Ilaap Guidelines1
Ilaap Guidelines1
Ilaap Guidelines1
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Preliminary provisions
Citation, Authorization, Application, Definitions, Introduction
Objective, Features of ILAAP.
The ILAAP Framework
Board and senior management oversight, Liquidity and funding risk
management framework, Intra-day management of liquidity,
Managing the HQLA buffer, Management of collateral, Managing
liquidity across legal entities, Funding diversification and market
access, Management of asset encumbrance, Pricing, Stress testing,
Liquidity contingency plan, Internal control and review.
General provisions
Reporting to the Bank
Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process
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Preliminary provisions
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Preliminary provisions
The key objective of the ILAAP is to ensure that banks and financial
institutions not only maintain adequate liquidity to meet prescribed
minimum regulatory requirements, but also keep sufficient liquidity to
meet its current and future business plans and related risks
Features of ILAAP:
a) Board and senior management oversight;
b) Sound liquidity assessment;
c) Comprehensive risk assessment;
d) Monitoring and reporting;
e) Internal control and review; and
f) Stress testing.
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The ILAAP Framework
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The ILAAP Framework
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The ILAAP Framework
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The ILAAP Framework
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The ILAAP Framework
Management of collateral:
Banks and financial institutions shall actively manage collateral
positions and distinguish between pledged and unencumbered
assets that are available at all times, in particular during
emergency situations.
Banks and financial institutions shall take into account the legal
entity in which assets reside, the country where assets are legally
recorded as well as their eligibility and must monitor how assets
can be mobilized in a timely manner.
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The ILAAP Framework
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The ILAAP Framework
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The ILAAP Framework
Banks and financial institutions shall ensure that liquidity and
funding costs, benefits and risks are fully incorporated into
product pricing, performance measurement and incentives,
and new product and transaction approval processes.
All significant business lines shall be included, whether on or off-
balance sheet.
Both stressed and business-as-usual costs shall be assessed.
The process shall be transparent and understood by business
line management, and regularly reviewed to ensure it remains
appropriately calibrated.
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The ILAAP Framework
Stress testing:
Comprehensive, robust stress testing is vital to ensure
compliance with the overall liquidity adequacy.
Banks and financial institution shall consider in their stress
testing the impact of a range of severe but plausible stress
scenarios on their cash flows, liquidity resources, profitability,
solvency, asset encumbrance and survival horizon.
Board of Directors to regularly review the stress tests and
scenarios to ensure that their nature and severity remain
appropriate and relevant to the bank.
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The ILAAP Framework
Stress testing:
Banks and financial institutions to have a policy framework on
liquidity stress testing, including items such as the number of
scenario’s used, scope, reporting frequency, risk drivers and
appropriate time horizons
The extent and frequency of stress testing shall be
commensurate with the size and complexity of the bank or
financial institution .
Banks and financial institutions shall make appropriate
assumptions, both quantitative and qualitative
Uses of the results of liquidity stress testing
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The ILAAP Framework
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The ILAAP Framework
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General provisions
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Minimum contents of an ILAAP report
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General provisions
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