Advanced Macroeconomics II
Advanced Macroeconomics II
Advanced Macroeconomics II
Chap 1
1) Why is Unemployment fluctuating more between business cycles than within
business cycles?
The GDP of the economy changes during a change in a business cycle. For
example, during peak business cycle, the GDP is very high as compared to
the business cycle at Trough. During recession the GDP falls down while
during recovery the GDP increases as shown on below fig. whereas, within a
business cycle the GDP is more or less the same. The more the GDP the
more the employment and the less the unemployment. With less GDP, the
more the unemployment. The unemployment rate is inversely related to
expansion in the business cycle.That is why unemployment fluctuates more
between business cycles.
2) Explain the relationship of real GDP, unemployment rate and inflation rate.
When does inflation max and when does it will be min?
3) When does high unemployment and high inflation exist at the same time?
c. Unemployment in the long run may erode the skills and attitudes of
the unemployed to work. There may be a loss of training
opportunities and in the long run this makes the individual less and
less employable.
6) Derive the long run (time series) unemployment rate from the above (5)
From the relation:
9) Show that the marginal productivity of the skilled and unskilled labor is
equal to the real wage rate.
10) How is demand for labor and the real wage rate related? (note)
11) Derive the skilled and unskilled labor demand in matrix format.
b. Why is the demand for the skilled labor shifts to the right?
d. Determine the new equilibrium points after the effect of the min real
wage rate in both the skilled and unskilled labor.
e. Why is the min real wage rate law increase the level of
14) List the solutions to cure unemployment with their side effects.
= -εd
𝒅𝑵 𝒅𝒘
𝑵 𝒘
16) Show that the MRS (= U1-N/Uc) indicates that the substitution between
income [not by the average tax rate] and also the tax on consumption.
b. increasing the average tax rate on wages with the other taxes
a. Due to the higher marginal tax rate, HH tend to supply less labor and
with the same gross real wage rate. The labor supply curve shifts to
the left and the equilibrium shifts from E0 to E1. This results in the
decline in employment and increase in wages.
b. Due to the increase in the average tax, HH feel poorer and start to
supply more labor to buy the goods and service they use to buy. This
makes the supply curve to shirt to the right and change the
equilibrium from E0 to E2. The employment rises and wages decrease.
18) Explain the seven reasons as to why it may not be always optimal for
firms to lower wages despite excess supply of labor.
19) Derive the Solow Condition for employment. Identify the elasticity of
effort and the efficiency wage.
20) With respect to the elasticity of effort when should the firm shouldnot
hire & fire, should hire and should stop hiring? (note book)
21) Given the reservation wage and the effort function as below:
a. Show that the firm pays a wage rate that exceeds the reservation
c. The equilibrium unemployment rate given that all firms are treated
symmetrically, they pay the same wage Wi = 𝑾
Note: decreasing θ means increasing capital efficiency since θ = K/Y.
24) Derive the Harrod-Domar rate of growth per capita income and
interpret the result.
25) Show that output per unit of effective labor depends only on the
quantity of capital per unit of effective labor.
Y = F(K, AL)
Y/AL = F(K/AL, 1)
y = F(k,1)
hence, y = f(k)
which shows output per unit of effective labor depends only on the quantity
of capital per unit of effective labor.
For a CD PF given by
28) Derive the steady state net investment and gross investment if the
total capital grows at the rate of n.
If total capital grows at the rate of n, then Kt+1 = Kt + nKt = (1+n)Kt. hence,
(n+δ)Kt = Y(t)-C(t)
30) Derive the Solow-Swan fundamental differentail equation given
When actual investment per unit of effective labor (sf(k)) exceeds the
investment needed to break even, k is rising. When actual investment falls
short of break-even investment, k is falling. And when the two are equal, k is
The Inada conditions imply that at k = 0, f’(k) is large, and thus that the sf(k)
line is steeper (have larget slope) than the (n + g+δ)k line. Thus, for small
These conditions state that the marginal product of capital is very large
when the capital stock is sufficiently small and that it becomes very small
as the capital stock becomes large; their role is to ensure that the path of
the economy does not diverge.
34) Explain the fact that the Solow model implies that, regardless of its
starting point, the economy converges to a balanced growth path—a
situation where each variable of the model is growing at a constant rate.
a. The capital stock, K, which equals ALk; grown at n+g due to AL since k
is constant at k*
36) Discuss the impact of increasing the saving rate on capital using the
balanced growth path of Solow’s model.
Increasing the saving rate, s, shifts the actual investment line upwards as
shown below. The new actual investment is above the break-even
investment from the origin to the new value of k*new ,dk/dt is positive. At
k*new it will be constant. Because the increase in s, we have a new higher k*.
Let’s say t0 is the time of increase in the saving rate, s, and it remains
constant thereafter. Since the jump in s causes actual investment to exceed
break-even investment by a strictly positive amount, 𝒌̇ jumps from zero to a
strictly positive amount. k rises gradually from the old value of k* to the new
value, and 𝒌̇ falls gradually back to zero.
37) Explain a permanent increase in the saving rate produces a
temporary increase in the growth rate of output per worker but it does not
affect the growth rate of output per worker on the balanced growth path of
Solow’s model.
Using f(k) = Y/AL, then Y/L = Af(k). When k is constant, Y/L grows at the
growth rate of A which is g. But when k is increasing, Y/L grows both at g
and because of k, which is more than the previous growth. When k reaches
the new value of k*, however, the growth rate of Y/L returns to g again as
shown below. Hence, a permanent increase in the saving rate produces a
temporary increase in the growth rate of output per worker.
In sum, a change in the saving rate has a level effect but not a growth effect.
38) Explain the impact of increasing the saving rate, s, on consumption.
Consumption per unit of effective labor equals output per unit of effective
labor, f(k), times the fraction of that output that is consumed, 1−s. That is:
39) Show that consumption on the balanced growth path equals output
less breakeven investment.
c = f(k) – sf(k)
but on the balanced growth path, the actual investment equals the break-
even investment, hence,
c* = f(k*) – (n+g+δ)k*
40) Discuss the change in consumption per effective labor with respect to
the change in saving rate, s using graphs.
Thus whether the increase raises or lowers consumption in the long run
depends on whether f’(k*)—the marginal product of capital—is more or less
than n+g+δ.
Case1: s is high.
Case 2: s is low
When s is low, k is also low. That is k will be at kL*. At kL*, the slope of f(k) is
higher than the break-even investment. Hence f’(k) is greater than (n+g+δ).
This implies that an increase in s raises consumption in the long run.
Case 3: s is at the level that cause the slope of f(k) and (n+g+δ)k equals.
When f’(k) and (n+g+δ) are equal, a marginal change in s has no effect on
consumption in the long run, and consumption is at its maximum possible
level among balanced growth paths. This value of k, kM*, is called the
golden-rule level of the capital stock.
Note that consumption is the vertical distance between f(k) and (n+g+δ)k at
the k*.
41) Derive the elasticity of the balanced growth path level of output with
respect to the saving, where output is the output per unit of effective labor
on the balanced growth path. That is
Where αk is the elasticity of output with respect to capital at k=k*. Hence the
final equation is the relationship of two elasticities, that is the elasticity of
output with respect to saving is equal to the elasticity of output with respect
to capital at k=k*.
42) Derive the rate at which k converges to its balanced growth path
43) At the golden rule level of capital, consumption is at its maximum
44) Derive the below relation which shows the decomposition of the
growth of output per worker into the contribution of capital per worker and
the Solow residual.
45) Explain the reason for poor countries tend to grow faster than rich
b. The Solow model implies that the rate of return on capital is lower in
countries with more capital per worker. Thus for the rich countries to
increase their return on capital, they have to sell or donate excess
capital to poor countries to decrease their capital per worker and
thereby increase their rate of return. This will enable the poor
countries to converge.
a. Q1.3 (a to d)
b. Q1.4 (a)
c. Q1.5(a to c)
d. Q1.6
e. Q1.7
f. Q1.10
50) What are the assumptions of the three growth models? And their
respective model equations.
52) For Ramsey–Cass–Koopmans economy that is on its balanced growth
path, how is
a. Consumption is expressed.
Chapter 4
1) Derive the optimal labor for work and leisure.
3) Express l in terms of w, r and ρ. (lecture , page 22)
Chapter 5
4) What are the three distinct roles of Government in market economies?
8) What are the two reasons why government intervention may produce
negative effects?
13) Why is government debt in the hands of the public should not be
counted as net wealth according to the RET?
Because the government debt in the hand of the public is exactly matched
by the equal sized liability in the form of future taxation.
15) With the instantaneous utility of a representative HH given by;
d. Show that if the government cut the tax rate in the first period, the
tax rate in the second period must increase. How should the HH
compensate this tax increase in the second period?
16) Derive the present value of the net liabilities of the government or
the government consolidated budget constraint when government
expenditure is divided into consumption and investment.
17) Show that public investments that attain the market rate of return (rG
= r, the golden rule of government finance) donot give rise to a net liability
of the government and donot lead to the present or future taxation.
Ans (for both 16 & 17):
18) Derive:
b. The tax rates in the two periods in the case of tax-tilting (r ≠ ρ ) and
19) What are the 7 rules of thumbs for government finances?
a. The growth rate of money stock and Qty of real money supply.
b. Tax rate on real balances and the amount being taxed.
25) Express the total tax collected by the government with respect to the
change in the tax rate and interpret it.
26) Explain the potential sources of inflation empirically.
Note that the reason increases in interest rates increases the price level while
interest rate is at the denominator is because money supply is decreasing in
the nominal interest rate.
28) With Smax = 10% of GDP and b=1/3, show that C must be 9% of GDP.
29) Explain monetization of deficits.
From eqns (a) and (e), we get:
If the public is not willing or unable to lend loans to the government, then it
has to either deplete its foreign reserves or print paper money to finance its