Ira Levin Interview The Aquarian
Ira Levin Interview The Aquarian
Ira Levin Interview The Aquarian
from 4p.
•r N um ber 205 A pril 5 T o A pril 12
Broadway’ s Music Box Theater.
Levin’ s career began at the tender age of
20 when one of his television scripts was
produced by NBC. Two years later, he
wrote his first novel, A Kiss Before Dying, rtf1P
which became a best seller and, eventually,
a motion picture. In between was a stint in
the Army where he adapted Mac Hyman’ s
novel N o Time For Sergeants for the stage. m
“ That early success didn’ t really affect
m e,”said Levin. “ I just assumed that when
you write a play, that’ s what happens.”
The theater hasn’ t always been so kind to
Ira Levin, how ever. In 1965, his only A ,
musical. Drat! The Cat! closed after one “What’ s on TV now ob
week and, in 1973, V eronica’ s Room was
bombarded by the boys on the aisle. viously reflects the per
“ The failure of Drat! The C at!”mused
'Levin, “ represented only about ten year? of
sonal tastes of the few v? \ V
my life down the drain." people who control the
Far more successful have been his novels.
While attending a lecture once on the
industry. So, I figure, m
|‘ cycles of human life. Levin became intrigued why g o in a n d fight
by the idea of a woman being pregnant with
a fetus that is quite different from what she
expects. After researching the topic for
many months, he brought out Rosem ary’ s
Baby in 1967.
The rest is history.
Rosem ary’ s Baby has sold five million
copies to date and has been translated into
every major language except Russian and
Chinese. The movie version, directed by
Roman Polanski and starring Mia Farrow
and John Casavettes, is credited with Ira Leuin...‘
a so ft spoken , p ercep tiv e m an with a pen chan t fo r understatem ent.’
starting the late Sixties interest in the occult.
This Perfect Day, a novel set in the future,
followed in 1970. The Stepford Wives was shame to let all I was learning go to waste LEVIN: The influence of television, by people want to see.
published in 1973, and, in 1976, The Boys and that I should at least try one more time and large. Television is respon sible for LEVIN: 1think it’ s obvious now that that I
From Brazil spent 14 weeks on the New for what 1wanted. draining off a great deal of the interest in argument has worn pretty thin. Last year, I
York Times bestseller list. AQUARIAN: Was there a certain type of thrillers. There are all so rts of murder television viewing was down for the first time I
Levin, who was bom and raised in New play that you were after? mysteries on TV on any given night. Not all since it began. Obviously, people are getting I
York, is a graduate of New York Univer LEVIN: Yes, the “ one-set, five character, of them of such high quality, 1 might add. sick of what they’re being fed. I hope that the I
sity. He lived for a time in Wilton, Connec moneymaker”—every playwright’ s dream. AQUARIAN: Earlier in your career you trend continues because then the industry is I
ticut, but has been back braving the tor AQUARIAN: How does a writer con did a great deal of writing for television. going to be forced to reevaluate what it’ s|
ments (only som e of them supernatural) of struct the perfect thriller? LEVIN: My first work was done exclusive been doing.
Manhattan for the past 10 years. LEVIN: Well, in the case of Deathtrap, it ly for television. That was back in the early AQUARIAN: A long with D eathtrap, I
When the interview began, we w ere started with just one scene, one moment: Fifties when there were still opportunities another of your works which well be seeing
talking about his triumphant return to the when the main character, playwright Sidney for young writers. But 1 haven’ t worked in very soon is The B oys From Brazil, your I
theater. Bruhl, receives in the marl a script from one the medium for quite som e time now. novel which is currently being filmed ini
of his former students which he realizes has I w ouldn’ t mind doing more television South America with Gregory Peck and I
all the potential for huge com m ercial writing, but I don’ t know if that’ s possible Laurence Olivier. W hat’ s the status of the I
success. But I let that original idea ger now, given the present state of the “ art”— film?
AQUARIAN: Your success with Death minate in my mind for about five years. After and i use that word very loosely. From time LEVIN: Well, the actual filming has been I
trap must be very gratifying now, after a that, it w asn’t so much a matter of putting it to time, I’ve been approached about doing completed. The editing process has begun I
number of other plays that w eren’t received together, seeing where all the pieces fit, but something—and I do think th ere’ s tremen and it should take a few months. The release I
as favorably. just letting it take shape on its own, almost dous potential there, as witnessed by public date, originally, was November, 1978. But I
LEVIN: (Laughs) My flops you mean? out of necessity television—but what’ s on TV now obviously now, with the recent news coverage of I
AQUARIAN: Yes, I guess that’ s what I AQUARIAN: A well-written thriller is a reflects the personal tastes of the few people “cloning,”they may be forced to move it up. I
mean. very popular form in the theater. Death who control the industry. So, I figure, why AQUARIAN: The movie stars Gregory
LEVIN: Yes, it is very gratifying. But trap is playing to packed houses and, a few g o in and fight that? Peck in what is an unusual role for him—a I
somehow, through all those flops, 1felt that I years back. Sleuth was a very big hit. But AQUARIAN: But the people in charge of heavy. He plays the ex-Nazi surgeon Josef |
was gaining experience. 1 felt that it was a why aren’ t there more of these whodunits? TV say that what’ s on only reflects what (coniirtued on page 12)