusion/adsorption process of the virus in-
fection [13]. Sametband et al. (2011) investigated effective inhibition The antimicrobial activity of SiO2 is more significant at nano-scale
of influenza virus by anionic Au NPs. Their results showed that, the due to surface area enhancement [100]. Cousins et al. (2007) revealed
anionic Au NPs have effective inhibition properties against several in- that Si NPs inhibit bacteria adherence to oral biofilms [101]. The
fluenza strains. The initial mechanism of inhibition Au NPs usually combination usage of Si NPs with other biocidal NPs such as Ag have
attributed to the blocking of viral attachment to cell surface. The var- been extensively investigated in the recent years. Kim et al. (2006) were
iation in the degree of inhibition with the anionic groups demonstrated examined the antibacterial properties of the Cu/SiO2 nanocomposite by
that the charge density and the functional groups play an important role disk diffusion methods. For antibacterial test, S. aureus, E. coli, E.
in the antiviral activity of the NPs [94]. The small size of the Au NPs cloacae, C. albicans, and P. citrinum were selected as indicators. Results
enables them to penetrate into the cell through the endosome vesicle demonstrated that the antibacterial activities of Cu-SiO2 nanocomposite
and possibly interfere with the fusion step as well [95]. Many studies were clearly detected against Gram-negative, Gram positive bacteria,
indicated low or no Au NPs cytotoxicity, and their toxicity if present is and fungi due to Cu NPs of Cu-SiO2 nanocomposite were well formed on
related to the size, shape and nanoparticle's surface charge [96]. The the surface of SiO2 nanoparticle without aggregation of the Cu NPs and
NPs contain Au core and mercaptoethanesulfonate molecules have had large surface area [102]. Similarly, Kim et al. (2007) were eval-
bonded to its surface through the thiol group showed no cytotoxicity uated the antibacterial properties of the Ag/SiO2 nanocomposite by
and inhibited various influenza virus strains. Cui et al. (2012) in- disk diffusion methods against S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, E. coli, E. cloacae,
vestigated that the antibacterial activity of Au NPs is attributable to 1) C. albicans, A. niger and P. citrinum And achieved similar results [103].
attachment of these NPs to the bacteria membrane followed by mem- Egger et al. (2009) assessed the antimicrobial activity of novel Ag-Si
brane potential modification and ATP level decrease 2) inhibition of nanocomposite. Their results revealed better antimicrobial function of
binding tRNA to ribosome [93]. Tiwari et al. (2011) tested the anti- nanocomposite against a wide range of microorganisms compared to
bacterial and antifungal activities of Au NPs functionalized with 5- conventional materials, such as silver nitrate and silver zeolite [57]. In
fluorouracil against M. luteus, S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, E. coli, A. fumi- another study, Mukha et al. investigated synthesized Ag/SiO2 and Au/
gatus, and A. niger. The authors reported that these NPs are efficient on SiO2 nanostructures and their antimicrobial activity. Results indicated
Gram negative bacteria than Gram positive ones because of their easier that Ag/SiO2 nanocomposites improved antimicrobial properties
internalization into Gram negative bacteria. Additionally, they proved against E. coli, S. aurous, and C. albicans while Au/SiO2 nanocomposites
that these NPs indicate antifungal activity against A. fumigatus and A. did not show any antibacterial activity against the tested microorgan-
niger [90]. Zawrah et al. (2011) illustrated antimicrobial activities of isms. The authors claimed that these nanocomposites could be used for
drugs (fluconazole and ciprofloxacin) coated with Au NPs. Results water disinfection and food and pharmaceutical application [104]. In
showed that, antimicrobial activities of Au NPs had been increased with another study, Xu et al. (2009) were tested the antibacterial effects of
increasing volume. According to results, Best antifungal activity ob- Ag-SiO2 core-shell particles against E. coli and S. aureus by the usual
served on using fluconazole coated with Au NPs against A. niger, C. serial dilution method for determine minimal inhibitory concentration
albicans and A. flavus. Minimum inhibitory concentration test (MIC) (MIC) and minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC). According to
revealed synergistic effect of Au NPs with ciprofloxacin. Best results results, the NPs showed considerable antibacterial effects [105]. Sev-
were demonstrated against both Gram negative (S. Typhimurium, E. coli eral studies showed that Si nanowires could interface with living cells
O157:H7 and P. aeruginosa) and Gram positive (L. monocytogenes, B. and bacteria interrupting cell functions such as cell differentiation,
cereus and finally S. aureus) [97]. Zhou et al. (2012) evaluated the adhesion and spreading. Li et al. (2004) revealed the antibacterial ef-
antibacterial activities of Au and Ag NPs against E. coli and B. Calmette- fects of Ag NPs Si nanowires. Their results indicated high antibacterial
Guerin (BCG). They asserted that, Au and Ag NPs exhibit significant activity for these nanostructures. They also showed that, these nanos-
antibacterial activity against both Gram negative (E. coli) and Gram tructures are biocompatible with human cell namely lung adenocarci-
positive bacteria (BCG). They also functionalized Au NPs with strong noma epithelial cell [9,106]. Fellahi et al. (2013) assessed the anti-
bound capping (poly-allylamine hydrochloride) and weak bound cap- bacterial activity of Si nanowire substrates decorated with Ag or Cu
ping agents (citrate). Poly-allylamine hydrochloride is able to directly NPs. According to author's results, the NPs revealed strong antibacterial
contact with bacteria cell membrane because of its positively charged activity against E. coli. Ag decorated with Si nanowires was found to be
nature [91]. In addition, Au NPs functionalized by strong bound cap- biocompatible with human cell while Cu decorated with Si nanowires
ping agents can self-assemble into 4–5 μm long chains [98]. Zhou et al. show high cytotoxicity [10]. All of these studies signify that the de-
(2012) explained that the two mentioned processes facilitate the de- velopment of Si compounds and composites especially their nano-
livery of a large number of Au NPs on the bacteria cell wall. In contrast, composites together with NPs such as Ag show good potential on the
extra-accumulation of weak bound capping agents such as citrate de- development of antimicrobial agents. In addition, the non-toxicity
crease surface area and reduce interactions with NPs. Accordingly, Au properties of Si NPs introduce them as antimicrobial agents in food and
nanoparticle with the same shape and size but different capping agent biomedical applications.
display different antimicrobial activities [73]. Jayaseelan et al. (2013)
proved antifungal activity of green synthesized of Au NPs using seed 2.7. Magnesium oxide NPs (MgO) and calcium oxide NPs (CaO)
aqueous extract of Abelmoschus esculentus against Puccinia graminis tritci,
A. flavus, A. niger and C. albicans using standard well diffusion method. Due to the alkalinity and active oxygen species of CaO and MgO,
The authors suggested that the synthesized Au NPs can be act as an they provide strong antibacterial activity. It has been proved that the
effective antifungal agent [99]. In another study, Lima et al. in- antibacterial mechanism of CaO and MgO NPs attributed to the gen-
vestigated the antimicrobial effect of Au NPs against S. typhi and E. coli eration of superoxide on the surface of these particles, and also increase
A. Khezerlou et al. Microbial Pathogenesis 123 (2018) 505–526
Fig. 4. Schematic comparison of NPs-induced general toxicity via active internalization mechanisms, and endocytosis-free NPs.
“NPs enter cells by energy-dependent processes, and rapidly confine in vesicular structures, endosomes, and lysosomes. Acidic lysosomal pH, triggers a lysosome-
enhanced Trojan horse effect (LETH effect) that combines the abundant cellular internalization of the NPs via active processes which consequently enhances the
release of relatively toxic ions (e.g., Ag, Au ions). Significant amounts of intracellularly leaked ions may then exert ion-specific toxicity (e.g., enzyme depletion/
inactivation, protein denaturation, etc.) against particular cellular targets (e.g., mitochondria, RER) and/or lysosomal damage/dysfunction. Finally, it results in ROS
level increase, apoptosis, DNA and membrane damage”.
in pH value via the hydration of CaO and MgO [107]. According to negative (E. coli) and Gram-positive (S. aureus) bacteria. Results ex-
results, MgO NPs damage the cell membrane and then cause the leakage hibited more antibacterial action against S. aureus compared to E. coli.
of intracellular contents which in turn lead to bacterial cell death [108]. Based on the authors results, the antibacterial effect of CaO and MgO
Hewitt et al. (2001) indicated that MgO initiates the sensitivity changes was because of the generation of superoxide on their surface and also
of E. coli induced by active oxygen [109]. Nevertheless, Leung et al. increase in pH value due to CaO and MgO hydration [107].
(2014) described that strong antibacterial activity of MgO NPs can be Vidic et al. (2013) investigated the antimicrobial activity of mixed
observed in the absence of ROS production. They declared that the nanostructures of ZnO-MgO. They also compared the antimicrobial
mechanism of antimicrobial activity may be due to cell membrane activity of ZnO-MgO NPs with pure ZnO and MgO NPs. Based on their
damage [110]. In fact, MgO NPs initiate bactericidal activity against findings, ZnO nanocrystals illustrated high antimicrobial activity
both Gram-positive and Gram negative bacteria [111]. Sawai et al. against both Gram-negative (E. coli) and Gram-positive (B. subtilis)
(2000) evaluated the antibacterial activity of MgO against E. coli and S. bacteria. MgO NPs exhibited moderate activity and ZnO-MgO NPs re-
aureus. They stated that the presence of active oxygen, such as super- vealed high antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteria.
oxide, on the surface of MgO NPs is one of the main factors that affects Microscopic analysis displayed that B. subtilis cells were damaged after
antibacterial activity [112]. Jin et al. (2011) also investigated the an- contact with ZnO-MgO NPs. They suggested that nanostructured ZnO-
tibacterial activities of MgO NPs alone or in combination with other MgO can be used as a safe and new therapeutic agent for overcome
antimicrobials (nisin and ZnO NPs) against E. coli and S. Stanley. MgO bacterial [111]. Results indicate that, MgO and CaO NPs alone or in
NPs demonstrated strong bactericidal activity against these pathogens combination with other antibacterial agents show great antibacterial
According to their results, the antibacterial activity of MgO NPs im- activities. These NPs also are inexpensive, available materials and
proved as MgO concentrations increased. The authors showed that MgO biocompatible. Thus they are considered as promising antibacterial
NPs alone or in combination with niacin could be used as an effective agents [110]. Researchers suggest that, these materials can be utilized
antibacterial agent for enhancing food safety [108]. Yamamoto et al. in environmental preservation as well as in medical treatments and
(2010) examined the antimicrobial efficiency of CaCO3 NPs. According food processing [113].
to results, CaCO3 was converted to CaO due to heat treatment. CaO NPs
displayed bactericidal activity against E. coli, S. typhimurium, S. aureus
and B. subtilis [107]. Yamamoto et al. (2010) evaluated the anti- 2.8. Aluminum oxide NPs (Al2O3)
bacterial activity of CaCO3/MgO nanocomposites against Gram-
Aluminum oxide NPs is used for different applications in industrial
A. Khezerlou et al. Microbial Pathogenesis 123 (2018) 505–526
and personal care products. The antimicrobial effects of aluminum NPs phenomenon of bacterial cell adhesion onto the NPs usually attributed
have been evaluated on E. coli [114]. Aluminum NPs exhibited a to the electrostatic interaction between bacteria cell and nanoparticle
moderate growth-inhibitory effects against tested bacteria, only at very surface, along with hydrophobic interactions and polymer cross-link.
high concentrations. The antimicrobial effects of aluminum NPs are The antimicrobial properties of NPs are related to the generation of
usually attributed to surface charge interactions between the NPs and reactive oxygen species (ROS) which leads to disruption of cell wall and
cells membrane and wall and also penetration inside the bacterial cells. membrane and subsequently cell death [117]. Versus, Al NPs may act as
However, it is believed that the free-radical scavenging properties of the free radical scavengers. NPs can rescue cells from oxidative stress-in-
NPs might have prevented intense antimicrobial action and cell wall duced cell death so that appears to be dependent on the structure of the
disruption [114]. nanoparticle and independent of its size [118]. Ansari et al. (2013)
Aluminum NPs has a corundum-like structure. It is thermo- investigated the antibacterial activity of Al NPs against methicillin-re-
dynamically stable over a wide range of temperature [115]. The Al NPs sistant coagulase negative S. aureus by serial dilution method and de-
at close-neutral pH carry a positive charge on its surface. The electro- termination of MIC. They presented that a novel Al NPs are effective
static interaction between the negatively charged microorganisms bactericidal agents regardless of the drug resistance mechanisms that is
namely E. coli cells and the NPs leads to the adhesion of Al NPs on the important to these bacteria as a pathogen [119]. Recently, the anti-
bacterial surfaces [116]. Increasing the concentration of NPs in the microbial activity of Al NPs to microalgae has been examined by Sadiq
suspension increased the reaction and adhesion levels. The et al. (2011) [120]. They evaluated micron and nano sized Al NPs
A. Khezerlou et al. Microbial Pathogenesis 123 (2018) 505–526
Table 1
NPs as antimicrobial agent, properties and their mechanisms of action.
NPs (NPs) The main factors for The proposed antimicrobial mechanism for NPs Important properties as antimicrobial agent Reference
antimicrobial activity
TiO2 NPs Crystal structure, shape No toxicity in dark condition; Oxidative stress via the Suitable photocatalytic properties; high stability; effective [170]
and size. generation of ROS; lipid peroxidation that lead to enhance antifungal for fluconazole resistant strains. [171]
membrane fluidity and disrupt the cell; Toxic only under UV [172]
illumination and killed approximately all bacteria. [173]
Photoactivation of TiO2 promotes bactericidal effect [174]
peroxidation of the polyunsaturated phospholipid of [175]
membrane; loss of respiratory activity [176]
ZnO NPs Particle size and ROS generation on the surface of the particles; zinc ion Photocatalytic activity; high stability; bactericidal effects on [177]
concentration. release; membrane dysfunction and NPs internalization into both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria; antibacterial [178]
cell; Electrostatic interaction, morphological changes in the activity against spores which are resistant to high [179]
presence of ZnO NPs, increase in membrane permeability temperature and high pressure. [180]
and NPs accumulation in the cytoplasm
Ag NPs Particle size, Induction of pits and cavity in the bacterial cell membrane; High antimicrobial activity against both bacteria and drug- [181]
concentration and shape interact with disulfide or sulfhydryl groups of enzymes and resistant bacteria, antifungal activity on spore- producing [182]
of particles. disruption of metabolic processes. Ion release; DNA loses its fungal plant pathogens, high stability, nontoxicity [65]
replication ability and the cell cycle halts at the G2/M phase
owing to the DNA damage (in the case of Ag2O). Disturbs
permeability, respiration, and cell division, interacts with
cell membrane and sulfur- and phosphorus- containing
compounds, Ag NPs-ampicillin leads to cell wall lysis,
penetration of Ag NPs, and prevents DNA unwinding
CuO NPs Particle size and Crossing of NPs from the bacteria cell membrane and then Effective against gram positive and gram-negative bacteria; [85]
concentration. damaging the vital enzymes of bacteria. high stability; antifungal activity. killing bacteria [183]
Au NPs Roughness and particle Attachment of these NPs to membrane which change the Nontoxicity, not inducing any ROS-related process; high [184]
size. membrane potential and then cause the decrease the ATP ability to functionalization, polyvalent effects; ease of [185]
level; and inhibition of tRNA binding to the ribosome detection; photothermal activity.
SiO2 NPs Particle size and shape. Influencing the cell functions such as cell differentiation, Non-toxicity; stability. [102]
adhesion and spreading. [186]
MgO/CaO Particle size, pH and Damaging the cell membrane and then causing the leakage Effective against both grampositive and gram-negative [187]
NPs concentration. of intracellular contents and death of the bacterial cells. bacteria; high stability; low cost; availability. [111]
Al2O3 NPs Particle size and bacterial attachment (electrostatic interaction); Damage to Toxicity of NPs is from their higher tendency to attach to the [189]
concentration. the bacterial cell wall and increase the permeability cell walls [190]
Clay NPs Shape and concentration Electrostatic interaction, adsorption, and penetration of NPs The most effective against gram positive [136]
of particles. and toxicity [193]
against Scenedesmus sp. and Chlorella sp. According to their results, Al According to their results, nano-hybrids of Ag/clay NPs significantly
NPs exhibited a growth inhibitory effect against both the species and a inhibited the growth of pathogenic bacteria tested including methi-
considerable reduce in the chlorophyll content was also observed in the cillin-resistant S. aureus and E. coli, and Ag/clay NPs showed a stronger
cells treated with NPs. The authors were suggested that an interaction biocidal effect than Ag NPs. Antimicrobial effects are usually attributed
of the NPs with the cell surface can be as the possible mechanism for the to encapsulated bacteria and triggers death signals from the cell
toxicity Al NPs against microalgae's. membrane. These observations suggest that the high electrostatic affi-
nity of clay NPs onto the bacterial surface and facilitate Ag/clay NPs-
cell interaction, causing local membrane damage, finally, cell death
2.9. Clay NPs
[132]. Paulraj Kanmani et al. (2014) evaluated the antimicrobial
properties active nanocomposite films containing gelatin, Ag NPs and
Clay NPs known as layered mineral silicates. These NPs are orga-
nanoclay against E. coli and L. monocytogenes pathogenic bacteria using
nized into several classes such as montmorillonite, halloysite, kaolinite,
agar well diffusion and colony count methods. Based on their results,
bentonite and hectorite, depending on chemical composition and na-
the Ag NPs showed high antimicrobial activity against both bacteria,
noparticle morphology [121–124]. A new group of clay NPs called
but the clay NPs illustrated antimicrobial activity only against to Gram
Organically-modified nanoclays. Organoclays are an attractive class of
positive (L. monocytogenes) bacteria [133]. This property is usually re-
hybrid organic-inorganic NPs that are used for various purposes in
lated to the strong antimicrobial activity of alkyl quaternary ammo-
polymer nanocomposites such as rheological modifiers, gas absorbents,
nium salt group in the organoclay NPs [134]. Gram-positive bacteria
antimicrobial agent and drug delivery carriers [124–128]. Plate-like
have complex structure which is composed of a three-dimensional thick
montmorillonite (MMT) is the most common nanoclay used in nano-
peptidoglycan layer consisting of linear polysaccharide chains cross
materials applications. Montmorillonite depending on surface mod-
linked by peptides, which makes it difficult for Ag NPs to penetrate onto
ification of the clay layers, could be dispersed in a polymer matrix to
Gram-positive bacteria cell [135]. In contrast, Gram-negative bacteria
form nanocomposite [129,130].
are coated by thin peptidoglycan layer and negatively charged outer
Costa et al. (2011) investigated the antimicrobial activity of Ag/
membrane which facilitates the easy penetration of the nanoparticle
MMT NPs to increasing the shelf life of fresh fruit salad. Results showed
into the surface and inside the cell [135]. Bagchi et al. (2013) examined
that Ag/MMT NPs inhibited the growth of spoilage microorganisms
the antibacterial activity of Cu NPs loaded natural MMT clay based on
(mesophilic and psychrotrophic bacteria, coliforms, lactic acid bacteria,
contact inhibition and ion release. The authors reported that, significant
yeasts and molds) [131]. Su et al. (2011) synthesized a new nano-hy-
antimicrobial activity was observed on E. coli, S. aureus, P. aeruginosa
brids of Ag NPs on Clay platelets for inhibiting Ag-resistant bacteria.
A. Khezerlou et al. Microbial Pathogenesis 123 (2018) 505–526
Table 2
Classification antimicrobial activity of NPs.
Properties of NPs Mechanism of action NPs Target microorganism Reference
Antibacterial Interaction with cell membrane and phosphorus moieties in DNA, resulting in Ag NPs E. coli, [195]
inactivation of DNA replication. Generation of ROS, Reacts with sulfur-containing B. subtilis, [196]
proteins, leading to the inhibition of enzyme functions S. aureus, [197]
Methicillin-resistant coagulase-negative [198]
Staphylococci, [199]
Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium, [72]
ESBL-positive K. pneumonia, [200]
S. typhi, [201]
Vibrio cholera
Au NPs Methicillin-resistant S. aureus, [202]
Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium, [203]
E. coli, [204]
P. aeruginosa [205]
TiO2 NPs E. coli 0157:H7, [206]
S. aureus, [207]
L. monocytogenes [174]
S. enteritidis [172]
P. fluorescens, [208]
ZnO NPs E. coli 0157:H7, [189]
B. subtilis, [43]
P. fluorescens, [45]
L. monocytogenes, [210]
S. enteritidis, [211]
S. aureus,
S. typhimurium
CuO NPs B. subtilis [85]
L. monocytogenes [212]
S. aureus [117]
E. coli
MgO NPs B. subtilis, [213]
E. coli [214]
S. aureus [188]
B. megaterium [110]
CaO NPs S. aureus [215]
S. epidermidis [216]
E. coli [217]
S. mutans
Al2O3 NPs E. coli [116]
P. aeruginosa, [218]
S. aureus [219]
B. subtilis
K. aerogenes
P. desmolyticum
SiO2 NPs E. coli [220]
S. mutans [221]
B. subtilis
Clay NPs E. coli [136]
Enterococcus faecalis [222]
S. aureus,
P. aeruginosa
(continued on next page)
A. Khezerlou et al. Microbial Pathogenesis 123 (2018) 505–526
Table 2 (continued)
A. Khezerlou et al. Microbial Pathogenesis 123 (2018) 505–526
Table 2 (continued)
Antiparasite Inhibition of promastigotes proliferation and metabolic activity, Ionic NPs released, TiO2 NPs Leishmania tropica [256]
Inactivation oocysts, Interaction of NPs with the surface of parasites, NPs impair the Leishmania infantum [31]
structure of lipophosphoglycan and glycoprotein molecules that are found on the Leishmania major [257]
surface of parasites and which are responsible for the infection and disturb DNA. Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus [258]
Generated ROS form NPs and inhibition of parasite infection with oxidative stress, Haemaphysalis bispinosa [259]
coordination effects, and non-homeostasis effects. NPs can diffuse into the cell Anopheles stephensi, [260]
directly through the pores present in cell membrane due to their small size, or they Aedes aegypti [261]
get entry through ion channels and transporter proteins present on the plasma Culex quinquefasciatus [262]
membrane. NPs may enter into cells via endocytosis. Leishmania donovani [263]
Ag NPs Leishmania tropica [264]
Leishmania infantum [265]
Entamoeba histolytica [266]
Cryptosporidium parvum [267]
Giardia lamblia, [268]
Fasciola [269]
Plasmodium, [270]
Toxoplasma gondii [271]
Leishmania major [272]
Plasmodium falciparum (malaria parasite) [273]
larvae of malaria vector, [274]
Anopheles subpictus Grassi, filariasis vector Culex [275]
quinquefasciatus Say (Diptera: Culicidae), [276]
Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus Canestrini [277]
(Acari: Ixodidae) [278]
Haemaphysalis bispinosa [279]
Hippobosca maculata [280]
CuO NPs Entamoeba histolytica [268]
Cryptosporidium parvum [281]
Plasmodium [282]
Au NPs Giardia lamblia, [283]
Plasmodium, [284]
Toxoplasma, [285]
Leishmania donovani [286]
Leishmania major [287]
Cryptosporidium parvum [267]
Hydatid cyst protoscolices of Echinococcus [288]
granulosus [289]
ZnO NPs Leishmania major, [282]
Plasmodium [290]
MgO NPs Leishmania major [291]
Chitosan Giardia lamblia [270]
Curcumin Leishmania [293]
Selenium Leishmania donovani [294]
Toxoplasma gondii [295]
Plasmodium [296]
Echinococcus multilocularis albendazole [297]
Trichinella spiralis [298]
and Enterococcus faecalis. Cellular membrane damage by direct attach- chelate to metal cations such as Cu-penicillin [143], Zn-b-lactam
ment of the NPs and indirect damage caused by released Cu ion are the [144,145], Cu-aminoglycosides [146,147] and Zn-tetracycline [148]
main reasons of antibacterial action. NPs did not show any adverse and increase or decrease antibiotic activity [149–151]. The interaction
effects and cytotoxicity on the two human cell lines beyond the M.B.C. between antibiotic and metal cations reduce the activity of antibiotics
value for the microorganisms tested [136]. Das et al. (2014) reported and/or limits the bioavailability of metal cations against micro-
that Cu nanoparticle-decorated organically modified montmorillonite/ organism, this procedure may also change membrane penetration and
epoxy nanocomposites significantly inhibited the growth of Gram ne- displays antimicrobial activities [152,153]. Metal cations have synergic
gative (Klebsiella pneumonia) and Gram positive (S. aureus) bacteria effect against few microorganisms. The synergistic effects of NPs cation
[137]. is related to carbapenems, fluoroquinolones, ceftazidime and to-
bramycin against P. aeruginosa, Acinetobacter baumannii and Gram-ne-
3. The role of NPs versus ions release on antimicrobial activities gative pathogens [154,155]. However, regarding NPs, the impact is
related to antimicrobial peptides and Gram-positive and Gram-negative
Stress and environmental factors affect organisms' susceptibility to bacteria particularly P. aeruginosa [156,157]. Recently scientist have
antibiotics by antibiotic-resistant organisms which increase in the ab- discovered Cu-dependent antibiotics, which have Cu-dependent activity
sence of antibiotic reactions [138],environmental adaptation and pro- and are deactivate in Cu deficiency [158–160]. Recently antibiotic re-
tective cellular responses [139,140]. One of the most important causes sistance microorganisms have become of serious concern in public
of environmental stress is metal cations (namely Cu and Zn) of bacterial health [161,162]. Metal oxide NPs systems have shown considerable
cell activity at low concentrations [141,142], since high concentrations antimicrobial activities based on molecular surface. Metal oxide NPs
lead to selective pressure and resistance to antibiotics. Antibiotics with porous structure and active center act as novel solutions against
A. Khezerlou et al.
Table 3
Effects of NPs against various parasites.
NPs Parasites Findings Type of study Reference
Ag NPs Fasciola The percent of non-hatching eggs treated with the Triclabendazole drug was ∼70%, while this percent increased to ∼90% In vivo/In [271]
in combination with drug and Ag NPs. vitro
Ag/chitosan/curcumin NPs Giardia lamblia The most fighter effects obtained by combining the three nanomaterial. The parasite found to be eradicated from intestine In vivo [270]
and stool.
Chitosan NPs Trichinella spiralis Despite stimulation lymphocyte response by chitosan, but the effects of treatment was not protective In vitro [300]
Ag NPs Leishmania tropica Ag NPs indicated significant anti-leishmanial activities by inhibiting the proliferation and metabolic activity of In vitro [265]
Albendazole/chitosan NPs Echinococcus multilocularis Metacestode grown was greatly suppressed during treatment with nanomaterials. In vivo [301]
Chitosan NPs Leishmania infantum Chitosan NPs did not show significant antileishmanial activity against Leishmania infantum. In vitro [302]
CuO nano-hybrid solids Plasmodium falsiparum The NPs showed significant antimalarial activities against the parasites tested. In vitro [303]
Nano-Nitazoxanide Cryptosporidium parvum Nano nitazoxanide was efficiency on parasites during the study (6th). In vivo [304]
Au NPs Leishmania major Simultaneous use of Au NPs and MW irradiation was more deadly for promastigotes and amastigotes compared with MW In vitro [288]
Ag NPs Leishmania major The combined using of direct current electricity and Ag NPs had a cosiderable synergistic effect on promastigote mortality. In vitro [305]
CuO/Ag NPs E. histolytica, C. parvum The combined using CuO NPs and Ag NPs illustrated a remarkable effect in overcoming cryptosporidiosis and amoebiasis. In vitro [268]
Ag/Chitosan NPs Toxoplasma gondii Using Ag NPs singly or combined with chitosan demonstrated promising anti-toxoplasma potentials. In vivo [306]
Ag/Selenium NPs Leishmania major Ag NPs indicated anti-Leishmanial effects but selenium did not have any significant effect In vivo [307]
Chitosan/tripolyphosphate conjugated chloroquine Plasmodium berghei The highest effects of nanoconjugated chloroquine (Nch) observed at 250 mg/kg Bw concentration during the course of In vivo [308]
NPs treatment (∼15th)
Ag NPs Leishmania tropica The IC50 obtained for Ag NPs solutions in high values (∼15 pg/ml). In vitro [309]
Au NPs Giardia lamblia Au NPs at a concentration of ∼0.3 mg/ml was effective for killing Giardia. In vitro [285]
TiO2/Ag2O NPs Leishmania TiO2 and Ag2O NPs displayed significant antiparasite effects. In vitro [31]
Ag NPs Leishmania major Ag NPs alone had no important lethal effects on Leishmania major Promastigotes. In vitro [305]
Curcumin-loaded lipid NPs Plasmodium berghei Antimalarial activity of curcumin increased with entrapping in lipid NPs against malaria. In vivo [310]
Ag NPs Plasmodium falciparum The Ag NPs indicated considerable antiplasmodial activity against P. falciparum. In vitro [311]
Microbial Pathogenesis 123 (2018) 505–526
A. Khezerlou et al.
Table 4
A summary of the in vitro and in vivo toxicity studies NPs.
NPs Assays Doses Cell/tissue or Animal Methods Findings References
TiO2 In vitro 20–100 μg/ml Human lymphocytes Cell viability tested by MTT and trypan blue exclusion assays; ROS levels measured Apoptosis induced by p38/JNK and caspase-8- [327]
using H2 DCFDA; TiO2 measured using AAS; Apoptosis tested by Caspase-8 activity dependent bid pathways; Size- and shape dependent
assay; expression levels of phosphorylated stress-responsive p38 and JNK/SAPK oxidative stress
analyzed by Western blotting
TiO2 In vivo 500 μg per mice Mice Intranasal instillation; TiO2 contents determined in the sub-brain regions by ICP-MS; Rutile had lower adverse effects on the CNS than did [334]
pathological changes observed by optical microscopy and TEM anatase
CuO In vitro 0.01–100 μM Human neuroglioma (H4) Cell viability assay using Hoechst and ethidium homodimer-1 dye Dose-dependent toxicity induced [335]
CuO In vivo 50,000–200,000 μg/kg bw Rats Analyzed serum with automatic analyzer; used optical light microscopy for evaluating Hepato- and nephrotoxicity [336]
histopathology; urine, serum and organs analyzed by NMR spectroscopy
ZnO In vitro 0.001–5 μg/ml Human epidermal cell line Cell viability assayed by MTT and neutral red uptake method; DNA damage assessed Genotoxicity and oxidative stress induced [337]
(A431) using comet assay; oxidative stress assayed using markers (GSH level, catalase
activity, SOD activity)
ZnO In vivo 5 μg/kg bw Mice Gastrointestinal administration; serum assayed by automatic biochemical analyzer; Toxic; severe renal damage occurs in the nanoscale [338]
blood element and blood coagulation tested using automatic hematology analyzer ZnO-treated mice
and ELISA; histopathology utilized light microscopy
Ag In vitro 0.7 μg/ml Human hepatoma (HepG2) Evaluated toxicity by MTT, Alamar blue, and LDH assays; monitored oxidative stress Oxidative stress mediated toxicity [313]
cells using DCFH-DA; evaluated expression of metal responsive metallothionein by RT-PCR
Ag In vivo 49–515 μg/m3 Rat Exposed whole body in inhalation chamber; observed mortality, body weight, food Higher dose induces inflammatory response; lungs and [339]
consumption; tested pulmonary function; organs histopathologically examined liver major target tissues
Au In vitro 0.2–2 nM Human cell line, HeLa MTT assay performed; TEM analysis performed for internalization study; gene Nontoxic [340]
expression in stress-related genes analyzed
Au In vivo 0.750 μg/ml Mytilus edulis Determined toxicity by measuring protein ubiquitination and carbonylation; Oxidative stress induced [341]
measured catalase activity, lysosomal membrane stability; gill proteins analyzed by
2D gel electrophoresis
Al In vitro 10–100 μg/ml Type II lung epithelium cell LDH, WST-1, and XTT assayed cytotoxicity; intracellular NP accumulation and Cytotoxic [342]
line (A549) distribution studied using TEM
Al In vivo 0–250 μg/ml Daphnia magna Toxicity evaluated by the Microtox test Toxic [343]
Co In vitro 0.1–0.2 μM Human peripheral blood Assayed Co uptake; cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay; DNA damage detected by Internalized by human leukocytes; Genotoxic [344]
leukocytes (PBLs) Comet assay
Co In vitro 0–5 μg/ml Human U937 monocytes Evaluated cell viability using Celltiter 96® aqueous nonradioactive cell proliferation Toxic; act by increasing the transcription and activities [345]
assay; determined ROS using H2 DCF-DA; analyzed expression and secretion of MMP- of MMP-2 and MMP-9
2 and MMP-9 and their specific tissue inhibitors by RT-PCR
SiO2 In vitro 4–400 μg/cm2 Laryngeal epithelial cells Tested cell viability using alamar blue assay; measured cellular ROS by H 2 DCFDA; Nontoxic, induced reversible ROS generation [346]
Human (hep-2 cells) analyzed SOD, catalase, GR and GPx enzymes activity; detected LPO by competitive
Microbial Pathogenesis 123 (2018) 505–526
A. Khezerlou et al. Microbial Pathogenesis 123 (2018) 505–526
antibiotic resistant microorganisms. The most important factors in an- DNA damage and oxidative stress in the human cell line [320]. The
timicrobial activity are: chemical properties, particle size, shape and reason of toxicity induction is unclear. Despite release of ions from the
zeta potential energetic in ROS [163,164]. According to mentioned NPs, other mechanisms have also been suggested to be responsible for
studies results, the authors suggested that the main mechanism of an- toxicity. The NPs also cause oxidative lesions by significantly increasing
timicrobial activity of clay NPs is disruption of bacterial membrane intracellular ROS levels [321].
integrity by ROS generation, similar to others NPs, and clay shows good Oesterling et al. (2008) reported that Al NPs induces the risk of
effects for use in therapeutic, pharmaceutical and food applications. inflammatory diseases. Exposure to Al NPs increases level of in-
Metal oxide in nano scale demonstrate antibacterial activity greater flammatory markers such as VCAM-1, ICAM-1, and ELAM-1, mRNA
than that of metal oxide in micro scale [165,166]. These NPs must be level and protein expression in human umbilical vein endothelial cells.
stabilized in order to inhibit their interaction with the outside en- Moreover, these NPs increase the adhesion of activated monocytes in
vironment. Nano-sized metal ions are semiconductors, affecting anti- human endothelial cells [322]. Al NPs also induce dose-dependent
microbial activity based on the formation of reactive oxygen species toxicity in cell lines. Exposure to lower doses of Al NPs (5–50 μg/ml),
(ROS) [167–169]. Except ultraviolet (UV) ray, NPs are not energetic in induce little or no toxicity, whereas higher doses (100–250 μg/ml)
ROS [163,164]. produce irregular cell shapes and cell shrinkage. The toxicity produced
As a final statement, several mechanisms have been mentioned in by these NPs is independent of size and results from presence of in-
respect to the antimicrobial activities of NPs. Figs. 1 and 2 shows dif- organic particles [323]. The toxicity produced by exposure to foregoing
ferent antimicrobial mechanisms mentioned for NPs. Fig. 3 display NPs is generally resulted from chemical nature or dissolution products
physicochemical properties of the NPs involved in biological activity: and/or agglomerates.
size, shape, surface area, chemical composition, surface chemistry, and Regarding, NPs have tendency to cause toxicity by different routes,
interactions between NPs and proteins or receptors. Also, Figs. 4 and 5 depending on concentration and size. It has been reported that NPs
illustrate comparison of NPs-induced general toxicity via active inter- cause abnormal sedimentation, hem-agglutination, and hemolysis in
nalization mechanisms and molecular mechanisms of ROS-mediated erythrocytes [324]. Studies have shown that NPs have the tendency to
cell death pathway. The common NPs used as antimicrobial agents increase level of cellular nitric oxide, hydrogen peroxide, induction of
together with their mechanisms of action are summarized in Table 1. oxidative stress and inflammation-related genes and ROS in human cell
Table 2 classifies antimicrobial NPs based on target microorganism and line, and are size- and shape dependent [325]. NPs also interfere with
antibacterial, antiparasite, antifungal and antiviral characteristics. In chromosome segregation, centrosome duplication, cytokinesis, and
addition, Table 3 presents a summary of NP's antiparasite activities. functional regulation of protein PLK1. Short-term exposure to NPs is
Finally, Table 4 demonstrate a summary of the in vitro and in vivo reported to enhance cell survival, cell proliferation, ERK signaling ac-
toxicity the studied NPs. tivation, and ROS production. While, long-term exposure disrupt cell
cycle, duplicated genomes segregation, chromosomal instability, and
4. Cell toxicity of NPs cell transformation in cultured human fibroblast cells [326]. NPs have
also been observed to induce apoptosis via the mitochondrial pathway
NPs are increasingly being used as industrial catalysts. and necrosis in cultured human lymphocytes and in human mono-
Unfortunately, only limited data are available regarding the environ- blastoid cells [327]. The Easy and rapid entry of NPs, has also been
mental or organismal effects of NPs. The large-scale production of NPs suggested as a possible reason for their toxicity [328].
inevitably risks human health, and the environment. It has been sug- Both particle types have been found to agglomerate into micro-
gested that NP's chemical stability significantly effects their cytotoxi- meter-sized particles in cell culture media, and induce toxicity through
city. NPs with oxidizing/reducing or dissolving abilities have the ca- apoptotic pathways [329].
pacity to be toxic in cellular organisms [312]. Therefore, prudence Comparative toxicity studies have also been conducted in order to
suggests that toxicity testing should be performed before releasing and evaluate the relative toxicity of various NPs. NPs such as ZnO have a
using such NP forms. A literature review summary of in vitro and in tendency to induce apoptosis- and necrosis-like cell death in human
vivo toxicity studies regarding NPs is presented in Table 4. astrocytoma cells and in human fibroblasts. Solubility has been found to
Studies reported that NPs induced oxidative stress mediates cyto- play a key role in the cytotoxicity of metal oxide NPs on human fi-
toxicity in human cells. These NPs tend to agglomerate in the cytoplasm broblast cell lines. High soluble NPs exhibit higher toxicity [330].
and nucleus, and cause intracellular oxidative stress. For example, Both However, it has been reported that NPs induce toxicity in cell mem-
Ag NPs, and Ag + ions induce cytotoxicity, but by different mechan- branes [331]. The chemical properties of NPs also influence their cy-
isms [313]. Because these NPs are smaller in size, they interact with totoxicity. At higher doses (100–250 m g ml−1), all NPs exhibit cyto-
cellular genetic material. Unfortunately, little is known about the toxicity which result in irregular cell shape, and cell shrinkage [332].
genotoxicity of NPs. Higher concentrations (50–100 μg/ml) stimulate
cell proliferation, while lower concentrations (1–10 μg/ml) inhibit 5. Conclusion
proliferation, and impair endothelial nitric oxide (NO) synthase
[314–316]. The entry of NPs into cells and their cytotoxicity depend Several studies reported that NPs because of their biological and
both on the type of material absorbed and their relative orientation on physiochemical properties are promising as antimicrobials and ther-
nanoscale surfaces. Surface charge also affects the toxicity of NPs. This apeutic agents. But it must be remembered that they can also possibly
cytotoxic response is concentration dependent. It has been suggested led to adverse biological effects at the cellular levels. Therefore, after
that concentration-dependent electrostatic binding of these NPs on cells the determination non-cytotoxicity and clinical studies the NPs can find
results in cell lysis [317]. NPs penetrate into the human cells by un- vast application as antimicrobials in the consumer and industrial pro-
known mechanisms, different from phagocytosis and endocytosis. Wi- ducts. Application of NPs could be considered as a proper alternative
wanitkit et al. (2009) documented that Au NPs are easily accumulated for many antimicrobial methods. These studies suggest that NPs with
inside white blood cells (WBCs), either via phagocytosis or direct pe- functionalized groups have enhanced antimicrobial activity and may
netration [318]. NPs are used in industrial and healthcare applications. possibly help in eradicating microbial infections. Antimicrobial NPs
NPs are quite small and easily penetrate through the skin by inhalation could be beneficial in the food, pharmaceutical and biomedical appli-
and/or ingestion. They can be transported from nerve endings to the cations. NPs (particularly metal oxide NPs) exhibit significant anti-
skin and reach the somatosensory neurons. Indeed, toxicity is size and microbial effects. Factors such as effectiveness of NPs on resistant
concentration-dependent. High concentrations and smaller sized NPs strains of microbial pathogens as well as heat resistance consider them
provide maximum toxic effects [319]. NPs induced cytotoxicity causes as potent antimicrobial agents. However, application of few NPs is
A. Khezerlou et al. Microbial Pathogenesis 123 (2018) 505–526
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