BMX Helmet
BMX Helmet
BMX Helmet
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Bicycle helmets reduce the frequency and severity of severe to fatal head and brain injuries in bicycle
Received 18 January 2016 crashes. Our goal here was to measure the impact attenuation performance of common bicycle helmets
Received in revised form 23 March 2016 over a range of impact speeds. We performed 127 drop tests using 13 different bicycle helmet models (6
Accepted 30 March 2016
traditional style helmets and 7 BMX-style helmets) at impact speeds ranging from 1 to 10 m/s onto a flat
Available online 11 April 2016
anvil. Helmets were struck on their left front and/or right front areas, a common impact location that was
at or just below the test line of most bicycle helmet standards. All but one of the 10 certified helmet models
remained below the 300 g level at an impact speed of 6 m/s, whereas none of the 3 uncertified helmets
met this criterion. We found that the helmets with expanded polystyrene liners performed similarly
Bicycle and universally well. The single certified helmet with a polyurethane liner performed below the level
Skateboard expected by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) standard at our impact location and the
Foam absorber helmet structure failed during one of two supplemental tests of this helmet above the test line. Overall,
Impact attenuation we found that increased liner thickness generally reduced peak headform acceleration, particularly at
higher impact speeds.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction Modern certified bicycle helmets, i.e., helmets < ∼ 10 years old,
generally consist of an energy absorbing liner made of expanded
Bicycle helmets reduce the frequency and severity of head polystyrene (EPS) or polyurethane (PU) and either a thin outer
and brain injuries from bicycle crashes (Thompson et al., 1999; shell (traditional style) or a thick outer shell (BMX-style). Some
McIntosh et al., 2011; Persaud et al., 2012; Elvik, 2013; Bambach BMX-style bicycle helmets are also certified to snow sport and/or
et al., 2013; Cripton et al., 2014). They achieve this reduction by skateboarding standards, whereas other skateboarding helmets
attenuating head acceleration, increasing impact duration, and dis- that appear similar to BMX-style helmets are not certified to any
tributing the impact force over a larger area of the head than standard, potentially confusing consumers.
without a helmet. The effectiveness of helmets in mitigating injury Only limited impact performance data for modern bicycle hel-
has led to laws requiring bicycle helmet use in many jurisdic- mets are available, mostly in the scientific literature (Mills and
tions. Since March 10, 1999, all bicycle helmets manufactured or Gilchrist, 2008; Dressler et al., 2012; Mattei et al., 2012; McIntosh
imported for sale in the United States are required to meet the and Patton, 2012; Hansen et al., 2013; McIntosh et al., 2013;
standard set by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission Cripton et al., 2014; Mizuno et al., 2014) and consumer magazines
(U.S. CPSC, 1998). CPSC certified helmets now dominate the North (Consumer Reports, 2007, 2009, 2012). This limited availabil-
American market, although some bicycle helmets sold in North ity differs from motorcycle helmets, for which compliance test
America are also (and sometimes only) certified by other agencies, results (NHTSA, 2014) and ratings (
such as the American Society for Testing and Materials Interna- is-crash.html) are available online, and football helmets, which
tional (ASTM, 2006a,b), the Snell Memorial Foundation (1998), the are rated with the STAR system (Rowson and Duma, 2012) also
European Committee for Standardization (1997, 2007) and Stan- available online ( Moreover,
dards Australia/New Zealand (AS/NZS, 1996). bicycle helmets are typically tested only under the conditions stip-
ulated by the standards. For impact attenuation performance, this
typically means radial impacts above a defined test line onto vari-
∗ Corresponding author. ous anvils at specific impact speeds. While these well-defined test
E-mail address: (G.P. Siegmund). conditions are needed for certification, the resulting data are of lim-
0001-4575/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
176 A.L. DeMarco et al. / Accident Analysis and Prevention 92 (2016) 175–183
Table 1
Helmet label information.
B1 CCM V15 Back-Trail 2009 S/M (54–58 cm) CPSC
B2 Supercycle 073-0445-8 2009 M (54–58 cm) CPSC, CE
B3 Giro Stylus 2007 M (55–59 cm) CPSC
B4 Giro Prolight 2010 M (55–59 cm) CPSC, CE EN 1078:1997/A1:2005
B5 Specialized Propero 2010 M (54–60 cm) CPSC, Snell B90A
B6 Specialized S-Works 2010 M (54–60 cm) CPSC, Snell B90A
S1 Protec Classic 2-Stage foam 2009 M (55–56 cm) None
S2 Protec The Classic EPS 2010 M (55–56 cm) CPSC, AS/NZS 2063:2008, ASTM 1447, CE EN 1078
S3 Bern Watts Hard Hat 2010 M (55.5–57 cm) None
S4 Bern Watts EPS 2009 M (55.5–57 cm) CPSC, ASTM F 2040, CE EN 1077 − Class B, CE EN 1078
S5 Bern Brentwood Zipmold 2011 M (55.5–57 cm) CPSC, ASTM F 2040, CE EN 1078
S6 Nutcase Street Classic Shell 2010 S/M (52–60 cm) CPSC, AS/NZS 2063:1996, CE EN 1078, TÜV GS
S7 RED Trace 2008 M (57–59 cm) CPSC ASTM F 2040-00, CE EN 1077
Table 2
Helmet specifications.
ited use for analyzing actual bicycle helmet impacts with varying (Table 1). The traditional bicycle helmets (numbered B1 to B6) had
angles, surfaces, locations and speeds. Data from real-world bicy- thin shells (<1 mm) and expanded polystyrene (EPS) liners, and one
cle helmet impacts indicate that contact to a flat surface (Williams, model (B6) had a dual density EPS liner. Models B1 and B2 had their
1991; Smith et al., 1993; Cameron et al., 1994) is common, and that shells and liners glued or taped together, whereas models B3 to B6
52–78 percent of the studied impacts occurred with the front/side had their shell and liner fused, i.e., a molded-in-shell design. Mod-
of the helmet (McIntosh and Dowdell, 1992; Smith et al., 1993; els B5 and B6 had internal reinforcing advertised as a “composite
McIntosh et al., 1995; Ching et al., 1997). Thirty-three to 63 percent matrix internal reinforcement” and “Kevlar-reinforced InnerMa-
of these impacts occurred at a region below the test line (Williams, trix” respectively. This reinforcing reportedly maintains tensile
1991; Cameron et al., 1994; Ching et al., 1997). These data also indi- strength when a lower density EPS is used (Mills and Gilchrist,
cate that impact severities above that stipulated in the certification 2006). Liner thicknesses varied between and within each model,
standards do occur in some cases, albeit rarely (Williams, 1991; with the largest variability in the vent regions (traditional helmets)
Cameron et al., 1994; Ching et al., 1997). and near the edges (both helmets).
Our goal was to measure the impact attenuation performance The BMX-style helmets (excluding S5) had thicker shells
of common North American bicycle helmets over a range of impact (>2 mm) and liners made of polyurethane (PU), polypropy-
speeds. We performed radial impacts to the front/side of the helmet lene/polyurethane (PP/PU), polyethylene (PE) or EPS. Only helmet
(near and sometimes below the test line) onto a flat anvil at a wide S5 had a molded-in-shell design; the others had their shells and
range of impact speeds (1–10 m/s). The impact speeds were chosen liners fixed together with glue, tape or VelcroTM . The BMX-style
to cover the range we see in our crash investigations, even though helmets had fewer vents than the traditional helmets (Table 2)
we recognize that helmet impacts at the upper end of this range and their liners generally covered more of the head. The thickness
are rare. measurements reported in Table 2 represent the thickest region
of the helmet within the area of impact (traditional helmets) or
the thickness at the impact area (BMX-style helmets). Helmet S3
2. Methods was advertised as a multi-impact helmet despite not being certi-
fied, whereas all others were designated single-impact (B1-B6, S2,
Thirteen helmet models were tested (Tables 1 and 2, S4-S7) or unspecified (S1).
Figs. 1 and 2). All helmets had a shell, an energy absorbing liner
and a comfort liner, but only 11 helmet models were certified
A.L. DeMarco et al. / Accident Analysis and Prevention 92 (2016) 175–183 177
Fig. 1. Traditional bicycle helmets tested in this study and their mid sagittal cross sections. The “X” shows the approximate impact location on each helmet.
All of the helmets were size medium (M) or small/medium (S/M) for impacts to or between the ribs of the traditional helmets. In
and fit the magnesium alloy headform (ISO J, Half Magnesium K1A, the helmets with impacts to both sides, the first impact was in the
Cadex Inc., Quebec, Canada). Detachable visors were removed for range of 1–7 m/s and there was no damage to the liner foam or hard
the testing, although removable ear covers were left in place. These shell affecting the subsequent test area.
alterations were trivial and did not affect the impact performance of The accelerometer signals were filtered using a 4-pole, dual-
the helmets. The chinstrap was secured snugly over a custom-made pass Butterworth filter with a roll-off frequency of 1650 Hz (SAE
chin bar using a small C-clamp (Fig. 3) and the plastic retention Channel Class 1000) before extracting peak headform acceleration
buckle components were removed. A 3.2 m tall monorail and trol- and calculating the head injury criterion (HIC). The relationship
ley assembly guided the helmets during the drop tests. For impact between peak headform acceleration and impact speed was mod-
speeds above 7.7 m/s, an elastic slingshot near the top of the mono- eled using a function that captured the three phases of compression
rail was used to increase the speed of the helmet. in polymeric foams: linear elastic region, collapse plateau and den-
A uni-axial accelerometer ±2000 g accelerometer (7264B- sification (Nagy et al., 1974; Zhang et al., 1998; Ouellet et al., 2006).
2000T, Endevco, San Juan Capistrano, CA) was fixed into the ball The viscoelastic relationship proposed by Nagy et al. (1974) was
arm where it fastened to the headform and was located at the adapted to the helmet response data by assuming peak head-
center of mass of the headform. The total mass of the moving form acceleration (apeak ) was proportional to foam stress, and
assembly (without the helmet) was 5.09 kg. Impact speed was mea- impact velocity (v) was proportional to both foam strain and strain
sured using high-speed video (250 fps) immediately before impact. rate (DeMarco et al., 2010). This yielded an equation with four
Accelerometer signals were acquired at 100 kHz. coefficients (A, b, c and d; Eq. 1) that was fit to the data using
Drop tests onto a flat steel plate were conducted against the the nonlinear regression function (nlinfit) in the Matlab Statis-
left side, right side or sometimes both sides of the helmets. A total tical Toolbox (Matlab 2013b, MathWorks, Natick, MA). For the
of 127 impacts (115 left- and 12 right-sided) were performed on two uncertified helmets without impact absorbers, the exponen-
116 helmets. The impacts occurred to the front/side of the helmets, tial term that captured densification (i.e., cvd ) was eliminated and
at or slightly below the test line that would be used in certification the model was reduced to a simple power function. The 95th per-
testing (see “X” in Figs. 1 and 2). The headform orientation remained centile confidence intervals and coefficients of determination (r2 )
constant for all helmets and no adjustments were made to account were also computed for each regression. For the subset of EPS-lined
178 A.L. DeMarco et al. / Accident Analysis and Prevention 92 (2016) 175–183
Fig. 2. BMX-style bicycle helmets tested in this study and their mid sagittal cross sections. The “X” shows the approximate impact location on each helmet.
Fig. 4. Summary of headform acceleration versus time data (top graph of each panel) and peak acceleration versus impact speed (bottom graph of each panel) for each
traditional bicycle helmet. The upper graphs are color-coded for impact speed range. The red dot in the lower panels represents the CPSC impact performance criterion.
The solid lines and the pair of adjacent dashed lines represent the regression curve fits and their 95th percentile confidence intervals respectively. (For interpretation of the
references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
headform accelerations and HIC values at the moderate and high below 4 m/s (Fig. 6). Peak headform accelerations predicted by the
impact speeds, whereas the two helmets that used PU liners gener- regression models at 2, 4, 6 and 8 m/s showed that a significant pro-
ated lower peak headform accelerations and HIC values at speeds
180 A.L. DeMarco et al. / Accident Analysis and Prevention 92 (2016) 175–183
Fig. 5. Summary of headform acceleration versus time data (top graph of each panel) and peak acceleration versus impact speed (bottom graph of each panel) for each
BMX-style helmet. The upper graphs are color-coded for impact speed range. The red dot in the lower panels represents the CPSC impact performance criterion. The solid
lines and the pair of adjacent dashed lines represent the regression curve fits and their 95th percentile confidence intervals respectively. The supplemental impact of helmet
S5 is shown as a dashed line in its upper graph and an open circle in its lower graph. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred
to the web version of this article.)
portion of their variance (r2 = 0.56 to 0.82, p < 0.0063) was related 1 to 10 m/s. Ten of the 11 certified helmets remained below the
to the initial liner thickness in the EPS-lined helmets (Fig. 7). 300 g criterion at impact severities near those specified in the
CPSC standard, a finding consistent with previous studies that
reported certified helmets generally exceed certification require-
4. Discussion
ments (Williams, 1991; McIntosh and Patton, 2012). One certified
helmet (S5), however, reached 345 g at an impact speed of 5.85 m/s
This study compared the impact attenuation performance of
during our tests (this helmet was only tested once). This peak head-
various North American bicycle helmets at impact speeds from
A.L. DeMarco et al. / Accident Analysis and Prevention 92 (2016) 175–183 181
Table 3
Regression equation parameters (see Eq. 1) and their coefficients of determination (r2 ).
Helmet Liner A b c d r2
Fig. 6. Summary of the peak headform acceleration versus impact speed (top row) and head injury criterion (HIC) versus impact speed (bottom row) for the traditional
bicycle helmets (left column) and BMX-style helmets (right column). The solid lines and the pairs of adjacent dashed lines represent the regression curve fits and their 95th
percentile confidence intervals respectively for the combined EPS helmets only. The red dot in the upper panels represents the CPSC impact performance criterion. (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
form acceleration exceeds the 300 g threshold for a 6.2 m/s impact the standard requirement (216 g). These results suggest that this
set out in the CPSC standard, but may be due to our choice of particular helmet provides less protection compared to the other
an impact location below the prescribed test line. To explore this certified helmets at the impact location we tested. Furthermore,
possibility, we conducted two supplemental tests of this helmet when impacted above the test line this helmet demonstrates a risk
make/model at ∼6 m/s at a right rear location that was above the for breaking apart (and potentially coming off the head) that was
test line and in a region where the energy absorbing liner was not observed in the other helmets.
thickest. One of the supplemental helmets (previously tested at Our impact location was at or slightly below the test line speci-
3.43 m/s at the left front region) broke apart during this supplemen- fied by the various standards to which the helmets were certified.
tal test (Fig. 8) and the other (previously not tested) was well below We chose this impact location because we commonly see impacts
182 A.L. DeMarco et al. / Accident Analysis and Prevention 92 (2016) 175–183
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