Sentimental Analysis
Sentimental Analysis
Sentimental Analysis
Procedia Computer Science 70 (2015) 85 – 91
From the last twenty years, the application of Internet based technologies had brought a significant impact on the Indian stock
market. Use of the Internet has eliminated the barriers of brokers and geographical location because now investors can buy and
sell their shares by accessing the stock market status from anywhere at any time. Before investing money, it is very important for
investors to predict the stock market. In today’s digital world Internet based technologies such as Cloud Computing, Big Data
analytics, and Sentiment analysis have changed the way we do business. Sentiment analysis or opinion mining makes use of text
mining, natural language processing (NLP), in order to identify and extract the subjective content by analyzing user’s opinion,
evaluation, sentiments, attitudes and emotions. In this research work importance of sentiment analysis for stock market
indicators such as Sensex and Nifty has been done to predict the price of stock. Finally, we draw conclusions and provide
suggestions for future work.
Keywords: Sentiment analysis; Opinion mining; Indian stock market; Sensex; Nifty
1. Introduction
With the emergence of the Web 2.0 era of the internet, social networks have revolutionized the way in which
people communicate.
1877-0509 © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of ICECCS 2015
86 Aditya Bhardwaj et al. / Procedia Computer Science 70 (2015) 85 – 91
People use social networking sites, like Facebook, Twitter, etc. to express their opinions and views about a
particular topic such as news, movie, event and remarks related to product1. This information available from social
network is beneficial for business analyst for mining the user opinion about their products and considers these
opinions as feedback to improve their policies, planning and process for product development. Sentiment analysis is
used to extract such opinion and remarks of users by classifying them as positive, negative and natural sentiment2.
Although there are a number of definitions about sentiment analysis in the literature, but in simple terms sentiment
analysis is a technique used to extract intelligent information based on the person’s opinion from raw data available
on the internet. In this definition, the term opinion means a person’s perspective about an object or issue. There are
some challenges related to sentiment analysis, the first challenge is a word that is used to express an opinion; it can
be positive as well as negative depending upon the type of sentiment14. For example: if a word “large ” is used for
size of mobile device, then it is considered as negative, whereas if the statement contains “large” word for the height
of a person then it is considered as a positive statement. The second challenge is related to the opinion holder as
opinion holder is always changing its statement, according to his state of mind, it is very difficult to understand such
type of statement by the machine. For example: “I like the picture quality, but the battery life is poor”. This
statement is a combination of both positive and negative statements. Also, there is a problem when the statement is
too short to understand even by human being. Indian stock market has gained the interest of investors investing in
two main stock market named as Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and National Stock Exchange (NSE). There is
high risk involved for investors because of more complexity of the stock market. The Sensex and NIFTY are two
such prominent market indices that function within the Indian stock market. These two market indexes represent the
stocks for BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange) and NSE (National Stock Exchange) respectively. Specifically, under
BSE there are 30 companies for Sensex, while under NSE there are 50 companies for Nifty. So there is need to
predict the stock market status for investors by using these two most important indicators i.e Sensex and Nifty. This
paper is organized as follows. In section 2 sentiment classification methodologies are discussed. In section 3 and 4
previous studies, literature survey and proposed work with implementation is presented. Finally the paper is
concluded in section 5.
x Support Vector Machine (SVM): A frequent challenge in the assignment of sentiment analysis of a text is to
home in on those aspects of the text which are in some way representative of the tone of the whole text. SVM is
a supervised learning classifier widely used for classification and regression analysis. The basic idea of SVM is
to determine linear separator in the search space which can separate the different classes.
x Neural Network: This method is based on the neuron. Multilayer neural networks are used for non-linear
boundaries which are used for enclosed regions of a particular class. In artificial neural networks the input of the
neuron are combined in a linear way with different weight. The result of this combination is then fed into a non
linear activation unit which can in its simplest form be a threshold unit. Neural network offer nonlinearity, input
output mapping, adaptivity and fault tolerance. The high connectivity of the network ensures that the influence of
error in a few terms will be miner, which ideally gives a high fault tolerance. Lexicon based approach
For sentiment analysis lexicon based approach is robust that result in good cross-domain performance. This method
is based on the assumption that the sum of the sentiment orientation of each word makes contextual sentiment
orientation. This method is further divided into two types as discussed below:
x Dictionary Based approach: This approach use predefined dictionary of words where each word is associated
with a specific sentiment polarity strength. Feeling of people such as happy, sad or depressed can be found out
by comparing word against lexicons from dictionaries.
x Corpus based approach: Corpus based approach try to find co-occurrence patterns of words to determine their
sentiments. This approach is based on seeding list of opinion words and then find another opinion words which
have similar context. This method is used to assign happiness factor of words depending on frequency of their
occurences in “happy” or “sad” blog post.
2.1.3 Hybrid Fuzzy Neural network based learning
Hybrid system is those for which more than one technology is employed to solve the analysis problem for Indian
stock market prediction .The hybrid system are classified as (i) sequential hybrids (ii) auxiliary hybrids (iii)
embedded hybrids. Sequential hybrid systems make use of technologies in a pipeline like structure. In auxiliary
hybrid systems subroutine is used to process or manipulate information provided to it where as in embedded hybrid
systems, the technologies participating are integrated in such a manner that they appear intertwined. The fusion is
so complete that it would appear that no technology could be used without the others for solving the problem.
88 Aditya Bhardwaj et al. / Procedia Computer Science 70 (2015) 85 – 91
3. Literature Survey
In a recent study by Singh, P. K et al.7 sentiment analysis was done across Flipkart E-commerce websites for
filtering of irrelevant reviews and MongoDB database technology was used at backend for this research work.
In another study by Gunduz et al.9 sentiment analysis between sentiments of people on social network and academic
success of Turkish universities was done to find out that is there any relation between university’s academic success
and sentiment about those university in the social media based on the Naive Bayes classifier. For this purpose top 10
most successful Turkish Universities ranked by URAP were selected for analysing sentiment about them on the
social media. Twitter, which allows users to share tweets with social friends or followers was chosen as a specific
social media for this study. Firstly tweets were collected via Twitter REST API, after which tweets were labelled as
positive, negative or neutral. Pre-processing of feature extraction was done by extracting meaningful special
character from tweets. Tweets then classified into word list based on the two approaches: one was Time Frequency
and another one was Inverse Document Frequency. From the results evaluated, the success rate of the system was
found to be 72.33%.
Molla et al.10 made sentiment analysis for user opinions about different Samsung products using different twitter
official accounts of Samsung Company. For visualizing the result of user’s opinion data visualization tool such as
NodeXL was used for the social network graph. Future work was proposed that it may be focus on the location
management of each tweet and inclusion of emotions.
Lu, Y., & Chen, J12 presented a study for the opinion analysis of micro blog content. The public opinion model was
divided into four modules: data collection module, corpus processing module, sentiment analysis module and data
management module. For retrieving online microblog content crawler was used, and for classifying mircoblog, text
classification method called support vector machine was used. The result shows that precision classification
exceeded 90% by the use of classifier support vector machine. It was proposed that more work could be done for
improving the performance of support vector machine.
Batool, R et.al19 analysed 4000 tweets to classify data and sentiment more precisely from twitter containing
information such as food, diet, diabetes, education, and movies. First knowledge generator was used to classify
tweets into different categories, and then knowledge enhancer with synonym binder was applied to increase the
information gain. Knowledge enhancer module adds additional knowledge that was not extracted by Alchemy API
used in knowledge generator phase. Synonym binder was used to the bind synonyms with entity and keyword
Aditya Bhardwaj et al. / Procedia Computer Science 70 (2015) 85 – 91 89
extracted by knowledge generator and knowledge enhancer. Results showed that overall significant improvement
from 0.1% to 55% had been achieved using the said approach.
M. Meral & B. Diri25 performed sentiment analysis of Turkish tweets on nine different domains such as insurance,
sport, finance, food, automotive, politics, real estate, Telecommunication, and health. Collection of Turkish tweets
was done by using Naïve Bayes, Support Vector Machines and Random Forest. Classification of tweets was done as
neutral, positive, and negative. Tweets were then divided as- health, politics, finance, and telecommunication in
negative sentiment category while food, real estate, sport, and automotive tweets in neutral category, and rest tweets
as positive. From the results obtained it was concluded that Support vector machine give best results as compare to
other classifiers.
Li, S., Wang et al.27 applied sentiment analysis by using twitter data for predicting success rate of movie. For this
purpose movies were classified as Flop, Hit, and Average. The tweets from 2009 to 2013 duration were extracted,
and each tweet was classified as positive, negative, neutral and irrelevant. Lingpipe sentiment analyzer was used to
test the sentiments, and result showed that movie prediction accuracy of the developed system was 64.4 % better
than conventional system.
In another study conducted by Wang, X., & Luo28, for predicting the movie performance based on social networking
sites data using sentiment analysis technique. Sentiments from various social media such as Twitter and YouTube
were collected. Prediction of movie was done by using K-means clustering algorithm.
4. Proposed System and Implementation
The prime aim of the proposed system is to fetch live server data by using Python programming language, which
can be used for performing sentiment analysis on the extracted datasets from online news portal. In this context, first
python is installed on the Ubuntu 14.04 LTS host machine, after that required software such as Beautiful Soup is
installed using Ubuntu terminal command prompt environment. For Debian or Ubuntu platform Beautiful Soup
software can be installed with system package manager. Beautiful Soup use Python library for fetching live data,
and this tool helps to pull contents from desired webpage then save the required information. Beautiful Soup
supports HTML parser which is included in Python’s standard library. For illustration purpose we fetch the live data
of Sensex and Nifty that can be used further for sentiment analysis.
The steps needed for sentiment analysis using python scripting language are given in the flowchart as follows:
For implementation purpose the proposed system fetched the live Sensex and Nifty data values from We have run python script with sleep count time interval of one second for fetching the data,
and values were calculated for different time interval. After that result is drawn which shows that for a particular
time interval the fetched values of Sensex and Nifty remains constant.
90 Aditya Bhardwaj et al. / Procedia Computer Science 70 (2015) 85 – 91
5. Conclusion
There are various ups and downs in Indian stock market. In order to invest money in stock market for purchasing the
shares it is very essential for the investors to predict the stock market condition. In India scenario Sensex and Nifty
are two major indicator for prediction of stock market condition. For BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange) companies
Sensex and for NSE (National Stock Exchange) companies Nifty is used as an indicator of stock market prediction.
But the major problem for the investors are to predict the stock market condition which depends upon regular
checking and testing of Sensex and Nifty prediction values. In order to allow this, in this paper we have
demonstrated sentiment analysis for stock market by fetching Sensex and Nifty live server data values on different
interval of time that can be used for predicting the stock market status. For this purpose we have used python
scripting language which have fast execution environment and this will help out the investors in order to make a
prediction of on what shares money should be invested, it will also help in maintaining the economical balance of
share market. In Future work can be done by running these python script code with more advanced functions.
Aditya Bhardwaj et al. / Procedia Computer Science 70 (2015) 85 – 91 91
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