Lab - PDF 5

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Exercise 3.

Name:Micah Jane Carino
BIO 13-Section- A
Part I
1. Is the movement of chloroplasts during cyclosis from cell to cell or within the cell?
- Within the cell.
2. What is the movement due to?
- The flow of cytoplasm within the cell, which is influenced by the forces of the
cytoskeleton, drives the movement of chloroplasts. This allows nutrients and proteins to
move about inside the cell.

3. What organelles you saw in the leaf cell are absent in the root cell?
- Chloroplasts and plastids are found in leaf cells. The root cell lacks these organelles.

4. What may be the chemical composition of raphides?

- Calcium oxalate
5. Can you suggest why they may be found in Zebrina stems?
- I think that these compounds improve the plant's own survival, which explains why
calcium oxalate crystal formation is detected in Zebrina stems. It also plays a function in
tissue calcium homeostasis and provides protection from herbivores.6. Draw one
parenchyma cell with starch grains.

7. What is the function of a leucoplast?

- Nutrients like carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins are stored by leucoplasts in non-green
tissues including seeds, roots, and tubers.
8. How is chromoplast different from leucoplast?
- While a leucoplast could be a colorless organelle, the chromoplast has diverse colors
extending from yellow, orange to ruddy. When the leucoplasts happen within the
non-photosynthetic parts of the plant such as the roots, bulb and seeds, the chromoplast
on the other hand happen within the uncovered parts of the plant such as the natural
product, blossom and pushed parts of the clears out. The chromoplast does not get
changed to other sorts of lipids while the leucoplast does.
9. Which pigment may be found in the chromoplast of tomato pulp?
- Lycopene is the major pigment found in the chromoplast of ripe tomato pulps.
10. What pigment is contained in the vacuole and what is it dissolved in?
- Anthocyanins are the water-soluble pigments present in the plant cell vacuoles. These
vacuoles appear in different colors like red, blue or purple.
11. What does the nucleolus contain?
- A nucleus is a structure found in all plant cells that stores DNA and serves as the cell's
command center. It is encased in the nuclear envelope and contains nucleoplasm.
Nuclear pores in the nuclear envelope allow molecules with the proper nuclear import
and export signals to enter and exit the nucleus.

Part II. Include the objectives and magnification used to view the specimens.

1. Take a photo and label the leaf cells of the Hydrilla.

2. Take a photo and label the root cells of the Allium cepa.
3. Take a photo and label the raphides of the Tradescantia zebrina.

4. Take a photo and label the parenchyma cells of the potato.

5. Take a photo and label the epidermal cells of the Tradescantia spathodea.
6. Take a photo and label the fruit cells of the tomato.

7. Take a photo and label the trichomes of squash.

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