A New Insular Pitviper
A New Insular Pitviper
A New Insular Pitviper
ABSTRACT: We describe a new pitviper species, Bothrops alcatraz, of the Bothrops jararaca
group, from Alcatrazes Island, off the coast of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. It differs from the
mainland coastal populations of B. jararaca in southeastern Brazil mostly by its darker coloration;
smaller size; lower number of ventrals, subcaudals, and infralabials; number and shape of anterior
cephalic scales; shape of hemipenis spines; intense coagulant activity of venom; and three specific
venom proteins. From Bothrops insularis, another island species from southeastern Brazil, the new
species differs mainly by its color pattern, smaller size, lower number of subcaudals in males, and
absence of hemiclitoris in females. Bothrops alcatraz presents some features that may be viewed as
paedomorphic within the B. jararaca group, such as small adult size, proportionally large eyes,
intense coagulant venom activity, and diet composed of centipedes and lizards. We postulate that
the dwarfism and characteristics of venom in B. alcatraz may be related to its diet (similar to that
of juveniles of the mainland B. jararaca). Bothrops alcatraz and B. insularis may have originated
through the isolation of populations of a B. jararaca-like ancestor on the Alcatrazes and Queimada
Grande islands, respectively. The new species is regarded as critically endangered due to its very
small area of occurrence and the declining quality of its habitat.
Key words: Bothrops alcatraz; Crotalinae; Evolution; Island endemics; Natural history; South-
eastern Brazil
THE SYSTEMATICS of snakes of the genus and Lamar, 1989; Hoge and Romano-
Bothrops is notoriously difficult (Campbell Hoge, 1981; Werman, 1992), although sev-
eral species groups have been recognized
CORRESPONDENCE: e-mail, jararaca@ib.usp.br recently (Cadle, 1992; Gutberlet, 1998;
304 HERPETOLOGICA [Vol. 58, No. 3
Salomão et al., 1997, 1999; Werman, and Museu de História Natural da Univ-
1992). The genus is probably paraphyletic ersidade Estadual de Campinas (ZUEC).
(see Gutberlet, 1998; Parkinson, 1999), For each snake, we measured the snout–
and comprises about 40 species including vent length (SVL) and tail length (TL) to
those previously allocated in Bothriopsis the nearest 1 mm with a flexible rule.
(Gutberlet, 1998; Parkinson, 1999; Salo- Head length (HL; from snout to extreme
mão et al., 1997, 1999; Vidal et al., 1999). posterior part of mandible) and eye di-
Members of two groups of Bothrops oc- ameter (ED) were measured with a caliper
cur on coastal islands on southeastern Bra- to the nearest 0.1 mm; to compare HL and
zil. Snakes related to Bothrops jararaca ED between species, we divided HL by
(Wied), including Bothrops insularis the ‘‘trunk’’ length (TR 5 SVL 2 HL) and
(Amaral), are known from several islands ED by HL. Mass (to the nearest 1 g) was
of various sizes and distances from the obtained with spring scales after draining
coast (up to about 35 km), ranging from the excess preservative liquid through ven-
Franceses Island off Espı́rito Santo (lati- tral incisions; to compare mass between
tude about 218 009 S) south to Santa Ca- species, we divided mass by total length
tarina Island (latitude about 278 309 S), (TTL). Description and scale counts follow
whereas Bothrops jararacussu (Lacerda) is Campbell (1985). We considered the first
more restricted in its distribution and oc- ventral as being the first scale wider than
curs mainly on larger islands close to the long. Additionally, we counted the anterior
coast of São Paulo (,1 km from the main- cephalic scales (i.e., the total number of
land; Amaral, 1921a; Duarte et al., 1995; cephalic scales, including the intersupra-
Luederwaldt and Fonseca, 1923; personal oculars) to the tip of the snout. Hemipen-
observation). Island populations of snakes ial ornamentation names follow Dowling
are good subjects for evolutionary studies, and Savage (1960). Color names follow
especially when compared to their gener- Kornerup and Wanscher (1961). Data for
ally widespread mainland relatives (e.g., B. insularis in Table 1 are from Amaral
Forsman, 1991; Schwaner, 1985). These (1921a). Data on microhabitat use, feed-
populations also deserve special attention ing, and reproduction were obtained dur-
for conservation as they generally occur ing fieldwork and by examining preserved
exclusively in very restricted areas (e.g., 43 specimens in museum collections.
ha in the case of B. insularis, Duarte et al., The population of pitvipers inhabiting
1995). Alcatrazes Island is well differentiated
The B. jararaca group comprises two from both populations of snakes occurring
species (Salomão et al., 1999), the wide- in Queimada Grande Island (B. insularis)
spread B. jararaca, probably a complex of and on adjacent mainland (B. jararaca).
several species (Salomão et al., 1997), and After carefully analyzing the morphologi-
the insular endemic B. insularis. The latter cal and ecological attributes of the Alca-
species is restricted to Queimada Grande trazes pitviper, we concluded that the Al-
Island, off the coast of São Paulo, south- catrazes Island population represents a
eastern Brazil (Campbell and Lamar, distinctive species that may be known as:
1989). Herein, we describe a second in-
sular pitviper species from Brazil, first col- Bothrops alcatraz sp. nov.
lected in 1914 and previously referred to Holotype.—IB 62545 (Fig. 1), male
the widespread species B. jararaca (e.g., from Alcatrazes Island (248 069 S, 458 429
Luederwaldt and Fonseca, 1923). W), São Sebastião, São Paulo State, Brazil,
15 December 1999, collected by O. A. V.
MATERIALS AND METHODS Marques, M. Martins, M. E. Oliveira, D.
We examined 24 specimens of the new N. Pereira and A. Martensen.
insular species and 39 specimens of B. ja- Paratypes.—Eighteen specimens, all
raraca from adjacent continental popula- from the type locality: MZUSP 1453, Oc-
tions of coastal São Paulo (Appendix I) in tober 1920, collected by H. Luederwaldt;
the collection of Instituto Butantan (IB) ZUEC 2224, male, 22 March 2000, col-
September 2002] HERPETOLOGICA 305
FIG. 1.—Bothrops alcatraz type locality and two specimens in situ. Alcatrazes Island photographed from a
nearby islet with two brown boobies in foreground (upper left); the Atlantic forest on Alcatrazes Island (upper
right); holotype (IB 62545), showing gaping behavior and seabird droppings on the head (lower left); male
(IB 62290) showing body proportions, dorsal pattern, and seabird droppings scattered on the adjacent ground
(lower right). Photos of the island by F. P. de Campos.
FIG. 2.—Heads of Bothrops alcatraz (paratypes IB 587 and IB 585, upper) and Bothrops jararaca (IB
57903 and IB 58130, lower) in dorsal view showing variation in scalation. Line 5 5 mm.
0.011 (0.144 6 0.012) in females; longer three venom proteins with molecular
head, HL/TR 0.0053 6 0.0003 (0.0041 6 weights of 20, 40, and 60 kD, which do
0.0002) in males, 0.0055 6 0.0003 (0.0045 not occur in B. jararaca, and the intense
6 0.0010) in females; larger eyes, ED/HL coagulant activity of venom of adult B. al-
0.157 6 0.010 (0.149 6 0.010) in males, catraz (M. F. D. Furtado, personal com-
0.154 6 0.009 (0.126 6 0.022) in females; munication), a character that occurs only
32–50, 37.5 6 4.2, anterior cephalic scales in juvenile B. jararaca (Furtado et al.,
generally rounded and with no or feeble 1991). From B. insularis, the new species
keels (32–64, 47.0 6 8.2, generally elon- is easily distinguished by color pattern and
gate and distinctly keeled, Fig. 2); lower smaller size (Campbell and Lamar, 1989:
number of infralabials usually 10/10 (usu- Figs. 214 and 215), and lower number of
ally 11/11); lower number of ventrals, 173– subcaudals in males (47–54 versus 55–65,
186 (197–218); lower number of subcaudal respectively). An additional diagnostic
scales in males 47–58 (62–72) and in fe- character of B. insularis is presence of the
males 45–52 (53–68) (Table 1), and hem- hemiclitoris (cf. Ziegler and Böhme, 1997)
ipenis spines relatively slender (stouter in in females. Furthermore, Bothrops alca-
B. jararaca) (Fig. 3). Additional characters traz is known only from Alcatrazes Island,
that distinguish B. alcatraz from B. jara- whereas B. insularis is known only from
raca are the presence in the former of Queimada Grande Island, and B. jararaca
September 2002] HERPETOLOGICA 307
TABLE 1.—Comparison of selected characters of Bothrops alcatraz, coastal specimens of B. jararaca, and B.
insularis. Measurements in mm, number of individuals in parentheses.
er is arboreal and may also forage on the islands and there is no evidence that they
ground preying on lizards (including M. previously occurred there. Thus, from a
macrorhyncha and H. mabouia). Micrurus semiarboreal, dietary generalist ancestor
corallinus is fossorial and feeds on am- (Martins et al., 2001), two distinct evolu-
phisbaenians and other elongate reptile tionary routes seem to have been taken by
prey (Marques and Sazima, 1997; Sazima, these two insular species. As a result of the
1989; Sazima and Argôlo, 1994; personal absence of small mammals on the islands,
observation). Thus, only S. pulcher over- adult B. insularis relied heavily on migrant
laps with B. alcatraz in food requirements. passerine birds (approximately 85% of
The smallest mature male (with opaque their current diet; Martins et al., 2001),
efferent ducts and enlarged testes) of B. became more arboreal (Martins et al.,
alcatraz was 365 mm SVL and the smallest 2001), and evolved a venom that kills birds
mature female (with oviductal embryos) more effectively (Amaral, 1921b; Cogo et
was 477 mm SVL; males and females of al., 1993). On the other hand, adults of B.
B. jararaca attain sexual maturity at about alcatraz retained two characters of juve-
650 and 750 mm SVL, respectively (Ja- niles, a diet based on ectotherms (present
neiro-Cinquini et al., 1993; Sazima, 1992). study) and venom composition (M.F.D.
Thus, individuals of Bothrops alcatraz at- Furtado, personal communication). The
tain sexual maturity at a much smaller size isolation of populations of the B. jararaca-
than individuals of B. jararaca. A female like ancestor on coastal islands of south-
of B. alcatraz collected in December con- eastern Brazil may have occurred during
tained one oviductal embryo and one atre- one or more of the several oscillations of
sic vitellogenic follicle. The embryo was sea level during the Pleistocene (Martin et
fully-developed (SVL 130 mm, TL 27 al., 1986), the last of these occurring about
mm). Another female collected in January 11,000 yr ago (Rodrigues, 1990).
contained two atresic vitellogenic follicles, The main prey of the two insular species
apparently not ovulated. These data indi- (birds and centipedes) occur in the diet of
cate that the period of juvenile recruit- almost all generalist species of Bothrops,
ment in B. alcatraz may be similar to those including B. jararaca, although in much
of most species of Bothrops, in which par- lower frequencies (Martins et al., 2001),
turition occurs generally between January and were likely already present in the diet
and May (Almeida-Santos and Salomão, of their B. jararaca-like ancestor. Thus,
2001; personal observation). Fecundity in feeding mostly on ectothermic prey by B.
B. alcatraz may be low due to its small alcatraz and on birds by B. insularis may
body size, a trend recorded for several be considered as exaptations. A compre-
snake species (e.g., Shine, 1994). Another hensive study of the phylogeny and habits
island species, B. insularis, also shows a of the jararaca group, including other is-
low fecundity (litters of 2–10 and a high land populations along the coast of south-
frequency of atresic eggs: Hoge et al., eastern and southern Brazil, would pro-
1959). vide useful tools for evaluating the hypoth-
eses above.
DISCUSSION In general, resources on islands are in
Available data on the natural history of short supply, especially on small islands,
the three species of the B. jararaca group and this may explain why mammals sel-
(see Sazima, 1992; Martins et al., 2001) dom colonize these isolated habitats
suggest to us the following scenarios for (McNab, 1994). On the other hand, ecto-
diversification within this group. Two pop- therms require lower levels of resource
ulations of a B. jararaca-like ancestor be- use and several reptiles are successful is-
came isolated in the past (see below) on land colonizers (e.g., Case, 1983; Hasega-
Queimada Grande and Alcatrazes islands. wa and Morigushi, 1989). Well known ex-
Small mammals, the main prey of adult B. amples of successful island colonizers
jararaca (and of most Bothrops; Martins et among pitvipers include four species of
al., 2001), do not presently occur on these Bothrops in the Caribbean and in south-
310 HERPETOLOGICA [Vol. 58, No. 3
eastern Brazil (Campbell and Lamar, 1989; (area of occupancy ,10 km2 and known
Duarte et al., 1995; our study), Agkistro- from a single locality) and B2c (continuing
don piscivorus in coastal Florida (Whar- decline observed in quality of habitat) of
ton, 1969), and several species of rattle- the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
snakes (e.g., Case, 1983) in the New (IUCN, 2000, www.redlist.org). Bothrops
World, as well as Ovophis okinavensis insularis of Queimada Grande Island is
(Morigushi, 1989) and Gloydius shed- placed in the same category based on the
daoensis (Jian-Li, 1995) in Asia. The gen- same criteria (IUCN, 2000; see also Duar-
eralist habits of most pitvipers (Greene, te et al., 1995), and the same may apply
1992; Martins et al., 2001) may have great- to several other island populations of Both-
ly facilitated the colonization of islands by rops along the coast of southeastern Brazil,
species of Bothrops and other pitvipers. for which the taxonomic allocation remains
Although body size among species of is- uncertain. On the other hand, the coastal
land snakes is highly variable (e.g., Case, populations of B. jararaca are not under
1983; Schwaner, 1985), crotalines are gen- special threat at present, as most of the
erally smaller on islands (Case, 1983). Var- coastal Atlantic forest remnants in south-
iation in body size in insular snakes may eastern Brazil are included in protected
be a consequence of prey size and avail- areas (Kronka et al., 1993). Furthermore,
ability, as well as other factors such as B. jararaca is able to survive in disturbed
presence or absence of predators and habitats provided that some forest cover
competitors (Case, 1983; Hasegawa and remains (Sazima, 1992).
Morigushi, 1989; Kohno and Ota, 1991).
Both insular species of the B. jararaca RESUMO
group are smaller than their mainland rel- Uma espécie nova de viperı́deo, Both-
ative and have specialized diets. Compet- rops alcatraz, pertencente ao grupo jara-
itors and predators are apparently absent raca, é descrita da Ilha de Alcatrazes, si-
or rare on both islands (see above). Thus, tuada na costa de São Paulo no sudeste do
dwarfism in B. alcatraz (the smallest spe- Brasil. Esta espécie difere das populações
cies in the B. jararaca group) may be re- continentais da costa do sudeste do Brasil
lated to the small size of its prey (centi- pela coloração mais escura, menor taman-
pedes and small lizards). On the other ho, menor número de escamas ventrais,
hand, B. insularis feeds mostly on relative- subcaudais e infra-labiais, número e forma
ly large prey (birds), and thus smaller size das placas cefálicas anteriores e formato
in this latter species may be related mostly dos espinhos do hemipênis, além da inten-
to arboreal habits, as there seems to be an sa atividade coagulante e da presença de
upper body size limit (around 1 m) for ar- três proteı́nas especı́ficas do veneno. A es-
boreality in Bothrops (Lillywhite and pécie nova difere de Bothrops insularis,
Smits, 1992). outra espécie insular de jararaca do sud-
The Alcatrazes lancehead is restricted to este do Brasil, pelo padrão de coloração,
a small island off southeastern Brazil, menor tamanho, menor número de sub-
where it is relatively common, although caudais em machos e ausência de hemicli-
not as common as B. insularis on Quei- toris em fêmeas. Algumas caracterı́sticas
mada Grande Island (personal observa- de B. alcatraz, como o tamanho pequeno
tion). A cliff portion of the Alcatrazes Is- do adulto, os olhos proporcionalmente
land (Saco do Funil) has been used for tar- grandes, a intensa atividade coagulante do
get practice by cannons of the Brazilian veneno e a dieta composta por centopéias
Navy (F. P. de Campos, personal commu- e lagartos, podem ser interpretadas como
nication; personal observation). Should the pedomórficas dentro do grupo jararaca.
practice continue, it would impose a threat Sugerimos aqui que o pequeno tamanho e
for the Alcatrazes lancehead and other is- as caracterı́sticas do veneno de B. alcatraz
land endemics. Based on the information estejam relacionados à sua dieta (semel-
above, B. alcatraz is now included in the hante à dos juvenis de B. jararaca do con-
category Critically Endangered, criteria B1 tinente), o que pode ser resposta à difer-
September 2002] HERPETOLOGICA 311
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do Estado de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. Bothrops jararaca Ubatuba (ZUEC 01051, 01052,
SALOMÃO, M. G., W. WÜSTER, R. S. THORPE, AND 01057, 01080, 01247, 01445, 01600, 01601, 01602);
BBBSP (Butantan-British Bothrops Systematics Peruibe, Estação Ecológica Juréia-Itatins (IB 57790,
Project). 1997. DNA evolution of South American 57792, 57866, 57871, 57953, 58002, 58014, 58088);
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S. Thorpe, W. Wüster, and A. Malhotra (Eds.), 57805, 57808, 57811, 57840, 57856, 57888, 57896,
Venomous Snakes: Ecology, Evolution and Snake- 57897, 57903, 57904, 57908, 57927, 57940, 57941,
bite. Claredon Press, Oxford, U.K. 57989, 58001, 58035, 58108, 58130, 58134, 58145).