PowerPoint Rubric

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Project Title:

Category Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Effectiveness Project includes Project includes Project is missing Project is lacking
all material most material more than two several key
needed to gain a needed to gain a key elements. elements and has
comfortable comfortable inaccuracies.
understanding of understanding of
the topic. the material but is
lacking one or two
key elements.
Sequencing of Information is Most of the Some information There is no clear
Information organized in a information is is logically plan for the
clear, logical way. organized in a sequenced. An organization of
It is easy to clear, logical way. occasional slide or information.
anticipate the One slide or item item of
type of material of information information
that might be on seems out of seems out of
the next slide. place. place.
Spelling and Presentation has Presentation has 1 Presentation has 1 Presentation has
Grammar not misspellings or 2 misspellings, or 2 grammatical more than 2
or grammatical but no errors but no grammatical
errors. grammatical misspellings. errors and/or
errors. spelling errors
Use of Graphics All graphics are A few graphics are All graphics are Several graphics
attractive (size not attractive, but attractive, but a are unattractive
and colours) and all support the few do not seem AND detract from
support the theme/content of to support the the content of the
theme/content of the presentation. theme/content of presentation.
the presentation. the presentation.
Speaking Skills Student presents Student presents Student is Student is too
information information somewhat hard to quiet, unclear,
clearly, loudly, clearly with a understand due to speaks too
confidently, at a good pace and pace, clarity, quickly/slowly,
good pace, and rarely relies on volume, etc. etc. Student looks
speaks to the note cards. Student does not at presentation
audience. maintain eye instead of
contact. audience.

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