China Visa Questionnaire
China Visa Questionnaire
China Visa Questionnaire
Start date of Business or with Current Employer Email address of Business or Current Employer:
Name of School/Institution:
Your Diploma/Degree: Major:
o Graduate o PHD or above
o Undergraduate o Higschool
SPOUSE INFORMATION (if applicable)
Date of Birth
Full Name: Nationality: (YYYY-MM-DD):
Complete Address:
Date of Birth
Full Name: Nationality: (YYYY-MM-DD):
Complete Address:
Date of Birth
Full Name: Nationality: (YYYY-MM-DD):
Complete Address:
Date of Birth
Full Name: Nationality: (YYYY-MM-DD):
Complete Address:
Date of Birth
Full Name: Nationality: (YYYY-MM-DD):
Complete Address:
Type of Visa: o Single Entry o Multiple Entry (1yr) Purpose of Travel: o Tourist
o Double Entry o Business
Complete Address:
Complete Address:
YES OR NO Have you ever been fingerprinted when applying for China Visa?
If yes, provide the following: Place & Country: YYYY-MM:
YES OR NO Have you travelled to any other countries in the past 12 months?
YES OR NO Have you ever been refused a visa for China, or been refused entry into China?
If yes, please specify or explain the details:
YES OR NO Have you ever entered China illegally, overstayed, or worked illegally?
If yes, please specify or explain the details:
YES OR NO Do you have any criminal record in China or any other country?
If yes, please specify or explain the details:
YES OR NO Have you ever visited countries or territories where there is an epidemic in the last 30 days?
If yes, please specify or explain the details:
Have you ever been trained or do you have any special skills in the field of firearms,
YES OR NO explosives, nuclear devices, biological or chemical products?
If yes, please specify or explain the details:
YES OR NO Are you serving or have you ever served in the military?
If yes, please provide the details below:
Country or Region Branch of
of Service: Service:
Rank in Military:
Date of Service Date of Service
from (YYYY-MM-DD): to: (YYYY-MM-DD):
Have you served or participated in any paramilitary organization, civil armed units, guerrilla
YES OR NO forces or armed organizations, or been its member?
If yes, please specify or explain the details:
Have you belonged to, contributed to, or worked for any professional, social, or charitable
YES OR NO organizations?
If yes, please specify or explain the details: