Trabalho de Inglês - Caso Clínico
Trabalho de Inglês - Caso Clínico
Trabalho de Inglês - Caso Clínico
C.A.S., male, 14 years old, has been presenting for about 3 months polyuria, polydipsia and
weight loss. The mother, A.A., scheduled an appointment at the Basic Health Unit Vila
Formosa for him due to the clinical manifestations that are affecting him.
Review of systems
Integumentary system: without any type of lesion that calls attention, the crease sign
disappears a little slower than normal.
Head and neck: no adenomegaly and palpable thyroid, with normal size and without nodules
on palpation.
Respiratory system: tachypneic patient. Pulmonary auscultation, percussion, expansibility and
thoraco-vocal thrill were unaltered.
Cardiovascular system: cardiac auscultation with normophonetic and regular heart sounds in
two beats, without murmurs.
Gastrointestinal system: inspection, palpation and percussion without alterations. On
auscultation, normal airborne sounds.
Locomotor system: upper and lower limbs without pain on palpation and with normal and
painless movements as well.
Neurological system: gait and superficial and deep reflexes without alterations.
Physical exam
Weight: 50 kg; Height: 165 cm; Body Mass Index: 18.37 kg/m² ; Axillary temperature:
Blood pressure: 110×70 mmHg; Heart rate: 95 bpm; Respiratory rate: 18 bpm.
On general examination, the patient was in a regular general condition, lucid and oriented in
space-time, anicteric, acyanotic, with pale conjunctival mucosa +/4+ and slightly dry oral
mucosa and tongue. Capillary filling of upper and lower limbs is normal.