Circularno 34 CGST

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Circular No.

F. No. 354/17/2018-TRU
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Tax research Unit
Room No. 146G, North Block,
New Delhi, 1st March 2018
The Principal Chief Commissioners/ Chief Commissioners/ Principal Commissioners/
Commissioner of Central Tax (All) /
The Principal Director Generals/ Director Generals (All)

Subject: Clarifications regarding GST in respect of certain services
I am directed to issue clarification with regard to the following issues as approved by
the Fitment Committee to the GST Council in its meeting held on 9th, 10th and 13th January
S. Issue Clarification
1. Whether activity of bus body In the case of bus body building there is supply of
building, is a supply of goods goods and services. Thus, classification of this
or services? composite supply, as goods or service would depend
on which supply is the principal supply which may be
determined on the basis of facts and circumstances of
each case.
2. Whether retreading of tyres In retreading of tyres, which is a composite supply, the
is a supply of goods or pre-dominant element is the process of retreading
services? which is a supply of service. Rubber used for
retreading is an ancillary supply. Which part of a
composite supply is the principal supply, must be
determined keeping in view the nature of the supply
involved. Value may be one of the guiding factors in
this determination, but not the sole factor. The primary
question that should be asked is what is the essential
nature of the composite supply and which element of

Circular No. 34/8/2018-GST
the supply imparts that essential nature to the
composite supply.
Supply of retreaded tyres, where the old tyres belong
to the supplier of retreaded tyres, is a supply of goods
(retreaded tyres under heading 4012 of the Customs
Tariff attracting GST @ 28%)
3. Whether Priority Sector In Reserve Bank of India FAQ on PSLC, it has been
Lending Certificates mentioned that PSLC may be construed to be in the
(PSLCs) are outside the nature of goods, dealing in which has been notified as
purview of GST and a permissible activity under section 6(1) of the
therefore not taxable? Banking Regulation Act, 1949 vide Government of
India notification dated 4th February, 2016. PSLC are
not securities. PSLC are akin to freely tradeable duty
scrips, Renewable Energy Certificates, REP license or
replenishment license, which attracted VAT.

In GST there is no exemption to trading in PSLCs.

Thus, PSLCs are taxable as goods at standard rate of
18% under the residuary S. No. 453 of Schedule III of
notification No. 1/2017-Central Tax(Rate). GST
payable on the certificates would be available as ITC
to the bank buying the certificates.

4. (1) Whether the activities (1) Service by way of transmission or distribution of

carried by DISCOMS electricity by an electricity transmission or distribution
against recovery of charges utility is exempt from GST under notification No.
from consumers under State 12/2017- CT (R), Sl. No. 25. The other services such
Electricity Act are exempt as, -
from GST? i. Application fee for releasing connection of
(2) Whether the guarantee ii. Rental Charges against metering equipment;
provided by State iii. Testing fee for meters/ transformers,
Government to state owned capacitors etc.;
companies against iv. Labour charges from customers for shifting
of meters or shifting of service lines;

Circular No. 34/8/2018-GST
guarantee commission, is v. charges for duplicate bill;
taxable under GST? provided by DISCOMS to consumer are taxable.

(2) The service provided by Central Government/State

Government to any business entity including PSUs by
way of guaranteeing the loans taken by them from
financial institutions against consideration in any form
including Guarantee Commission is taxable.

2. Difficulty if any, in the implementation of this circular may be brought to the notice
of the Board.

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