Learning A Bout Grout and Repair
Learning A Bout Grout and Repair
Learning A Bout Grout and Repair
Precision Grouting:
*Equipment and machinery that have precise tolerances for alignment or require uniform
support cannot be placed directly on finished concrete surfaces.
Both the concrete surface and the machine base have irregularities that result in alignment
difficulties and bearing load concentrations.
For this reason, machine bases or soleplates are aligned and levelled by shimming or other
means and the resulting space between the machine base and the foundation is filled with a
load transfer material.
The load transfer materials most frequently used are hydraulic cement and epoxy grouts.
Requirements of a Grout:
*The most important requirement for a grout that is intended to transfer loads to the
foundation, is for it to have volume change characteristics, which result in complete and
permanent filling of the space. Plain grout, consisting of cement, aggregate, and water, does not
have those characteristics.
Several other properties of the grout such as consistency, strength, chemical resistance, and
compatibility with the operating environment are also important. However, these properties are
obtained more easily than the necessary volume change characteristics.
*For most applications, the space between the foundation and the machinery or equipment
base can best be filled by pouring a grout into the void. A plain sand / cement grout with this
consistency could be placed in the space and may develop adequate strength. However, after
placement, the sand / cement grout will lose contact with the plate because of settlement,
shrinkage and bleeding.
The result will be an incompletely filled space leaving the equipment resting primarily or
completely on the shims or other alignment device. To maintain permanent contact with the
plate, a grout must be formulated using special additives with cementitious or epoxy systems.
These grouts have a high proven EBA (Effective Bearing Area), which is the actual area of contact
under a bearing plate, free of air bubbles and voids.
There are four main methods used to grout baseplates:
1. Pouring from one open side of a shuttered baseplate.
2. Pouring through a hopper or pipe down a drilled hole in the top of the baseplate.
3. Where the gap is very narrow under small baseplates (up to 300 x 300mm), it is possible to
inject grout through a standard mastic type of gun.
4. For larger baseplates it is better to use a pump to deliver adequate volumes of grout to the
point of grouting. (For epoxy grouts, a peristaltic pump is used. For a cement grout, a more
conventional diaphragm pump is commonly used).
Where large areas need to be grouted, or where complex bases are involved, it is wise to design
a method of introducing the grout to eliminate air entrapment under the baseplate.
How to Select a Grout:
The choice of suitable material depends on the intended usage, accessibility, thickness of bed
and the area to grout.
For dynamic loading: (e.g. motor, turbine or under heavy wheeled traffic - crane rails) - epoxy
grout must be used.
For static applications: (e.g. such as under stanchion bases, columns etc.) - both epoxy and
cement grouts can be used, but cementitious grouts are more popular because they are
perceived as being more cost-effective.
Cementitious Grouts - provide resistance to salt and sulphate exposure and can withstand high
operating temperatures.
Epoxy Grouts - provide better resistance to impact, vibration and chemicals and higher
compressive, flexural, tensile and bond strengths.
//A precision grout is a liquid mortar. The main function of a precision grout is the effective
transfer of load from the structure or machine to the foundation. In order to enable this, the
grout must provide adequate permanent bearing, be non-shrink and have sufficient strength to
resist any loading imposed upon it. To get the grout into place, often into small gaps or confined
areas, the grout must be sufficiently fluid so it can flow or be pumped, but it must be stable and
not be prone to segregation.
***Reference 1 from weber.
From construction-catalogue-bostik
Construction Grouts Bostik cementitious grouts are examples of how formulated products offer
specific qualities to the construction industry. The core range comprises of Class A and Class C
products, engineered to suit the predominate end use applications in construction.
Complementing the core products, a range of specialty grouts has been designed to satisfy
specific project or industry needs.
Grout Classification:
*Cement has a natural tendency to shrink during curing. Cementitious grouts have the potential
to shrink more than concrete. This is because there is far less aggregate (filler) and
correspondingly much more cement paste.
The main difference between the two is the expansion systems they contain to compensate for
the shrinkage that would otherwise occur. Class A grout expands during the plastic state (i.e.
uncured) and Class C grout expands in both the plastic and hardening stages. Both can achieve
high strength when appropriately constrained during curing.
For precision structural grouting, usually Class C grouts are specified. They are more expensive
relative to Class A.
***Example how to compare between grouts
-bridge bearing pads: منصات تحمل الجسر
*A precision nonshrink grout does not exhibit any plastic or hardened vertical shrinkage at any
time. Precision nonshrink cementitious grouts are designed for static or light dynamic loading, or
for high temperature exposure. Precision nonshrink epoxy grouts are designed for heavy
dynamic loading from vibration or impact or for applications requiring good chemical resistance.
* -According to the American Concrete Institute: “The most important requirement for a grout
that is intended to transfer loads to a foundation is that it have volume change characteristics
that result in complete and permanent filling of the space.” Complete and permanent filling of a
space is achieved through the proper selection and specification of a precision nonshrink grout.
-This can be accomplished through the use of ASTM standards developed for evaluating height
change characteristics of precision nonshrink cementitious grout:
a. ASTM C 827 – Standard Test Method for Change in Height at Early Ages of Cylindrical
Specimens from Cementitious Mixtures
b. ASTM C 1090 – Test Method for Measuring Change in Height of Cylindrical Specimens for
Hydraulic-Cement Grout
c. ASTM C 1107 – Standard Specification for Packaged Dry, Hydraulic Cement Grout (Nonshrink)
-ASTM C 827 is a test method that evaluates the vertical height change characteristics of
nonshrink grout in the plastic state (prior to hardening) where up to 90% of shrinkage can occur.
Because of this, ASTM C 827 has been widely and successfully used throughout the industry and
should be the starting point for any precision nonshrink grout specification
*In 2005, ASTM C 1107 was revised to where specific grades of nonshrink grout (Grades A,B and
C) are no longer specified within the standard. Due to this revision, a precision nonshrink grout
can no longer be specified using this test method. While ASTM C 1107 does set maximum height
change requirements in the plastic state when tested in accordance with ASTM C 827 (4.0%), the
standard no longer sets a minimum requirement for height change in the plastic state.
Therefore, a grout can now exhibit shrinkage in the plastic state and still meet the requirements
of ASTM C 1107. Due to this revision, the use of ASTM C 827 in any nonshrink grout specification
is critical. The specifier must not only reference ASTM C 827, but also set minimum and
maximum height change values. Typical values range from 1% (minimum) to 4% (maximum).
FROM guide_to_us_spec_grouts
With the release of the 2005 edition of ASTM Standards for Concrete and Aggregates, a revision
was made to ASTM C-1107 the Standard Specification for packaged dry, hydraulic-cement non-
shrink grout. Up until 2005 ASTM specified three grade classifications for non-shrink grout:
Originally, Grade A grout was only tested for pre-hardening volume changes and Grade B grout
was only tested for post-hardening volume changes. In 2005 the grading classifications were
removed from ASTM C-1107. The result is a streamlined GROUTING US SPEC 112 South Santa Fe
Drive ▪ Denver, CO 80223 T: 303.778.7227 ▪ F: 303.722.8426 ▪ www.usspec.com specification
requiring the pre and post hardening volume changes be determined for all grouts seeking
compliance with C-1107.
The revision of C-1107 does not restrict the use of traditionally graded non-shrink grouts. It only
clarifies that all non-shrink grouts (A, B, C) must undergo the same testing and comply with the
same requirements. Hence, there is only one traditional grade of grout that complies with C-
1107: Grade C.
Uses of fairing coats:
used as fairing coat to create a uniform surface over blemishes in concrete surfaces such as:
*slight honeycombing,
*sand runs,
*grout loss
Grout loss