CoTech QN Papers

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, DESIGN, ART AND TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING CIV3105: CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY: FINAL EXAMINATIONS FIRST SEMESTER 201 1/2012 DATE: Tuesday 10" Janaary 2012 PIME: 2: 00 -5.00 p.m JCTIO 1. This examination consists of 2 pages 2. Answer ALL questions in SECTION A and a total of SIX questions in SECTION B 3._Use illustrations and relevant examples where applicable, SCTION A (40 Marks) Attempt ALL questions in this Section. 1. Give 3 main advantages and 3 main disadvantages of hiring builders’ plant as opposed to buying ti same plant (6 marks pan2._ List 3 advantages of eavity wall construction for external walls of domestic buildings. (3 marks Site activities Efficiency iii, Movement lof iv. Control v vy. Facilities for health, safety and welfare provision, Y vi,_Accommodation for staff and storage of materials.” Explain with any relevant example, “Efficiency” asa consideration in the planning of site layouts. si (T marks 4. With the aid of an annotated sketch describe the features and materials used in tile roofing 3 marie Ff Describe the various categories of plywood! hoards, their grating and the hon agents sed £ permanent work (6 marks DPefine the term “internal partitions’ and state the dificrence between non-load bearing and. to: Bearing partitions (5 marks \ oy te) SY what is sitfeentat setiement? Briefly describe a test that iP Beruedto estimate the amount ¢ { seitlement of a building. ee ont END OF SECTION A SECTION B (60 Marks) ‘his Section contists of 8 3 gy be questions. temp ny SIX for fill creat. v fs 4 2) i) Mention six vist insuence the choice ofthe superstructure ofa building.” G marks) 4i) Distinguish between sthuctural and non-structural clements of « building-— Q marks) ') Discus the proces feasting oversit eohere which s the final sub stcuctuloperation,— ( marks) z = (Total: 10 marks, fs, 3 ‘¥e6) In domestic construction, the achieveme'st requirements. List them, by With the aid of an annotated sketch, Giscuss Plaster Board Pane! Partitions. Mention their my demerits, and erection procedure AL 10. Before any inital planning ofthe site layout can take place ceftain preliminary work r a Discuss the five components a typical site te avesinion repr Id 1h woe a i an a) Explain the rationale of inspection during the conruction pracess. IS. G marks) * 1b) With the aid of appropriate iltstrations, describe the Slump test for corisistency of concrete (7'marks) Be otal 10 mars] 12. cs 2) With the aid of annotated sketches distinguish between slung and suspended scaffolding, (8 marks) >) “Many single storey te buildings cover such a large area that normal windows are of ite use as natural light can only b¢ obfatfied from windows in the roof.” ie ‘two reasons for having windows on the Gmsris Sr me pal ghee on 4) What is underpinning and when is eappfteable? (5 maris) tb) Briefly highlight the liquid limit tet for cohesive soils on cee wt Ca © 5 en aR [Total 10 marks} u sr Diver wk penis ibn cide ibsienil tho ood foclich cchising galls, (Graal. +) Using dingrans distinguish between end-bearing piles and fition piles. What isa displacement pile? (marks) ta .7 aaa C pe en marks) 15 = ; ybiccme id pl ai L pager’ (6 marla) List four (ypes of pile fusadanons AD na (2 marks) S We a otal: 10 marks) Erion n MAKERERE UNIVERSILT oa PACULTY OF TECHNOLOGY Cee ie ae DEPARTMENT OF civ ENGINEERING i [- CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY TEST ot ‘Time: 10.00 ~ 12.00hrs 34 Novernber 2009 vate: bt ame jatructions to candidates this paper has six questions. answer any Five for full marks (2x allquestions carry equal marks. ol a Us ies Z cerete blocks (4marks) i ferent internal tly influenced sutoclaved aerated com 4 the relative costs of dif seuss two advantages of using iss the aspects that Bre ignments, you investigate vat on the Key findings and discus ye (8 mars) tia DE 2. Inone of the group assi ~~ wall types. Commer the cost of each YP! yg wall. You may use a cross-wall to an'already, existiny Pi ECE Discuss how one might provide for f sketch to enhance the discussion. {4marks) 1-4 Discuss two separate ways | ceilings Joads are transmitted to the foundation. (4marks) sense gusley ee ae het eae J Question 2 erate has beeéime-the- most widely used ad DISCUSS briefly four Te 2-2 Whyisit necessary to provie 1d perform on each of the 1: constituents of concrel test every batch ‘of reinforcement nse ne S14 LA JA List and discuss th Avoris | j construction mat re workds{4inks} wa x [dSfer inspection and supervision of works on site? (Ams) Ws sufficiently well wo enssite tests Ht oul jor ‘te wo verify their quality (Bmis} ae wel eee to pe your a aaa See x Questions i id F ee / ree different rnc ARG Joufi'on a construction site and thei \ ee LYE ist five different toals found qmaconstruction site and their usage (5 07m pant found on 2 construction site and hee usage ® 1st ercidl 3.3, List three differe Discuss three types of works that are mrmatly suib-contracted on 2 typicst Om are ANP -puiaing site (6 mers) eee aul i ‘ f Ve Gees is Pal “7 wsestion 4 11 J overheard a third year civil engineering Student saying it was not important to test concrete cubes for the following reasons ve 1) Itis too late to carry outany corrective measure by the time tts deficiency is established 2) The variation within the concrete strength is too large a value for the testreding t0 be representative ofthe entire batch 3) The cube being tested is immersed in water yet the building ts rarely cured satisfactorily Do you agree to all these statements? Explain each of these concerns adequately and the site measures one would undertake in the event that the results are. deemed unacceptable. (12 marks) In one of my shared experiences in class, itwas observed that at times bigger aggregates yield a higher compressive strength value than concrete made from the specified ‘maximum aggregate size in the project concrete specification. Discuss the importance of this restriction (maximum aggregate size} in concrete works and its influence on the concrete quality (8marks) XQuestion 5 5-1 Discuss five factors that could affect the suitability of a site for a proposed construction project (10 marks) 45-2. Discuss five different ways how one might provide for safety on site (10 marks) 42 pestion 6 Discuss why itis desirable to “burry” the foundation (4 marks) Discuss the factors that would influence the choice of foundation (4 marks) \ Discuss why a Damp-Proof Course (DPC) isused in construction (2marks) Discuss three specifications one might use to serve the purpose of DPC (6 marks} State five performance requirements of external envelopes(4 marks) FACULTY OF TECHNOLOGY f DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING CE 3105: CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY A MAKERERE UNIVERSITY Quiz! 1%" October 2007 Time: 1 hour ‘nstruction: 1. This quiz. is camprised of short answer type questions totalling 50 marks. 2. Attempt all the questions for full marks. 3. Indicate your name and registration number on your answer script Questions: M 1, Damp-proof membrane may be placed in one of the three positions in the floor, under the slab, on top of the slab and under the screed or on top of the screed. Explain the merits and demerits of cach. State the most common Ugandan experience. 2. List at least three advantages of cavity wall construction for external walls of domestic buildings. 3, State at least 4 factors that should be considered while positioning the office of + the contractor and that of the clerk of works at any given construction site Discuss the three ph: wastage = MAKERERE UNIVERSITY. * FACULTY OF ENGINEERING grand OP ‘DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGIN! ERING & . CLV 3105: CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY ‘SEMESTER I EXAMINATION 2009/2010 (THIRD YEAR) 11 December 2009 ll Time: 2:00pm-~ 5:00pm UCT This examination consists of 2 pages ‘Answer ALL questions in SECTION A and a total of SIX questions in SECTION B ‘answer Sections A~ I and B~ 1 in a separate booklet from Sections A~ 2 and B 2. Use ilustrations and reievant examples where applicable 1 2 3. 4, SECTION (40 Marks) ‘Attempt ALL questions in this Section. SECTION A - J [22 Marks} 1. “It docsn’t matter which type of cement one-uses” do you agree or disagree with this statement, and why} (5 marks) 2. List three artificial and three natural defects commonly found in timber» (3 marks) 3. List five examples of welfare facilities that should be found on a site» G maris) a Discuss three types of works that are normally subcontracted on typical medium mse Reinforced Conerete buildings ~ (6 marks) 5S. Making use of a sketch, discuss 1wo different ways one might provide fora eross wal to an already existing wall « , (5 marks) SECTION A ~2 [18 Marks] 6. Damp-proof membrare may be placed in one of the three positions inthe Moor, under the sl, on top ‘of the slab and under the sereed or on top of the sereed. Give | merit and 1 demerit of each of these positions. (3 marks) 7. Slate 3 factors that should be considered whilé positioning the offiee-of the cortrsstor and 2 factors ‘considered While positioning the reception at any giver Constrdetion site. (Smarks) 8. “Factors affecting the choice of a particular foundation include: i, Structural aspects ii, Design Resources iit, Relative Costs, and iv. Working conditions.” Explain, "Working Conditions’ asa consideration inthe choice of foundation type (1 marks) END OF SECTION SECTION 8 (60 Marks) : ‘is Section consists of & ESSAY type questions. Attempt NOT MORE ‘THAN SIX for full ered. SEeTIONB-1 & © hen seleting a building sit, a number of factors ae normally considered such as “elevation” ane “climate”. Discuss why these two factors are important (6marks) 1) "Mention 4 ther factors that should be considered stating a least one rs800 why they should (4 marks) (Total: 10 marks] 10. 2) The form fr submission of structural drawings for storied buildings ete cone to indicate the person tesponaible forthe supervision ofthe works. Discuss by citing examples ‘why and how the engineer would be involved in this undertaking. (10 marks) (Total: 10 marks} u 3) Inthe Concrete Design course, you must have appreciated the imporsnc ‘of partial factors of safety. aoe Sy these factors for concrete ac hgher than those fr steel by making reference (0 the ‘production process (6 marks) Petts poral factor of safety For tel strength in recent codes of practice IRC design has been resuced from 1.13 to L.05. Discuss the implication of this change tothe practice it ‘Uganda and the practical vpusures one might ake to ensure complianey to the new code requirements (4 marks) [Total: 10 marks} w 7 psa young engineer responsible for ast, discus ive partial ways hat You would apply to ensure safety and security of materials, people and equipment onsite (10 marks) l (otal: 10 marks} SECTION B-2 2) Explain the two major super-structral forms. With the aid of ‘annotated sketches, discuss Load-bearing alte | eT UL SS (8 mark) 1) “Many single-storey industrial buildirgs cover such a large area hat normal windows are of litle use aan ightean only he got from windows in thereof.” Give tworeasons for ‘having windows on the roof (2 marks) (Total: 10 marks u“ A) What are the major characteristics of soil that are of interest to Engineers? (2 marks) 1) BS L3TT- 1975 defines laboratory so tests tobe conducted on «sample of soil. What do these tests determine? (3 marks) ¢) What is underpinning and when isitapplicable? (5 marts) (oral: 10 marks} g AA Using diagrams distinguish berweenend-bearng piles and friction pfs (6 maris) 4) With aid ofan annotated sketch, lusate the formation ofa Frankl Pie (4 masks) , (Total: 10 marks} 16 /«) Discuss the failure modes of retaining walls (8 marks) >) List four types of pile foundations (2 marks) [Toral: 10 marks} END OF SECTION B MAKERERE UNIVERSITY EACULTY OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Ee eee ee Te CIV 3105: CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOG' SEMESTER L EXAMINATION 2009/2010 (THIRD YEAR} Date: 11" December 2009, Time: 2:00pm ~ 5:00pm INSTRUCTIONS: This examination consists of 2 pages “Answer ALL questions in SECTION A and a total of SIX questions in SECTION B ‘Answer Sections A I and B ~ I in g separate booklet from Sections A ~ 2 and B- 2. Use illustrations and relevant examples where applicable 1 2. 3. « SECTION A (40 Marks! i Attempt ALL questions inthis Section. SECTION A - 1 [22 Marks] 1. “It doesn’t matter which type of cement one uses” do you agree or disagree with this staweinent, wid why (5 marks) 2. List three artificial and three natural defects commonly found in umber (3 marks) 3. List five examples of welfare facilities that should be found on a site (3 marks) £. Discuss twee types of works thal are normally subcontracted on typical mediin rise Reinforced Conerete buildings (6 marks) 45. Making use ofa sketch, discuss two differem ways one might provide fora cross wall wo an steady ‘existing wall (5 marks) fi SECTION A -2 [18 Marks} 6, Danp-proof membrane may be placed in one of the thre positions in the floor, under the slab, om top ofthe slab and under the screed or on top ofthe screed Give 1 merit and 1 demerit of each of these positions. GB marks) 7. State 3 factors that should be corsidered while positioning the office of the contractor ay@ 2 factors considered while positioning the r2veption at any given construction site marks) 8, “Factors affecting the choice of particular foundation include: § iL Stretural aspects ii, Design Resources iii, Relative Costs, and iv. Working conditions.” plain," Working Conditions’ 1s» consideration inthe choice of foundation type (10 marks) END OF SECTION A SECTION B (60 Marks) his Section consis of ESSAY type questions. Attempt NOT MORE THAN SIX for ful credit SECTION B 2-1 ven selecting a building site, nurber of factors are nonmally considered such as “elevation” and ‘elimate”. Discuss why these two factors are mportant (6marks) ts utetion 4 other factors that should be considered stating atleast one reason why they should (4 marks) (Coral: 10 marks} 10. 1) se Form for submission of suructural drawings for storied buildings requires one to indicate the Pom Tesponsible fo the supervision ofthe works. Discus by citing examples why and how the ongier™ would be involved in this undertaking. (20 marks) (Total: 10 marks) u 2) inthe Conerete Design couse, you must have appreciated the importance of partial factors of safety Diseuse why these factors for concrete are higher than those for steel by making reference 10 the production process (6 marks) By The paral factor of safety for steel strength in recent codes of practice for RC design has been reduced Fons to 10S. Discuss the implication ofthis change o the practice in Uganda and the practical smoagures one might take to ensure compliancy to te new code requirements (¢ marks) rat (Total: 10 marks} 2X. a young engineer responsible fora ste, discuss five practical ways that you would apply w'ensure safety and security of materials. people and equipment on site. (ZO marks) (Porat: 10 marks} SECTION B-2 i He sin the two major soperstructral forms. With the sid of annotated sketches, discuss Lond beans walls. (8 marks) Py hay single-storey industrial buildings cover such a large area that normal windows are ofits st 2 natural light ean only be got from windows inthe roof.” Give two reasons for having windows on the roof, (2 marks) (Total: 10 marks} i, at are the major characteristics of soil that are of interest to Engineers? (2 marks) TBS 1377. 1975 defines laboratory sol tests to be conducted on a sample of soil. What do these tests determine? (3 marks) ) What is underpinning and when is wt agpticable? (S marks) (Total: 10 marks} Fy Using diagrams distinguish between end-bearing piles and friction piles (6 marks) >) With the aid of an annotated sketch, ilustrate the formation of a Franki Pile (4 marks} {Toral: 10 marks) a) Discuss the failure modes of retaining walls. (8 marks) bh) List tour types of pile foundations (2 marks) [Totat: 10 marks) END OF SECTION B YF SECTION Be MAKERERE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY TEST 04 Date: 03"!November 2089 Time: 10.00 - 12.00hrs Instructions to candidates + This paper has six questions. Answer any Five for full marks All questions carry equal marks. Question 1 1-1 Discuss two advantages of using autoclaved aerated concrete blocks (4mmarks) 12 Inone of the group assignments, you investigated the relative costs of different internal wall types. Comment on the key findings and discuss the aspects that greatly influenced the cost of eath type (8 marks) i i 1-3. Discuss how one might provide for a cross-wall to an already existing wall. You may use a sketch to enhance the discussion. (4marks) 1-4 Discuss two separate ways ceilings loads are transmitted to the foundation. (4marks) 2-41 DISCUSS briefly four reasons why concrete has become the most widely used construction material in the world. {4mks} 2-2 Why's it necessary to provide for inspection and supervision of works on site? mks} 2-3 Discuss sufficiently well two on-site tests that one could perform on each of the major constituents of concrete to verify their quality {mks} ote 2-4 Is it necessary to test every batch of reinforcement-brought on ast? Explain your answer {4mks} peesions_] me 3-1 List and discuss three different trades men found on a construction site and theit works ~ (6 marks) 3-2 List five different tools found on a construction site and their usage (S marks) 3-3. List three different plant found on a construction site and their usage ( marks) 3-4 Discuss three types of works that are normally sub-contracted on a typical ccmmercial building site (6 marks}——, : a et aa uestion4 4-1 [overheard a third year civil engineering student saying it was not important to test concrete cubes forth: following reasons Phe 3 1) isto tet carryout any corrective measure bythe dmeitsdefciengy established 2) the variation within he one strength to large a value fr the testreading be representative’ cfthe entire batch 3) Thecubebeing «ested smmersed in water ytthe ulin is rarely cured saifactriy Doyouagree to all these statements? Explain each of these concerns adequately and the site measures one would undertake in the event that the results are deemed unacceptable. (12 marks) 2 {none of my shared expertences 10 class, it was observed that at times bigger aggregates yield a higher compressive strength value than concrete made from ‘he specified maximum aggregate size jn the project concrete specification. Discuss the ingortance of this restriction (maximum aggregate size) in concrete works and its influence on the concrete quality (Gmars) SL Discuss five factors that could affect the suitability ofasite for a proposed construction project (10 marks) 5-2. Discuss five different ways how one might provide forsafety on site (10 marks) ‘Question 6 6-1 Discuss why itis: desirable to “burry’ the foundation (4 marks) 6-2 Discuss the factors that would influence the choice offoundation (4 marls) - 6-3. Discusswhya Damp-Proof Course (DPC) is used in construction (2marks) ~ 6-4 Discuss three specifications one might use to serve the purpose of| DPC (6 marks) 6.5. State five performance requirements of external envelopes(4 marks) MAKERERE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING \ CIV3105: CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY FINAL EXAMINATIONS FIRST SEMESTER 2008/2009 FIRST SEMESTER 12" December 2008 Time: 2,00-5.00p Instructions: 1. This examination consists of pages 2. Answer ALL questions in SECTION A and a total of SIX questions in SECTION B 3._Use illustrations and relevant examples where applicable SECTION A (40 Marks Altempt ALL questions in this Section, 1. Give 3 main advantages and 3 main disadvantages of hiting builders’ plant as opposed to buying the same plant. (6 marks) 74, List 3 advartages of cavity wall construction for extemal walls of domestic buildings. G marks) Qg “When planning site layouts the following must be taken into account: i. Site activities ji, Efficiency i iii, Movement gaok iv. Control v. Facilities for health, safety and welfare provision, Ni Accommodation fo: staf and storage of material.” Explain with any relevant example, “Efficiency” as a consideration in the planning of site I (Fmarks) @ Mention five factors that influence the chaice ofthe superstructure of.a building. (5 marks) ¥ ith the aid of a sketch discuss the ‘deep strip’ type of foundation, (6 marks) p Define the term ‘internal partitions’ and state the difference between non-load bearing and load beating partons 6 maris) 7. What is differential settlement? Briefly describe a test that can be used to estimate the amount of settlement of a building, (8 marks) Pag ‘SECTION B (60 Marks) This Section consists of J ESSAY type questions. Attempt any SIX for full credit. 8 a) i) Houses are also called Environmental Envelopes. Mention 6 functions of an environmental envelope ; GB marks) ii) Distinguish between structural and non-structural elements ofa building (2 marks) ») Discuss the process of casting over-site concrete, which isthe final sub-structural operation. x (5 marks) C “af In domestic construction, the achievement of satisfactory partitioning poses three secondary requirements. List them, GB marks) ') With the aid of an annotated sketch, discuss Plaster Board Panel Partitions. Mention their merits, demerits, and ersction procedure. (7 marks) 10. Before any initial planning of the site laydut can take place certain preliminary work must be carried out Discuss the five components atypical site inyestigation report should include. , (10 marks) " 4) Explaia the rationale of inspection during the construction process. (8 marks) ) With the aid of appropriate illustrations, describe the Slump test for consistency of concrete = (7 marks) (2 3} Explain the two major super-structural forms. With the aid of annotated sketches, discuss Load- bearing walls f (8 marks) by “Many single-storey industrial buildings cover such a large area that normal windows are of little uuse’and natural light can only be obtained from windows in the roof.” Give two reasons for having ‘windows on the roof. (2 marks) 1. bb) What is underpinning and when is it applicable? (5 marks) ©) Briefly highlight the liguid limit test for cohesive soils. ( marks) 4 8) Differentiate between Continuous support and Concentrated/Isolated Support. (4 marks) +) Discuss three types of foundations that proside-continions-support (6 marks) 15 8) Discuss the failure modes of retaining, walls (8 marks) ) List four types of pile foundations (2 marks) Page | 2 CIV 3108; CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY TUTORIAL SESSION IIT 29" September 2006 Chapters: General (Site Control of Materials and Workmanship) & Substructure (Soil testing and Underpinning) ‘Tutorial Questions: ': Dealing with materials has 3 phase, in each of which there is potential for wastage, which are these? 2. Mention five ways by wh ‘ualty of workmanship can be maintained, 3. Make list ofthe 4 main sts of soil characterises encountered uring soil testing, Include details of the Wifferent classes of soils with their corresponding particlestee 4. “A series of slump tests of each batch of concrete will demonstrate the degree of consistency of the Proportion of water inthe wate/cement mis.” Briefly describe the slump ter &,,Brick Masonry and morte necd to tested prior 10 construction (Presconstruction) and during “the Construction process (On site), Briefly autine the methods that can he used to achiewe soe Homework Questions: "| Why are the inspection of materials andthe supervision of materials on site important? 2. Briefly desert & simple tea/method of determining the level of impurities in san delivered to asie r 3: What is @ cement silo? When is it necessary 1 use it? How does it ‘encourage quality control of cement ‘4 Whats segregation when dealing with concrete? There are two ways init. ‘ean occur, describe then, diac aeinn timber defects are; large or dead knots, shakes, wane, be tin, pin holes et Brielty describe blue stain and pin holes. ‘Trial Questions: monn ctick may be describes » porous material, what does ths infer when such biehe ure exposed to ioisture? 2 How may moisture penetration be prevented in solid brick wall constuction? 3. What isthe purpose of cavity wall construciion? ‘Provide 3 examples of surface texture that may be obtsinad with fred clay brik 5. lnvespect of brickwork what provisions en be male in order io limit he problem of sulphate atack? SOLUTIONS TO TUTORIAL 3 QUESTIONS Questios 1 Delivery ~ unless properly packed, loaded and held materials can be damaged in transit. Examples: Bricks should be stacked so that there is na danger cither of the sack falling over ora single brick dropping onto a passer-by. See fig below: oe oo CJ CTL TOU Fig: Bricks stacked on site ‘Storage and Protection ~ incorrect storage and inadequate protection can result in materials which were correc! when delivered being unusable when required or, worse stil, filing to perform satisfactorily after installation, Example: Cement arrives on site in 2 forms, wither in bulk in @ container lorry or in bags. For bulk delivery, the construction project must ‘warrant @ substantial on-site mixing plant incorporating a cement silo. This is a large storage drum into which the cement is delivered at the top and fram which the cement is transferred to the mixer at the bottom. The silo is weather tight, thus avoiding the danger of damp conditions. end because itis filled from the top and emptied from the sottom, the Cement is used in the same order as delivered so that none is left to go stale dssue and transportation ~ the over issue of materials gives rise to inevitable waste when the surplus is discarded and casval horizontal or vertical transportation is a very obvious source of material damage and loss Question 2 Quality control of workmanship is by: * Hiring experts in each crafi (jualified and experienced). This however, doesn’t guarantee {good standards of workmanship, Good standards have to he set by a Supervisor. who may be less skilled than the craftsman, ‘This should be done with care and tact, iFit isto be successful. A craftsman offended by an Prepared by MFM Page | 2006 implied or even stated criticism of his abilities is not likely to be sympathetic 0 the designer's ideals and hoped-for standards. Motivation using various Management Techniques. Regular checks and inspections; there are many ways including the visual inspection, running of a hand over a firished surface etc, Failures or defects detected by eye can then be further checked by measurement or other appropriate tests Question 3 There are four main sets of characteristics: i) Physical properties ii) Particle size = iii) Chemical composition wy) The first two are closely associated with each other and with the performance of the soil under siress; the third is of concern tothe designet-anxious t0-€void unfortunate chemical reactions with building materials. The fourth set is of litle relevange— = a IN BS 1377 relates soil names and patticle size as follows: Clay = Lessthan 0.902 mm Silt - 9,002.40 0.05 mm vd Sand F || cape ea Gravel - 20600mm_ ‘obbles = - 19 200.0 ma on or Cobb 0.010200. mp Oe Question 4 oe ket Refer to Course notes on Civil Engineering Materials: Concrete as a building material Question 5 Brick Masonry Having ensured proper stacking tte following can be carried out, Preconstruction tests: Test a sample of 5 bricks for compliance with the requisite standards. Use bricks similar to those selected for use, matching colour. texture, raw material, moisture content, core values etc. Costs are usually borne by the General Contractor, Site tests: Random testing of materials should be carried out Mortar Test prior to application is necessary. This should be in form of establishing the compressive strength of cubes generated from the mix. Prepared by MFM Page 2 2006 MAKERERE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING BSCICIVIL ENG) THIRD VEAR SEMESTER I EXAMINATION 2007/2008 IY 3105: CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY Date: 9" December 2007 Time: 2.00 $.00 p.m. 1. This examination consists of? pazes fant ALL questions in SECTION A anda total of SIX qusion in SECTION B J._Useilustraions and relevant examples where applicable SECTION A (40 Marks) - Allempt ALL questions in this Section {- Damp-proof membrane may be placed in one ofthe tee positions in t he floor, under the slab, on ‘op of the slab und under the seteed or on top of the screed. plain 2 merits and demerits ofeach, State the most common Ugandan experience. (5 marks) > Tet at lest dee advantages of cavity wall constuction for ext walls of domesti buildings, (3 marks) ye 7 > Slate at least 5 factors that should be cousidered while positioning the office of the contuactor and that of the clerk of works at any given construction site, ( marks) 4 Discuss the tee phases of material handing for which tere isa potential for wastage (9 marks) 5% What is “deep-stip"or“renchfll” foundation? With the ad of ‘annotated sketches, describe both the strip and deep fill foundations, (8 marks) 7 Deine the term ‘inex pytjons' and sate the diference betwegn no and load besing partons, ae See ae ie Sir 200 oF secriow 4 ail 4 7 SECTION B (60 Marks) : FASS S08 {pis Section consis of ESSAY ype questions “Attempt any SIX for full credi / iE a 4 ? & ed yf | tr 2) ) Houses are also called Environmental Envelopes. Meation 6 functions of an mics ii) Distinguish berween Structural and Nor-strectural elements of a building, ¢ NC pm t) Diseus the process of easting over-siteconeret, which isthe final sub-structual opelatidn. (3 mars) [Total: 10 marks} I stn domesti construction, the achievement of satisfactory partitioning poses three soapy teuivemens List theme: (@ maris) b) With the aid of an annotated sketch, discuss ‘Timber Stud Partitions. Mention their merits, demerits, and erectog procedure (7 marks) i {Total: 10 marks} 15, Before any inital planning ofthe site lapout ean take place certain preliminary work must be ened out ‘Discuss the five components 8 typical site investigation report should inelude lh (10 marks) =< {Fotat: 10 marks} 14 1) Discuss a simple on-site method through which the presence of clay gr sift in sand can be fuirly accurately measured. (3 marks) 'b) How can quality control of workmanship be ensured during the aimee process? "(7 marks) 15, 2) Explain the two major super-structual forms. With the aid of annotated sketches, discuss Lond: bearing walls (8 marks) { by"Niny single-storey industrial buldings cover such a large aca tht no mal windows are of litle use and ‘nar ph can only be obtained rom witdows in the roof” Give two reasons for having winlows on ie 2 marks) \t. ) What ac the major characteristics of si that roof interest to Engineers? (2 marks) BS 1377; 1975 defines laboratory toil sis o be conducted ona sample of soil. What do these tests termine? (3 marks) ¢) Briefly highlight the liquid limit test for echesive sols. (marks) « le 2) Using dingrams distinguish between erd-bearing piles and friction piles (6 marks) {) With the sid of an annotated skeich,ilustrate the formation ofa Prank Pile marks) 18. \ 2) Diseuss the failure modes of sin be walls. \ (8 marks) 'b) List four types of pile foutdatigns | ( (\ (2 marks) \ \ TAN. if } \ exo oe dena i \ hae Be ef 7g J: CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY ee f; # "FCTORIAL SESSION 1 cr De G7 TP Noverer 2007 ie cfs us (Chowing ato Foundation, Pile Foundations and High a 2 Wall Veale = Sa rial Questions: et - wot aS 1. What is a “deep-sirip’ or ‘trench-fil’ foundation? With the aid of annotated sketches, describe both the ‘ stip and deep fill foundations. gl 2.-HHow cam the testing of piles be achieved onsite? (Hin: There are two types of test) 3. There ae, in principe, five lypes of foundations. List these types and briefly describe each \ yf 2 Differentiate between “displacement piles and “replaceme ples. What are End-caring pikes? _- i 5, What is the difference between a tubular pile and a Franki pile? With the aid of an in ket — iinoumi the formation of 2 and Pe : Be oe eres o ta 7 ip Differentiate between contiguous’ piling and wall panel piling. are Homework Questions: raat S 2. isouss the relevant aspect of soil type and other sic factors inthe eboicé aon aka £4 5, How can one roughly gauge the minitmim distance between tres and a building beyond which roots do“ YW not affect the character ofthe ground? pe 4. What isthe function of a retaining wall? What three site activities can cause diference in surface levgis™ ona given site? (Explain with aid of annotated diagrams). a 5. Thor ae four main itor that fess the cee of te rp of founda, an wich stad wl thetype. Explain ese fcas ~ Re rh ‘Trial Questions: ( PL, Differentiate between Continuous support and Concentrated/Isolated Support. Name four types of foundations that provide continuous support. 2. Where are Tubular piles often used? Why are they frequently used there? Explain the building process of a Tubular pile. _A Wats itera setlement? What test can be used estimate tbe amount of settlement ofa bulling? Describe that test. 4, There are four main modes of failure of a retaining wall. Using annotated diagrams desenibe these todes of failuz, - oy 5. There are two main types retaining wall. Describe tkese types. eo be HAT Toty w. Le j FACULTY OF TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING ENGINEERING BSCICIVIL ENG.) THIRD YEAR SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS 2006/2007 <1V3105 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY Date: Feb 4", 2007 Time: 2.00pm. — 5.00pm Pate: Feb 4! 2007 we =O0pin. ~ §.00pm_ Instructions: Submitted with the rest ofthe answer book 2+ Select and answer any five questions {74 marks each] irom the remaining problems and supply the answers inthe standard answer bos i 2+ Unless otherwise stated, the dimensions on diagrams are in mm, Quastion? VA 8) Explain the primary function OF retaining walls, [3 mari} : ks} St treteasons as to wy displacement concrete les are usualy ceinforced with steel. « (5 marks) a) SIRES oh ae i cael Bh i wk [ marks} hy ae File ceving File tube: has ©) ‘What isthe name of the resulting pile illustrated by the construction process shown 4 marks) « i ties) Concrete = Flog le l Nee duestions A | en * ae err ee (ag fe, ae J ») spain thes adventges oF raf foundsToA Ta eae aan Laie 39 vig deste vide oe shee narks| ORS F than a stiff Fiquid. (3 tea Lf Completes <7 9 ite steps followed in determining the liquid liv ofa soil the criteria used to consider C 8.8 plastic: matevia| cathe 4) Explain the two main purposes ote investigations. 12 mart iN cstigations._t 1 1) Ue Soi imeestiggtion reveals a naturally poor sol or extensive filing, the designer could oN Yo use the méthdU of surcharging. Explain {2 marks} | ©) Define the ter internal partitions ad sae the diterengebetwemyyotlogd bag and lnssuaeagpartions: [2 marks) my YG ORNS + = at ae ry A eet hil ) Suspended Ceilings can be defined 3s ceilings which are fixed QY framework suspended ov? from the main structure thus forming a void between the two components. List at least four ar basie functional requirements of suspended ceilings. [4 marks} 4 Questions Vf 9) Give two reasons why glazing need to be applied to the surface of clay tiles [2 marks} 9) Define each of the following terms, related to concrete in its plastic stage: Workability Segregation, Bleeding Harshness [4 marks ©) Bake the two most practical ways of providing sufficient natural light to single-storey industrial buildings that cover large areas. * [2 marks} 41) One ofthe three contributory Factorea fire requires to start and continue is supply of oxygen. What are the other two? [2 marks} Question 6 ll 8) Slate (hes essential requisite relationships between the operators, materials and plant to Consider while designing an efficient site layout. (3 nearks] &) Why's ic essential that a thorough study of the drawings and bill of quantities be done @ before any initial planning of the site layout can take place. {2 marks} ©) Pormaxinun etceny. st fyout mutt msinan the desiedoutpusottie planed selves roughout ihe wring dy, Sse at lat Mee ats on aNek ni aa gly depend, [S marks] x nt 8) A shell rool can be defined as a structural curved skin covering a given plan shape and area heve the forces in the shell or membrane are compressive and in the restraining edge beams are tensile. State the three main advantages of shell roofs. [3 marks} b) What are the purposes of including jcints in basement constructions? [2 marks] ©) What two construction situations are sofferdams used? [2 marks} 4) Give three reasons why autoclaved aerated lightweight concrete blocks provide an ideal material for the inner skin of a cavity wall, [3 mark] ~~ TOTUTORIAL < ouESTIONS Ouesias 1 Vé Y Continsousy suppor refers to ths M, ee Ae ae mist achieve, & JoadGanvide capability all es. Here, the structure i designed to impose a continuous Toad on ‘“ihe-Subsiructure. Isolated suppSet on the other hand is where the substructure must achieve the same capability but at thy points } ir in this case, tne building is designed with Te Toad concentrate ar specie poms ss ye Continuous support can be provided by: Tiel + Strip Foundations: where a trench is excavated, concrete placed in the hottom and the wall built upon it. The depth is determined by the need to place the strip blow the level where expansion due to frost will affects its stability (usually taken as Im) ahd the nature of the sub-soil. The width is governed by the relationship between the imposed, load-and the bearing capacity of the ground and alsa by the practical necessity of making itwide enough foramen oe Raft foundations; used when the sub-soil is of low bearing capacity and requires, strip oundations to-be of such a width that they almost meet. In such circurnstances, it is often decided to let them meet as a continugus slab under the building and reinforce it as a raft aes ——————————— distributing the load on the soiTB¥grthe wRdle area of the building” on Hasso ie ole a ‘ — + Grouhsd beams and piles; used whet€ por or unreliable grolind conditions are encountered near he urfie, Here plies are boearordtiven down t-Srmefomoce sable sll A shallow trench is excavated from pile to pile and in it is cast a reinforced concrete beam of sufficient stength to transfer the continuous load of the wall to the piles. Buoyancy foundations; used when a building is required to have a basement storey and the formation of that basement will involve the removal of a large quantity of sub-soil. The mass of the subsoil, in. many cases, ean equal or exceed the total mase~oP The Tnished building and its designed imposed loads, Therefore the capacity of the soil fo camry the load is not in duubt and the building ‘floats’ in the ground precisely the same way that an ocean liner floats in the sea. Question 2 Tubular piles are a type of driven piles which frequently employed for marine work because the chspe hs a nood-ciganee tothe Inteal frees aking ftom wavs action and shine ning. For building purposes, He tube is often a lighter stocl shel means of steel core or mandrel acting on a cast iron drive shoe. When! the desired level is teach the mandrel is withdrawn and he shell filled wich concrete. iii acai Me fo / - a ee aise Me 2006 Question 3 Dit ial setlem, the inevitagy Settlement from the downs soley ete OR part ofa structure ig Fesults ofthe building exhibiting, oF a plate Toad test of up to 150 downwar S1cKS Tis and it ean mm must be displaced more than another ssible to estimate eth amount af be shown that, with a tall hea allowed for. ‘ard moveme Plate Load Test Procedure: Refer 1a course notes 8 2: Picture of th "Seth dd dpe Pid Cet Project Page 2 2006 Question ¢ © Mall Nracttte: This ceauies oes faulty design of the wali resulting in the structure of the bya cl ana ihe retained material (eithans isturbed, wall itself giving way. Ie fe gccompanied by a clean ors Sinking), but the surface of he aes Bround level is und Pared by mea Page 3 2006 Fig 5: Circular Slip Failure Question § There are two main types of -etaining wall — those which work by balancing the mass of the wall against the thrust of the retained material, which are known as gravity-retaining walls, and those which resist the forces by their strength as a vertical cantilever or as a horizontal slab on edge between supports (Counterfort wall) A gravity wall must be of sufficient mass to bring the line of action of the resultant between the wall and the imposed force within the middle third of the base. As a guide to this, the base thickness should be about one-third the retained height and the top thickness about one-seventh the height. For this reason, @ gravity wall is At an economic proposition if the height exceeds 2m, not only because of the quantity of material used in its construction but also because of the atea it takes up on the site. High walls up to 6m are one of the forms which rely on strength and are either reinforced concrete or sel Fig 6: Gravity wall Fig 7: Cantilevered Wall Fig 7: Counterfort Wall Prepared by MPM Page 4 2006 MAKERERE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING * —~ BSC(CIVIL ENG.) THIRD YEAR SEMESTER LEXAMINATIONS 2005/2006, C1V3105 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 3 Date: Dee 11", 2005 Time: 2.00pm.~S.00pin = Instructions: 4 1, All candidates must answer Question | (50 marks], made up of fifty multiple choice problems, Check the correct answer in the box next f0 the option chosen. This scction..mpst th ubnnittec with the rest of the answer book mae lect and answer any five questions [/ marks eaci} fromthe remaining problem the answers in the standard answer book. i Unless otherwise stated. the dimensions on diagrams are in mm, andsuppbd Question 2 beabor 4) Discuss the merits and demerits oF the use ofthe brick in traditional forms h construction. |} nmarts] 1b) What is the main disadvantage of a solid brick w: auldress the disadvantage and note the extra benefits acerued ther i construgtion? Suggest a soition 16" from. [4 murksy® ©) Detine the King Post truss, What is its major drawback? [2 marks}. pame 4 Ousstinn 3 1) List an Sinus ianctious! pe formance required ofa fesidenva!buliding envelope (marks 1h) Grounel works defines all operations that take place at or below ground level. Me} three major categories into which these operations fall. (2 marks] brie explanations all those itins that must be investigate! during ay culation of unit rates for asite-layout. [0 marks} Question 3 a) Explain the times eonere al iHicanee oF the resulis, [4 nares] al ei bb) Discuss the three phases ef material handling for which there is-a potential for wastaze [smarts 2 pe) Slate the major types of soil characteristics that are of interest to, and their significance (o cigineers” marks] CIV 3105: CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY ‘TUTORIAL SESSION V 27" October 2006 (Chapters: Substructure (Choosing a Foundation, Pile Foundations and High Retaining Walls) Tutorial Questions: 1, What are settlement reducing piles? With the aid of an annotated sketch describe how these piles are used. What are tension piles? 2. Briefly describe the different categories of non-displacement/replacement piles. 3. Differentiate between anchored retiining walls and mechanically stabilized backfill, ‘4. What factors favour the use of concrete gravity retaining wall? ‘5. What is the difference between a retaining wall and a flood wall? Homework Questio 1. What are diaphragm walls? There are two methods of Diaphragm wall construction, them. iy deseribe 2, Discuss the measures taken to control the effects of ground water flows in Cantilever walls. What is the importance of the heel in Cantilever wall design? 3, Displacement piles can be classified into different types, depending on how they are constructed and how they are inserted. Elucidate on these types. 4, What are the major factors that influence the choice of pile on a given site? 5. What are compensated foundations? Trial Questions 1. Differentiate between “contiguous piling and wall panel piling, Briefly explain where each is employed. 2. Apatt from Reinforced Concrete Retaining walls, what ether methods are available for retaining soil? With annotated diagrams, briefly deseribe these methods. 3. In which situations are diaphragm walls advantageous? What is the advantage of contiguous piling over ‘the wall panelling method of construction of diaphragm walls? 4, What is the function of a retaining wall? Name the site activities that cause the need for a retaining wall 5. Briefly describe the following methods of instalation of displacement ples: Dropping weight * Diesel hammer Vibratory methods of pile driving Jacking methods of insertion SOLUTIONS 10 TUTORIAL 5 QUESTIONS Questions 1 Settlement reducing piles arc usually incorporated beneath the central part of a raft foundation in order to reduce differential settlement to an acceptable level. Such piles act to reinforce the soil beneath the raft and help to prevent dishing of the raft in the centre. Fig 1: Use of settlement reducing piles ‘Tension piles Structures such as tall chimneys, transmission towers and jetties ean be subject to large overturning ‘moments and so piles are often used to resist the resulting uplift forces at the foundations. In such cases the resulting forces are transmitted to the soil along the embedded length of the pile. The resisting force can be increased in the case of bored piles by under-reaming. In the design of tension piles the effect of radial contraction of the pile must be taken into account as this can cause about a 10% - 20% reduction in shaft resistance. Question 2 ‘Small diameter bored cast-in-place piles These tend to be 600mm or less in diameter and are usually constructed by using a tripod rig, The equipment consists of a tripod, a winch and a cable operating a variety of tools. The basic tools are shown in the Fig 2 below. In granular soils, the basic tool consists of a heavy cylindrical shell with a cutting edge and a flap valve at the bottom, Water is necessary to assist in this type of excavation, By working the shell up Propared by MFM Page 1 2006 and down at the bottom of the bore hele liquefaction of the soil takes place (as low pressure is produced under the shell as the liquified soil is rapidly moved up) and it flows into the shell and ‘can be winched to the surface und tipped out. There is a danger when boring through granular soil of over loosening the material at the sides of the bore. To prevent this, a temporary casing should bbe advanced by driving it into the ground top openings, cut flap cone. valve ‘shel auger for cruciform suger for ‘cohesioniess Sols ‘cohesive sols Fig 2: Equipment used for the construction of Small diameter bored castein place piles In cohesive soils, the borehole is advanced by repeatedly dropping a cruciform-section tool with a cylindrical cutting edge into the soil and then winching it to the surface with its burden of soil Once at the surface the clay which adheres to the cruciform blades is paired away. ; Large diameter bored cast-in-place piles Large borcholes from 750mm up to 3m diameter (with 7m under-reams) are possible by using rotary drilling machinery. The augering plant is usually crane or lorry mounted. sha Hg clay ae tng ctl Fig 3: Equipment used for large diameter bored cast-in place piles Prepared by MFM Page 2 2006 ‘A spiral or bucket auger as shown in this diagram is attached to a shaft known as a Kelly bar (a square section telescopic member driven by a horizontal spinner). Depths of up to 70m are possible using this technique. The use of a bentonite slurry in conjunction with bucket auger drilling can eliminate some of the difficulties involved in drilling in soft silts and clays, and loose granular soils, without continuous support by casing tubes. One advantage of this technique is the potential for under reaming. By using an expanding drilling tool the diameter at the base of the pile can be enlarged, significantly increasing the end bearing capacity of the pile. However, under- reaming is a slow process requiring a stop in the augering for a change of tool and a slow process in the actual under-reaming operation. In clay, it is often preferable to use a deeper straight sided shaft Partially pre-formed piles ‘This type of pile is particularly suitable in conditions where the ground is waterlogged, or wher there is movement of water in an upper layer of the soil which could result in cement being leached from a cast-in-place conerete pile. A hole is bored in the normal way and annular sections are then lowered inlo tie Loic hole to produce a hollow column, Reinforcement can then be placed aand grout forced down to the base of the pile, displacing water and filling both the gap outside and the core inside the column. Grout- or eonerete-intruded piles ‘The use of continuous flight augers is becoming a much more popular method in pile construction. ‘These piles offer considerable environmental advantages during construction. Their noise and vibration levels are low and there is no need for temporary borehole wall casing or bentonite slurry ‘making it suitable for both clays and granular soils. The only problem is that they are limited in depth to the maximum length of the auger (about 25m). The piles are constructed by serewing the continuous flight auger into the ground to the required depth leaving the soil in the auger. Grout (or concrete) can then be forced down the hollow shaft of the auger and then continues building up from the bottom as the auger with its load of spoil is withdrawa, Reinforcement can then be lowered in before the grout scts. ‘An alternative system used in granular soils is to leave the soil in place and mix it up with the pressured grout as the auger is withdrawn leaving a column of grout reinforced earth. Question 3 ‘Anchored walls resist lateral forces primarily by the use of ticback anchors. Mechanically stabilized backfill involves the inclusion of reinforcement in the soil to form a coherent mass. Reinforced soil is a construction material composed primarily of soil with a performance that has ‘been improved by the introduction of small quantities of other matetials. These materials are in the form of strips, grids, sheets, rods, or fibers which strengthen the soil to resist tensile forces that soil alone is unable to withstand. Mechanically stabilized backfill systems have three major components: reinforcements, soil backfill, and facing elements. Both metallic and nonmetallic (geotextile, plastic) materials have been used for reinforcement. Granular material is normally used for soil backfill to meet stress transfer, durability, and drainage requirements. Facing elements are used to retain backfill material at the face of the wall, to prevent erosion of steep faces, and for ‘acsthetic reasons. The facings are designed to resist only small horizontal earth pressures. Facing Prepared by MFM Page 3 2006 ‘materials commonly used include precast concrete panels, prefubrionted metal sheets and plates, welded wire mesh, inclusion of intermediate reinforcements between main reinforcement layers at Ae face, and seeding of the exposed soil, Basie Mechanisms and Behavior ‘The two primary mechanisms of stress transfer between the reinforcement and soil are ftiction between plane contact surface areas and passive soil-bearing resistance on reinforcement surfaces oriented transverse to the direction of movement. Strip, sheet, and rod reinforcements transfer Stresses 10 the soil by friction, while grid reinforcements transfer stresses primarily by passive resistance, Geogrid reinforcements develop both frictional and passive soil resistance. Available Systems Several mechanically stabilized backfill systems are available for retaining walls. Steip Reinforcement; With stip reinforcement, a mechanically stabilized backfill is created by placing strips in horizontal lanes between successive lifts of soil backfill. Reinforced earth, shown schematically in, isa strip reinforcement system, Grid Reinforcement; Grid reinforcement systems are formed by placing metallic or polymeric tonsile resistant elements ir horizontal planes in the soil backfill. Retaining walls using bar-mesh reinforcement have been constructed by the California Department of Transportation, Hilfiker Retaining Walls; VSL Corporation, and the Georgia State Highway ENronewe ELEMENT Fig 4: Schematic diagram of reinforced carth retaining wall Prepared by MFM Page 4 2006 Question 4 Factors favoring concrete gravity retaining walls are shallow depth of overburden, a compe‘ent foundation, and an adequate source of fine and coarse aggregate for the required volume of conerete, Question 5 The differences berween retaining walls and flood walls can be summarized in the following categories: Purpose of Walls: A retaining wall is any wall that retains material to maintain a change in clevation whereas the principal function of a flood wall is to prevent flooding (inundation) of adjacent land. 4 floodwall is subject to water force on one side which is usually greater than tny resisting earth force on the opposite side. A wall may be a retaining wall for one londing condition zat # flood wall for another loading condition. The flood loading (surge tide, river flood, etc) may be from the same or the opposite direction as the higher earth elevation Seepage and Leakage Control Requirements: Ail water-retaining structures may be subject to seepage through, under, and around them. Inadequate control of seepage may affect the stability of a flood wall regarding uplift or loss of support resulting from erosion. Properly controlled seepuze, even if quantities of flow remein large, presents little of no hazard. Control of through-scepave s¢ provided by water stops. Retaining walls rarely need scepage protection other than to relieve the hydrostatic load on the fill side ofthe wall. Water stops are used in retaining walls wo prevent water passage from the backfill through the vertical joints, Wal Stability: Generally, it ie more difficult to design stable flood walls than retaining walls. By their very nature, flood walls are usually built in a flood plain which may have poor foundation Conditions. Uplift is always a critical item with flood walls but seldom a problem with retaining walls since the loads acting on a retaining wall are usually soil backtills. Wag, Water load on a flood wall can be more severe, especially when wave loadings are applicable When the ground-water surface is near or above the wall footing, a common occurrence with flood Walls, the allowable bearing capacity of the soil is reduced. The reduction of stability, due to the erosion of the earth cover over and beyond the base, must be considered. Special Flood Wall Monoliths: Careful attention must be given to wall monoliths that have loading, support, or other conditions that vary along the length of the monolith. These monoliths, Mhich may include closure structures, pipeline crossings, comer structures, etc., must be analyzed 88 complete three-dimensional entities instead of the usual two-dimensional unit slices, Design Philosophy: Retaining walls are normally built as an appurtenance to other structures dams. hydroclecirie power houses, pump stations, etc, The consequences of failure of a retaining Wall are often lower than for flood walls. Also, retaining walls are seldom more than a few hundred feet long; if they are designed conservatively, the added costs are of limited significance Flood walls, on the other hand, ae usually the primary feature of a local protection project. They tmust be designed for the most cconomical cross section per unit length of wall, because they often extend for great distances. Added to this need for an economical eross section is the requirement Prepared by MFM Page 5 2006 for safely, The consequences of fue fora flood wall are normally very great sine it protels valucble propery and human lt, Ths the design of retaining and ood vals is a complex proves involving safety and economy factors, and. dsign must be executed in a logical, conservative manner based onthe function of the wall and the coasequences of fie, Design documents should describe the decisions eading to the final degree of conservatism, Stability Consideration: Ax adzquae assessment of stability mus include a rational assessment of loads and must account for the basic structural behavior, the mechanism of transmitting compressive and sharing loads to the Fondation, the reaction of te foundetion to such loads, and the secondary effects of the foundtion behavior onthe structure CIV 3105: CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY ‘TUTORIAL SESSIONT 6 September 2007 General (Introductory) Chapter ‘Tutorial Questions: 1. Define the term ‘multispurpose exeavator’ 2, What are the basie fimetions of a concrete pump? 3. Graders are available in a four or six wheel format. By means of an annotated sketch show the main features of a six wheeled grader. 4, Define and describe three typical transport vehicles which could be used to convey passengers and/or materials between and around building sites. Homework Quest 1. Define the term ‘site investigations’. 2, State the main fimetions of a bulldozer and by means of a sketch illustrate the main features of this type of plant 3. A wide selection of eranes is available for building operations. State the main considerations to be taken in to account when choosing a crane for a particular site. 4, State the basic use and limitations of a concrete pump and by means ofa fully annotated sketch show the main features of a typical lorry mounted concrete pump. Trial Questions: 1. Give the main advantages of hiring builders plant as opposed to buying the same plant. 2. Give the main advantages of buying builders plant as opposed to hiring the same plant, 3. Briefly define transport vehicles in the contest of building operations 4, Excavating machines are one of the major items of builders plant and can be place within one of three categories. Name and define these categories, 5. What se the hasie differenan hetworn sito investigation and soil investi tion? By means of an example show how data obtained from a bore hole can be recorded. ‘Submission Date: 20 September 2007 “1 3105; CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY ‘TUTORIAL SESSION Lv 17" November 2009 - Chapters: Substructure (Choosing a Foundation, Pile Foundations and High Retaining W: Tutorial Questions: sig 8 eep-strip* or ‘iench: fll foundation? With the aid of annotated sketches, describe both the sirip and deep fj foundations 2. How can the testing of piles be achieved on site? (J ‘There are two types of test) > There are, in principle, five tyres oF foundations, List these types and brietly describe eact scp kcal BHEGRDS ile and ep prs Sate tence bron alr pean ei ple? Wid GETS amnacd deh iusratethe eration ofa Fel ta 4. Differentiate between “dl cement piles. What are End-bearing piles? Homework Questio 1. Differentiate between contiguous’ pling and wall panel pilin % Discuss die relevant aspects of soil ype and other site factors inthe choice of foundation for a house, 3. How can one roughly gauge the minimum distance between trees and a building beyond which roots do not affect the character of the ground? 4. What is the fmetion of a retaining wall? What three site activities can cause ‘ona given site? (Explain with aid of amiotated diagrams), tie ite four main factor that influence the choice ofthe type of foundation. and which method wit the type. Explain these factors. ‘Trial Questions: [Differentiate between Continuous support and Concentrated/Asolated Support. Name four iypew“oF foundations that provide continuous support a ibere are Tubular piles offen used? Why are they frequently used there? ‘Explain the building process of Tubular pile. 3 Aviat is differential settlement? What test can be used to estimate the amount of settlement of a building? Describe that test. There are four main modes of failure of a retaining wall. Using annotated ‘ingrams describe thete modes of failure, 5. Therese two main types taining wall. Describe these types. MAKERERE UNIVERSITY * a ACULTY OF TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING CE 3105: CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY Quizt 18° October 2007 Time: 1 hour Instructions: |. This quiz is comprised of short answer ‘ype questions totalling 50 marks, 2. Attempt all the questions for full marke 3: Indicate your name and registration nungbor on your answer script. Questions: 1. Damp-proof membrane may be placed in Onc of the three positions in the floor. under the slab, on top of the slab and under the Screed or on top of the screed. Explain the merits and demerits of each. State the most common’ Ugandan experience, 2 List at least three advantages of cavity wall construction for extemal walls of domestic buildings. GOOD LUCK I)

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