Course Outline Template
Course Outline Template
Course Outline Template
Instructor: Name
Delivery Method: Classroom, Online, Online Synchronous, Seminar or Blended (pick one)
Classroom Location: N/A if Online
Days/Time: N/A if Online
Course Duration: Course start and end dates
Required Resources: Use APA citation when listing textbook(s), for example:
Smith, J., Jones, K., & White, R. (Year). Name of book. Location: Publisher.
Also, list any required hardware and/or software for your course (not including D2L and Adobe Connect).
Optional Resources: List any supplementary textbooks or resources that are not mandatory.
Course Description
Please copy and paste the official course description as it appears on the Continuing Education website:
Please copy and paste the official course learning outcomes as they appear on the Continuing Education
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Approach to Learning
Online Learning Resources (Use this paragraph if you have an Online delivery format and delete
the Learning Resources paragraph below)
Your course will be delivered using Desire2Learn (D2L), the University of Calgary learning management
system. Adobe Connect may also be used to provide interactive experiences in a virtual classroom, to
provide student groups an online meeting space and/or to record presentations. Your instructor may also
use Adobe Connect to evaluate student work. Adobe Connect recordings will not be used for any
purposes other than teaching this online course. Please write to your instructor if you don’t want your
voice or image to be recorded in Adobe Connect sessions.
Unlike correspondence or self-paced courses, your participation is required throughout your online
course. Logging in every two days is recommended.
For help with D2L, Adobe Connect, library access or IT support, go to:
Learning Resources (Use this paragraph if you have a Classroom, Online Synchronous, Seminar,
or Blended delivery format and delete the Online Learning Resources paragraph above)
Your course may make use of Desire2Learn (D2L) – the University of Calgary learning management
system. Your instructor will describe how D2L will be incorporated into your course experience.
Adobe Connect may also be used to provide interactive experiences in a virtual classroom, to provide
student groups an online meeting space and/or to record presentations. Your instructor may also use
Adobe Connect to evaluate student work. Adobe Connect recordings will not be used for any purposes
other than teaching this course. Where applicable, please write to your instructor if you don’t want your
voice or image to be recorded in Adobe Connect sessions.
For help with D2L, Adobe Connect, library access or IT support, go to:
Workload Expectations
This is a XX hour course running over a period of XX weeks. Expect to spend about 5-6 hours a week on
course tasks, in addition to classroom or online lessons.
Instructor: Please select one of the four paragraphs below to best represent how attendance is
managed in your course, then delete the other three paragraphs so your approach is clear. If you have
any questions, please talk to your program manager. Please note that according to University policy,
attendance cannot be graded. You can however grade assignments performed/completed during
class time, provided that these are essential components of the course.
Ungraded attendance (Online delivery): Your online attendance is strongly encouraged but not graded. It
is to your benefit to attend all scheduled sessions/events so that you are best prepared to succeed on
course assignments. Should you have a scheduled absence, please let your instructor know with as
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much notice as possible. The instructor will not review the information that you missed. It’s strongly
recommended that you find a “study buddy” who can catch you up on any missed content.
Graded attendance (Classroom, Online Synchronous, Blended delivery): Your participation is required
for one or more essential graded components to be performed/completed during class time. Failure to
attend may result in a failing grade for the component. Should you have a scheduled absence, please let
your instructor know with as much notice as possible. The instructor will not review the information that
you missed. It’s strongly recommended that you find a “study buddy” who can catch you up on any
missed content.
Seminars: Seminar attendance is mandatory in order to receive a Completed Requirements (CR) grade.
Missing a half-day or more may result in a Did Not Complete (DNC) grade. If you are admitted to the
Certificate for Emerging Leaders or the Certificate for Front Line Leaders you must attain a CR grade in
all seminars to meet the graduation requirements.
Course Assignments
You are required to complete XX graded assignments. For details, look in the Assignment Details
module in the Table of Contents of your D2L course. Instructor: If teaching online, please note that you
don’t need to have a graded discussion topic each week. If teaching a classroom course, please do not
grade discussion participation.
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Assignment Name Value Due Dates
Grades displayed in D2L are not official. Approximately three weeks after your course ends, you will
receive an email with instructions to access your official course grade through the My ContEd Student
A- 85 – 89
B+ 80 – 84
Good: Clearly above average performance with knowledge of
B 75 – 79 subject matter generally complete.
B- 70 – 74
C+ 67 – 69
Satisfactory (minimal pass): Basic understanding of subject
C 64 – 66 matter. Minimum required in all courses to meet certificate program
Unsatisfactory: Receipt of a C- or less is not sufficient for certificate
C- 60 – 63 program requirements.
D+ 55 – 59 Unsatisfactory
D 50 – 54 Unsatisfactory
F 0 – 49 Fail
CR Completed Requirements
Did Not Complete: The DNC grade is assigned to students who
neither attended the course, nor submitted any assignments and did
not formally withdraw from the course. (Did not attend + did not
submit any assignments + did not formally withdraw = DNC).
DNC Students who do not formally withdraw by contacting Continuing
Education Student Services are still considered registered in the
course, even if they have stopped attending classes or submitting
assignments. Students will be assigned a grade based on any/all
assignments submitted.
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Academic Honesty
Any work that you submit in a Continuing Education course must be your own and must be created
specifically for the course for which it is being submitted.
Go to the Continuing Education web page on Academic Honesty to learn more about plagiarism and the
consequences of plagiarizing:
Course work must make use of the American Psychological Association (APA) citation style to reference
the work of others (or yourself). Learn more about APA here:
Here is a narrated presentation on referencing and how to avoid plagiarism:
All material used in the course is for the sole use of the individual and should not be recopied in either
print or digital format. For copyright guidelines, including those relating to photocopying and electronic
copies, please refer to the fair dealing guidelines:
Late Assignments
Instructor: Please indicate how late assignments will be graded in your course. Note: Two sample
approaches are presented below. The Late Bank is included here as an example of how to offer some
flexibility to adult learners, but you can delete it if your approach to late assignments differs.
Sample 1: Extensions for assignments must be requested well in advance of their due date and will be
granted at the sole discretion of the instructor. In the absence of an approved extension, late assignment
submissions will be deducted 5% per day. Note: Extensions will not be granted for online discussion
participation (Online courses), presentations and/or group work.
This is designed to provide you with some flexibility regarding personal situations, workload management
or other concerns that may arise. You do not need to let the instructor know ahead of time that you are
using days in your Late Bank. As you submit your work, simply note in the Dropbox or by email that you
are using X number of Late Bank days. Note: The Late Bank cannot be used for online discussion
participation (Online courses), an exam with a set day/time, presentations and/or group work.
Once your Late Bank days are used up, late assignments will be deducted 5% per day.
Academic Accommodations
Student Accessibility Services (SAS) offers services to all UCalgary students with documented
disabilities ranging from learning deficit, learning disabilities, chronic health issues, hearing and visual
impairment and temporary impairment due to accident, illness or injury. If you are a student with a
documented disability who may require academic accommodation, please contact SAS, ideally a few
weeks before your course begins at 403-210-6019 or Students who have not
registered with SAS are not eligible for formal academic accommodation.
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Continuing Education Policies and Procedures
For more information about grades, refunds, withdrawals, transfers, academic/non-academic misconduct
and forms, please visit:
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Course Schedule
Please review this schedule of tasks. See above for specific assignment due dates.
INSTRUCTOR: Please list weekly deliverables for learners in the table below.
Textbook: Chapter 1
D2L: Readings and video
Attend the Adobe Connect Course Orientation
Week 1 Session: Tuesday January 23 from 7-8 PM MST
(date range)
Assignment 1: Online Discussion Participation (25%)
– Introduce Yourself
Textbook: Chapter 3
Week 2 D2L: Readings
(date range) Begin Assignment 2
Textbook: Chapter 5
Week 3
(date range) Due
Assignment 2: Written Communication (XX%)
Week 4
(date range)
Week 5
(date range)
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Date Topic Learning Activities & Assignments
Week 6
(date range)
Week 7
(date range)
Week 8
(date range)
Week 9
(date range)
Week 10
(date range)
Week 11
(date range)
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Date Topic Learning Activities & Assignments
Week 12
(date range)
Week 13
(date range)
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