Howard Et Al, 2019
Howard Et Al, 2019
Howard Et Al, 2019
KEY POINTS New treatments directly targeting polymerization of sickle hemoglobin (HbS), the prox-
imate event in the pathophysiology of sickle cell disease (SCD), are needed to address the
l In a randomized,
placebo-controlled, severe morbidity and early mortality associated with the disease. Voxelotor (GBT440) is
phase 1/2 study in a first-in-class oral therapy specifically developed to treat SCD by modulating the affinity of
patients with SCD, hemoglobin (Hb) for oxygen, thus inhibiting HbS polymerization and downstream adverse
voxelotor (500-
1000 mg per day) was
effects of hemolytic anemia and vaso-occlusion. GBT440-001 was a phase 1/2 randomized,
well tolerated. double-blind, placebo-controlled, single and multiple ascending dose study of voxelotor in
adult healthy volunteers and patients with SCD, followed by a single-arm, open-label
l All patients receiving
extension study. This report describes results of voxelotor (500-1000 mg per day) in
voxelotor for ‡28
days demonstrated patients with sickle cell anemia. The study evaluated the safety, tolerability, pharmaco-
hematologic kinetic, and pharmacodynamic properties of voxelotor and established proof of concept by
improvements, improving clinical measures of anemia, hemolysis, and sickling. Thirty-eight patients with
suggesting disease-
modifying activity SCD received 28 days of voxelotor 500, 700, or 1000 mg per day or placebo; 16 patients
in SCD. received 90 days of voxelotor 700 or 900 mg per day or placebo. Four patients from the
90-day cohort were subsequently enrolled in an extension study and treated with voxelotor
900 mg per day for 6 months. All patients who received multiple doses of voxelotor for ‡28 days experienced he-
matologic improvements including increased Hb and reduction in hemolysis and percentage of sickled red cells,
supporting the potential of voxelotor to serve as a disease-modifying therapy for SCD. Voxelotor was well tolerated
with no treatment-related serious adverse events and no evidence of tissue hypoxia. These trials were registered at as #NCT02285088 and #NCT03041909. (Blood. 2019;133(17):1865-1875)
© 2019 by The American Society of Hematology blood® 25 APRIL 2019 | VOLUME 133, NUMBER 17 1865
voxelotor decreases the concentration of deoxygenated HbS, the screening. Other exclusion criteria included alanine aminotrans-
HbS conformation that forms polymers. The therapeutic rationale of ferase or alkaline phosphatase .3 times the upper limit of normal
reducing the concentration of polymerizing HbS is supported in or aspartate aminotransferase .4 times the upper limit of normal,
part by the observation that individuals who are compound het- or moderate or severe renal dysfunction (defined as calculated
erozygotes for HbS and a deletional form of hereditary persistence modification of diet in renal disease [MDRD] estimated glomerular
of fetal Hb who maintain 20% to 30% of nonpolymerizing fetal Hb in filtration rate [eGFR] ,60 mL/min/1.73 m2, appropriately cor-
a pancellular distribution do not have clinical manifestations of rected for race and sex). All patients provided written informed
SCD12-16; this suggests that targeting 20% to 30% Hb occupancy consent prior to the commencement of any study-related procedures.
with voxelotor may be beneficial.
Study design
Preclinical studies with purified HbS demonstrate that voxelotor- Voxelotor was administered as multiple doses (500, 700, or
modified HbS is as effective as fetal Hb in delaying HbS poly- 1000 mg) for 28 days and multiple doses (700 or 900 mg) for
merization. In vitro studies using blood from SCD patients as 90 days (Figure 1). Patients from the 90-day, 900-mg cohort were
well as in vivo animal studies indicate that voxelotor has high offered continuation with voxelotor; patients who were interested
specificity for binding to Hb, has a half-life supporting once-daily enrolled into a separate, open-label extension study to provide 6
dosing, increases Hb-oxygen affinity, reduces sickling, improves months’ cumulative treatment with voxelotor 900 mg (NCT03041909).
Open-Label Extension
900 mg/day for 6 months
baseline and on days 4, 8, 15, 22, and 28. For the patients enrolled exercise stress and to ensure that the voxelotor-related increase in
in the 90-day cohorts, hematology laboratory measures were Hb-oxygen affinity did not impair oxygen delivery. CPET assess-
collected at screening and baseline; on days 4, 15, 22, 28, 44, 60, ments were collected at baseline and on days 28 and 91.
75, and 90; and then monthly for the patients enrolled in the
extension study. Assessments were also collected 30 days fol- Safety was assessed in all patients who received at least 1 dose of
lowing the last dose of study treatment in all patients. The per- study drug. Safety assessments included symptoms inquiry, physical
centage of sickled red cells was analyzed from blood smears by examinations, vital signs (blood pressure, heart rate, temperature),
2 independent blinded readers. Six independent microscopy standard clinical laboratory tests (chemistry panel, complete hema-
fields were randomly selected and imaged at 340 magnification tology panel, urinalysis, pregnancy tests), 12-lead electrocardiogram,
per smear. Greater than 500 RBCs from 3 or more different fields and AE reporting from the time of study drug administration to
were counted per blood smear. Elongated crescent-shaped RBCs 30 days after the last dose of study drug. Erythropoietin was
with tapering of opposite ends that culminated in a point were collected as a biomarker related to tissue oxygen delivery. In the
counted as sickled.18 Elliptical RBCs with smooth rounded edges 90-day cohort, functional exercise capacity was evaluated using
were counted as normal.18 Results were reported as percentage of bicycle CPET at baseline and after 90 days of dosing. CPET was
sickled red cells, calculated as the number of sickled red cells conducted as per guidelines developed by the American Thoracic
divided by the total number of RBCs, multiplied by 100. Society/American College of Chest Physicians.
Table 1. Patient demographics and baseline characteristics
N 10 10 12 6 4 6 6
Median age (range), y 38 (21-53) 29 (20-48) 29 (20-56) 40 (25-47) 28 (18-48) 41 (29-53) 37 (25-42)
Male sex, n (%) 6 (60) 8 (80) 4 (33) 2 (33) 3 (75) 4 (67) 3 (50)
Median BMI (range), 23.5 (19.6-30.5) 21.4 (17.2-27.5) 23.0 (17.8-34.4) 22.4 (20.2-26.1) 18.8 (17.2-28.4) 26.9 (21.9-35.3) 22.8 (20.0-27.3)
Median baseline Hb 8.1 (7.2-10.0) 7.9 (7.0-9.7) 9.1 (7.5-9.8) 8.2 (7.5-8.4) 7.9 (7.2-9.3) 8.3 (7.1-9.7) 9.0 (7.6-9.7)
(range), g/dL
Patients with 5 7 5 3 2 4 5
0 events in
previous 12 mo, n
Current use of HU, 3 (30) 1 (10) 3 (25) 2 (33) 1 (25) 0 (0) 2 (33)
n (%)
affinity. A validated liquid chromatography–tandem mass spec- samples were collected in sodium citrate vacutainers and kept at
trometry method was used to analyze samples. Analytical ranges 4°C until analyzed (within 12-43 hours after collection) according
were 10 to 10 000 ng/mL for blood and 5 to 5000 ng/mL for plasma to the method previously described11 to obtain p20 and p50
samples. Voxelotor concentration in RBCs was calculated from: values (partial pressure of O2 at which Hb is 20% or 50% satu-
rated with O2). D p20 and D p50 values were determined by
RBC Conc 5 (Blood Conc 2 [(1 2 Hematocrit) subtracting the day 21 p20 or p50 value from the sample p20 or
3 PlasmaConc])/Hematocrit p50 value. Due to the biphasic nature of the OECs upon Hb
modification with voxelotor, the p20 value is more sensitive than
Oxygen equilibrium curves (OECs) and changes in Hb-oxygen the p50 value and, therefore, was used to calculate percentage
affinity were measured using a TCS Hemox Analyzer. Clinical Hb modification with voxelotor.19
N 10 10 12 6
Hb, median (25th, 75th percentile), g/dL 20.1 (20.4, 0.4) 0.4 (0.1, 0.7) 0.7 (0.5, 1.0) 0 (20.4, 0.3)
Unconjugated bilirubin, median (25th, 75th 23.6 (225.9, 6.7) 230.6 (248.9, 215.4) 242.6 (244.4, 223.8) 256.3 (257.8, 247.1)
percentile), % change
Percentage of reticulocytes, median (25th, 9.0 (21.7, 13.7) 231.2 (248.9, 220.8) 237.0 (252.6, 24.5) 249.9 (264.3, 234.4)
75th percentile), % change
LDH, median (25th, 75th percentile), 26.6 (216.8, 22.9) 219.9 (239.0, 6.2) 212.0 (230.2, 25.7) 212.4 (220.2, 212.1)
% change
Sickled red cells, median (25th, 75th 12.9 (213.6, 12.9) 256.4 (270.2, 226.2) 245.9 (293.0, 26.0) 245.7 (257.9, 5.9)
percentile), % change
N 6 7§ 13 4
Hb, median (25th, 75th 1.1 (0.6, 1.3) 0.8 (0.5, 1.3) 1.0 (0.6, 1.3) 20.1 (20.2, 0.1) ,.05
percentile), g/dL
Unconjugated bilirubin, 237.2 (243.4, 223.7) 242.9 (258.4, 230.5) 239.7 (249.9, 228.8) 14.8 (1.8, 18.5) ,.05
median (25th,
75th percentile),
% change
Percentage of 221.0 (232.9, 218.1) 218.9 (235.4, 26.2) 218.9 (232.9, 215.0) 8.9 (2.5, 25.5) ,.05
LDH, median (25th, 75th 0.8 (214.7, 1.1) 247.7 (263.4, 212.5) 212.9 (247.7, 0.9) 0.5 (20.7, 7.2) NS
percentile), % change
Dense RBC, median 235.5|| (263.1, 18.1) 221.0¶ (260.5, 11.3) 231.4# (262.5, 11.3) 3.8** (221.3, 4.3) NS
(25th, 75th percentile),
% change
Sickled red cell, median 272.6 (279.0, 260.6) 279.2¶ (291.3, 257.7) 274.0†† (288.6, 257.0) 6.9 (3.9, 10.3) ,.05
(25th, 75th percentile),
% change
Figure 2. Time-dependent change in hemoglobin from
Hemoglobin (g/dL) baseline to day ‡90.
Placebo (n=4)
Voxelotor Overall (700 mg and 900 mg, n=13)
Change from baseline*
-0.4 *Relative change from baseline, median and 25th and 75th percentile
frequent telephone reminders and the high self-motivation of with an increase of ;7% for placebo (Table 3; Figure 4). No
the patients. patients had a previous history of splenectomy. For the 90-day
dosing cohorts, a dose response effect was not observed; the PK
Efficacy parameters for these 2 dose levels were very similar. Therefore,
By 2 weeks of treatment, all doses of voxelotor resulted in an in- efficacy results are summarized together for 700 mg and 900 mg,
crease in median Hb levels and/or reduction in clinical laboratory which show an improvement over placebo.
markers of hemolysis (Tables 2 and 3; Figure 2). Long-term dosing
with 900 mg showed these improvements were durable through Interestingly, with 28-day dosing, a time dependency was ob-
6 months of treatment, with a median increase in Hb of ;1 g/dL served in the effect on Hb but not on other measures of he-
(Table 3). Furthermore, nearly half of these patients (46%) achieved molysis: an initial rapid rise in Hb at all doses was evident by day
an increase in Hb of $1 g/dL from baseline (Figure 3). Improve- 15, with a transient attenuation of effect on Hb between days 22
ments in Hb were observed in patients regardless of hydroxyurea and 28. This transient attenuation of effect likely accounts for the
use (Figure 3). Statistically significant improvements in unconju- absence of Hb increase in the 1000-mg cohort at the 28-day time
gated bilirubin and reticulocyte counts were observed with dosing point (Table 2). With longer-duration dosing for up to 6 months
at 90 days to 6 months, favoring voxelotor over placebo; LDH at 700 mg and 900 mg, a sustained and durable increase in Hb is
showed greater variability (Table 3). Additionally, improvements evident (Figure 2).
were observed for dense RBCs favoring voxelotor over placebo;
however, the difference was not statistically significant. All treat- Safety and tolerability
ment doses demonstrated reductions in the percentage of sickled Overall, voxelotor was well tolerated at doses up to and in-
red cells, including a statistically significant difference for patients cluding 1000 mg per day for 28 days and 900 mg per day for
treated long-term; a reduction of 73% and 79% from baseline was 6 months. A maximum tolerated dose was not identified.
demonstrated at 700 mg and 900 mg, respectively, compared Treatment-emergent AEs (TEAEs) reported in $10% of patients
1.0‡ 0.9 1 g/dL
0.6 0.6
Figure 3. Hb change from baseline to last observation 0.4‡
(‡90 days): responder analysis for ‡1 g/dL. *Day 15 0.2 0.2‡
presented due to a protocol-specified dose reduction 0§ 0
on day 17 (because of a 2.7 g/dL increase in Hb). †Day 150 -0.1
presented because this is the last time point collected -0.3
for Hb while the patient was receiving study drug. ‡Con- Baseline Hb 9.7 8.0 9.3 9.7 8.1 9.2 7.1 7.6 8.7 8.9 8.4 9.5 8.5 8.5 7.3 9.3 7.2
current hydroxyurea. §Documented nonadherence with (g/dL)
study drug regimen.
C 25
Voxelotor 700 mg x 90 days
Placebo (n = 2)
Figure 4. Sickled red cells. Change from (A) baseline (Wright-Giemsa stain) to (B) day 90 (Wright-Giemsa stain) in SCD patients. (C) Percentage of sickled red cells. Relative
change from baseline, median, and 25th and 75th percentile; baseline irreversibly sickled cell (ISC) counts ranged from 3.1% to 17.2%. †Represents 5 of 6 subjects at day 90 (D90).
are presented in Table 4. The majority of TEAEs were grade 1 or hold) and were considered to be related to the underlying SCD.
2. Treatment-related TEAEs included headache, diarrhea, and In the 4 patients who received voxelotor for 6 months, 1 patient
rash. TEAEs of headache occurred in patients receiving vox- experienced a grade 3 VOC 30 days after the last dose of study
elotor or placebo (Table 4). There were no treatment-related, drug; this patient had a history of 2 VOCs in the prior year. Four
grade $3 TEAEs. In voxelotor-treated patients, all VOC events patients had dose reductions due to TEAEs: grade 1 abdominal
occurred off-treatment (ie, after the last dose or during a dose discomfort and nausea (n 5 1; 700 mg), grade 1 increased
Voxelotor/placebo, mg/d
Days 28 28 90 90 d to 6 mo 28 28-90
N 10 12 6 7* 6 41* 14
Sickle cell anemia with crisis,§ n (%) 2 (20) 2 (17) 2 (33) 2 (29) 1 (17) 9 (22) 1 (7)
*Includes 1 patient who received placebo in GBT440-001 and transitioned to voxelotor 900 mg in the extension study.
†Grade 1; all resolved with continued dosing.
‡Two patients had treatment-related rashes (preferred terms of rash and rash papular): 1 in the voxelotor 1000-mg group and 1 in the voxelotor 900-mg group. Other TEAEs of rash were not
consistent with drug rashes.
§Also referred to as VOC. Events occurred off-treatment (during posttreatment follow-up; n 5 9) or after a dose hold/dose reduction (voxelotor 900-mg group; n 5 1).
Table 5. Peak exercise oxygen uptake, ventilatory threshold, and erythropoietin with voxelotor treatment
P* for pooled
Voxelotor-treated voxelotor
Voxelotor/placebo Placebo 700 mg/d 900 mg/d pooled vs placebo
N 4 6 6 12
Ventilatory threshold
oxygen uptake,
Median baseline mU/mL 112.2 (46.5, 183.0) 91.2 (77.6, 125.0) 113.5 (42.4, 150.0) 104.4 (68.6, 137.5)
(IQR 25%:75%)
% Median change to day 90 243.5 (279.3, 19.7) 0.4 (232.9, 27.6) 27.2 (211.5, 24.7) 25.2 (222.2, 14.8) NS
(IQR 25%:75%)
CPET (peak exercise and ventilatory threshold) not available in all patients. CPET data available for n 5 3 (placebo), n 5 5 (900 mg), n 5 11 (voxelotor-treated pooled).
IQR, interquartile range; NC, not calculated; NS, not significant.
*Two-sample Student t test.
hepatic enzyme (n 5 2; 700 mg), and grade 2 papular pruritic rash 28 days and $90 days are shown in Table 6. Following multiple daily
(n 5 1; 900 mg); the rash did not recur with dose escalation back to dosing, the Cmax and AUC increased proportionally with dose. The
900 mg. One patient at 900 mg who had a 2.7 g/dL increase in Hb Cmax and AUC0-24 at steady state at 1000 mg, the highest dose
at day 15 had a dose reduction on day 17 to 700 mg and further tested, were 483 mg/mL and 10 100 h 3 mg/mL, respectively.
reduction to 600 mg on day 22 (Figure 3); this reduction was The accumulation was ;3.5-fold compared with day 1 exposure,
protocol-defined based on an Hb increase of .2.0 g/dL over which is as expected from the single-dose PK.
baseline. One patient (1000 mg) discontinued study treatment
due to a grade 2 rash. Twelve serious AEs (SAEs) were reported for The PD effect of voxelotor was measured by changes in Hb-oxygen
12 patients who received multiple doses of study drug. The affinity. Voxelotor treatment resulted in a concentration-dependent
majority of SAEs were grade 3 VOC. None of the SAEs were decrease in p20 and p50, indicating an increase in Hb-oxygen affinity
considered related to treatment. There were no deaths reported. (Figure 5; Table 6). Patients receiving 900 mg and 1000 mg achieved
a mean percentage Hb modification near the 20% to 30% predicted
CPET showed that the change in oxygen consumption (VO2 max) therapeutic window.11 The PD effect was highly correlated to PK
from baseline to maximal exercise and ventilatory threshold (RBC voxelotor concentration, R2 5 0.70; Figure 6).
were similar between patients receiving voxelotor or placebo for
90 days (Table 5). In addition, there was no evidence of voxelotor-
related decrease in workload, increase in erythropoietin levels, or
increase in heart rate at rest or during peak exercise (Table 5). Discussion
These results show that multiple doses of voxelotor in SCD
PK and PD patients from 500 to 1000 mg daily resulted in dose-dependent
PK and PD parameters of voxelotor derived from plasma and RBC drug exposure and PD effects, with a dose-dependent increase
concentration time profiles following multiple doses (500-1000 mg) for in Hb-oxygen affinity.
RBC PK parameters
Cmax, mg/mL — 271 6 102 329 6 129 483 6 239 242 6 99.7 336 6 61.8
AUC0-24, h 3 mg/mL — 5050 6 1320 7560 6 2210 10 100 6 4790 5200 6 2300 7250 6 1430
Plasma PK parameters
Cmax, mg/mL — 3.6 6 0.8 5.2 6 1.9 8.1 6 2.8 4.9 6 2.0 6.3 6 1.9
AUC0-24, h 3 mg/mL — 60 6 12.9 95.7 6 28.2 151 6 49.7 83.1 6 38.8 128 6 27.1
—, not applicable; AUC0-24 indicates area under the concentration-time curve from time 0 to 24 hours; Cmax, maximum blood or plasma concentration; % Hb Mod, percentage hemoglobin
modification; ND, not determined; p20 and p50, partial pressure of O2 at which Hb is 20% or 50% saturated with O2; SD, standard deviation.
*Parameters on day 28 (at 6 hours postdose for PD).
†Parameters on day 90 (at 6 hours postdose for PD).
‡Percentage Hb occupancy derived from voxelotor RBC concentrations at 6 hours postdose on day 90.
Patients treated with voxelotor for $90 days showed a 1.0 g/dL reduction in hemolysis. These findings are consistent with an
median increase in Hb and a substantial and durable reduction in inhibition of intracellular erythrocyte HbS polymerization as
hemolysis and peripheral blood sickled red cells, with ;40% re- a potential mechanism responsible for the reduction in hemo-
duction in unconjugated bilirubin, 20% reduction in reticulocytes, lysis in SCD.
30% reduction in dense RBCs, and .70% reduction in sickled red
cells. The median Hb concentration increased rapidly after initiating The improvement in hemolytic anemia with voxelotor treatment
dosing with voxelotor treatment, starting as early as day 4. These is promising because chronic hemolytic anemia has increasingly
improvements were sustained with long-term dosing for $90 days become recognized as a critical driver of SCD pathophysiology
and almost half of the patients achieved an improvement in Hb via both chronic anemia and a systemic hemolysis-related vas-
concentration of $1 g/dL. Fluctuations in Hb levels over the first culopathy. Chronic hemolytic anemia is an independent and
8 weeks may reflect the time needed to achieve a new steady state. powerful predictor of chronic organ damage, including stroke,
Although the number of patients receiving concurrent hydroxyurea silent infarcts, renal failure, and pulmonary hypertension, as well
in this study was small, improvements were observed regardless of as early mortality in SCD.20 Notably, low Hb is a powerful pre-
concurrent hydroxyurea use, and the benefit of voxelotor on he- dictor of stroke; for every 1 g/dL reduction in Hb in the Co-
matologic parameters appears to be additive to hydroxyurea. operative Study, the risk of ischemic stroke increased by nearly
twofold.21 By improving hemolytic anemia, voxelotor has the
Overall, these data in a limited number of patients indicate that potential to improve long-term clinical outcomes and potentially
voxelotor treatment leads to a rapid, substantial, and durable survival.
25 45
* ns *
ns *
20 40
ns ns
p50 (mm Hg)
p20 (mm Hg)
15 35
10 30
5 Day -1 25 Day -1
Day -28 Day -28
0 20
Placebo 500 mg 700 mg 1000 mg Placebo 500 mg 700 mg 1000 mg
Dose Dose
Figure 5. A summary of the p20 and p50 values observed in SCD patients after 28 days of dosing. (A) p20 values; (B) p50 values. *Sidak multiple comparisons tests were
used to measure statistical significance. ns, not significant.
current study, there were no clinical signs of tissue hypoxia in
Y = 0.97*x - 0.45
patients treated with voxelotor (eg, electrocardiogram changes,
40 R2 = 0.70
resting tachycardia) and no increase in erythropoietin levels
N = 163
compared with placebo. Furthermore, CPET was performed with
30 quantitation of exercise capacity and oxygen consumption
during maximal exercise stress. These results showed no evi-
(derived from OECs)
% Hb modification
dence of compromised tissue oxygen delivery in patients treated
with voxelotor up to 1000 mg for 28 days and up to 900 mg for
90 days. In addition, reticulocytes were significantly reduced
10 with voxelotor dosing, which is consistent with improved RBC
survival, improved anemia, and improved oxygen delivery to
0 tissues. Reassuringly, regarding oxygen delivery, voxelotor treat-
10 20 30 40 ment increased Hb-oxygen affinity modestly, with p50s achieved
-10 % Hb occupancy in the normal range. This study therefore demonstrates that Hb-
(derived from voxelotor RBC concentrations) oxygen affinity modulation to a therapeutic range may be safely
Conflict-of-interest disclosure: J.H. is a consultant/advisor for Novartis; There is a Blood Commentary on this article in this issue.
Global Blood Therapeutics, Inc; Bluebird Bio; and Terumo BCT. P.T. is
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