GRE Video Course User Manuel

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GRE Online / Video Course Schedule

1. If you have not solved the Demo handout, solve the 15 questions from the PDF (PDF no. 0) GRE
DEMO SESSION and watch the video GRE DEMO SESSION (Video No. 0).

Before watching any other videos, there is some compulsory pre-work.

Video No. 1: GRE Verbal Session 1 (PDF no. 1)

Pre-work (compulsory):

• Go through all the words in “Vocabulary Discussion” given at the end of the handout. Don’t
attempt the quizzes as of now.
• For each word and its synonym, look up its meaning (from any reliable App / Dictionary App /
Website) and thoroughly understand the usage of each main word and each synonym in
sentences (this is the key). Remember, on the GRE, every word is tested in a sentence, so you
must see the usage in sentences. Just memorizing the words mindlessly won’t help at all.
• Go through the first 150 (1-150) words from “1000 most important words for the GRE”
thoroughly – meaning, usage, and application. Remember each word properly. Make notes that
you can revise later. While watching the video, there will be a quiz based on these 150 words.
• Solve the entire PDF (PDF no. 1) GRE Verbal Session 1 – all 25 questions (don’t try to apply
OCTAVE in RC without understanding it from the video).

Watch GRE Verbal Session 1 Video (Video No. 1).

• Pause / rewind the video whenever you need to.
• Learn the concept of OCTAVE thoroughly. This is the key for 100% accuracy in RC.
• Towards the end of the video, solve the quizzes while watching the video (don’t solve earlier).
• Pause the video as you attempt the quizzes.
• Read the SOLUTIONS PDF thoroughly.

After watching the video, revise all words from session 1 plus the 150 words.
Video No. 2: GRE Verbal Session 2 (PDF no. 2)

Pre-work (compulsory):

• Go through all the words in “Vocabulary Discussion” given at the end of the handout. Don’t
attempt the quizzes as of now.
• For each word and its synonym, look up its meaning (from any reliable App / Dictionary App /
Website) and thoroughly understand the usage of each main word and each synonym in
sentences (this is the key). Remember, on the GRE, every word is tested in a sentence, so you
must see the usage in sentences. Just memorizing the words mindlessly won’t help at all.
• Go through the next 150 (151-300) words from “1000 most important words for the GRE”
thoroughly – meaning, usage, and application. Remember each word properly. Make notes that
you can revise later. While watching the video, there will be a quiz based on these 150 words.
• Solve the entire PDF (PDF no. 2) GRE Verbal Session 2 – all 35 questions.

Watch GRE Verbal Session 2 Video (Video No. 2).

• Pause / rewind the video whenever you need to.
• Learn the concept of OCTAVE thoroughly. This is the key for 100% accuracy in RC.
• Towards the end of the video, solve the quizzes while watching the video (don’t solve earlier).
• Pause the video as you attempt the quizzes.
• Read the SOLUTIONS PDF thoroughly.

After watching the video, revise all words from session 2 plus the 150 words.

Video No. 3: GRE Verbal Session 3 (PDF no. 3)

Pre-work (compulsory):

• Go through all the words in “Vocabulary Discussion” given at the end of the handout. Don’t
attempt the quizzes as of now.
• For each word and its synonym, look up its meaning (from any reliable App / Dictionary App /
Website) and thoroughly understand the usage of each main word and each synonym in
sentences (this is the key). Remember, on the GRE, every word is tested in a sentence, so you
must see the usage in sentences. Just memorizing the words mindlessly won’t help at all.
• Go through the next 150 (301-450) words from “1000 most important words for the GRE”
thoroughly – meaning, usage, and application. Remember each word properly. Make notes that
you can revise later. While watching the video, there will be a quiz based on these 150 words.
• Solve the entire PDF (PDF no. 3) GRE Verbal Session 3 – all 35 questions.

Watch GRE Verbal Session 3 Video (Video No. 3).

• Pause / rewind the video whenever you need to.
• Learn the concept of OCTAVE thoroughly. This is the key for 100% accuracy in RC.
• Towards the end of the video, solve the quizzes while watching the video (don’t solve earlier).
• Pause the video as you attempt the quizzes.
• Read the SOLUTIONS PDF thoroughly.

After watching the video, revise all words from session 3 plus the 150 words.
Video No. 4: GRE Verbal Session 4 (PDF no. 4)

Pre-work (compulsory):

• Go through all the words in “Vocabulary Discussion” given at the end of the handout. Don’t
attempt the quizzes as of now.
• For each word and its synonym, look up its meaning (from any reliable App / Dictionary App /
Website) and thoroughly understand the usage of each main word and each synonym in
sentences (this is the key). Remember, on the GRE, every word is tested in a sentence, so you
must see the usage in sentences. Just memorizing the words mindlessly won’t help at all.
• Go through the next 150 (451-600) words from “1000 most important words for the GRE”
thoroughly – meaning, usage, and application. Remember each word properly. Make notes that
you can revise later. While watching the video, there will be a quiz based on these 150 words.
• Solve the entire PDF (PDF no. 4) GRE Verbal Session 4 – all 30 questions.

Watch GRE Verbal Session 4 Video (Video No 4).

• Pause / rewind the video whenever you need to.
• Towards the end of the video, solve the quizzes while watching the video (don’t solve earlier).
• Pause the video as you attempt the quizzes.
• Read the SOLUTIONS PDF thoroughly.

After watching the video, revise all words from session 4 plus the 150 words.

Video No. 5: GRE Verbal Session 5 (PDF no. 5)

Pre-work (compulsory):

• Go through all the words in “Vocabulary Discussion” given at the end of the handout. Don’t
attempt the quizzes as of now.
• For each word and its synonym, look up its meaning (from any reliable App / Dictionary App /
Website) and thoroughly understand the usage of each main word and each synonym in
sentences (this is the key). Remember, on the GRE, every word is tested in a sentence, so you
must see the usage in sentences. Just memorizing the words mindlessly won’t help at all.
• Go through the next 150 (601-750) words from “1000 most important words for the GRE”
thoroughly – meaning, usage, and application. Remember each word properly. Make notes that
you can revise later. While watching the video, there will be a quiz based on these 150 words.
• PRE-WORK: Solve the 10 questions from the PDF (PDF no. 5-0) “Pre-work for GRE Session 5”
and read the solutions (in the same PDF) really carefully – understand the reasoning for each
option. This portion will NOT be discussed in the video. Please understand that INFERENCES
are the most difficult questions types on the GRE. So, it is imperative that you understand
everything really, really thoroughly.
• Solve the entire PDF (PDF no. 5) GRE Verbal Session 5 – all 35 questions.

Watch GRE Verbal Session 5 Video (Video No. 5).

• Pause / rewind the video whenever you need to.
• Learn the concept of VERIFY – put your finger on it – thoroughly. This is the key for 100%
accuracy in inferences.
• This (INFERENCE) is a really challenging session and at times you may not feel like agreeing with
the explanations. We assure you that the answers are absolutely correct, so you must try to align
your thinking as per the explanations.
• You may watch the entire video twice, if that helps.
• Towards the end of the video, solve the quizzes while watching the video (don’t solve earlier).
• Pause the video as you attempt the quizzes.
• Read the SOLUTIONS PDF thoroughly.

After watching the video, revise all words from session 5 plus the 150 words.

Video No. 6: GRE Verbal Session 6 (PDF no. 6)

Pre-work (compulsory):

• Go through all the words in “Vocabulary Discussion” given at the end of the handout. Don’t
attempt the quizzes as of now.
• For each word and its synonym, look up its meaning (from any reliable App / Dictionary App /
Website) and thoroughly understand the usage of each main word and each synonym in
sentences (this is the key). Remember, on the GRE, every word is tested in a sentence, so you
must see the usage in sentences. Just memorizing the words mindlessly won’t help at all.
• Go through the next 150 (751-900) words from “1000 most important words for the GRE”
thoroughly – meaning, usage, and application. Remember each word properly. Make notes that
you can revise later. While watching the video, there will be a quiz based on these 150 words.
• PRE-WORK: Read the entire GRE Critical Reasoning Concepts Book PDF (PDF no. 6-0) and solve
all questions (including exercises and solutions to all exercises – in a separate PDF) from it
before you attempt the questions in the Classwork PDF (PDF no. 6). Critical Reasoning happens
to be a genuine trouble area for most students, and, to this effect, you must make sure you
understand CR Concepts really thoroughly.
• Solve the entire PDF (PDF no. 6) GRE Verbal Session 6 – all 30 questions.

Watch GRE Verbal Session 6 Video (Video No. 6)

• You may still be shocked to see the explanation to a few questions. Don’t worry. CR is a tough
area to master. Try to align your thinking as per the explanations.
• Pause / rewind the video whenever you need to.
• Towards the end of the video, solve the quizzes while watching the video (don’t solve earlier).
• Pause the video as you attempt the quizzes.
• Read the SOLUTIONS PDF thoroughly.

After watching the video, revise all words from session 6 plus the 150 words.

Video No. 7: GRE Verbal Session 7 (PDF no. 7)

Pre-work (compulsory):

• Go through all the words in “Vocabulary Discussion” given at the end of the handout. Don’t
attempt the quizzes as of now.
• For each word and its synonym, look up its meaning (from any reliable App / Dictionary App /
Website) and thoroughly understand the usage of each main word and each synonym in
sentences (this is the key). Remember, on the GRE, every word is tested in a sentence, so you
must see the usage in sentences. Just memorizing the words mindlessly won’t help at all.
• Go through the last portion of the PDF “1000 most important words for the GRE” thoroughly
– meaning, usage, and application. Remember each word properly. Make notes that you can
revise later. While watching the video, there will be a quiz based on these words.
• PRE-WORK: Solve the 28 questions (from 7 super-long passages) in the PDF (PDF no. 7-0) “Pre-
work for GRE Session 7” and read the solutions (in the same PDF) really carefully – understand
the reasoning for each option. Please understand that, under exam pressure – as the clock is
ticking, SUPER-LONG PASSAGES are supremely challenging for most students. To this effect,
please understand each and every nuance very carefully.
• Solve the entire PDF (PDF No. 7) GRE Verbal Session 7 – all 45 questions.
• Remember, everyone finds LONG PASSAGES really challenging. So be very, very careful while
marking the answers. If you are careless, you will lose all the confidence in RC.

Watch GRE Verbal Session 7 Video (Video No. 7).

• The entire concept of OCTAVE is revisited here. Make sure you understand it thoroughly once
again. OCTAVE is the key for 100% accuracy in RC.
• For many questions, your will not feel like agreeing with the right answer / explanation.
PLEASE put all your biases away and try to learn why the right answers are right.
• Pause / rewind the video whenever you need to.
• Towards the end of the video, solve the quizzes while watching the video (don’t solve earlier).
• Pause the video as you attempt the quizzes.
• Read the SOLUTIONS PDF thoroughly.

After watching the video, revise all words from session 7 plus the 150 words.

GRE Verbal Session 8 – parts 1 and 2 (Videos 8-1 and 8-2)

Vocabulary Revision – solve the 30 questions from the PDF (PDF no. 8) “GRE Verbal Session 8”.

Watch the 2 videos (Videos 8-1 and 8-2) in succession. All the words are revised in this session. Make
sure you are extremely attentive watching this video.

Compulsory post-work after watching the videos above: revise all vocabulary from sessions 1 to 7.
PART 2 – Quantitative
General Note about Quant Sessions:

If your math concepts are decent, read only the concepts given in each of the class discussion PDFs –
this will be sufficient.

If your math concepts weak, you may refer to Manhattan-Prep-GRE Quantitative Guides before any
relevant session. BUT remember that, these guides are extremely basic and don’t reflect the real exam.
These are only for absolute basics. The various guides are: (1) Algebra, (2) Fractions Decimals and
Percents, (3) Number Properties, (4) Quantitative Comparisons and Data Interpretation, (5) Word
Problems, and (6) Geometry. ALL these guides have been provided by us.

Video No. 9: GRE Quant Session 1 – Inequalities + Mods (PDF No. 9)

Optional – refer to these concepts from the respective Manhattan Guides. Not compulsory.

Pre-work (compulsory):

• Refer to the PDF (PDF No. 9): GRE Quant Session 1. Go through all the concepts in detail.
• Attempt all 40 questions thoroughly.

Watch GRE Quant Session 1 Video (Video no. 9).

• Pause / rewind the video whenever you need to.
• Learn each concept thoroughly.
• Check where you are likely to commit silly mistakes.
• Read the SOLUTIONS PDF thoroughly.

Post-work (compulsory):

• After watching the video, solve each of the questions from PDF (PDF n. 9-2) POSTWORK GRE QUANT
SESSION 1. Check all solutions thoroughly.
• Solve all questions based on Inequalities and Mods from Manhattan 5LB Book.

Video No. 10: GRE Quant Session 2 – Statistics + Numbers + General Algebra (PDF No. 10)

Optional – refer to these concepts from the respective Manhattan Guides. Not compulsory.

Pre-work (compulsory):

• Refer to the PDF (PDF no. 10): GRE Quant Session 2. Go through all the concepts in detail.
• Attempt all 45 questions thoroughly.

Watch GRE Quant Session 2 Video (Video No. 10).

• Pause / rewind the video whenever you need to.
• Learn each concept thoroughly.
• Check where you are likely to commit silly mistakes.
• Read the SOLUTIONS PDF thoroughly.

Post-work (compulsory):

• After watching the video, solve each of the questions from PDF (PDF No. 10-2) POSTWORK GRE
QUANT SESSION 2. Check all solutions thoroughly.
• Solve all questions based on Stats + Numbers + General Algebra from Manhattan 5LB Book.

Video No. 11: GRE Quant Session 3 – Geometry + Coordinate Geometry (PDF No. 11)

Optional – refer to these concepts from the respective Manhattan Guide(s). Not compulsory.

Pre-work (compulsory):

• Refer to the PDF (PDF No. 11): GRE Quant Session 3. Go through all the concepts in detail.
• Attempt all 55 questions thoroughly.

Watch GRE Quant Session 3 Video. (Video no. 11)

• Pause / rewind the video whenever you need to.
• Learn each concept thoroughly.
• Check where you are likely to commit silly mistakes.
• Read the SOLUTIONS PDF thoroughly.

Post-work (compulsory):

• After watching the video, solve each of the questions from PDF (PDF no. 11-2) POSTWORK GRE
QUANT SESSION 3. Check all solutions thoroughly.
• Solve all questions based on Geometry and Coordinate Geometry from Manhattan 5LB Book.

Video No. 12: GRE Quant Session 4 – Data Interpretation + PART 1: Arithmetic + Word Problems
(PDF No. 12)

Optional – refer to these concepts from the respective Manhattan Guide(s). Not compulsory.

Pre-work (compulsory):

• Read / Solve everything in the PDF (PDF No. 12-0) Pre-Work Quant Session 4. This won’t be
discussed in the video.
• Refer to the PDF (PDF No. 12): GRE Quant Session 4. Attempt all 80 (40 + 40) questions

Watch GRE Quant Session 4 Video. Video no. 12

• Pause / rewind the video whenever you need to.
• Learn each concept thoroughly.
• Check where you are likely to commit silly mistakes.
• Read the SOLUTIONS PDF thoroughly.

Post-work (compulsory):

• Solve all questions based on Data Interpretation from Manhattan 5LB Book.

Video No. 13: GRE Quant Session 5 – Arithmetic + Word Problems + Revision … contd.
(PDF No. 13)

Pre-work (compulsory):

• Refer to the PDF (PDF No. 13): GRE Quant Session 5. Attempt all 60 questions thoroughly.

Watch GRE Quant Session 5 Video. Video No. 13

• Pause / rewind the video whenever you need to.
• Learn each concept thoroughly.
• Check where you are likely to commit silly mistakes.
• Read the SOLUTIONS PDF thoroughly.

Post-work (compulsory):

• Solve all questions based on Arithmetic + Word Problems from Manhattan 5LB Book.

Video No. 14: GRE Quant Session 6 – Permutations and Combinations + Probability (PDF No. 14)

Optional – refer to these concepts from the respective Manhattan Guide(s). Not compulsory.

Pre-work (compulsory):

• Read / Solve everything in the PDF (PDF No. 14-0) Pre-Work Quant Session 6. YOU MUST GO
THROUGH THIS IN DETAIL BEFORE going to the next steps. This part won’t be discussed in the
• Refer to the PDF (PDF No. 14): GRE Quant Session 6. Attempt all 50 questions thoroughly.

Watch GRE Quant Session 6 Video. Video no. 14

• Pause / rewind the video whenever you need to.
• Learn each concept thoroughly.
• Check where you are likely to commit silly mistakes.
• Read the SOLUTIONS PDF thoroughly.

Post-work (compulsory):

• Solve all questions based on Permutations and Combinations + Probability from Manhattan 5LB

Video No. 15: GRE Quant Session 7 – Comprehensive revision with recent real-GRE questions.
(PDF No. 15)

Pre-work (compulsory):

• Refer to the PDF (PDF No. 15): GRE Quant Session 7. Attempt all 60 questions thoroughly.

Watch GRE Quant Session 6 Video. Video No. 15

• Pause / rewind the video whenever you need to.
• Learn each concept thoroughly.
• Check where you are likely to commit silly mistakes.
• Read the SOLUTIONS PDF thoroughly.

Post-work (compulsory):

• Solve all the remaining Quant questions from Manhattan 5LB book.

Mock Test:

You must attempt the mock test from PDF (PDF No. 16) GRE MOCK TEST. Time yourself: 35 + 35 + 30 +
30 minutes strictly. Don’t take even a second extra.

Now watch the video (Video No. 16) GRE Mock Discussion + AWA

Open the AWA SESSION PDF (PDF No. 16-2) while watching the AWA portion of the video.

After the video, refer to the solutions to GRE Mock Test PDF.


Steps after watching all the videos (compulsory):

1. Read the PDF “Storyfied” fully – this contains vocabulary using stories – immensely useful for
remembering a lot of words at a time.
2. Solve all official guides thoroughly.
a. Official Guide to the GRE General Test (provided by us)
b. Official GRE Verbal Reasoning Practice Questions (provided by us)
c. Official GRE Quantitative Reasoning Practice Questions (provided by us)
3. 501 Text Completion Questions (provided by us)
4. 501 Quantitative Comparison Questions (provided by us)
5. Manhattan GRE 5 LB practice – 2nd Edition – don’t leave anything (provided by us)
6. RC Marathon – the most important resource for concentration, stamina, pacing and simulation of
the real-GRE RC questions. This will ensure 100% accuracy on RC. (provided by us)
a. This whole document must ideally be finished in 3 straight days of super-long sittings (10-
12 hours / day).
b. Don’t worry about mistakes / time taken / analysis. Just keep solving and checking.
c. The purpose of this document is to build your RC-solving muscle.
d. Make sure you have finished everything as suggested in RC (using OCTAVE) before
touching this document.
e. Solve this document as the final thing … as close to your exam as possible.
f. If you don’t have as much time, solve at least the mini version of this document (RC
Marathon Mini)
7. Read a few sample AWA answers from the PDF “AWA Model Answers” just before the exam.

a. ONLY ETS mocks, both free and paid (Powerprep + Powerprep PLUS) … no other mocks at
b. Please don’t waste your time writing any other company’s mocks at all (not even free ones)
– they don’t simulate the real exam even one bit.

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