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DLL Els Quarter 1 Week 2

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Grade Level 11
Department of Education Teacher KENNEDY F. VAGAY Learning Area EARTH & LIFE SCIENCE
Teaching Dates and Time Week 2 Quarter First Quarter |1st Semester
Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4:
The learners demonstrate understanding of …
1. the three main categories of rocks
2. the origin and environment of formation of common minerals and rocks
3. geologic processes that occur on the surface of the Earth such as weathering, erosion, mass wasting, and sedimentation (include the role
of ocean basins in the formation of sedimentary rocks)
A. Content Standards
4. geologic processes that occur within the Earth
5. the folding and faulting of rocks
6. plate tectonics
7. how the planet Earth evolved in the last 4.6 billion years (including the age of the Earth, major geologic time subdivisions, and marker
The learners should be able to …
B. Performance Standards
Conduct a survey to assess the possible geologic/ hydrometeorological hazards that your community may experience.
C. Learning 1. Classify rocks into igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic.
Competencies/Objectives 2. Explain how the products of weathering are carried away by erosion and deposited elsewhere.



A. References
1. TG’s Pages
2. LM’s Pages
3. Textbook’s Pages
B. Other Resources Modules in Earth and Life Science
1. Review the previous lesson about the rock cycle and the three
1. Ask students to share their previous knowledge about weathering
types of rocks.
A. Reviewing previous lesson or and erosion.
2. Introduce the new topic about how to classify rocks into igneous,
presenting the new lesson 2. Introduce the new lesson on how the products of weathering are
sedimentary, and metamorphic.
carried away by erosion and deposited elsewhere.

B. Establishing the purpose of Explain to the students that the purpose of the lesson is to help them The purpose of this lesson is to help students understand how
weathering and erosion are connected and how erosion transports the
the lesson classify different types of rocks into the three major categories. products of weathering to different locations.

Present examples of how erosion has created unique landforms such

as canyons, valleys, and deltas.

a. Chocolate Hills, Bohol - The Chocolate Hills are a group of over

1,000 cone-shaped hills that are spread over an area of around
1. Show pictures of different rocks and ask the students to identify 50 square kilometers in Bohol. These hills were formed through a
them. combination of tectonic movements and erosion over millions
of years. The limestone that makes up the hills was eroded by
rain and groundwater, creating the unique shape.

b. Banaue Rice Terraces, Ifugao - The Banaue Rice Terraces are a

series of terraced rice paddies that were carved into the
mountainside by the Ifugao people over 2,000 years ago. The
terraces were built using stone and mud, and erosion has
C. Presenting
played a major role in shaping the terraces over the centuries.
examples/instances of the
new lesson
c. Tinipak River, Rizal - Tinipak River is a popular tourist destination
in Rizal, known for its unique rock formations and crystal-clear
waters. The river has carved out a deep canyon over millions of
years, and the water has eroded the limestone rocks, creating
unusual shapes and patterns.

d. Mayon Volcano, Albay - Mayon Volcano is one of the most

2. Discuss the characteristics of each rock and how they can be active volcanoes in the Philippines and is known for its perfect
identified. cone shape. The shape of the volcano was created by erosion
and weathering, as rain and wind eroded the softer layers of
rock on the slopes, leaving behind the harder and more
resistant materials.

D. Discussing new concepts 1. Explain the characteristics of igneous rocks, how they are formed, 1. Define erosion and its types.
and practicing new skills #1 and their types. 2. Explain the difference between erosion and weathering.
2. Show examples of igneous rocks and ask the students to identify 3. Discuss how erosion works in transporting weathered materials such
their types. as rocks, soil, and sediments.
3. Discuss how to differentiate between intrusive and extrusive igneous

1. Explain the characteristics of sedimentary rocks, how they are

formed, and their types.
1. Explain the importance of erosion in shaping the Earth's surface
2. Show examples of sedimentary rocks and ask the students to
E. Discussing new concepts and in the formation of soil.
identify their types.
and practicing new skills #2 2. Discuss how human activities such as deforestation and mining can
3. Discuss how to differentiate between clastic, chemical, and
increase erosion and cause environmental problems.
organic sedimentary rocks.

1. Give the students a classification activity where they have to

identify and classify different rocks into their respective categories.
F. Developing Mastery
2. Check their work and provide feedback.

1. Have a class discussion on how erosion and weathering affect

G. Finding practical everyday life, such as in construction and agriculture.
Discuss how rocks are used in everyday life, such as construction,
applications of concepts 2. Discuss how understanding erosion and weathering can help in the
jewelry, and art.
and skills in daily living conservation of natural resources.

1. Summarize the lesson by discussing the major characteristics of

H. Generalizing and each type of rock and how they can be identified. Have students write a reflection on how the lesson has helped them
abstractions about the 2. Emphasize the importance of classifying rocks into the three major understand the connection between weathering and erosion and how
lesson categories. erosion affects the Earth's surface.

1. Give a short quiz to check the students' understanding of the lesson.

I. Evaluating Learning 2. Evaluate their work and provide feedback. Conduct a short quiz to assess the learning of the students.

1. Have students do a research project on a specific type of erosion

1. Provide additional resources for the students to practice classifying and its effects on the environment.
J. Additional Activities for rocks, such as online quizzes or worksheets. 2. Assign a remediation activity for students who need additional
Application or Remediation 2. Offer remediation to students who need additional support in support in understanding the lesson, such as creating a visual
understanding the topic. representation of erosion and weathering.

A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:


Teacher II Head Teacher III School Principal II

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