Partition Deed
Partition Deed
Partition Deed
This Deed of Partition is made on the ........ day of .................. amongst KK, son of DD
(called first party) ; RK, son of DD (called second party) ; SK son of DD (called third party)
and Smt. SD, wife of DD, deceased (called fourth party), members of a Joint Hindu Family
belonging to ............... caste, residing principally at ................................., the ancestral home
of the family.
Whereas DD, father of parties Nos. 1, 2 & 3 and husband of party No.4, died
on ....................... ;
And Whereas the said DD was the Karta of the Joint Hindu family consisting of his sons and
wife and was possessed of properties mentioned in Schedule I to IV attached to this deed ;
And Whereas parties Nos. 1 and 2 are living at .............................. and both carry on their
separate business out of their separate funds, and the parties Nos. 1, 2 & 3 wish to partition
the joint-family properties so that no dispute should arise among them ;
And Whereas at the well founded advice of the family friend Shri KC, Advocate, the parties
to this deed have put all the properties belonging to each of them separately into the joint
family hotchpotch, but excluding the business assets of parties Nos. 1 & 2 which are the
result of their separate earnings; property in Schedule 1 valued at Rs. .................... and other
properties in Schedules 2, 3 & 4 valued at Rs.................
And Whereas in consideration of the absolute or sole ownership acquired by each party in
respect of the allotment made to such party out of the hitherto joint property and in
consideration of the covenants hereinafter mentioned and agreed to by all the aforesaid
parties the said parties resolved to incorporate the terms of the partition in a deed of partition.
1. That the parties to this deed have agreed that the properties subject to partition are of
the value of Rs............. and the value of the separated share shall be Rs............ each
which shall be the value for the purpose of stamp duty.
2. That the property mentioned in the Schedule 1 shall be retained by parties Nos 1 & 4
since they continue to live in that property as before and in lieu of the share in the
property of Schedule 1 parties Nos.1 and 4 shall pay to parties Nos. 2 and 3
Rs............being their combined share and parties Nos. 2 & 3 have accepted the
payment of Rs.............. in lieu of their share in the property in Schedule 1.
3. That the parties Nos. 2 & 3 release their interest in the property of Schedule I and
convey to parties Nos 1 and 4 separately their right, title and interest thereon and
similarly parties Nos. 1 and 4 release their right, title, and interest in the properties
mentioned in the Schedules 2, 3 & 4, so that parties Nos. 1 & 4 and Nos.2 and 3
constitute the sole and absolute owners of the properties in Schedule 1 and in
Schedules II, III and IV respectively. The title deeds in respect of the items of the
property which are forthcoming have been delivered to each of the parties to whose
share the items of property relating to the title-deeds have been allotted.
4. That the original deed of partition shall be retained by party No. 1 for the purpose of
safe keeping and production before court or public.
5. That the parties have agreed that all the taxes and public charges in respect of the
allotted properties shall be borne by the parties themselves.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties aforementioned have executed this deed of partition on
the date aforementioned.
Witness: Sd/-
1. KK
2. RK
3. SK
1. ________________ 4. Smt. SD