Foregleams in OT Student

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Beverly A.


Key Scriptures: Acts 7:2-50; Luke 24:25-27; Matthew 3:1-3


The plan of God to destroy the seed of the serpent, was given to Adam, and while they still walked the earth, the
baton of faith was passed to his great-grandson Noah, then to the evangelist Abraham (he was 57 when Noah
died) and spread by word of mouth by many who prophesied different details of the Messiah, the mighty God,
who would be given as a son.

In Luke 24:25-27, Jesus was walking on the Emmaus Road with two of His followers after His Resurrection. They
were discussing the things that had just happened in Jerusalem when Jesus joined them.

He said to them, “How foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Did
not the Christ have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?” And beginning with Moses and all the
Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself.

In Matthew 3:1-3, we read:

In those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the Desert of Judea and saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of
heaven is near.” This is he who was spoken of through the prophet Isaiah: “A voice of one calling in the desert,
‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.’ ”

To understand the significance of what Jesus and John were saying to the Jewish people we need to go back into
the Old Testament. We must read the New Testament in light of the Old. We can’t have a complete
understanding if we don’t.

Remember: the people in the New Testament only had the Old. The New hadn’t been written yet. And
everything that is being said in the New Testament is being said considering the Old.

We are going to trace the Kingdom of God from Genesis to Revelation, but today we primarily want to look at
Old Testament covenants and prophecies.

Covenants are basically unfamiliar to us today, but the concept of covenant is basic to our understanding of
Scripture. This complex concept was very important in Old Testament times. It was the foundation of social
order and the basis of social relations. It was also the foundation for an understanding of humanity's relationship
with God.

A covenant is a solemn agreement or pact between two parties. The Biblical covenants are clear statements of
God's purposes and intentions expressed in terms that bind God by solemn oath to perform what He has
promised. In the concept of the biblical covenant everything is concentrated on the special bond between the
Lord and His people and on the virtues of God being revealed in the covenant.

I. Adamic Covenant

A. Genesis 3:15 is the fountainhead of all prophecy.

4Ekselans School of Ministry: Exploring the Kingdom of God 2023

Beverly A. Najt

And I will cause hostility between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He will
crush your head, and you will strike his heel.

1. This is the first scripture that promises a Redeemer and has significance related to the Kingdom of God.
2. We’re going to see that the Kingdom is wrapped up in the King.
3. At the crucifixion, the heel of the Redeemer was bruised, but we know He then rose from the dead and
crushed the head of the serpent.

B. Even though Adam and Eve fell and their sin brought catastrophic consequences for humanity, God promised
He would not leave them hopelessly in their sin. He would send a Redeemer and Deliverer.

II. Noahic Covenant (Genesis 9:1-17)

A. The earth was so filled with sin and corruption that God regretted He had ever made man. By way of the
flood, God essentially wiped-out humans, except for Noah and his family.

B. The covenant was the promise that there would never again be such a flood. But scripture lets us know that
the world will be destroyed by fire.

C. After Noah, we see the establishment of the earthly kingdoms of this world as we know it.

D. From this point on in God’s Kingdom program, we see the constant clash between light and darkness,
between the evil kingdom of this world and the Kingdom of God.

E. Even though men did what was right in their own eyes and denied their Creator, God was still looking for men
and women who desired His rule. Noah was one of those.

III. Abrahamic Covenant

A. Abram was from Ur, which at that time was a center of great darkness. They worshiped both a male and a
female moon god. Abram had been an idol worshipper for 75 years. And yet evidently, there was something God
saw in him – some sort of hunger or desire for truth.

B. This covenant that God makes with Abram is the central covenant. All the rest of God’s Kingdom program
centers on this covenant (Genesis 12:1-3).

1. There had been years of silence when the people were in great darkness and God did not speak. The
heavens were shut. Now in this covenant with Abram, God is speaking to humanity.

2. The covenant had several aspects to it:

 Personal: I will make your name great.
 National: I am going to make of you a great nation.
 Territorial: I am going to take you to a land that I will show to you.

 Grace: There’s going to be one descendant that is going to come through you but of Him all the

nations of the earth will be blessed.

4Ekselans School of Ministry: Exploring the Kingdom of God 2023

Beverly A. Najt

3. This is so significant because it not only includes the Jews who were God’s chosen people, but all other
people groups who will recognize Jesus Christ as this spiritual blessing.

IV. From the very beginning, God was promising the Kingdom of God, but it’s a long way, approximately 2500
years, between Genesis 3:15 and Matthew when John the Baptist comes preaching that the Kingdom is at hand.
We want to understand a little about what was going on during all that time.

A. This covenant was a covenant that Yahweh was making with Abram. It was both personal and national.

1. In the personal sense, when a covenant was made, it was made by blood. The two became one.
2. When they made the covenant, they were to be bound eternally.
3. In a covenant the two names merged. Abram + I AM (Yahweh) = Abraham

B. They were in an eternal covenant. No matter what Abraham did, the covenant could not be broken.

C. God must fulfill His promise to Abraham.

D. Abraham had Isaac, so the promise was passed on to him. Isaac then had Jacob and Esau.

1. But God did not choose, Esau, the first born, as the one through whom the promise would continue.
2. It would be through Jacob that the Deliverer would come.

E. It’s always interesting to study God’s heroes. God lets us know just who they are, both the good and the bad.

1. Jacob’s very name means “Deceiver.” He lied, manipulated, and deceived to get what he wanted.
2. Some people read about Jacob wrestling with God and think it’s so honorable that Jacob prevailed with
God until he got what he wanted. That’s one interpretation.
3. We need to understand that who Jacob was with other people was the one he was with God. He wanted
a blessing and he was determined to get it, even if he had to twist God’s arm.
4. God conquered Jacob! Jacob was never the same again. He left limping.
5. God changed his name from Jacob to Israel. His name means “the man whom God has conquered.”
Other meanings are “one who wrestles with God” or “prince with God.” A name that ends in “el” has
something to do with God because the “el” refers to Elohim.

V. Jacob has 12 sons who are known as the 12 tribes of Israel. He blesses them. They are all part of this great
nation that God promised to Abraham and they are going to live in a land of blessing.

A. There are 12 sons, but God singled out one of them; He chose Judah (Genesis 49:8-10).

1. God continues to narrow down the line through which the Messiah is going to come.
2. Judah is going to rule over his brothers and the scepter is never going to depart from his house “until He
(Shiloh) comes to which it belongs.” Shiloh is Jesus Christ. This is what John the Baptist is saying as a

forerunner of Christ. Prepare your hearts! Shiloh, the King, is coming.


B. The trance of Beor (Numbers 24:17)

4Ekselans School of Ministry: Exploring the Kingdom of God 2023

Beverly A. Najt

VI. Mosaic Covenant (Exodus 19:3-6)

1. By the time they arrived in Egypt, there were about 13 million of them. In Egypt, they were slaves, so
God sent Moses to deliver them. God sends Moses to tell Pharaoh, “Let my people go!”
2. Why were these 13 million people so important? They were important because they were the
descendants of Abraham.
3. In the Mosaic Covenant, God is calling Moses out.
 Out of the 13 million, there is still one that God is singling out.
 The whole nation is being blessed because of the one individual He is singling out, through which the
Deliverer is going to come.
4. The children of Israel are delivered. They are then in the wilderness. They eventually come to Mount
5. While the people are staring at the mountain with the fire, smoke, and clouds. A booming, audible voice
begins to speak. They were terrified! This is the only time in history that God had spoken to people in
this way.
 In each covenant, God is in some way speaking to His people. God is reaching out to humanity to
make Himself known.
 He desires to speak to them in a new way that they can hear.
 He was telling the people that He would bless them if they were obedient. If they were not, there
would be judgment.
6. To some degree, it seems like a simple covenant. He’s going to tell them exactly what needs to be done
and if they’ll just do it, He’ll bless them with all they could possibly need or want. He was basically telling
them that He would do things for them that He’d never done for anyone else. They were going to be a
holy nation, a kingdom of priests.
7. In this covenant, we see a type of what God is going to do when He gives us the New Covenant and
speaks to man through His Son.
8. He told them that they were going to be unique in the entire world. They lived in tents, but God came to
dwell among them. He set up His own special tent, the tabernacle, right in the middle of their tents. God
wanted to live with them.

VI. Davidic Covenant (2 Samuel 7:10-16)

A. Under Samuel, there had been a great revival, but the people were demanding a king. Saul was the best the
people had to offer. He was righteous and possessed good qualities.

1. Saul was the choice of the people. When he came on the scene, it was during the age of the prophets.
God had given them Samuel to rule over them.
2. God allowed them to have their king, but the best wasn’t good enough because he was not the one God
had intended to be king.
3. Samuel anointed David as the next one through whom the Deliverer would come. Also, David is a type of

the Lord Jesus Christ.


 He was the first king of Israel who God recognized.

4Ekselans School of Ministry: Exploring the Kingdom of God 2023

Beverly A. Najt

 David has become king and God is telling him that the Deliverer is going to come through his son
4. David had it in his heart to build a house for the Lord. He couldn’t understand why God was dwelling in a
tent and he was dwelling in a palace. Nathan, the prophet, encouraged him to build it, but that night the
Lord spoke to his heart and told him that David could not be the one to build it. It would be his son
5. God gives David a promise. Saul had rebelled against the Lord, and David saw what happened to a man
when the Spirit lifted off a man. David had this fear of losing the Presence of God. But God promised him
that even if Solomon fell, He would not do to him what He did to Saul.
6. David is the type of Christ. Many prophecies refer to the throne or kingdom of David, signifying that the
Deliverer was going to come from the line of David. He promises David that the kingdom to come
through him will be a kingdom that will last forever.
7. Even though David sinned in his relationship with Bathsheba and the murder of her husband Uriah, we
see many godly characteristics and remarkable strength of character and beauty in him both before and
after. The Scriptures say that he was a man after God’s own heart and in all his ways he pleased the
8. There was unbelievable pagan worship in the city of Zion, the city of Jerusalem. Jerusalem is that city
where God promised that His name would be placed. Jerusalem had been captured, but David knew it
was to be the city of God, so he didn’t waste any time securing the land once he became king.
 David had tremendous military campaigns. He drove out the enemies. He did this until all the
enemies had been conquered.
 Then David rested and God gave him peace.

VII. In the Psalms we find several prophesies pertaining to the Kingdom of God

A. The song of Jehovah’s anointed son, Psalm 2:1-12 (verses 6-9)

B. The song of the divine enshrinement, Psalm 24:7-10

C. Song of the royal Bridegroom and His Bride, Psalm 45 (verses 6-7)

D. Song of the Theocratic King, Psalm 72:17-19

E. War song of the priest-king, Psalm 110:1-7

VIII. Judah

1. From here on, we will find many significant points. Remember, God promised that the scepter would
never depart from the house of Judah. David was from the house of Judah.
2. The kingdom had been divided and now you have Israel and the house of Judah. This is very significant.
3. Today we tend to bring everything together under Israel, but Israel is that nation that continued to rebel
(though Judah did rebel at times) and had the largest share of wicked kings. Even though Judah sinned,

God’s promises remained with her.


4Ekselans School of Ministry: Exploring the Kingdom of God 2023

Beverly A. Najt

IX. Isaiah

A. As a casual reading of the Book of Isaiah demonstrates, the prophet Isaiah speaks repeatedly about a future
earthly kingdom. In his book he predicts a future kingdom with Jerusalem as its capital and involving the tribe of
Judah (Isaiah 2:2-4).

1. This is the great kingdom of peace that is coming. There’s not going to be war anymore.
2. This is going to happen when the Anointed reigns. There is peace in His Presence.

B. In the days of the prophet Isaiah, there was a very wicked king named Ahaz. Isaiah was his relative.

1. A crisis had come in Ahaz’s life. It appeared that Assyria, a very powerful nation at that time, was going
to rise up and destroy Judah.
2. So Isaiah went to Ahaz and told him that there was no reason for him to be all worried and fearful. He
had to remember the promises of God. God promised that His Deliverer was going to come through
Judah, so Judah can’t be wiped out.
3. So basically, Isaiah is telling Ahaz to relax and trust God. Isaiah tells Ahaz to ask for a sign if he’s having
trouble believing. Ahaz’s attitude is bad. He mocks Isaiah for his suggestion, but God gives him a glorious
sign – the sign of a virgin birth (Isaiah 7:10-16).
4. Notice that God gets a little more specific with each promise He gives of a Deliverer.
5. Now, God is letting them know that this Deliverer who is coming is not an ordinary man. He is
Emmanuel, God with us. God Himself is going to step forth into history and split it wide open. Now He is
going to give a very specific sign – a virgin birth. They, unlike us, have never heard of such a thing.

C. Isaiah had this tremendous revelation of the One who was to come (Isaiah 9:6-7).

1. Again this passage refers to an earthly government.

2. The child will be born on earth; the throne will be that of David; rule will be characterized by justice and
righteousness; and it will be accomplished by the power of God rather than the power of men.
3. His birth has been fulfilled, but the establishment of His earthly government has not.

D. One of the most extensive passages by Isaiah referring to Christ’s coming and the characteristics of His reign
on the earth are found in Isaiah 11:1-9.

1. These characteristics of Christ’s reign obviously refer to earth.

2. The righteousness of His rule, the destruction of the wicked, and the accompanying tranquility in nature
does not correspond to anything in history nor anything in the future in heaven but refers to the earth.
3. Verse 9 refers to “My holy mountain” and “the earth” being “full of the knowledge of the LORD.”
4. To these prophecies Isaiah adds the graphic picture of judgment on earth in Isaiah 24:23.
5. He furthers says: Look, a righteous king is coming! And honest princes will rule under him. (Isaiah 32:1)

E. Isaiah 35 tells us that the wilderness will become a fruitful place. (Isaiah 35:1-10)

F. Isaiah leaves us with a glorious promise (Isaiah 51:11).

4Ekselans School of Ministry: Exploring the Kingdom of God 2023

Beverly A. Najt

G. Through Abraham to Judah to David… the kingdom of peace is going to be established. Even though it is still a
long way off, the day is going to come when all nations – every tongue, tribe, and nation – are going to flock to
Mount Zion, God’s holy hill.

X. Jeremiah, known as the weeping prophet, announces a new covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34)

XI. Ezekiel elaborates on this new covenant (Ezekiel 36:26-27)

A. The New Covenant is about a new heart that is given to us through the empowering work of God’s Spirit.

B. In chapter 37, God takes Ezekiel out to a valley and the valley is full of skeletons. Dry bones!

1. God tells him to speak to them (Ezekiel 37:4-6).

2. In Chapter 37, the sinews come and the flesh comes and life comes and these skeletons become living,
breathing, human beings. In the New Covenant, God’s Spirit can breathe life into those who are
spiritually dead.
3. In the New Covenant it is not human effort, but it is God’s Spirit that is able to breathe life into dead
bones, to change the heart, to give you a new heart and then empower you to live as He desires you to

X. Daniel

A. Daniel had been taken into captivity with the Jewish people and he ended up in the capital city of Babylon. He
was very intelligent so they put him through school. He was being groomed for leadership and he ended up in

1. Daniel served king after king in Babylon until he himself almost became king. He was in a very prominent
position and was almost ruling the country. He had a position of influence and had earned the right to
give counsel.
2. God had given Daniel the ability to interpret visions and dreams. King Nebuchadnezzar was troubled and
could not sleep well. During this time he had some dreams and he wanted someone to interpret them.
He knew Daniel could interpret them so he sent for him.

B. Daniel interprets the dream (Daniel 2:37-44).

1. Notice: In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom. This little stone (the rock cut
out of a mountain) that has not been cut with human hands will be hurled and break apart the other
2. Of the 4 kingdoms, gold represents Nebuchadnezzar’s reign, silver represents the Medo-Persians, and
bronze the Greeks. The 4th kingdom, represented by iron, is the Roman Empire.
3. When Jesus came to set up His kingdom, the people of Israel were looking for a political kingdom. Why?
They were under the oppression of this cruel, heartless, merciful nation with legs of iron. They were an
oppressed people who were looking for a Deliverer. They wanted to be delivered from their national

calamity and the position they were in.

4Ekselans School of Ministry: Exploring the Kingdom of God 2023

Beverly A. Najt

4. What they were looking for wasn’t what was coming, but it didn’t change the significant point that the
kingdom would be set up during that time. Jesus Christ came to inaugurate His Kingdom.
5. Through all the prophecies we’ve studied we see that it is going to be an ever-expanding Kingdom.
There will never be an end to it. And right now, it is in the process of expanding.

C. The children of Israel have come out of exile but God is still saying I am not your God and you are not my
people. He had divorced them. He was still dealing with them but not because they were His people. He was
dealing with them because He is God. And He had made a sovereign promise to Abraham.

1. Basically He was saying to them, “Even though you, who I called out to be my people, have rebelled,
resisted me, defiled my tabernacle, prostituted yourself in the land, and run after other gods, I am still
God. And I am faithful. I made a promise to Abraham and because I made it, I will fulfill it.”
2. God kept His part of all His covenants even when man did not. But He needed to find a people who
would allow the rule and reign in their lives to be complete. Those are the people He would have to
work through.

D. A few years later, God gave Daniel another vision, but this time he saw the coronation of the King (Daniel 7:9-

1. This Ancient of Days is a poetic term used for the eternal God. There is one like the Son of Man who is
coming – the eternal God.
2. The Son of Man approached the Ancient of Days after the resurrection and was given authority and
3. Once again, Daniel is prophesying that this great King is coming and He is going to destroy the other
kingdoms. His dominion will be everlasting. He will reign forever and ever.
4. This is still 300 years before Christ and there is still a Millennium kingdom to come after His resurrection.

XI. The prophecies continue:

A. Micah (Micah 4:1-2; 4:6-7; 5:2-5a)

1. Zion is declared to be the source of the law.

2. Peace will characterize world government.
3. This will be when “the LORD will reign over them in Mount Zion from now on and forever.”
4. As in many other promises of the coming kingdom, nothing in history or in the contemporary spiritual
situation parallels these prophecies, or in any sense provides a reasonable fulfillment. They are yet

B. Zechariah adds his testimony to the future joy and blessing of the kingdom (Zechariah 2:10-13; 8:2-3; 14:6-9).

1. As in other prophecies, the center of the government will be Jerusalem.

2. The central fact of the kingdom will be the abiding presence of the Lord on the earth.

4Ekselans School of Ministry: Exploring the Kingdom of God 2023

Beverly A. Najt

3. This passage Zechariah 9:9-10, like Isaiah 9:6-7, views both advents of Christ together. At His first
coming, the nation welcomed Him as its King. But His crucifixion followed. Christ will nevertheless reign
over Jerusalem when He returns, “and His dominion will be from sea to sea.”
4. As in other millennial passages, nothing in history, neither in this present age nor in the eternal new
earth corresponds to these events.
5. Many other Old Testament passages bring confirming evidence to these passages that have been
quoted. The kingdom of God, brought to the world by Christ in His second coming, is not taught merely
by an isolated passage here and there; it is a major theme of Old Testament prophetic revelation.

C. Malachi (Malachi 4:1-3)

1. After Malachi, we had 400 years of silence when God was not speaking to His people.
2. The people are in great apostasy. They have lost their family values. They have intermingled with other
nations. They’ve intermarried and adopted the heathen practices of the land.
3. They were under the rule of the Roman Empire. Although they were intended to be kings and priests,
they are now like slaves. They are in captivity.
4. The other people in the land knew who the children of Israel were supposed to be. Imagine being in the
land of captivity knowing that you are not what God intended you to be. They were defiled and
5. All they could see was the consequences of their sin. They were at a very low place.


I. Then in this land of captivity, there was this one man, a descendant of David through a branch of the family
and he was a carpenter. That was Joseph.

A. There was another descendant of David through another branch of the family and her name was Mary. Mary
was probably about 14 and engaged to this older man Joseph.

1. After 400 years of silence, an angel enters a small peasant home in which Mary lived (Luke 1:28-33).
2. In Jewish tradition, the young girls wanted to be the one through whom the Savior would come.
3. Mary responds in song (Luke 1:46-55)
 Does this have more meaning to you now that you’ve been through the Old Testament?
 Mary is saying that even though He divorced His people and scattered them, He is still a merciful
 Mary realizes that God has seen the hunger of her heart and her hope of a Savior.
 Finally, the Savior is coming and He will extend His hand of mercy to all those who reach out for
Him. He has remembered His promise to Abraham.

II. Before the Son of righteousness came, there was a forerunner.

A. Zechariah was going to get to go into the Holy of Holies and that was something that happened only one time

in the life of a priest. The Lord let him know he would have a son, but he had much doubt. The Lord made him

silent until his son was born. After the baby was named John, Zechariah prophesied (Luke 1:68-79).

4Ekselans School of Ministry: Exploring the Kingdom of God 2023

Beverly A. Najt

B. Not until 30 years later does John begin to preach (Luke 1:80).

1. John the Baptist came in the spirit and power of Elijah.

2. He came to tell them to repent and prepare their hearts before the Lord Almighty came with healing in
His wings.
3. He will shine on those living in darkness and those in the shadow of death... As Christians, we only taste
of the “shadow” of death, because we have eternal life.

C. Try to identify with these people he is preaching to. In their solemn assemblies throughout time, the leaders
would run through all the prophecies to make them remember. They were constantly reminded of how great
God was and yet they were a people who had forsaken Him. With a rich heritage, some of them in their hearts
were still crying out for the Deliverer to come. They believed the promises of God.

D. This new kingdom will be formed in the heart. You won’t recognize Him unless your heart is prepared.

III. The Kingdom of God as a future reality

A. The Bible teaches several different perspectives on the kingdom of God. All of them are true, and if a person
sincerely believes them, it will greatly affect how he lives.

B. One perspective is that the kingdom of God is a new government of all creation that will be instituted on
earth one day in the future when Christ comes again, replacing the present kingdom of the world, ruled by the

C. Many Christians do not deny that He’s coming, but they do not believe it, truly believe it in their hearts. If they
did, every day would be informed and blessed and changed by this certain expectation.

D. God’s kingdom is coming. This is certain. And when His kingdom comes, there will only be two reactions.

1. There will be those who welcome their Savior, who rejoice in the appearance of Jesus Christ, who fall on
their faces in adoration and love and worship, and who are filled with inexpressible joy and wonder.
2. For those who have rejected Christ, the reaction will be one of horror and despair. Having rejected the
gracious provision made for their sin, they must now pay in full (2 Thessalonians 1:7-10).
3. There will be a new heaven and a new earth because the first heaven and the first earth had passed
away and there was no more sea (Revelation 21:1-7).
4. What a place! What a kingdom! And this is the inheritance of all who belong to Jesus—indeed, our
receiving this inheritance, this eternal life, in a place where all pain and sin is banished and where God
reigns, was the very reason Jesus came, the very thing he died to give us, and the very future that He
Himself has secured for us and promised us.
5. The kingdom of God is coming. It means eternal love and eternal joy for those who have received the
gift of God in Christ, and it means an eternal sentence almost too horrible to contemplate, but too

horrible not to contemplate, for those who have rejected their only means of salvation (Revelation 21:
8; 1:5b; 5:10; 11:15; 12:10-11a).

E. Jesus says in Revelation 22

4Ekselans School of Ministry: Exploring the Kingdom of God 2023

Beverly A. Najt

Verse 7: Look, I am coming soon! Blessed are those who obey the words of prophecy written in this book.

Verses 12-13: Look! I am coming soon, bringing my reward with me to repay all people according to their deeds. I
am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

Verse 16: I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this message for the churches. I am both the source of David
and the heir to his throne. I am the bright morning star.

Verse 20b: Yes, I am coming soon!


1. Briefly trace the Kingdom of God from Genesis 3:15 to the birth of John the Baptist. Please include at least one
key scripture for each covenant or prophecy in history.

2. Describe the future aspect of the Kingdom of God. What are some important elements or characteristics?


4Ekselans School of Ministry: Exploring the Kingdom of God 2023

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