Speking Role Play Cards
Speking Role Play Cards
Speking Role Play Cards
Dry eyes
60 years old patient dry eyes. You just examined patient.
Ask: when start, increased of symptoms, frequency, home remedy, concentration,
medication, sleep problems.
Explain diagnosis; dry eyes, explain dry eyes; If your eyes do not produce enough tears,
it is called dry eye. More common after 50 year old.
Management: over-the-counter artificial tear solutions, humidifier.
Reassure: there is not any other symptoms.
Nex step: review 1 month later, symptoms continue advise specialist.
Reassure: I understand your condition and I know it is uncomfortablet situation for you
but please don’t worry………. (it is treatable and preventable condition. I is very
common condition
I would like to review in 1 mount, if you symptoms continue I will advise specialist management
Appendicitis: emergency department
A parent, 6 year old girl, just examined her.
Ask: when start, severity, fever, vomiting, nausea, appetite, family history.
Explain diagnosis: appendicitis, explain: the appendix becomes inflamed and filled
with pus. Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix.
Advice: CT scan for confirm diagnosis. Possible treatment: IV antibiotic, surgery.
Reassure: ct scan very low radiation dose, there is no complication.
Next step: confirm diagnosis and surgery reference. Take permission for CT scan.
EXPLAIN: Well, based on examination and her symptoms, she may have appendicitis?
Appendicitis is a painful swelling, an inflammation of the appendix. The appendix a small, thin
pouch about 5 to 10 cm long, its connected to the large bowel.
Is that clear for you?
NOW, first step, we need to confirm diagnosis, and I strongyle advise CT scan. If she has
Secondly, we will start IV antibiotic and it is likely her appendix will need to
remove as soon as possible.
Do you have any concern about her condition?
REASSURE: I can see you’re bit worried, be relaxed, CT scan commonly use to obtain detailed
images of your chils internal organ and structure, they can help in diagnosing various medical
I understand your concern, many parent fell same in this situation, but CT scan generally safe,
non invasive, has very low radiation dose, there is no complication, and it is important step
confirm diagnosis.
NEXT STEP: after confirm diagnosis, I will refer her for surgery.
I need to permission for her CT scan?
I am glad to hear that.
Kilo kaybi, modd ,
Type 1 diabetes:
The girl is 6 years old she didn't come to the clinic Your talking to her parents
Ask; behaviour change, appetite, weight,
Explain; the diagnosis of type 1 diabetes. known as juvenile diabetes or insulin-
dependent diabetes, type 1 diabetes, pancreas doesn't make insulin or makes very little
insulin.is a chronic condition.
Recommend blood and urine test to confirm diagnosis.
Reassure: managebal condition, insulin replacement, with type 1 diabetes will need
lifelong insulin therapy, monitoring your glucose.
Recommended; counting carbohydrates, eating healthy foods, and exercising regularly to
maintain a healthy weight.
recommend the parents to take her to hospital for admission and investigation, insulin injection
training, take permission for hopital admission.
GREET ING: Hello, I am Sultan, one of the dr inthis clinic, How can I adress you?
MIHIRA, CAN I have your child’s name for the record please
Thank you for details.
If you don’t mind, could you tell me more about her sypmtoms?
have you notice ,
does she have any behavioural change?
Is ther any chane her appetite?
can you tell me what are your main concerns
REASSURE: those are all valid concerns but there are ways to deal with them
managebal condition, insulin replacement, with type 1 diabetes will need lifelong insulin
therapy, monitoring your glucose.
RECOMMEND: SECONLY: there are some things you need to be aware of and prepare for you
can BE handle THIS STUATION.
recommend the parents to take her to hospital for admission and investigation, insulin injection
training, take permission for hopital admission.
Hi, good morning, my name is dr…. may I confirm your name please?
Well, based on your symptoms and after examination, I believe you have cartilage torn what is
called meniscus tear.
Let me explain for you, it is cartilage damage, it is more common condition. It can due to
sudden sport or gradual wear and tear. Do you have any question so far?
…Is that ok?
Reassure: I understand your condition and I know it is very stressful/painful situation for you but
but you can’t play for now ………. you need completely rest so this can full recovery.
NOW, I am going to discuss treatment options!!!
FIRSTLY: We have treatment for this, we call it is RICER regime. You need to rest, and you may
use ice pack, and compression knee. Raising the knee can be helpful in reducing pain. AND
THAT, I will refer you to physiotherapist. HOW DOES THAT SOUND?
This treatment alone won’t be effective in your condition it require complete rest so this can
full hell. Is that ok for you.
Physiotherapist can teach appropriate exercise plan, who apply recovery strategy specific
If you don’t follow my advice you might have future complications. You should not play until
the knee completely recovery.
-discuss RICER
-pain medication
-see a physio
Hi, Susan
Task 1
Right, based on your medical history and symptoms, you may have postherpetic neuralgia, so
after herpes zoster infection, after shingle rash goes away, you can feel pian in your pain.
Do yo have any question?
Task 2
Now, fistly, I will recommend paracetamol- or codeine, they can help to relive you pain
Secondly, you can use capsidin crem, but it has some slight side effect. For example….
Type 1 diabetes causes the level of glucose (sugar) in your blood to become too high.
It happens when your body cannot produce enough of a hormone called insulin, which
controls blood glucose.
You need to take insulin every day to keep your blood glucose levels under control.
Managing type 1 diabetes can take time to get used to, but you can still do all the things
you enjoy. This guide is here to help.
Type 1 diabetes is not linked with age or being overweight – these things are linked
with type 2 diabetes.
Doctor: may I know your name and age for the documentation purpose sure
P: yes I'm going to study a farm-related cars and I'm worried about how to manage my condition
there I
I see well first of all let me reassure you that you can still enjoy your farm studies and take care
of your health at the same time
there are some things you need to be aware of and prepare for but nothing that you can't
handle with some planning and support
PATIENT: well I heard that it can get very hot and dry there and I'm afraid of getting
dehydrated or having a heat stroke
I also don't know if I'll have access to a fridge or a pharmacy to store my insulin and get
and I'm not sure what kind of food they will have there and how it will affect my blood
sugar levels okay
DOKTOR: those are all valid concerns but there are ways to deal with them
let's start with dehydration you know that it's important to drink plenty of water
throughout the day and don't forget to eat fruits and vegetables
that eating well-balanced meals and snacks is essential for managing your blood sugar
levels right
yes I know that good so try to follow the same dietary guidelines that you normally do at
home eat regular meals and avoid skipping meals or overeating
remember to check your blood sugar levels before and after meals and adjust your insulin
dose accordingly
okay I'll try to do that one more thing I want to mention is the importance of having a
support network
you should let your friends and teachers now that you have diabetes and what to do in
case of an emergency you should also wear a medical ID bracelet or necklace that has
your name contact information and medical condition on it this will help others identify
you and assist you If you have a lower high blood sugar episode or any other
PATIENT: No I think you covered everything thank you so much for your help you're
very welcome
I hope you have a wonderful time and learn a lot take care of yourself and stay in