Chicken Vindaloo Recipe

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By Naz Deravian
Updated Dec. 13, 2023

Total Time 2 hours 10

Prep Time 10 minutes

Cook Time 1 hour 30 minutes,

plus at least 30
minutes’ marinating

Rating (342)

Tangy and tongue tingling from Kashmiri red chiles, vinegar and garlic, chicken vindaloo is spicy
enough to make you take notice, but not so much that it overpowers the sweet and sour flavors or the
subtle warmth of the cloves, cumin and cinnamon. Vindaloo is a Goan recipe adapted from carne de
vinha d’alhos, a Portuguese dish in which meat is marinated in garlic and wine or vinegar. In Goa,
vindaloo is prepared with pork, while the Western version is typically made with chicken, as it is here.
Toasting and grinding whole spices will yield the most traditional and vibrant vindaloo, but if you
don’t have a spice grinder or a mortar and pestle, don’t fret — we’ve also provided the amounts of
ground spices to use. The optional tomato paste, while not conventional, helps temper the chiles’ heat,
but leave it out if you like your food fiery. Serve with basmati rice or yellow rice and naan.


Yield: 6 servings Step 1

Heat a large, heavy-bottomed pan with a lid over medium heat.
Once hot, add the peppercorns, cloves, Kashmiri chiles, cinnamon
15 whole black peppercorns (or ¼
stick and cumin seeds. (If using preground spices, do not toast.)
teaspoon black pepper)
Swirl the pan around, or toss the spices with a wooden spoon, and
8 whole cloves (or ⅛ teaspoon
toast until fragrant, about 1 minute, taking care not to burn the
ground cloves) spices. Transfer to a small plate to cool.
5 to 6 Kashmiri red chiles,
stemmed, to taste (or about 2
teaspoons Kashmiri red chile Step 2
powder) Once spices are cool, place in a spice grinder or a mortar and
pestle, breaking up the cinnamon and chiles, if needed; grind to a
1 (3-inch) cinnamon stick (or ½
fine powder. Add the garlic, ginger, vinegar and 3 tablespoons
teaspoon ground cinnamon)
water, and continue grinding until the mixture becomes a smooth
1 teaspoon cumin seeds (or ¾
paste. (If using preground spices, finely grate the garlic and
teaspoon ground cumin)
10 garlic cloves ginger into a small bowl, then mix in the pepper, cloves, chile
1 (2-inch) piece ginger, peeled and powder, cinnamon, cumin, vinegar and water to form the paste.)
4 tablespoons apple cider vinegar, Step 3
plus more as needed Place the drumsticks in a large bowl and make a shallow slit in
8 chicken drumsticks (about 2¼ the thickest part of the flesh; this helps all the flavors seep into
pounds), skins removed (see Tip) the chicken and helps it cook evenly. Season with salt (about 2
Kosher salt (such as Diamond teaspoons) and the turmeric. Add the curry paste to the chicken
Crystal) and mix until coated. Cover and marinate at room temperature
for 30 minutes, or up to 8 hours in the refrigerator.
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
¼ cup grapeseed or vegetable oil
2 medium yellow onions, finely Step 4

chopped In the same pan used to toast the spices, heat the oil over
medium-high. Add the onions and cook, stirring frequently, until
2 tablespoons tomato paste
golden, 12 to 15 minutes. Reduce heat to medium, and season the
onions with a little salt. If using the tomato paste, make a little
1 teaspoon granulated sugar, plus
well in the middle and add it to the pan. Cook until its color has
more as needed
deepened, drizzling in a little more oil, if needed, about 1 minute.
Cilantro leaves, for serving

Step 5
Add the chicken and all the marinade, sprinkle on the sugar, stir
and cook just until the chicken takes on a little color, about 5
minutes. Add ¼ cup of water, bring to a simmer, and cover.
Reduce heat to low and cook, stirring and occasionally turning the
drumsticks, until the chicken is cooked through and tender, about
45 minutes. The chicken will release its own liquid; check the
gravy occasionally and add more water as needed, depending on
whether you’d like a drier or juicier curry. As the chicken cooks,
taste and adjust salt, sugar and vinegar — the vindaloo should
have enough spice to make you take notice but not overpower all
the other flavors. Top with cilantro and serve.

A butcher can remove the skin from the drumsticks. Or, do it
yourself by using one hand to hold the fleshy end of the drumstick
with a paper towel, and the opposite hand to pull off the skin with
another paper towel.

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