Product Design and Development

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Lesson 01

Product Design and Development


Dr. Inderdeep Singh

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Outline of Presentation

 Course Details
 New Product Design
 Need of a New Product Design
 Product Development
 New-Product Development Strategy
 New-Product Development Process
 Successful Product Development
 Product Life-Cycle (PLC)
Course Details Course Details
Brief Contents
• Introduction

• Product life cycle

• Product policy of an organization

Week 1
• Selection of a profitable product

• Product design process

• Product analysis
Course Details Course Details
Brief Contents
• Value engineering concepts: Advantages, applications in
product development

• Problem identification and selection

Week 2
• Analysis of functions: Anatomy of function

• Types of functions, functional analysis system technique

• Case studies
Course Details Course Details
Brief Contents
• Introduction to product design tools

• Quality function deployment (QFD)

• Computer Aided Design

Week 3
• Design for excellence (DFX), robust design

• Design for manufacturing (DFM), design for assembly


• Ergonomics in product design

Course Details Course Details
Brief Contents
• Design for manufacturing and assembly (DFMA) guidelines

• Product design for manual assembly

Week 4 • Design guidelines for manufacturing of metallic and non-

metallic products

• Rapid prototyping, concept, advantages

• Working principle of SLA, LOM and SLS

New Product Design

 Every organization has to design, develop and introduce new

products as a survival and growth strategy.

 Product design is conceptualization of an idea about a product and

transformation of the idea into a reality.

 To transform the idea into reality a specification about the product

is prepared.
New Product Design
 This specification is prepared by considering different constraints
such as production process, customer expectation, etc.

 In product design stage, various aspects of the product are

analyzed. Also final decision regarding the product is taken on the
basis of the analysis.

 This decision can be any aspect related to the product, e.g.

dimension and tolerances, type of material for each component.
Need of a New Product Design
 Organization’s are required to design the new products for the following reasons:
• To be in business for a long time

• To satisfy unfulfilled needs of the customers

• Too much competition in the existing product line

• The profit margin is on the decline

• The company’s existing product line becomes saturated
and the sale is on the decline
New Product Design

How the Product Design and Manufacturing

Influence the Price, Quality, & Cycle Time?
Product Development

New-Product Development Strategy
Reasons for new product failure:
• Overestimation of market size
• Poor design
• Incorrect positioning
• Wrong timing
• Priced too high
• Ineffective promotion
• Management influence
• High development costs
• Competition
New-Product Development Process

1. Idea generation
2. Idea screening
3. Concept development and testing
4. Marketing strategy development
5. Business analysis
6. Product development
7. Test marketing
8. Commercialization
Successful Product Development

There are five characteristics of successful product

• Product quality
• Product cost
• Development time
• Development cost
• Development capability
Product Life-Cycle (PLC)

 Product life cycle (PLC) is the course that a product’s sales and
profits take over its lifetime

 The product life cycle concept is derived from a

fact that a given
product’s volume and revenue follow a typical pattern of four
Product Life-Cycle

 The four phases of life-cycle of a product: • Introduction

• Growth
• Maturity
• Decline
Thank You
Lesson 02
Product Design and Development
Product Life-Cycle

Dr. Inderdeep Singh

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Product Life-Cycle (PLC)
Product Life-Cycle (PLC)
 Product life cycle (PLC) is the course that a product sales and
profits take over its lifetime

 It shows the stages that products go through from development to

decline from the market
Why PLC?
• PLC determines revenue earned
• Contributes to strategic marketing planning
• Helps the firm to identify when a product needs support, redesign,
withdrawal, etc.

• Helps in planning for the new product development

• Helps in forecasting and managing cash flow
The Phases of the PLC
• Product development
• Introduction/Launch
• Growth
• Maturity
• Decline
Sales and Profits Over the Product’s Lifetime

Development Introduction Growth Maturity Decline
Sales and Profits



Phase I: Product development
• New ideas
• Market survey-is it required? Can it be produced at a profit?
• Product development and refinement
• Test Marketing
• Analysis of test marketing results
• Preparation for launch, publicity, marketing campaign
Phase II: Introduction/Launch
• Introduction of the product into the market
• It may be new product or old product to the new market
• Demand is low
• High cost/low sales
• Advertisement and promotion
• Monitor initial sales
Introduction phase
Characteristics and Objectives
Sales Low
Costs High cost per customer
Profits Negative
Marketing Objectives Create product awareness and trial
Phase III: Growth
• This period is the time to improve efficiency and product availability
as well as service

• Costefficiency, time-to-market, pricing and discount policies are the

major factors in gaining customer confidence

• Increased consumer awareness

• Sales growth rate increases because of limited or no competition
• Revenue increases
Growth phase
Characteristics and Objectives

Sales Rapidly rising

Costs Cost per customer is average

Profits Rising

Marketing Objectives Maximize market share

Phase IV: Maturity
• This period is the period of the highest returns from the product.
• Sales reach peak
• Marketing cost of the product declines
• Ratio of revenue to cost high
• Sales growth likely to be low
• Competition likely to be greater
• Monitor market-changes/new strategies?
Maturity phase
Characteristics and Objectives
Sales Peak

Costs Low cost per customer

Profits High
Maximize profits while defending
Marketing Objectives
market share
Phase V: Decline
• Competitors enter the market with
-Better product features
-Advanced technology
-Reduced prices

• Sales starts declining

• Marketing cost of product rises
• Decision to withdraw may be dependent on availability of new
products and whether fashions/trends will come around again?
Decline phase
Characteristics and Objectives
Sales Declining

Costs Low cost per customer

Profits Declining
Reduce expenditures and milk
Marketing Objectives
the brand
Strategies based on Product Life-Cycle

• Product
-Introduction: Offer basic product
-Growth: Offer product extension, service, warranty
-Maturity: Diversify brands/models
-Decline: Phase out weak products
• Price
• Distribution
• Advertising
• Sales promotion
Thank You
Lesson 03
Product Design and Development
Product Policy of an Organization and Selection of a
Profitable Product

Dr. Inderdeep Singh

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Product Policy of an Organization
Product Policy of an Organization

 Product policy is the top management decision.

 Every organization has its own product strategies or policies.

 These policies becomes the unique selling proposition (USP) of
the company.

 The same company can opt for different policies for the different
Various Product Policies
 Lowest price
 Highest quality
 Compromise between cost and quality
 Safety
Lowest price
• Lower cost is the main criteria used to compete in the market.
• Company offer the product at the cheaper price than its competitor.
• Profit is less, but the company makes the substantial profit by the
large volume.
Example: Sanitary paper,
Carry bags
Highest quality

• Some organizations offer highest quality products irrespective of

the cost.

• It is to fulfill the need of special class of customers who value the

quality as the only criteria to purchase the product.

Example: Medical Equipment

Compromise between cost and quality
• Some organizations offer the product with the optimum blend of
quality and cost to capture the larger section of the customers.

• The products are reasonably of good quality in proportion to its


• Theorganizations try to give good value to the customer for his

Example: Mobile, Television

• Safety is the main criteria on which they compete the market.

Example: Electrical gadgets,
Medical instruments,
Home appliances
• Product policy is not only concerned with the product, but also with the functions
the product fulfills.

• Productscan be classified according to various features, some of which are

important in preparing product policies.
Feature Explanation Example
Durability Non-durable Vs. Durable Hair spray Vs. Automobile
Re-usability Non- reusable Vs. Reusable Detergent Vs. Glass bottles
Recyclability Non-recyclable Vs. Recyclable Pesticides Vs. Paper
Way of Mass production (Standardized) Vs. Light bulb Vs. Craft made furniture
production Craft made goods (Non-standardized)
Selection of a Profitable Product
Selection of a Profitable Product
• Before selecting a product, organizations have to carryout SWOT
Analysis in order to know their strength areas, weaknesses or
limitations, opportunities and the perceived threat.

• Product selection is a team effort.

SWOT Analysis

Threat SWOT Weakness

Strengths Weaknesses
• Abundant financial resources • Limited financial resources
• Well-known brand name • Weak spending on R & D
• Superior management talent • Limited distribution
• Better marketing skills • Higher costs
• Committed employees • Poor marketing skills
• Limited management skills
• Under-trained employees.
Opportunities Threats
• Rapid market growth • Entry of foreign competitors
• Changing customer needs/tastes • Introduction of new substitute
• New uses for product discovered products
• Sales decline for a substitute product • Product life cycle in decline
• Economic downturn.
The Challenges in Selection
An ever-increasing variety of products are now available, each having
its own

• Characteristics,
• Applications,
• Advantages,
• Limitations.
Select the optimal product according to the requirement of customers,
cost, design, in-service requirements etc.
Thank You
Lesson 04
Product Design and Development
Product Design

Dr. Inderdeep Singh

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Product Design

Product Design Concept
• Product design is conceptualization of an idea about a product
and transformation of the idea into a reality.

• To transform the idea into reality a specification about the

product is prepared.

• This specification is prepared by considering different

constraints such as production process, customer expectation,
Product Design Concept cont….
• In product design stage all aspects of the product are analyzed.

• Final decision regarding the product is taken on the basis of the


• This decision can be any aspect related to the product, e.g.

dimension and tolerances, type of material for each component.
Objectives of Product Design
• To ensure growth of the organization
• To meet new requirement of the customers
• To utilize the surplus capacity of the organization, such as
physical facility, man power, etc.
• To utilize the surplus fund of the organization
• To increase company’s market share and to target new market
Features of a Good Product Design
• Functionality: The product must function properly for intended

• Reliability: The product must perform properly for the designated

period of time.

• Productivity: The product must be produced with a required

quantity and quality at a defined and feasible cost.
Features of a Good Product Design cont..
• Quality: The product must satisfy customer’s stated and unstated
• Standardization: The product should be designed in such a fashion,
so that most of the components are standardized and easily
available in the market.
• Maintainability: The product must perform for a designated period
with a minimum and defined maintenance. Adequate provision for
maintenance should be kept in the product.
Concepts of Product Design
Research & Development:

• Basic research is a search for new

• It does not have any immediate application,
but based on the basic research new
product can be developed in future.
Concepts of Product Design cont..
Reverse Engineering:

• Reverse engineering is the process

of carefully dismantling a product,
understanding its design and
developing a product which is
better than the existing one.
Concepts of Product Design cont..
• By using 3D modeling software system,
designers develop a computerized model of
a new product and analyze its design

• After computer aided design (CAD),

computer aided manufacturing (CAM) om/wpcontent/uploads/2014/01/03_InventorCA
system produce the product by using CNC M_MillTurn.jpg

Concepts of Product Design cont..
Concurrent Engineering (CE):

• Concurrent engineering, also known as simultaneous

• It is a method of designing and developing products, in
which the different stages run simultaneously, rather
than consecutively.
• It decreases product development time and also the Source:http://www.referenceforbu
time to market, leading to improved productivity and
reduced costs. engineering-642.jpg
Thank You
Lesson 05
Product Design and Development
Product Design Steps and Product Analysis

Dr. Inderdeep Singh

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Product Design

Product Design :Steps
1. Synthesis
2. Sketching Idea
3. Analysis
4. Selection
5. Basic engineering
6. Detail design
7. Prototype
8. Manufacturing
9. Operation Products
10. Product development Source:
Product Design :Steps
1. Synthesis: Try to develop different alternatives

2. Sketching: Draw sketches in exact scale for different alternatives

3. Analysis: Analysis different alternatives with respect to operability,

maintainability, inspection, assembling and dismantling issues, cost parameters,
production methods, etc.

4. Selection: Select the best alternative

Product Design :Steps cont..

5. Basic engineering: Prepare layout in exact scale, calculate strength of

components, select proper cost effective material.

6. Detail design: Prepare detail engineering drawing for each component.

7. Prototype: If option is there, then prepare prototype and test it.

Product Design :Steps cont..
8. Manufacturing: If prototype is not made, then follow manufacturing
steps and solve manufacturing problems and assembly problems, if

9. Operation: Collect feedback during actual operation of the new

product. If any problem exists, try to provide design based solution.
Also, implement lessons in the future design.

10. Product development: If any modification can be done, implement

the same in the next generation product.
Product Analysis
Product Analysis
• Many factors have to be analyzed in connection with
development and design.

• Factors varying in character and complexity.

• Factors affiliated with different fields in production and

industrial engineering.
Some of these factors may be grouped as follows:
1. Marketing aspect
2. Product characteristics

-Functional aspect
-Operational aspect
-Durability and dependability aspect
-Aesthetic aspect

3. Economic analysis

-The profit consideration

-The effect of standardization, simplification and specialization
-The break-even analysis

4. Production aspect
1. Marketing aspect

• Once the product is selected, then it is very important to know the marketability
of the product.

• All further steps are dependent upon the demand for the proposed product and
customer acceptability of the product.

• If there is no potential market, then it is a wasteful exercise to design and

manufacture the product.

• It give the answer of following questions:

• What will be the expected demand for the product both short-term
and long-term?
• Whether the functions that are offered by the product are desirable
and acceptable to the customers?
2. Product characteristics
-Functional aspect

• When the marketing possibilities have been explored, the functional scope of
the product has to be carefully analyzed and properly defined.

• The definition of the objective itself rarely tells us much about the predicted
functional scope.
2. Product characteristics
-Functional aspect
• A washing machine, for example, has a clearly defined objective: to wash
• This does not state, however, how the washing should be carried out,
whether the machine should be capable of heating the water prior to
washing, whether rinsing or drying, or both, are to be done by the
machine, and if so by what method, and what should the proportion be
between automatic functioning and manual supervision.

• A functional analysis of this kind obviously affects the design of the

machine, its complexity, its appearance, and its price.
2. Product characteristics
-Operational aspect

• The product is not only expected to perform its functions satisfactorily but it
should be easy to handle and operate at the customers end.

• The product is used at different operational conditions and the customers vary
with respect to skill and knowledge and the designer’s problem becomes
complicated with addition of more functions.
2. Product characteristics
-Durability and Dependability aspect

• These two factors define the quality and reliability of the product.

• Durability refers to the length of the active life of the product under given
working conditions.

• Dependability refers to the reliability with which the product serves its
intended function.

• Thus, quality of the product is directly proportional to the quality of inputs

(materials, men, etc.) and the process of manufacture.

• Thus, it is a function of cost.

2. Product characteristics
-Aesthetic aspect

• It refers to the ‘external look good’ aspect of the product and it is concerned with
molding the final shape around the basic skeleton.

• It helps the sales function of the product by attracting the customers and creating the
first impression about the product.

• Designers use variety of tools to build aesthetic characteristics into the products such
• Use of special material
• Use of colour
• Texture
• Packaging
3. Economic analysis

• An economic analysis is the key to the management decision in product design


• It answer the following questions:

• What will be the amount of investment needed to manufacture the new product?
• What are the estimated production costs per piece?
• What will be the expected profit margin?
• Whether the prices proposed to be offered by the company are competitive?
Tools in economic analysis
• The three S’s (standardization, simplification and specialization)

• The break-even analysis
4. Production aspect

• The design will be converted in the production shop where it will be

transformed into a physical product to be offered to the customers

• Successful transformation of design into a saleable product is a challenge to

the organization.

Tools in production aspect

Thank You
Lesson 06
Value Engineering Concepts

Dr. Inderdeep Singh

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

• Shortage of materials during World War II

• General Electric company found that many of the substitutes

have better or equal performance at less cost. Lawrence D.Miles
1904 - 1985
• Lawrence D. Miles launched an effort to make the concept

• Establishment of Society of American Value Engineers “SAVE”

in 1959
What is not Value Engineering?
• Cost Cutting
• Design Review
• Project Elimination
• Scope Reduction
• Quality Reduction
• Detailed Cost Estimating
• Redesign
What is Value Engineering
An organized study of FUNCTIONS to satisfy the
Definition of Value Engineering
• An analysis of materials, processes, and products in which
functions are related to cost and from which a selection may
be made so as to achieve the desired function at the lowest
overall cost consistent with performance.

• An Organized, Creative, Cost Search Technique for Analysing

the Function of a Product with the purpose of Value
Enhancement without Compromising with it’s Quality,
Performance & Efficiency.
Definition of Value Engineering

• The value of a function is defined as the

relationship of cost to performance
Valuemax =
Reasons for Poor Value…
• Lack of and/or poor coordination among designers

• Failure to network with customer – poor definition of needs and wants

• Design based on habitual thinking or mistaken beliefs

• Outdated or inappropriate design standards

• Incorrect assumptions based on poor information

• Fixation with previous design concepts

When to apply Value Engineering

The Design team has

the greatest impact
on the cost savings

The Value Engineering cycle
The Value Engineering Cycle

Application areas
• Construction projects

• Manufactured products

Application areas
• Business systems and processes

• Service organizations


Advantages of Value Engineering
• Helps in achieving an improved product design and quality.

• Suggests to eliminate the unnecessary functions in the organization that

increase costs.

• Emphasizes on seeking the alternatives for achieving the function and

on applying the best alternative among the various courses of actions

• Enhances the customers' satisfaction and sales by determining the exact

need and expectation of customers .
Thank You
Lesson 07

Problem Identification and VEJP

Dr. Inderdeep Singh
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Problem Identification

Defining the problem is the most important

step (five W’s)
• Who ? - would need it
• What ? - is needed
• When ? - is it needed
• Where ? - is it needed
• Why ? - is it needed

Steps in defining Problem

• Identify the Background Issues.

• Resources and constraints of the firm.
• Objective of the decision maker.
• Buyer behavior.
• Legal environment.
• Economic environment.
• Marketing and technological skills of the firm.
Value Engineering Job Plan
• Orientation
• Information
• Functional analysis
• Creative alternatives
• Evaluation
• Development
• Presentation
• Implementation
Orientation Phase
 Identify issues

 Prioritize Issues

 Drafts scopes and objective

 Establish evaluation factors

 Determine Study Team

 Collect Data
 Prepare for value study Source:-
Information Phase
• Gathering and tabulation of
information concerning the item
as presently designed

• Areas of high cost or low worth

are identified

Functional Analysis Phase
• Function Analysis is a technique
used to identify and understand the
needs of the project, product or
service, (what does it do, what must
it do).
• Function Analysis supports creative
problem solving by moving the focus away from
the expected solution and placing the focus on the
required performance or need. Source:-
Creative Alternatives
The Value Engineering Cycle
• Opportunity for the team to produce alternate
means of performing the functions associated with
the product, service or project.

• The goal is to generate as many ideas as possible in

a short period of time. This can be accomplished
through Function-based Brainstorming.

• All team members, including the stakeholders and

designers, participate in the creative brainstorming
Evaluation Phase
• The ideas generated from the Creative Phase are
systematically evaluated, screened prioritized and
short-listed for their potential to save cost and/or

• Ideas found to be irrelevant or not worthy of

additional study are disregarded.

• Those ideas that represent the greatest potential

for cost savings and improvements are selected for

Development Phase

• The objective of the Development Phase is to

develop the idea/alternative in sufficient detail
for the idea to be compared the originally
proposed solution.

• It enables the proposals to be developed

systematically and evaluated against the
proposed solution.

Presentation Phase
• The Presentation Phase is the team's
opportunity to present the proposals
in better way than the originally
proposed solution.

• It is also an opportunity for decision

makers to question the team and
assess the depth of analysis that has
taken place.


Implementation phase
• Develop an implementation

• Execute the plan

• Monitor the plan to completion


Thank You
Lesson 08
Functional Analysis

Dr. Inderdeep Singh

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

• Value engineering defines Function as that which makes a product
work or sell.

• Function is certainly the end result or action desired by customer.

• Customer wants a function to be achieved reliably, efficiently and

effectively by product or service.

Questions helps to achieve a function

• What is the purpose of the product?

• What does it cost?

• What is it worth?

• What alternative would do the same job?

• Is it exactly what it does for the customer?

• Project or product is evaluated by identifying the function in two words:-
Verb and Noun

• Verb:- Describes the specific action to achieve intended purpose

Noun:-Defines the object onto which the action operates

• Example:- An electrical cable has function of Conducting Current

Conduct:- verb
Current:- noun

Types of value in terms of function of product

• Use value:- value received from the performance of product

• Esteem value:- aesthetics and appeal of product

• Exchange value:- amount accepted in trade for an item.

• Cost value:- money incurred to produce an item.

Types of function
Primary function Secondary function
• Basic functions • Supporting functions
• Cannot be changed • Can be modified or
Example eliminated

• Boil water • Indicate level of water

• Pour water safely • Cordless
• Water filtration
• Power indication
Types of function
Primary function Secondary function
• Make phone calls • Camera
• Send text message • Take/play video
• Portability • Social networking
• Games
• Internet
• Apps
Function Analysis
Parts Function Basic Secondary
Foundation Support load S
Resist load S
Transfer load B

Anchor bolts Transfer load B

Hold pole S
Base Hold pole S
Support pole B
Cover bolts S
Extension Arm Hold fixture S
Spread light B
Protect wire S

Function Analysis

Parts Function Basic Secondary

Housing (fixture) Holds bulb B
Transfers elec. S
Diffuses light B
Reflects light S
Light bulb Produces light B
Dissipates light S

Steps to Perform Function Analysis
• Random function identification

• Functional Analysis System Technique or FAST Diagramming

• Cost to Function Relationships

• Identify the functions that have the best opportunity to

improve value.
Random function identification
• It is beginning of the function analysis phase.
• Randomly determining verb-noun combinations that
describe the functions of the project under study.
• Listing the function of entire product and identifying basic
• Then Bill of Material (BOM) of each component is prepared
and identify the function or functions of each and every part
in the BOM.
Cost-Function relationship
S.No Component Function B S Cost (Rs) %(cost/total)
1 Lead Make Mark B 0.50 10
2 Wood Protect lead S 1.00 20
3 Metal cap Hold eraser S 0.25 5
4 Eraser Remove marks S 0.75 15 60
5 Shaping of wood Provide grip S 0.50 10
6 Printing Display information S 0.50 10
Profit 1.50
Price of pencil= Rs 5/-
Total 5.00
Thank you

Lesson 09

Function Analysis System Technique

Dr. Inderdeep Singh
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Cost-Function relationship
S.No Component Function B S Cost (Rs) %(cost/total)
1 Lead Make Mark B 0.50 10
2 Wood Protect lead S 1.00 20
3 Metal cap Hold eraser S 0.25 5
4 Eraser Remove marks S 0.75 15 60
5 Shaping of wood Provide grip S 0.50 10
6 Printing Display information S 0.50 10
Profit 1.50 30
Price of pencil= Rs 5/- Total 5.00

Functional analysis system technique (FAST)
• Charles Bytheway developed FAST Diagrams in 1964.

• FAST Diagrams are FUNCTION-ORIENTED, not time-oriented.

• FAST permits people with dissimilar technical backgrounds to effectively

communicate and resolve issues that require multi-disciplined considerations.

• FAST builds upon VA by linking the simply expressed, verb-noun functions to

describe complex systems.

• FAST is not an end product or result, but rather a beginning.


• Visual layout (Tree Diagram) of product’s Functions.

• Starts with the Basic Function, and builds to the right with supporting
or Secondary Functions.

Why do a FAST Diagram?

Understand Functions to be eliminated, or improved, to
deliver Basic Functions



Ask How? Secondary Function

Secondary Function
Basic Function Secondary Function
Secondary Function
OR logic
AND logic
Secondary Function Ask Why?

Source: Value Management, J. Kaufman


FAST Model is complete

Function when
Ask How? Customer Needs can be
Secondary Customer Need
Function Mapped to Functions
Basic Customer Need Secondary
Function Function

Customer Need
Secondary Secondary
Function Function
Ask Why?
Customer Need Customer Need
Pencil FAST Diagram
Overhead projector FAST Diagram

Benefits of the Function Analysis System
• Develop a shared understanding of the project
• Identify missing functions.
• Define, simplify and clarify the problem.
• Organize and understand the relationships between
• Identify the basic function of the project, process or product.
• Improve communication and consensus.
• Stimulate creativity.
Thank You

Product Design and Development

Prof. Inderdeep Singh

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Product Life-Cycle (PLC)
 Product life cycle (PLC) is the course that a product sales and
profits take over its lifetime

 It shows the stages that products go through from development to

decline from the market
Sales and Profits Over the Product’s Lifetime

Development Introduction Growth Maturity Decline
Sales and Profits



Product Design

Need of a New Product Design
 Organization’s are required to design the new products for the following reasons:
• To be in business for a long time
• To satisfy unfulfilled needs of the customers

• Too much competition in the existing product line

• The profit margin is on the decline
• The company’s existing product line becomes saturated
and the sale is on the decline
Product Development

New Product Design

 Every organization has to design, develop and introduce new

products as a survival and growth strategy.

 Product design is conceptualization of an idea about a product and

transformation of the idea into a reality.

 To transform the idea into reality a specification about the product

is prepared.
New Product Design
 This specification is prepared by considering different constraints
such as production process, customer expectations, etc.

 In product design stage, various aspects of the product are analyzed

 Final decision regarding the product is taken on the basis of the

 This decision can be any aspect related to the product, e.g.

dimension and tolerances, type of material for each component.
New Product Design

How the Product Design and Manufacturing

Influence the Price, Quality, & Cycle Time?
Lesson 14
Product Design and Development
Design for X (DFX)
Dr. Inderdeep Singh
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Source : Product Design and Development, Fifth Edition by Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger 11
Design for Excellence (DFX)
• Design for Excellence or DFX is a systematic design approach that entails
wide range of guidelines and standards focused on optimizing the product
realization lifecycle.

• In reality, the term DFX is better thought of as Design for “X” where the
variable X is interchangeable with one of many values depending on the
particular objectives of the venture.
Design for Excellence (DFX) cont..

These guideline ensures the issues related to manufacturing, cost, quality,

assembly and serviceability are addressed at the design stage.

If these guidelines are not adhered during the design stage, it can lead to
engineering changes occurring at later stages of product lifecycle which are
highly expensive and can cause product delays and cost over-runs.
Some of the most common
substitutes for X includes: Design for

Design for Design for

• Design for Manufacturing Reliability Manufacturing


• Design for Assembly (DFA)

Design for
and Assembly DFX Design for

• Design for Manufacturability

and Assembly (DFMA) Design for
Design for Cost

Design for

• Design for Production

Design for Manufacturing

“DFM is the method of design for ease of manufacturing of the collection
of parts that will form the product after assembly”

“Optimization of the manufacturing process”

Design for Manufacturing cont..

• Design for manufacturing (DFM) is a development practice, emphasizing

manufacturing issues throughout the product development process.

• Successful DFM results in lower production cost without sacrificing

product quality.
Estimate the Manufacturing Costs
Equipment Information Tooling

Raw Materials

Labor Manufacturing
Finished Goods

Energy Supplies Services Waste

Source: Ulrich, K. & Eppinger, S. (2000). Product Design and Development. Boston, MA: Irwin McGraw-Hill.
Elements of the Manufacturing Cost of a Product


Components Assembly Overhead

Equipment Indirect
Standard Custom Labor and Tooling Support

Processing Tooling
Manufacturing Cost of a Product
• Component Costs (parts of the product)
 Parts purchased from supplier
 Custom parts made in the manufacturer’s own plant or by suppliers according to the
manufacturer’s design specifications

• Assembly Costs (labor, equipment, & tooling)

• Overhead Costs (all other costs)

 Support Costs (material handling, quality assurance, purchasing, shipping, receiving,
facilities, etc.)
 Indirect Allocations (not directly linked to a particular product but must be paid for to
be in business)
Fixed Costs vs. Variable Costs

• Fixed Costs: incurred in a predetermined amount, regardless of number of

units produced (i.e. setting up the factory work area or cost of an injection
molding machine)

• Variable Costs: incurred in direct proportion to the number of units

produced (i.e. cost of raw materials)
Proposed Design

DFM Method Estimate the

Manufacutring Costs

Reduce the Costs of Reduce the Costs Reduce the Costs of

Components of Assembly Supporting Production

Consider the Impact of

DFM Decisions on
Other Factors

Recompute the
Manufacturing Costs


Acceptable Design Ulrich, K. & Eppinger, S. (2000). Product Design and Development. Boston, MA:
Irwin McGraw-Hill.
DFM Method

• Estimate the manufacturing costs.

• Reduce the costs of components.
• Reduce the costs of assembly.
• Reduce the costs of supporting production.
• Consider the impact of DFM decisions on other factors.
• In a sheet-metal design, specifying hole sizes, locations, and their alignment is critical.
• It is always better to specify hole diameters that are greater than the sheet’s thickness (T).
• Spacing between holes also matters. It should be at least two times the sheet thickness (2T),
if not more.
• Distance between holes ensures strength of the metal and prevents holes from deforming
during the bending or forming processes.

Design for Assembly
Design for Assembly

DFA is the method of design of the product for ease of assembly.

“Optimization of the part/system assembly”

Design for Assembly cont..

• DFA is a tool used to assist the design teams in the design of products that
will transition to production at a minimum cost, focusing on the number of
parts, handling and ease of assembly.

Design for Assembly Principles
• Minimize part count
• Design parts with self-locating features
• Design parts with self-fastening features
• Minimize reorientation of parts during assembly
• Design parts for retrieval, handling, & insertion
• Emphasize ‘Top-Down’ assemblies
• Standardize parts…minimum use of fasteners.
• Encourage modular design
• Design for a base part to locate other components
• Design for component symmetry for insertion
Example 1

• Original design for a thermal

gunsight reticle in a US tank,
made by Texas Instruments,

• There are a large number of


Source: Boothroyd, Dewhurst and Knight (1994)

• Redesigned thermal gunsight reticle:
simpler to assemble, and less to go

Source: Boothroyd, Dewhurst and Knight (1994)

Measuring Improvement

Original Redesign Improvement

Assembly time (h) 2.15 0.33 84.7%

Number of different parts 24 8 66.7%

Total number of parts 47 12 74.5%

Total number of operations 58 13 77.6%

Metal fabrication time (h) 12.63 3.65 71.1%

Weight (lb) 0.48 0.26 45.8%

Example 2

• Redesign of
motor drive
design for
Cost of Assembly Vs Cost of Part Manufacture
Saving Total Saving

Assembly Saving

Part Manufacture
Optimum Saving (DFM)

Part Count Reduction

Design for Environment
Inderdeep Singh
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Adapted for Online Conference, GNE Ludhiana, September, 19, 2020

Source : Product Design and Development, Fifth Edition by Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger 33
Design for Environment
 Design for Environment (DFE) is a method to minimize or
eliminate environmental impacts of a product over its life cycle.
 Effective DFE practice maintains or improves product quality
and cost while reducing environmental impacts.
 DFE expands the traditional manufacturer’s focus on the
production and distribution of its products to a closed-loop life
Product Life Cycle

Materials Production

Disposal Distribution

Life Cycle
 Life cycle thinking is the basis of Design for Environment.
 The product lifecycle begins with the extraction and processing
of raw materials from natural resources, followed by
production, distribution and use of the product.
 At the end of the product’s useful life there are several
recovery options – remanufacturing or reuse of components,
recycling of materials, or disposal through incineration or
deposit in a landfill.


Materials Production
Resources Post-consumer
Recycling Remanufacturing

Natural “Bio” “Product”
Life Cycle Life Cycle Distribution
Decay Recovery

Deposit Use
 The natural life cycle represents the growth and decay of
organic materials in a continuous loop.

 The two life cycles intersect, with the use of natural materials
in industrial products and with the reintegration of organic
materials back into the natural cycle.

 Product life cycles take place over a few months or years while
the natural cycle spans a wider range of time periods.

Natural Lifecycle and Product Lifecycle
Resources Post-industrial

Renewable Materials Production

Resources Resources
Natural Post-consumer
“Biological” Recycling Product
Life Cycle “Industrial” Distribution
Recovery Life Cycle
Organics Reuse

Source : Product Design and Development, Fifth Edition by Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger
Conditions for Sustainability
 Eliminate use of non-renewable natural resources (including
non-renewable sources of energy).
 Eliminate disposal of synthetic and inorganic materials that do
not decay quickly.
 Eliminate creation of toxic wastes that are not part of natural
life cycles.

Environmental Impacts
Every product may have a number of environmental impacts over
its life cycle. The following list explains environmental impacts
deriving from the manufacturing sector:
 Global warming

 Resource depletion

 Solid waste

Environmental Impacts
 Water pollution
 Air pollution
 Land Degradation
 Biodiversity
 Ozone deletion

Design for Environment Process
Effective implementation of Design for Environment includes
activites throughout the product development process.
Steps of the DFE process are:
1. Set DFE Agenda.
2. Identify Potential Environmental Impacts.
3. Select DFE guidelines.
4. Apply DFE Guidelines to initial Designs.

Design for Environment Process
5. Assess Environmental Impacts.
6. Refine Design.
7. Reflects on DFE Process and Results.

Despite the linear presentation of the steps, product development

teams will likely repeat some steps several times, making DFE an
iterative process.

Product 1. Set DFE Agenda

2. Identify Potential
Environmental Impacts
Development 3. Select Material and DFE
Activities throughout the
System-Level 4. Apply DFE Guidelines to
Initial Designs
product development process
5. Assess Environmental
6. Refine Design
Design Compare to
DFE Goals N

Process 7. Reflect on DFE Process
Improvement and Results
Step 1 : Set the DFE Agenda: Drivers, Goals, and
The DFE process begins as early as the product planning phase
with setting the DFE agenda. This step consists of three activities:
 Identifying the internal and external drivers of DFE.
 Setting the environmental goals for the product.
 Setting up the DFE team.
By setting this, the organization identifies a clear and actionable
path toward environmentally friendly product design.

Step 2 : Identify Potential Environmental Impacts
 This enables the product development team to consider
environmental impacts at the concept stage even though little
or no specific data are yet available for the actual product and a
detailed environmental impact assessment is not yet possible.

 The chart shown below is an adaptation of the LiDs Wheel
and the EcoDesign Web.
 To create this chart, the team asks, “What are the significant
sources of potential environment impact in each life cycle


Materials Production Distribution Use Recovery

Life Cycle

Step 3 : Select DFE Guidelines

 Each lifecycle stage has its own DFE guidelines that provide
product development teams with instructions on how to reduce
the environmental impacts of a product.
 Many guidelines related to Selection of Materials. This shows
the central role of materials in DFE.

Life Cycle Design for Environment Guidelines
Materials  Sustainability  Specify renewable and
of resources abundant resources.
 Specify recyclable and /or
recycled materials.
 Specify renewable forms of
 Healthy  Specify nonhazardous
inputs and materials.
outputs  Install protection against
release of pollutants and
Life Cycle Design for Environment Guidelines
Production  Minimal use  Employ as few manufacturing
of resources steps as possible.
in production.  Specify materials that do not
require surface treatments or
 Minimize the number of
Distribution  Minimal use  Minimize packaging.
of resources  Use recyclable and/or reusable
in packaging materials.
distribution.  Employ folding, nesting, or
Life Cycle Design for Environment Guidelines
Use  Efficiency of  Employ as few manufacturing
resources steps as possible.
during use.  Specify materials that do not
require surface treatments or
 Minimize the number of
 Appropriate  Consider aesthetics and
durability functionality to ensure the
aesthetic life is equal to the
technical life.
Life Cycle Design for Environment Guidelines
Recovery  Disassembly,  Ensure that joints and fasteners
separation, are easily accessible.
and  Specify joints and fasteners so
purification that they are separable by hand
or with common tools.
 Ensure that incompatible
materials are easily separated.

Step 4 : Apply the DFE Guidelines to the
Initial Product Design.
Step 5 : Assess to Environmental Impacts.
 The next step is to assess, to the extent possible, the
environmental impacts of the product over its entire life cycle.
 To do so with precision requires a detailed understanding of
how the product is to be produced, distributed, used over its
lifetime, and recycled or disposed at the end of its useful life.

Step 6 : Refine the Product Design to Reduce or
Eliminate the Environmental Impacts
 The objective of this step and subsequent DFE iterations is to
reduce or eliminate any significant environmental impacts
through redesign.
 The process repeats until the environmental impacts have been
reduced to an acceptable level and the environmental
performance fits the DFE goals.
 Redesign for ongoing improvement of DFE may also continue
after production begins.
Step 7 : Reflect on the DFE Process and Results
 With every aspect of the product development process, the
final activity is to ask:
 How well did we execute the DFE process?
 How can our DFE process be improved?
 What DFE improvements can be made on derivative and future


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