IX Practical Assignment IT 402 2022 23
IX Practical Assignment IT 402 2022 23
IX Practical Assignment IT 402 2022 23
Session 2022-2023
Subject: Information Technology (Code: 402)
Practical Assignment
Class - IX
General Instructions:
1. Complete the given practical assignment before 30th May and send via email at
santanughosh1985@outlook.com .
2. This assignment will be considered as your practical assessment and carries marks.
3. You have to send three Word Documents as explained below:
a. Document 1: Solution to Q1.
b. Document 2: Solution to Q2.
c. Document 3: This document must contain all the screenshots of the steps taken to
create the questions 1 and 2.
Q1. Create a document on “Life is an Action, Not Contemplation” based on the given
a. It should have at least 2 pages containing headings and sub headings.
b. Insert a few relevant images in the document.
c. Change page’s background color to “Light Green”
d. Copy first paragraph and paste it in the end.
e. Use “Spelling and Grammar” option to remove “Spelling” and “Grammar” mistake.
Q2. Create a document with two paragraphs on the topic “Habit” using instructions
given below: -
a. Find word “Habit” in the document and replace it with “Daily Actions”.
b. Format both paragraphs using “Font: Cambria, Size: 12 Colour: Green”.
c. Insert relevant images.
d. Display non-printing characters of the document.
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