Urinary NTM
Urinary NTM
Urinary NTM
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1Infectious Diseases and Mycobacterium abscessus complex is one of the most important
Tropical Medicine Research groups of non-tuberculosis mycobacteria, which can cause infection
Center, Shahid Beheshti
University of Medial Sciences,
in several organs of the human body. In this study, we report a
Tehran, Iran rare cause of urinary tract infection which was presented with
2Faculty of Medicine, Shahid the chief complaint of hematuria and dysuria. The patient was
Behehsti University of Medical treated by a clarithromycin based approach and the result of
Sciences, Tehran, Iran the culture and polymerase chain reaction were negative after 3
months of treatment. Informed consent was taken from the patient
Keywords. mycobacterium
tuberculosis, mycobacterium
for publishing the case.
abscessus, urinary tract
infection, steven-johnson IJKD 2021;15:235-7
Case Report
water, domestic, wild animal, and food products. 1 of recurrent urinary tract infection (UTI) for 7
There are more than 140 species of NTM which months. Terminal hematuria was added to the
can be pathogen and cause different infections in patient’s complaints and dysuria became more
humans. 2 The mycobacterium abscessus complex severe than before. Some evidences of bladder
(MABc) is one of the most important groups of infection and left ureter obstruction were observed
NTM which is increasing globally.3 MABc is one in further ultrasonography. A urinary smear for
of the rapidly growing mycobacteria causing a acid fast bacillus (AFB) was requested after stent
variety of opportunistic infections in soft tissue, insertion. The urinary smear was +3 positive for
bone, skin and also disseminated infection.4 AFB. Treatment of urinary tuberculosis was started
Urinary tract infection is one of the major causes with fixed-dose drug combinations (pyrazinamide,
of extra-pulmonary infection of tuberculosis. 5 isoniazid, rifampin, ethambutol, and pyridoxine).
However, urinary tract infection caused by NTM is One week later, severe allergic reaction in the form
an extremely rare presentation.6 In this study, we of generalized pruritus, maculopapular, blisters and
report a complicated case of urinary tract infection, pustular skin rash, eye involvement and mucosal
which is caused by mycobacterium abscessus. ulcers were observed. Hence, anti-tuberculosis drugs
were discontinued and the patient was referred to
CASE PRESENTATION our clinic with the primary diagnosis of Stevens-
A 62-year-old male was presented to the Johnson syndrome due to anti-tuberculosis drugs
infectious disease clinic with a chief complaint (Figure). For further investigation, urine PCR for
of dysuria and hematuria since a year ago. His mycobacterium tuberculosis and non-tuberculosis
history of underlying disease such as diabetes was was requested. The result of PCR indicated the
unremarkable. The ultrasonography of kidney, presence of mycobacterium abscessus in the
ureter, and bladder (KUB) and urine analysis urinary tract. Laboratory tests were as follows:
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9. Moore M, Frerichs JB. An Unusual Acid-Fast Infection of
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Correspondence to:
the Gluteal Region: Report of a Case with a Study of the
Organism, Mycobacterium abscessus, n. sp. 1. Journal of Mohammad Amin Shahrbaf, MD
Investigative Dermatology. 1953; 20(2):133-69. Koodakyar Dead-End, Velenjak Street, Postal Code: 19839-
63113, Tehran, Iran
10. Sfeir M, Walsh M, Rosa R and et al., editors.
Tel: 0098 918 910 4127
Mycobacterium abscessus Complex Infections: A
Retrospective Cohort Study. Open forum infectious E-mail: Aminshahrbaf41@gmail.com
diseases; 2018: Oxford University Press US.
Received December 2020
11. Griffith DE, Aksamit T, Brown-Elliott BA and et al. An
official ATS/IDSA statement: diagnosis, treatment, and Revised February 2021
prevention of nontuberculous mycobacterial diseases. Accepted March 2021