ANXIETY Meditation Script

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Welcome to this short meditation on anxiety.

I would like to invite you to take a differnt perspective on anxiety today – 180 degrees
different to be precise!
lets imagine the world being upside down... literally! and to truly embody this perspective
and the experience, i invite you to go to the closest couch, lie on your back, prop your legs up
against the top part of the couch or the wall and let your head hang down from the sitting part
of the couch. go on, do it. I can wait.
now, open your eyes and look around you, just observe the space around and let in this new
perspective.... just watch, look at the ceiling a bit, look to your left, look to your right, and
just observe everything around. I will leave you to it.....
now go back looking at the ceiliing and think about this:
what if you're right? what if your anxiety is telling you something?
what if that there is a truth that your whole body, heart, mind, and soul if you'd like, are
trying to tell you? and they are literally sending you the signs that something is off.
and what if, this time, you dont get upset about the signs and treat them, just this once, as a
friendly reminder - that you're still human! that you didn't grow numb to the fact that there
are things actually bothering your whole being both physically, mentally and spiritually. and
you are not wrong to feel it!
now lets breathe a bit and then meditate on that.
Sit up straight, on your couch, perhaps place a little cushion behind you and lean against it to
make yourself cozy, or simply just sit on the floor with a straight back, in a cross-legged
position if possible. wherever you are sitting check again that your back is straight and close
your eyes taking a big slow breath, filling your whole body with air and then exhale
consciously through your mouth, for a long long time all until there's nothing to exhale!
And again inhale and fill all your body up with air. and exhale long long through your mouth
Keep at it for a few more conscious breaths...
On the next inbreath start counting: inhale through the nose for 3 seconds, exhale through the
mouth for 5... if that feels too much, then inhale for 2, exhale for 3. In through the nose and
out through the mouth... (2 min)
Now start breathing both in and out through the nose, in any tempo or any way that feels
pleasant for you right now... (2 min)
Slowly start moving your attention away from the breath to your body, feel the presence of
your body. feel your own presence. don't try too hard, just feel whatever comes.
Next feel your head, the inside of your head, now the outside part, first the scalp, then the
face and start relaxing your head, consciously and prolong your exhale while you are doing it.
relax your face, your jaw, your scalp and relax the inside of your head. Now relax all of your
head... Next take a big inhale big big
Next sense the neck, the shoulders, the hands, the whole lenght of the hands, from top to
bottom, sense your back, the upper part, the shoulder blades, relax them and inhale through
your shoulders and release any tension you've collected there through a conscious haaaa.
And again, inhale through your shoulders and relax them while you exhale in a loud haaaa
Next inhale through not just your shoulders but also through your chest, open your chest,
your the belly, stretch your belly a bit and exhale loudly through your upper body and release
Now move your attention to your pelvis and relax your pelvis. inhale and exhale. next your
legs move your conscious attention down your legs all the way to your soles and toes and
inhale through your legs and exhale any tension in them away from them
Now become conscious of your whole body again, your head too and inhale through all your
body and exhale and relax...
and just this time don't treat your anxiety as a problem, but as your little friend - sending
signals to your whole mind and body, reminding you that something has to change.
just stay with this thought for a few breaths... breath through it and accept.
now smile to yourself and thank yourself. for doing this practice... for doing something good
for yourself today.
now rub your palms against each other, rub rub rub! and place the middle part of your palms
on your eyes. hold them there for a few seconds, take a deep breath and smile... when you are
ready, open your eyes.

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