Hirbod Assa: Curriculum Vitae

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Hirbod Assa B assa.hirbod@gmail.

Curriculum Vitae Í www.hirbod-assa.com

2023-now Reader in actuarial science and risk, School of mathematics, statistics and
actuarial sciences.
2023-now Program director, MSc Applied Data Sciences, School of mathematics,
statistics and actuarial sciences.

2013 Ph.D. in Economics, Concordia University.
Supervisor: Nikolay Gospodinov, Senior Economist at Federal Reserve Bank of
Atlanta and Professor of Econometrics.
2011 Ph.D. in Financial Mathematics, Université de Montréal.
Supervisor: Manuel Morales, Chief AI Scientist at National Bank of Canada and
Professor of Mathematics.
2004 M.Sc. in Mathematics, Sharif University of Technology.
2001 B.Sc. in Mathematics, Sharif University of Technology.

2017 Head of Consultancy in Financial Mathematics, University of Liverpool,
In recognition of the excellent work in relation to consultancy and external
engagement including placements
2014 Balvir Singh Medal, Concordia University, For outstanding achievement in
PhD thesis, Economics.
1999 Best student award in mathematics, Sharif University of Technology.

Professional Qualifications
2016 Fellow of higher Education Academy, University of Liverpool.

Past positions
2020-2023 Senior lecturer (Associate professor) of FinTech, Kent Business School.
2020-2023 Program director, MSc FinTech, MSc Finance and Management,
Kent Business School.
2020-2020 Program director, BSc in Mathematics and Economics, Institute for financial
and actuarial mathematics (IFAM).
2013-2020 Lecturer (Assistant professor), Institute for financial and actuarial mathe-
matics (IFAM).
2016-2017 Program Director, M.Sc. Financial Mathematics at University of Liverpool
2015-2016 Deputy Program Director, M.Sc. Financial Mathematics at University of
2013- 2015 Deputy Program Director, B.Sc. Mathematics with Finance at University
of Liverpool
2013-13 Part-Time Faculty Member, Department of Economics, Concordia Univer-


2024 A stochastic optimal stopping model for storable commodity prices, Statistics
& Probability Letters , (with N Karimi, E Salavati, H Adibi)
2023 Calibrating Distribution Models from PELVE, North American Actuarial
Journal , (with L. Lin, R. Wang)
2022 Calibration of Storage Model by Multi-Stage Statistical and Machine Learning
Methods, Computational Economics , (with N Karimi, E Salavati, H Adibi)
2022 Risk-Sharing and Contingent Premia in the Presence of Systematic Risk: The
Case Study of the UK COVID19 Economic Losses, in Pandemics: Insurance
and Social Protection, Springer Actuarial, Editors: Boado-Penas, Marıa
del Carmen, Eisenberg, Julia, Sahin, Sule, Volume 136, September 2021,
Pages 86-109, (with Tim Boonen) Published online: 8 April 2021
2021 Grasping the nettle? Considering the contemporary challenges of risk assess-
ment, Journal of Risk Research, Volume 136, September 2021, Pages 86-109,
(with Atousa Khodadadyan, Gabe Mythen, Beverly Bishop) Published online:
12 Mar 2021
2021 On the risk consistency and monotonicity of ruin theory, European Actu-
arial Journal, Volume 136, September 2021, Pages 86-109, (with Corina
Constantinescu) Published online: 8 April 2021
2021 When a combination of convexity and continuity forces monotonicity of pref-
erences, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Volume 136,
September 2021, Pages 86-109, (with Alex Zimper)
2021 An examination of the role of price insurance products in stimulating investment
in agriculture supply chains for sustained productivity. European Journal of
Operation Research, Volume 288, Issue 3, 1 February 2021, Pages 918-934
(with Hossien Sharifi and Andrew Lyons)
2021 Price index insurances in the agriculture markets, North American Actuar-
ial Journal, (with Simon Wang) Volume 25, 2021 - Issue 2
2020 Preferences over rich sets of random variables: On the incompatibility of
convexity and semicontinuity in measure, forthcoming, Mathematics and
Financial Economics (with Alexander Zimper)
2020 Cap & trap and alternatives in price discrimination, forthcoming, Spanish
Annals of Actuarial Science, (with Imogen Hirsh)
2019 Sound deposit insurance pricing using a machine learning approach., Risks ,
7(2), 45 (with Mostafa Pouralizadeh and Abdolrahim Badamchizadeh)
2018 Market consistent valuations in imperfect markets., Decision in Economics
and Finance, Volume 41, Issue 1, Pages 65–90 (with Nikolay Gospodinov)
2018 Designing sound deposit insurances Journal of Computational and Ap-
plied Mathematics, Volume 327, 1 January 2018, Pages 226-242 (with Ramin
2018 Preferences over all random variables: Incompatibility of convexity and continu-
ity, Journal of Mathematical Economics, Volume 75, Pages 71-83, (with
Alexander Zimper)
2017 Claims reserving with a stochastic vector projection, The North American
Actuarial Journal, Volume 22, 2018 - Issue 1, Pages 22-39 (with Luis Portugal
L., Athanasios Pantelous)
2017 Modeling frost losses: application to pricing frost insurances, The North
American Actuarial Journal, Volume 22, 2018 - Issue 1,Pages 137-159 (with
Simon Wang, and Athasios Pantelous)
2017 Representation and approximation of convex dynamic risk measures with respect
to strong-weak topologies, Stochastic Analysis and Applications, Volume
35, Issue 4, pp 604-614, (with Ramin Okhrati)
2017 Robust approach to hedging and pricing in imperfect markets, Risks, 5(3), 36
(with Nikolay Gospodinov)
2016 Robust stability, stabilization and H-infinity control for premium-reserve models
in a Markovian regime switching discrete time framework, ASTIN Bulletin,
Volume 46, Issue 3 September 2016 , Pages. 747-778 (with Athanasios Pantelous,
Lin Yang)
2016 Natural risk measures. Mathematics and Financial Economics, Volume
10, Issue 4, Pages 441–456
2016 Financial engineering in pricing agricultural derivatives based on demand and
volatility. Agricultural Finance Review, Vol. 76 Issue: 1,Pages 42 - 53
2016 On the capital allocation problem for a new coherent risk measure in collective
risk theory, Risks, 4(3), 30; (with Hassan Omidi Firouzi and Manuel Morales)
2016 Joint game and compatibility, Economic Theory, 61 (1). Pages. 91-113.
(with Sheridon Eliston and Ehud Lehrer)
2016 Modeling and pricing of catastrophe risk bonds with a temperature-based agri-
cultural application. Quantitative Finance, Volume 16, Issue 12, Pages
1949-1959 (with Nikolaos Karagiannis, Athanasios Pantelous, and Calum Tur-
2016 Marginal indemnification formulation for optimal reinsurances, Insurance:
Mathematics and Economics, 67. Pages. 65-76. (with Chengguo Weng,
Sheng Chao Shengchao, Ken Seng Tan)
2015 On optimal reinsurance policy with distortion risk measures and premiums,
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Volume 61, Pages 70–75
2015 Trade-off between robust risk measurement and market principles. Journal
of Optimization Theory and Application, Volume 166, Issue 1, Pages
2015 A financial engineering approach to pricing agricultural insurances, Agricul-
tural Finance Review, 2015 ,Vol.75 Issue 1, Pages 63-76
2015 Risk management under a prudential policy Decisions in Economics and
Finance, Volume 38, Issue 2, Pages 217-230
2013 Hedging, Pareto optimality, and good deals, Journal of Optimization Theory
and Applications, Volume 157, Issue 3, pp 900-917,2013 (with Keivan Mallahi
2011 Good deals and compatible modification of risk and pricing rules a regulatory
treatment. Mathematics and Financial Economics, 4: Pages 253–268,
2011. (with Alejandro Balbás, A.)
2011 Lebesgue property of risk measures for bounded Càdlàg processes and applications
Methods and Applications of Analysis. Vol.18 No. 3. Pages. 335-350,
2010 Risk measures on the space of infinite sequences. Mathematics and Financial
Economics, Vol. 2, No. 4., Pages. 253-275. (with Manuel Morales)
2006 Blow-Up and Non-global Solution for a Family of Nonlinear Higher Ordered
Evolution Problems Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and In-
formatics Vol. 1, No. 2, Pages. 9-30, 2006. (with Mahmoud Hessaraki and
Abbas Moameni)
2005 Nonexistence of solution for higher order evolution equations and inequalities
Methods and Applications of Analysis, Vol. 12, No. 1, Pages. 1-18, 2005.
(with Mahmoud Hessaraki, M.)

Federal Reserve Working Papers

2014 Hedging and pricing in imperfect markets under non-convexity, Federal Reserve
Bank of Atlanta Research Paper Series, Working Paper 2014-13 August 2014s
(with Nikolay Gospodinov)
2013 A Staggered pricing approach to modeling speculative storage: implications for
commodity prices dynamics., Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Research Paper
Series, Working Paper 2013-8 September 2013 (with Amal Dobouse and Nikolay

Preprint Pooling and systematic risk
Preprint Macro risk management: an insurance perspective
Preprint Learning delta hedging using reinforcement learning (with Haodong Zhang and
Chris Kenyon)
Preprint Deep learning in CDS proxy (with Junyao Xu)
Preprint Fractional integration and Hurst exponent in future and index commodity prices
(with Calum Turvey and Simon Wang)
Preprint An optimal control approach to optimal reciprocal reinsurance policy
Preprint How efficient is efficient hedging? (with Keivan Mallahi Mallahi and Ramin
Preprint Dynamic set-up for designing optimal reinsurance contracts, (with Natalie Chen)
Submitted How do economic variables affect the pricing of commodity derivatives and
insurance?, (Philippe Grégoire, Gabriel J. Power, and Djerry Charli Tandja-M.)

Grants and Industry Incomes (as PI)

2023-2024 The Pandemic Institute Aviva-Sponsored Funding Call, with Hossein Sharifi
(Liverpool U.), Andy Lyons (Liverpool U.) and Atousa Khodadadian (JMLU) ,
(30,000 pound).
2019-2020 HEIF (Higher Education Innovation Fund, to develop an impact case) , (700
2019-2020 Feasibility of shrimp insurances in Indonesia, Longline Environment Ltd,
(36,000 pound).
2018 Underwriting beyond data enrichment and machine learning. Azur UW
Ltd,(15,500 pound).
2017-2018 HEIF (Higher Education Innovation Fund, to develop an impact case with
Stablegroup) (1,000 pound).
2016-2018 CDI (Canadian derivative institute) "How do economic variables affect the
pricing of agricultural commodity derivatives and insurance?" (Co-PI: Gabriel
Power (Laval University), Philippe Grégoire (Laval University), Financière
agricole du Québec- Développement international) ($50,000).
2017 Underwriting beyond data enrichment and machine learning. Stable Ltd,(4,800
2015-2017 SOA (Society of Actuaries 2015 Individual Grant), "Agricultural Insurance and
Reinsurance" (Co-PI: Athanasios Panthelous) ($15000).

2021 & 22 Python Programming for finance, Kent Business School
2021 & 22 Futures and option markets, Kent Business School
2019 & 20 Maths Summer Industrial Research Project. University of Liverpool
2017- 21 Quantitative risk management, University of Liverpool.
2018 & 19 Statistical methods in actuarial science, University of Liverpool.
2017 & 18 Stochastic modeling in finance, University of Liverpool.
2014-19 Numerical analysis for financial mathematics, University of Liverpool.
2014 Stochastic analysis and its applications, University of Liverpool.
2013 Intermediate macroeconomics II, Concordia University.
2012 Introduction to microeconomics, Concordia University.

Supervision: Ph.D.
Main supervisor

Current Romina Hashami, News analysis in Oil Market SMSAS, Essex

Current Navid Parvini, News analysis in agricultural market Kent Business School
Current Rhys Johns, Tokenization of Risk SMSAS, Essex
Graduated Atousa Khodadadian, Living and Future Tools for Risk Assessment: An Ex-
amination of the Possibilities for Fusion currently Senior Lecturer (associate
professor), John Moores Liverpool University
Graduated Simon Wang, University of Liverpool, Topic: On some aspects of quantitative
risk management: theoretical and empirical implications for agricultural goods,
currently Chief Data Officer at Stable
Graduated Luís Portugal, University of Liverpool, Topic: Stochastic Claim Reserving
in Insurance with Regression Model, currently Managing Director of Grupo
Graduated Natalie Chen, University of Liverpool, Optimal Reinsurance Strategies under
Distortion Risk Measures
Graduated Tianyuan Ni, Time series and machine learning: analysis of commodity and
insurance, currently Reinsurance Analyst at MAXIS Global Benefits Network


Graduated Lin Yang, University of Liverpool, Co-supervision, currently assistant professor

at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Graduated Nader Karimi, Amirkabir University of Technology, Co-supervision, Currently
at Minsitry of Education, Iran
Graduated Juan Du, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Theory and applications of
statistical arbitrage
Graduated Mostafa Pour-Alizadeh, Co-supervision, in ATU, Tehran, Iran
Graduated Ali Panahi , Co-supervision, in SBU, Tehran, Iran
Industrial Engagement
Mitsubishi Machine Learning Applications in Swaption risk management. I am leading two
Bank MSc projects, using Auto-encoders on Swaption data and hedging Swaptions
(MUFG) using linear instruments.
Longline Feasibility of shrimp insurances in Indonesia. I am leading a team-project to
Environment introduce insurances on a large area in Indonesia and make relevant recommen-
Ltd dations to the insurance regulators in Indonesia.
Lloyds Bank Machine Learning Applications in Front Office Quant Finance. I am leading a
team-project to assess the extent to which Machine Learning can be applied to
the Front Office Quant Finance.
Azur Under- Underwriting beyond data enrichment and machine learning. Azur UW Ltd
Writing is a data driven insurance company on high-net-worth property insurance. I
am leading a Machine Learning project on identifying the drivers of conversion
rate and scoring.
Stable Group Pricing “Stable” and providing consultancy service. As a InsurTech risk man-
agement platform, Stable group is a UK-based company which aims to develop
a product called “Stable” to protect the UK commodity businesses against
agricultural market price volatility. I have contributed in designing their models
and data science platform.
SOCODEVI data science work on studying agricultural re-insurances (former name
FADQDI). Working with La Financière Agricole du Quebec, Développement
International (FADQDI). This project includes pricing yield insurances and
exploring the possibility of introducing reinsurance contracts for their products.
MAXIS Placement. 6 paid internship in Reinsurance & Reporting and Underwriting
GBN was secured for the students at the University of Liverpool at MAXIS Global
Benefits Network.
AlgoLib Acting as the Chief Scientific Adviser (CSA). On machine learning and pricing.

Professional Activities, Experiences and Organizing

2022 External reviewer, New Frontiers in Research Fund – Exploration 2022
competition (NFRFE 2022), Chair funding in systemic risk, Canada
2020 Organizer, COVID-19 and insurance
2020 Organizer, COVID-19 and modeling in management science
2019 External reviewer NERC, Reviewing grants on agricultural pricing and
land-use in the UK
2014-now Advisory Board, Agricultural Finance Review
2014-now Founder and Chair, FINACT-IRAN
2017 Scientific Committee, International Agricultural Risk, Finance and Insurance
Conference (IARFIC), 2017, SCOR headquarter, Paris.
2017 Conference Chair, Forth, FINACT-IRAN Workshop in Financial Mathemat-
ics and Actuarial Sciences, IPM, Tehran, Iran.
2017 External reviewer, European post-doc grant on agricultural businesses
2016 Conference Chair, Third FINACT-IRAN Workshop in Financial Mathematics
and Actuarial Sciences, IPM, Tehran, Iran.
2016 Management Chair Committee, QFRA Workshop in Quantitative Finance
and Risk Analysis, Rhodos, Greece.
2015 Conference Chair, Second FINACT-IRAN Workshop in Financial Mathe-
matics and Actuarial Sciences, IPM, Tehran, Iran.
2015 Organizing Committee, IME 2015, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
Congress, Liverpool, The United Kingdom.
2015 Management Chair Committee, QFRA Workshop in Quantitative Finance
and Risk Analysis, Santorini, Greece.
2014 Conference Chair,First FINACT-IRAN Workshop in Financial Mathematics
and Actuarial Sciences, IPM, Tehran, Iran.

Selected Invited Talks and Panels

2022 Pooling and Systematic Risk, LSE Risk and Insurance Day, LSE.
2022 How machine learning can change the finance world, CIBC Bank, Canada.
2021 Data Science in Finance, MENA AI and Data Science event, PhazeRo - the
University of Berkeley MENA joint event, Oman.
2021 COVID 19, how it would change the insurance, the way we know it, , University
of Waterloo risk management talks, Canada.
2021 COVID-19, the Mother of All Catastrophes: the technical and risk management
consequences?, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands.
2021 Macro risk management: an insurance perspective with application to supply
chain finance, University of Liverpool, Netherlands.
2019 No hedging market consistent valuation, CASS business school, UK.
2019 Market consistent valuation without hedging, KU Leuven, Belgium.
2018 Price index insurances in the agriculture markets, Monash Business School,
2018 Insurance on agricultural prices indexes, Mathematics Colloquium, Swansea
University, UK.
2018 Monetary preferences on large spaces, MAF 2018, Madrid, Spain.
2018 Risk management on large spaces, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK.
2017 Panel organizer and moderator on big data in agricultural insurances. SCOR
headquarter, Paris, France.
2017 Insurance and finance: new problems, new directions. Earth Science Depart-
ment, Western University, Canada.
2017 Insurances on commodities. Actuarial Science Department Seminars, University
of Waterloo, Canada.
2016 Market consistent valuation in imperfect markets. HEC Lausanne, Switzerland.
2015 Market sub-consistent valuation S3RI, University of Southampton, UK.
2015 Pricing catastrophe bonds: application to agricultural risk management Concor-
dia University, Montreal, Canada
2015 Market sub-consistent valuation Quantact, University of Montreal, Canada
2015 Market consistent and sub-consistent valuation WatRISQ Seminar, University
of Waterloo, Canada

Professional Computer Skills

Working with Matlab, Python, Latex.

Language Skills
Persian Mother tongue
English Fluent
French Intermediate

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