PVS Certificate 05-01-2024 07 - 35 PM
PVS Certificate 05-01-2024 07 - 35 PM
PVS Certificate 05-01-2024 07 - 35 PM
This is to certify that Ms. GAYATHRI M D/o MURUGESAN is currently residing at NO. 193C/387,
PANCHAYAT, RANIPET, RANIPET District, 632401. She is not found to be involved in any criminal case as per
the records available with Police department.
No remarks
Issued by
Disclaimer :
1. This is an authentic system generated report from the official website of TN Police
(www.eservices.tnpolice.gov.in) and does not require signature.
2. The authenticity of the document can be verified by scanning the Bar code or through
'Verify' option on the website.
3. The verfication has been conducted based on the records available with TN Police.