AZ-700 StudyGuide ENU FY23Q3 v2
AZ-700 StudyGuide ENU FY23Q3 v2
AZ-700 StudyGuide ENU FY23Q3 v2
Review the skills measured This list represents the skills measured AFTER the date provided.
as of May 2, 2023 Study this list if you plan to take the exam AFTER that date.
Review the skills measured Study this list of skills if you take your exam PRIOR to the date
prior to May 2, 2023 provided.
Change log You can go directly to the change log if you want to see the
changes that will be made on the date provided.
How to earn the Some certifications only require passing one exam, while others
certification require passing multiple exams.
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Exam sandbox You can explore the exam environment by visiting our exam
Exam AZ-700: Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions
Request accommodations If you use assistive devices, require extra time, or need modification
to any part of the exam experience, you can request an
Take a practice test Are you ready to take the exam or do you need to study a bit more?
The bullets that follow each of the skills measured are intended to illustrate how we are assessing that
skill. Related topics may be covered in the exam.
Most questions cover features that are general availability (GA). The exam may contain questions on
Preview features if those features are commonly used.
Exam AZ-700: Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions
Candidates for this exam should have experience creating and managing compute, storage, and
networking resources in Azure. They should understand networking fundamentals, such as name
resolution, network protocols, and network address management.
• Design and implement core networking infrastructure (20–25%)
• Design, implement, and manage connectivity services (20–25%)
• Design and implement application delivery services (20–25%)
• Design and implement private access to Azure services (15–20%)
• Secure network connectivity to Azure resources (15–20%)
Exam AZ-700: Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions
Monitor networks
• Configure monitoring, network diagnostics, and logs in Azure Network Watcher
• Monitor and repair network health by using Azure Network Watcher
• Activate and monitor distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) protection
• Activate and monitor Microsoft Defender for DNS
Exam AZ-700: Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions
Exam AZ-700: Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions
Exam AZ-700: Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions
Study resources
We recommend that you train and get hands-on experience before you take the exam. We offer self-
study options and classroom training as well as links to documentation, community sites, and videos.
Get trained Choose from self-paced learning paths and modules or take an
instructor-led course
Exam AZ-700: Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions
Exam AZ-700: Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions
Change log
Key to understanding the table: The topic groups (also known as functional groups) are in bold typeface
followed by the objectives within each group. The table is a comparison between the two versions of
the exam skills measured and the third column describes the extent of the changes.
Skill area prior to May 2, 2023 Skill area as of May 2, 2023 Changes
Design and implement name resolution Design and implement name resolution Minor
Design and implement VNet connectivity Design and implement VNet connectivity No change
and routing and routing
Design, implement, and manage a site- Design, implement, and manage a site- No change
to-site VPN connection to-site VPN connection
Design, implement, and manage a point- Design, implement, and manage a point- No change
to-site VPN connection to-site VPN connection
Design, implement, and manage Azure Design, implement, and manage Azure No change
ExpressRoute ExpressRoute
Design and implement Azure Virtual Design and implement Azure Virtual Minor
WAN architecture WAN architecture
Design and implement an Azure Load Design and implement an Azure Load No change
Balancer Balancer
Design and implement Azure Application Design and implement Azure Application No change
Gateway Gateway
Design and implement Azure Front Door Design and implement Azure Front Door No change
Exam AZ-700: Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions
Skill area prior to May 2, 2023 Skill area as of May 2, 2023 Changes
Design and implement Azure Traffic Design and implement Azure Traffic No change
Manager Manager
Design and implement private access Design and implement private access No change
to Azure services to Azure services
Design and implement Azure Private Link Design and implement Azure Private Link No change
service and Azure private endpoints service and Azure private endpoints
Design and implement service endpoints Design and implement service endpoints No change
Implement and manage network security Implement and manage network security No change
groups (NSGs) groups (NSGs)
Design and implement Azure Firewall and Design and implement Azure Firewall and No change
Azure Firewall Manager Azure Firewall Manager
Design and implement a Web Application Design and implement a Web Application No change
Firewall (WAF) deployment Firewall (WAF) deployment
Exam AZ-700: Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions
Monitor networks
• Configure monitoring, network diagnostics, and logs in Azure Network Watcher
• Monitor and repair network health by using Azure Network Watcher
Exam AZ-700: Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions
Exam AZ-700: Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions
Exam AZ-700: Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions
• Configure caching
• Configure traffic acceleration
• Implement rules, URL rewrite, and URL redirect
• Secure an origin by using Azure Private Link in Azure Front Door
Exam AZ-700: Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions